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Link Posted: 2/2/2013 1:21:48 AM EDT
Originally Posted By IAmA_EricHolder_AMA:
Ghosts and evil spirits don't exist. End of story.

come on, dont join a website and trash threads other people find enjoying.
Link Posted: 2/2/2013 1:30:02 AM EDT
Originally Posted By Clot11:
Originally Posted By Banjaxed:
I moonlight as a paramedic and working EMS you will see all kinds of creepy and fucked up things. Every shift I go in I do so with the knowledge that there is a good chance my face will be the last or first thing a person sees as they leave or enter this world. The one that sends a chill up my spine though happened last year while I was still doing clinicals. We received a call to a nursing home for a unresponsive 87 year old woman. When we picked her up it was obvious she was not long for this world. She coded three times on us before we got her to the ER. What freaked me out though was when she became responsive briefly during transport. I was starting an IV and she just sprang to life, grabbed my arm with a strength unholy for a frail old woman, looked me square in the eye and in a raspy, guttural way quietly screamed my name. The look in her eyes was unlike anything I had seen before or since. It felt like she was starring straight into my soul.

What is so disturbing about that is that during no point had I introduced myself to her as she was unresponsive. Also being a dumb student I had forgotten my ID badge that day as well. I had never worked her before as a patient, nor meet her that I can recall in any capacity. Could be she mistook me for somebody else by the same name but it sure seemed meant for me. She died less than an hour after admission. To this day I still remember everything about that call like it just happened and it makes my blood run cold to remember her face and the way she called to me. Sometimes I close my eyes and still see that face.

That's some exorcism style shit right there...

What Banjaxed forgot to mention is that his real name is AAAARRRRRGH.


Link Posted: 2/3/2013 8:07:06 PM EDT

Originally Posted By IAmA_EricHolder_AMA:

Ghosts and evil spirits don't exist. End of story.

Troll account no longer exist


Link Posted: 2/4/2013 12:12:39 AM EDT
Originally Posted By M1-Ed:

Originally Posted By IAmA_EricHolder_AMA:
Ghosts and evil spirits don't exist. End of story.

Troll account no longer exist


Link Posted: 2/4/2013 6:53:39 AM EDT
Originally Posted By midwestmedic:
Just watched paranormal activity 4 then reading this stuff, I'm gonna be messed up for months.

How was it?  People I talk to seem to hate the PA movies, but I like them.  I love how you never see "it", even though it's right there.  Like in the first one, when the main girl is like "I think it's right next to me", and then you hear a huff and her hair gets blown.  Or the powder footprints.  Or "Toby" picking up the little girl by the hair.  Love that stuff.

Link Posted: 2/4/2013 7:14:45 AM EDT
[Last Edit: dan1802] [#6]
need fresh stories people.....come on, some of you guys that teased us with "will tell it some other time"
your time has come. spill it.
Link Posted: 2/4/2013 11:05:05 AM EDT
A few years ago I was working on a construction job, remodeling a walk out basement in a very old house on Grand Island, in the Upper Peninsula of Michigan.  We had been told the large house had been the home of the staff for a resort and motel built in the early 1900’s that has long since been bulldozed.  While jack hammering out the floor in the basement and digging in new drain lines, we began to discover pieces of bone, old broken dishes, and an old unburnt candle under the cement floor.

When using the restroom upstairs, I noticed a thin layer of dust on the floors making it obvious that no one had been there in some time.  The only tracks in the dust were ours, going from the basement, to the upstairs latrine and back.

One day at lunch, we sat in the basement, quietly eating our sandwiches, when we heard the upstairs door creak open and shut, followed by heavy footsteps on the floor above us.  Thinking the expected homeowners were finally there to inspect our work, we quickly began to tidy our tools up and pick up our mess the whole time listening to footsteps above us.

After about ten minutes, we decided to go upstairs and introduce ourselves and show off our progress.  My partner and I climbed the basement steps and what we saw, or rather didn’t see sent a shiver up our spines…  There was no one there.  Not only was there no one there, but the only tracks in the dusty floor went from the basement steps to the latrine and back.  No other tracks!  We dismissed the incident with a nervous chuckle, but I still have no idea what caused all the noise we both heard.
Link Posted: 2/4/2013 12:22:56 PM EDT
Another kinda creepy story from my neck of the woods…  I have an uncle who I regard as a woodsman.  A patient man who spends much of his free time hunting and trapping, and with his time in the military, and as a former LEO, he is not easily rattled.  

He recently told me a story that still has him at a loss for explanation.   It was October, and he was scouting for a secondary place to hunt for the November hunting season.  He had driven down a snow covered, dead end road to access a remote area we used to hunt.  On his way in, he was watching for tracks of any other vehicles or people in the four day old snow, as he didn’t want to hunt in an area with other people close by.  

After crossing a small river and walking a couple hundred meters up an old dead end logging trail, he found a set of extremely fresh, bare human footprints, in the quickly melting snow.  The footprints came from up the trail in front of him, and had turned off the trail into the thick swamp.  Not wanting to follow the tracks into the swamp, he followed the trail and the set of human footprints in the snow wanting to find where they came from.  He said he started to get a really uneasy feeling, like he was being watched.  Even though he was carrying a shotgun, he felt uneasy enough, he turned around and left.  On his way out he noticed his own tracks were quickly deteriorating in the sun, making the bare ones he found, extremely fresh.

As a former LEO, he figured there must be a reasonable explanation, possibly a lost hiker, and decided to call his friends at the Sheriff Department.  They had no reports of anyone lost in that area.  
To this day, my Uncle is uncomfortable and embarrassed telling the story and adamantly refuses to go back.  He doesn’t believe in Bigfoot, but doesn’t have an explanation as to why there were bare human footprints, in the snow, coming from a remote area, surrounded by swamp, miles away from any other roads.

Link Posted: 2/4/2013 3:42:51 PM EDT

Originally Posted By NY_Shooter:
Originally Posted By midwestmedic:

Just watched paranormal activity 4 then reading this stuff, I'm gonna be messed up for months.

How was it?  People I talk to seem to hate the PA movies, but I like them.  I love how you never see "it", even though it's right there.  Like in the first one, when the main girl is like "I think it's right next to me", and then you hear a huff and her hair gets blown.  Or the powder footprints.  Or "Toby" picking up the little girl by the hair.  Love that stuff.

I saw the first one on DVD at home alone. Horror/scary movies don't bother me. But Bat Fuck Ghost stories like touch a nerve.
I've had things grab my legs/arms or sit on my beds. And I do not like to be reminded of them. I tuck the sheet tightly around my body at night since than just so a hand can not reach under it. Yeah I know it can grab me through it, but feeling that touch one more time is just something I do not want to experience.
Not much in this life scares me nor people in my life I have been afraid of. But movies like that are one I stay away from.
Ed - changing blubs in the night lights
Link Posted: 2/5/2013 10:56:47 PM EDT
[Last Edit: grimhollow] [#10]
My story isn't creepy, more strange than anything.

