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Link Posted: 3/30/2012 5:51:40 AM EDT
Originally Posted By wbigcount:
When I was in my teens I would lay down stairs and watch tv at night, it always creeped me out down there but some nights the movie and pron ch's would unscramble off and on, always felt like someone was watching me.  

Anyway our 4 cats would be down there laying on me or next to me and I would hear what sounded like the cats running back and forth chasing each other up stairs,  no one would be home except me.

Never could find a reason for the noise.   I can walk in my own basement now with no light and I am fine, but to this day my hair stands up  in moms basement and I can hear odd noises, I am 31 and I still hate to go down there alone.

Lol, someone make a "Ghost kitty is watching you masturbate." pic.
Link Posted: 3/30/2012 8:27:20 AM EDT
[Last Edit: FrankSymptoms] [#2]
Originally Posted By Banjaxed:

Originally Posted By FrankSymptoms:
The dang pot was filled with bones.

Most likely cat bones. I dated a girl for awhile whose best friend was a witch. She told me that it's a common "spell" that people use to boil a live cat until the flesh has separated from all the bones, then take a particular bone, hold it between your teeth, and you will become invisible.

It is for this reason that you cannot adopt a pure white or pure black cat just before Halloween.

People really believe this shit?


Hey, there are (putatively) intelligent, normal people, right here on AR15.com, who believe that 9mm > .45 ACP.

I had a Pro-Level camera sitting on the table just inside the sliding backdoor. I could have jumped in there and grabbed it in a second. Or hollered at my Wife to get it. But I didn't think about it until my Wife mentioned it either. All I could do was watch that light.

Sounds like you were mesmerized. Did you lose any time?
Link Posted: 3/30/2012 2:13:27 PM EDT
Originally Posted By FrankSymptoms:
Originally Posted By Banjaxed:

Originally Posted By FrankSymptoms:
The dang pot was filled with bones.

Most likely cat bones. I dated a girl for awhile whose best friend was a witch. She told me that it's a common "spell" that people use to boil a live cat until the flesh has separated from all the bones, then take a particular bone, hold it between your teeth, and you will become invisible.

It is for this reason that you cannot adopt a pure white or pure black cat just before Halloween.

People really believe this shit?


Hey, there are (putatively) intelligent, normal people, right here on AR15.com, who believe that 9mm > .45 ACP.

I had a Pro-Level camera sitting on the table just inside the sliding backdoor. I could have jumped in there and grabbed it in a second. Or hollered at my Wife to get it. But I didn't think about it until my Wife mentioned it either. All I could do was watch that light.

Sounds like you were mesmerized. Did you lose any time?

I don't think I was missing any time. Unless it was just a few minutes.

Because when I went back into the house my wife was just finishing up in the kitchen.

I think it was just so strange, that I stood there stunned. I don't think it did anything to me. Although I've never had any children.


Link Posted: 3/30/2012 3:22:17 PM EDT
Originally Posted By M1-Ed:

It was October of 1996 and my Late Wife and I had just finished watching a College Football game As my wife was doing somethings in the kitchen, I took our pup Tank (Long Coat Akita) to the backyard to go to the bathroom. As I stepped past the porch I looked to the East and saw a Bright Round Light that appeared to be about 2 feet in diameter.

The entire surface was lit, as I watched it pass before my eyes.

Was it orange?
Link Posted: 3/30/2012 3:39:49 PM EDT
Over spring break, I cleaned out my mother-in-laws house, and she's a hoarder

Me and my wife were downstairs, and I was bitching about her mom when I turn and see her brother standing in the doorway,

so I quickly changed the subject and acted like I wasn't bitching about her mom

Then I hear him come running down the stairs and he comes into the room

I swear I saw someone standing there, there was a lot of junk but I clearly saw a head/face/hair.

The house is around 50 years old, the first owner shot himself on the property before it was finished because his wife cheated on him.

My wife's grandmother and uncle both died in the house recently, the uncle died in the room we were cleaning out.

Kind of creepy
Link Posted: 3/30/2012 6:39:00 PM EDT
[Last Edit: M1-Ed] [#6]
Originally Posted By WildBoar:
Originally Posted By M1-Ed:

It was October of 1996 and my Late Wife and I had just finished watching a College Football game As my wife was doing somethings in the kitchen, I took our pup Tank (Long Coat Akita) to the backyard to go to the bathroom. As I stepped past the porch I looked to the East and saw a Bright Round Light that appeared to be about 2 feet in diameter.

The entire surface was lit, as I watched it pass before my eyes.

Was it orange?

No. Just white. But it was not lighting up the area. I could see the light on the roof top of the house that it was over. But it was directional. The light was not aimed at me nor towards me.

Plus there was no sound coming from the object. Or sound from the air as it moved through it.

I will say one thing about it. The Aliens piloting that thing if it was a UFO had to be very small. Unless it was some sort of Dr. Whoian type ship.


eta: also you could not tell if it was spinning. As the white was same brightness across the surface.

Link Posted: 3/31/2012 1:21:49 AM EDT
I really enjoyed Rcastle's story.  

Link Posted: 4/15/2012 1:13:21 AM EDT
BTT, because this thread needs some...


Link Posted: 5/15/2012 4:30:18 PM EDT
Originally Posted By Reservist:
I wonder if some really old dude lived out in those woods and he was just listening to some music like he does every night.

I used to scout land for development in east tn around the TN/KY/VA border and would overnight if I wound up on foot after dark sometimes.  I uses 4 wheel drive trucks, 4 wheelers and boots.

You'd be surprised who you might find living out there.  I've had a couple nice conversations with people living in shacks where there should be no shacks and a couple children of the corn/deliverance (non gay rape) moments.

Link Posted: 5/16/2012 2:12:22 AM EDT
It's 2:43 am.

I awaken in darkness lit only by the flickering light from the television. I fell asleep in the basement den again and now in my dreary haze some tv preacher is trying to sell me a book while his 1-800 number flashes on the screen. I reach for the remote to silence this obnoxious man and suddenly reason sets in......"something startled me awake". While I sift through the foggy thoughts of my half asleep brain I hear a loud "thud" on the floor above me."That's what awoke me" I think. Must be the girlfriend just getting home from work but she's off pretty early tonight. It is her third week of over time though so they probably cut her out asap. The hospital had been short handed and she, wanting the extra money volunteered for any extra shift she could get.

Just as I'm about to call out to her I hear another loud thud above me, then another and another, four in all. After a brief moment of silence more thuds, lots of thuds. They increase in speed and loudness forming a distinct rhythm almost like.....dancing. As this continues the speed increases, faster and faster until the tempo is at a pace no human moves at. I lay there listening wondering just what the fuck she is doing up there. "Hey, what the hell are you doing up there?" I yell. Still half asleep and now irritated. The pounding stops followed by silence. I await for her reply but none follows. As I strained to hear her retort I instead hear foot steps coming towards the basement door...two sets of foot steps to be exact. Now I'm starting to think on a more cognitive level and wonder if yelling was such a good idea.

