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Who watches Anime? (Page 1 of 748)
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Posted: 5/29/2007 12:28:49 AM EDT
Which ones?

For Me:
Full Metal Panic II
Fruits Basket
Link Posted: 5/29/2007 12:30:53 AM EDT
Q: Who watches anime?

A: Homosexual Uber-dorks...

j/k...  i'm not a big fan but I know quite a few people who are.

- AG

Link Posted: 5/29/2007 12:33:06 AM EDT
99% of it is fucking retarded or just plain perverted

I will however admit i like Ghost In The Shell

the movie and the series

Link Posted: 5/29/2007 12:34:27 AM EDT

I guess I do.
Link Posted: 5/29/2007 12:35:25 AM EDT

Originally Posted By www-glock19-com:
99% of it is fucking retarded or just plain perverted

I will however admit i like Ghost In The Shell

the movie and the series

You're just like the rest: Everybody has a weakness. (found out the hard way myself)
Link Posted: 5/29/2007 1:19:15 AM EDT
I only watch non-suck ones. Anyone who enjoys Dragon Ball Z or any of its sequels is a tasteless idiot.

I've watched:

Hellsing (the whole show, but not the new series)
Trigun (the whole show)
Cowboy Bebop (the whole show, but not the movie)
Chobits (part of it, anyway)
Ah! My Goddess (only through the first part of the second season)
Samurai Champloo (a few scattered episodes here and there)
Elfen Lied (the whole show)
Neon Genesis Evangelion (most of the show and the last movie)
Steel Angel Kurumi (part of it)

Ones I would recommend wholeheartedly are Hellsing, Cowboy Bebop, and Trigun. Samurai Champloo seems okay, what I've seen of it. Elfen Lied is good story-wise, but I'm gonna warn you- lots of non-sexual nudity and LOTS of graphic violence and gore. Chobits is okay when you want a cutesy show, but geez Hideki is a dumbass. Ah! My Goddess is good for cutesy, humor, and the occasional ass-kicking. Evangelion is good until it gets toward the end, and then it turns into a total acid trip. The rumors that the creator was mentally unstable and on heavy medication at that point in the show are true. Also, Shinji is an emo bitch. Steel Angel Kurumi... really isn't worth watching, though I did get some minor amusement out of it. It's basically soft-core fantasy for young boys.

A brief synopsis for those who may be interested in seeing these shows:

Hellsing: British secret agency designed to protect Britain from a plague of vampires and zombies while keeping the whole thing secret. Their trump card is Alucard, a true vampire they control who relishes destroying all of the artificial vampires invading England ("cheap imitations, they barely know what they are!"). Alucard's speech to the priest/vampire in the first episode is darn awesome. The show differs greatly from the manga, but both are excellent and highly recommended. In the manga, they discover that the artificial vampires are being created by the Last Battalion, a group of 1,000 artificial vampires and one werewolf, created by Nazi Germany and hidden away in South America as a secret weapon to destroy the Allies fifty years after WWII ended. Not okay for young kids because of language, gore, violence, and a few semi-sexual scenes (no nudity).

Trigun: A hapless peacenik turns out to be the greatest gunman in the world, with a $$60 billion bounty on his head. He's joined by two girls from an insurance agency trying to get him to reduce the collateral damage caused by bounty hunters and criminals going after him, and a priest who carries a giant cross that contains a machinegun, a rocket launcher, and a rack full of 1911's. It starts out as a really goofy adventure show on a desert planet (they lost most of their technology and it's basically a western with machineguns and Colt SAA's) but quickly becomes darker and more serious. Without spoiling too much, I pose a question: is Vash's goofy behavior and general klutziness genuine, or is he putting on a mask? Young kids can watch it, but older ones would appreciate it more.

Cowboy Bebop: Two bounty hunters, a compulsive gambler, a runaway computer nerd, and a welsh corgy live on a beat-up spaceship and chase after criminals in order to earn their next meal. A wonderful balance of humor and serious action, and all the characters use real firearms- a Jericho 941, a Walther P-99, a Glock 19, etc. It also has quite a bit of original jazz music and heavy metal, and a creative style to it. This is an adult's show. Kids would like it too, but you gotta be an adult to fully enjoy it.