My grandpa died when I was four years old (1982) in a train vs. el camino accident. Long story short, the train crossing arm was notorious for malfunctioning and the arms would come down and lights would flash when there was no train coming. On the morning of his accident, he was on his way to church and it was raining heavily. The crossing arms were down and the lights were flashing, and our best guess is he didn't see any train coming and tried to go through the crossing. This time there was a train coming, which hit him and he died instantly. He couldn't hear very well, either, possibly due to what he did in WWII.

I was never really close to him, I was actually always kind of scared of him for some reason. I wouldn't say he was mean to me or anything like that, just kind of grumpy about a little kid messing up his house when I came over.  He would always point to one of his eyes, and say "This eye's watching you boy!" I'm sure he meant it in a loving and joking matter, but it always kind of scared me, and made me be on my best behavior.

Fast forward 20 years... I was a police officer in the same city I grew up in, same city he was killed in. I had stopped to assist a man driving an RV who had broken down. He was safely off the road, and already had a wrecker on the way so there wasn't really any need for me to stick around. I was going to put out a couple of flares as a courtesy before I left, but didn't have any in the trunk of my patrol car. I called the guy on the next beat over to meet me at a gas station a couple of miles away (I was going to see if he had any flares).

This gas station was right next to the train crossing where my grandpa got killed, and I didn't really think anything about it. (We ended up parking about fifty feet from the crossing when we met there, off to the side of the parking lot)

We met in the parking lot and pulled up drivers door to drivers door, I'm sure everyone has seen how the police do this all the time, and asked him if he had any flares. He said for me to take a look in the back of his car and see if he had any. I squeezed out of my door (the cars were maybe 18" or so apart) and went to the trunk of his car. Of course, he didn't have any either. I stood between the cars talking for a few minutes, I was near the front of my car and towards the back of his car.

I then squeezed back into my car, had just sat in the seat and closed my drivers side door when WHAM!!! All I heard was the loud revving of an engine going by, a violent crashing sound, and felt a really hard impact on my car. It was almost at the exact instant my door had closed, and I was kind of confused, thinking I had somehow caused this to happen when I closed my door. I looked over at the other officer's car and remember thinking "How did your car get all that damage to it???"

It was then that a saw a small sized white car that had struck my car, and knocked my car into the other police car. I tried to open my drivers door but it was stuck shut, so I put my foot on it and pushed it open. I started running toward the car that had hit us with my gun drawn and ready to jerk somebody out of that car. I initially thought it had to have been a drunk driver. The windows were all fogged up on that car, and I couldn't see inside. I jerked open the drivers door and was kind of surprised at what I saw. There was a little old woman, about 85 years old probably, in the passenger's seat. The impact had knocked her out of the drivers seat and into that side of the car.

What happened was, there is a river bottom down the road about a mile or so where she was coming from. I guess the conditions were just right that night to where the temperature was cooler down by the river, and warmer up the hill where we were. Her windows had suddenly fogged up and she panicked and floored the gas pedal instead of the brake pedal. She had come across two lanes of traffic, jumped a curb and a median strip, came across two more lanes of traffic, jumped another curb, then hit us. It was purely an accident in my eyes, and I was lucky to have come out of it without a scratch.

This thread got me to wondering about that accident, and how close it was to where my grandpa was killed. I don't know if I would have died from being in between the cars when she hit us, but I certainly would have been hurt really bad. It got me thinking about a few questions...

Was it just a coincidence?

Was my grandpa there, watching over me? ("This eye's watching you, boy!")

Or is that an area that maybe my family should just stay away from?

Here are some pictures of the pictures I have from that night... My car is the one with the most damage (616), the other officer's car is the one with damage to the drivers side with the fuel door opened part way, and the old lady's car is the small white one... The impact knocked her front wheel off.  Her car almost stopped right in the train crossing itself.

Link Posted: 2/6/2013 4:22:27 PM EDT
[Last Edit: M1-Ed] [#11]

Originally Posted By grimhollow:

My story isn't creepy, more strange than anything.

- SNIP -
Was it just a coincidence?

Was my grandpa there, watching over me? ("This eye's watching you, boy!")

Or is that an area that maybe my family should just stay away from?

Here are some pictures of the pictures I have from that night... My car is the one with the most damage (616), the other officer's car is the one with damage to the drivers side with the fuel door opened part way, and the old lady's car is the small white one... The impact knocked her front wheel off.  Her car almost stopped right in the train crossing itself.


Great story. Thankfully you and the other Officer are okay.
I came close to a few bad wrecks when I was a LEO but luck was on my side.
I think your Grandpa may have had his eye on you.
Link Posted: 2/6/2013 5:45:38 PM EDT
Originally Posted By IAmA_EricHolder_AMA:
Ghosts and evil spirits don't exist. End of story.

join date ....check
post count ...check
Link Posted: 2/10/2013 3:14:23 AM EDT
[Last Edit: AKMer] [#13]
Well I have been reading these for the last coupe days while not paying attention I class so I might as well add a few. When I was younger and living with my parents our computer was at the end of a hallway in the basement. The desk was situated so you could see down the hallway that lead to a T intersection with another hall. I would be at the computer late at night and swear I could see some thing walk past out of the corner of my eye. And occasionally I could feel some one breathing down my neck, but there was a wall only a few feet behind me so I knew no one could have snuck up on me. I never heard breathing just the slight sensation of someone  breathing out taking time to inhale and exhaling again.

Later in life I lived in an apartment that always felt like someone was watching you at night. I would get out of the shower late at night and my roommate was already asleep. I would keep the lights off to not wake him up. As I would walk to bed in the dark it almost felt like there was someone in front of me, just the feeling you get when someone is uncomfortably close to you.

In another  apartment I was sitting in the dark in the living room late one night listening to music and just trying to relax. Things had been stressful and my roommate of the time was being an ass so I didn't want to be in the same room. I had been chilling out for a while when I looked in the corner of the room and for a split second I saw what looked to be the dark figure of a small man. Maybe about 5'6" standing by the bookshelf, but gone instantly. Roommate being an ass or not I was done with that room.
Link Posted: 2/10/2013 6:48:54 AM EDT
[Last Edit: krtw] [#14]
When I was a youngster I lived with my dad for a year, 8th grade.  He was a truck driver and was gone all night, so that left me alone after school until 6 am.  For the most part it was awesome, 13 years old and I could do whatever I wanted just as long as my grades in school did not suffer.