I jump from the couch and listen as the foot steps go all the way to the door and stop. In the silence I hear everything now, including my own breathing and the pounding of my heart. The door hinges creak as somebody swings the door open. I'm suddenly certain my girlfriend is not at the top of those stairs. I start backing away towards the far rear wall. There is no other exit from this basement. Frantically I scan the room for a weapon as the foot steps start down the stairs. Nothing suitable for a weapon lays before me and I am still slowly backing away to a dead end. I look up the stairwell and now I get my first glimpse of my intruder and my brain does not comprehend what my eyes are telling it. A grotesquely misshapen man on all fours walking like a crab descends the stairs. Nearly nude save for a few threads of a shirt and shorts. No shoes and his feet and hands are red and swollen to absurd size. His back is contorted, humped and his head hangs limply before him. Just dangling like dead weight. His leg and arm muscles are huge though and he moves with a precision unthinkable for a person in the position. I frantically feel around behind me for the knob to the laundry room door. Once in my grasp I thrust it open and dive in slamming it shut before me. Whatever the fuck that is I don't want to face it.

As I stand there bracing the door shut it pounds away threatening to batter down the frame. It's pounding slowly begins to take on a rhythm. The same rhtym it pounded away  upstairs. This goes on for what felt like hours. Non stop pounding on the door in rhtym as I exhausted myself bracing against it keeping that thing out. Then after I felt I could take no more and was about to give up and face the thing....silence. I listened for what felt like an eternity before cracking the door open to see that it was gone. An even longer eternity passed before I worked up the nerve to to check upstairs. The sliding back door was wide open but otherwise it appeared to be gone. I flopped down on a chair exhausted. I briefly considered calling the police but what the hell would I tell them? That some dancing ghoul broke into my home and held me captive with dance all night? I didn't believe it myself. Then there was that rhythm. How did it go again? As I thought about it I began to tap my fingers on the table. After a few moments of pondering I realized I was tapping out that rhythm on my table. "It's really not so bad actually. It's kind of catchy really".

So I got down on all fours and started dancing to it.

Link Posted: 5/16/2012 2:36:42 AM EDT
When I was a child we lived in an old farm house my parents rented just on the out skirts of town. It was a run down old dump but my parents were poor and it's what they could afford. Often times at night I would awaken with the feeling of something, not someone watching me. The place gave me the creeps and the worst thing was being alone there. This happened often as my dad worked second shift at a warehouse and having just the one car my mom had to walk home from work at the gas station down the road. So I would usually get dropped off from the school bus an hour or so before she got home. Sometimes though she would beat me home and I was secretly always thankful for this.

One day in late fall I was dropped off at the end of our lane and as I was walking towards the house I noticed the front door was open. "Good mom got home early" I thought to myself. I walked inside and went to the kitchen to get a snack. I did not see mom when I came in so I figured she was upstairs. Digging through the kitchen I came up with all the ingredients to make a sandwich. As I was finishing up I accidentaly knocked the plate off the counter and it loudly broke on the tile floor. "Bobby is that you up there" I heard my mom call out from the basement. "Yeah mom. Sorry I broke a plate." I yelled back. "Could you come down here and give me hand with something?" she shouted. I had no idea what she was doing down there since the basement of that place gave her the creeps and she refused to go down there for anything. "Uh ok mom" I yelled back and headed towards the basement stairs. When I was halfway down the steps I heard my mother call out again "Bobby I'm home".

It was coming from upstairs.

Link Posted: 5/16/2012 8:33:17 AM EDT
Awesome stories, I'd be knee deep in brass if I saw a dude come down the stairs like that though
Link Posted: 5/16/2012 11:27:09 AM EDT
Originally Posted By Berettadeprived:
Awesome stories, I'd be knee deep in brass if I saw a dude come down the stairs like that though

I'd be knee deep in shit covered brass
Link Posted: 5/16/2012 12:41:37 PM EDT
It's said that when a person undergoes a serious trauma such as rape, assault, severe physical injury, etc the brain slips into a fantasy world to protect itself. Often times this fantasy world takes on all the characteristics of the real world they knew. Without being able to wake up a person could go on indefinitely living this fantasy life. Completely unaware that they cant wake up some theorize this is what happens in a comma. If a person goes too long and does not wake up they could become trapped in this world forever. The mind however knows this world is a farce and will subtly give out hints of this trying to  get the sufferer to please wake up.
Link Posted: 5/16/2012 1:08:54 PM EDT
seriously... fuck you banjaxed. i'm so glad i'm reading this in broad daylight.
Link Posted: 5/16/2012 1:21:33 PM EDT
Originally Posted By Banjaxed:
It's said that when a person undergoes a serious trauma such as rape, assault, severe physical injury, etc the brain slips into a fantasy world to protect itself. Often times this fantasy world takes on all the characteristics of the real world they knew. Without being able to wake up a person could go on indefinitely living this fantasy life. Completely unaware that they cant wake up some theorize this is what happens in a comma. If a person goes too long and does not wake up they could become trapped in this world forever. The mind however knows this world is a farce and will subtly give out hints of this trying to  get the sufferer to please wake up.  

Link Posted: 5/16/2012 5:32:38 PM EDT
Originally Posted By Banjaxed:
It's said that when a person undergoes a serious trauma such as rape, assault, severe physical injury, etc the brain slips into a fantasy world to protect itself. Often times this fantasy world takes on all the characteristics of the real world they knew. Without being able to wake up a person could go on indefinitely living this fantasy life. Completely unaware that they cant wake up some theorize this is what happens in a comma. If a person goes too long and does not wake up they could become trapped in this world forever. The mind however knows this world is a farce and will subtly give out hints of this trying to  get the sufferer to please wake up.  

Am I seeing a fellow Redditor?

I cruise the creepy shit over there from time to time and remember seeing this one recently.  There's some good stories over there.
Link Posted: 5/16/2012 5:40:35 PM EDT

Originally Posted By NY_Shooter:

Originally Posted By Banjaxed:

It's said that when a person undergoes a serious trauma such as rape, assault, severe physical injury, etc the brain slips into a fantasy world to protect itself. Often times this fantasy world takes on all the characteristics of the real world they knew. Without being able to wake up a person could go on indefinitely living this fantasy life. Completely unaware that they cant wake up some theorize this is what happens in a comma. If a person goes too long and does not wake up they could become trapped in this world forever. The mind however knows this world is a farce and will subtly give out hints of this trying to  get the sufferer to please wake up.  

Am I seeing a fellow Redditor?

I cruise the creepy shit over there from time to time and remember seeing this one recently.  There's some good stories over there.

Anything posted at Reddit is jacked from 4chan. No I don't lurk there. These stories are all old ghost stories that I borrowed the plot and just wrote the details as I went.

Link Posted: 5/16/2012 7:05:53 PM EDT
[Last Edit: blackbearhunter] [#19]
creepy conjure sacrifice vid watch in dark and play loud...lookie

Link Posted: 5/17/2012 2:36:55 PM EDT
Not as creepy as some of the others, but....

My wife grew up in a house that was haunted. I didn't really believe her until we ran into the poeple who had bought the house from her family, and they started talking about all the freaky stuff that went on. It was so bad they ended up selling the house to someone else. I'm not into the paranormal thing so I just kind of shrugged it off. My wife isn't crazy obsessed either, she just had some experiences growing up. I guess you could consider me somewhat of a skeptic and my wife just one step more open minded than that. Anyway...

