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Posted: 10/14/2004 8:59:40 AM EDT
Awfully nice people over at the DNC

ELIZABETH EDWARDS ON ABC RADIO: "She's overreacted to this and treated it as if it's shameful to have this discussion. I think that's a very sad state of affairs… I think that it indicates a certain degree of shame with respect to her daughter's sexual preferences… It makes me really sad that that's Lynne's response."


I hope Mrs. Cheney eats her alive.

Elizabeth Edwards is now officially a "bitch".
Link Posted: 10/14/2004 9:01:20 AM EDT
Ok, lets all talk about Edwards dead son..........
Link Posted: 10/14/2004 9:03:22 AM EDT

Let's see if she wants to talk about her FAT ASS !!!
Link Posted: 10/14/2004 9:03:23 AM EDT
I don't have any links to GLBT websites.  What DO gays think now that Kerry has turned his back on them.  What do they think now that they know he really dispises them and has just been using them for their votes?
Link Posted: 10/14/2004 9:05:49 AM EDT
It is nobody's business what relationships Cheney's daugthter has.  Why don't they understand that and leave private matters private????
Link Posted: 10/14/2004 9:07:23 AM EDT

Ok, lets all talk about Edwards dead son..........

news to me, what about the son?
Link Posted: 10/14/2004 9:09:16 AM EDT
No really, reverse the tables. Instead of Edwars/Kerry mentioning Cheney's ghey daughter, what if Bush/cheney mentioned Edwards dead son. Imagine the reaction from the democrats as they are appalled that the republicans could dare mention it. It is the same exact thing. Except for there is no  political gain by mentioning Edwards dead kid. There is a gain to be had by outing cheney.
Link Posted: 10/14/2004 9:10:47 AM EDT
Chaingun, edwards had a son that died. He will not talk about it. he mentions it very little.
Link Posted: 10/14/2004 9:12:19 AM EDT

Chaingun, edwards had a son that died. He will not talk about it. he mentions it very little.

Why? Was Edwards responsible for it?
Link Posted: 10/14/2004 9:13:28 AM EDT
I don't think so. It is just one of those things that a family deals with in private. It does not need to be publicized. Same with the Cheneys.
Link Posted: 10/14/2004 9:13:32 AM EDT
Compared to Mrs. Edwards and Kerry even Hillary Clinton looks doable.
It looks like they both are fed with a feed sack...
Link Posted: 10/14/2004 9:13:41 AM EDT


Chaingun, edwards had a son that died. He will not talk about it. he mentions it very little.

Why? Was Edwards responsible for it?

Maybe it was Ted Kennedy's car again...
Link Posted: 10/14/2004 9:26:50 AM EDT
I could be wrong but I believe he was killed while drinking and driving.  That's what has been kicked around here in NC.  I have no proof however, this is just rumor.
Link Posted: 10/14/2004 9:36:12 AM EDT
Edwards' wife is a complete and utter bitch.  I wish Lynn Cheney would smack the shit out of her.
Link Posted: 10/14/2004 9:40:42 AM EDT
Mrs. Cheney is ashamed of what her daughter is doing but like any parent she still loves her.

Link Posted: 10/14/2004 9:43:10 AM EDT


Elizabeth Edwards is now officially a "bitch".

Make that a "fat bitch" and it'd be more accurate.
Link Posted: 10/14/2004 9:50:29 AM EDT
20 years ago, Elizabeth Edwards was a major hottie. Today, she's just fat-assed b!tch.
Link Posted: 10/14/2004 9:54:23 AM EDT
Link Posted: 10/14/2004 9:58:52 AM EDT
The stupid bastards are playing with fire. They will get burned.

The Kerry/Edwards people actually believe this announcement/attack will hurt the Bush/Cheney ticket with the religious right… it won’t and the attack only reinforces the Presidents standing as a tolerant human being and make them look despicable. A stupid political stunt that is going to backfire.
Link Posted: 10/14/2004 10:00:43 AM EDT
These tactics that the Edwards/Kerry campaign are using I think are seriously going to blow up in their face.  Seems they've mentioned Cheney's daughter at least 4 or 5 times in the past week or so...and its beginning to sound like the droning on of 'I was in Vietnam'

Kerry and Edwards might as well reduce themselves to their childish antics of pointing and screaming - "See, see!!!!!! Cheney's daughter is gay!!!!!"

So what.  With all the ass grabbing the two Johns are doing with one another, one might begin to question their lifestyle.
Link Posted: 10/14/2004 10:22:31 AM EDT

I could be wrong but I believe he was killed while drinking and driving.  That's what has been kicked around here in NC.  I have no proof however, this is just rumor.

Here's a link to the 'official story' according to the 'Washington (Com)Post':Wade Edwards

In a nutshell, even though he was supposed to be such an experienced driver (at 16?), wind
supposedly blew the Jeep Cherokee that he was driving off the road & flipped it, crushing in the
driver's side. Even more interesting that there was such 'high winds' to do this, even though they
say that the day was clear & mild. Hmmmmmm.....