Now for the creepy part..... His big house always creeped me out, when I was a kid I remember the pictures of our relatives on the walls in the living room and I swear their pictures would change and their eyes would follow me so at night when I was alone I refused to look at them.  I slept with my dog in my room and my .22 Marlin bolt action, loaded.  I always liked to sleep in complete darkness, I figured I was safe because I was hidden in the darkness....at least I thought I was.   One night I was having trouble falling asleep when I suddenly heard this voice clear as day like someone’s face was right in front of mine in the darkness of my room.  It said "What are you waiting for?"  In horror I realized I was not alone in the darkness, I was frozen in fear of what I could not see.  My dog was clearly uneasy about something, apparently he heard it too.  My heart was pounding and I can remember feeling this fierceness come over me like a wild animal trapped in a cage ready to fight.  I jumped out of bed yelled "what the hell!" and ran for the light switch.  I looked around the room and there was nothing to explain the voice, nobody there.....nothing.

Me, my dog and my .22 cleared every room and closet and I demanded whoever or whatever said that to come out and face me.  26 years later, I haven't slept in that house without a night light on since.....

Link Posted: 2/10/2013 7:02:01 AM EDT
Originally Posted By IAmA_EricHolder_AMA:
Ghosts and evil spirits don't exist. End of story.

Link Posted: 2/10/2013 11:19:30 PM EDT
Originally Posted By krtw:
When I was a youngster I lived with my dad for a year, 8th grade.  He was a truck driver and was gone all night, so that left me alone after school until 6 am.  For the most part it was awesome, 13 years old and I could do whatever I wanted just as long as my grades in school did not suffer.

Now for the creepy part..... His big house always creeped me out, when I was a kid I remember the pictures of our relatives on the walls in the living room and I swear their pictures would change and their eyes would follow me so at night when I was alone I refused to look at them.  I slept with my dog in my room and my .22 Marlin bolt action, loaded.  I always liked to sleep in complete darkness, I figured I was safe because I was hidden in the darkness....at least I thought I was.   One night I was having trouble falling asleep when I suddenly heard this voice clear as day like someone’s face was right in front of mine in the darkness of my room.  It said "What are you waiting for?"  In horror I realized I was not alone in the darkness, I was frozen in fear of what I could not see.  My dog was clearly uneasy about something, apparently he heard it too.  My heart was pounding and I can remember feeling this fierceness come over me like a wild animal trapped in a cage ready to fight.  I jumped out of bed yelled "what the hell!" and ran for the light switch.  I looked around the room and there was nothing to explain the voice, nobody there.....nothing.

Me, my dog and my .22 cleared every room and closet and I demanded whoever or whatever said that to come out and face me.  26 years later, I haven't slept in that house without a night light on since.....

Great story, and another BTT for the night shift.

The thread must not die!

Link Posted: 2/10/2013 11:42:41 PM EDT

Originally Posted By Ohio:

Originally Posted By robplumm:

Originally Posted By Ironhandjohn:

Our old house where MRs. IHJ and I raised most of our kids had a poltergeist almost from the time we moved in. Nothing malicious, but it would do its best to ruin what was an otherwise good sleep. Our bedroom was downstairs from where the kid's bedrooms were, and we would often hear someone walking around upstairs in the middle of the night. One of us, usually me because of insomnia, would go upstairs and find nothing but sleeping children. The ghost would also randomly tip stuff over in the kitchen at night; the trash can, glasses or dishes in the sink, roll pencils or pens off the counter onto the floor.

We looked at some other properties to rent after putting the house up for sale after 7 years living in it, and one particular property creeped the hell out of all of us. It was an apartment that was part of a large barn, built out in the middle of the woods a good ways from town. The barn itself had lots of stuff stored in it, which wasn't so bad, but the apartment was something else. It just had a weird vibe the entire time we were there, and the kids and I felt like we were somehow not welcome inside. What got us all to leave in a hurry was when we were looking in the bedrooms and found, "FEED ME!!" scrawled on the inside wall of a bedroom closet. We thanked the realtor and hauled ass for home.

Yeah...that's a bit fucked up


When I sell this house I am going to mount a set of leg shackles to the wall in my basement pantry, and scrawl this in blood on the wall.

lol win

Link Posted: 2/11/2013 11:53:49 PM EDT
Originally Posted By IAmA_EricHolder_AMA:
Ghosts and evil spirits don't exist. End of story.

You would be wrong then...
Link Posted: 2/12/2013 6:32:07 AM EDT
bump, very cool thread
Link Posted: 2/12/2013 8:15:00 AM EDT

Originally Posted By krtw:

When I was a youngster I lived with my dad for a year, 8th grade.  He was a truck driver and was gone all night, so that left me alone after school until 6 am.  For the most part it was awesome, 13 years old and I could do whatever I wanted just as long as my grades in school did not suffer.

Now for the creepy part..... His big house always creeped me out, when I was a kid I remember the pictures of our relatives on the walls in the living room and I swear their pictures would change and their eyes would follow me so at night when I was alone I refused to look at them.  I slept with my dog in my room and my .22 Marlin bolt action, loaded.  I always liked to sleep in complete darkness, I figured I was safe because I was hidden in the darkness....at least I thought I was.   One night I was having trouble falling asleep when I suddenly heard this voice clear as day like someone’s face was right in front of mine in the darkness of my room.  It said "What are you waiting for?"  In horror I realized I was not alone in the darkness, I was frozen in fear of what I could not see.  My dog was clearly uneasy about something, apparently he heard it too.  My heart was pounding and I can remember feeling this fierceness come over me like a wild animal trapped in a cage ready to fight.  I jumped out of bed yelled "what the hell!" and ran for the light switch.  I looked around the room and there was nothing to explain the voice, nobody there.....nothing.

Me, my dog and my .22 cleared every room and closet and I demanded whoever or whatever said that to come out and face me.  26 years later, I haven't slept in that house without a night light on since.....


Great story.  I wonder what "What are you waiting for?" meant.

Link Posted: 2/16/2013 2:01:29 AM EDT
I had thought I had told some of my stories in here but in re-reading many pages for the spooks a bit it seems I didn't.  

When I was young my mother would always take my brother and I to visit my grandmother in southern Ohio for summer vacation; my dad would stay in AZ and work.  The house she lived in - and where we stayed has been in the family for generations.  I know of 3 relatives who died in the house; my great-grandmother, great-grandfather, and a great-great aunt.  I have a couple stories about this house, but nothing that happened ever upset or concerned me.  I loved it there, I felt safe and cared over whenever I was in that house.

On one particular day while staying there when I was 13 or 14 I was upstairs and for some reason or another I ran down the wooden staircase.  Now, I have always hated socks/shoes.  90% of the time I am barefoot, even now there is just something about anything on my feet that is unappealing for me.  Well, on this particular day I was wearing socks, and being from a state where we did not have hardwood floors in addition to the fact that I don't normally wear socks this became a problem on the first step.  

