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Link Posted: 2/4/2012 3:18:36 PM EDT
Just relaying part of my buddies recent experiences.

He and his son were playing on their laptops when they heard shuffling footsteps on the tile approach them. A person said my friends name and asked him of something "XXX, could you......." It faded off after could you.

It knew his name and they both freaked out sweeping the house with a 1911. They said the voice was literally right behind them a few feet.

I wish I had an explanation for them. I am thinking some sort of time slip thingy where a family member in the near future saw him and was going to ask him something. To that other person, my buddy must have faded out like a ghost.
Link Posted: 2/5/2012 1:08:24 AM EDT
Originally Posted By WildBoar:
Just relaying part of my buddies recent experiences.

He and his son were playing on their laptops when they heard shuffling footsteps on the tile approach them. A person said my friends name and asked him of something "XXX, could you......." It faded off after could you.

It knew his name and they both freaked out sweeping the house with a 1911. They said the voice was literally right behind them a few feet.

I wish I had an explanation for them. I am thinking some sort of time slip thingy where a family member in the near future saw him and was going to ask him something. To that other person, my buddy must have faded out like a ghost.

You have a friend named XXX?


Just kidding.

BTT for more spooky stories.
Link Posted: 2/5/2012 1:14:25 AM EDT

Originally Posted By Beleg:

Okay, here's the story of the most frightened I've ever been:

Summer between my junior and senior year in college.  I was living in my college house in a small town in southern MN.  Three of my housemates were also there that summer.  We mostly spent our time working or getting drunk or trying to get laid.  Typical awesome college summer.  

One particular Thursday evening, we four ambled down to the local bar and drank a few pitchers and ate some hot wings.  Our waitress was my friend Sarah.  Strawberry blonde, blue eyes, 5'2", nice rack.  We had all known her since freshman year so she stood around for awhile, shooting the breeze, whatever.  About 11 or so we packed it in and headed back to our house, saying goodnight to Sarah as we headed out the door.  My buddies all had to work the next day, so they headed off to bed; I worked night shift at the local hospital that summer, so I was used to being up all night.  So I stayed up and watched some TV, figuring I'd fall asleep around dawn, wake up mid-afternoon, and then head to work the following night.  

At about 2am, there was a frame-rattling pounding on our front door and I could hear a woman crying for someone to help her.  Just as I reached the front hallway the door flew open (we never had it locked) and Sarah - our waitress - came running in.  She was in boxers and a t-shirt - no shoes.  She ran to me and grabbed on to me and I could feel her shaking.  My buddies slowly came wandering out of their rooms, wondering what the hell was going on.  

Eventually, the only sort of story we could get out of Sarah was that someone had been in her house that night.  Her housemates were all gone for the summer, so she was living by herself.  We told her she needed to call the police right away, but she got a really weird look and refused.  She wanted us guys to go back to her house and see if anyone was there.  

We armed ourselves as best we could.  I grabbed my Maglite, and my buddies had baseball bats and golf clubs.  We gave Sarah a pair of flip-flops and a sweatshirt and we walked the five blocks to her house.  That's right, she'd run five blocks to our house barefoot. To describe her as freaked out is a bit of an understatement.

When we got to her house, her front door was standing wide open.  She said she thought she'd left it that way when she'd run out.  When we got into the house, at first everything seemed normal.  The rooms were all tidy and clean; no dishes in the sink; no messy laundry on the floors; the windows were down and locked; the air-conditioning was running.  There was no one in the house.  

But then we got to Sarah's bedroom.

My first thought was literally "There was a tornado in here."  Her vertical blinds were bent and twisted into each other.  Her drawers were open, and clothing strewn about the room.  All of her lights were on; her TV was on; her radio was on.  Directly in the middle of her floor was a pile of junk, like someone had dumped a drawer on the carpeting: pens, envelopes, key-chains, junk.  AND IT WAS ALL ARRANGED IN A GEOMETRICALLY PERFECT CIRCLE, about two feet in diameter.  

My buddy Troy said "Let's get the fuck out of here."  

Back at our house, Sarah told us what had happened.  Just thinking of her story now, I've got goosebumps again.  

Sarah's shift ended at 1am.  She'd cleaned her station and then walked back to her house from the bar.  She said she'd made sure all the doors and windows were locked, had climbed into bed, watched a little TV, and then she thought had gone to sleep about 1:45.  She didn't think she slept very long.  

Shortly after falling asleep, Sarah was awakened by a clicking sound.  She sat up in bed when she realized the sound was her vertical blinds clicking off of each other, as if they were blowing in a breeze.  Since she had just checked all the windows, this didn't seem possible.  Then she realized her TV was back on, which she had just shut off.  Strangely, however, there was no picture; just a blank blue screen.  

Then she saw the little girl.  Sarah said she looked like she was about six or seven years old.  The little girl was sitting cross-legged on the floor in the middle of Sarah's bedroom, and at first Sarah thought she was playing with a toy or something on the floor.  Sarah's first reaction wasn't fear; her first thought was that this little girl was sleep-walking or something and had managed to get into the house.  So she said "Honey, are you okay?  Do you know where you are?"

At the sound of Sarah's voice, the little girl looked up - and she had no eyes.  Sarah said she could see through two holes where the little girl's eyes should have been; she could see the room behind her.  Sarah jumped up, ran out of the room, ran out the front door, ran to our house.  She said she came to our house because she had seen us at the bar that night and knew we were home.  

Sarah said that while at first she thought the little girl had been playing with a toy on the floor, she now thought the girl had been arranging her stuff in that circle.  That perfect circle of junk on the carpet was exactly where the little girl had been sitting.  

I've run into Sarah several times in the subsequent years.  College reunions, once at the State Fair.  One of my co-workers is a good friend of hers.  To this day Sarah insists that her story is absolutely 100% true.

Link Posted: 2/5/2012 11:27:23 AM EDT

Originally Posted By Beamy:

Originally Posted By Gunfighter0313:

When I got out of the Marines a couple years ago, I met up with an old highschool friend I hadn't seen in ages.  We went out for drinks and she was asking me what iraq was like and such, and I asked her what college was like in Orange County.  She tells me the normal stuff and then tells me this story and to this day it still kinda freaks me out to think about.

