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Link Posted: 3/6/2024 9:16:12 PM EDT
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Originally Posted By homeyclaus:

Thank you, agreed on all points.

It's GD, so people here like to argue in absolutes, or argue that their stated absolutes (as in "close the border") isn't an absolute.

The USA also plays this game with its farm subsidies, without which farmers claim they are unable to compete, and this is tied into an about as solid a voting bloc as can be made. I mean, there is no end to the distortions any government causes in its economy, but in terms of the behemoth of a US budget, this is a biggie.

So how do you get an electorate to vote for what is good for them long-term vs "what's easy right now"? I believe it was Madison who said that "once the people figure out they can vote themselves money, this experiment is over." And what then?
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Originally Posted By homeyclaus:
Originally Posted By FlashMan-7k:

Of course the government is not 100% of the problem, but IMO it's the biggest part.

So no, you don't have more government to fix it.

You stop the government from doing what isn't it's job and force the jokers to do what is their job.

And yet we did those slaughterhouse jobs. There is nothing about being american that means that people won't. For the wages offered RN in comparison to the cost of daily living ... no.

No, no, this doesn't have to head off to clown world. What I posted is not that kind of lunacy. We made it cheaper to manufacture stuff on the other side of the globe than to do it here. That's artifical nonsense mostly driven by government overreach helping to distort the costs and conditions in favor of their donors, who are also the ones that write the laws now. <--- and that's the kind of stuff the government should be stopped from doing.

I didn't post that absolutely all our stuff should all be made here and that we should ignore the world, or that we should have equality of outcomes forced. I don't want that. Wherever that idea came from before you typed that out, it didn't come from what I posted.

As far as I can tell, what I outlined in broad rough strokes is how our system is working/being worked, and it's broken on the face of it, and we can see why and how. I don't see a lick of sense in us tossing our hands up at it.

Thank you, agreed on all points.

It's GD, so people here like to argue in absolutes, or argue that their stated absolutes (as in "close the border") isn't an absolute.

The USA also plays this game with its farm subsidies, without which farmers claim they are unable to compete, and this is tied into an about as solid a voting bloc as can be made. I mean, there is no end to the distortions any government causes in its economy, but in terms of the behemoth of a US budget, this is a biggie.

So how do you get an electorate to vote for what is good for them long-term vs "what's easy right now"? I believe it was Madison who said that "once the people figure out they can vote themselves money, this experiment is over." And what then?

All I find i seem to be able to see is some of the problems and how removing them could open the way. I don't think it's possible now to do it without serious suffering in all the states, because of how far the tendrils of corruption have reached.

I'm absolutely for absolutes ... where they belong. Without the ones where they belong, nothing works.

What I suspect will happen is that we will collectively keep kicking the can down the road until the dollar disentigrates, everyone in the world drops it, we lose our buying power, and things come apart at the seams, while we are being cannibalized by outsiders and anti-american americans. I have no ideas about when or how in particular. Occasionally miracles happen, but you can never count on them.
Link Posted: 3/7/2024 3:43:41 PM EDT
We are no longer courageous or brutal enough to do anything about it now. We have become worshipers of life at any cost. We can't tolerate death or destruction when it is needed. We scare the sheep too much, the backlash would tear the country apart.
Link Posted: 3/11/2024 8:44:54 PM EDT
[Last Edit: FlashMan-7k] [#3]
When a piece of work like wray will admit it ...
FBI Director Confirms Prison Gangs and Islamic Terrorists Are Exploiting the Border

Katie Pavlich  |  March 11, 2024 5:00 PM

Testifying in front of the Senate Intelligence Committee Monday afternoon, FBI Director Christopher Wray confirmed dangerous gangs, criminals and smugglers connected to the Islamic State terrorist organization are exploiting the U.S. southern border with Mexico and freely entering the country.

"From an FBI perspective we are seeing a wide array of very dangerous threats that emanate from the border," Wray said under questioning from Ranking Member Marco Rubio. "There is a particular network that has, where some of the overseas facilitators of the smuggling network have ISIS ties that we're very concerned about and that we've spent an enormous amount of effort with our partners investigating."

Video of the exchange between wray and (oh, the clown world of it all) rubio:


Prior to the hearing, DNI Haines released an annual report detailing the threat assessment made by U.S. government intelligence agencies. "Transnational criminal organizations (TCOs) threaten U.S. and allied public health systems, exploit the international financial system, and degrade the safety and security of the United Stat~s and partner nations. Mexico-based TCOs are the dominant producers and suppliers of illicit drugs to the U .S. market, including fentanyl, heroin, methamphetamine, and South American-sourced cocaine," the report states. "ISIS will remain a centralized global organization even as it has been forced to rely on regional branches in response to successive leadership losses during the past few years. External capabilities vary across ISIS's global branches, but the group will remain focused on attempting to conduct and inspire global attacks against the West and Western interests."

The report: https://www.intelligence.senate.gov/sites/default/files/hearings/unclassified_2024_ata_report_0.pdf


This I don't know WHAT to make of.

Beyond: wow, the perverse incentives ...

Mexico Launches Turn-Out-The-Vote Campaign—In America
March 11, 2024

FAIR Take | March 2024

On June 2, 2024, the citizens of Mexico will go to the polls to elect their next president. They will also be voting for Mexico’s lower chamber, the Senate, and self-government elections in 30 out of the country’s 32 states. But the Mexican government is interested in increasing voter turnout among Mexicans residing in the United States. This includes Mexicans legally residing in the U.S., illegally residing, and even American citizens of Mexican ancestry. Once registered, Mexicans will be able to vote by mail, in-person in four countries (the U.S., Canada, France, and Spain), and electronically.

