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Link Posted: 8/27/2018 8:29:17 PM EDT
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Ya allowing the dems to control the senate wouldn’t total help screw the entire nation on gun rights making it impossible to push through a strict constructionist or anything.

The primary was the place to beat Scott, sadly a quick google search to his sole primary opponent showed this so called Republican was admittedly a total gun grabber.  That didn’t happen, not voting for Scott in the general election against Bill Nelson  to “send a message” is flat out foolish.
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+1.  If Scott loses, it increases the chances of dem control of the Senate, which means no more Trump nominees will get approved.

Even if the GOP keeps the Senate, we need Scott to win to 1) provide margin in 2020 and 2022, where the GOP faces horrible Senate maps, 2) dilute the vote of RINOs, and 3) send a strong message that America supports Trump.

If Scott loses, conservatives will get blamed for not supporting him, and the dems will leverage this to drive a wedge between conservatives and moderates in the party just like what happened in Virginia.  In 10 years Virginia went from red to solid blue.  If that happens to Florida, it would be disastrous for ever winning the electoral college again.

Not only are some of the clowns here supporting Schumer as majority leader and Feinstein to run the Judiciary committee, but they actually admitted voting for a REAL gun-grabber by supporting Scott's primary opponent.  Maybe they are posting on the wrong website?
Link Posted: 8/27/2018 9:31:33 PM EDT
Seems some are really buying into the blue wave movement. If 1 GOP member in the Senate is really going to change the Majority from the right to the left then there is much more going wrong than 1 Senator could change. Also how is adding 1 RINO going to dilute the votes of the other RINOs, it'll actually strengthen their voting power.

As for voting for a REAL gun grabber, between the 2, 1 says he would vote for gun control, the other DID sign gun control. Sounds like they are BOTH gun grabbers.
Link Posted: 8/27/2018 9:34:58 PM EDT
Link Posted: 8/27/2018 9:35:20 PM EDT
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+1.  If Scott loses, it increases the chances of dem control of the Senate, which means no more Trump nominees will get approved.

Even if the GOP keeps the Senate, we need Scott to win to 1) provide margin in 2020 and 2022, where the GOP faces horrible Senate maps, 2) dilute the vote of RINOs, and 3) send a strong message that America supports Trump.

If Scott loses, conservatives will get blamed for not supporting him, and the dems will leverage this to drive a wedge between conservatives and moderates in the party just like what happened in Virginia.  In 10 years Virginia went from red to solid blue.  If that happens to Florida, it would be disastrous for ever winning the electoral college again.

Not only are some of the clowns here supporting Schumer as majority leader and Feinstein to run the Judiciary committee, but they actually admitted voting for a REAL gun-grabber by supporting Scott's primary opponent.  Maybe they are posting on the wrong website?
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Ya allowing the dems to control the senate wouldn't total help screw the entire nation on gun rights making it impossible to push through a strict constructionist or anything.

The primary was the place to beat Scott, sadly a quick google search to his sole primary opponent showed this so called Republican was admittedly a total gun grabber.  That didn't happen, not voting for Scott in the general election against Bill Nelson  to "send a message" is flat out foolish.
+1.  If Scott loses, it increases the chances of dem control of the Senate, which means no more Trump nominees will get approved.

Even if the GOP keeps the Senate, we need Scott to win to 1) provide margin in 2020 and 2022, where the GOP faces horrible Senate maps, 2) dilute the vote of RINOs, and 3) send a strong message that America supports Trump.

If Scott loses, conservatives will get blamed for not supporting him, and the dems will leverage this to drive a wedge between conservatives and moderates in the party just like what happened in Virginia.  In 10 years Virginia went from red to solid blue.  If that happens to Florida, it would be disastrous for ever winning the electoral college again.

