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Posted: 5/15/2024 6:04:19 PM EDT
Link Posted: 5/15/2024 7:15:33 PM EDT
My gym is hosting a murph challenge next Saturday. I would do it but I'll be at Cola Warrior that weekend, doing my first night run.

I'm 45 years old and agree with everything you say. It is definitely way outside the norm to be fit at my age, especially in my AO.

But my wife is hot and she makes a ton of money so I kinda gotta maintain trophy husband status.
Link Posted: 5/15/2024 9:58:24 PM EDT
I spent about $1200 on a home gym- bench, three sets of dumbbells, plenty of plates, some ancillaries. I work out three days a week. Don't have to drive to a gym or spend money on a membership. No meds, just vitamins. A lot of preppers look at their equipment as a panacea, neglecting the human component. None of that shit's a lick of good if you're not healthy enough to use it. If the worse really does happen, medical care is going to be in high demand or non-existent. Get healthy now.
Link Posted: 5/16/2024 12:43:19 AM EDT
I'm just getting started trying to get back into some semblance of "fit". Sitting in front of a computer for work all day is just bad. I started doing walks around the apartment complex (roughly 3/4 mile) wearing a IIIa vest with rifle plates. Granted, I look like the Tactical Sta-Puft Marshmallow Man wearing it but at least it's something. Have cranked down the carbs to just about zero and am slowly starting to also use dumbells and picking up "heavy" stuff (ie cleaning up the place and getting things organized). I'm down 30lbs. so far and want to lose another 30 lbs by the end of the year. I've started throwing some collagen into my coffee in the morning and that seems to be helping with the arthritis in the joints. Every time I go to a doctor's office, they always want to do an X-ray and when they look at it, the first thing out of their mouth is "You know you have some really bad arthritis going on in your joints." Yeah, no duh. Tell me something I don't already know.

I will say 4 years ago right before the rally in Richmond, I did a couple of 6 mile hikes with a group of arfcommers and it wasn't as bad as I was expecting. I figured after being sedentary for so long, I'd hurt something lugging a 40lb pack for 6 miles. Surprisingly, both times I wasn't even sore the next day. I'll have to work back up to that again. I have no delusions of becoming a HSLD operator operating operationally but at least I should be able to do a reasonable amount of stuff reasonably well.
Link Posted: 5/18/2024 9:31:43 AM EDT
Link Posted: 5/18/2024 11:27:45 AM EDT
What I’ve seen lacking with most “Preppers” is already being in a location. Most are city boys doing office work with a wife and kids anchors around their necks. You will not be welcome out in the bush. You will be the hordes of refugees coming to take resources from those of us already out here. The enemy in other words. Now is the time to get out of the cities and start making friends and relationships with the locals.
Link Posted: 5/18/2024 11:49:15 AM EDT
Insulin stash are lacking.

Being prepared means being fit and needing a lower amount of caloric intake.

I'm with OP.

Link Posted: 5/18/2024 1:53:10 PM EDT
Link Posted: 5/21/2024 10:58:56 AM EDT
Link Posted: 5/21/2024 1:36:09 PM EDT
I’m not in “Murph” shape, but after work yesterday I did 3x12 dips, 20 minutes on the elliptical and 3x17 pushups (using those handles that rotate), finishing with 25 minutes of increasing inclining treadmill (fast walk). I was pretty soaked.
Link Posted: 5/21/2024 2:07:29 PM EDT
Link Posted: 5/21/2024 3:51:37 PM EDT
Agree 100% OP.  At 62, it gets harder to stay in "young man's shape" but I try.  Avoiding injury is the problem now.  Everything hurts and I don't heal nearly as fast, but I'll rest when I'm dead.
Link Posted: 5/22/2024 5:43:35 PM EDT
Link Posted: 5/22/2024 6:54:40 PM EDT
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Originally Posted By Lowdown3:
Tough one today!!! It said the "real feel" temperature was 97 degrees. Wife did it with us today and used my plate carrier and I wore one with heavier plates. Can't tell if it was the slight weight difference, the heat or that we didn't have any lunch but darn if it kicked my arse today. Got it done, but did walk about 50 yards up a hill on the 2nd mile.
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I wish the heat index here was only 97. Today topped out at 109 and yesterday was 113. It's crazy for this kind of heat and humidity to be happening in May. If this keeps up, by mid-August nobody will be able to go outside without spontaneous combustion.

