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Posted: 11/6/2013 12:20:07 PM EDT
Link Posted: 4/29/2014 1:30:19 AM EDT
I have bought this filter from camping survival.com and used in several times during hunting trips and outdoor activities and it has worked very well.  One is now part of my EDC/ GHB and would suggest it to anyone who is looking for a basic charcoal straw filter quick water purifying option!

Did I mention I got a few extras for other kits?  
Link Posted: 4/19/2020 11:18:28 AM EDT
I have the regular Aquamira Frontier Straw stored in my wife's purse, my EDC bag, and elsewhere owing to the small size.  Not the ONLY filter I'd want in a serious survival situation, but enough to get through a short term (and easy to have with you when you need it).

A friend of mine lived in Haiti during the 2010 earthquake.  His wife was in a store (concrete construction) that collapsed.  They couldn't get out of the building based upon the debris.  Drinking water directly from a toilet had certain health consequences.  A survival straw in her handbag would have prevented post-evacuation hospitalization (gastrointestinal issues).  They were in the building for over 72 hours, and people did perish.
Link Posted: 4/19/2020 11:20:14 AM EDT
This is the story that he told our family.  As they were from our town it did run in the local paper (about her being trapped in the debris ... not the survival component).
Link Posted: 12/9/2020 4:45:20 AM EDT
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