Not only are some of the clowns here supporting Schumer as majority leader and Feinstein to run the Judiciary committee, but they actually admitted voting for a REAL gun-grabber by supporting Scott's primary opponent.  Maybe they are posting on the wrong website?
Scott is placing his bets on Puerto Ricans and Centrists. Florida is going blue due to demographics. Virginia went blue for the same reason. After 911, Bush caused a major influx due to expanding government in NOVA.
Link Posted: 8/27/2018 9:44:44 PM EDT
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Seems some are really buying into the blue wave movement. If 1 GOP member in the Senate is really going to change the Majority from the right to the left then there is much more going wrong than 1 Senator could change. Also how is adding 1 RINO going to dilute the votes of the other RINOs, it'll actually strengthen their voting power.

As for voting for a REAL gun grabber, between the 2, 1 says he would vote for gun control, the other DID sign gun control. Sounds like they are BOTH gun grabbers.
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Where have you been for the last year?  The GOP has held a 50-49 majority (with you-know-who missing), where if only one seat flipped the dems would have the majority.  That means no Kavanaugh.

And in 2017, we lost the "repeal Obamacare" vote by a single vote.

There are only 100 Senators.  40 of those are from solid red states, and 40 from solid blue states.  That means only about 20 are in play.  1 out of 20 is a really big deal.  It is even more important when you look at the 2020 and 2022 Senate maps.  Those are horrible for the GOP, so we need to win every seat we can.  Take nothing for granted.

Finally, your assertion as Scott as a RINO is disingenuous at best.  He was an early Trump supporter, and is endorsed by Trump.  He will vote with Trump 90% of the time or better, and 100% of the time for judicial nominees.

And if the Republicans do lose the Senate, people like you will complain the loudest when Trump can't get anything done!  Schumer, Feinstein, and Nelson thank you for your support!
Link Posted: 8/27/2018 9:56:26 PM EDT
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Scott is placing his bets on Puerto Ricans and Centrists. Florida is going blue due to demographics. Virginia went blue for the same reason. After 911, Bush caused a major influx due to expanding government in NOVA.
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In the 2016 general election, Rubio got 200,000 more votes than Trump in Florida.  I think Scott took a very cold-hearted look at those numbers and figured he had a better chance to win running a Rubio-style campaign than a Trump-style campaign.  I can't say I blame him.

Even the leftist media has applauded his work on helping Puerto Ricans after the hurricane.  It will likely be a close race, and he needs every vote he can get.

The demographics of Florida are already more "blue" than Virginia (yes, Bush created a big problem there with expanding the government), so I don't buy your argument of Florida inevitable turning blue.  But even if it does, all the more reason to elect an "R" who will vote with Trump 90% of the time for the next 6 years.
Link Posted: 8/27/2018 10:08:24 PM EDT
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Scott has to go - as of right now - the rino's ASSume our votes. They know they don't have to listen to their constituents. They are not kings, merely elected representatives. We are (should be) in control of them - not the other way around! Perhaps a bit of understanding of our political system is needed for some of our R friends?
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Scott isn't a RINO.  He was an early Trump supporter and Trump has endorsed him.  A lot of people here have a habit of calling someone a RINO every time they do something they don't agree with.  Furthermore, if it wasn't for the so-called "RINOs", we wouldn't have Gorsuch and Kavanaugh, nor the tax cuts, or the repeal of the individual mandate, nor 26 circuit court judges with 10 more in the pipeline.

If Scott loses, the only message that will get sent is that Florida just told President Trump to take a hike.  You really want to hamstring Trump with the dems running the Senate?  What happens if/when a supreme court justice retires with a dem senate?

Scott is our best chance to unseat Nelson, and you guys want to squander it because be isn't perfect.... Chuck Schumer appreciates your support!
Link Posted: 8/27/2018 10:23:56 PM EDT
And you want to tell every Florida GOP politician that you are A OK with gun control.
Link Posted: 8/27/2018 10:53:48 PM EDT
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And you want to tell every Florida GOP politician that you are A OK with gun control.
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If Scott loses, the media and dems will claim he lost because he was "too conservative" and "didn't go far enough on guns".  They are very eager to drive a wedge between the conservative and moderate GOP voters and exploit that wedge as they have brilliantly done in Virginia, Nevada, and New Hampshire.