Last year we went on vacation to Gettysburg. We are both sorta history buffs and I've wanted to go as long as I can remember. Anyway we had a great time going to all the various battlefield locations, going to the historical sights downtown, etc etc. We had gotten a few pictures that were I guess kinda odd. Things that we couldn't explain away. Nothing newsworthy. just odd. So the last 2 nights that we were there we decided to go out on the battlefield after dark to see if we could see or hear anything. Sounded like a good thing to pass some time, and since you have to be off the battlefield by 10 pm I'd still have time to have a beer at the hotel.

The first night, we went out to the area below Little Round Top and over by Devil's Den. At first there were about a half dozen other people out there taking pictures in the dark, listening for sounds etc. After about 20 minutes we were the only ones left. We had gotten some pictures that some people may say contained orbs, but I'm not an expert so what do I know. Anyway we suddenly heard what I could best describe as a cry or a yell. I've camped in several states, hunted, been out at night in the woods. I have a pretty good handle on what animals sound like at night when you are jittery.
This sounded like nothing I've ever heard before. It seemed to come from all directions at once. Not like it was echoing, but like it's source was everywhere at one. My wife instantly said "what the hell was that? " and got alot closer to me, like I was going to protect her or something. We heard the cry/yell twice more in the next few minutes but it was more faint. I still can't to this day rationalize what made that sound.

The next night, we decided to go to to the Virginia Monument on Seminary Ridge. We were the only people ( idiots? ) out there that night. The night was warm and there was no breeze at all. If you dropped ass, it was going to stay there for 6 hours without dissipating. We got out of the car and walked out into the field past the monument. It was kinda creepy walking out into the field that was part of Pickett's Charge. We walked out to the spot where Robert E. Lee met his troops that were returning from Picket's Charge. There is a nice path that goes past some woods and out to the field. There was nothing creepy about the path, the woods, or the field on the way out. We were out in the field for maybe 30 minutes and got nothing and it was getting alte and time to get off the battlefield. As we were walking on the path back past the woods to the car, we suddenly ran into a patch of cold. It wasn't a cold wind, there was no breeze at all. And it wasn't 5 or 10 degrees colder, it felt like the temperature dropped 20 degrees in this one area. As we hit this area, my wife said "what"? I said " what what?" she said " you just said 'Hey!". I told her no I didn't, I didn't say anything. My wife was walking about 10 feet from me at the time. About 5 seconds later she gasped, jumped, and took off running to the car at top speed. I seriously didn't know she could run the fast. When I finally caught up to her and asked her why she channelled her inner Flo Jo, she told me that she felt something push her on her back. I was not within reach, there was no way I could have pushed her.

Anyway,like I said, not as creepy as other stories I've seen here, but it was creepy enough for us.

Link Posted: 5/17/2012 9:23:51 PM EDT
[Last Edit: ripcurlksm] [#21]
This thread is out of control and has had me mind farked for the past 24 hours. So many stories in a tie for first: The Dopplegangers, The red-eyed swarming dudes, The red-eyed PCP guy, The entire freaking demon story, The buzzing portal in the woods, paintings talking to eachother through squinted eyes, the Indian burial ground guardian story with the HK91. I'm convinced that the hair on my arms grew 1/2" yesterday.

Reading all of these ghost posts makes me think I have some good things around me. I've always had random babies and small children point and smile at me all my life. Maybe its narcissism or maybe its because I'm always trying to make a funny face to make them laugh first.

A few random stories in an effort to contribute:

1) I was born deaf and the doctor wanted to operate on my ears, my Dad pushed the surgery back a few weeks and prayed for his first-born during that time like he never had before. The morning of my surgery I passed the hearing test or w/e and was fine.

2) I'm racking my brain trying to think about a story when I was a young teenager in the Pine Barrens and marshes in coastal New Jersey. I had been lost in the woods that I knew well for hours with my best friend. Temperature dropped, fog rolled in and we ended up in areas we had never been before. I cant really recall but when we got out I didn't go deep into the woods again for quite some time.

3) Around the age of 14 I was bogey boarding at the local beach and I saw lots of familiar faces in the water over the years. One in particular I had seen many times was an older guy in his mid 20's and was a good surfer and we never spoke or met until later in this story but I had seen him several times. One late summer we had a huge hurricane swell and surf was pounding 12'+ a few HUNDRED yards off the coast. I decided to stay out of the surf that day and played in the water close to the beach. There was a sandbar about 10 yards from the waterline where you could stand in knee-deep water. The water was RIPPING down the coast over the sand bar and I remember looking down through the crystal clear water and seeing dunes shaped by the ripping water. The longer I was there the more comfortable I got and a wave came and I dove under it, then another, then another. Things went bad in a matter of seconds. Turn around swimming and the lifeguard towers are small on the horizon. Fuck. Waves are pounding so hard it was hard to swim because the water was so aerated and foamy. I had to make it to the outside past the breakers or I'm going to get pounded. I'm chaining Hail Mary's and swimming for my life. Finally make it outside and see a surfer, its that guy in his 20's I had seen before. He gives me his surfboard and I swim in and catch a small inside wave in on my stomach and I turn around over my shoulder to see him bodysurfing this huge wave perfectly. I kiss the sand as I hit the beach, he takes his board, 1000x "thank you's" from me and he ran back into the water and paddled out. After this incident I surfed this beach for years afterward and never saw him again. I think he was an angel. For some comic relief, moments later I am walking up the beach looking like a drowned rat and glad to be alive and who do I see but my ex-girlfriend and starts spitting venom at me and I was so glad to be alive I told her to have a great day and just kept walking. She may have had a reason to dislike me. (She broke up with me, then proceeded to try and kick me in the nuts multiple times so I bear hugged her around her waist and put her head first into a nearby garbage can post-haste. Completely unplanned, but funny the way the universe sets you up.)

4) Balloons! Here is the only scary story I know. My sisters have two beautiful friends their age and they are twins. Black hair, blue eyes, stunning and nice girls and good family. Their house is haunted by a little girl. To make matters worse, this little ghost HATES one of the twin girls. She will appear in the hallway out of no where and come running at her screaming then disappear. Many nights she has been seen standing over one of the girls as she sleeps at night. The other sister screams and runs out of the room leaving her in the room with the ghost by herself, lol. At the time the parents had an older TV/cable box where the screen would flash black as you changed the channel. In between channels the father would see the little girl sitting on the couch next to him watching TV as the TV flashed black and could see a reflection. Before the twins really knew about this ghost, there was an incident where the mother and one of the girls was home alone, they had just gotten home and had a bunch of inflated balloons on strings for a birthday party. This ghost hated anything to be tied down that she could not move. Unloading the car, the mother and daughter drop the balloons in the house and keep unloading the car. 30 seconds later after returning with more packages the balloons are scattered throughout the house and put behind closed doors and closets upstairs and downstairs. No one else was home and one of the twin girls asked her mom why. The mom came clean and told her that their house is haunted by a little girl. In disbelief, the twin doubted her mom so she said "okay, tie these balloons to the chair at the kitchen table" and they stepped outside for a few seconds and came back in and the chair was dragged all over the first floor as the ghost tried to move the balloons. This story is fresh from memory, I had heard it a few years ago and just saw the twins recently on my last trip home and she re-told the stories to me.
Link Posted: 5/18/2012 3:45:34 AM EDT
Link Posted: 5/18/2012 4:57:53 AM EDT
2010, I was doing armed executive protection. The principle decided that they wanted to stay in an old hotel. I was indifferent, because the threat level was extremely low and I had never been creeped out by old buildings. After the principle went to bed, my team went on break (at 0000, we had one man up). I was the first on shift.

