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Link Posted: 4/25/2024 12:46:27 PM EDT
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What are you doing to stand up for me? Vote for the Republicans in November?

That is what I’m doing already.

My point is just this; if the overwhelming majority of Americas Jews hop in a voting booth and vote for the same party all these vile left wing cretins are voting for then what should my takeaway be?
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That not all jews are idiots and those that are not are worth standing up for.

And I'm willing to do more than vote. Are you?
Link Posted: 4/25/2024 12:50:29 PM EDT
Let's face it, these anti Israel/jewish protests across  all the liberal shitholes are being staged by the same people that did blm bullshit in 2020. The difference is that antisemtims thats being stirred up will get people killed.

As a jew, I am beyond fucking livid seeing what's happening across the campuses and cities across America.

How can this be allowed to happen? How are people this fucking stupid?

This will not end well...
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The BLM and Antifa hatred got lots of peopled killed, and still does. Yes, leftist racism has spilled over onto the Jewish community, which now exposes them to the dangerous hatred that they were largely aligned with politically. Hatecraft is dangerous to everyone, and Jews are an easy target. Maybe they should support their true friends, Christians on the right, instead of antisemites on the left, and stop voting against their own interests.
Link Posted: 4/25/2024 12:52:25 PM EDT
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And this is the kind of bullshit we have to put up with...

Shame shame shame... I hope the mods ban him...

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Well, if they have any guts they will come out in the thread and say it in the open
Link Posted: 4/25/2024 12:54:54 PM EDT
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You're still working with him. He faces no consequences for being a leftist, why would he care? People don't care and by the time their lives are impacted enough for them to care voting their way out usually is no longer an option.
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A few weeks ago, I was finishing up with my tax guy. He is Jewish, I’ve worked with him for 14 tax years. He is fiscally conservative, a family man, doesn’t understand why anyone not a cop or a soldier “needs” a gun but doesn’t “hate” guns. Yet, he voted for Hilary, voted for Biden and will vote for Biden again because he thinks Trump is “too divisive”. He also reminds me that he is an American Jew, not an Israeli. I get the distinction and appreciate it but the man is literally voting for his own extinction. I don’t understand how smart people can look at what is happening with…we’ll…EVERYTHING and still be voting for Democrats.

You're still working with him. He faces no consequences for being a leftist, why would he care? People don't care and by the time their lives are impacted enough for them to care voting their way out usually is no longer an option.

He’s not a Leftist, he just votes like an idiot but he’s not an idiot either. I think it is just a cultural thing. Growing-up he watched his parents vote for Democrats and he was taught all his life to vote for Democrats. When we talk, I challenge him to question and defend WHY he would do that.

Also, it took me about 5 of those 14 years for him to fully understand how our income is derived. I ain’t starting over again from scratch unless I have to
Link Posted: 4/25/2024 12:57:44 PM EDT
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The dems have embraced and emboldened the nazis. Academia has embraced and emboldened the nazis.

They have one goal, kill Jews. They're using this conflict as an excuse to do so.
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Its weird how these people up until a few months ago were always calling the Conservatives Nazis and then go to this
Link Posted: 4/25/2024 12:58:41 PM EDT
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The BLM and Antifa hatred got lots of peopled killed, and still does. Yes, leftist racism has spilled over onto the Jewish community, which now exposes them to the dangerous hatred that they were largely aligned with politically. Hatecraft is dangerous to everyone, and Jews are an easy target. Maybe they should support their true friends, Christians on the right, instead of antisemites on the left, and stop voting against their own interests.
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100% in agreement. I can't tell you how many jewish subreddits I've been banned from for saying this.
Link Posted: 4/25/2024 1:02:19 PM EDT
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They have the right to be whatever. The minute people start getting hurt(assulted) or threatened with bodily harm(Columbia) it crosses the line from free speech and requires action. BTW, both of those meet full description of terrorism... where is the fbi on this one?
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In bedrock terms...

There's always speech that (rightly) should be restricted.  

That's not even up for argument, and if we think it is, cool.

We'll send someone down to the nearest and most crowded place and start having them tell everyone your full name, address, drivers license number, bank account, SSI, etc.