75% of the Florida state house and senate voted for gun control.  Are you suggesting we vote them all out, and give the dems veto-proof majorities?  Are you "A OK" with Kalifornia style gun control and a state income tax?

Additionally, the biggest bulwark we have against gun control is the US Supreme Court.  We need more Republicans in the Senate to confirm future Trump nominees.  Remember, if the GOP loses the Senate in 2018, the dems will control it until 2025 at least (see the 2020 and 2022 senate maps if you doubt this).  That means Trump could get re-elected, but be blocked for 6 years from naming another USSC judge.  Not good!

We also need to retain control of the state senate for two reasons.  First, senators are elected for four years, which means these senators will have a hand in redistricting.  If the dems take the state senate, you are looking at a loss of between 3 and 6 US House seats for the GOP.  Secondly, a strong governor like DeSanstis could possibly strongarm a Republicans state senate into passing open carry.  Not so, if the dems control the state senate.
Link Posted: 8/28/2018 2:19:49 AM EDT
If we can elect a strong Conservative like DeSantis at the same time we destroy Scott there is no way the media can claim Scott was too Conservative when an even more Conservative won the Governor seat.

I'm all for keeping the Republican controlled Senate and House and even voting for those who voted for the gun control, I won't have the option as both my incumbent Senator and Rep are both Dems but I'll be voting against them. Then during the next election cycle working towards primarying those who voted for it who aren't already term limited.
Link Posted: 8/28/2018 8:20:53 AM EDT
I don't think I can vote against Scott.  Thought I could.  But the message won't get sent unless it is a solid wall, as mentioned, of desnatis votes and not-Scott votes - which it won't be...

I hate not voting for the guy on my carry permit but I want to send a message that Florida still supports the president, and that means desantis and Scott.

ETA:. Just saw the campaign advert with desantis' wife.  Yowza.   Sorry childishness over.
Link Posted: 8/28/2018 9:07:13 AM EDT
Ron DeSantis has released an ad indoctrinating his children into Trumpism
Link Posted: 8/28/2018 2:56:39 PM EDT
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Putnam is an old school conservative coming from an agricultural background. My vote is for Putnam a pro gun candidate.
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old school or establishment bought and paid for by the COC shill?
Link Posted: 8/28/2018 2:58:35 PM EDT
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Ashley Moody is backed by Pam Bondi.
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I was originally going to vote for Putnam, but over the last few weeks I started to reconsider. The nail in the coffin for me was when Bondi endorsed him.  She's an idiot and I am dropping support of him because of her. While she's done a few good things she's done other things that were not great and not well thought through.  She's a wanna be politician but is mainly like a happy little dog trying to fit in.
Ashley Moody is backed by Pam Bondi.
just another reason to vote for Frank White.
Link Posted: 8/28/2018 3:02:10 PM EDT
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Desantis it is then.

But Scott has to be kicked to the curb and made an example of.
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yep, I don't know the first fucking thing about Rocky Fuente, except that he is either latino or hispanic, which, statistically, is probably not good.  But fuck rick scott.
Link Posted: 8/28/2018 3:07:04 PM EDT
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Scott is placing his bets on Puerto Ricans and Centrists. Florida is going blue due to demographics. Virginia went blue for the same reason. After 911, Bush caused a major influx due to expanding government in NOVA.
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Ya allowing the dems to control the senate wouldn't total help screw the entire nation on gun rights making it impossible to push through a strict constructionist or anything.

The primary was the place to beat Scott, sadly a quick google search to his sole primary opponent showed this so called Republican was admittedly a total gun grabber.  That didn't happen, not voting for Scott in the general election against Bill Nelson  to "send a message" is flat out foolish.
+1.  If Scott loses, it increases the chances of dem control of the Senate, which means no more Trump nominees will get approved.