The hotel was 3 stories tall, with several levels underground. I was bored and decided to explore the underground levels. This was very interesting. At the elevator was a sign that read, "All Keep From Pass". Of course, I didn't give a shit. I hit the down button. After several clicking sounds, the elevator began to work. It took about 45 seconds for the doors to open. I stepped inside, and hit the U3 level (lowest level).

The elevator was poorly maintained. Old posters, scratched up walls.

When the elevator hit it's level, it made a strange clash sound and stopped. The doors took a few seconds to open, and when they did I was faced with three lit halls. One to my left, one straight ahead, and one to my right. I had done security in many creepy old places, so this wasn't unusual to me.

I preemptively drew my fenix flashlight and exited the elevator. I began to walk down the left hall when I heard a thud.  Nothing out of the ordinary, so I kept moving.

I found a door that read, "stair 36 levels U3-U19".  

Well as you would expect, I opened the door and explored. I went down the stairs until I reached the door that was marked, U4.

Even I have my limits, and I was very creeped out, so I opened the door slowely. I had my g19 out in my right hand. After the door opened, at the end of the hall, I saw two eyes. Glowing, green eyes. I shut the door immediately and continued to run until I reached the elevator. I hit the UP button and waited. It took 4 minutes before the doors opened, and while I waited, I heard thud sounds. Many thud sounds from below. I had my pistol pointed at the stair-well. I was prepared to unload a shitload of 9mm rounds. I heard a last thud at the stairwell,. then silence. Then, by the grace of god, the elevator doors opened.

I went inside and frantically hit the 1* button. The doors didn't move. I took a knee in the left rear corner of the elevator, aiming my pistol at the stairwell. I saw something. I saw a dark figure coming up the stairs. Fortunately the doors shut and the elevator brought me to level 1 where our rooms were.
Link Posted: 5/18/2012 6:58:55 AM EDT
Originally Posted By EasTexan:
I'm sitting outside, playing guitar and I'm hearing Garth Brooks playing in the woods. I'm guessing it's some rednecks working on their truck like every night. Lol. Anyways it reminded me of my creepiest encounter I ever had out in the wilderness.

I was bow fishing one night with some buddies out on Dam-b. Its a very eerie part of the state. Cypress trees covered in Spanish moss coupled with long leaf pines and mixed hardwoods. The shallow waters are great for hunting big gar. Anyways, we were about thirty miles from the nearest town and had traveled up the river by boat another 30 to get to the good spots. I tell ya, you go back in these woods and you step back in time. Untouched by man and so damn unforgiving, its no surprise. It was about 11:30 P.M. when we entered the slough. There was no sound except for the humming of the trolling motor. He had decided not to use the generator and the halogen lights but instead use some rigged handheld 500,000 spot lights so we could hunt coons as well. That's when we heard it.

I was just putting a dip in when I heard the soft sound of music. Instantly, fear and confusion set in as I looked around. My buddies heard it as well and we could only listen, looking at each other for some sort of answer. No one could be out there, it was impossible. There were no roads, no way to climb the huge, clay cliffs made by the river. It was coming from the absolute wilderness. The tune was the most terrifying part. It was not a song anyone alive today would know. It sounded like it came from an old record player. It was scratchy and muffled with a woman's voice singing and it filled me with more adrenaline and fear than I have ever had in my whole life. I can only relate it to something from the turn of the century. By this time, Jake had stopped the trolling motor and we simply sat down and continued to listen. Its like we were in a trance. We know that back country and we know that this was not right. People never would have trecked through those marshes and woods to play a joke.

Then the music simply faded away. We sat there in the dark, waiting for something to move, something to give its position away so we could put the lights on it. Whoever or whatever it was would have surely made noise in the swamp water.

Nothing. Not a sound for thirty minutes. We felt after an experience like that, it was time to go.


That would scare the shit out of me. I think you should go back.....in the daylight.....and recon the area. I'm betting you would find an old hunting camp or something. I have heard music/radio noise coming from a long way away while up in the UP of Michigan.....but I'm talking about middle of the night near zero degrees super still wilderness. Sound can travel a  LOOOONG way in those conditions. I heard a police radio once (I think it was the DNR) that had to be on a road 4 miles away.

The creepiest story in my family....it happened before I was born...My Grandfather was back in the Porcupine Mountains in the UP sometime during WWII. It was TRUE wilderness then. He saw a boot sticking out from under the root ball of a cedar blow down. He pulled it out and there was a foot (bones) inside. I would have shit myself. He stayed back there another week running traps. Talk about balls.

Link Posted: 5/18/2012 7:12:16 AM EDT
Originally Posted By TradWoodsman:
Originally Posted By EasTexan:
I'm sitting outside, playing guitar and I'm hearing Garth Brooks playing in the woods. I'm guessing it's some rednecks working on their truck like every night. Lol. Anyways it reminded me of my creepiest encounter I ever had out in the wilderness.

I was bow fishing one night with some buddies out on Dam-b. Its a very eerie part of the state. Cypress trees covered in Spanish moss coupled with long leaf pines and mixed hardwoods. The shallow waters are great for hunting big gar. Anyways, we were about thirty miles from the nearest town and had traveled up the river by boat another 30 to get to the good spots. I tell ya, you go back in these woods and you step back in time. Untouched by man and so damn unforgiving, its no surprise. It was about 11:30 P.M. when we entered the slough. There was no sound except for the humming of the trolling motor. He had decided not to use the generator and the halogen lights but instead use some rigged handheld 500,000 spot lights so we could hunt coons as well. That's when we heard it.

I was just putting a dip in when I heard the soft sound of music. Instantly, fear and confusion set in as I looked around. My buddies heard it as well and we could only listen, looking at each other for some sort of answer. No one could be out there, it was impossible. There were no roads, no way to climb the huge, clay cliffs made by the river. It was coming from the absolute wilderness. The tune was the most terrifying part. It was not a song anyone alive today would know. It sounded like it came from an old record player. It was scratchy and muffled with a woman's voice singing and it filled me with more adrenaline and fear than I have ever had in my whole life. I can only relate it to something from the turn of the century. By this time, Jake had stopped the trolling motor and we simply sat down and continued to listen. Its like we were in a trance. We know that back country and we know that this was not right. People never would have trecked through those marshes and woods to play a joke.

Then the music simply faded away. We sat there in the dark, waiting for something to move, something to give its position away so we could put the lights on it. Whoever or whatever it was would have surely made noise in the swamp water.

Nothing. Not a sound for thirty minutes. We felt after an experience like that, it was time to go.


