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Link Posted: 12/27/2021 2:34:41 AM EDT
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“They” turn off the power. How are you going to charge your car? Look at how they do rolling blackouts in California. They already do it. Once it becomes politically advantageous they will do it all the time.
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An EV-vehicle populace can be controlled more easily.  That's the sum of it all.  Control.  You and I are in the way.  They want the Middle Class destroyed, everyone needy, and will want you dead or enslaved.  

It's a simple end game.  It's been written about many many years ago.

How? What can they do to an EV that they can't do to a gas or diesel vehicle?

“They” turn off the power. How are you going to charge your car? Look at how they do rolling blackouts in California. They already do it. Once it becomes politically advantageous they will do it all the time.

You can store gas. You can’t store electricity.

If they shut down the supply of gas, there is still enough stored for people to do the needful.

They shut off electricity and all you have is what is in the batteries of your car and your range of travel is half a charge even if you have solar generators.

Everyone has gas very few have sufficient solar generators. And even if they do, they can’t travel far.
Link Posted: 12/27/2021 2:37:08 AM EDT
I have no opinion about what I'm about to share.  I didnt beleive what I'm about to share until I accidentally recieved a PDF at work.  The email was erased by IT while I was out with covid but I know what I read.  And what I read made me observe the world.  It's not good.  And littlepony's thread has pushed me to share.

First off this web site used to exist, now it's just a pdf capture of it:

Now I dont believe that were at peak oil and I know fracking and oil sands and oil shale buys us time, but what I think doesnt matter based on what I read.  The fact is there is a concerted effort to conserve the oil that is left in the world.  This remaining oil will be used for government/militaries, power grids (temporarily), international trade (ships/planes), mass transit and to manufacture clean energy alternatives and critical plastics and chemicals.

Have you ever heard of the 24th international Congress of Aeronautics (WRONG, its 27th international congress on sound and vibration.  The paper dealt with aeronautics).   Well neither did I until I accidentallly got forwarded an email with a pdf attachment from them.  And what the pdf contained was a little shocking.  I read it in full but heres the cliff notes and forgive me if I make mistakes in terminology - I'm not a pilot nor am I an aeronautical engineer.  All future aircraft design for public transit will be reverting back to turbo-prop design.  The reason for this is that future fuel efficiency requirements being put in place by governments to conserve oil reserves means turbo-jet aircraft go away.  Jet aircraft forfeit fuel efficiency for speed, power and comfort (they are quieter for passengers).  Turbo-jets are too inefficient though and will be reserved for military and government use.  Public transit will be prop driven, which presents problems with prop noise and harmonic vibrations that the props create that travel through the fuselage, making long distance flights unbearable for passengers.  The point of the paper was how to eliminate sound inside of the fuselage without adding weight.

The paper went into future oil conservation and how it will effect the industry more and more.

That's when I realized that everything happening right now is because of this.
Russian oil
Little ponies thread real link
Saudis shift away from oil has begun

Then theres our abrupt withdrawal from Afghanistan.   Why?  Because those lands are full of EV riches and the US is incapable of doing anything with it.

Afganistan is mineral rich but people poor
And the Chinese love using slaves to mine shit
Chinese moving in
We'll be driving Chinese EV cars soon

If you think I'm full of shit how about kites pulling cargo ships to reduce "emissions"
Kites pulling ships

Why the sudden push to EV's?  It's because whether you want to accept it or not, stage 1 is eliminating ICE vehicles and shifting everything to electric, courtesy of China and Afghanistan.
Get used to expensive gas
And Biden wants you in an EV
Biden hates ICE vehicles

I dont know where this ends but I'm seeing where it begins.  Understanding this puts a lot of things into perspective.  
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rfox needs help.
Link Posted: 12/27/2021 2:45:16 AM EDT
They will always proceed with one more way to control us.
Link Posted: 12/27/2021 2:53:06 AM EDT
Link Posted: 12/27/2021 2:53:08 AM EDT
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and then came "Peak Lithium"
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Aw c'mon Doc, OP was on  a roll, don't smoke his whole scam on page one
Link Posted: 12/27/2021 2:54:17 AM EDT
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You can store gas. You can't store electricity.