Chobits: Total idiot (and minor pervert) Hideki finds a Persocom in the trash in an alley. The anime is set in the normal world, except PC's have been largely replaced by Persocoms, which are basically robots that look like people or cartoon characters. Long story short, you can send your maid to get groceries, then when she gets back you can plug her into the internet and surf for porn. Really cutesy show, but it's funny and kinda dirty at points. Also, I cannot stress enough that Hideki is a dumbass. Not recommended for kids because of the number of times mildly sexual stuff comes up- try to guess where the on-switch for his new Persocom is located.

Ah! My Goddess: A guy whose life sucks in every conceivable fashion tries to order some takeout and accidentally dials heaven instead. The NORSE heaven. A norse goddess, Belldandy (their version of Veradandu, one of the three Fates) appears to grant his wish because, well, his life sucks and they felt sorry for him. The clueless dork stammers and blurts out that he wants her to stay with him forever. Hilarity ensues. Not quite as cutesy or sappy as Chobits, the humor is more mature, and seeing a robot blow the shit out of a demon with guided missiles amuses me. Kids can watch it, but there's lots of booze and some minor sexual innuendo involved.

Samurai Champloo: A psychotic freak who enjoys getting into fights, a rogue samurai (ronin), and a young girl (formerly a waitress) travel across medieval Japan, each on seperate quests. The guys have a rivalry that flares up constantly, but they quickly begin to grudgingly respect each other. They also keep trying to ditch the annoying girl, but always end up coming back to her either out of gratitude for something she did or because they just can't get rid of her. I haven't gotten to see much of the show, but it's pretty accurate for the time period it's set in. Lots of Japanese rap music though, which takes quite a bit of getting used to. Not recommended for kids due to violence, language, and strong sexual innuendo (at one point the girl gets kidnapped and forced to work in a whorehouse and the guys have to go rescue her before she gets her first 'customer').

Elfen Lied: Well written story about some freaks of nature capable of destroying mankind being experimented on by the government, until one day one gets loose. She gets amnesia, of course, and ends up living a semi-normal life with some college students while government agents and a rogue psychopath hunt her down. Lots of non-sexual nudity and guaranteed at least one decapitation or "blood explosion extraordinaire" per episode. In the first episode, there's about thirty gory deaths, most of them decapitations or total dismemberments, before we even get five minutes into the show.

Neon Genesis Evangelion: An event called the Second Impact has wiped out most of humanity and flooded a good portion of the world. A secret Japanese agency called N.E.R.V.E., with support from the US and Germany, builds a series of prototype bio-organic robots the size of buildings in order to fight 'Angels', monsters of unknown origin who attack Earth and are believed to be attempting to bring about the Third Impact that will cause the apocalypse and destroy all of mankind. Only people born after the Second Impact are capable of piloting the Eva's (the giant 'robots'), which means the pilots are all 15 years old. It starts out pretty good, with good humor, good action, etc. and well-designed characters: Shinji is a whiny emo bitch, Asuka is an egotistical bitch with emotional instability, Rei is an emotionless void, Gendo is a heartless bastard, etc. The plot lines get increasingly complicated as the show (and several movie sequels) continues, but towards the end they ran out of money (heavily affecting the animation) and the series creator was clinically depressed and on heavy meds, so the whole thing ends as a total acid trip until the movies come along to give us a real ending.

Steel Angel Kurumi: A young boy in Imperial Japan (pre-WWII) finds female robot superweapons that can only be activated by kissing them on the lips and then they remain forever loyal to whoever activated them. It's as stupid as it sounds, but maybe it's up your alley.