That said, I told the wife I'm going to buy an el-cheapo plate carrier and add in blue ice blocks. That's probably going to be the only way I'm going to be able to do a lot of outdoor activities without catching a bad case of heat stroke. Also saw a Camelbak 2.5L backpack on clearance at Academy. May pick that up, too. Gotta do something to deal with the heat when outside.
Link Posted: 5/22/2024 8:24:45 PM EDT
not being fit or in poor health that can be fixed is a major failing in "preppers/survivalists" another is location and the one that makes me shake my head the most is opsec (they will go on and on to anyone who will listen to them how they are prepping for X)

the common denominator for these failures is that they are larping, playing at being prepared instead of actually trying to be prepared

some of the best prepared people I have run across either have no idea what "prepping" is or are smart enough to shut the hell up about what they are doing

I was visiting a buddy and looking around his property one day and it hit me that his homestead is ideally set up should things ever go tits up.  He never talks about prepping, none of the things he has done to the property or hobbies he gets involved in are referenced as a good thing if X ever happens.  it's always I love how fresh and tasty these crops I planted are, or I took a class on this because it was fun, or I put in solar cause it saves me money on utilities etc.  

I have also noticed that he tends to keep the aforementioned larpers at arms length and that the pool of friends in his inner circle tend to be similar in attitude/ability

of course, that could all be coincidence but ever since I noticed it, the more convinced I am that it is by choice, although maybe a choice that has become just an ingrained habit at this point.
Link Posted: 5/23/2024 5:06:31 PM EDT
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Originally Posted By InsaneRusher:
of course, that could all be coincidence but ever since I noticed it, the more convinced I am that it is by choice, although maybe a choice that has become just an ingrained habit at this point.
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I'm going to be blunt, and you are close to hitting the nail on the head: prepping is an affectation to far too many. All the gear is a salve or a feel-good prize, not part of a coherent and well-developed mode of living.
Link Posted: 5/24/2024 8:52:23 AM EDT
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Originally Posted By Lowdown3:

Definitely another one on the list.

Unfortunately the (piss poor) idea of being able to live amongst tens of thousands of unprepared and system dependent people (cities and suburbs) in a true bad situation has become common place BS amongst newer "preppers." Fiction stories written have pushed this be the "savior of the subdivision" mentality where the one lone prepper becomes the savior of the area. Magically no one shanks him in the middle of the night for his stuff, but everyone bows to his great ideas and "bands together" and all quietly starve together while "Joe prepper" somehow doesn't.

It's easier to read BS like that and try to justify your location, versus making real lifestyle changes.

Family can be your biggest asset or your biggest liability. If you have the standard Amerikan family structure (Mom running it, kids second tier and then the Homer Simpson dunskie Dad) then it's likely towards the liability side of the equation. If the family has real leadership, knows how to physically work together towards a common goal, the kids are behaved, listen the first time without stupid counting exercises (weak parenting) and the family has some experience living with a little hardship, then it's probably more towards the asset side of the equation.

You need families, but the caveat being squared away ones, not the typical upside down BS ones.

I've seen soooo many males that could have been great leaders of their families that relegated themselves to being whiny little B's either because of a overpowering wife (Jezebel spirit) or (more likely) they were not willing to deal with the RESPONSIBILITY of leadership in the family. These "males" unfortunately are the ones that you can spend years trying to develop, train, etc. only to have the wife no longer "let them" (key word to look for=nutless) continue to train/prepare, etc.

This sort of thing, like the PT in the OP, are the serious issues most "preppers" are avoiding, while wasting time wargaming "lists" of things they will never acquire or never do.
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Link Posted: 5/24/2024 10:12:16 AM EDT
[Last Edit: snubfan] [#17]
Skills to stay alive
Resources to continue to stay alive

Lack of a pre-established network coupled with a belief you alone can defend yourself/family from hordes of starving, desperate people who have nothing to lose.

Ability not to become a target (many will attract attention via lights, wood burner use, food smells, livestock, water, etc)

Health issues (illness, injuries, meds, sodium, potassium, magnesium, calories/proteins)

Most preppers are good for a short time event, but anything longer and the ability to stay alive drops quickly
Link Posted: 5/24/2024 10:37:24 AM EDT
Link Posted: 5/26/2024 7:26:12 AM EDT
Link Posted: 5/27/2024 1:51:59 PM EDT
Link Posted: 5/29/2024 8:41:24 AM EDT
I either run or cycle most days. I do push-ups daily as well as crunches. I started at a max weight of 206 and now weigh 167 with my body fat just under 17% and dropping. At 48 I feel pretty good about what I have accomplished in the past months. I have a 5K I will be running at the end of June but it wont be any challenge at all as my daily route is a huge amount of hills so a nice flat park will be...well, a walk in the park.

