I have a 6 digit Springfield pre-war receiver with 1943 barrel. Also have a really nice Winchester M1, and a couple of Carbines (Inland and Underwood I think)
I also have a 1937 Bubba’d Mauser Borgiswalde S/243 marked rifle. It has both Weimar markings and Waffenamts. It is Bubba’d beyond return to original configuration though. I will do a nice custom hunting rifle off of it one day in something classic, perhaps 6.5x55.
Speaking to the logistical comments made - I am an Armor Officer by trade. In the Armor Basic Officer’s Course (2019-2020), we were basically taught to fear all Russian Armor. The first few days of the 2022 invasion proved the importance of Logistics. I have been my Squadron’s Logistics Officer for the last year, and I have learned what a beast Logistics can be. One tiny wrench - ie transportation doesn’t show, a number/location is fudged in a request - and an entire operation can be blown. I’m proud to say that I never let that happen to me/my unit but I’ve seen others go through it. While I will never enjoy Logistics, I have grown to respect it.