Even if the GOP keeps the Senate, we need Scott to win to 1) provide margin in 2020 and 2022, where the GOP faces horrible Senate maps, 2) dilute the vote of RINOs, and 3) send a strong message that America supports Trump.

If Scott loses, conservatives will get blamed for not supporting him, and the dems will leverage this to drive a wedge between conservatives and moderates in the party just like what happened in Virginia.  In 10 years Virginia went from red to solid blue.  If that happens to Florida, it would be disastrous for ever winning the electoral college again.

Not only are some of the clowns here supporting Schumer as majority leader and Feinstein to run the Judiciary committee, but they actually admitted voting for a REAL gun-grabber by supporting Scott's primary opponent.  Maybe they are posting on the wrong website?
Scott is placing his bets on Puerto Ricans and Centrists. Florida is going blue due to demographics. Virginia went blue for the same reason. After 911, Bush caused a major influx due to expanding government in NOVA.
And texas is going blue, not far behind FL, given current trends.  California used to be 87% white in the late 70s, and solidly republican.

My point is that we are loosing our nation due to demographic shifts.  Whether or not we will have to fight a shooting war to keep our traditional rights of anglo-americas, is ENTIRELY DEPENDENT on whether Trump can and will end illegal immigration, birthright citizenship, family chain migration and the diversity lottery, as well as kicking out every single person w/o status possible. Just saying guys.
Link Posted: 8/28/2018 4:14:15 PM EDT
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My point is that we are loosing our nation due to demographic shifts.  Whether or not we will have to fight a shooting war to keep our traditional rights of anglo-americas, is ENTIRELY DEPENDENT on whether Trump can and will end illegal immigration, birthright citizenship, family chain migration and the diversity lottery, as well as kicking out every single person w/o status possible. Just saying guys.
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Well, he needs to get after it. He might very well be in the last 60 days of two years of control of the house and senate. So far, nothing big has been done. Obama managed to jam Obama care through with less than 60 votes in the senate in the only two years he had with a dual-chamber majority, so don't tell me it's impossible.
Link Posted: 8/28/2018 4:36:03 PM EDT
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And texas is going blue, not far behind FL, given current trends.  California used to be 87% white in the late 70s, and solidly republican.

My point is that we are loosing our nation due to demographic shifts.  Whether or not we will have to fight a shooting war to keep our traditional rights of anglo-americas, is ENTIRELY DEPENDENT on whether Trump can and will end illegal immigration, birthright citizenship, family chain migration and the diversity lottery, as well as kicking out every single person w/o status possible. Just saying guys.
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Ya allowing the dems to control the senate wouldn't total help screw the entire nation on gun rights making it impossible to push through a strict constructionist or anything.

The primary was the place to beat Scott, sadly a quick google search to his sole primary opponent showed this so called Republican was admittedly a total gun grabber.  That didn't happen, not voting for Scott in the general election against Bill Nelson  to "send a message" is flat out foolish.
+1.  If Scott loses, it increases the chances of dem control of the Senate, which means no more Trump nominees will get approved.

Even if the GOP keeps the Senate, we need Scott to win to 1) provide margin in 2020 and 2022, where the GOP faces horrible Senate maps, 2) dilute the vote of RINOs, and 3) send a strong message that America supports Trump.

If Scott loses, conservatives will get blamed for not supporting him, and the dems will leverage this to drive a wedge between conservatives and moderates in the party just like what happened in Virginia.  In 10 years Virginia went from red to solid blue.  If that happens to Florida, it would be disastrous for ever winning the electoral college again.

Not only are some of the clowns here supporting Schumer as majority leader and Feinstein to run the Judiciary committee, but they actually admitted voting for a REAL gun-grabber by supporting Scott's primary opponent.  Maybe they are posting on the wrong website?
Scott is placing his bets on Puerto Ricans and Centrists. Florida is going blue due to demographics. Virginia went blue for the same reason. After 911, Bush caused a major influx due to expanding government in NOVA.
And texas is going blue, not far behind FL, given current trends.  California used to be 87% white in the late 70s, and solidly republican.