I was sprinting when I left the landing and my socked foot hit the top wooden stair and wood +socks are just not the best combination when you are not paying very close attention.  Both of my feet immediately went out behind me and I went headfirst down the stairs - almost.  In midair I felt a large, strong hand grab me by the left ankle and hold onto me as I slammed face first into the staircase.  I dangled there with only this hand holding me in place, trying to catch my breath from the pain of the impact and thinking how freaking amazing it is that my Uncle had chosen this particular day/moment to stop by.  

I finally got myself together enough to push myself back up the stairs to get my right leg under myself and get some balance.  The whole time doing this I feel the hand slowly loosening his grip with each progression I made up the stairs, finally letting go completely when I got my balance.  I turned to thank my Uncle and found absolutely noone there.  
I got up and checked the bedroom closet to the stairs and the bathroom which was right next to it and again found noone.  I walked to the bedroom directly above where my uncle always parked and looked out the window only to see his truck was not there.  Confused, I went downstairs and asked my mom and grandma how Uncle G. had left so quickly and they both told me he hadn't been to visit all day.  I told them what happened and I remember a distinct lack of conversation about it but my grandmother just smiling to herself.  This was not the first time something weird had happened and it was a good thing so nobody pressed anything.  

I know it had to be a man because of the size of it around my ankle and with strength in the grip I presumed it was my Uncle because of his being a farmer, but I learned later that my great-grandfather who died in that house was an iron worker for the railroads until he passed in the 1910's.  
Link Posted: 2/16/2013 2:38:23 AM EDT
I'll throw my story in.

In about the 7th grade we moved to a new smaller rural town about 25 miles north of Portland, Oregon from another small town about 4 miles away, same school district. We bought this house with a giant dairy barn from the early 1900's. This thing was very dilapidated from years of neglect blackberry vines covered nearly the entire left hand wall outside and engulfed a small out building. It was all old splinter wood and was partially filled with garbage. The old woman who lived there was fairly crazy. When we helped her move out she told us she had been feeding the feral cats in the neighborhood raw meat and we found all of her children's baby books out in a trash heap in the barn. Her husband had passed away recently and we had to live in a really run down double wide about 50 yards behind the barn. You could see into the giant open black door at night like a giant mouth. There was a run off tank, like a giant concrete circular hole in the ground where she had told us when pets died that's where they would throw them in there rather than bury them. I lived in the front part of the house with no bedroom with giant bay windows on either side of my bed so I would look into the giant black empty space where the doors had been on the barn. A few days later I came home from school and no one else was home yet and there is a package on our doorstep. It had all kinds of labels on it one of them was some kind of medical warning . Turns out she had not changed her mailing address so they ended up mailing the old mans ashes to our house. My dad had been wearing a pair of the old mans boots for about a week as well. So we still have the old mans ashes and a few days later I am in the back of the double wide on the computer when no one is home again. Suddenly the doors all slam at once. The computer shuts off immediately black screen. I had been listening to my cd player; it shuts off immediately and in the little display a fog of condensation forms. Like a million little pins in my spine I shudder. I feel a few small gusts of cold air on the back of my neck. I freeze momentarily and do nothing. I sit there for about a few minutes and I can feel as if I am not alone in the room anymore. I stand up and go to the sliding glass door and let the dog in she gets spooked and all the hair on her back raises and her tail tucks. The sun had been setting so now it was nearly dark. I sit at the table until my parents finally get home. When we finally get the ashes back to the woman things somewhat return to normal. We have the barn demolished, burn all the wood we decided not to salvage, removed the foundation and covered it up with dirt and built our house on top of it. Doors still slam shut or open, even when latched occasionally, on their own, I still get that uneasy feeling when I am alone in the house like someone is there, I feel as though sometimes I can see things in the corners of my eye, or a shadow being cast from things that aren't there. I like to would like to think that I am a skeptic, but I am always reminded of that event. Could be coincidence or...I simply don't know. For people that think I am making this up I assure you I am not, it seems too serendipitous, but it did happen.
Link Posted: 2/16/2013 5:33:52 AM EDT
Originally Posted By Obi_wang:
I'll throw my story in.

In about the 7th grade we moved to a new smaller rural town about 25 miles north of Portland, Oregon from another small town about 4 miles away, same school district. We bought this house with a giant dairy barn from the early 1900's. This thing was very dilapidated from years of neglect blackberry vines covered nearly the entire left hand wall outside and engulfed a small out building. It was all old splinter wood and was partially filled with garbage.

The old woman who lived there was fairly crazy. When we helped her move out she told us she had been feeding the feral cats in the neighborhood raw meat and we found all of her children's baby books out in a trash heap in the barn. Her husband had passed away recently and we had to live in a really run down double wide about 50 yards behind the barn. You could see into the giant open black door at night like a giant mouth.

There was a run off tank, like a giant concrete circular hole in the ground where she had told us when pets died that's where they would throw them in there rather than bury them. I lived in the front part of the house with no bedroom with giant bay windows on either side of my bed so I would look into the giant black empty space where the doors had been on the barn. A few days later I came home from school and no one else was home yet and there is a package on our doorstep.

It had all kinds of labels on it one of them was some kind of medical warning . Turns out she had not changed her mailing address so they ended up mailing the old mans ashes to our house. My dad had been wearing a pair of the old mans boots for about a week as well. So we still have the old mans ashes and a few days later I am in the back of the double wide on the computer when no one is home again. Suddenly the doors all slam at once.

The computer shuts off immediately black screen. I had been listening to my cd player; it shuts off immediately and in the little display a fog of condensation forms. Like a million little pins in my spine I shudder. I feel a few small gusts of cold air on the back of my neck. I freeze momentarily and do nothing. I sit there for about a few minutes and I can feel as if I am not alone in the room anymore. I stand up and go to the sliding glass door and let the dog in she gets spooked and all the hair on her back raises and her tail tucks.

The sun had been setting so now it was nearly dark. I sit at the table until my parents finally get home. When we finally get the ashes back to the woman things somewhat return to normal. We have the barn demolished, burn all the wood we decided not to salvage, removed the foundation and covered it up with dirt and built our house on top of it. Doors still slam shut or open, even when latched occasionally, on their own, I still get that uneasy feeling when I am alone in the house like someone is there, I feel as though sometimes I can see things in the corners of my eye, or a shadow being cast from things that aren't there.

I like to would like to think that I am a skeptic, but I am always reminded of that event. Could be coincidence or...I simply don't know. For people that think I am making this up I assure you I am not, it seems too serendipitous, but it did happen.

Fixed so people can read it.
Link Posted: 2/16/2013 5:50:27 PM EDT

Originally Posted By Obi_wang:

I'll throw my story in.