That would scare the shit out of me. I think you should go back.....in the daylight.....and recon the area. I'm betting you would find an old hunting camp or something. I have heard music/radio noise coming from a long way away while up in the UP of Michigan.....but I'm talking about middle of the night near zero degrees super still wilderness. Sound can travel a  LOOOONG way in those conditions. I heard a police radio once (I think it was the DNR) that had to be on a road 4 miles away.

The creepiest story in my family....it happened before I was born...My Grandfather was back in the Porcupine Mountains in the UP sometime during WWII. It was TRUE wilderness then. He saw a boot sticking out from under the root ball of a cedar blow down. He pulled it out and there was a foot (bones) inside. I would have shit myself. He stayed back there another week running traps. Talk about balls.

I'll be in the Porkies next weekend... I'll have to watch for boots.
Link Posted: 5/18/2012 7:14:54 AM EDT

Originally Posted By Blacktide:

2010, I was doing armed executive protection. The principle decided that they wanted to stay in an old hotel. I was indifferent, because the threat level was extremely low and I had never been creeped out by old buildings. After the principle went to bed, my team went on break (at 0000, we had one man up). I was the first on shift.

The hotel was 3 stories tall, with several levels underground. I was bored and decided to explore the underground levels. This was very interesting. At the elevator was a sign that read, "All Keep From Pass". Of course, I didn't give a shit. I hit the down button. After several clicking sounds, the elevator began to work. It took about 45 seconds for the doors to open. I stepped inside, and hit the U3 level (lowest level).

The elevator was poorly maintained. Old posters, scratched up walls.

When the elevator hit it's level, it made a strange clash sound and stopped. The doors took a few seconds to open, and when they did I was faced with three lit halls. One to my left, one straight ahead, and one to my right. I had done security in many creepy old places, so this wasn't unusual to me.

I preemptively drew my fenix flashlight and exited the elevator. I began to walk down the left hall when I heard a thud.  Nothing out of the ordinary, so I kept moving.

I found a door that read, "stair 36 levels U3-U19".  

Well as you would expect, I opened the door and explored. I went down the stairs until I reached the door that was marked, U4.

Even I have my limits, and I was very creeped out, so I opened the door slowely. I had my g19 out in my right hand. After the door opened, at the end of the hall, I saw two eyes. Glowing, green eyes. I shut the door immediately and continued to run until I reached the elevator. I hit the UP button and waited. It took 4 minutes before the doors opened, and while I waited, I heard thud sounds. Many thud sounds from below. I had my pistol pointed at the stair-well. I was prepared to unload a shitload of 9mm rounds. I heard a last thud at the stairwell,. then silence. Then, by the grace of god, the elevator doors opened.

I went inside and frantically hit the 1* button. The doors didn't move. I took a knee in the left rear corner of the elevator, aiming my pistol at the stairwell. I saw something. I saw a dark figure coming up the stairs. Fortunately the doors shut and the elevator brought me to level 1 where our rooms were.

Where was this at?

Link Posted: 5/18/2012 7:17:00 AM EDT
Originally Posted By optimus:
Originally Posted By TradWoodsman:
Originally Posted By EasTexan:
I'm sitting outside, playing guitar and I'm hearing Garth Brooks playing in the woods. I'm guessing it's some rednecks working on their truck like every night. Lol. Anyways it reminded me of my creepiest encounter I ever had out in the wilderness.

I was bow fishing one night with some buddies out on Dam-b. Its a very eerie part of the state. Cypress trees covered in Spanish moss coupled with long leaf pines and mixed hardwoods. The shallow waters are great for hunting big gar. Anyways, we were about thirty miles from the nearest town and had traveled up the river by boat another 30 to get to the good spots. I tell ya, you go back in these woods and you step back in time. Untouched by man and so damn unforgiving, its no surprise. It was about 11:30 P.M. when we entered the slough. There was no sound except for the humming of the trolling motor. He had decided not to use the generator and the halogen lights but instead use some rigged handheld 500,000 spot lights so we could hunt coons as well. That's when we heard it.

I was just putting a dip in when I heard the soft sound of music. Instantly, fear and confusion set in as I looked around. My buddies heard it as well and we could only listen, looking at each other for some sort of answer. No one could be out there, it was impossible. There were no roads, no way to climb the huge, clay cliffs made by the river. It was coming from the absolute wilderness. The tune was the most terrifying part. It was not a song anyone alive today would know. It sounded like it came from an old record player. It was scratchy and muffled with a woman's voice singing and it filled me with more adrenaline and fear than I have ever had in my whole life. I can only relate it to something from the turn of the century. By this time, Jake had stopped the trolling motor and we simply sat down and continued to listen. Its like we were in a trance. We know that back country and we know that this was not right. People never would have trecked through those marshes and woods to play a joke.

Then the music simply faded away. We sat there in the dark, waiting for something to move, something to give its position away so we could put the lights on it. Whoever or whatever it was would have surely made noise in the swamp water.

Nothing. Not a sound for thirty minutes. We felt after an experience like that, it was time to go.


That would scare the shit out of me. I think you should go back.....in the daylight.....and recon the area. I'm betting you would find an old hunting camp or something. I have heard music/radio noise coming from a long way away while up in the UP of Michigan.....but I'm talking about middle of the night near zero degrees super still wilderness. Sound can travel a  LOOOONG way in those conditions. I heard a police radio once (I think it was the DNR) that had to be on a road 4 miles away.

The creepiest story in my family....it happened before I was born...My Grandfather was back in the Porcupine Mountains in the UP sometime during WWII. It was TRUE wilderness then. He saw a boot sticking out from under the root ball of a cedar blow down. He pulled it out and there was a foot (bones) inside. I would have shit myself. He stayed back there another week running traps. Talk about balls.

I'll be in the Porkies next weekend... I'll have to watch for boots.

Thats a great area. We have a camp on Armstrong Creek, just off of the Brule.

Link Posted: 5/18/2012 7:23:32 AM EDT

Grandma lives in Ontonagon, and there's family land about halfway between the two, so we never have to shell out for a camp site.

Thankfully the "creepiest" thing to date is the damn coyotes making all sorts of racket at 0300... may bring an AR and see if that'll shut 'em up.

Enough freeloading though, I worked at a Scout Camp for a few years not long ago, and the original camp ranger's still there.  He was known for cherry cigars, and sure as shit, you walk across the parade ground at 0200 and you'll smell it.  Makes the hair on your neck stand up when you realize it.  He likes to slam the doors in the Program Center too.

Supposedly there's some other "people" around camp, one of which is not nice, but I've never experienced them.
Link Posted: 5/18/2012 9:29:12 AM EDT
Originally Posted By Blacktide:
2010, I was doing armed executive protection. The principle decided that they wanted to stay in an old hotel. I was indifferent, because the threat level was extremely low and I had never been creeped out by old buildings. After the principle went to bed, my team went on break (at 0000, we had one man up). I was the first on shift.

The hotel was 3 stories tall, with several levels underground. I was bored and decided to explore the underground levels. This was very interesting. At the elevator was a sign that read, "All Keep From Pass". Of course, I didn't give a shit. I hit the down button. After several clicking sounds, the elevator began to work. It took about 45 seconds for the doors to open. I stepped inside, and hit the U3 level (lowest level).

The elevator was poorly maintained. Old posters, scratched up walls.