Prior to the February 25 deadline to register to vote, Mexican officials had been actively encouraging Mexicans residing in the U.S. – including through official visits and expatriate outreach – to register and vote. The Fresno Bee reported in early November 2023 that Guadalupe Mendiola Gonzalez, of the Electoral Institute of the State of Guanajuato, and Nora Ruth Chavez Gonzalez, the state’s director of political and electoral culture, were eager to boost turnout In February, the American press – from local outlets to the New York Times – was also filled with articles explaining how to vote in Mexico’s upcoming election, although their connection to Mexican government efforts was much less clear. Either way, a huge and vociferous get-out-the-vote campaign was evident.

To register, Mexican nationals must have a valid voter ID from the “I.N.E,” the National Electoral Institute and be 18 years old by election day. To obtain an I.N.E. one must present a valid form of photo identification, proof of residency, and proof of nationality, such as a Mexican birth certificate, which notably are available to individuals not born in Mexico. The Mexican government emphasizes this in no way impacts their U.S. citizenship in the eyes of the Mexican government. It is now even possible to apply for such a document online.

In addition to the unprecedented ease and accessibility of voting, who will be able to vote will be just as important. As the Texas Tribune pointed out, a 2021 constitutional amendment allowed Mexican nationality to be passed on indefinitely. This was a reference to an amendment of Chapter II Article 30A of the Mexican Constitution. Mexico’s foreign ministry stressed the significance of this by stating that “[n]ow, unrestricted transmission of Mexican nationality by birth is allowed for generations born outside of Mexico, descendants of Mexicans, father or mother, who were also born outside of Mexico.”

Link Posted: 3/11/2024 8:52:30 PM EDT
Link Posted: 3/11/2024 8:58:36 PM EDT
I think things are gonna be a bit different in the near future for many of us that grew up in a different America .
Link Posted: 3/11/2024 9:00:20 PM EDT
But.....but......Orange man is bad!
Link Posted: 3/11/2024 9:14:19 PM EDT
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... I'll just stick that in the OP.

Good grief.
Link Posted: 3/11/2024 9:25:47 PM EDT
HOLY SHIT! Longest OP in ARF history. Saving for when I have the runs from eating tacos off a Mexican food truck and have some toilet time.
Link Posted: 3/11/2024 9:28:53 PM EDT
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Originally Posted By J-Dam:
But.....but......Orange man is bad!
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Right? I'd rather see a bazillion more illegals come across the border before that evil orange man steps one foot back into the White House.

... says every nevertrump in existence.
Link Posted: 3/11/2024 10:21:14 PM EDT
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Originally Posted By konger:
HOLY SHIT! Longest OP in ARF history. Saving for when I have the runs from eating tacos off a Mexican food truck and have some toilet time.
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Just watch the top video. That's the most important bit.

The rest came after.

As for the longest ... heh ... not even close.

Probably the bud light thread contends. https://www.ar15.com/forums/General/Bud-down-even-more-3-1-AB-Has-lost-1-4-BILLION-so-far-aprl-shlf-space-reset-still-to-come-/5-2644017/?page=1

It's been going and updated since april of last year.
Link Posted: 3/12/2024 7:44:50 AM EDT
[Last Edit: konger] [#11]
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Originally Posted By FlashMan-7k:

Just watch the top video. That's the most important bit.

The rest came after.

As for the longest ... heh ... not even close.

Probably the bud light thread contends. https://www.ar15.com/forums/General/Bud-down-even-more-3-1-AB-Has-lost-1-4-BILLION-so-far-aprl-shlf-space-reset-still-to-come-/5-2644017/?page=1

It's been going and updated since april of last year.
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I watched some of the Nick Johnson video. The travel guy from NC. I’ll watch the others when I get a chance.

The only thing that will solve this is mass deportation. Then let some apply to return. Somehow come up with a points system. Outlaw anchor babies.
Link Posted: 3/13/2024 1:32:58 PM EDT
A federal judge has ordered President Joe Biden to continue building border wall along the United States-Mexico border with funds allocated under former President Donald Trump.

Late last week, Judge Drew Tipton issued a preliminary injunction ordering the Biden administration to halt diverting funds — initially allocated to building border wall — away from border wall construction.


   The Government and all its respective officers, agents, servants, employees, attorneys, and other persons who are in active concert or participation with them are hereby ENJOINED and RESTRAINED from implementing the July 2022 Amended Plan to the extent that its obligations are not authorized under Subsection 209(a)(1) and Section 210 as laid out in this Order.

   The Government is prohibited from obligating funds under Subsection 209(a)(1)—and corresponding funds under Section 210—toward mitigation and remediation efforts, repair of existing barrier, so-called system attribute installation at existing sites, or other similar purposes. Those types of expenses may be authorized under Subsections (a)(2) through (a)(5) where appropriate, however, Subsection (a)(1) permits only the construction of physical barriers, such as additional walls, fencing, buoys, etc.

   This preliminary injunction shall remain in effect pending a final resolution of the merits of this case or until a further Order from this Court, the United States Court of Appeals for the Fifth Circuit or the United States Supreme Court.

FL is on high alert for an influx of hatians after haiti falls apart:
Florida border agents placed on high alert for refugees following breakdown of order in Haiti
By Social Links for Jennie Taer
Published March 12, 2024, 4:05 p.m. ET

Border agents in Miami have been told to prepare for a wave of migration from Haiti following the takeover of the country by bloodthirsty gangs, The Post has learned.

An internal agency email leaked to The Post pointed out it is unlikely Haitians who take to the sea and enter Florida illegally will be repatriated back to their home country, given its instability.

The message also warned that one vessel of migrants landing would overwhelm agency capabilities in the area.

“One landing will cripple the station and our ability to respond to other traffic,” the email to agents read.