She went to Chapman and up until this incident she used to babysit for a family friend down there.  Younger couple, but affluent.  Nice neighborhood and younger kids.  I remember her saying they were 2 and 4 at the time, but I might be off a tad.  On the night in question my friend was babysitting as usual and put them to bed around 9pm and went downstairs to watch TV and study.  The parents were also art collectors and had a lot of odd pieces around, namely one of those lifesize clown statues that looks real-ish sitting in a kids chair.  She said she was weirded out by it but didnt think much of it, as rich people buy weird shit.  But the longer she sat there the more of an odd feeling it gave her, so being much more brave than I, went and took a look at it.  It was apparently very realistic, and she stared at it for a while but it still freaked her out, so she called the mother and asked if she could move the clown statue into another room, or closet preferably.  The mother sounded confused for a moment then very alarmed and told my friend to get the kids and get across the street to the neighbors house, and that they were coming back immediately.  So she woke the kids and got them out of the house to the neighbors, confused.  Soon after police cars showed up and started searching around the house.  The parents arrived soon after and came to the neighbors house and gave my friend an explanation.

Apparently the older kid had been coming to breakfast every couple mornings for the past couple weeks saying that a clown had come to visit him again.  They just thought it was imagination or dreams and such and didn't think much of it.  Until my friend called and the mother realized that they don't own a clown statue.  Soon after the police came back and reported that they had arrested a man in a clown outfit several blocks away.  He turned out to be a mental patient that had escaped from a hospital a ways away.  A search of the house showed that he was living in the houses basement that was under renovation and the family rarely used.  

The part that bothered me the most, was that she stared at the fucking thing and he didn't blink or move.  I would have shit bricks after hearing that.

fuck that shit

Yeah that is freaky weird shit.

Link Posted: 2/5/2012 1:12:09 PM EDT
[Last Edit: WildBoar] [#5]

Originally Posted By RTUtah:
Originally Posted By Beamy:

Originally Posted By Gunfighter0313:

When I got out of the Marines a couple years ago, I met up with an old highschool friend I hadn't seen in ages.  We went out for drinks and she was asking me what iraq was like and such, and I asked her what college was like in Orange County.  She tells me the normal stuff and then tells me this story and to this day it still kinda freaks me out to think about.

She went to Chapman and up until this incident she used to babysit for a family friend down there.  Younger couple, but affluent.  Nice neighborhood and younger kids.  I remember her saying they were 2 and 4 at the time, but I might be off a tad.  On the night in question my friend was babysitting as usual and put them to bed around 9pm and went downstairs to watch TV and study.  The parents were also art collectors and had a lot of odd pieces around, namely one of those lifesize clown statues that looks real-ish sitting in a kids chair.  She said she was weirded out by it but didnt think much of it, as rich people buy weird shit.  But the longer she sat there the more of an odd feeling it gave her, so being much more brave than I, went and took a look at it.  It was apparently very realistic, and she stared at it for a while but it still freaked her out, so she called the mother and asked if she could move the clown statue into another room, or closet preferably.  The mother sounded confused for a moment then very alarmed and told my friend to get the kids and get across the street to the neighbors house, and that they were coming back immediately.  So she woke the kids and got them out of the house to the neighbors, confused.  Soon after police cars showed up and started searching around the house.  The parents arrived soon after and came to the neighbors house and gave my friend an explanation.

Apparently the older kid had been coming to breakfast every couple mornings for the past couple weeks saying that a clown had come to visit him again.  They just thought it was imagination or dreams and such and didn't think much of it.  Until my friend called and the mother realized that they don't own a clown statue.  Soon after the police came back and reported that they had arrested a man in a clown outfit several blocks away.  He turned out to be a mental patient that had escaped from a hospital a ways away.  A search of the house showed that he was living in the houses basement that was under renovation and the family rarely used.  

The part that bothered me the most, was that she stared at the fucking thing and he didn't blink or move.  I would have shit bricks after hearing that.

fuck that shit

Yeah that is freaky weird shit.


Good thing its only an urban legend
Link Posted: 2/5/2012 6:18:05 PM EDT
[Last Edit: TripleC] [#6]
Damn I forgot about this thread so here goes my sleep paralysis story.
Last December when I was off for Christmas I had sleep paralysis twice within a week. Ive had it before and the wife and I have determined it only happens when I sleep on my back but these two times I saw things as it was going on.
Event 1 - about 4 am I wake up and cant move and realize "aha, having sleep paralysis" now even though I know whats going on because I had read up on the phenomenon my mind wants to start panicking and I try to calm myself down. Then I see a figure beside the bed and since the room was dark Im thinking its my wife coming in to check on me. So I try to call out to her and nothing comes out. I strain as hard as I can to try to make a noise and then I feel my wife that was sleeping beside me start shaking me and I snap out of it. Well the figure that I saw obviously wasn't her and IMO it was my mind creating it as I was half in and out of sleep. Wife said the noise I made was horrible and scared the shit out of her.
Event 2 - about 3:30 my mind wakes up and I cant move. Now this time Im ready for it since it was only few days since I had it. I try to remain calm and do. Our night light keeps the bedroom dimly lit and am looking around the best I can to see if the figure is there from last time but this time the room goes completely black and I can see an opening like a window in front of me. All is black except for this red glow and smoke coming through the window like hole. As I keep looking at the red light through this window a being appears. I could only see the silhouette of this thing but it looked like someone from the chest up wearing and old suite of armor a great  helm that had dragon or bat wing ornaments on its sides.
I'm looking online now to see I if I can find the origin of the helm I saw. Ill post a pic if I find something like it.


Ok here is what Ive come up with as the origin of where that helm design came from. Its a Teutonic knight helm (I have heard the name but never knew anything about them) The helm drawn on this codex is the same thing I saw in the window with the red glow and it seems the Teutonic knights were the only ones who would put those on great helms.

Why would I see and image of a Teutonic knight during my sleep paralysis? Could it be that its an ancient relative or spirit coming to visit me or have I listened to too much Slayer in my youth?

Link Posted: 2/5/2012 8:10:34 PM EDT
[Last Edit: TripleC] [#7]

Originally Posted By WanderingOisin:

Originally Posted By RDTCU:

What about the Soviet nerve gas experiment story where the people were waxing philosophical while ripping their own internal organs out and eating them?


Damn, thats the most Fed up thing on here.


Its a fake!


Link Posted: 2/5/2012 8:18:19 PM EDT
Originally Posted By TripleC:

Originally Posted By WanderingOisin:
Originally Posted By RDTCU:
What about the Soviet nerve gas experiment story where the people were waxing philosophical while ripping their own internal organs out and eating them?


Damn, thats the most Fed up thing on here.


Its a fake!


That's just what "they" want you to think.
Consider it IRL ret-con.
Link Posted: 2/5/2012 8:29:11 PM EDT

Originally Posted By Ohio:

Originally Posted By TripleC:

Originally Posted By WanderingOisin:

Originally Posted By RDTCU:

What about the Soviet nerve gas experiment story where the people were waxing philosophical while ripping their own internal organs out and eating them?


Damn, thats the most Fed up thing on here.


Its a fake!



That's just what "they" want you to think.

Consider it IRL ret-con.