When the elevator hit it's level, it made a strange clash sound and stopped. The doors took a few seconds to open, and when they did I was faced with three lit halls. One to my left, one straight ahead, and one to my right. I had done security in many creepy old places, so this wasn't unusual to me.

I preemptively drew my fenix flashlight and exited the elevator. I began to walk down the left hall when I heard a thud.  Nothing out of the ordinary, so I kept moving.

I found a door that read, "stair 36 levels U3-U19".  

Well as you would expect, I opened the door and explored. I went down the stairs until I reached the door that was marked, U4.

Even I have my limits, and I was very creeped out, so I opened the door slowely. I had my g19 out in my right hand. After the door opened, at the end of the hall, I saw two eyes. Glowing, green eyes. I shut the door immediately and continued to run until I reached the elevator. I hit the UP button and waited. It took 4 minutes before the doors opened, and while I waited, I heard thud sounds. Many thud sounds from below. I had my pistol pointed at the stair-well. I was prepared to unload a shitload of 9mm rounds. I heard a last thud at the stairwell,. then silence. Then, by the grace of god, the elevator doors opened.

I went inside and frantically hit the 1* button. The doors didn't move. I took a knee in the left rear corner of the elevator, aiming my pistol at the stairwell. I saw something. I saw a dark figure coming up the stairs. Fortunately the doors shut and the elevator brought me to level 1 where our rooms were.

Dude you so could have bagged the elusive boogeyman. It would have been worth a good amount I am sure.
Link Posted: 5/18/2012 10:22:06 AM EDT
Originally Posted By FrankSymptoms:
Hey, there are (putatively) intelligent, normal people, right here on AR15.com, who believe that 9mm > .45 ACP.

There's really not a lot of reason to go with .45 over modern 9mm hollow points anymore.   Are you saying that people who believe that are unintelligent?
Link Posted: 5/18/2012 10:51:10 AM EDT
Posted this in the ghostly encounters thread. Happened when I was young in TN.

When I was 11 or 12 I had family that lived in the middle of nowhere in TN. A town called Taswell, way up in the mountains. My great grandmother lived in an 1800's house on the property. (no electricity, no running water) My uncle lived in a trailer also on the property. My great grandfather had passed away several years before this incident I'm about to tell you about. Anyway, my great grandma would always say that my great grandpa would visit her at night which everyone assumed meant in her dreams. (She was 95 at this time) Well one day, very late at night, on a dare from my dad I went up to the old house from the trailer to go pump some water from the kitchen. On my walk up to the house I noticted two people sitting on the front porch rocking. It was my great grandma and a man I'd never met. When I got within about 50 yards, the man stood up and went inside...stopping to kiss my great grandma on his way in. I could see him stand up, kiss her, open the screen door and walk inside. I went up to my great grandma and asked her, "who was that?" She told me it was my great grandpa. I immediatley went into full freakout mode, dropped the bucket for the water and ran back to the trailer. I told my dad what happened and he said that everyone in the family has seen it and no one goes to the house after dark. He dared me to go up there even though I was scared because I didn't believe.

Second story, at the same property, on the same trip. My sister and I went up in the mountains looking for a creek so we could catch some crawdads. We were just walking around the woods up on the mountain when we found a cave, in the cave was a bunch of abandoned (really old style) school desks set up like a classroom and chalk writing on the walls. Something about that place freaked us out and we got out of there fast. On our way down we found an overgrown clearing with carved rocks pressed into the ground and an abundance of arrowheads. (Indian graveyeard I'm assuming but we never found out and couldn't find the place again when I tried to show my dad where it was) Anyway, I tried to pick up one very big, very nice looking black arrowhead and literally couldn't lift it. It was about 4 inches long and an inch wide but I could not pick it up...it felt like it weighed a million pounds. After trying for a while this really dark feeling hit my sister and I at the same time and we ran back to the trailer.

Link Posted: 5/18/2012 11:22:31 AM EDT
Originally Posted By WildBoar:
Originally Posted By Blacktide:
2010, I was doing armed executive protection. The principle decided that they wanted to stay in an old hotel. I was indifferent, because the threat level was extremely low and I had never been creeped out by old buildings. After the principle went to bed, my team went on break (at 0000, we had one man up). I was the first on shift.

The hotel was 3 stories tall, with several levels underground. I was bored and decided to explore the underground levels. This was very interesting. At the elevator was a sign that read, "All Keep From Pass". Of course, I didn't give a shit. I hit the down button. After several clicking sounds, the elevator began to work. It took about 45 seconds for the doors to open. I stepped inside, and hit the U3 level (lowest level).

The elevator was poorly maintained. Old posters, scratched up walls.

When the elevator hit it's level, it made a strange clash sound and stopped. The doors took a few seconds to open, and when they did I was faced with three lit halls. One to my left, one straight ahead, and one to my right. I had done security in many creepy old places, so this wasn't unusual to me.

I preemptively drew my fenix flashlight and exited the elevator. I began to walk down the left hall when I heard a thud.  Nothing out of the ordinary, so I kept moving.

I found a door that read, "stair 36 levels U3-U19".  

Well as you would expect, I opened the door and explored. I went down the stairs until I reached the door that was marked, U4.

Even I have my limits, and I was very creeped out, so I opened the door slowely. I had my g19 out in my right hand. After the door opened, at the end of the hall, I saw two eyes. Glowing, green eyes. I shut the door immediately and continued to run until I reached the elevator. I hit the UP button and waited. It took 4 minutes before the doors opened, and while I waited, I heard thud sounds. Many thud sounds from below. I had my pistol pointed at the stair-well. I was prepared to unload a shitload of 9mm rounds. I heard a last thud at the stairwell,. then silence. Then, by the grace of god, the elevator doors opened.

I went inside and frantically hit the 1* button. The doors didn't move. I took a knee in the left rear corner of the elevator, aiming my pistol at the stairwell. I saw something. I saw a dark figure coming up the stairs. Fortunately the doors shut and the elevator brought me to level 1 where our rooms were.

Dude you so could have bagged the elusive boogeyman. It would have been worth a good amount I am sure.

It was just the night janitor.
Link Posted: 5/18/2012 9:08:45 PM EDT
Originally Posted By ripcurlksm:

Reading all of these ghost posts makes me think I have some good things around me. I've always had random babies and small children point and smile at me all my life. Maybe its narcissism or maybe its because I'm always trying to make a funny face to make them laugh first.


They're pointing and smiling at what they see behind you.
Link Posted: 5/18/2012 9:44:20 PM EDT
Awesome thread revival.

Let's keep it going.
Link Posted: 5/19/2012 1:57:51 AM EDT
Originally Posted By Alex_F:
Originally Posted By FrankSymptoms:
Hey, there are (putatively) intelligent, normal people, right here on AR15.com, who believe that 9mm > .45 ACP.

There's really not a lot of reason to go with .45 over modern 9mm hollow points anymore.   Are you saying that people who believe that are unintelligent?

As I live and breathe.

You mean to tell me we are going to turn a creepy thread into a 9mm vs. .45 ACP pissing contest?

Link Posted: 5/19/2012 2:54:13 AM EDT
When I was about 11 I came home from school, watched a little TV , played outside a bit.