The truth is at 206 I carried my weight well and no one would have called me fat...but obviously I really was as my muscle mass has increased and I have toned down to my Marine Corps weight. It was so easy to tell myself I was in bettter shape than most other people so I must not be that bad. However general society is a terrible metric to measure yourself by and I finally got off my butt and putting in the effort. I actually have a thread about it in GD.

Regardless, physical fitness is a major prep in my mind. I think it is in everyone's mind, we just lie to ourselves about our real world conditioning.
Link Posted: 5/29/2024 1:54:09 PM EDT
[Last Edit: ADKRebel] [#22]
I hate running, I'm not built for it.  But I love to hike.  So I go to the gym to help condition myself for harder hikes.  I'm going to NH next month on a hike that will span 4 high peaks, over 13 miles and 5000 feet of elevation gain.

Last night in the gym I did 3 sets of 13 dips, 3 sets of benching 135 lbs x22 reps, 3 sets of overhead press 120lbs, 3 x 15 reps.  In between the upper body "push" sets I would do a cardio exercise that focused on my quads, finishing with 15 minutes on the elliptical.

One of the exercises is stepping up on a knee high box 25 times, then 25 more times leading with the opposite leg. 3 sets.  Then 60 seconds of plyometric lateral step ups, 3 times. This is done on a shorter box.

I'm in my 50's.  I don't know why more people don't prioritize their physical health as they get older.
Link Posted: 6/2/2024 9:30:24 PM EDT
[Last Edit: R_S] [#23]
I do like the thought behind this.  Fitness should be our #1 prep.  Fitness is about both our health and our ability to do whatever is demanded of us.

Long ago I came to the thought that in the marathon of life my goal should be to maintain my fitness as much as I can, as long as I can.  I've worked hard on it.  Avoid Junk food.  Mediterranean diet.  We know what helps people live better and longer from studying Blue Zones.

Reverse Engineering Longevity:

1. Move Naturally

   The world’s longest-lived people don’t pump iron, run marathons or join gyms. Instead, they live in environments that constantly nudge them into moving without thinking about it. They grow gardens and don’t have mechanical conveniences for house and yard work.
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Now I do pump iron and belong to a gym... but the key point of the Blue Zone study is that consistent activity over time is what gets results.  My personal goal is to walk at least 5 miles a day.  I swim for an hour, three times per week.  I lift an hour per week.  I didn't wake up one day doing all this.  I got there over time and actively try not to overdo anything.  Experience with injuries prove to me that overdoing it just sets me back.

Strength Training for Longevity: How Just 30-60 Minutes per Week Can Lower Death Risk by Over 10%.... over 140 min/week can increase risks

Murph challenge is a serious challenge, and you can't jump right into it.  Emergency Rooms see folks this time every year that got in over their abilities on attempting the Murph.  

Challenges are important milestones.  I encourage them.  But even mundane consistent activity over time pays massively over the long term.
Link Posted: 6/3/2024 7:28:40 AM EDT
Link Posted: 6/13/2024 11:21:32 PM EDT
I need to lift more. 2019-2022 were good. Picked up running the past couple years.

Never was a runner in my teenage or adult like. Ran my first 5k last year, swore that was it, then signed up for a 10K this year.

finally am into a decent routine. Consistency is hard.
Link Posted: 6/15/2024 7:43:22 PM EDT
I have 200lb of salt and 20lb of sodium nitrate in a picked barrel to preserve meat and vegetables (and for trade).
Link Posted: 6/16/2024 5:49:54 PM EDT
The ability to take one's ideas/plans and rip them apart without bias to rebuild them into better ideas/plans.
Link Posted: 6/17/2024 1:46:20 PM EDT
Sounds like the justifications of the lone wolf survivalists.

Get in shape and be prepared to leave mom, dad, wife, and kids to their fates? Going to join a militia that rules the backcountry?

Physical fitness is important if you have the rest of your food, water, and housing figured out.
Link Posted: 6/17/2024 2:40:58 PM EDT
Link Posted: 6/17/2024 3:33:55 PM EDT
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Originally Posted By Lowdown3:

And who do you think is going to

Seriously? Your family can't exercise with you?

As far as the "lone wolf" thing- so your saying if you are actually a part of a functioning group then physical fitness goes out the window? Get in the group and then let yourself go to hell physically? Not be able to pull your share? Even in the BS prepper fiction "savior of the subdivision" fantasy there is going to be WORK. Why? Cause survival=WORK.
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Originally Posted By Lowdown3:

And who do you think is going to

Get in shape and be prepared to leave mom, dad, wife, and kids to their fates?

Seriously? Your family can't exercise with you?