Every single one of them need to have DNA samples taken.

Following another disastrous appearance in New Hampshire, more to follow, Biden stopped on the tarmac before shuffling up the small steps into Air Force One.

“When is a border executive action coming?” a reporter asked Biden.

“I’m counting on the border action happening by itself,” Biden responded.

   Biden tells a reporter he hopes the open border will fix itself. Complete madness. Report here https://t.co/2asqtfoHIF pic.twitter.com/Ft5q2nFXwb
   — m o d e r n i t y (@ModernityNews) March 12, 2024
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Video of it @ tweet.
Link Posted: 3/13/2024 5:01:14 PM EDT
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Originally Posted By FlashMan-7k:

A federal judge has ordered President Joe Biden to continue building border wall along the United States-Mexico border with funds allocated under former President Donald Trump.

Late last week, Judge Drew Tipton issued a preliminary injunction ordering the Biden administration to halt diverting funds — initially allocated to building border wall — away from border wall construction.


   The Government and all its respective officers, agents, servants, employees, attorneys, and other persons who are in active concert or participation with them are hereby ENJOINED and RESTRAINED from implementing the July 2022 Amended Plan to the extent that its obligations are not authorized under Subsection 209(a)(1) and Section 210 as laid out in this Order.

   The Government is prohibited from obligating funds under Subsection 209(a)(1)—and corresponding funds under Section 210—toward mitigation and remediation efforts, repair of existing barrier, so-called system attribute installation at existing sites, or other similar purposes. Those types of expenses may be authorized under Subsections (a)(2) through (a)(5) where appropriate, however, Subsection (a)(1) permits only the construction of physical barriers, such as additional walls, fencing, buoys, etc.

   This preliminary injunction shall remain in effect pending a final resolution of the merits of this case or until a further Order from this Court, the United States Court of Appeals for the Fifth Circuit or the United States Supreme Court.

FL is on high alert for an influx of hatians after haiti falls apart:
Florida border agents placed on high alert for refugees following breakdown of order in Haiti
By Social Links for Jennie Taer
Published March 12, 2024, 4:05 p.m. ET

Border agents in Miami have been told to prepare for a wave of migration from Haiti following the takeover of the country by bloodthirsty gangs, The Post has learned.

An internal agency email leaked to The Post pointed out it is unlikely Haitians who take to the sea and enter Florida illegally will be repatriated back to their home country, given its instability.

The message also warned that one vessel of migrants landing would overwhelm agency capabilities in the area.

“One landing will cripple the station and our ability to respond to other traffic,” the email to agents read.



Every single one of them need to have DNA samples taken.


Video of it @ tweet.
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Thanks for the heads up.
Link Posted: 3/14/2024 12:42:06 PM EDT

Governor DeSantis Deploys Additional Personnel, Assets to Southern Florida and the Keys to Stop Potential Influx of Illegal Immigration from Haiti
On March 13, 2024, in News Releases, by Staff
TALLAHASSEE, Fla.—In anticipation of a potential influx of illegal immigrants from Haiti, Governor Ron DeSantis has ordered additional state assets to the Keys and southern waters of the State of Florida.

“For quite some time, the State of Florida has been dedicating significant resources to combat illegal vessels coming to Florida from countries such as Haiti,” said Governor Ron DeSantis. “Given the circumstances in Haiti, I have directed the Division of Emergency Management, the Florida State Guard, and state law enforcement agencies to deploy over 250 additional officers and soldiers and over a dozen air and sea craft to the southern coast of Florida to protect our state. No state has done more to supplement the (under-resourced) U.S. Coast Guard’s interdiction efforts; we cannot have illegal aliens coming to Florida.”

Currently, state agencies have security and surveillance assets in South Florida and the Keys as a part of Operation Vigilant Sentry to stop illegal immigration at sea. The governor’s directive today will send additional personnel and assets from the following agencies:

   The Florida Department of Law Enforcement: 39 additional officers.
   The Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission: 23 additional officers with eight additional seacraft.
   The Florida National Guard: 48 additional Guardsmen with four additional helicopters.
   The Florida Highway Patrol: 30 additional officers with an additional aircraft and drones for surveillance.

Governor DeSantis will also today authorize a deployment of the Florida State Guard to the Keys to assist in the operation. This deployment includes up to 133 soldiers.

Illegal immigrants feel empowered to enter the sovereign territory of the United States because of the federal government’s refusal to diligently enforce our immigration laws and protect the integrity of the border. When a state faces the possibility of invasion, it has the right and duty to defend its territory and people. Under Governor Ron DeSantis, Florida will act.

Link Posted: 3/14/2024 12:44:34 PM EDT
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Originally Posted By Pallas:
Believe it or not, Obama was actually pretty tough on the border. There were only about two things he actually did right.
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He changed the way they keep the statistics to make it look like he was tough.
Link Posted: 3/16/2024 11:54:56 AM EDT
“We forecast U.S. southwest border encounters by Customs and Border Patrol at 2.7 million for FY 2024, based on the last three months of data, adjusted seasonally. Apprehensions look to come in just a hair above 2023 levels. Inadmissibles, those presenting at official crossing points without appropriate documentation, are slated to rise by almost 200,000,” Princeton Policy Advisors said in its latest analysis.

Add in parolees and “gotaways,” and the number jumps another 500,000.

“Undocumented entry has exploded under the Biden administration’s Open Borders policy, rising from an estimated 1.1 million in 2021 to our forecast of 3.2 million for 2024,” the report said.

“We forecast that undocumented entry will exceed U.S. job growth in 2024. Thus, the resentments seen last year will likely become exacerbated as the U.S. economy is unable to fully absorb arriving migrants.