Hell who knows? Probably even more bizarre and twisted shit has happened for real. Ive been reading this thread for the past two days. Probably the most entertaining thread on ARFCOM in a good while. Bump for moar creepiness!
Link Posted: 2/5/2012 8:37:03 PM EDT
Originally Posted By TripleC:

Originally Posted By Ohio:
Originally Posted By TripleC:

Originally Posted By WanderingOisin:
Originally Posted By RDTCU:
What about the Soviet nerve gas experiment story where the people were waxing philosophical while ripping their own internal organs out and eating them?


Damn, thats the most Fed up thing on here.


Its a fake!


That's just what "they" want you to think.
Consider it IRL ret-con.

Hell who knows? Probably even more bizarre and twisted shit has happened for real. Ive been reading this thread for the past two days. Probably the most entertaining thread on ARFCOM in a good while. Bump for moar creepiness!


Some of this shit will keep you awake at night.
Link Posted: 2/6/2012 6:01:37 AM EDT
Originally Posted By AR15thur:Guess I'm gonna keep quoting/replying as I read through these.

Having lost a little girl 2 days before she was due to be born, this one made the room all dusty and sent a shiver down my spine like I haven't known in a very long time.

We've been blessed with a little girl just about 3 weeks  ago, but missing our Caroline never goes away.

Damn dude...I just had my first daughter 2 months ago, and I couldn't imagine.  So sorry for your loss.

R.I.P little angel Caroline.  
Link Posted: 2/6/2012 7:39:46 AM EDT
Taken on a game cam near Morgan City, Louisiana.

Link Posted: 2/6/2012 3:12:35 PM EDT
Originally Posted By tantrix:
Taken on a game cam near Morgan City, Louisiana.


Even the deer is like "WTF is that thing?!?!?!?"
Link Posted: 2/6/2012 3:14:52 PM EDT
Originally Posted By tantrix:
Taken on a game cam near Morgan City, Louisiana.


Coonass in a rain suit?
Link Posted: 2/6/2012 5:55:17 PM EDT

Originally Posted By tantrix:

Taken on a game cam near Morgan City, Louisiana.


Reminds me of the other fake game cam pic with the "ghost indian girl"

Link Posted: 2/6/2012 5:58:44 PM EDT

It looks like a picture of a person taken by gamecam.  Either shopped in or real and in the background.  What's the big deal?

Link Posted: 2/6/2012 6:48:20 PM EDT
My most recent spook event took place just this last December, the week before Christmas. We had taken a long weekend to celebrate our wedding anniversary and were staying in the old Menger Hotel in San Antonio. Founded by a German immigrant (legal) in the 1850's, this hotel is the oldest operating hotel west of the Mississippi River and is considered the most haunted in San Antonio. I specifaclly requested the "Sherman Suite" as it has the reputation of being the most haunted in the hotel.

We arrived and checked-in early afternoon and must have been the first and only guests at that time on the 3rd floor, as it was totally silent. I have the "Entity Sensor Pro"
android ap on my smart phone. It incorporates many of the functions and features of equipment used by ghost hunters all in one ap and is reputed to be accurate and reliable. I did a quick scan of the room and the only high reading I got was off the top-right edge of the bed's antique wrought-iron foot board. The emp reading pegged, automatically starting the recording function.There was not the slightest sound in the room, I was standing perfectly still and holding the phone still. I had even turned off the ceiling fan so that there was no sound. I could almost hear my heartbeat. I recorded for several seconds and did a second scan/recording for another several. When I reviewed the files, both of the sessions recorded loud and clear voices. The first was a woman saying "mista fudd" in kind of a wavering voice, followed in a few seconds by a man saying " mmmmmhhhmm....Kleiss Feisel". WTF The second recording was the voice of a man, again, loud and clear giving a short yell/scream then saying "its getting high in here".

I continued to get high readings off the bed post, but no more voices. These events were more interesting to me than scary. The hotel's P.R. Manager said the Sherman suite has always been a center of paranormal activity in the hotel, although not the only one. He said that it is the first time in many years they have heard recorded voices however. He said the last time was when they had a local radio station set up sound/recording equipment in the room. At that time they got: "Get out - Get Out - Get Out!"

When we went to bed, I placed the smart phone on a chair in the other room and left the ap running and the phone plugged-in to maintain a charge.
The next morning, the phone was totally discharged and I had to reload it. I screen displayed a messege from HTC saying an abnormal shut-down had occured and to report it.

BTW, we slept like babes that night....great bed.

Link Posted: 2/6/2012 7:30:20 PM EDT

Originally Posted By sauerpauer:

My most recent spook event took place just this last December, the week before Christmas. We had taken a long weekend to celebrate our wedding anniversary and were staying in the old Menger Hotel in San Antonio. Founded by a German immigrant (legal) in the 1850's, this hotel is the oldest operating hotel west of the Mississippi River and is considered the most haunted in San Antonio. I specifaclly requested the "Sherman Suite" as it has the reputation of being the most haunted in the hotel.

We arrived and checked-in early afternoon and must have been the first and only guests at that time on the 3rd floor, as it was totally silent. I have the "Entity Sensor Pro"

android ap on my smart phone. It incorporates many of the functions and features of equipment used by ghost hunters all in one ap and is reputed to be accurate and reliable. I did a quick scan of the room and the only high reading I got was off the top-right edge of the bed's antique wrought-iron foot board. The emp reading pegged, automatically starting the recording function.There was not the slightest sound in the room, I was standing perfectly still and holding the phone still. I had even turned off the ceiling fan so that there was no sound. I could almost hear my heartbeat. I recorded for several seconds and did a second scan/recording for another several. When I reviewed the files, both of the sessions recorded loud and clear voices. The first was a woman saying "mista fudd" in kind of a wavering voice, followed in a few seconds by a man saying " mmmmmhhhmm....Kleiss Feisel". WTF The second recording was the voice of a man, again, loud and clear giving a short yell/scream then saying "its getting high in here".

I continued to get high readings off the bed post, but no more voices. These events were more interesting to me than scary. The hotel's P.R. Manager said the Sherman suite has always been a center of paranormal activity in the hotel, although not the only one. He said that it is the first time in many years they have heard recorded voices however. He said the last time was when they had a local radio station set up sound/recording equipment in the room. At that time they got: "Get out - Get Out - Get Out!"

When we went to bed, I placed the smart phone on a chair in the other room and left the ap running and the phone plugged-in to maintain a charge.

The next morning, the phone was totally discharged and I had to reload it. I screen displayed a messege from HTC saying an abnormal shut-down had occured and to report it.

BTW, we slept like babes that night....great bed.

Very cool!