Article made a point to state:"He wasn't drinking or on drugs. He wasn't speeding, he wasn't
(But he did have three of his buddies in the car, on their way to Daddy's beach house.)

Yeah, whatever......
Link Posted: 10/14/2004 11:10:42 AM EDT

Ok, lets all talk about Edwards dead son..........

A slightly different situation . . .
Link Posted: 10/14/2004 11:12:01 AM EDT
Hey look, I'm a Republican, I will vote for Bush, I've got a Bush bumper sticker on my car, and a Bush sign in my yard, yet I still do not think what Kerry did was dirty pool.

The reality is, the Cheneys have a gay daughter. They need to accept that fact, deal with it, get over it, and most of all, STOP PISSING AND MOANING everytime someone brings it up.

Just for the record, Bush should have dropped Cheney when he had the chance. Cheny had FIVE DRAFT DEFERMENTS, and FLUNKED OUT OF YALE. These two things alone are reason enough to not like him (if you are a college educated veteran that is). Bush should lose that vindictive turd; and his cunt of a wife--ASAP. Consider giving him the Vince Foster treatment . . . .
Link Posted: 10/14/2004 11:12:24 AM EDT


I hope Mrs. Cheney eats her alive.

She would need a BIG appetite!
Link Posted: 10/14/2004 11:18:14 AM EDT
Did Edwards sue Jeep/ (dangerous vehicle)
The State? (dangerous road)
God? (He made the wind blow)
Budwieser? (they made the beer that wade was NOT drinking wink wink)
Link Posted: 10/14/2004 11:29:34 AM EDT

ELIZABETH EDWARDS ON ABC RADIO: "She's overreacted to this and treated it as if it's shameful to have this discussion. I think that's a very sad state of affairs… I think that it indicates a certain degree of shame with respect to her daughter's sexual preferences… It makes me really sad that that's Lynne's response."

Of course she said that.  The only alternative would be to admit that her husband was being an assclown trial lawyer.  It was probably a look of shock.
Link Posted: 10/14/2004 11:35:23 AM EDT
Link Posted: 10/14/2004 11:53:16 AM EDT

Hey look, I'm a Republican, I will vote for Bush, I've got a Bush bumper sticker on my car, and a Bush sign in my yard, yet I still do not think what Kerry did was dirty pool.

The reality is, the Cheneys have a gay daughter. They need to accept that fact, deal with it, get over it, and most of all, STOP PISSING AND MOANING everytime someone brings it up.

Just for the record, Bush should have dropped Cheney when he had the chance. Cheny had FIVE DRAFT DEFERMENTS, and FLUNKED OUT OF YALE. These two things alone are reason enough to not like him (if you are a college educated veteran that is). Bush should lose that vindictive turd; and his cunt of a wife--ASAP. Consider giving him the Vince Foster treatment . . . .

The is strong with this one.
Link Posted: 10/14/2004 12:17:50 PM EDT


Mrs. Cheney is ashamed of what her daughter is doing but like any parent she still loves her.


You got anything backing that up?  I've seen nothing to indicate that they are ashamed.  They might not approve, but that is a far different matter than being ashamed of it.  If they were fucking ashamed of it, Mary Cheney would not be a Bush/Cheney liaison to the gay community!

Hiram Ranger,
I have heard Dick on TV before saying that they did not approve of their daughters sexual preference. I even remember all the crap the d3mz and the media tried to do when he said it.
To not (un) approve of something is the same as ashamed by definition.

I wasn't aware that Bush/Cheney had a liason to the gay community? Do you have a link to that on their website? I'll go look and see if I can find it.

Link Posted: 10/14/2004 12:23:35 PM EDT
Link Posted: 10/14/2004 12:29:12 PM EDT
There's nothing legally wrong about what Kerry said, where he crossed the line is at common decency.  He showed, without a doubt, that he has none.  For Elizabeth Edwards to follow up and refer to Mary Cheney as shameful is beyond reprehensible.  While Kerry stepped over the line, Elizabeth Edwards pole vaulted over it.  It just wasn't his statement to make.  Think how you would feel if someone who wanted your job started making references to your children/wife/girlfriend/parents etc without your permission and solely for his benefit?  I agree with the Cheneys, pissed as parents and horrified as citizens.  
Link Posted: 10/14/2004 12:34:04 PM EDT



Mrs. Cheney is ashamed of what her daughter is doing but like any parent she still loves her.


You got anything backing that up?  I've seen nothing to indicate that they are ashamed.  They might not approve, but that is a far different matter than being ashamed of it.  If they were fucking ashamed of it, Mary Cheney would not be a Bush/Cheney liaison to the gay community!

Hiram Ranger,
I have heard Dick on TV before saying that they did not approve of their daughters sexual preference. I even remember all the crap the d3mz and the media tried to do when he said it.
To not (un) approve of something is the same as ashamed by definition.

I wasn't aware that Bush/Cheney had a liason to the gay community? Do you have a link to that on their website? I'll go look and see if I can find it.