Link Posted: 3/16/2024 12:09:31 PM EDT
Fucking democrats have almost completed Nikita Krushchev's promise to bury America from withn. Democrats have served their satanic master well.

And the world will be a better place when joe biden is smoking a turd in hell.
Link Posted: 3/16/2024 12:13:43 PM EDT
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Originally Posted By FlashMan-7k:

“We forecast U.S. southwest border encounters by Customs and Border Patrol at 2.7 million for FY 2024, based on the last three months of data, adjusted seasonally. Apprehensions look to come in just a hair above 2023 levels. Inadmissibles, those presenting at official crossing points without appropriate documentation, are slated to rise by almost 200,000,” Princeton Policy Advisors said in its latest analysis.

Add in parolees and “gotaways,” and the number jumps another 500,000.

“Undocumented entry has exploded under the Biden administration’s Open Borders policy, rising from an estimated 1.1 million in 2021 to our forecast of 3.2 million for 2024,” the report said.


“We forecast that undocumented entry will exceed U.S. job growth in 2024. Thus, the resentments seen last year will likely become exacerbated as the U.S. economy is unable to fully absorb arriving migrants.

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The 2019 " spike " ,  the caravans that they couldn't figure out who organized them but now we know they were trial runs .
Link Posted: 3/16/2024 12:50:47 PM EDT

Air Force General: It's Not Just People Illegally Crossing the Border That We Have to Worry About
Leah Barkoukis  |  March 15, 2024 11:00 AM

"The number of incursions was something that was alarming to me as I took command last month," Gen. Gregory M. Guillot said during a Senate Armed Services Committee hearing, reports Fox News Digital.

"I don't know the actual number – I don't think anybody does – but it's in the thousands,” he told Sen. Ted Budd (R-NC) in response to a question about how often they’re being documented at the border.

"I've talked to Customs and Border Protection, who are responsible for the UAS incursions on the border, along with DOJ. And they put the number at thousands,” he continued.

When Budd pushed for specifics, Guillot estimated, “We can probably have over 1,000 a month.”

   Mexican cartels have been using drones to track the location of authorities along the US-Mexico border in order to more easily smuggle humans and drugs, according to US Customs and Border Protection officials.

   Rio Grande Valley Sector Chief Patrol Agent Gloria Chavez told the House Oversight Committee in February of 2023 that in her Texas sector alone, more than 10,000 drone incursions and 25,000 drone sightings had been reported in the last year.

   “The adversaries have 17 times the number of drones, twice the amount of flight hours and unlimited funding to grow their operations,” Chavez told lawmakers.

   In January of 2023, authorities discovered drone footage of Border Patrol agents allegedly shot by human smugglers during a raid of what was believed to be a safe house used to hide migrants illegally crossing the US-Mexico boundary.

   “Human smugglers using drones to surveil the Border Patrol is a growing trend that we’ve observed along the border,” San Diego Sector Chief Patrol Agent Aaron M. Heitke said in a statement. “This technology provides transnational criminal organizations with new capability that they are eager to exploit.” (New York Post)
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Link Posted: 3/18/2024 1:09:54 PM EDT
[Last Edit: FlashMan-7k] [#20]
Swanton sector:
Border Patrol agents apprehended 6,925 illegal immigrants from 79 different countries in fiscal 2023, Mr. Garcia wrote on X, an “astonishing 550-percent increase compared to last year.”

And during the first four months of fiscal year 2024, apprehensions have already doubled the same period in fiscal 2023, he wrote.

Last month, “a citizen’s report in Champlain, NY, led to the arrest of 10 Bangladesh citizens,” Mr. Garcia wrote.

Mr. Garcia highlighted the arrest of a Mexican national who had crossed illegally into the United States. The man was arrested in September 2023 in North Troy, Vermont.

“He was in possession of drugs, ammunition, and multiple weapons. He was sentenced to 10 months for unlawful possession of a firearm,” Mr. Garcia wrote on X.

Swanton Sector Local 2266, the union that represents border agents working in the sector, didn’t respond to a request from The Epoch Times seeking comment for this story.

In New York City, where nearly 180,000 illegal aliens have entered since 2022, criminals with ties to MS-13 and the 18th Street gang are openly selling social security cards to migrants on street corners in Queens. These violent gangs have become a “one-stop shop” for the illegal aliens that they may have also helped smuggle into the U.S.

In Denver, which has the most migrants per capita than any other city, migrants can buy both a basic social security card and a green card for approximately $100-$150. A social security card that passes E-Verify (more likely to be a real number stolen from a person), costs about $900. Unlike New York, however, authorities do not believe the criminals selling these cards have ties to criminal gangs. According to Denver’s Homeland Security Investigations, the sales are not a crime ring but rather a “few men who may be involved.”

These fake or stolen security cards primarily enable illegal aliens to circumvent the law that bars employers from hiring them. Those who actually apply for asylum are eligible for work permits. However, to discourage asylum fraud, the law prohibits such aliens from receiving their work permit for at least 180 days after filing an application.

While many of these fake social security cards are used for obtaining work, they could also be used by individuals to cause harm on U.S. soil. Roy Fenoff, an associate professor at the Department of Criminal Justice at the South Carolina Citadel said, “There are people getting these cards that are not here just to get a job, that they have other intentions, and this helps them carry out criminal activity.”

By: Allen Cone
Posted at 8:50 PM, Mar 12, 2024
and last updated 4:38 AM, Mar 13, 2024

PALM BEACH COUNTY, Fla. — Three undocumented immigrants from Guatemala are accused of forcing a woman into a vehicle and sexually battering her at two locations just west of Lake Worth Beach, the Palm Beach County Sheriff's Office said Tuesday.

This abduction occurred at 1 a.m. Monday in a residential area in the 5000 block of Lake Osborne Drive, which is near John Prince Park, just west of Interstate 95.