Post those EVPs if you have the time, Id love to hear them. I guess those guys from Ghost Adventures weren't bullshiting when they said spirits will drain power from your equipment. Must have been a hungry ghost to have shut off the phone like that.

Link Posted: 2/6/2012 8:04:34 PM EDT
I just downloaded one of those ghost apps for my android and two "entities" were circling me while I was on the crapper. They were afraid to come in though. I guess ghosts can smell.
Link Posted: 2/6/2012 9:59:10 PM EDT
Originally Posted By sauerpauer:

When I reviewed the files, both of the sessions recorded loud and clear voices. The first was a woman saying "mista fudd"...

You sure you're on the right website?

Link Posted: 2/7/2012 4:17:31 AM EDT
[Last Edit: tantrix] [#21]
Originally Posted By kar98k:

It looks like a picture of a person taken by gamecam.  Either shopped in or real and in the background.  What's the big deal?

Well, experimented with my own game cam, I'd say it's approx 20ft from the lens.  And I am only 5' 9" but at 20ft on the cam I am taller than that...this would have to be a child say around 5-8 years old.  But what's a small child doing out in the woods at night?

And, I don't know how the deer are where you live but couldn't walk up to a deer here if it was a buck with a hard-on and you had 10 doe pussies hanging around your neck.
Link Posted: 2/7/2012 6:46:43 AM EDT
Originally Posted By WildBoar:
I just downloaded one of those ghost apps for my android and two "entities" were circling me while I was on the crapper. They were afraid to come in though. I guess ghosts can smell.

What's the name of this app?  I love downloading ridiculous apps on my phone.
Link Posted: 2/7/2012 7:13:31 AM EDT
What hardware on an I phone is the software addressing to detect ghosts? What transducer for ghost? I inquiring minds want to know. Best, Rob
Link Posted: 2/7/2012 1:12:18 PM EDT
Originally Posted By robmkivseries70:
What hardware on an I phone is the software addressing to detect ghosts? What transducer for ghost? I inquiring minds want to know. Best, Rob

Dont question. Just believe. sheesh
Link Posted: 2/7/2012 1:13:33 PM EDT
Originally Posted By NY_Shooter:
Originally Posted By WildBoar:
I just downloaded one of those ghost apps for my android and two "entities" were circling me while I was on the crapper. They were afraid to come in though. I guess ghosts can smell.

What's the name of this app?  I love downloading ridiculous apps on my phone.

Ghost Detector. There are a few with that name. The one I used has a ghost droid looking ghost busters image.
Link Posted: 2/7/2012 1:18:41 PM EDT
Link Posted: 2/7/2012 1:28:32 PM EDT
Link Posted: 2/7/2012 1:32:56 PM EDT
This is my scariest story ever. I have posted it before.

The other night I get a call from my girlfriend freaking out because she saw a huge black shadow staring out the window as she drove by. She thought it was me until she got inside and no one was there. Mean while I am at my buddy's house out of town on a the 2nd day of a 3 day hunt. She brushes it off and goes about her evening. She then calls me a few hours later crying and terrified because as she was reading in bed, she looked up and saw th huge solid black shadow standing in the door way. She described it as being atleast 7 feet tall, all black, no face, long skinny legs and arms and a bald head. She said it stood there staring at her for 5 minutes. I attempt to comfort her, but what the fuck can I say? Can't pepper spray a giant fucking ghost. I calm her down a little bit, but cannot come home because I am 5 hours away. That night she slept 2 hours as the huge black shadow stood at the bottom of her bed on and off all night. It never harmed her, but regardless, it terrified her.

The next morning, she calls her mother and before she can tell her what happened to her last night, her mother just stopped speaking for a minut or so. She then said a tall black spirit just appeared in the kitchen and fit the same exact definition as the thing my gf saw. Now they are both freaked out, but they aw pretty tough and they are just fine. Neither of them have seen it since her mother did when she was on the phone with my gf.

I had herd of shadow people, which are paranormal entities said to suck the life out of the very young, and the very old, and I thought that maybe this is what visited her, and maybe if it was traveling from family member to family member, it was trying to get to someone. My theory was that it was attempting to get to her great grandmother since she is 94 years old. But hey, what do I know.
Link Posted: 2/7/2012 1:45:59 PM EDT
Originally Posted By WildBoar:
Originally Posted By NY_Shooter:
Originally Posted By WildBoar:
I just downloaded one of those ghost apps for my android and two "entities" were circling me while I was on the crapper. They were afraid to come in though. I guess ghosts can smell.

What's the name of this app?  I love downloading ridiculous apps on my phone.

Ghost Detector. There are a few with that name. The one I used has a ghost droid looking ghost busters image.

Thanks.  Gonna have to check it out.

Link Posted: 2/7/2012 2:19:01 PM EDT
Originally Posted By NY_Shooter:
Originally Posted By WildBoar:
Originally Posted By NY_Shooter:
Originally Posted By WildBoar:
I just downloaded one of those ghost apps for my android and two "entities" were circling me while I was on the crapper. They were afraid to come in though. I guess ghosts can smell.

What's the name of this app?  I love downloading ridiculous apps on my phone.

Ghost Detector. There are a few with that name. The one I used has a ghost droid looking ghost busters image.

Thanks.  Gonna have to check it out.

I  tried Ghost Detector first because it was free, I think. It was a joke. More for party entertainment and Mid-Schooler sleep-overs.
Entity sensor pro is for real. Do a Bing search for user reviews.

I don't know how to get the voice files in a format to post or email. I had a temporary sound editing software I downloaded in order to filter background noise, increase voice volumn and change to a usable format. I only used it once to experiment and the free license ran out. To purchase was a couple of hundred bucks, as I recall. Not worth it to me since I've only recorded the two I have now in one session. The files are still on my phone and I played them to the Hotel P.R. Manager over the phone. I really don't know what else I can do with them. It took me a whole day to figure out how to convert the files when I had the temporary software.

Link Posted: 2/7/2012 2:21:52 PM EDT
Originally Posted By tantrix:
Originally Posted By kar98k:
It looks like a picture of a person taken by gamecam.  Either shopped in or real and in the background.  What's the big deal?

Well, experimented with my own game cam, I'd say it's approx 20ft from the lens.  And I am only 5' 9" but at 20ft on the cam I am taller than that...this would have to be a child say around 5-8 years old.  But what's a small child doing out in the woods at night?

And, I don't know how the deer are where you live but couldn't walk up to a deer here if it was a buck with a hard-on and you had 10 doe pussies hanging around your neck.

Well... I don't normally walk the woods with 10 doe pussies around my neck, so I'll take your word for that.

A lot of deer around here are accustomed to people.  I know several landowners who have some deer hanging around their homess looking for a handout.  Can get pretty close to them.