If we say "Oh but that's different" ... that's time to stare in a mirror and realize somethings mentally out of whack.

So, WHY ... do we restrict people from exactly the kind of speech I just used as an example?  Not merely because it's private information,but also because of the effects that you reasonably expect to follow it if it's widely broadcasted.

Here's a different example.

Dude tried to publish a book on how to groom kids in order to do pedo stuff to them on amazon.

Book (speech) got pulled.  It wasn't spreading private info like the first example, but I doubt anyone here would say it shouldn't have been restricted, and that amazon should have been punished for ever letting it get on the site in the first place, because they should have known better.


I'd guess the question at hand is ... exactly what are the protestors saying, and is it morally the same kind of thing as the examples given above.  

... and if we decide it is, we'd better be right, because it's going to have to be applied equally everywhere it would otherwise apply.

You couldn’t be more wrong. Regarding your first example, it is up to YOU to keep your information private, those who improperly release or fail to secure that information are responsible for civil damages. Those who use that information to commit a crime (fraud, theft, etc.) then become criminally responsible.

In your second straw man example, pedophiles have every right to out themselves through free speech. The benefit to society is that we then know who these monsters are and can focus a judicial microscope on them (if resources can ever be taken away from hunting January 6th insurrectionists) and prosecute them to the fullest, once they cross that line between free speech and a crime.

Amazon was NOT violating the monsters right to free speech because they had no obligation to provide a platform for his monstrous work. They were acting with a rare sense of corporate responsibility.

Also, people have every right to be anti-Semitic, just like people have a right to hate Muslims, Blacks, Whites, chili with beans, whatever. What you don’t have a right to do is cause physical or tangible harm to someone (feelings not included) nor do you have a right to make someone or some entity provide a platform for your fucked-up beliefs.

That is how free speech works.

Of course, I mean “you” in the collective sense, not personally.

They have the right to be whatever. The minute people start getting hurt(assulted) or threatened with bodily harm(Columbia) it crosses the line from free speech and requires action. BTW, both of those meet full description of terrorism... where is the fbi on this one?

I agree 100%. What is happening on these campuses has left the bounds of free speech and is now criminal.
Link Posted: 4/25/2024 1:08:04 PM EDT
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100% in agreement. I can't tell you how many jewish subreddits I've been banned from for saying this.
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The BLM and Antifa hatred got lots of peopled killed, and still does. Yes, leftist racism has spilled over onto the Jewish community, which now exposes them to the dangerous hatred that they were largely aligned with politically. Hatecraft is dangerous to everyone, and Jews are an easy target. Maybe they should support their true friends, Christians on the right, instead of antisemites on the left, and stop voting against their own interests.

100% in agreement. I can't tell you how many jewish subreddits I've been banned from for saying this.

In all fairness, you're one good person, but how much good can any of us do as one good man? And especially how much good can any one person do when your enemy has a say in what side you're on? If the left wants to lump you in with whites, and then white people say "nah, you burned your bridges when everyone like you started this mess" where does that leave you as a genuinely good man, who had nothing to do with it? And in fact, tried to speak up and stop it?

I think that identity politics is sadly the norm throughout history and Americans in the next century (especially whites, and also jews) are in for a rude awakening for thinking that we were past it. We aren't. People are tribal animals and its sad.
Link Posted: 4/25/2024 1:10:28 PM EDT
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And this is the kind of bullshit we have to put up with...

Shame shame shame... I hope the mods ban him...

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And this is the kind of bullshit we have to put up with...

Shame shame shame... I hope the mods ban him...


That same person probably supports Europe for Europeans. But thinks Jews returning to their ancestral homeland is “disgusting”.


That not all jews are idiots and those that are not are worth standing up for.

And I'm willing to do more than vote. Are you?

3 years with 1ID after 3 years with Nahal 50th. Already did more than vote.

Link Posted: 4/25/2024 1:14:06 PM EDT
Link Posted: 4/25/2024 1:36:05 PM EDT
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I live in Dallas. Shockingly, I have not experianced a single case of antisemetism in my 35 years in dfw.