*Electricity sufficient to travel long distances.
Link Posted: 12/27/2021 2:54:31 AM EDT
I'll be long dead before real oil shortages become a thing.

We're all living artificial shortages, to varying degrees, depending on who is in office.
Link Posted: 12/27/2021 2:59:46 AM EDT
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What if I have solar panels and can generate my own electricity completely off the grid and then use that energy to drive around in my car?  

Unless you happen to have an oil well and a petroleum refinery in your back yard, EVs are probably less controllable.
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False scarcity and the ability to instantly remove access to energy is the goal.

There is no shortage of petroleum.

If your population rebels and they have IC transport and coal, no central authority can cut off their energy remotely.

With EVs you can remotely control your population.

What if I have solar panels and can generate my own electricity completely off the grid and then use that energy to drive around in my car?  

Unless you happen to have an oil well and a petroleum refinery in your back yard, EVs are probably less controllable.

Unlike a 2005 chevy puckup, a simple bit of code can brick pretty much any modern factory EV. All the new ones are connected to the internet.

Sure, most modern vehicles are connected. However the charging is part 2. A gas pump is stupid; it doesn't know if it's filling an F150 or a paper bag. EV charger? They know and communicate with the vehicle.

Shutting off EV chargers or limiting who can charge offers control. You can't store electric like you can jugs of gas.

And since people keep gas cars for years, switching to EVs refreshes the fleet at a faster rate than if people were to eventually replace old ICE with newer ones.
Link Posted: 12/27/2021 4:21:34 AM EDT
"Have you ever heard of the 24th international Congress of Aeronautics (WRONG, its 27th international congress on sound and vibration.  The paper dealt with aeronautics).   Well neither did I until I accidentallly got forwarded an email with a pdf attachment from them.  And what the pdf contained was a little shocking."

Are we supposed to believe you're that stupid, or do you believe we are?
Link Posted: 12/27/2021 4:41:46 AM EDT

Propfan rides again!
Link Posted: 12/27/2021 4:56:34 AM EDT
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“They” turn off the power. How are you going to charge your car? Look at how they do rolling blackouts in California. They already do it. Once it becomes politically advantageous they will do it all the time.
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An EV-vehicle populace can be controlled more easily.  That's the sum of it all.  Control.  You and I are in the way.  They want the Middle Class destroyed, everyone needy, and will want you dead or enslaved.  

It's a simple end game.  It's been written about many many years ago.

How? What can they do to an EV that they can't do to a gas or diesel vehicle?

“They” turn off the power. How are you going to charge your car? Look at how they do rolling blackouts in California. They already do it. Once it becomes politically advantageous they will do it all the time.

I KNEW someone would come up with that, they do EVERY EV thread. Let me get this right, the gov will turn off electricity to tens of millions of houses to stop people from going anywhere, but they won't just ration gas and diesel which was easily done with 1930s technology??? Ya'll are nuts.
Link Posted: 12/27/2021 5:07:28 AM EDT
Couldn't one just use solar + a lithium iron phosphate battery bank to get nearly off grid?

Transportation might be an issue. ?
Link Posted: 12/27/2021 5:24:14 AM EDT
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For many will come in My name, claiming, 'I am the Christ,' and will deceive many.
6 You will hear of wars and rumors of wars, but see to it that you are not alarmed. These things must happen, but the end is still to come.
7Nation will rise against nation, and kingdom against kingdom. There will be famines and earthquakes in various places.
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Link Posted: 12/27/2021 6:42:23 AM EDT
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….and can you imagine what the USAF is going to do when they can’t fuel their aircraft?
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Oddly enough, that point illustrates how this is a manufactured crisis, not an actual shortage (at least not for a while).