The original picture of the Morgan City Ghost is a bit different.  Are they from the same source?

Link Posted: 2/7/2012 10:15:26 PM EDT
[Last Edit: tantrix] [#32]
Originally Posted By kar98k:
Originally Posted By tantrix:
Originally Posted By kar98k:
It looks like a picture of a person taken by gamecam.  Either shopped in or real and in the background.  What's the big deal?

Well, experimented with my own game cam, I'd say it's approx 20ft from the lens.  And I am only 5' 9" but at 20ft on the cam I am taller than that...this would have to be a child say around 5-8 years old.  But what's a small child doing out in the woods at night?

And, I don't know how the deer are where you live but couldn't walk up to a deer here if it was a buck with a hard-on and you had 10 doe pussies hanging around your neck.

Well... I don't normally walk the woods with 10 doe pussies around my neck, so I'll take your word for that.

A lot of deer around here are accustomed to people.  I know several landowners who have some deer hanging around their homess looking for a handout.  Can get pretty close to them.

The original picture of the Morgan City Ghost is a bit different.  Are they from the same source?


No, that one was the "original" that the local news covered and eventually ended up finding out who put the hoax together.  But, while the news channel was on that story, this old guy that lives about 30 miles away from where that pic above came from, submitted that photo from his game cam to the news station.  Jaws dropped everywhere, because this old man is known to not be one to play jokes.

Originally Posted By Berettadeprived:
This one never happened to me but for the sake of the thread.

We live in New Zealand and my aunt lives in New York State, her and my mom Skype each other on a daily basis.

On this particular day my aunt and my mom were on video skype and were chatting away when my mom noticed a man in the doorway behind my aunt, he walked in, stood in the doorway and just looked at the computer my aunt was on as if he was waiting for her to Finish talking so he could say hi to my mom, he then walked away, my mom thinking it was my cousin asked my aunt when Wez got home (My aunt had been left alone at home for a week, her husband was away on business and her 3 kids, my cousins were all away at school, my mom knew this)

Anyway, my aunt is all, WTF, what are you talking about and my mom tells her she though Wez was standing behind her and my aunt says know one is there nor has there been anyone but her at home and then goes on to say how the dog has been going nuts in parts of the house.

That's all, my parents and sister were just over there a few weeks ago and said in one room of the house they felt very uncomfortable, heard things and felt they were being watched, but only in one room

Holy shit!  
Link Posted: 2/8/2012 2:49:01 AM EDT
Link Posted: 2/8/2012 11:02:01 AM EDT
[Last Edit: WildBoar] [#34]
Originally Posted By brass:

The apps just combine the 3D compass data with the 3D accelerometer data to come up with a bogus number and display it in different ways.

I guess ghosts have a magnetic field around them or something.

Dude how do you think magnets work?

Ghosts man, ghosts.
Link Posted: 2/8/2012 6:04:59 PM EDT
Originally Posted By WildBoar:
Originally Posted By brass:

The apps just combine the 3D compass data with the 3D accelerometer data to come up with a bogus number and display it in different ways.

I guess ghosts have a magnetic field around them or something.

Dude how do you think magnets work?

Ghosts man, ghosts.

Yeah, but can a ghost take off in an airplane on a magnetic treadmill?
Link Posted: 2/9/2012 2:21:45 AM EDT
I've always read these threads, but have never shared so here goes..

When I was 12, I was spending the night with my friend, like kids do..  We were watching a movie-nothing scary because I'm a big baby..  If I remember right, it was Robin Hood with Kevin Costner..  Anyway, all of a sudden I had a sense that something was wrong with my Aunt Chub..  Yes, we called her "Chubby,"  and she was thin as a rail..  She was my great Aunt, and would have been in her late 70's, early 80's at the time..  She and I were very close, and I loved her with my whole heart..  I thought maybe she was dead, and called my Mom to check on her..  My Mother, who would never take me seriously shrugged me off and told me she was sure everything was fine..  I went on with my preteen life and everything was fine until 3 days later when Chubby's neighbor called us..  She'd had a stroke and fallen in the bathtub where she'd lain for three days until he found her..  She was alive, but never the same..

Fast forward to me being a new Mother nursing her 4 month old son about 2 am..  Keep in mind, I'm tired but I love this child with every ounce of my being so I'm okay with being awake..  I'm sitting on the couch in the living room, the hallway to the bedrooms is to my left..  My son pulls off nursing lifts his head looking up. and down the hallway and smiles the biggest, gummiest grin and giggles the sweetest sound..  This went on for 20 -30 seconds, then the light bulb that was on in the hallway POPPED..  I don't just mean burnt out, I mean exploded in its fixture..  Simultaneously, the light bulb above the stove that had NOT been on came on, and promptly burnt out with a pop, though the bulb itself didn't break..
No, they were not on the same breaker.  I checked as soon as I put him back in bed..

Just a few months later, I found out I was pregnant again (OOPS) and I told my Dad over the phone..  He was elated, (we were very close) but about 10 minutes later had some sort of cardiac episode, lost consciousness and never regained it..  He died four days later in the ICU..  That's not creepy, just sad and also a segue..

My son, and my nephew are only 5 months apart, and would both as toddlers "talk to Papa.."  There are too many examples for me to list but this continued until my Mother shamed them into never speaking of it again when they were about 5 years old..

When I worked in the car business, I was a finance manager..  I didn't sell cars, but would for friends, and family etc..  One day, I'm in my office and the secretary calls me and tells me she has a woman on the phone that insists she needs to speak with the woman salesman..  When she was told we didn't have one, she said :Yes. you do and I need to talk to her." Well, I was the only woman in the sales dept so I took the call..
The woman claimed to be a medium, and that she had been instructed to call my dealership and speak to the woman salesman to tell her that her Dad was proud of her.. I immediately began to cry, because I wondered this very thing all the time.. I had done some not so great things to get where I was, and my career took me away from my kids..  
She came in to the store within a couple days, to tell me how it came to be she got this message, I won't regale it here-it's really pretty boring and abstract..  But the short story is she said she had angels that gave her signs.. I ended up selling her and her niece a car, and the niece even invited me to her wedding..

Just a month or two ago that same nephew who is now 11 said a man visited him in a dream, and described my Dad to a T right down to his tinted glasses he wore..  He then found a picture of him, and began to cry telling my sister "That's him!!  That's him!!"  Yes, he's kind of a wussy..

For about a year after he died, if my Dad appeared in a dream I was having, I couldn't acknowledge his presence or he would disappear..  It made me so sad because I missed him so much..  I still do everyday..  

Link Posted: 2/9/2012 7:58:05 AM EDT
Not really creepy, just odd.