In about the 7th grade we moved to a new smaller rural town about 25 miles north of Portland, Oregon from another small town about 4 miles away, same school district. We bought this house with a giant dairy barn from the early 1900's. This thing was very dilapidated from years of neglect blackberry vines covered nearly the entire left hand wall outside and engulfed a small out building. It was all old splinter wood and was partially filled with garbage. The old woman who lived there was fairly crazy. When we helped her move out she told us she had been feeding the feral cats in the neighborhood raw meat and we found all of her children's baby books out in a trash heap in the barn. Her husband had passed away recently and we had to live in a really run down double wide about 50 yards behind the barn. You could see into the giant open black door at night like a giant mouth. There was a run off tank, like a giant concrete circular hole in the ground where she had told us when pets died that's where they would throw them in there rather than bury them. I lived in the front part of the house with no bedroom with giant bay windows on either side of my bed so I would look into the giant black empty space where the doors had been on the barn. A few days later I came home from school and no one else was home yet and there is a package on our doorstep. It had all kinds of labels on it one of them was some kind of medical warning . Turns out she had not changed her mailing address so they ended up mailing the old mans ashes to our house. My dad had been wearing a pair of the old mans boots for about a week as well. So we still have the old mans ashes and a few days later I am in the back of the double wide on the computer when no one is home again. Suddenly the doors all slam at once. The computer shuts off immediately black screen. I had been listening to my cd player; it shuts off immediately and in the little display a fog of condensation forms. Like a million little pins in my spine I shudder. I feel a few small gusts of cold air on the back of my neck. I freeze momentarily and do nothing. I sit there for about a few minutes and I can feel as if I am not alone in the room anymore. I stand up and go to the sliding glass door and let the dog in she gets spooked and all the hair on her back raises and her tail tucks. The sun had been setting so now it was nearly dark. I sit at the table until my parents finally get home. When we finally get the ashes back to the woman things somewhat return to normal. We have the barn demolished, burn all the wood we decided not to salvage, removed the foundation and covered it up with dirt and built our house on top of it. Doors still slam shut or open, even when latched occasionally, on their own, I still get that uneasy feeling when I am alone in the house like someone is there, I feel as though sometimes I can see things in the corners of my eye, or a shadow being cast from things that aren't there. I like to would like to think that I am a skeptic, but I am always reminded of that event. Could be coincidence or...I simply don't know. For people that think I am making this up I assure you I am not, it seems too serendipitous, but it did happen.

In WA or OR?

If OR would that be west towards Astoria or east?

I grew up in the Portland/Vancouver area and there are a lot of old towns/settlements around there.

Mighty Mo

Link Posted: 2/21/2013 10:37:37 PM EDT
A wet and windy evening bump.
Link Posted: 2/25/2013 5:36:56 PM EDT
i got to travel to a haunted destination in michigan the other week and it was pretty cool. i'll go into more detail later and talk about the spooky stuff, for now i gotta give the gf a ride to work.
Link Posted: 2/25/2013 6:10:21 PM EDT
This story reminds me of the time I took my record player out into the woods late one night....
Link Posted: 2/25/2013 6:14:43 PM EDT
[Last Edit: soldierman79] [#28]
You know, that takes me back to the time I saw something unexplainable...

ETA: Sorry, everyone else was being vague, so...
Link Posted: 2/25/2013 6:15:50 PM EDT
Originally Posted By soldierman79:
You know, that takes me back to the time I saw something unexplainable...

Really? What was it?

Link Posted: 2/25/2013 6:17:31 PM EDT
Originally Posted By Mech2007:
Originally Posted By soldierman79:
You know, that takes me back to the time I saw something unexplainable...

Really? What was it?

It was people in a creepy thread, teasing a story, but not telling.
Link Posted: 2/25/2013 6:51:05 PM EDT
(We were pretty young at the time)A buddy and I were hog hunting at night sitting in some brush on short little chairs. We were already a little high strung because we heard some stories of large bobcats in the area. It was a near full moon so the visability was pretty good until heavy clouds rolled in and everything became pitch black to where we could barely see eachother, we were only a couple of feet apart. We were out in the sticks about 5 miles from the nearest house with no roads (we got there on a 4x4) out of the dead silence, we heard what seemed to be footsteps. hearts thumping in our ears, we looked at eachother with paniced looks frantically looking around and checking our weapons getting hoping that whatever it was wouldnt find us. They got louder and louder and then just stopped. We waited for what seemed like hours (10 minutes) before we crept out of our brush blind. with our rifles drawn we made our way to a narrow cattle trail to get back to my buddy's truck. As we were making our way up the trail, we heard violent shaking in the brush immediately to our left and the most horrifying growl you ever heard. At that moment, our AR lights came on and caught two glowing eyes staring back at us and we opened up on them. after the bolts locked open, we drew our sidearms and approach it cautiously to find a bloody and very dead raccoon. The cause of the footsteps have never been discovered.
Link Posted: 2/25/2013 11:23:19 PM EDT
Originally Posted By soldierman79:
Originally Posted By Mech2007:
Originally Posted By soldierman79:
You know, that takes me back to the time I saw something unexplainable...

Really? What was it?

It was people in a creepy thread, teasing a story, but not telling.

All of whom need to be banned!

Just kidding!

To the top, for MORE STORIES!

Link Posted: 2/25/2013 11:49:20 PM EDT
sorry guys! so the other week my girlfriend and i headed up with a few of our friends to the kalamazoo/portage area of michigan for a wedding. i wasn't too thrilled about the traveling and all the money spent to go to a wedding but whatever we decided to make the best of it.

spent a few nights at a house of the brides family, and on the wedding day we hung out at this place called the henderson castle. we arrived around noon.

here are some pics

so anyways coming from florida i was pretty blown away. there arent really places like this where i'm from. well after some time was spent setting up my g/f who was a bridesmaid started getting ready with the other girls and i a groomsmen but since we are guys we didnt have to get ready until the last second so we hung out and looked around. the place looked really old so i decided to look up the place.

it was built in the 1890's and apparently is the 3rd most haunted place in all of michigan. i was thrilled when i read this and shared the info with the guys. we made some jokes, i texted the girlfriend this information which was not what she wanted to hear. anyways i walked around for a while in the snow, being from florida i find that shit awesome. i threw some chunks of ice in some frozen fountains and made all the ice crack and fall into the water which was awesome and threw snowballs at my g/f's window.

i'm not 10 i swear, snow amuses me.

didnt get to go to the cemetery which bummed me out.

anyways, wedding happens and goes well. afterwards when everyone is getting ready for dinner the bridal party and i took some more pictures yadda yadda yadda. my buddy goes to the bathroom and after he disappears i notice a chandelier swinging slightly. kinda weirded me out and asked my friend it he touched it on his way by, but he couldn't reach it because he's kind of short. we stood for a while and watched it until it stopped.

dinner was good, then came the party. started drinking heavily, became a dance machine, hilarity ensued. did the cuban shuffle, and cha cha slide etc. after many hours of fun we finally say goodnight and me and the gf hit the sack. my buddy and his gf were in the room next door and our bathrooms touched and had a locked door that lead to each others. i pass out and then the weird shit started happening.