My point is that we are loosing our nation due to demographic shifts.  Whether or not we will have to fight a shooting war to keep our traditional rights of anglo-americas, is ENTIRELY DEPENDENT on whether Trump can and will end illegal immigration, birthright citizenship, family chain migration and the diversity lottery, as well as kicking out every single person w/o status possible. Just saying guys.
The part in red, he would have to get a Constitutional Amendment in order to change.
Link Posted: 8/28/2018 4:41:39 PM EDT
Link Posted: 8/28/2018 5:50:09 PM EDT
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Well, he needs to get after it. He might very well be in the last 60 days of two years of control of the house and senate. So far, nothing big has been done. Obama managed to jam Obama care through with less than 60 votes in the senate in the only two years he had with a dual-chamber majority, so don't tell me it's impossible.
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My point is that we are loosing our nation due to demographic shifts.  Whether or not we will have to fight a shooting war to keep our traditional rights of anglo-americas, is ENTIRELY DEPENDENT on whether Trump can and will end illegal immigration, birthright citizenship, family chain migration and the diversity lottery, as well as kicking out every single person w/o status possible. Just saying guys.
Well, he needs to get after it. He might very well be in the last 60 days of two years of control of the house and senate. So far, nothing big has been done. Obama managed to jam Obama care through with less than 60 votes in the senate in the only two years he had with a dual-chamber majority, so don't tell me it's impossible.
He had House and Senate leaders on his side. Trump doesn't to a degree.
Link Posted: 8/28/2018 5:51:06 PM EDT
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The part in red, he would have to get a Constitutional Amendment in order to change.
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Ya allowing the dems to control the senate wouldn't total help screw the entire nation on gun rights making it impossible to push through a strict constructionist or anything.

The primary was the place to beat Scott, sadly a quick google search to his sole primary opponent showed this so called Republican was admittedly a total gun grabber.  That didn't happen, not voting for Scott in the general election against Bill Nelson  to "send a message" is flat out foolish.
+1.  If Scott loses, it increases the chances of dem control of the Senate, which means no more Trump nominees will get approved.

Even if the GOP keeps the Senate, we need Scott to win to 1) provide margin in 2020 and 2022, where the GOP faces horrible Senate maps, 2) dilute the vote of RINOs, and 3) send a strong message that America supports Trump.

If Scott loses, conservatives will get blamed for not supporting him, and the dems will leverage this to drive a wedge between conservatives and moderates in the party just like what happened in Virginia.  In 10 years Virginia went from red to solid blue.  If that happens to Florida, it would be disastrous for ever winning the electoral college again.

Not only are some of the clowns here supporting Schumer as majority leader and Feinstein to run the Judiciary committee, but they actually admitted voting for a REAL gun-grabber by supporting Scott's primary opponent.  Maybe they are posting on the wrong website?
Scott is placing his bets on Puerto Ricans and Centrists. Florida is going blue due to demographics. Virginia went blue for the same reason. After 911, Bush caused a major influx due to expanding government in NOVA.
And texas is going blue, not far behind FL, given current trends.  California used to be 87% white in the late 70s, and solidly republican.

My point is that we are loosing our nation due to demographic shifts.  Whether or not we will have to fight a shooting war to keep our traditional rights of anglo-americas, is ENTIRELY DEPENDENT on whether Trump can and will end illegal immigration, birthright citizenship, family chain migration and the diversity lottery, as well as kicking out every single person w/o status possible. Just saying guys.
The part in red, he would have to get a Constitutional Amendment in order to change.
No you don't.

American Indians weren't Citizens by birth until 1923. Puerto Ricans in 1917. Guam was the 1950s.
Link Posted: 8/28/2018 7:58:34 PM EDT
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If we can elect a strong Conservative like DeSantis at the same time we destroy Scott there is no way the media can claim Scott was too Conservative when an even more Conservative won the Governor seat.