In the late 90s, I lived in military housing in upstate New York.  When I would go to bed, I would turn off all of the downstairs lights before moving upstairs.  At least twice a week, the down stairs lights would be on when we  got up in the morning.  After a few months, the lights would start going on and off during the day with the entire family in one room nowhere near the switch for that light.  We figured it was a bad switch or something and never really thought much about it, until we adopted a dog.

We found an add in the paper for a deaf GSD (the only other odd thing about her was her eyes were blood red).  We went and visited with her and she was great with the kids so we took her home.  For a few weeks nothing happened with the lights at all.  One weekend, after dinner we were all watching a movie and the dog was sleeping at my feet.  Suddenly, she charged the light switch for the light that always got turned on.  She was growling and snapping at the switch with all of her fur standing up.  The light switched on by itself, we saw the switch move.  Right after it turned on, Reilly (the dog), stopped freaking out, laid by my feet and went back to sleep.  After that she always went to bed in my son's room.

A few weeks later, I'm home by myself and watching tv.  Reilly is in her usual spot at my feet (asleep as usual).  Next thing I know she pins me down on the couch, and started growling at something just over my shoulder.  All the hairs on the back of my neck stood up, but I couldn't turn my head to see if anyone or anything was there.  After about five seconds she stops, licks my face and lays back down.  Nothing weird happened after that, until Christmas.

On Christmas, my son received two remote control Jimmy Neutron toys that would walk.  We had invited a few of the single soldiers over for dinner, and we were watching tv.  We started hearing a weird noise coming from the kitchen.  One of the toys was walking (the other was still in the box).  Thinking that some other kid had gotten the same toy we went to turn it off.  It was already off.  We took the batteries out and put it on a shelf thinking it was defective.  About 15 minutes later, the toy walked into the living room without making a sound.  One of the soldiers (Greer) stomped on it until it was in pieces, and then took it outside and set it on fire (yes, he did say something about killing it with fire).  Nothing happened with the lights after that, and we never had toys move on their own again either.

The following summer, my son wakes me and the wife up screaming in the middle of the night (he's about 3 1/2).  After we calm him down, he says that there is a monster under his bed making lost of scary noises.  My wife asks him what kind of noises and he replies "MMMMEEEEOOOWWWW!"  The cat had gotten stuck under his bed and couldn't get out.
Link Posted: 2/9/2012 8:49:30 AM EDT
Originally Posted By pepperbelly:

Yeah, but can a ghost take off in an airplane on a magnetic treadmill?

<<<insert exploding head gif here>>>
Link Posted: 2/14/2012 1:14:52 PM EDT
[Last Edit: tantrix] [#39]
Here's a couple...finally got it all typed out.

When we were about 13, me and a buddy were creek-running in South Louisiana during a hot summer day and came to a shallow fast-running part of a creek with a sharp bend in it. Stuck in the side of the sandy bank was a small child's coffin...and it was old, looked like something from a 1930's Dracula movie. We didn't open it, just stared at it for a while and got the hell out of there. It's been 18 years now, and I still wonder how long it had been there, if it had anybody in it, and where it is now.

And another:

I'm not one to be scared of much, having grown up in the swamps in South Louisiana. One night I said to the wife that I wanted to get out of the house, and since it was a nice fall night we could go walk around one of the gorgeous plantation homes down here. If some of you don't know, most plantations down here are from pre-Civil War days, and look exactly as they did back then...they are kind of creepy, but beautiful. They are also hotspots for ghost hunters and such because of people working there that see 'things' inside and outside the plantations, as well as tourists having weird things show up in their photographs while on tours of the grounds.

Anyway, we're walking along that night and I'm strapped to the max with the G17 and the G26, both with spare mags. While walking along I see what looks like a dark spot out in the grass about 50yds out, sort of between us and the plantation. There are lights outside around the grounds that are on at night all year 'round, so you can pretty much tell what anything is. Except this. I stared at this 'shadow' as we walked past, and slowed down, eventually stopping completely to take a better look and ask my wife what the hell it was. The wife saw it too, and we both said it looked to be about 4ft tall or so, and was definitely shaped like a human. Curiosity had me debating if I should walk towards it to see what it really was, but for some reason I had this overwhelming sense of dread/fear. And by fear, I mean I could have had my M4 slung across my chest along with the 2 Glocks I was already carrying, and I still wouldn't have felt safe approaching whatever this was.

At that point I told the wife let's start walking again, as I glanced back every once in a while. As we're walking away, I glance back for about the 3rd time and the shape is about 20yds closer to us than it was, as if it was following us. My wife wasn't too worried because I was pretty well armed, and had cracked a few jokes earlier. Her tune quickly changed when I whispered to her that this wasn't funny anymore, because this thing was moving towards us and we needed to get the hell away because I still hadn't figured out what the hell it was, and just had a bad feeling. She saw the look on my face and started to get a little scared and I had to tell her to stay calm, just look forward and keep moving.

I kept looking back periodically as we were walking away, and when we got about 100yds away, it just vanished. Nothing. I stopped and looked in all directions to make sure it hadn't circled around or anything, and still...nothing. We made it back to the truck and went home...both sat on the couch trying to figure out what it was. We still don't know.
Link Posted: 2/14/2012 2:31:25 PM EDT
Originally Posted By 2theLeft:
My son, and my nephew are only 5 months apart, and would both as toddlers "talk to Papa.."  

My wife's father passed away when she was a freshman in college.  I met her just afterwards so I never got to met him.  Anyways she is convinced that the kids (we have 2) used to see and talk to Grandpa Bill when they were small.  They would play and for no apparent reason, stop and look towards something they could only see and giggle and baby talk for a little while (a minute or so) before going back to what they were doing.  I wouldn't be surprised if baby's could "see" these ghosts/spirits/energies.  Worst case scenario they saw nothing but it's a good way to remember our love ones anyways.

Link Posted: 2/14/2012 3:12:41 PM EDT
[Last Edit: tantrix] [#41]
Originally Posted By Smallbore_Freak:
Originally Posted By 2theLeft:
My son, and my nephew are only 5 months apart, and would both as toddlers "talk to Papa.."  

My wife's father passed away when she was a freshman in college.  I met her just afterwards so I never got to met him.  Anyways she is convinced that the kids (we have 2) used to see and talk to Grandpa Bill when they were small.  They would play and for no apparent reason, stop and look towards something only they could only see and giggle and baby talk for a little while (a minute or so) before going back to what they were doing.  I wouldn't be surprised if baby's could "see" these ghosts/spirits/energies.  Worst case scenario they saw nothing but it's a good way to remember our love ones anyways.

Sorry, had to fix that...it was bugging me.  
Link Posted: 2/14/2012 3:22:33 PM EDT

Originally Posted By Smallbore_Freak:

Originally Posted By 2theLeft:

My son, and my nephew are only 5 months apart, and would both as toddlers "talk to Papa.."  