i woke up a few times through the night hearing voices, i kept putting it off as guests still there because people were at the castle until 4am, but i could've sworn it was coming from inside the room or maybe the closet. i just kept my eyes shut until i fell back asleep.

i woke up another hour later and heard someone pacing through my bathroom. at this point i refused to get up and check on it, seeing my gf in bed beside me didnt make me feel any better since i didnt know who was in our bathroom. our bedroom was 100% locked.  i was positive it was just my buddy or his gf next door. after a few minutes the pacing stopped and i was extremely thankful.

finally talked to the buddy and his gf this past saturday night about the footsteps and they are positive it wasn't them.

also someone else sink i guess exploded in another room.

reading about the place is kind of interesting. i guess theres a few "ghosts". the original owners, the owners sons friend who, a dog, and a child ( ew child ghosts freak me out).

anyone theres my fun experience, nothing crazy, but it was interesting to me.
Link Posted: 2/26/2013 12:42:00 AM EDT
This is pretty much the only creepy thing that has ever happened to me. We have since moved, but we lived in a residential suburb of Miami called Coral Gables. It's actually a very non scary place. A place you wouldn't expect anything freaky to happen. The streets in my old neighborhood are covered by large trees in a canopy style. One night around 11:00pm I was walking my dog like I always did before turning in for the night. I was about a block away from my house when I heard the trees above move and shake rather violently. (Reminded me of the scene in the new Planet of the Apes movie) It was about 100 feet behind me. Then I heard a deep loud growl from the tree line. I looked up and I could see the trees moving a lot and whatever it was, was heading towards me.  There was so much movement I knew it couldn't be a small animal, no way. Besides, the growl was like nothing I've ever heard before. My dog freaked out, started whining and the hair on his back stood up. I also freaked out picked up my dog (mini Schnauzer) and hauled ass to my house. I don't scare very easily, but I had a very eerie feeling. As I ran I could here and feel that something was running/swinging, behind me. Then I heard the growl again. My hairs then stood up on my neck. I managed to get to my front door and luckily I almost always left it unlocked when I walked my dog. We ran inside and closed the door and locked the bolt. About 5 seconds later my dog goes nuts barking at the door. He would not stop barking-really aggressive. And then just as quickly, he stopped. I was too much of a p'ssy to look out the peephole. I told my wife what had just happened and she believed me. She was upstairs in the bedroom & heard him barking, but she also said that I was pale white & that I looked like I was about to faint. I went straight to my closet & took out my AR & shotgun out of the safe. I slept with both right next to me.

After what felt like hours, I finally fell asleep. I never experienced that again in the remaining months we lived there. I have no idea WTF happened that night, but it was probably the scariest moment in my life.
Link Posted: 2/26/2013 10:19:05 AM EDT
I don't have anything first hand, but I do have a few second hand stories.  Since I have really enjoyed this thread and Swindle's old thread before this one, I figure I can contribute a little.

An friend of my uncle lives in a house that is haunted.  He is an old biker that my uncle used to ride with before he got rid of his motorcycle's (still a little bummed about him having to sell his bikes -especially the 1947 Yellow Knucklehead with a chopper front end and ape hanger bars- since his will listed them as going to me).  He and his wife have seen 2 children at the foot of their bed before at night.  The wife had an episode where she put on a new set of sleep wear before bed, and when she stepped out of the bathroom, the sleep wear got ripped up in several places.  Sometimes, he walks out of the house with the TV on and when he walks back inside, the TV is off and stereo is playing hard rock.  He jokes about that saying that "its fine as long as the ghosts to start playing any of that rap crap."  My uncle has been pushed by whatever is in the house.  He was getting ready to leave after hanging out and was standing in the doorway talking to his friend.  My uncle, who is not a small man by any means, was shoved out of the house and a few feet onto the porch.  When he looked back in the house, his friend was still on the couch and the friend'd wife was in the kitchen.  There was no way either of them could have shoved my uncle out the door and returned to where they were.  I've been to that house a few times over the years, but have never had anything happen to me.  However, I've only been there during the daytime.

I have a co-worker who claimed his old house was haunted.  Supposedly, it was haunted by an older woman that either lived there or in a house that used to be near there (since it is not uncommon for housed that used to sit on many acres to be bought up and torn down to subdived the properties to build neighborhoods with homes on smaller plots).  He mentioned minor things here and there.  After he got married, him and his wife started trying to have children.  They still havn't had any luck (they been married 1 month less than my wife and I, and we have a 3 yr old daughter and will be celebrating our 5 yr anniversay this September).  I forgot who told them, but supposedly the ghost was responsible for some of their issues.  He explained that the old woman never had kids and was bitter about them trying.  Thus, she was causing issues.  They have since moved but still have had no luck.  So, it may just be an issue with them (which is sad since they would make good parents), but I have heard stories of entities following people from one place to another.

I know my stories aren't as good since they are second hand and also my formatting probably sucks, but yall should at least feel luck that I don't type completely the way I talk, or it would look like when dealing with gnomes in the old Dragonlance novels, where their dialogue has no spaces or punctionation between words to convey just how fast they talk.
Link Posted: 2/26/2013 10:08:33 PM EDT
Good story on Sleep Paralysis.

Sharing for those who have experienced it as its evident in some of these stories. For those with real monsters, cant help ya lol.
Link Posted: 2/26/2013 10:15:47 PM EDT
Big thanks to everyone who shared, this is my favorite thread on arfcom.
Link Posted: 2/26/2013 10:24:01 PM EDT
Originally Posted By WildBoar:
Good story on Sleep Paralysis.

Sharing for those who have experienced it as its evident in some of these stories. For those with real monsters, cant help ya lol.

sleep paralysis sounds fucking terrifying.
Link Posted: 2/26/2013 10:32:14 PM EDT
Originally Posted By FDrifting:
Originally Posted By WildBoar:
Good story on Sleep Paralysis.

Sharing for those who have experienced it as its evident in some of these stories. For those with real monsters, cant help ya lol.

sleep paralysis sounds fucking terrifying.

Better sleep paralysis than that thing in the closet being real.

It isn't really real- right?
Link Posted: 2/26/2013 11:02:55 PM EDT
Originally Posted By FDrifting:
Originally Posted By WildBoar:
Good story on Sleep Paralysis.

Sharing for those who have experienced it as its evident in some of these stories. For those with real monsters, cant help ya lol.

sleep paralysis sounds fucking terrifying.