I know it's bad elsewhere and my shock is not about it existing, it's the kids dog piling on it instead of supporting their jewish schoolmates.
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My experience with Jewish (born and practicing) schoolmates/classmates in the Chicagoland area is that they went along with it. Perhaps they were trying to fit in or it was a defense mechanism against bullying, or maybe they have a case of self-loathing. No clue. I asked them before how can they support some of the things that they do and every single time, I would receive talking points about racist Republicans, evil Jewish bankers, falsely attributing a rise in hate crimes against Jews towards conservatives, and other nonsense. They've long since graduated college and still many of them support the leftist ideology (BLM, ANTIFA, etc). Those pics you see for example that says "Jews for Palestine," that's been my experience with high school, college aged, and post college graduate Jews.

While I'm glad that the experience is different in the Dallas region (and different in others), it appears (from my perspective) as though you're outnumbered. Youthful ignorance cannot adequately explain it. I perceive them as to having sown the seeds of their own (and others') destruction and at my current age, sadly, I find myself lacking an adequate amount of sympathy. Jaded, perhaps. Best of luck to all the Jews who will suffer because of the foolishness of others.
Link Posted: 4/25/2024 1:42:35 PM EDT
After 2020, I just hope both sides have fun.
Link Posted: 4/25/2024 1:51:49 PM EDT
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In all fairness, you're one good person, but how much good can any of us do as one good man? And especially how much good can any one person do when your enemy has a say in what side you're on? If the left wants to lump you in with whites, and then white people say "nah, you burned your bridges when everyone like you started this mess" where does that leave you as a genuinely good man, who had nothing to do with it? And in fact, tried to speak up and stop it?

I think that identity politics is sadly the norm throughout history and Americans in the next century (especially whites, and also jews) are in for a rude awakening for thinking that we were past it. We aren't. People are tribal animals and its sad.
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You know better... Do I have to drop a meme on you?

Attachment Attached File
Link Posted: 4/25/2024 2:05:56 PM EDT
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That same person probably supports Europe for Europeans. But thinks Jews returning to their ancestral homeland is “disgusting”.

3 years with 1ID after 3 years with Nahal 50th. Already did more than vote.

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Thank you for your service!
Link Posted: 4/25/2024 2:09:14 PM EDT
Identity politics in general is dangerous.

This nation isn't unified by a State religion.  We were massively dependent on NATIONALISM for a our national unity and the Democrats to make cheap political gains have literally made "Nationalism" a dirty word.  The left lumps in Nationalism with Racism and Xenophobia.    Assimilating into the "American Culture" of backyard BBQs, Apple Pie, football, main street 4th of July parades...Hell, I knew Jews growing up that liked some of the Christmas celebration stuff.  I had a buddy I once bought an ugly Christmas sweater for who was Jewish, it was hilarious to see him wearing a Rudolph Sweater.  Had Black, Asian, and Latino friends my whole life and we'd all talk edcrap about each other's races, it was hilarous.  All that cultural unity is being dismantled by the Left as they split everyone into little factions as deeply as they can.  

Being American, assimilating to the American culture used to be a point of pride.  Now it's discouraged and its being discouraged heavily as we bring in tons and tons of immigrants, more than we've ever brought in at any one time.  It's not good.

***Man, this nation was once a very special place, we had our issues, but I always felt very optmistic about where we were going as a nation and I just don't feel that way anymore. Sad.

Link Posted: 4/25/2024 2:10:52 PM EDT
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You know better... Do I have to drop a meme on you?

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The irony
Link Posted: 4/25/2024 2:19:28 PM EDT
Don't Jews vote overwhelmingly for democrats?

I view this as a democrat civil war. Hands off.
Link Posted: 4/25/2024 2:24:48 PM EDT
Ukiebro asking how people can be this stupid?  Trolling tread confirmed
Link Posted: 4/25/2024 2:46:02 PM EDT
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Buddy they are going to shove you into the cattle car next to mine LMAO.

You’re of Jewish descent.

Thank you for sharing though that was an interesting read.
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This is way too long to read.
Skip the post unless you want to waste time on a detailed observation.