That is the dumbest thing I have ever heard.  I don't approve of my neighbor letting his dog run unattended.  Am I ashamed of him?  I think not.

You may want to visit www.dictionary.com.  

Unapproved:  not approved or sanctioned
Ashamed: feeling shame or guilt
Link Posted: 10/14/2004 12:38:58 PM EDT

Hey look, I'm a Republican, I will vote for Bush, I've got a Bush bumper sticker on my car, and a Bush sign in my yard, yet I still do not think what Kerry did was dirty pool.

The reality is, the Cheneys have a gay daughter. They need to accept that fact, deal with it, get over it, and most of all, STOP PISSING AND MOANING everytime someone brings it up.

Just for the record, Bush should have dropped Cheney when he had the chance. Cheny had FIVE DRAFT DEFERMENTS, and FLUNKED OUT OF YALE. These two things alone are reason enough to not like him (if you are a college educated veteran that is). Bush should lose that vindictive turd; and his cunt of a wife--ASAP. Consider giving him the Vince Foster treatment . . . .

Hmmm... Dick Cheney is second-in-command RUNNING THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA and HE is the "turd"? And you... OH GREAT AND MAGNIFICENT INTERNET PUNDIT are somehow more than a turd?

It just goes to prove what I've been telling my 400 users... "The intnet is a MINEFIELD... a cess pool if you will. Beware..."
Link Posted: 10/14/2004 12:41:49 PM EDT
To unapprove of someone would be to look down on them wouldn't it?

Unlike some media personalities I am not trying to push my 'world view' on anyone.

I was simply repeating what they had said before.
Truth be told Dick and Lynne probably have views in respect to their daughters lifestyle that are polar opposites. Dick will tell it like it is but Lynne's personality isn't like Teeerraza so she might not say anything outloud.
The Cheney's like Gun Owners, ARFCOM members, political party people and social/religious groups do not agree on everything 100% of the time.

We can't lose sight of the real enemy here so I will bow out of the thread now.

Link Posted: 10/14/2004 12:46:16 PM EDT




Mrs. Cheney is ashamed of what her daughter is doing but like any parent she still loves her.


You got anything backing that up?  I've seen nothing to indicate that they are ashamed.  They might not approve, but that is a far different matter than being ashamed of it.  If they were fucking ashamed of it, Mary Cheney would not be a Bush/Cheney liaison to the gay community!

Hiram Ranger,
I have heard Dick on TV before saying that they did not approve of their daughters sexual preference. I even remember all the crap the d3mz and the media tried to do when he said it.
To not (un) approve of something is the same as ashamed by definition.

I wasn't aware that Bush/Cheney had a liason to the gay community? Do you have a link to that on their website? I'll go look and see if I can find it.


That is the dumbest thing I have ever heard.  I don't approve of my neighbor letting his dog run unattended.  Am I ashamed of him?  I think not.

You may want to visit www.dictionary.com.  

Unapproved:  not approved or sanctioned
Ashamed: feeling shame or guilt

From dictionary dot com:

a·shamed  ( P ) Pronunciation Key
1. Feeling shame or guilt: Are you ashamed for having lied?
2. Feeling inferior, inadequate, or embarrassed: ashamed of my torn coat.
3. Reluctant through fear of humiliation or shame: ashamed to ask for help.

ap·prove ( P ) Pronunciation Key
v. ap·proved, ap·prov·ing, ap·proves
v. tr.
1. To consider right or good; think or speak favorably of.:
2. To consent to officially or formally; confirm or sanction: The Senate approved the treaty.
3. Obsolete. To prove or attest.

So un-approve would be to consider wrong or bad; to think or speak unfavorably of!

Try reading more than one of the definitions next time.

Link Posted: 10/14/2004 12:48:20 PM EDT
Link Posted: 10/14/2004 1:25:49 PM EDT
How did Edward's kid die?  Shaken baby syndrom?  Too much bourbon in his Nyquill?
Link Posted: 10/14/2004 1:32:25 PM EDT


To unapprove of someone would be to look down on them wouldn't it?

Unlike some media personalities I am not trying to push my 'world view' on anyone.

I was simply repeating what they had said before.
Truth be told Dick and Lynne probably have views in respect to their daughters lifestyle that are polar opposites. Dick will tell it like it is but Lynne's personality isn't like Teeerraza so she might not say anything outloud.
The Cheney's like Gun Owners, ARFCOM members, political party people and social/religious groups do not agree on everything 100% of the time.

We can't lose sight of the real enemy here so I will bow out of the thread now.


Jesus H. Christ!  They don't "unapprove of her."  They do not approve of some of her choices.  I don't approve of your view, but I am not ashamed to be talking to you.  I wouldn't be ashamed to be seen in public with you or introduce you as my friend BigD...  There is a world of difference between someone's choices and the person.

I will admit that I was incorrect in the definitions in this situation.

Apologies to any and all that I may have upset.

Next time we run into each other (Gunstock next year or ?) well let Ed Sr. buy us a round brother!

Link Posted: 10/14/2004 1:56:58 PM EDT
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