I think I had sleep paralysis once. I was working out of town, and I always stayed in the same room at the hotel. Sometime during the night, I woke up and I couldn't move or speak. I tried and tried to move, but it felt like someone was sitting on me. After what seemed like ten minutes, I suddenly burst from under the covers, and yelled "Get off me, cunt!" When I turned the lights on, there was nothing in the room. So I turned the lights off and went back to sleep.
Link Posted: 2/26/2013 11:10:08 PM EDT
Originally Posted By WyattEarp:
This is pretty much the only creepy thing that has ever happened to me. We have since moved, but we lived in a residential suburb of Miami called Coral Gables. It's actually a very non scary place. A place you wouldn't expect anything freaky to happen. The streets in my old neighborhood are covered by large trees in a canopy style. One night around 11:00pm I was walking my dog like I always did before turning in for the night. I was about a block away from my house when I heard the trees above move and shake rather violently. (Reminded me of the scene in the new Planet of the Apes movie) It was about 100 feet behind me. Then I heard a deep loud growl from the tree line. I looked up and I could see the trees moving a lot and whatever it was, was heading towards me.  There was so much movement I knew it couldn't be a small animal, no way. Besides, the growl was like nothing I've ever heard before. My dog freaked out, started whining and the hair on his back stood up. I also freaked out picked up my dog (mini Schnauzer) and hauled ass to my house. I don't scare very easily, but I had a very eerie feeling. As I ran I could here and feel that something was running/swinging, behind me. Then I heard the growl again. My hairs then stood up on my neck. I managed to get to my front door and luckily I almost always left it unlocked when I walked my dog. We ran inside and closed the door and locked the bolt. About 5 seconds later my dog goes nuts barking at the door. He would not stop barking-really aggressive. And then just as quickly, he stopped. I was too much of a p'ssy to look out the peephole. I told my wife what had just happened and she believed me. She was upstairs in the bedroom & heard him barking, but she also said that I was pale white & that I looked like I was about to faint. I went straight to my closet & took out my AR & shotgun out of the safe. I slept with both right next to me.

After what felt like hours, I finally fell asleep. I never experienced that again in the remaining months we lived there. I have no idea WTF happened that night, but it was probably the scariest moment in my life.

You should have taken your AR and done a mag dump or two into the trees.

Link Posted: 2/26/2013 11:17:01 PM EDT
[Last Edit: enforcer5369] [#42]
this is my wife's story, but I'll tell it.

my grandfather died in January 2008. my wife and i went over to visit my grandmother several months later. i was VERY close to my grandfather, i was his first grandchild/grandson so he was pretty fond of me. taught me lots of cool stuff. when my wife(girlfriend at the time) ended up pregnant, she and i thought she had the flu, it was October and we were 20 years old and naive. we went to visit grandpa and grandma and in minutes he announced she was pregnant. she hadn't even mentioned being sick or anything. sure enough, few weeks later we found out. anyway, while we were visiting grandma, after he passed, i was sitting in the kitchen with her talking and drinking coffee. my wife was in the living room by herself, looking at pictures on the wall and just remembering i suppose. from what she tells me, the tv turned on, by itself and switched to the weather channel. grandpa always watched the weather channel, always, unless the evening news was on. thing is, the living room is a short distance down a hallway from the kitchen and grandma and i never heard the tv and from what my wife says, the volume was blaring. she didn't go back into the living room by herself after that.

another story, not mine, but i'll tell it anyway.

in about 2004, i promoted to Sergeant for the Texas Department of Criminal Justice. the new supervisors were sent to training in Huntsville. as part of our training we got to tour the Walls Unit, or Huntsville Unit officially. There aren't fences, like modern prisons, but red brick walls all the way around the unit. high, i won't even guess how high they are. on those walls are guard towers. the Major giving the tour told us about a part time officer calling him in the middle of the night to report an escape. the inmate walked through the wall of the original cell block, which hasn't housed inmates in years, and then walked through the outside wall and vaporized into the darkness. a count was done and all inmates were accounted for. the part time officer was a Baptist preacher, so i don't see him making this up. another one, a Captain, who i did work for, was a young CO and worked at the Walls Unit when the original cell block was still in use. now, this block originally did not have exterior walls or a roof but was an actual block of cells. the bottom row housed horses, the middle tier housed the officers and the inmates were on top row. walls and a roof were added later, as well as plumbing and the unit added other cell blocks and the red brick exterior walls later. now, this young CO had just secured every door on the cell block. at this time, all three rows housed inmates. now he was supposed to count the inmates for the night. as he rounded the corner, he saw an inmate hanging out in front of another cell. he called out to the inmate, who he didn't recognize and ran down the run towards him. the inmate took off and disappeared. all of the cells were locked and every inmate was accounted for on the block.

now, my story.

about three years ago my wife and i rented a house here in san antonio. one night we were laying in bed, just about to the point of drifting off to sleep. the house is a two story house. there are old oak trees around it, but were trimmed very well and did not touch the house. as we were laying there in bed, we heard something scratching the window screens. we looked at each other and were paralyzed with fear. again the scratching. then more scratching. by then, i had pulled my pistol from the nightstand and had my eyes fixed on the window. i was scared shitless, there was no way to get up on the roof without a ladder. then as i got out of bed to go to the window, the scratching turned into knocking on the window, then beating on the window. i get the chills remembering this....i walked over to the window and nothing was there. i remember that fear to this day like it happened last night.
Link Posted: 2/27/2013 12:02:10 AM EDT
Weirdest thing that has ever happened to me compared to all of this shit this isn't scary, just weird. My grandfather passed away nearly 5 years ago from unknown causes (no autopsy, we assumed it was a stroke). One night a few months back my brother, mother and sister all had a dream about him being in our house and them talking to him about how he's gone and about how much they all miss him. I didn't have a dream similar to theirs but I still think its kinda crazy. I feel like he was trying to tell us something.
Link Posted: 2/27/2013 2:03:20 AM EDT
[Last Edit: CDPhD] [#44]
Originally Posted By FDrifting:
Originally Posted By WildBoar:
Good story on Sleep Paralysis.

Sharing for those who have experienced it as its evident in some of these stories. For those with real monsters, cant help ya lol.

sleep paralysis sounds fucking terrifying.

It certainly isn't entertaining.  I have had paralysis experiences in dreams, which was unpleasant, but nothing is quite as desperate feeling as realizing that you are no longer dreaming, eyes wide open, but still can't move.  Even though I now know what happened, I am not so sure I would be lucid enough to make the connection, should it happen again.  I didn't have any hallucinations, apparitions, or feelings of a presence in the room when I had my full-on paralysis experience.  However, from what I can still remember, the event occurred when I was startled awake by a dream of something touching my feet.  Actually, the dream was of myself dreaming.  That is, I had a dream that something came into my room and grabbed my feet, woke up (still in the dream) only to find my dog pushing on my feet, which caused me to actually wake up suddenly.  This left me confused enough to begin with (dreams within dreams are always odd), so to throw in the paralysis was even more bewildering.  Still, when I realized I was fully awake, but still couldn't move, I became quite concerned that, perhaps, something was really wrong with me, or something actually had been happening in my sleep.  The first movement to come back was my eyes, so once I scanned everything, and realized I was quite alone, I just kept focusing on small movements until I was able to twitch my extremities, and finally regain control over my entire body.
Link Posted: 2/27/2013 2:36:58 AM EDT
yes, very much. I had sleep paralysis for about thirty seconds a couple weeks ago. I know the demonic stories that follow them. I used to have a horrible horrible debilitating fear of such events when i was young. So i was not happy.