Decades ago, the USAF actually did look at the issue of what happens if there is a shortage of jet fuel.  The US imports oil, but has large supplies of coal.  Cutting off those oil imports could quickly cause a problem for the USAF, especially if the president has done something really stupid like reducing the strategic oil reserve.  In an attempt to head off that potential problem before it shut down their operations, the USAF started an investigation into converting coal into a liquified fuel that jet engines could burn.  

Seems they were on to something that would really work, and could set our military up to be independent of imported fuel, so the environmentalists in Congress banned any further research into liquified coal fuels.  Later, they continued their campaign to destroy the US coal industry.
Link Posted: 12/27/2021 6:50:56 AM EDT
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This lost all credibility at ‘turbo prop.’
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This. Turbofans are much more fuel-efficient than turboprops for most commercial aviation. OP mentions turbojets, but except for some older military fighters, I don't think turbojets are in use anymore.
Link Posted: 12/27/2021 7:00:07 AM EDT
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Paper said jet engines are inefficient but capable of higher speeds, resulting in shorter flights.  They have worse emissions and economy but create noises that are tolerable to passengers.  The alternative  (and I believe it said turbo prop) had 2 major problems, one was the noise it makes and the other was that it created waves that flowed down the fuselage and created discomfort with passengers.  The paper wanted a ground based test bed that consisted of a series of rings of large speakers that surrounded the fuselage to simulate the waves so that sound deadening could be tested on the ground.   I know that a plane can have a propeller or a jet engine.  I dont know what a turbofan is and I dont beleive the paper said turbofan, I think it said turbo-prop.  I'm not a pilot and dont know Jack shit about planes.
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While turbojet engines are inefficient, turbofan engines are not

turboprops are not coming back in any real sense

Paper said jet engines are inefficient but capable of higher speeds, resulting in shorter flights.  They have worse emissions and economy but create noises that are tolerable to passengers.  The alternative  (and I believe it said turbo prop) had 2 major problems, one was the noise it makes and the other was that it created waves that flowed down the fuselage and created discomfort with passengers.  The paper wanted a ground based test bed that consisted of a series of rings of large speakers that surrounded the fuselage to simulate the waves so that sound deadening could be tested on the ground.   I know that a plane can have a propeller or a jet engine.  I dont know what a turbofan is and I dont beleive the paper said turbofan, I think it said turbo-prop.  I'm not a pilot and dont know Jack shit about planes.

You know how those stories get started, where people read something on the internet with a bunch of technical mumbojumbo mixed in to make it sound like high level technical stuff, but if it's actually related to your field, you know it's just enough real info to fool the clueless people, with the rest being bullshit?

Stop spreading bullshit internet stories.

Would a turbo fan be louder than a turbojet?  And create waves that travel down the fuselage in a way a turbojet wouldnt?

And here you illustrate your astounding lack of knowledge of a subject you are trying to convince us about.

The newer turbofans are so fucking quiet that it's amazing to anyone that worked around the older jets.

TPE331 turboprops can just about make your ears bleed, when they taxi by you on the ramp, and the CJ610s in the old 20 series Learjets aren't much better, but the new generation of turbofans can leave you wondering if the pilot has both of them running (because they are so quiet).

For your next thread, are you going to try to convince us that AR-15s are capable of shooting 100 bullets a second?

Link Posted: 12/27/2021 7:18:23 AM EDT
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"Kites pulling cargo ships"

werent those called sails?


Link Posted: 12/27/2021 7:29:52 AM EDT
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Turbo prop aircraft 2022

US buys turbo prop attack aircraft

Turbo props, the future of aircraft

Seriously guys.  How much proof do you need.  Your ICE truck is gonna be a paper weight in 5 years.
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First article is about a new plane being designed to fill a niche market (short flights, in countries other than the US).  Article says they haven't made a final decision on what engines will be used.