"Thankfully, the victim was able to escape and flag down a passerby to help her," PBSO spokeswoman Teri Barbera said in a news release.

Barbera said she didn't have the two locations of the assault.

Andres Felipe Morales, 29; Darinel Ordonez Jjimenez, 30, and Marcos Felipe Ramirez, 31, were arrested and booked into the Palm Beach County jail around 7 p.m. Monday. During their first appearance Tuesday, bond was set at $200,000 for each one with their next court date set for 10:30 a.m. April 10.
Link Posted: 3/21/2024 4:27:56 PM EDT

In the latest border-related security lapse to rock the Biden administration, hundreds of thousands of deportation cases have been thrown out by immigration judges because the Department of Homeland Security (DHS), created after 9/11 to prevent another terrorist attack and ensure the country is safe, failed to file the required Notice to Appear (NTA) with the court. Without a proper filing from the feds, courts lack authority to hear immigration cases, which in the last few years have often involved enormous amounts of illegal aliens seeking asylum.

Since Biden became president an unprecedented 200,000 deportation cases have been discarded thanks to the DHS blunder, according to government records cited in a worrisome report issued this week by the nonpartisan Transactional Records Access Clearinghouse (TRAC) at Syracuse University.
The report comes on the heels of two record-breaking years of illegal immigration under the Biden administration. In 2023 a ghastly 2.48 million illegal aliens entered the U.S through Mexico, surpassing what was previously a historical high of 2.38 million in 2022. The northern border is also seeing unprecedented numbers of illegal immigrants with one Border Patrol sector reporting more migrants in the last few months than in the last four fiscal years combines. Last year more than 12,200 illegal immigrants were apprehended crossing into the U.S. from Canada, a stunning 241% spike from the previous year’s 3,578.
Link Posted: 3/22/2024 2:03:46 AM EDT
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Originally Posted By konger:

I watched some of the Nick Johnson video. The travel guy from NC. I’ll watch the others when I get a chance.

The only thing that will solve this is mass deportation. Then let some apply to return. Somehow come up with a points system. Outlaw anchor babies.
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Mass deportation only works if the receiving nations accept the deportees, which they will categorically not do.
They emptied their prisons and streets onto us for a reason.

Like it or not, the old line about “a republic, if you can keep it,” is about to be put to the test.

War is likely to be the only thing that will stop this from consuming what’s left of America.

Link Posted: 3/28/2024 3:39:42 PM EDT

Immigration into the U.S. has risen so rapidly that it beat out federal projections by decades, according to a report from the Center for Immigration Studies (CIS) released on Thursday.

The total number of immigrants in the U.S. rose to a record high of 51.4 million as of February 2024, representing 15.5% of the total population,according to CIS. The U.S. Census Bureau published projections in November which estimated that the share of foreign-born nationals in the U.S. would not reach 15.5% until at least 2039, making the projections “obsolete,” CIS authors Steven Camarota and Karen Zeigler wrote. (RELATED: Biden Considering Granting Amnesty, Handing Out Green Cards To Illegal Immigrants)

The 15.5% includes both immigrants who are in the U.S. legally and those who are undocumented or are in the country illegally, according to a CIS review of the Census Bureau’s Current Population Survey (CPS). Illegal migrants account for roughly 25% of the 51.4 million total number of foreign nationals currently living in the U.S., the other 75% being in the country legally.
If current trends continue, the total foreign-born share of the U.S. population will reach roughly 60 million by the end of a second possible Biden term in 2028, according to CIS. At present, the number of immigrants in the U.S. is higher than at any point in American history.

Link Posted: 3/28/2024 3:42:14 PM EDT
Someone needs to start a comprehensive list of companies known to routinely hire illegals so they can be shunned.

This stuff is BEYOND out of hand.
Link Posted: 4/2/2024 9:26:35 AM EDT
The Biden administration’s program of secretly flying illegal immigrants directly from Latin America to U.S. cities dumps over 90% in hubs of two Southern states governed by the president’s harshest border critics, according to government data.

Some 347,959 migrants allowed into the secretive system fly directly to airports in Florida and Texas, with Florida receiving the vast majority at 325,995, according to an analysis of U.S. Customs and Border Protection numbers by the Center for Immigration Studies.

It is unclear how many of the immigrants fly on to other U.S. cities, though the government has said there are over 40 final destinations.

“This early evidence suggests that a great many of these inadmissible alien passengers, probably a majority, initially land at international airports in Republican Gov. Ron DeSantis’s Florida,” said CIS, which reported that the program has let in 386,000 people since October 2022. “In fact, Florida turns out to be the top landing and U.S. customs processing zone for this direct-flights parole-and-release program, tallying at nearly 326,000 of the initial arrivals from inception through February.”

Investigator Todd Bensman said the program allows “aspiring illegal border crossers” from nine Latin American countries to buy an airline ticket to fly directly to the city of their choice, where they are processed and let go.

“Begun in October 2022 for Venezuelans and expanded in January 2023 to Cubans, Haitians, Nicaraguans, and Colombians, the program approves flight travel authorizations for aspiring illegal border-crossers still in other countries to instead arrange commercial airline passage for themselves over the southern border and then receive temporary but easily renewable ‘humanitarian parole’ from CBP officers at the airport,” Bensman said in his new report. “One incentive to dissuade beneficiaries from illegal border crossings is that the parole program comes with eligibility for renewable work permits.”
Link Posted: 4/2/2024 9:32:52 AM EDT
When are you guys going to realize EVERYONE in our government NEEDS them here.

We're in some deep shit financially.  They are tax-paying, non-SS collecting 'contributors'.
Our demographics are all fucked up with the Boomers retiring and the following generations being smaller.