My great grandfather was French Ashkenazi who went from France to Quebec.  He was going to make his fortune in the fur trade but in the later 1800s it was more of a just getting by thing.  He trapped and somehow his gun was a cut down British Artillery rifled musket.  My understanding is being Jewish was something he never really had any involvement or practicing or anything after arriving in Canada.  I guess a lot more men than women immigrated and he married a Huron girl whose dad was chief /leader of the village or little res.  She was like his fifth daughter or something so he threw in a Remington rolling block rimfire with a bunch of brass tacks, a leather wrap, etc. On it as the dowry.  Her village had missionaries and she had been raised “Catholic.”  So I guess they were Catholic until they moved away east to New Brunswick.  and ended up moving away from that area.  and basically were in a little rural area where everyone was basically Protestant and there was one tiny little church. My grandmother was one of their daughters born around 1903 and got married to a burly man in New Brunswick.  Whose mother was Jewish and also grew up not doing any stuff related to being Jewish and whose family grew up basic local Protestant. .  Her siblings ended up in Quebec, New Brunswick, Maine, and Nova Scotia.  They ended up in another New England state.   Where my dad and aunts and uncles were born and also raised Protestant and where I grew up.

I don’t hate Jewish people.  I don’t want a repeat of the Holocaust.  I don’t want a warning for anti-semtism.

I’m just trying to objectively state something along the lines of-
You had a big wonderful farm in america.  It was nice.
Then you guys - for a reason I can’t understand - planted a bunch of kudzu on the school playground, on the local college campus, in the town park, and by the courthouse.  Now that kudzu is overflowing your farm.  
And you don’t like it.
None of your neighbors want it on their farm either.
And we never wanted you to plant it.

Buddy they are going to shove you into the cattle car next to mine LMAO.

You’re of Jewish descent.

Thank you for sharing though that was an interesting read.

Oh well.  I’m not a pure skin.
I eat the shit out of pork.
I was in HS and went to summer college baseball camp/assessment and didn’t know what bagels were, etc.

Some cousins have gotten into the family tree research and stuff.  Recently I have found out about a nephew I didn’t know about,  that the “burly man” was the illegitimate son of some traveling Canadian wrestler/showman who was English and Scottish who knocked up a Lithuanian/albanian room cleaner that was Jewish.  So that grandpa did a bunch of electrical, construction, etc. Kind of stuff.
Bright but not educated.  He had a son and daughter from a first marriage.  The son was navy in wwii, then IBM and DOD systems analyst computer guy who retired in ‘85.  Never knew or met him.  Know nothing about the daughter. Only recently found that out.  Don’t know anything about his first wife before my grandmother.  Maybe died and kids went to live with her sister.
I did know my grandmother had the Ashkenazi father, Huron mother, and a husband that died - he was some kind of sailor.
I grew up knowing her first son, my uncle.  He was WWII and then  Korean War ranger company vet.  

So, first marriages for each in the 1920s, with a son daughter for him and a son for her.
Then a handful of kids together. That’s pretty much all I know about that side of the family.

Now, her first son died at 90 a while back.  He had inherited the rolling block and the rifled musket.  His only son had already died and he left them to me. He hadn’t told anyone, but did then when he knew he had metastatic cancer and maybe six months left.  

This is a gun website, so…

type Status report


description Access to the specified resource has been forbidden.

Apache Tomcat/7.0.68 (Ubuntu)

" target="_blank">

type Status report


description Access to the specified resource has been forbidden.

Apache Tomcat/7.0.68 (Ubuntu)

" target="_blank">

Nothing I do has been able to save/improve the dry brittle leather wrap.

Link Posted: 4/25/2024 2:46:55 PM EDT
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Don't Jews vote overwhelmingly for democrats?

I view this as a democrat civil war. Hands off.
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Link Posted: 4/25/2024 2:47:29 PM EDT
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Ukiebro asking how people can be this stupid?  Trolling tread confirmed
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You don't know me... I was actually born there... not a troll thread...

Link Posted: 4/25/2024 2:50:16 PM EDT
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Its weird how these people up until a few months ago were always calling the Conservatives Nazis and then go to this
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It's freakin bizarre isn't it? And also how they've been beating us over the head with all the LGBTQIA++ shit for so long, and now they support people who would literally kill them for being gay.