Second article is about a light attack aircraft program for third world countries that the US has allied with and trains their military.  The decision to go with a turboprop is due to a variety of reasons, including the fact that the planes are expected to operate from bases that are too primitive for jet aircraft (too easy for the jet to suck up stuff on the ground and destroy the engine).

Third article is a speculative piece about possible future developments in the industry, including alternative fuels.  It also says this is being driven by politics and "public opinion" (one way of saying "ignorant environmental weenies repeating what they are told to believe").
Link Posted: 12/27/2021 7:35:57 AM EDT
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They will always proceed with one more way to control us.
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Controlling us has been the unspoken mandate that's been going on for a while now and it's all about more control over the people.
Link Posted: 12/27/2021 7:37:33 AM EDT
OP constructs sentences like a third grader. Embarrassing, assuming OP is older than eight.
Link Posted: 12/27/2021 7:47:43 AM EDT
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OP constructs sentences like a third grader. Embarrassing, assuming OP is older than eight.
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A while back, I got disgusted with a work of fiction that was built on the idea of permanently grounding all aircraft, by screwing with the signals from GPS satellites (jam the GPS signal, then aircraft can't navigate, therefore all flights are grounded).

I suspect that OP would enjoy it.
Link Posted: 12/27/2021 8:11:18 AM EDT
Once upon a time, wars were fought over ego, religion, and money.
Future wars will be fought for resources.
And we will probably lose.

Have a great day.
Link Posted: 12/27/2021 8:15:21 AM EDT
Link Posted: 12/27/2021 9:10:44 AM EDT
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False scarcity and the ability to instantly remove access to energy is the goal.

There is no shortage of petroleum.

If your population rebels and they have IC transport and coal, no central authority can cut off their energy remotely.

With EVs you can remotely control your population.
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Nailed it.

This is all about control through artificial scarcity.
Link Posted: 12/27/2021 9:29:22 AM EDT
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Well, you are wrong about the aviation stuff.     Jets get more efficient at high altitude.   Therefore, they are more efficient on longer flights.  
Turboprops are more efficient on shorter routes, it would be good to see them make a comeback.  That said, Take a look at The engine used on the Max.   The blades are similar to a ducted turboprop.
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This is actually correct for modern airliners.

Best I could find is that 300 to 500 nautical miles is the break even where jets are more efficient than turbo props.
Link Posted: 12/27/2021 9:53:32 AM EDT
United airlines, electric turboprop aircraft

New aircraft engines by GE, props

I dont know what to say guys.  I've got nothing to gain by lying about this.  I understand the denial.
Link Posted: 12/27/2021 10:20:28 AM EDT
Corrupt people with polysci degrees going into politics and making decisions on issues that can't possibly understand is NOT a formula for success.
Link Posted: 12/27/2021 10:27:45 AM EDT
you lost my attention at "littlepony"
Link Posted: 12/27/2021 10:33:33 AM EDT
You guys want to know why there's a sudden big push for EV while at the same time eliminating as many fossil fuels as possible? Control and profit.
That's all it comes down to. ICE vehicles are ubiquitous and offer a level of freedom never before seen in human history.

Well they found a new shell game to shift control and profits back into their pockets (by "their" I meant the pols and mega corps/billionaires)
Very few places/companies have the access to the materials required for EV's. (1st point of control) Electricity rates will become sky high to fuel said EV's (2nd point of control)
"they" will basically be able to control who gets access to the vehicles and unicorn piss to fuel them. With EV being the only "authorized" form of pov's in the near future, here comes the billions and trillions in profit.
Couple all that with a convenient bioweapon, and fearmongering by the msm and pols, and you have a bunch of people geographically separated and easier to control, and then impose more draconian measures.