I also recommend the movie Akira. It's a cool sci-fi 'what if' regarding what would happen if someone who always gets bullied suddenly gains god-like power. Lots of language and gore though.
Link Posted: 5/29/2007 1:28:47 AM EDT
Friendless dorks.
Link Posted: 5/29/2007 1:29:40 AM EDT
Not me.
Link Posted: 5/29/2007 1:40:03 AM EDT
Second Ghost in the shell.  Appleseed is very cool.  Voices of a distant star.
Link Posted: 5/29/2007 1:41:31 AM EDT
[Last Edit: Tromatic] [#9]

Originally Posted By Aggie_Gunner:
Q: Who watches anime?
A: Homosexual Uber-dorks...
j/k...  i'm not a big fan but I know quite a few people who are.
- AG

If you have ever watched Idol or similar mindless crap you are automatically DQ'd.
Link Posted: 5/29/2007 1:46:36 AM EDT
Hey, didn't i kick sand in your face and take your lunch money last summer?  
Link Posted: 5/29/2007 1:46:38 AM EDT
Not me....

Link Posted: 5/29/2007 1:48:20 AM EDT
I am a MAJOR anime fan.  Since I cannot stand to watch standard American TV fair anymore anime and manga are a large chunk of my entertainment.

Robotech, Voltron, and Transformers were my first exposure back in the 80's.

Then it disappeared and I didn't get reacquanted with it untill about 1994, when it started to reappear in rental stores and on Cartoon Network and Sci-Fi when they were first starting out.

I discovered in college that I was bi-lingual, I was able to appriciate both shonen and shojo style stories and this is apparently VERY rare.  (Although from your list Impulse Taco you seem to be one too since you have Ceres and Fruits Basket in the same list with FMP and Trigun) My best friend at UCR was a English Lit major with a emphasis on Childrens literature.  She taught me how to deconstruct stories.

I have a long list of favorites, but the ones that I am most interested now in are

Kino's Journey
Ghost in the Shell
Twelve Kingdoms
Azumanga Daioh
Strawberry Marshmallow
Urusei Yatsura (rewatching now that Netflix has all 45 volumes)

And dont knock Dragon Ball so much- or at least Dragon Ball Z (I admit I found original Dragon Ball not very interesting and I have not seen GT though I hear lots of bad things about it) I watched DBZ when it was on Cartoon Network and I really liked how they made the characters becoming parents and relating to their kids, and their kids growing up and becoming parents themselves.
Link Posted: 5/29/2007 1:49:53 AM EDT
[Last Edit: HK_Shooter_03] [#13]

Originally Posted By www-glock19-com:
99% of it is fucking retarded or just plain perverted

I will however admit i like Ghost In The Shell

the movie and the series


I can't find anything that can compare to that and a few others... (GITS could easily be a great live action franchise but The Matrix stole most of  Masume's material)

Just Robotech and Macross when I was younger but, Netflix opened up some new opportunities to rent some of that old stuff.

It was going good after that but, after I saw Ghost in the Shell, it all went down from there.

I didn't like Anime much before but I really like GITS (I,II,SAC, 2nd Gig).

Is there anything else like Ghost in the Shell?

I'll be getting SAC: Solid State Society when it comes out and I hope they make a third season.

Does anyone know if it's been announced?

Also, Macross Plus takes all:

Link Posted: 5/29/2007 1:52:51 AM EDT

Link Posted: 5/29/2007 1:53:46 AM EDT

Also, Macross Plus takes all:

you know, for a twelve year old show it really DOES hold up well both in SFX and story.
Link Posted: 5/29/2007 1:56:32 AM EDT

Originally Posted By Tromatic:
Second Ghost in the shell.  Appleseed is very cool.  Voices of a distant star.

You've seen VODS too!  I loved it just as a work on its own, but then when you consider that everything but the sound was made by one guy on a P4 PowerMac running OTC software then its REALLY special.
Link Posted: 5/29/2007 1:56:44 AM EDT

Originally Posted By ArmdLbrl:

Also, Macross Plus takes all:

you know, for a twelve year old show it really DOES hold up well both in SFX and story.

I wish they had kept it up.

I wonder what they could accomplish now.