I'm all for keeping the Republican controlled Senate and House and even voting for those who voted for the gun control, I won't have the option as both my incumbent Senator and Rep are both Dems but I'll be voting against them. Then during the next election cycle working towards primarying those who voted for it who aren't already term limited.
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Keep dreaming.  Aside from your naive assumption that the media will "play fair", DeSantis has a much more uphill battle than Scott.  Graham will be a much stronger candidate than Nelson.  BTW, Rubio got 200,000 more votes than Trump in Florida in 2016 during the general election.  That tells you that Florida isn't as conservative as we would like.

For every conservative that won't vote for Scott over "muh principles", there is a moderate who doesn't want to vote for DeSantis because he is "too conservative".  Graham is no fool, and will attempt to exploit those divisions.  BOTH races are very important, and it is important to support the GOP candidate in both of them.

Anyway, the day after the election (maybe this year, or 2020, or 2022), when the dems retake the Senate by 1 seat, you'll be wishing you hadn't tanked Scott.
Link Posted: 8/28/2018 8:05:41 PM EDT
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I don't think I can vote against Scott.  Thought I could.  But the message won't get sent unless it is a solid wall, as mentioned, of desnatis votes and not-Scott votes - which it won't be...
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I think another important point here is that a vote for Scott is also a vote to keep the good pro-RKBA Senators in their positions as Committee Chairmen, where they have a lot more power vs. being in the minority.

Even thought Scott and Rubio aren't "A+" when it comes to the RKBA, they will vote for "A+" committee chairmen to run the committees, and they will support Trump's nominees nearly 100% of the time.
Link Posted: 8/28/2018 8:06:16 PM EDT
Link Posted: 8/28/2018 8:07:10 PM EDT
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yep, I don't know the first f****** thing about Rocky Fuente,
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He's actually a gun-grabber, according to someone here who actually did some research.  And a lot of you clowns actually voted for him.
Link Posted: 8/28/2018 8:08:44 PM EDT
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DeSantis won out - I stood there for a bit deciding...I thought I had it figured out...No vote for scott, went with White.

Get out there and vote guys/girls!

Oh yah, Go Rocky!! lol
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Go Rocky the gun grabber?
Link Posted: 8/28/2018 8:14:20 PM EDT
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Demographics say they will take the senate, house and presidency within 20 years. For now, it’s simply a matter of principles.

No country lasts forever-just a shame to give this one away for free.....
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People said the same thing about demographics 20 years ago.

Trump is the best chance we've had in decades to stop and prevent the decline, but he needs reinforcements.  Several additional MAGA Senators would go a long way toward that.
Link Posted: 8/28/2018 8:31:12 PM EDT
Ms. Graham is about to get her clock cleaned by Andrew Gillum.
Link Posted: 8/28/2018 8:40:05 PM EDT
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He's actually a gun-grabber, according to someone here who actually did some research.  And a lot of you clowns actually voted for him.
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yep, I don't know the first f****** thing about Rocky Fuente,
He's actually a gun-grabber, according to someone here who actually did some research.  And a lot of you clowns actually voted for him.
A lot of people did not vote for him. Rick Scott won by 88.7%
Link Posted: 8/28/2018 8:42:36 PM EDT
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Ms. Graham is about to get her clock cleaned by Andrew Gillum.
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Graham played a rural campaign. Gillum played an urban camaign. So far he's won all the urban centers and Graham won the rest of the state.
Link Posted: 8/28/2018 9:03:26 PM EDT
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A lot of people did not vote for him. Rick Scott won by 88.7%
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Yeah, that was probably a protest vote.

Hopefully, they get over it and vote for Scott in the general election.