I'd say things are going according to plan swimmingly for them.
Link Posted: 12/27/2021 10:38:15 AM EDT
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United airlines, electric turboprop aircraft

New aircraft engines by GE, props

I dont know what to say guys.  I've got nothing to gain by lying about this.  I understand the denial.
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Have you even read any of this?  These aren't propeller engines where the pilot wraps the blade with some duct tape when it cracks.  These are prop fan engines that basically deliver the same performance as jet engines - like cruising at 0.8 mach.

This isn't new, and it's not some conspiracy to move air travel back into the stone age.
Link Posted: 12/27/2021 10:39:01 AM EDT
I feel dumber for having read OP. Referencing a Kia tech? LOL, okay.
Link Posted: 12/27/2021 10:40:37 AM EDT
Lol @ "peak oil."

The EV push and higher energy prices are ensuring that petroleum will be available for even longer than they already would be. The only actual question is whether our betters will allow we peons to access it.
Link Posted: 12/27/2021 10:40:42 AM EDT
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While turbojet engines are inefficient, turbofan engines are not

turboprops are not coming back in any real sense
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But what about turboencabulator engines?

Link Posted: 12/27/2021 10:43:30 AM EDT
There is a plot.  And it is not what you think.  Fossil fuels.  Why do you think there is this marxist elite led push causing the stupid to devalue Boomers?  Old people are called fossils.  Why do you think there is a government food pyramid that guarantees obesity?  Fat can be rendered for oil.  The elites must have fuel for their jets and limos.  Fossil fuels.  You are warned.
Link Posted: 12/27/2021 10:52:12 AM EDT
I'm still trying to wrap my head around OP's issue. So, he is getting jazzed based on information he received, from a pdf that was written about peak oil in 2004?
Link Posted: 12/27/2021 11:00:13 AM EDT
"Some fear flutter because they don't understand it.  And some fear it because they do." -Theodore Von Karman
The two Electra crashes attributed to whirlmode flutter, Tell City IN and Buffalo TX, only happened due to a reduction in propeller plane stiffness due to cracks in the prop gearbox at the attachment of one of the 3 attachments between the gearbox and the main engine section- 2 struts and the torque tube.  Not the airplane's fault, Allison's fault.  But the LEAP program fixed that anyway.  I wish they'd bring it back, and we actually considered building a 2 engine version of the P-3 Orion back in the late 90's.
Link Posted: 12/27/2021 11:09:32 AM EDT
I need Cliff's Notes from someone other than the OP.
Link Posted: 12/27/2021 11:28:32 AM EDT
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and then came "Peak Lithium"
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Peak electrical grid, peak electrical power generation from fossil fuels and the attendent losses in efficiency,...the list is endless how ridiculous conversion to EV's is at this time.  It's analogous to the ethanol debacle.
Link Posted: 12/27/2021 11:31:03 AM EDT
How happy is your IT department that you click of conspiracy spam emails?
Link Posted: 12/27/2021 11:34:16 AM EDT
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I'd rather fill my pickup bed full of gas while smoking than listen to that guy for one minute. Jeez, he is annoying.
Link Posted: 12/27/2021 11:37:58 AM EDT
op is so proud of himself.  it's almost cute

got anymore of those CNN cite links?
Link Posted: 12/27/2021 11:38:42 AM EDT
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United airlines, electric turboprop aircraft

New aircraft engines by GE, props

I dont know what to say guys.  I've got nothing to gain by lying about this.  I understand the denial.
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I like how you added the "most will reject it" for extra truthiness.
Link Posted: 12/27/2021 11:48:05 AM EDT
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United airlines, electric turboprop aircraft

New aircraft engines by GE, props

I dont know what to say guys.  I've got nothing to gain by lying about this.  I understand the denial.
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So who accidentally forwarded this to you?
Link Posted: 12/27/2021 11:58:25 AM EDT
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It’s not about the lack of oil, it’s about who controls it and who they allow to use it and for what.
All part of the plan.
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My theory is the communists in this country want to shut down domestic fossil fuels because it has been the major pillar of our meteoric rise to world power over the last century. Those that want it shut down will eventually retap it, once they've crushed things.