Do you know why they dropped it with only one DVA? (I know it was a spin-off)
Link Posted: 5/29/2007 1:57:30 AM EDT

Originally Posted By Rampant_Colt:

Hey! Its the GEICO cave man!
Link Posted: 5/29/2007 2:01:12 AM EDT
who would win in h2h combat

1.) star trekkie

2.) anime-geek

3.) furries

4.) gamers

5.) emos

i'd put my $5 on the gamers
Link Posted: 5/29/2007 2:04:41 AM EDT

Originally Posted By HK_Shooter_03:

Originally Posted By ArmdLbrl:

Also, Macross Plus takes all:

you know, for a twelve year old show it really DOES hold up well both in SFX and story.

I wish they had kept it up.

I wonder what they could accomplish now.

Do you know why they dropped it with only one DVA? (I know it was a spin-off)

Its all the longer it was designed to run.

Remember Macross 7 was on TV in Japan at the time and Macross Plus was made to attract the hard core adult fans of the original, serious Macross who were put off by the "kiddyfied" comedic 7.  But the production team did not beleve there were enough hard sci-fi fans for a longer series and adults simply don't buy enough merchandising.
Plus markets outside Japan was not a consideration in 1994 and nor was 24hr satellite or cable markets.

Macross Zero has been made since as a "prequil".  But I haven't seen it yet, though its in my que in Netflix.
Link Posted: 5/29/2007 2:13:27 AM EDT
I've seen a couple of "Ninja Scrolls", but the 1st is the best, lots of gore and sex. My wife and I bought the "Rurounin Kenshin" series and movies which is pretty good and almost child safe minus the movies (lots of blood). I like samurai movies so that explains those. My wife has seen other animes but they are dorky, I tease her on those.
Link Posted: 5/29/2007 2:17:18 AM EDT

It's my favorite anime and manga.
I own all 16 volumes that have been published so far from Dark horse comics and I've read up to volume 32 online.

Link Posted: 5/29/2007 2:21:11 AM EDT
[Last Edit: ArmdLbrl] [#23]

Originally Posted By WhiteDragon_48:
I've seen a couple of "Ninja Scrolls", but the 1st is the best, lots of gore and sex. My wife and I bought the "Rurounin Kenshin" series and movies which is pretty good and almost child safe minus the movies (lots of blood). I like samurai movies so that explains those. My wife has seen other animes but they are dorky, I tease her on those.

I have heard good things about Samurai Champloo and Otogi Zoshi but neither are work safe.  Its not samaurai but Berserk has lots of sex and gore.

Oh, someone beat me to it.

Link Posted: 5/29/2007 2:26:53 AM EDT

Originally Posted By Rampant_Colt:
who would win in h2h combat

1.) star trekkie

2.) anime-geek

3.) furries

4.) gamers

5.) emos

i'd put my $5 on the gamers

Bitch I bench press like 235 pounds!!!  

But all the other anime guys are scrawny as fuck.  I went to my university's anime club meeting.  All the guy's were about 130 punds and all the girls were 200 pounds.
Link Posted: 5/29/2007 2:31:34 AM EDT
[Last Edit: RustedAce] [#25]

Originally Posted By Rampant_Colt:
who would win in h2h combat

1.) star trekkie

2.) anime-geek

3.) furries

4.) gamers

5.) emos

i'd put my $5 on the gamers

Im a trekkie (old trek) and an anime-geek, who wants to fight? Gamers are pussies, bring it on.

For the point of this thread:

Gundam Universal Century stuff
Robotech/ Macross
Fist of the north star (old one)
Appleseed (Old one)
Link Posted: 5/29/2007 2:38:30 AM EDT
Ghost in the Shell
Ninja Scroll
Appleseed was pretty
Gunsmith cats is fun occasionally
Howls moving castle
Spirited Away
Desert punk is probably one of my favorites.  Its about a mercenary who uses the guns he can afford and chases a woman with big tits.  That sounds like 3/4 of arfcom.
Link Posted: 5/29/2007 2:38:40 AM EDT
Let's fight the PS3 owners

Link Posted: 5/29/2007 2:41:59 AM EDT

Originally Posted By RustedAce:

Originally Posted By Rampant_Colt:
who would win in h2h combat

1.) star trekkie

2.) anime-geek

3.) furries

4.) gamers

5.) emos

i'd put my $5 on the gamers

Im a trekkie (old trek) and an anime-geek, who wants to fight? Gamers are pussies, bring it on.