Link Posted: 4/2/2024 7:44:07 PM EDT
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Originally Posted By JamiesGotAGun:
When are you guys going to realize EVERYONE in our government NEEDS them here.

We're in some deep       financially.  They are tax-paying, non-SS collecting 'contributors'.
Our demographics are all           up with the Boomers retiring and the following generations being smaller.
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Eh ... from what i've seen, we fully recognize that.

The problem is, they can only import so many for so long until the blow up is even worse than if we ripped the bandage off.

On the tax paying side - I suspect no small number of employers don't pay any of the payroll or SSI taxes for illegals they have working for them. If they weren't cheaper to employ than americans, the chamber of commerce rinos wouldn't want them here.

All they're doing is blowing up the bubble even bigger so that when it invetiably blows it will be even worse.
Link Posted: 4/2/2024 8:04:30 PM EDT
Democrat planned demolition of this nation.

Democrats are the enemy of the American people.
Link Posted: 4/2/2024 10:50:02 PM EDT
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Originally Posted By doublecheez:
Democrat planned demolition of this nation.

Democrats are the enemy of the American people.
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I actually think it's much more insidious than that. The democratic party has been taken over by enemies of this nation more than the republicans have (so far), and even those involved with good intent are doing the bidding of those that don't have it. But remember - both parties want it this way and actively work together to keep any and all adults out of the room.
Link Posted: 4/3/2024 1:12:21 AM EDT
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Originally Posted By homeyclaus:
I actually think it's much more insidious than that. The democratic party has been taken over by enemies of this nation more than the republicans have (so far), and even those involved with good intent are doing the bidding of those that don't have it. But remember - both parties want it this way and actively work together to keep any and all adults out of the room.
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The soviet marxists and the neo-marxists who came over in the WW2 era have worked their ideology into the democrat party something fierce and it is a foreign culture and way of life.
Link Posted: 4/3/2024 1:23:31 AM EDT
[Last Edit: cyclone] [#31]
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Originally Posted By outdoorgb:
Fuck Democrats...
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And the Chinese.......I hope they all spend eternity in Hell
Link Posted: 4/3/2024 9:44:32 AM EDT
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Originally Posted By cyclone:

And the Chinese.......I hope they all spend eternity in Hell
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Originally Posted By cyclone:
Originally Posted By outdoorgb:
Fuck Democrats...

And the Chinese.......I hope they all spend eternity in Hell

That's not what godless communists worry about.
Link Posted: 4/6/2024 10:11:09 AM EDT
[Last Edit: FlashMan-7k] [#33]
Illegal Migration Under Biden Matches All LEGAL MIGRATION from 1892 to 1954.
Illegal immigration under Joe Biden is approaching the volume of all legal immigration processed at Ellis Island. The federal processing facility operated from 1892, when former Civil War colonel Benjamin Harrison was President, to 1954, when General Eisehower's government closed it down.Ellis Island accepted more than 12 million immigrants legally seeking American citizenship. Biden has already overseen an influx of at least 9.4 million illegal immigrants, with almost ten months remaining until the next inauguration.

This only accounts for recorded encounters with illegal aliens, however. Hundreds of thousands of illegal immigrants   if not more   bypass immigration authorities entirely each year, becoming "gotaways."
The Democratic Party benefits at least indirectly from the border crisis, as Congressional and Electoral College apportionment is calculated based on the estimated number of people living in a particular area whether or not they are lawful residents, still fewer citizens.Congressman Yvette Clarke openly admitted she wanted "more people in my district, just for redistricting purposes" during a House Foreign Affairs Committee meeting on Haitian migrants in 2021.

Link Posted: 4/9/2024 5:29:41 PM EDT

Government of Mexico Asks the Fifth Circuit to Strike Down Texas’ S.B. 4
April 8, 2024

Last Wednesday, the Fifth Circuit Court of Appeals heard oral arguments on the constitutionality of Texas’s new immigration law, SB 4. As the judges decide whether Texas has the right to defend itself, the judges will not only have the opinions of Texas and the Department of Justice, but other parties interested in the outcome, including the Government of Mexico which filed an amicus brief (also known as a “friend of the court” brief) asking the Fifth Circuit to strike down the law.  

Maybe texas should ban all remissions to mexico that go through texas until mexico decides to mind it's own business.


U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS) is at it again: cutting corners to reduce so-called backlogs. This time, the agency is “streamlining” for obtaining work permits by allowing automatic extensions for up to 540 days – whether the aliens are here legally or not. The action, done via a temporary final rule published in today’s Federal Register, was in response to predictable yet astronomical increases in applications for employment authorization documents (EADS), or work permits, since the border crisis began.

Current regulations allow the agency to grant an extension for up to 180 days for those seeking a renewal of an EAD.  The agency claims it increasing the extension period to 540 days, as a temporary measure, due to surges in 2021 and COVID-related delays. As a result, USCIS claims, processing times have increased, and those with existing EADs face the possibility of a lapse in authorization to work.

USCIS stated, “Without this [Temporary Final Rule], approximately 800,000 renewal EAD applicants will be in danger of having their applications remain pending beyond the 180-day automatic extension period, resulting in applicants losing employment authorization and/or EAD validity in the approximately 2-year period beginning May 2024 because of USCIS processing delays and through no fault of their own. Such widescale lapses in employment authorization and EAD validity would result in substantial and unnecessary harm to noncitizens who timely filed for extensions of employment authorization, their families, their employers, and the public at large.”
Link Posted: 4/11/2024 1:25:43 AM EDT
A majority of Democrats have joined with Republicans and independents in decrying the Biden border crisis, adding to the building pressure on the White House to fix its three years of immigration blundering.