Just bizarre.
Link Posted: 4/25/2024 3:34:12 PM EDT
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It's freakin bizarre isn't it? And also how they've been beating us over the head with all the LGBTQIA++ shit for so long, and now they support people who would literally kill them for being gay.

Just bizarre.
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Its weird how these people up until a few months ago were always calling the Conservatives Nazis and then go to this

It's freakin bizarre isn't it? And also how they've been beating us over the head with all the LGBTQIA++ shit for so long, and now they support people who would literally kill them for being gay.

Just bizarre.

You can’t wrap your mind around it.  Supporting that which will destroy you.

While blaming others for what they do.
Which is kind of the sine qua non of the far left.  For example, remember back before the last election and the media was heavily reporting illegally obtained documents on one candidate in a misleading manner, while suppressing legally released, accurate documents on another.  While heavily fanning the flames on an impeachment plus a years long investigation on the President for something a former Vice President and former Secretary of State did respectively.  And covering up countless other things regarding the Biden, Obama, Clinton, etc.
The temper tantrum over Hilary not winning after the complete insanity of a former First Lady being senator in a state they never resided in, with side of sec state bullshit-
Has gone full court press both barrels since.
Link Posted: 4/25/2024 3:37:41 PM EDT
The Left: Kill the fascists!
The Left: Push the Jews into the sea!
Link Posted: 4/25/2024 3:38:31 PM EDT
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It's freakin bizarre isn't it? And also how they've been beating us over the head with all the LGBTQIA++ shit for so long, and now they support people who would literally kill them for being gay.
Just bizarre.
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What's bizarre is that this has been going on for decades, and you apparently didn't notice.
Link Posted: 4/25/2024 3:48:52 PM EDT
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Thank you for your service!
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Thank you for your service!

Oh stop, you broached the subject. That’s the legitimate answer. I did and it appears it was for nothing.


Oh well.  I’m not a pure skin.
I eat the shit out of pork.
I was in HS and went to summer college baseball camp/assessment and didn’t know what bagels were, etc.

Some cousins have gotten into the family tree research and stuff.  Recently I have found out about a nephew I didn’t know about,  that the “burly man” was the illegitimate son of some traveling Canadian wrestler/showman who was English and Scottish who knocked up a Lithuanian/albanian room cleaner that was Jewish.  So that grandpa did a bunch of electrical, construction, etc. Kind of stuff.
Bright but not educated.  He had a son and daughter from a first marriage.  The son was navy in wwii, then IBM and DOD systems analyst computer guy who retired in ‘85.  Never knew or met him.  Know nothing about the daughter. Only recently found that out.  Don’t know anything about his first wife before my grandmother.  Maybe died and kids went to live with her sister.
I did know my grandmother had the Ashkenazi father, Huron mother, and a husband that died - he was some kind of sailor.
I grew up knowing her first son, my uncle.  He was WWII and then  Korean War ranger company vet.  

So, first marriages for each in the 1920s, with a son daughter for him and a son for her.
Then a handful of kids together. That’s pretty much all I know about that side of the family.

Now, her first son died at 90 a while back.  He had inherited the rolling block and the rifled musket.  His only son had already died and he left them to me. He hadn’t told anyone, but did then when he knew he had metastatic cancer and maybe six months left.  

This is a gun website, so…

https://hosting.photobucket.com/images/uu220/ramairfour/IMG_4934_evUZrBfPoDuboLir3esAq8.jpeg?width=1920&height=1080&fit=bounds" target="_blank">https://hosting.photobucket.com/images/uu220/ramairfour/IMG_4934_evUZrBfPoDuboLir3esAq8.jpeg?width=1920&height=1080&fit=bounds
https://hosting.photobucket.com/images/uu220/ramairfour/IMG_4935.jpeg?width=1920&height=1080&fit=bounds" target="_blank">https://hosting.photobucket.com/images/uu220/ramairfour/IMG_4935.jpeg?width=1920&height=1080&fit=bounds

Nothing I do has been able to save/improve the dry brittle leather wrap.

Beautiful pieces!