During the JugEars regime, what was one of his first orders of business? Shut down new oil leases. The oil industry invented fracking to counter his restrictive bullshit and we tap so much that we become oil exporters not long after. Same thing with Brandon this go round. He shut down leases. They don't care about the environnent. That is a cover.  They are being paid to reserve these resources for their masters.

These cocksuckers want us purse fighting each other at electric recharge stations while Chinese oil rigs are pumping out western crude on land and sea.

Link Posted: 12/27/2021 12:14:10 PM EDT
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In the 1970's when I was in school we were being taught about the upcoming ice age and that the world would run out of fossil fuels in the 80's . Is this finally happening?
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A great video that mentions the 70s being the birth decade of pseudoscience is this one by Bill Whittle. Leonard Nimoy's "In Search Of" was a big one. The coming manmade Ice Age scare, aliens, bigfoot, etc were covered.

In this video, he also covers the bullshit involved with the current EV push.

Universal Electric Car Myth Debunked: One Smoldering Tweet Follows the Math

Link Posted: 12/27/2021 12:16:56 PM EDT
"Most important thread ever" inspired by a littlepony rant thread..


This is peak GD EV paranoia
Link Posted: 12/27/2021 12:17:45 PM EDT
I worked with a guy who's son was working at Iowa State developing algae that was creating biodiesel.
Seven years ago they were on the cusp of making it cost competitive with other biodiesel.
It doesn't take much to convert biodiesel into a fuel a spark ignition engine can use.

This isn't about a fuel shortage.  This is environmentalists doubling down on renewable fuels that cost more and pollute more than fossil fuels.

We have tons of oil left.  We have more oil now than we did the first time we thought we were going to run out.

Link Posted: 12/27/2021 12:23:13 PM EDT
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Doesn't matter much what biden likes or dislikes, he's not in control of his bowls let alone the country.  People will not accept these things spoken of in this country until the firearms are confiscated.  Everything the left has done can be undone.
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It isnt going to be undone. They make more slow progress every year even under Republicans.

What has ever been undone on the federal level  other then maybe tax laws which change all the time?

Link Posted: 12/27/2021 12:40:54 PM EDT
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I dont know Jack shit
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Link Posted: 12/27/2021 12:50:32 PM EDT
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War. War never changes.

The Romans waged war to gather slaves and wealth.
Spain built an empire from its lust for gold and territory.
Hitler shaped a battered Germany into an economic superpower.

But war never changes.
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War. War never changes.

The Romans waged war to gather slaves and wealth.
Spain built an empire from its lust for gold and territory.
Hitler shaped a battered Germany into an economic superpower.

But war never changes.

Spot on, so far...


In the 21st century, war was still waged over the resources that could be acquired. Only this time, the spoils of war were also its weapons: Petroleum and Uranium. For these resources, China would invade Alaska, the US would annex Canada, and the European Commonwealth would dissolve into quarreling, bickering nation-states, bent on controlling the last remaining resources on Earth.

China? more likely Russia. And with  sissy sisolak's running buddy, puddingbrains, at the helm, we aren't annexing anything. And you make the EU dissolving sound like a BAD thing...


In 2022, the storm of world war had come again. In two brief hours, most of the planet was reduced to cinders. And from the ashes of nuclear devastation, a new civilization would struggle to arise.

And there you fall off. Even in the Kunetka/Streiber BJ pro-California propaganda thing called WARDAY, some facts actually DID eke their way in. One was that the planet was slowly becoming human inhospitable (except for the nuke-immune, totalitarian gem known as California) from even a minimal nuclear exchange. (Although "minimal nuclear exchange" is so ethicallly and morally filthy when even thought of, never mind put into a sentence....ewww.)

Any new civilization would be unrecognizable to anyone who hasn't taken anthropology. Einstein's theory about WW4 will be proven correct, just no one around to confirm it.

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