Scott almost got as many votes (25,000 short) as all the dem candidates for governor combined.  This is a good sign for Scott, but the 175,000 protest votes need to vote for him in the primary.
Link Posted: 8/28/2018 9:07:36 PM EDT
Link Posted: 8/28/2018 9:09:16 PM EDT
Some other interesting news:

FL CD07 is rated "leans dem", but the total vote for dem and GOP was essentially identical, making it a toss-up.

FL27 is "lean dem", and the dem candidates got 10% more votes than the GOP candidates.  Not good.

FL26 is ranked a "tossup" but the GOP candidates are about 5% ahead.

All-in-all, better than expected.
Link Posted: 8/28/2018 9:13:02 PM EDT
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Ms. Graham is about to get her clock cleaned by Andrew Gillum.
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Which bothers me as he is he most socialist of them all.
Link Posted: 8/28/2018 9:17:11 PM EDT
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Well, this time I'm one of 175k. Hopefully next time I'm one of 300k and scott can eat a bag of pickles!
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Chuck Schumer appreciates your support.

So does Gillum, since the worse Scott polls, the more resources can be diverted toward the governor's race.

How about this: lets REALLY teach the state GOP a lesson and turn the state over to the dems.  We will get Kalifornia-style gun control, and an income tax.  Floridians will be so upset in 2020, that they vote for Trump in the general election.  And anybody that doesn't like that plan must by a RINO!
Link Posted: 8/28/2018 9:19:40 PM EDT
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Which bothers me as he is he most socialist of them all.
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Do you think we should vote for him, since he will mess up the state so bad that Floridians turn out in droves to vote for Trump in the 2020 election?

That will also teach the state Republicans a lesson by taking away their power after voting for gun control.
Link Posted: 8/28/2018 9:21:39 PM EDT
Link Posted: 8/28/2018 9:33:39 PM EDT
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So be it!

I feel confident the Red Wave will carry the senate and house this year!
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Rasmussen has the Senate GOP anywhere between 48 and 56 seats, depending on turnout.  I think that is a solid analysis, except there are a couple of more possible wins for the GOP (Michigan, Minnesota open seat, and New Jersey).

It all comes down to which side wants it more, and quite honestly, when I see many on our side sitting it out (or worse, voting for a dem), it seems like our side really doesn't want to win.

The dems are going to try to drive a wedge between conservatives and moderates in Florida, by trying to get moderates to vote against DeSantis, and conservatives to vote against Scott.  It is a very solid strategy, and has worked in Virginia, Nevada, and New Hampshire, with the end result being that BOTH Republican candidates lost.

If the polls over the next month or so continue to show Scott doing well, the dems will likely abandon Nelson and try to save other states.  This means national GOP resources can be deployed to help candidates in other states, AND state GOP resources can be redeployed to help DeSantis.  If the dems abandon an incumbent Senator in a swing state, that will be a big drain on their morale and have a ripple effect.
Link Posted: 8/28/2018 9:35:50 PM EDT
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So be it!

I feel confident the Red Wave will carry the senate and house this year!
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One more thing, it's not enough to "carry the Senate" this year.  We need margin to ensure GOP control until 2027.  The 2020 and 2022 Senate maps are horrible for the GOP.
Link Posted: 8/28/2018 9:43:07 PM EDT
I'm more worried about an urban liberal becoming governor in November.
Link Posted: 8/28/2018 10:16:58 PM EDT
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I'm more worried about an urban liberal becoming governor in November.
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Both the Senate and Governor races are very important.  I think either both DeSantis and Scott will win, or both will lose.

The dem strategy will be to divide moderate and conservative voters to get the moderates to vote against DeSantis and the conservatives to vote against Scott.  This has proven effective in other states.

We need DeSantis as governor to push open-carry and to prevent the dems from stealing seats during redistricting.

We need Scott in the Senate to bolster the GOP majority and help confirm Trump's nominees.
Link Posted: 8/28/2018 10:21:13 PM EDT
Today was the primary elections for both the Republicans and Democrats for the general election in November. So let's get straight to the issue at hand. Who won. First, lets looks at the Republicans.