As far as the "lone wolf" thing- so your saying if you are actually a part of a functioning group then physical fitness goes out the window? Get in the group and then let yourself go to hell physically? Not be able to pull your share? Even in the BS prepper fiction "savior of the subdivision" fantasy there is going to be WORK. Why? Cause survival=WORK.


SHTF isn’t merely going to be hiding in the basement, munching on your stash of Cheetos.

Heck, all the folks living in hurricane territory, are well familiar with the fact that there’s going to be a fair bit of a physical labor involved in just the cleanup.

The folks having difficulty walking up from the basement aren’t going to be pulling their weight if any work needs to be done.

And here’s encouragement to add cardio, vs the dadbod gym stronk types; aerobic exercise/cardio has actually shown to increase telomere length, not just slow down the inevitable shortening (in effect, literally reversing one of the markers of aging, at the cellular level).

Link Posted: 6/18/2024 9:29:44 AM EDT
[Last Edit: King_Mud] [#31]
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Originally Posted By Lowdown3:


If you have to "justify" physical fitness you don't get any of this (survivalism) at all.

I realize most newer "preppers" were raised on the Doomsday Dunskies show, which of course featured people that were heavily tilted to one side of a spectrum or towards a specific scenario. I realize that stupid frickin show helped ruin part of the survival movement.

However, having actually dealt with tens of thousands of like minded people over damn near 40 years now, including tons in person, I can tell you without a shadow of a doubt that only a very small percentage are JUST doing this one thing or concerned with JUST one scenario.

Most SERIOUS like minded people are pretty well rounded, and I don't mean in the mid section. What I mean is they have the "food, water and housing figured out" while also working on their physical fitness. It's just like this current thread about nuke preparation- the "Cuban missile crisis 2" thread. It's absolutely stupid to assume someone who has gone to the trouble of moving away from target areas, perhaps building a fallout shelter, etc.  People that have gone to that extent to protect their FAMILY, do you really think their preps aren't well rounded, i.e, several years of food, homesteads, weapons and Skill at Arms (another thing sorely lacking with most "preppers") as well as skill sets, physical fitness, AE energy, an actual survival group, the list goes on and on.

Are people really that stupid to think that there are individuals that solely only 100% put their eggs into one basket/scenario in planning? It was a TV show people, nothing more! No one is actually preparing for the attack of the mutant zombie polar bears!

The problem is so many haven't actually MET and interacted with many other like  minded people, i.e, TRAINED and sweated with them. Sitting around some BS "prepper" meeting at a conference center is not what I'm talking about here.

And who do you think is going to

Seriously? Your family can't exercise with you?

As far as the "lone wolf" thing- so your saying if you are actually a part of a functioning group then physical fitness goes out the window? Get in the group and then let yourself go to hell physically? Not be able to pull your share? Even in the BS prepper fiction "savior of the subdivision" fantasy there is going to be WORK. Why? Cause survival=WORK.

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Originally Posted By Lowdown3:
Originally Posted By radioshooter:
Sounds like the justifications of the lone wolf survivalists.

Get in shape and be prepared to leave mom, dad, wife, and kids to their fates? Going to join a militia that rules the backcountry?

Physical fitness is important if you have the rest of your food, water, and housing figured out.


If you have to "justify" physical fitness you don't get any of this (survivalism) at all.

Physical fitness is important if you have the rest of your food, water, and housing figured out

I realize most newer "preppers" were raised on the Doomsday Dunskies show, which of course featured people that were heavily tilted to one side of a spectrum or towards a specific scenario. I realize that stupid frickin show helped ruin part of the survival movement.

However, having actually dealt with tens of thousands of like minded people over damn near 40 years now, including tons in person, I can tell you without a shadow of a doubt that only a very small percentage are JUST doing this one thing or concerned with JUST one scenario.

Most SERIOUS like minded people are pretty well rounded, and I don't mean in the mid section. What I mean is they have the "food, water and housing figured out" while also working on their physical fitness. It's just like this current thread about nuke preparation- the "Cuban missile crisis 2" thread. It's absolutely stupid to assume someone who has gone to the trouble of moving away from target areas, perhaps building a fallout shelter, etc.  People that have gone to that extent to protect their FAMILY, do you really think their preps aren't well rounded, i.e, several years of food, homesteads, weapons and Skill at Arms (another thing sorely lacking with most "preppers") as well as skill sets, physical fitness, AE energy, an actual survival group, the list goes on and on.

Are people really that stupid to think that there are individuals that solely only 100% put their eggs into one basket/scenario in planning? It was a TV show people, nothing more! No one is actually preparing for the attack of the mutant zombie polar bears!