For the point of this thread:

Gundam Universal Century stuff
Robotech/ Macross
Fist of the north star (old one)
Appleseed (Old one)

All cool choices, although old Appleseed is a surprise.  Landmates are one of my favorite mecha,
Link Posted: 5/29/2007 2:44:57 AM EDT

Originally Posted By LHD:
Ghost in the Shell
Ninja Scroll
Appleseed was pretty
Gunsmith cats is fun occasionally
Howls moving castle
Spirited Away
Desert punk is probably one of my favorites.  Its about a mercenary who uses the guns he can afford and chases a woman with big tits.  That sounds like 3/4 of arfcom.

Myazaki fan!  Have you not seen Porco Rosso yet or did you not like it?

I have seen Episode one of Desert Punk and I thought it was pretty good, its in my que at netflix
Link Posted: 5/29/2007 2:45:20 AM EDT

Originally Posted By ArmdLbrl:
All cool choices, although old Appleseed is a surprise.  Landmates are one of my favorite mecha,

The new one was really lame, I am not a fan of the mix of computer animation/ regular animation, plus the story line and action sucked compared to old. Had less grit more flash.
Link Posted: 5/29/2007 2:47:32 AM EDT
Fist of the North Star.  

Vampire Hunter "D"
Link Posted: 5/29/2007 2:52:49 AM EDT

Originally Posted By RustedAce:

Originally Posted By ArmdLbrl:
All cool choices, although old Appleseed is a surprise.  Landmates are one of my favorite mecha,

The new one was really lame, I am not a fan of the mix of computer animation/ regular animation, plus the story line and action sucked compared to old. Had less grit more flash.

I thought they were both pretty light story wise compared to the manga... that is saying something considering the manga is both incomplete and what exists is barely comprehensable story wise.  Shirow never did decide where he wanted it to go before he shitcanned it and wrote Ghost in the Shell instead covering a lot of the same themes.

But the landmates make up for that... and I have to admit I liked the prettier looking ones in the new version (even though they were the less realistic flying types from the last book of the manga).  
Link Posted: 5/29/2007 2:59:53 AM EDT

Originally Posted By ArmdLbrl:

Originally Posted By LHD:
Ghost in the Shell
Ninja Scroll
Appleseed was pretty
Gunsmith cats is fun occasionally
Howls moving castle
Spirited Away
Desert punk is probably one of my favorites.  Its about a mercenary who uses the guns he can afford and chases a woman with big tits.  That sounds like 3/4 of arfcom.

Myazaki fan!  Have you not seen Porco Rosso yet or did you not like it?

I have seen Episode one of Desert Punk and I thought it was pretty good, its in my que at netflix

You cant go wrong with Myazaki.  I havent gotten around to buying Porco Ross or Kiki's delivery service.  I'm sure theyll be cool.  

Desert Punk is great thanks to the attention to detail they put into the weapons.  Not just in how they draw them but how a FAL is used differently from an Uzi.  It doesnt have too much of that over the top japanese cultural crazyness either.  Like when they draw a tear drop near the persons forehead when theyre stressed.  I hate that.  The only time I can tolerate that is in shows like shin chan, which should have been on my list.  
Link Posted: 5/29/2007 3:02:00 AM EDT
well I have 1.32 TB server full of it.

I could post the list... I haven't watched all of it.  Some I don't like and I only keep there because I have friends that like it.

My most recent things I watch are:
Ergo Proxy
Death note
Combat Butler
Coyote Ragtime Show
Black Lagoon

Looking into getting Shining Tears x Wind... Just downloaded the first ep. haven't watched it yet.
Link Posted: 5/29/2007 3:04:41 AM EDT

Originally Posted By Master_of_Orion:
well I have 1.32 TB server full of it.