Was feeling a little tired so I layed down and fell asleep. Mom and Dad was at work and would be home in an hour or so, normally around 6PM.

Well I woke up still half asleep a little dazed and noticed it was just starting to get daylight outside. I looked out my window which faces the front and the driveway and to my surprise there were no cars out there. I looked at the clock and it was almost 6:30. I started freeking out because it was 6:30 am and my parents never came home from the day before.

I went to the living room, their room, nope nothing. I was all alone and had been all night. I was really freaked and wondering what happened to them. Were they in a wreck on the way home from work or what.

Well A few minutes had gone by and my sister comes home and in the front door. I'm a little shaky still not understanding why my parents were gone all night long.
I ask her where they were at and told her they haven't been here all night and it was morning.

She looked at me like and said what are you talking about its 6:45 at night!

I slept so soundly I thought I had slept for like 12 hours and not just an hour or so.

Not really a creepy story for grown men but when you're only 11.......
Link Posted: 5/19/2012 4:21:31 AM EDT

Originally Posted By 71mach103:

Not as creepy as some of the others, but....

My wife grew up in a house that was haunted. I didn't really believe her until we ran into the poeple who had bought the house from her family, and they started talking about all the freaky stuff that went on. It was so bad they ended up selling the house to someone else. I'm not into the paranormal thing so I just kind of shrugged it off. My wife isn't crazy obsessed either, she just had some experiences growing up. I guess you could consider me somewhat of a skeptic and my wife just one step more open minded than that. Anyway...

Last year we went on vacation to Gettysburg. We are both sorta history buffs and I've wanted to go as long as I can remember. Anyway we had a great time going to all the various battlefield locations, going to the historical sights downtown, etc etc. We had gotten a few pictures that were I guess kinda odd. Things that we couldn't explain away. Nothing newsworthy. just odd. So the last 2 nights that we were there we decided to go out on the battlefield after dark to see if we could see or hear anything. Sounded like a good thing to pass some time, and since you have to be off the battlefield by 10 pm I'd still have time to have a beer at the hotel.

The first night, we went out to the area below Little Round Top and over by Devil's Den. At first there were about a half dozen other people out there taking pictures in the dark, listening for sounds etc. After about 20 minutes we were the only ones left. We had gotten some pictures that some people may say contained orbs, but I'm not an expert so what do I know. Anyway we suddenly heard what I could best describe as a cry or a yell. I've camped in several states, hunted, been out at night in the woods. I have a pretty good handle on what animals sound like at night when you are jittery.

This sounded like nothing I've ever heard before. It seemed to come from all directions at once. Not like it was echoing, but like it's source was everywhere at one. My wife instantly said "what the hell was that? " and got alot closer to me, like I was going to protect her or something. We heard the cry/yell twice more in the next few minutes but it was more faint. I still can't to this day rationalize what made that sound.

The next night, we decided to go to to the Virginia Monument on Seminary Ridge. We were the only people ( idiots? ) out there that night. The night was warm and there was no breeze at all. If you dropped ass, it was going to stay there for 6 hours without dissipating. We got out of the car and walked out into the field past the monument. It was kinda creepy walking out into the field that was part of Pickett's Charge. We walked out to the spot where Robert E. Lee met his troops that were returning from Picket's Charge. There is a nice path that goes past some woods and out to the field. There was nothing creepy about the path, the woods, or the field on the way out. We were out in the field for maybe 30 minutes and got nothing and it was getting alte and time to get off the battlefield. As we were walking on the path back past the woods to the car, we suddenly ran into a patch of cold. It wasn't a cold wind, there was no breeze at all. And it wasn't 5 or 10 degrees colder, it felt like the temperature dropped 20 degrees in this one area. As we hit this area, my wife said "what"? I said " what what?" she said " you just said 'Hey!". I told her no I didn't, I didn't say anything. My wife was walking about 10 feet from me at the time. About 5 seconds later she gasped, jumped, and took off running to the car at top speed. I seriously didn't know she could run the fast. When I finally caught up to her and asked her why she channelled her inner Flo Jo, she told me that she felt something push her on her back. I was not within reach, there was no way I could have pushed her.

Anyway,like I said, not as creepy as other stories I've seen here, but it was creepy enough for us.

Sound like this?

Link Posted: 5/19/2012 6:29:05 PM EDT
Originally Posted By aimforthemedic:
Posted this in the ghostly encounters thread. Happened when I was young in TN.

When I was 11 or 12 I had family that lived in the middle of nowhere in TN. A town called Taswell, way up in the mountains. My great grandmother lived in an 1800's house on the property. (no electricity, no running water) My uncle lived in a trailer also on the property. My great grandfather had passed away several years before this incident I'm about to tell you about. Anyway, my great grandma would always say that my great grandpa would visit her at night which everyone assumed meant in her dreams. (She was 95 at this time) Well one day, very late at night, on a dare from my dad I went up to the old house from the trailer to go pump some water from the kitchen. On my walk up to the house I noticted two people sitting on the front porch rocking. It was my great grandma and a man I'd never met. When I got within about 50 yards, the man stood up and went inside...stopping to kiss my great grandma on his way in. I could see him stand up, kiss her, open the screen door and walk inside. I went up to my great grandma and asked her, "who was that?" She told me it was my great grandpa. I immediatley went into full freakout mode, dropped the bucket for the water and ran back to the trailer. I told my dad what happened and he said that everyone in the family has seen it and no one goes to the house after dark. He dared me to go up there even though I was scared because I didn't believe.

Second story, at the same property, on the same trip. My sister and I went up in the mountains looking for a creek so we could catch some crawdads. We were just walking around the woods up on the mountain when we found a cave, in the cave was a bunch of abandoned (really old style) school desks set up like a classroom and chalk writing on the walls. Something about that place freaked us out and we got out of there fast. On our way down we found an overgrown clearing with carved rocks pressed into the ground and an abundance of arrowheads. (Indian graveyeard I'm assuming but we never found out and couldn't find the place again when I tried to show my dad where it was) Anyway, I tried to pick up one very big, very nice looking black arrowhead and literally couldn't lift it. It was about 4 inches long and an inch wide but I could not pick it up...it felt like it weighed a million pounds. After trying for a while this really dark feeling hit my sister and I at the same time and we ran back to the trailer.

Was the town Tazewell?  NE of Knoxville?  It is pronounced taz well or taz ville by the locals.  That's where my stories are, I used to live there.

Link Posted: 5/20/2012 9:51:34 PM EDT

Originally Posted By Miracle_Pants:

Sound like this?



They probably had a CW enthusiast out there at night.

Link Posted: 5/21/2012 6:30:58 PM EDT
Originally Posted By Ox6603:
Originally Posted By ripcurlksm:

Reading all of these ghost posts makes me think I have some good things around me. I've always had random babies and small children point and smile at me all my life. Maybe its narcissism or maybe its because I'm always trying to make a funny face to make them laugh first.


They're pointing and smiling at what they see behind you.

Link Posted: 5/22/2012 11:31:39 AM EDT
This took place in the Spring of 2011 just before I moved in with my Mother to take care of her.