My brother and I have also gotten into genealogy. My mother converted to Judaism when she married my “step” father (I see him as just my father). My maternal grandmother is mostly Yoem-Yaqui. We know this factually however we also know that my grandmothers-grandmother was from a different tribe. We suspect some type of Pueblo given some of her behaviors and custom. DNA tests link us to the north west region of New Mexico. However she is not on any registry and never shared her affiliation. She married a 100% Yaqui man who rode with Pancho Villa. We still had his bandoliers but apparently one of our great aunts sold them

I’d kill to get those back.
Link Posted: 4/25/2024 3:53:26 PM EDT
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Oh stop, you broached the subject. That’s the legitimate answer. I did and it appears it was for nothing.
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Thank you for your service!

Oh stop, you broached the subject. That’s the legitimate answer. I did and it appears it was for nothing.

I was being serious. I wasn't able to go due to a heart condition but I wish I was.

I don't think it was for nothing. Time will tell for sure but I think there is more to this story that's yet to be told...
Link Posted: 4/25/2024 3:56:21 PM EDT
Let's face it, these anti Israel/jewish protests across  all the liberal shitholes are being staged by the same people that did blm bullshit in 2020. The difference is that antisemtims thats being stirred up will get people killed.

As a jew, I am beyond fucking livid seeing what's happening across the campuses and cities across America.

How can this be allowed to happen? How are people this fucking stupid?

This will not end well...
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Hello buddy, your avatar is a nazi flag.

Poor little NPCs...

I stand with Israel.
Link Posted: 4/25/2024 4:09:55 PM EDT
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I was being serious. I wasn't able to go due to a heart condition but I wish I was.

I don't think it was for nothing. Time will tell for sure but I think there is more to this story that's yet to be told...
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I hope so brother.
Link Posted: 4/25/2024 4:44:11 PM EDT
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If I had to guess it all goes back to the drumbeat of race politics the left has been harping on since the Obama presidency. Jews lost their "minority status" and became just more white people that need their privilege checked.
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Same thing happened to old guard feminists under intersectionality. They can now have hard won female areas (college athletics) colonized by men dressed as women and their pathological egalitarianism leaves them with no defense.

This current crop of anti-semites on campus might be socialists, but if they are nationalists (unlikely) it is not for the US nation.  

Tearing down critique of western civilization isn’t going to play out well for the diaspora.
Link Posted: 4/25/2024 4:46:28 PM EDT
What The Mufti Said To Hitler

Full official record: What the mufti said to Hitler
The Arabs were Germany's natural friends, Haj Amin al-Husseini told the Nazi leader in 1941, because they had the same enemies   namely the English, the Jews and the Communists

Link Posted: 4/25/2024 4:54:31 PM EDT
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Same thing happened to old guard feminists under intersectionality. They can now have hard won female areas (college athletics) colonized by men dressed as women and their pathological egalitarianism leaves them with no defense.

This current crop of anti-semites on campus might be socialists, but if they are nationalists (unlikely) it is not for the US nation.  

Tearing down critique of western civilization isn't going to play out well for the diaspora.
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If I had to guess it all goes back to the drumbeat of race politics the left has been harping on since the Obama presidency. Jews lost their "minority status" and became just more white people that need their privilege checked.

Same thing happened to old guard feminists under intersectionality. They can now have hard won female areas (college athletics) colonized by men dressed as women and their pathological egalitarianism leaves them with no defense.

This current crop of anti-semites on campus might be socialists, but if they are nationalists (unlikely) it is not for the US nation.  

Tearing down critique of western civilization isn't going to play out well for the diaspora.

I have an older lesbian client that I speak with often. She's feeling the heat for not buying the trans movement. She has to keep her mouth shut if she doesn't want to be shunned by the local lesbian community. Her assertion that trans dudes aren't women has caused her quite a bit of isolation.

Link Posted: 4/25/2024 4:59:48 PM EDT
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Please share a synopsis of the argument.
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Jew checking in. These self hating liberal urban Jews will get us all killed.  They vote Democrat and preach DEI and are completely intolerant of actual liberty and freedom.  Bunch of self righteous ignorant assholes. I had to leave the Passover Seder, that I cooked a 20lb brisket for, after I lost my shit on a liberal family member.