I could post the list... I haven't watched all of it.  Some I don't like and I only keep there because I have friends that like it.

My most recent things I watch are:
Ergo Proxy
Death note
Combat Butler
Coyote Ragtime Show
Black Lagoon

Looking into getting Shining Tears x Wind... Just downloaded the first ep. haven't watched it yet.

I am SOO behind.  Out of that whole list of yours the only ones I have seen are the first episodes of Ergo Proxy and Coyote Ragtime Show- and that courtesy of Newtype's free sample DVDs
Link Posted: 5/29/2007 3:05:37 AM EDT
Gun Grave
Read or Die OVA (the TV release had a lot of lesbian overtones)
Black Lagoon (ARFCOMMERs wet dream)
Link Posted: 5/29/2007 3:11:43 AM EDT
[Last Edit: Master_of_Orion] [#37]
lets separate the men from the boys... so to speak...

Favorite directors?
<<< Mamoru Oshii

Favorite Studios?
<<< Gonzo
<<< Clamp
<<< Bee Train

Favorite Composer?
<<< Yoko Kano

Also Who here knows what my avatar is?
Link Posted: 5/29/2007 3:16:00 AM EDT

Originally Posted By Master_of_Orion:
lets separate the men from the boys... so to speak...

Favorite directors?
<<< Mamoru Oshii

Favorite Studios?
<<< Gonzo
<<< Clamp
<<< Bee Train

Favorite Composer?
<<< Yoko Kano

Wow, thats a lot like what I would have put up.  Id have to add Myazaki for director and Ghibli, Bones, and production IG to the studio's list.

Kano is in a class by herself, though Kenji Kawai did a good job matching to the Ghost in the Shell movies.
Link Posted: 5/29/2007 3:23:56 AM EDT
I'm not a big fan of Myazaki.  This dosn't mean I don't like the movies I have enjoyed most of (his?) movies.  I just don't love them with a passion as most fans do.

Ghibli is good
what has bones done?
all I've seen from production IG is GitS - SAC... which was awesome but not enough to call them one of my fav. studios.

It seems like Kano has done everything... or a least everything I like. A good 50% of my music is by her.
Link Posted: 5/29/2007 3:32:24 AM EDT

Originally Posted By Master_of_Orion:
I'm not a big fan of Myazaki.  This dosn't mean I don't like the movies I have enjoyed most of (his?) movies.  I just don't love them with a passion as most fans do.

Ghibli is good
what has bones done?
all I've seen from production IG is GitS - SAC... which was awesome but not enough to call them one of my fav. studios.

It seems like Kano has done everything... or a least everything I like. A good 50% of my music is by her.

Bones is a branch off of Sunrise, most of the staff were crew on Cowboy Beebop.  They pooled their money from the success of Beebop and made their own company.  Then Sunrise hired them back to do the Cowboy Beebop movie, they also did Full Metal Alchamist which other than Beebop is probably their most successful release in the States.
Link Posted: 5/29/2007 3:38:35 AM EDT

Originally Posted By ArmdLbrl:

Originally Posted By Tromatic:
Second Ghost in the shell.  Appleseed is very cool.  Voices of a distant star.

You've seen VODS too!  I loved it just as a work on its own, but then when you consider that everything but the sound was made by one guy on a P4 PowerMac running OTC software then its REALLY special.

I know I'm taking a risk with my mancard here, but I think it's very beautifully done.

I also like "Places promised in our younger days" (I think I have that right).
Link Posted: 5/29/2007 3:40:55 AM EDT
I'm pretty big into anime, but I don't do any of that stupid convention crap.

