Sounds to me that you have improper head position/cheek weld. If the sights are both "bottomed out" in the same position, i.e. far right, you need to move your head/cheek/ eyes to the left--somehow. Your cheek needs to be tight up against the butt stock. Maybe try tilting your head a little bit to the left. You might have the butt plate too high in your shoulder "socket".
Here's a way to check your position:
1) unload the rifle and remove the magazine
2) double check that the rifle AND chamber are empty
3) mechanically center the rear sight
4) check again that the rifle has no ammo in it
5) stand in front of a mirror (bathroom, hallway, etc), shoulder the rifle, and then aim at yourself in the mirror. You should be able to see where your aiming error is (head position, cheek weld, etc., etc.). Check that you don't have the rifle "canted" (not straight up and down) in any way.
Hope this helps you out some.
Keep us posted. Good luck.