Just one day after revealing data showing that people believe the immigration disaster is President Joe Biden’s way of building a “permanent majority” of liberal voters for the Democratic Party, Rasmussen Reports said most voting groups agree the situation is at a crisis stage.

By a margin of 69%-22%, likely voters believe the open borders that have allowed in record numbers of illegal immigrants are a crisis. That includes 51% of Democrats, 63% of black people, 65% of women, and 64% of younger voters.

Nearly as many see it as an “invasion,” by a 64%-33% margin. That includes 46% of Democrats, 66% of black people, 60% of women, and 62% of younger voters.

Biden is reportedly planning to announce a new border plan, but similar promises have been made for weeks. According to one report, he is eager to grant amnesty to millions of illegal immigrants already in the United States, a scheme likely to cause even more anger at the president.

Joe Biden indicated in a Tuesday interview with the Spanish-language network Univision that he was going to issue an executive order to drastically limit border crossings for asylum seekers. No details have been released on the shape and scope of the EO, but White House sources are telling Axios that the policy change will be announced by the end of the month.

Headfake incoming, I guess.
Link Posted: 4/11/2024 9:23:55 AM EDT
" Going to issue an executive order ". Why not just do it? The Democratic Party is working feverishly to end the United States as we know it. Biden is a sock puppet, nothing else. The republicans will not do anything, and may be hamstrung if they tried. It falls to the people to take action. It may be too late, but something has to be done.
Link Posted: 4/11/2024 9:53:40 PM EDT
Denver, which is commonly referred to as a “sanctuary city,” announced on Wednesday that it will spend $89.9 million on services for incoming illegal migrants, pulling some of the funding from roughly $45 million in public programs and services. Denver’s police department will be hit with an $8.4 million reduction — about 1.9% of its total operating budget, the city confirmed to the Daily Caller News Foundation.
The fire department will also suffer a $2.5 million reduction, or about 0.8% of its total operating costs, the city told the DCNF. Half of those reductions will also come from vacant positions.
One of the most severe cuts will come from Democratic Mayor Mike Johnston’s office, which will lose about $335,155 in funding for the plan, or about 9.6% of its total operating budget, according to 9 News. Among other cuts being made are a budget reduction of 2.2% to the Sheriff’s Department, 1.9% to the Department of Public Health and Environment, 2.4% to the Executive Director of Safety and 3.8% to the Department of Transportation and Infrastructure, according to Fox 31 Denver.
Link Posted: 4/12/2024 10:26:33 PM EDT
Iowa Makes It Legal to Arrest Illegal Migrants

On the evening of April 10, Iowa Republican Governor Kim Reynolds signed Senate File 2340, which makes it a crime for illegal migrants to enter or re-enter the state if they have been deported or denied admission to the US. “The Biden Administration has failed to enforce our nation’s immigration laws, putting the protection and safety of Iowans at risk,” the governor said in a statement. “Those who come into our country illegally have broken the law, yet Biden refuses to deport them. This law gives Iowa law enforcement the power to do what he is unwilling to do: enforce immigration law already on the books.”

The law makes entering or re-entering the state if they were deported or prohibited from entry an aggravated misdemeanor, which could get migrants arrested and sentenced to potentially two years in prison. However, that offense will be upgraded to a felony if the immigrant had drug-related crimes, prior felony convictions, or crimes against people, Fox News explained. Law enforcement, though, can’t arrest suspected migrants at medical facilities, places of worship, or schools.

Other states, such as Louisiana, New Hampshire, Oklahoma, and Tennessee, have similar proposed laws in the pipeline. Texas Gov. Greg Abbott (R) was criticized for something much like this, leading Mexico’s government to weigh in on the matter and make clear they wouldn’t take the criminal migrants back.

Iowa’s law goes into effect July 1.

Link Posted: 4/16/2024 11:38:19 PM EDT

Between October 2021 and October 2023, the Biden administration’s expanded parole program allowed at least 1.8 million aliens to enter the country illegally. In the first half of fiscal 2023 alone, Mr. Biden admitted more parolees (636,601) than legal immigrants received green cards (549,419).

But this is a far cry from the parole authority Congress established in 1952. Section 212(d)(5)(A) of the Immigration and Nationality Act provides that the secretary of homeland security may “parole into the United States temporarily under such conditions as he may prescribe only on a case-by-case basis for urgent humanitarian reasons or significant public benefit any alien applying for admission to the United States.”

In other words, Congress granted the executive very limited authority to allow otherwise inadmissible aliens to enter the country for a limited time for clearly defined reasons.
Link Posted: 4/18/2024 3:16:09 AM EDT

Kyle Becker@kylenabecker

NEW: Spanish-language flyers discovered at Mexican NGOs tied to DHS Sec. Mayorkas and George Soros.

The flyers instruct illegal aliens how to infiltrate into America and vote in our elections.

"Reminder to vote for President Biden when you are in the United States. We need another four years of his term to stay open."

The flyers "were discovered by @realmuckraker

throughout the Resource Center Matamoras (RCM) location including on the walls of port-a-potties. They also appear to be handed out when illegal aliens use the RCM for assistance in coming to the USA," notes @OversightPR

The flyers confirm the intention of NGOs to register illegal aliens to ultimately vote in U.S. elections.

Video @ the link of them finding them posted in porta-potties along the route!

A twitter thread about it:

For those who don't have a twitter account and who want to see the whole thread, click this:

https://archive.is/Al4TZ  -> it will show you the pictures and other things in the thread you don't see below.