I agree with President Trump. Ron DeSantis is a great win for Florida Gun Owners. He has the congressional background and pedigree to fight the gun grabbers here on the state level. He has fought as a strict Constitutionalist and that's what we need in the Governor's Mansion.

Matt Caldwell won a four way race and is a good pick for the Agriculture Commissioner. He had even pissed off Marion Hammer because he's been aggressive and was told to tone it down. For our non Florida readers. The Ag Commissioner is in charge of the agency that processes and issues conceal weapons permits.

For the Florida Attorney General, Ashley Moody is a bad choice. She's a Pam Bondi clone and is someone that Florida Carry nor I support or like. She backs Bondi's actions in fighting Open Carry in Norman v. State and also supported the requirement for the NRA to name their defendant in the law suit against the age restriction caused by SB 7026.

Governor Rick Scott, signer of Florida's gun control bill SB 7026 won by a landslide. His victory is a bitter pill to swallow. A Republican in the Senate come November would be good because it would unseat Democrat Sen. Bill Nelson. But him winning is also rewarding his anti Second Amendment actions too. Floridians are stuck between a rock and a hard place with him. If he wins, President Trump gets a seat to help with SCOTUS appointments. But again, he is rewarded with betraying Floridians.

Let's get it on and look at the Democrats.

In a surprising upset to Gwen Graham. Andrew Gillum, the current Mayor of Tallahassee won by a two percent lead. Jumping from last place to the lead in a five way race. He beat Graham and her belief that it was her turn since her father was once governor too. Gillum is not a good thing for Florida and is very much a anti-gun politician and worse.... Gillum has Bernie Sanders endorsement.

Yup, he's as much a radical socialist as New York City's socialist star, Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez.

Sean Shaw is currently a Florida State House Rep and now the presumptive Democrat challenger for the Attorney General's Office. He has based his entire legislative career on going after and suspending the Second Amendment and I guarantee you that he'd make Pam Bondi's anti gun actions look favorable.

Nikki Fried is a relative unknown and a South Florida native. She backs gun control and wants to make our concealed weapon permits much harder to get. She backs removing State Preemption and allowing cities to pass their own patchwork of gun laws.

For the Senate, Bill Nelson ran unopposed and will fight to keep his seat from Rick Scott. Currently, there are more registered Democrats than Republicans in Florida.

Floridians have a tough battle ahead of them come November. Gov. Scott won by one percent for his second term against former Republican, turned Democrat Charlie Crist.

President Trump won Florida only with a two percent lead against Hillary Clinton.

November is going to be a tough race for Florida Gun Owners.
Link Posted: 8/29/2018 5:20:49 AM EDT

Link Posted: 8/29/2018 2:41:21 PM EDT
Yeh, well, I monkeyed around in the garage today.

Means, I did some stuff but not a serious project.
Link Posted: 8/29/2018 6:07:04 PM EDT
No matter what Desantis does or says the left was always going to make this about race. If it wasn't they wouldn't bring up Gillum's race at all. Is voting for someone because of their race, racism?
Link Posted: 8/29/2018 6:17:43 PM EDT
Link Posted: 8/29/2018 6:25:26 PM EDT
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No matter what Desantis does or says the left was always going to make this about race. If it wasn't they wouldn't bring up Gillum's race at all. Is voting for someone because of their race, racism?
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DeSantis needs to get his people to go over everything gillum  and his people say and throw it back into their faces. Fight fire with fire, no more mr nice guy to the dems.
Link Posted: 8/29/2018 6:32:10 PM EDT
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DeSantis needs to get his people to go over everything gillum  and his people say and throw it back into their faces. Fight fire with fire, no more mr nice guy to the dems.
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The people that attribute his comment to racism are actually the people comparing him to a monkey.
Link Posted: 8/29/2018 7:09:01 PM EDT
Yup, they are the racist ones
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