I was in the basement of my house. Sitting in my Biggie Boy, Lazy Boy recliner watching some T.V. late at night with my deaf & blind dog Elvis on my lap.

Out of the corner of my eye to my left I thought I saw something moving. But when I looked right at it, there was nothing there.

About 20-30 seconds later, I noticed it again. But this time it had more substance to it. And was getting bigger.

As I turned to look at it. It became a Black mass that was moving across the floor towards me. It was about 3 feet tall and about 1-1/2 feet wide.

It wasn't smoke or a cloud that  was billowing. But yet it wasn't solid either.

It's about 15 feet from the basement door to my chair. As it got close to me. I got the feeling that it was my late dog Tank. Who I had had to put down in February of 2008. He was a Long Coat Akita that had weight 130 lbs all muscle. But he was like a big puppy.

The Black Shape reached me and stopped at my chair for a couple of seconds. I said "Tank, it's time for bed".

Then the Black Shape just disappeared. I never saw it before or since.


Link Posted: 5/23/2012 12:24:16 AM EDT
[Last Edit: dangerdan] [#42]
Went deer hunting last year here in east texas. I stepped into the stand at about 5:15 AM. About 30 minutes before day break, I noticed a really bright white light blinding me I the eyes about 50 feet to my front left several feet into the woods (I'm hunting on a lane my dad cleared out). It lasted for about 5 seconds and disappeared. I have not idea what it was. There wasn't any noise, as you would easily hear the crunch of twigs and dried leaves. Needless to say, I did end up hunting until about 10 am. But the light really freaked me out.

Also many years ago while deer hunting, I could hear muffled voices through some of the woods, even though I was the only person around
Link Posted: 5/23/2012 1:04:42 AM EDT
I hate you people. 12:05am and I'm reading this.
Link Posted: 5/23/2012 1:08:22 AM EDT
Originally Posted By Willmar:
I hate you people. 12:05am and I'm reading this.

I'm alone in a biomedical research institue. How do you think I feel?
Link Posted: 5/23/2012 1:12:32 AM EDT
Originally Posted By Blacktide:
Originally Posted By Willmar:
I hate you people. 12:05am and I'm reading this.

I'm alone in a biomedical research institue. How do you think I feel?

Got any creepy/weird science experiments going on there?
Link Posted: 5/23/2012 2:47:54 AM EDT
This story happened just last month.

I now live in on the second floor of the house my older Brother and I built for my Mother. I moved in with her late last Spring and just recently forced my older Sister out (I have 5 ) due to her stealing and drug use.

It was a Saturday afternoon and the next day being Sunday would have been my Late Wives 60th Birthday. So instead of thinking of her every minute. It was now about every 10 seconds.

As I was walking into the bathroom to take a shower. I passed the dresser. Sitting on top of it was one of her Teddy Bears. I glanced at it as I passed and quickly remembered the day that I had bought it for her. As I stepped into the bathroom, I heard a thud from behind me. I turned and look. The Teddy Bear was laying about 4 feet in front of the dresser.

This was strange, as the Teddy Bear had been sitting at the back of the dresser. No windows were open and no fans were on. It was as if someone had flung it off the dresser.

I put the Bear back on the dresser but this time on the front edge. Then pushed it off. It landed just a couple of inches in front of the dresser. There was a small bounce. But no thud sound like I had heard. I put the Bear on the back of the dresser and it has not moved since than.

A week later, I was watching TV late at night when the large portrait of my wife that rest on the floor in front of the TV stand fell forward.

I had been watching a movie that made me miss having my wife when this happened. Again there was no windows open. Nor any fans on at the time. The photo has been sitting there since I moved in without being moved. And has never fallen over before.

Sometimes while downstairs with my mother you can hear someone walking around my room. The footsteps are very distinct.

I don't know if I have a knack for building haunted houses for building over places that have bad ju-ju but so far nothing bad has come from my encounters. Except one. But that's for another time.

Link Posted: 5/23/2012 3:00:55 AM EDT
Originally Posted By NY_Shooter:
Originally Posted By Blacktide:
Originally Posted By Willmar:
I hate you people. 12:05am and I'm reading this.

I'm alone in a biomedical research institue. How do you think I feel?

Got any creepy/weird science experiments going on there?

I'm pretty sure there's a mansquito around here somewhere.
Link Posted: 5/23/2012 3:32:04 AM EDT
I think my Dad searched out and bought every Bates Hotel looking house we ever lived in.

In 1965 we moved from Astoria, OR. to Portland, Or. This house was big and was built around the 20's or 30's. We only lived there a couple of months before we moved to California but it wasn't soon enough.

One night we all went to bed (there were my parents and us 4 kids living there at the time) after watching one of the four TV channels. I was already in the bedroom and my younger Brother was in the bathroom brushing his teeth. The lights were still on in the room and in the hallway.

I'm thinking it's taking my Brother Jim a long time to brush his teeth. I start to get out of the bed to tell him to hurry up. When the closet door slowly starts to open. The door to the hallway is right next to the closet door. And I'm trying to figure if I can get out that Bastard before that door opens another inch. But I can't move. I'm frozen. Nothing I can do will make my legs move.

The door continues to swing open. It's a quarter open now. There's no light in there. This house is old remember.

Now the door is half way open and I can see a shape and it's Black. Not "there's no light black". I talking the Sun has gone out Black. I can see the rest of the closet behind it.

I was wearing my Superman pajamas at time. And now they are soaked thru with the sweat that is rolling off of me. My throat fills raw from screaming. But no sound is coming out.

As the door opens fully, I see the Blackness in the closet is in the shape of a man. I see it's eyes. But there are no eyes just holes. Just like looking into burning coals or Hell. When it raised one arm at me is when the sound finally escaped my throat.

The closet door slammed shut so loud. It sounded like the wall was being torn out. My Father came running in (along with the rest of the family) mad as hell about the noise. I told him what had happened. He went to the closet and tried to open it. But it was stuck. It took him a couple of hard yanks for it to come loose. When he opened it he saw that the door jam had been busted and one of the hinges was bent.

That was the only thing I know of the happened in that house. We moved two weeks later.

Link Posted: 5/23/2012 4:39:25 AM EDT
What's better than being an insomniac with nothing to do at 4:30 in the morning? Reading this thread of course!

Thanks for sharing all the stories. I don't know if I posted in this thread or if it was another one, but it was a long one. It always makes it easier to share when other people are sharing their stories without any ridicule going on. Of course, the joking helps out a lot so that's always a plus...lol
Link Posted: 5/23/2012 4:24:22 PM EDT
[Last Edit: WildBoar] [#50]
Originally Posted By demolitio:
It always makes it easier to share when other people are sharing their stories without any ridicule going on. Of course, the joking helps out a lot so that's always a plus...lol

I shared some dumb experiences here and never really got any ridicule. I ridicule my experiences though so I guess others felt no need. I could convince folks my brother house is haunted if I relayed all the experiences there but all in all its just a series of odd coincidences and nothing more.

Hardly anyone wants to offer up a possible explanations other than "ghosts" as the cause. No attempt at all to find a probable explanation. Its like some folks refuse to try and seek or offer a possible explanation other then the paranormal. Sure some folks have situations where they simply cannot explain it, but most are certainty explainable to an existing probability.
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