My wife's father passed away when she was a freshman in college.  I met her just afterwards so I never got to met him.  Anyways she is convinced that the kids (we have 2) used to see and talk to Grandpa Bill when they were small.  They would play and for no apparent reason, stop and look towards something they could only see and giggle and baby talk for a little while (a minute or so) before going back to what they were doing.  I wouldn't be surprised if baby's could "see" these ghosts/spirits/energies.  Worst case scenario they saw nothing but it's a good way to remember our love ones anyways.

My family used to tell me that babies can see Angels, because sometimes they look up at empty air and smile, like they're looking at something.

Link Posted: 2/14/2012 4:36:43 PM EDT
Link Posted: 2/17/2012 6:50:22 AM EDT
Originally Posted By Dr_Octagon:

Is this video of the EMT at Michael Jackson's house?
Link Posted: 2/17/2012 6:59:07 AM EDT
Originally Posted By Smallbore_Freak:
Originally Posted By 2theLeft:
My son, and my nephew are only 5 months apart, and would both as toddlers "talk to Papa.."  

My wife's father passed away when she was a freshman in college.  I met her just afterwards so I never got to met him.  Anyways she is convinced that the kids (we have 2) used to see and talk to Grandpa Bill when they were small.  They would play and for no apparent reason, stop and look towards something they could only see and giggle and baby talk for a little while (a minute or so) before going back to what they were doing.  I wouldn't be surprised if baby's could "see" these ghosts/spirits/energies.  Worst case scenario they saw nothing but it's a good way to remember our love ones anyways.

That is exactly what used to happen, and I loved every minute of it..  I would like to say it made me a firm believer that as les enfantes we are born with that ability, but it is reasoned out of us as we get older..  My Mother used to snap at the boys anytime they spoke of him..  Well, she still does.. It's just one of those things that would make her question her reality and belief system, and she prefers not to..  Like Bartleby..

Link Posted: 2/17/2012 7:27:57 AM EDT
Originally Posted By TripleC:
Damn I forgot about this thread so here goes my sleep paralysis story.

Last December when I was off for Christmas I had sleep paralysis twice within a week. Ive had it before and the wife and I have determined it only happens when I sleep on my back but these two times I saw things as it was going on.

Event 1 - about 4 am I wake up and cant move and realize "aha, having sleep paralysis" now even though I know whats going on because I had read up on the phenomenon my mind wants to start panicking and I try to calm myself down. Then I see a figure beside the bed and since the room was dark Im thinking its my wife coming in to check on me. So I try to call out to her and nothing comes out. I strain as hard as I can to try to make a noise and then I feel my wife that was sleeping beside me start shaking me and I snap out of it. Well the figure that I saw obviously wasn't her and IMO it was my mind creating it as I was half in and out of sleep. Wife said the noise I made was horrible and scared the shit out of her.

Event 2 - about 3:30 my mind wakes up and I cant move. Now this time Im ready for it since it was only few days since I had it. I try to remain calm and do. Our night light keeps the bedroom dimly lit and am looking around the best I can to see if the figure is there from last time but this time the room goes completely black and I can see an opening like a window in front of me. All is black except for this red glow and smoke coming through the window like hole. As I keep looking at the red light through this window a being appears. I could only see the silhouette of this thing but it looked like someone from the chest up wearing and old suite of armor a great  helm that had dragon or bat wing ornaments on its sides.

I'm looking online now to see I if I can find the origin of the helm I saw. Ill post a pic if I find something like it.


Ok here is what Ive come up with as the origin of where that helm design came from. Its a Teutonic knight helm (I have heard the name but never knew anything about them) The helm drawn on this codex is the same thing I saw in the window with the red glow and it seems the Teutonic knights were the only ones who would put those on great helms.


Why would I see and image of a Teutonic knight during my sleep paralysis? Could it be that its an ancient relative or spirit coming to visit me or have I listened to too much Slayer in my youth?


God, i know how you feel. I have only had it happen to me once but its scary as hell when it does.
I have never really thought of my experience as "creepy" as i marked it up to just my brain going crazy but it was creepy at the time.
I was sleeping one night when I "woke up" but couldnt move a muscle..I could see but its like i could only
open my eyes alittle bit and i was strugling to move . while im laying there freaking out I focus on the door  and realize that
someone is standing there looking at me [you cant believe the chill i just got just typing and remembering that]..couldnt make out features just a black figure in my doorway.
At that point my mind really starting freaking and i remember just trying to move some part of my body...any part so i could get up and face whoever it was scaring the daylights out of me.
IT felt like another few minutes went by of truggling against it and the most all cunsoming fear you can amagine then all the sudden the top half of my body was released from whatever i was under and i slowly shot up to a sitting possition.
the thing was gone and i had a massive headack.
now im not saying anything actually "weird" happened that night but at the time it sure as hell felt like it.
If you havn't had it happen to you, pray that it never does...its an awfull feeling and something i dont wish to happen again
Link Posted: 2/17/2012 9:17:19 AM EDT
[Last Edit: dan1802] [#47]
I also have a different kind of story to share as it all came up recently with family members.

Now while im explaining this keep in mind that I am an open minded person to "weird" and supernatural things..
I'm not the type that writes others experiences off as them being crazy right off the bat...however im also critical of people that don't seem trustworthy
and I always think of the reasonable explanation and rule anything out before even considering the supernatural.

Now on to recent events with the family.
I have always been interested in ghosts and such from an encounter I had when I was very young [I may explain some other time but to be honest I dont like sharing it with folks I dont know]
as well as aliens, you know, the whole area 51 and all that.. except aliens are different as i have never had an experience [expect for one which im not totally convinced about] with them
and to be honest I always took people that said they had been abducted as totally crazy or out right liars.....until recently.
There are two separate little stories here and I heard about both of them for the first time only a few weeks back from my step great great grandmother and my own father..
I was told about my step mothers grandmother first, so thats where I will start.
My step mothers grandmother is a VERY sweet little old lady..think of the picture perfect little old lady and thats her. we call he GEGE [my step brother baby nickname for her]
She bakes me banana bread every other week or so and is very quiet and conservative...just an all around wonderful woman and the last person on the face of this earth I thought
I would here a story like this from.
I was over at my fathers house for a family dinner a couple of months back when one of my brothers brought up battlefield LA..naturally the conversation turned to alien invasion and the guns we would use
since were all "gun people".. and then someone mentioned area 51 and the convo starting turning toward abductions and the people that have them.. as soon as the conversation took that turn you could
almost feel the mood in the room change.. I looked over and my step mother Lana and her mother Bobo [another Childs nickname] and they were both looking at use wide eyed and gege was kinda slinking away from the group..wondering off. One of my brothers asked what was up and they were all very reluctant. Lana finally went over and spoke with gege privately and they both came back and sat down and i gathered Lana
had talked gege into opening up to the rest of the family.
She sat down and looking up at use and said " now don't y'all look differently at me after i tell you this..i have never told anyone except lana and bobo' and began to tell use about a night about 15 years ago.