The problem is so many haven't actually MET and interacted with many other like  minded people, i.e, TRAINED and sweated with them. Sitting around some BS "prepper" meeting at a conference center is not what I'm talking about here.

And who do you think is going to

Get in shape and be prepared to leave mom, dad, wife, and kids to their fates?

Seriously? Your family can't exercise with you?

As far as the "lone wolf" thing- so your saying if you are actually a part of a functioning group then physical fitness goes out the window? Get in the group and then let yourself go to hell physically? Not be able to pull your share? Even in the BS prepper fiction "savior of the subdivision" fantasy there is going to be WORK. Why? Cause survival=WORK.

Doing something, anything together is great for a family IMO. My boys are 9 and 11, we walk two miles a morning at a pretty good clip and they have 10lb bars they carry. I usually carry a 25lb to 40lb sandbag or a 25lb bar when we walk together. We do other stuff too but that varies.
Link Posted: 6/18/2024 11:00:26 AM EDT
Link Posted: 6/18/2024 2:05:24 PM EDT
[Last Edit: AL25] [#33]
The Murph is a good measurement for overall fitness, but most people don't complete the actual Murph challenge as it was intended. I have a Crossfit gym down the road from my subdivision.  There's only about 40 houses in the neighborhood but its a big U shape so the crossfitters run it when they do the Murph. I told a buddy of mine who is a member at the gym that I was surprised that some of the people running/walking could do the pushup and pullups for a Murph and he responded that they substitute exercises for those and I asked what they called it and he said the Murph. I asked how it could be the Murph if they didn't complete the exercises that make up the Murph and he looked at me like I was crazy.
Link Posted: 6/18/2024 2:15:37 PM EDT
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Originally Posted By AL25:
The Murph is a good measurement for overall fitness, but most people don't complete the actual Murph challenge as it was intended. I have a Crossfit gym down the road from my subdivision.  There's only about 40 houses in the neighborhood but its a big U shape so the crossfitters run it when they do the Murph. I told a buddy of mine who is a member at the gym that I was surprised that some of the people running/walking could do the pushup and pullups for a Murph and he responded that they substitute exercises for those and I asked what they called it and he said the Murph. I asked how it could be the Murph if they didn't complete the exercises that make up the Murph and he looked at me like I was crazy.
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IMO, if you sub you didn't do it but I also think kipping pullups don't count either so....
Link Posted: 6/18/2024 2:34:08 PM EDT
Link Posted: 6/25/2024 6:26:38 PM EDT
I've been reading Outlive: The Science and Art of Longevity

It indicates in CHAPTER 11: "Exercise  The Most Powerful Longevity Drug"

It’s obviously not a revelation that exercise is good for you; so is chicken soup
if you have a sore throat. But not many people realize how profound its
effects really are. Study after study has found that regular exercisers live as
much as a decade longer than sedentary people. Not only do habitual runners
and cyclists tend to live longer, but they stay in better health, with less
morbidity from causes related to metabolic dysfunction. For those who are
not habitual exercisers (yet), you’re in luck: The benefits of exercise begin
with any amount of activity north of zero—even brisk walking—and go up
from there.
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The fittest people had
the lowest mortality rates—by a surprising margin. Consider this: A person
who smokes has a 40 percent greater risk of all-cause mortality (that is, risk
of dying at any moment) than someone who does not smoke, representing a
hazard ratio or (HR) of 1.40. This study found that someone of belowaverage
VO2 max for their age and sex (that is, between the 25th and 50th
percentiles) is at double the risk of all-cause mortality compared to someone
in the top quartile (75th to 97.6th percentiles). Thus, poor cardiorespiratory
fitness carries a greater relative risk of death than smoking.
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That’s only the beginning. Someone in the bottom quartile of VO2 max
for their age group (i.e., the least fit 25 percent) is nearly four times likelier to
die than someone in the top quartile—and five times likelier to die than a
person with elite-level (top 2.3 percent) VO2 max. That’s stunning
. These
benefits are not limited to the very fittest people either; even just climbing
from the bottom 25 percent into the 25th to 50th percentile (e.g., least fit to
below average) means you have cut your risk of death nearly in half,
according to this study.
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Link Posted: 7/5/2024 9:09:26 AM EDT
[Last Edit: InsaneRusher] [#37]
a good way to get the family or friends onboard and keeping physically fit is to do fun runs and local races.  Trying to get everyone onboard to be "prepped" can be difficult but getting the Fam or friends onboard with fun runs, color runs, mud run events, challenge courses, ETC can be fun and gets everyone wanting to be fitter so they can keep up with the fun everyone else is having

things like Cola warrior while silly nonsense on the face of it has probable done more for "prepping" getting people in physical shape than anything else

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