Old school:
Fist of the North Star
Robot Carnival
Vampire Hunter D
Angels Egg

New Stuffs:
Ninja Scroll
Ghost in the Shell
Golden Boy
Gunslinger Girl
Cowboy BeBop
Samurai Champloo
One Piece
Dead Leaves
Jin Ro
Link Posted: 5/29/2007 3:45:24 AM EDT

Originally Posted By RustedAce:

Originally Posted By ArmdLbrl:
All cool choices, although old Appleseed is a surprise.  Landmates are one of my favorite mecha,

The new one was really lame, I am not a fan of the mix of computer animation/ regular animation, plus the story line and action sucked compared to old. Had less grit more flash.

How are they different?  I'm not sure which one I've seen.  Any place to buy both?
Link Posted: 5/29/2007 3:48:24 AM EDT

Originally Posted By Tromatic:

Originally Posted By RustedAce:

Originally Posted By ArmdLbrl:
All cool choices, although old Appleseed is a surprise.  Landmates are one of my favorite mecha,

The new one was really lame, I am not a fan of the mix of computer animation/ regular animation, plus the story line and action sucked compared to old. Had less grit more flash.

How are they different?  I'm not sure which one I've seen.  Any place to buy both?


I have recently discovered the wonders of that site, and my wallet is taking a hit.
Link Posted: 5/29/2007 4:02:39 AM EDT

Originally Posted By Tromatic:

Originally Posted By RustedAce:

Originally Posted By ArmdLbrl:
All cool choices, although old Appleseed is a surprise.  Landmates are one of my favorite mecha,

The new one was really lame, I am not a fan of the mix of computer animation/ regular animation, plus the story line and action sucked compared to old. Had less grit more flash.

How are they different?  I'm not sure which one I've seen.  Any place to buy both?

Old is all drawn, new is computer animation added in.
Link Posted: 5/29/2007 4:09:17 AM EDT

Originally Posted By Tromatic:

Originally Posted By ArmdLbrl:

Originally Posted By Tromatic:
Second Ghost in the shell.  Appleseed is very cool.  Voices of a distant star.

You've seen VODS too!  I loved it just as a work on its own, but then when you consider that everything but the sound was made by one guy on a P4 PowerMac running OTC software then its REALLY special.

I know I'm taking a risk with my mancard here, but I think it's very beautifully done.

I also like "Places promised in our younger days" (I think I have that right).

The Place Promised in Our Eary Days (at least thats the OFFICIAL English translation, but yours might be just as valid) is Makoto Shinkai's 2nd Movie, I have it (bought it in the double set with VODS) but I have to be in a certain mood to watch it
Link Posted: 5/29/2007 4:18:58 AM EDT
I don't, and I'm not sure I'll ever understand it's appeal.

Don't hate me, fellow geeks.
Link Posted: 5/29/2007 4:39:52 AM EDT
Uh, who're we talking about again?
Cowboy Bebop fan. I got all the music to prove it (and soon maybe the Welsh Corgi too).
Link Posted: 5/29/2007 5:09:30 AM EDT
[Last Edit: Master_of_Orion] [#49]
you have to be able to suspend disbelief.  While you're watching it... that's the way the universe looks and so forth.  

They are cartoons for grown ups. there are many types from the depths of depravity to the light hearted chick flick.  

75% is decent 25% is perverse ... not the other way around.

many are great and if they were live action instead most people here would love it.  Simply because it's animated engenders a lot of undeserved hate.  Many of the new "live action" movies now days are having more and more CG (animation) in them.  Pretty soon you'll be watching anime and not even know it.
Link Posted: 5/29/2007 5:26:03 AM EDT
[Last Edit: DiscoBiscuit] [#50]

Originally Posted By Master_of_Orion:
you have to be able to suspend disbelief.  While you're watching it... that's the way the universe looks and so forth.  

They are cartoons for grown ups. there are many types from the depths of depravity to the light hearted chick flick.  

75% is decent 25% is perverse ... not the other way around.

many are great and if they were live action instead most people here would love it.  Simply because it's animated engenders a lot of undeserved hate.  Many of the new "live action" movies now days are having more and more CG (animation) in them.  Pretty soon you'll be watching anime and not even know it.

Golf Clap.. (he hit the nail pretty much on the head.)

Akira (but it makes me feel like im on a bad acid trip)
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