She said she went to bed one night in the house her bobo and lana were staying at together..they had all just moved to Florida from Texas and were sleeping in 3 different rooms in one long hallway of the house..
gege being in the middle room between the other two. she said she woke up at about 11:30 pm when she felt a pressure on her hand and the inside of her elbow.. she said she looked beside her and there stood a small
grey/blue man holding her hand and arm..she said right when she was about to scream she heard him speak..but he didn't..she said his mouth was to small to tell if he was actually speaking through it but that she more heard his voice as if he had his face right in front of hers instead of standing beside her..like projecting it..she described his voice and a mundane commercial like voice you hear on car commercials..just generic but smooth.
He told her not to be worried, that they weren't going to hurt her and to stay peaceful [odd choice of words but thats what she said he said] she said she still tried to scream but she couldn't...not that she actually couldn't make the sound..more that she suddenly felt exhausted and couldn't muster the strength to fill her lungs and scream. she said at about that time she realized there was another slightly taller "thing" standing in her doorway watching the other one and her.. she said she could see them both clearly in the dark..both were greyish blue and had some sort or dull grey tight fitting clothes on that covered everything but their hands and heads..larger eyes but not as large as people claim on TV she said...long fingers and she said when it touched her its skin felt like any other persons but very soft and very hot like someone running a high temp. no nose that she could tell..she said the other one was slightly different then the first..taller and thicker but with the same features..she got the impression the first one was only there to calm her and the second was waiting on the first to do its job.

she then paused for a long moment and said "Then i felt them putting me back in my bed in the fetal position..like floating me somehow across the living room and through my bedroom door and into my bed..but I couldn't move." obviously there is allot of story missing so a few of us asked if she remembered where they took her or if they took her. She said all she remembers after seeing the second "thing" is very bright lights above her head and every now and then the first "thing" leaning into her vision and speaking to her...telling her she would be home soon and trying to calm her down and then everything would go numb again. We could all Tell there was more but non of us had the balls to push her on it..
she said when she was back in bed she was fully awake but numb..all the light were off..even her alarm clock..they put her back into bed facing the wall and then it was silent for a long time..and she started being able to move again. she said at about the time she began to move again her alarm clock clicked back on as well as the fan she kept next to her bed as if someone had flipped the main breaker to the house back on but with no surge noise.
she said she immediately went to bobo's room to make sure she was ok.. she woke her up and started rambling asking if she saw them too..but she hadn't and bobo had her explain everything to her...again we could all tell more was exchanged in that conversation then what we were getting. she then told us that while they were talking she kept feeling a buzzing in her arm...she felt her arm and realized there was something under her skin.. she freaked out and begged bobo to get it out but refused to go to the hospital..bobo was a nurse and had a small first aid kit and a razor blade they used to dig out a small metal object out from under her skin.. they said there was no mark of it being put in ... just like it had been there all along but clearly large enough to have been noticed before..they said it wasn't round or smooth it was a piece of metal with groves all over it just bigger then a standard BB. after removing it they checked on Lana but didn't tell her what happened until a few years later and gege had sworn them both to secrecy. I asked if they kept the object but they said they brought it out back and hit it with a hammer until in was flat and then barried it in the garden in front of their old house.
I have absolutely no reason to doubt Gege or any one of them for that matter....if this story had come from any other person i wouldn't have let them get through half of it..but coming from the three of them i have no choice but to believe it..it was clear from their body language non of them really wanted to talk about it and that it still scared Gege to her very core as she was very on edge from the very first mention of abductions and almost in tears the whole time telling the story,

now for my father..he went on a hunting trip last year with my step mothers cousin..they were in Utah i believe..staying in a camper.. he said he woke up one night and was floating into the camper door and slide into the top bunk in in fetal position. he said he looked out the window and it was like daylight outside..he could see the campfire and chairs a few yards outside the camper and the tree line behind that as if it were noon outside..and then it went dark again.. he woke up the other guy and asked if he say anything but he hadn't..he told me this recently when the topic came up and i guess im the last to have heard about it..it creeped him out but he said he doesn't remember anything els and he wouldn't really want to if its what he thinks it was.. he and my brother also had an experience in Morton Washington coming home, winding through the mountains. they both said they saw what looked like the moon hanging above the tree line..it hung there for a few seconds and the swept very fast toward the ground and they lost sight of it.

Now Im not sure what to make of my fathers story but i have gone over gege's in my head over and over again and i just cant find a reason she would make something up or have imagined anything..Just seeing the look in her eye would have made me believe her even if i hadn't known her before her telling me. I wanted more then anything to pick her brain after she told us but the look on her face kept any of us from pushing for more then what she was willing to tell us... we did speak with bobo afterwards and she said that gege hasn't been the same since..doesn't sleep at night and sometimes has to take sleeping meds just to get to sleep and they were supposed to find new houses for each of them but after that gege refused to live by herself and bobo and gege have lived together ever since with no complaint from bobo either. so obviously its taken a toll on her, real or not.

please feel free to make your own conclusions about her story and pick my fathers apart as i don't trust him as much..but don't insult the woman..she is truly one of those people you feel have made you a better person just by knowing and im 100% sure she told me nothing but the truth as she saw it..maybe not the whole truth.but what she was willing to tell

Im obviously no story teller and my story isnt scary to many of you but even if i let myself believe she amagined that whole thing..I know from the look in her eye she believes it happened and to live your life thinking that happened to you must be something...real or not

I called and asked if i could share her story just to not offend her if she ever found out..she asked where and i told her lol... she said "ok as long as i never have to see or talk about it myself and noone i know is on this AR15.comm thing" god bless her..she also giggled and okayed a photo or two when i explained the photo rules to her.

try not to get to excited boys the lovely woman in question with my stepmother and neice ADDing of the picture
Link Posted: 2/27/2012 1:07:19 AM EDT
Bump in the night, my darlings....
Link Posted: 2/27/2012 1:08:34 AM EDT

O fuck...
Link Posted: 2/27/2012 1:29:00 AM EDT
My girl and I watched Paranormal Activity 3 last week.  There's a part where "Toby" kind of growls and blows into a the babysitter's face.  

This morning, I swear I heard that same sort of growl in our bedroom.  I was too tired to care, though.  Am I going to die?

Originally Posted By EasTexan:

O fuck...

What's the story behind this girl and picture?
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