Please share a synopsis of the argument.

Aunt said Jan 6 was an insurrection and I laughed and pointed out that the only ones who brought guns was the government.  It went from there.
Link Posted: 4/25/2024 5:02:19 PM EDT
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Hello buddy, your avatar is a nazi flag.

Poor little NPCs...

I stand with Israel.
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Attachment Attached File

Link Posted: 4/25/2024 5:13:48 PM EDT
Gonna have to agree with runcible on all this.

I'm more surprised you guys are surprised.

Anti-Semitism has been going on for quite a while.  It's honestly been pretty wide spread among lots of groups.  Especially those aligned with the left.

I suppose it should be surprising that they're so open about it.  But anyone who claims to be right leaning should know that despite all the gaslighting. The left were always the klan, Nazi's, and terrorists.

It's always been projection.

Also all the BLM stuff was actually more similar than you realize. It's important to note the key difference is that the goal of BLM was probably more to sow divide and hate towards black folks.  At least more so than build anti-white sentiment.  

As despite all the rhetoric most of the folks perpetuating it are white themselves.

Link Posted: 4/25/2024 5:46:47 PM EDT
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I'm curious, did they teach about the non-Jews that were also killed in the holocaust? Like you, I grew up in an area (central NY) with a large Jewish population. Few of the Jews that I spent time with or was friends with ever discussed or acknowledged that there were other groups taken to the camps.

Not making light of the experience of Jews during the holocaust, just curious about how complete the curriculum was.

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Not that I recall. Honestly this more a mandatory indoctrination within historical context, focused on the jewish experience in the holocaust,  as opposed to a literal history lesson.  Most of the time someone's parent or grandparent would come in and talk about their experiences. The teacher that ran it was a Sabra who had fought through independence and pretty militant. There was a lot of German hate going on….Lol being that I'm 1/2 German.  

The staff at my school was pretty pro Israel as well as lots JDL type stuff going on. A few of the teachers were pretty heavily involved in the JDL and they didn't make any effort to hide that fact. When the Yom Kippur war kicked off about 1/2 the teaching staff didn't show for school the next morning as they were on El Al flights heading back to join their reserve units. We just just say around for a few days watching TV as events unfolded and they also had us packing boxes of bandages and other stuff to send over.

Lots wailing the first day and then lots of cheering after that when the Israelis pushed the Arab's shit in…

funny anecdote…

I went through the SF Q course with a Egyptian Major that came from one of the Egyptian commando units. We became pretty good friends and he mentioned that he had killed bushels of Israelis during the Yom Kippur war, 9 years prior, in ambushes. I tend to belive him as war is like that and everybody gets to taste some suck regardless of what the history books say. I lost touch with him but understand he went on to become MOD chief. Makes sense beacue they, as with most countires, only send the annointed ones.
Link Posted: 4/25/2024 5:49:19 PM EDT
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I am basing it on the fact that half my family is Jewish. That Jewish half has been in the US since the 1840s.  I grew up in an upper class roughly 50% Jewish area. Jewish holidays were school holidays. Learning about something academically is not the same as seeing it in person.

The Jews who immigrated from the pre ww2 shtetl culture have an absolute fear of appearing dangerous. That culture survived largely intact here. It didn't make it to post war Israel, largely because that philosophy failed European Jews catastrophically in the mid 20th century.
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Fair enough though I still am of the opinion that it's not lack of violent experiences that cause this Dem leaning profile.  My gut is that it's Talmudic thinking.
Link Posted: 4/25/2024 5:57:38 PM EDT
Jews lost their "minority status" and became just more white people that need their privilege checked.
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Same thing happened to old guard feminists under intersectionality.
They can now have hard won female areas (college athletics) colonized by men dressed as women and their pathological egalitarianism leaves them with no defense.
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Same thing with Asians. If they're in a conflict with a Saltine American, they're minorities.
They butt heads with anyone else though... MAWBW. (Might as well be white.)
Look at the "Stop Asian Hate" thing. When that perv shot up the rub and tugs, everyone was all on board.
Then, when it came out that most violence against Asians was committed by blacks, suddenly the movement died.
Link Posted: 4/25/2024 7:50:31 PM EDT
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I'm all for going in and cracking some skulls at these protests insurrections. People like this were responsible for 911 and I haven't forgot. They are terrorist, they should be rounded up and given a one way ticket back to the shit hole they came from. The Soros backed agitators should get prison sentences equal to the J6 protestors, at least.