How about this?

In any city, in any country, go to any mental institution or halfway house in you can get yourself to. When you reach the front desk, ask to visit someone who calls himself "The Holder of the End". Should a look of child-like fear come over the workers face, you will then be taken to a cell in the building. It will be in a deep hidden section of the building. All you will hear is the sound of someone talking to themselves echo the halls. It is in a language that you will not understand, but your very soul will feel unspeakable fear.

Should the talking stop at any time, STOP and QUICKLY say aloud "I'm just passing through, I wish to talk." If you still hear silence, flee. Leave, do not stop for anything, do not go home, don't stay at an inn, just keep moving, and sleep where your body drops. You will know in the morning if you've escaped.

If the voice in the hall comes back after you utter those words continue on. Upon reaching the cell all you will see is a windowless room with a person in the corner, speaking an unknown language, and cradling something. The person will only respond to one question. "What happens when they all come together?"

The person will then stare into your eyes and answer your question in horrifying detail. Many go mad in that very cell, some disappear soon after the meeting, and a few end their lives. But most do the worst thing, and look upon the object in the person's hands. You will want to as well. Be warned that if you do, your death will be one of cruelty and unrelenting horror.

Your death will be in that room, by that person's hands.

That object is 1 of 538. They must never come together. Never.
Link Posted: 2/27/2013 5:25:43 PM EDT
Originally Posted By djburnett:
yes, very much. I had sleep paralysis for about thirty seconds a couple weeks ago. I know the demonic stories that follow them. I used to have a horrible horrible debilitating fear of such events when i was young. So i was not happy.

How about this?

In any city, in any country, go to any mental institution or halfway house in you can get yourself to. When you reach the front desk, ask to visit someone who calls himself "The Holder of the End". Should a look of child-like fear come over the workers face, you will then be taken to a cell in the building. It will be in a deep hidden section of the building. All you will hear is the sound of someone talking to themselves echo the halls. It is in a language that you will not understand, but your very soul will feel unspeakable fear.

Should the talking stop at any time, STOP and QUICKLY say aloud "I'm just passing through, I wish to talk." If you still hear silence, flee. Leave, do not stop for anything, do not go home, don't stay at an inn, just keep moving, and sleep where your body drops. You will know in the morning if you've escaped.

If the voice in the hall comes back after you utter those words continue on. Upon reaching the cell all you will see is a windowless room with a person in the corner, speaking an unknown language, and cradling something. The person will only respond to one question. "What happens when they all come together?"

The person will then stare into your eyes and answer your question in horrifying detail. Many go mad in that very cell, some disappear soon after the meeting, and a few end their lives. But most do the worst thing, and look upon the object in the person's hands. You will want to as well. Be warned that if you do, your death will be one of cruelty and unrelenting horror.

Your death will be in that room, by that person's hands.

That object is 1 of 538. They must never come together. Never.

Mmm creepy pasta
Link Posted: 2/28/2013 10:55:22 PM EDT
[Last Edit: Use_the_2nd] [#47]
About two years ago my buddy and I went out deer hunting up some old logging roads, came around a corner and we saw what must have been a bear with mange. Standing on its hind legs looking at us, creepiest looking thing ever

ETA NOW WITH MOAR MANGY BEAR PIC (I didn't take this one)
Link Posted: 2/28/2013 11:45:05 PM EDT
Once I was at the Air Force Academy Chapel with a girlfriend.  We were looking at the stained glass and taking pictures.  Eventually we went down stairs and came to the synagogue.  We looked at the Torah scroll, then looked in (but did not go inside) at the stylized display of the 10 comandments.  I raised my camera to take a picture, but suddenly felt like someone hit the mental reset switch or something.  It was like being dizy for a flash of a second, or having your mind go "white out".  I think I stepped back, but I lowered my camera without taking a picture.  At the same time my girlfriend said slowly "maybe we shouldn't take a picture."

A second later we collected ourselves and went our way that was that.  Never had anything like that happen before or after.  I felt someone in the heavenly hosts was telling us to have a little respect.
Link Posted: 2/28/2013 11:49:06 PM EDT
[Last Edit: ek207108] [#49]
I've read all 36 pages, and I feel like I should input some things and not be a freeloader:

First, I deployed to Afghanistan 2010-2011, in Helmand Province. I never experienced anything creepy at night in the desert, in fact quite the opposite. I usually walked point on foot patrols (since I was a boot), and I always felt an incredible feeling of peacefulness on those patrols. It's very difficult to describe, almost like I wasn't carrying all the heavy shit I was carrying, like I was walking through the park on a spring Sunday afternoon, not walking point through the middle of possibly IED-laden poppy fields in the off-season. I wasn't complacent either; I was completely aware of my surroundings the entire time, taking in everything. It was weird. Apparently our AO used to be an old Soviet hub, and the berms from their old FOB were still there in the middle of the desert, pretty far from our patrol base. We never went there at night (due to the possibility of legacy mines) and only once during the day since it was in the middle of nowhere, but even in the daytime it was creepy, and I always felt like I was being watched, even though you couldn't see anything but desert for miles. Maybe some old Russian dudes were watching my six on those night patrols, and it subconsciously put me at ease? Who knows.

Now, a creepy story:

So when I was in high school, I was a cook at a barbecue joint in my hometown. This particular place apparently used to be a whorehouse back in the early 1800s, back when Ohio was the western border of America. (This is in SW Ohio, FYI) I would usually work early in the morning doing prep work, making bread, side dishes, putting the ribs in the oven, etc. Well, directly to the right of my prep table was this swinging metal door leading to the dining room, that wouldn't move unless you pushed it pretty hard.

On several occasions, I saw this door move very slowly back and forth out of the corner of my eye, and when I would look at it directly, it would be rocking back and forth. Now, this early in the morning, the only other guy in the whole restaurant was the owner or kitchen manager, who would be upstairs in the office doing paperwork, and all the doors were locked tight since we weren't opening for at least 3-4 more hours. Several other guys on the night shift mentioned seeing a greyish-blue "lady of the night" at the top of the stairs, and also mentioned seeing the dining room door slowly open and close like I did. I never saw the lady, but the door creeped me the hell out.

ETA for grammar and spelling
Link Posted: 3/1/2013 1:13:55 AM EDT
[Last Edit: Loomis] [#50]
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