Oversight Project@OversightPR Apr 16
🚨BREAKING - Flyers distributed at NGO in Mexico encouraging illegals to vote for President Biden

The flyers reads:

“Reminder to vote for President Biden when you are in the United States. We need another four years of his term to stay open”


These flyers were discovered by @realmuckraker throughout the Resource Center Matamoras (RCM) location including on the walls of port-a-potties

They also appear to be handed out when illegal aliens use the RCM for assistance in coming to the USA

RCM founder Gaby Zavala implied to @realmuckraker that she wants to help as many illegals as possible before President Trump is reelected

RCM bills itself as an operation which houses functions for Hebrew Immigrant Aid Society (HIAS), which helps illegal aliens enter the United States.

@SecMayorkas is a former board member of HIAS, which received numerous grants from Soros' Open Society Foundation over the years

RCM has significant ties to Soros-funded non-profits operating in the United States, including Save the Children, Team Brownsville Texas, and Angry Tias and Abuelas

Save the Children received over $650,000 from Soros’ Open Society Foundation, and has provided grants to Team Brownsville

According to documents obtained by @JudicialWatch, Secretary Mayorkas himself recently met with some of these entities, including Team Brownsville and Angry Tias and Abuelas

RCM is a fiscally sponsored project of the Asylum Seeker Network of Support (“ASNS”)

ASNS 501c3 registration was forfeited in Texas in 2022

But Founder and Executive Director Gaby Zavala continued to operate despite the forfeiture

Gaby Zavala was previously an organizer for La Union del Pueblo Entero (LUPE), which listed the Open Society Institute as a partner


You do not need documentary proof of citizenship to register to vote.  You can vote if you simply swear you are eligible

This flyer obviously seeks to prey on unsophisticated illegals and encourages them to illegally vote
Link Posted: 4/18/2024 3:32:37 PM EDT
Day crew bump because of the lateness of the last post.
Link Posted: 4/18/2024 3:36:43 PM EDT
[Last Edit: KaerMorhenResident] [#42]
Well, they're not letting these people in because they care so much about the plight of improverished third world people and they sure as Hell don't have the patience to wait for their native born children to vote.

Link Posted: 4/18/2024 10:54:21 PM EDT
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Originally Posted By KaerMorhenResident:
Well, they're not letting these people in because they care so much about the plight of improverished third world people and they sure as Hell don't have the patience to wait for their native born children to vote.
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We keep tossing the news bits up on the camels back.

Eventually it will break the camel's back, or the ants will eat the camel alive, and the camel will never recognize what's going on.

I've no idea which will come first.
Link Posted: 4/18/2024 11:05:33 PM EDT
There has to be over 100 million here illegally.
Link Posted: 4/20/2024 7:27:39 PM EDT
The Biden administration’s failure to secure the Mexican border forced Texas officials to establish a security initiative that has endured heavy criticism from Democrats and the media despite its success in apprehending hundreds of thousands of illegal immigrants—including thousands of criminals—and seizing millions of lethal doses of fentanyl. It is known as Operation Lone Star, and it was launched by Governor Greg Abbott in March 2021 as the illegal immigration crisis gripped his border state.
This month the state published an update on the security initiative’s work. Since it was put into place, over 507,200 illegal immigrants have been captured and more than 41,500 criminal arrests have been made with more than 36,900 felony charges filed. Additionally, Texas officials have transported over 100,000 illegal aliens to sanctuary cities throughout the country that openly welcome and protect migrants. New York received the largest chunk—42,000—of relocated migrants caught entering Texas illegally, followed by Chicago (34,400), Denver (18,000), Washington D.C. (12,500), Philadelphia (3,400) and Los Angeles (1,500).
Link Posted: 4/20/2024 8:17:47 PM EDT
Additionally, Texas officials have transported over 100,000 illegal aliens to sanctuary cities throughout the country that openly welcome and protect migrants. New York received the largest chunk—42,000—of relocated migrants caught entering Texas illegally, followed by Chicago (34,400), Denver (18,000), Washington D.C. (12,500), Philadelphia (3,400) and Los Angeles (1,500).
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Wow, the way Denver has been whining, I would have thought they had received a lot more than that. Kinda comical that LA got so few. Guess the illegals don't even want to go to LA.
Link Posted: 4/20/2024 9:06:49 PM EDT
Link Posted: 4/24/2024 12:28:28 AM EDT

iden considering amnesty for over 1 MILLION illegal immigrants who are married to U.S. citizens giving them 'parole in place' and work permits

   Biden weighing executive order granting amnesty and work permits to illegal immigrants who married U.S. citizens but did not qualify for a green card
   Estimated 1.1 million undocumented immigrants fall into this category
   Announcement could come before the 2024 presidential election in November

By Katelyn Caralle, U.S. Political Reporter For Dailymail.Com In Washington, Dc

Published: 12:39 EDT, 23 April 2024 | Updated: 12:39 EDT, 23 April 2024
Link Posted: 4/24/2024 8:28:05 AM EDT
I think we are done as a nation. There is no way this isn't election fraud and they are getting away with it. They have been getting away with it and will continue to do so. They are counting on the slowness of the legal process and giving the middle finger to us as a nation.
Link Posted: 4/24/2024 8:55:24 AM EDT
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Originally Posted By FlashMan-7k:

iden considering amnesty for over 1 MILLION illegal immigrants who are married to U.S. citizens giving them 'parole in place' and work permits

   Biden weighing executive order granting amnesty and work permits to illegal immigrants who married U.S. citizens but did not qualify for a green card
   Estimated 1.1 million undocumented immigrants fall into this category
   Announcement could come before the 2024 presidential election in November

By Katelyn Caralle, U.S. Political Reporter For Dailymail.Com In Washington, Dc

Published: 12:39 EDT, 23 April 2024 | Updated: 12:39 EDT, 23 April 2024
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Sounds like I should make my foreign born wife swim The River, real quick. It would be faster and cheaper than the "legal" process.

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