By the way, assuming Soros is behind these insurrectionist, what is his objective?

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Better take a look at Soros' ethnicity.

Edit: Oops, old post. Pages got mixed up with mobile and desktop.
Link Posted: 4/25/2024 9:08:02 PM EDT
Link Posted: 4/25/2024 9:32:46 PM EDT
"I will bless those who bless you and curse those who curse you."  will come back to bite them.
Link Posted: 4/25/2024 10:13:33 PM EDT
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It's freakin bizarre isn't it? And also how they've been beating us over the head with all the LGBTQIA++ shit for so long, and now they support people who would literally kill them for being gay.

Just bizarre.
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Its weird how these people up until a few months ago were always calling the Conservatives Nazis and then go to this

It's freakin bizarre isn't it? And also how they've been beating us over the head with all the LGBTQIA++ shit for so long, and now they support people who would literally kill them for being gay.

Just bizarre.

They are safe living in liberal cities in USA and having plenty of food, clean water, police, etc
Link Posted: 4/25/2024 10:32:18 PM EDT
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Identity politics in general is dangerous.

This nation isn't unified by a State religion.  We were massively dependent on NATIONALISM for a our national unity and the Democrats to make cheap political gains have literally made "Nationalism" a dirty word.  The left lumps in Nationalism with Racism and Xenophobia.    Assimilating into the "American Culture" of backyard BBQs, Apple Pie, football, main street 4th of July parades...Hell, I knew Jews growing up that liked some of the Christmas celebration stuff.  I had a buddy I once bought an ugly Christmas sweater for who was Jewish, it was hilarious to see him wearing a Rudolph Sweater.  Had Black, Asian, and Latino friends my whole life and we'd all talk edcrap about each other's races, it was hilarous.  All that cultural unity is being dismantled by the Left as they split everyone into little factions as deeply as they can.  

Being American, assimilating to the American culture used to be a point of pride.  Now it's discouraged and its being discouraged heavily as we bring in tons and tons of immigrants, more than we've ever brought in at any one time.  It's not good.

***Man, this nation was once a very special place, we had our issues, but I always felt very optmistic about where we were going as a nation and I just don't feel that way anymore. Sad.

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A ton of classic 20th century Christmas music was written by Jewish composers, oddly enough.  Guys like Irving Berlin and such.
Link Posted: 4/25/2024 10:56:19 PM EDT
The average American joeblow has no idea what's going on half the time.

I think these recent Israeli/hamas  events have gotten a lot of people to research things that they normally never would have and are uncovering things like the fact that the US pays/paid for Israel healthcare, education, military,  etc......meanwhile they look at our own country on life support and think wtf. I've been seeing these types of topics trending. I think there's a lot of anti-israel aid sentiments going on moreso than antisemitism
Link Posted: 4/25/2024 11:29:03 PM EDT
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How do you figure? Academia and the left paint nazis as this worst thing that has ever happened to the world — even though communism (which they embrace) is the actual worst thing that has ever happened.
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The dems have embraced and emboldened the nazis. Academia has embraced and emboldened the nazis.

They have one goal, kill Jews. They’re using this conflict as an excuse to do so.

How do you figure? Academia and the left paint nazis as this worst thing that has ever happened to the world — even though communism (which they embrace) is the actual worst thing that has ever happened.

Aw man, that is so last week. try to keep up.

And read some orwell, "“We have always been at war with Eastasia"
Link Posted: 4/26/2024 1:00:45 AM EDT
It's all distraction.
Link Posted: 4/26/2024 1:13:25 AM EDT
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Sweet avatar bro...The US flag looks so nice being overlapped and covered by foreign ones.
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Yours is quite interesting too. Or lack there of. Says a lot without having to actually say anything.
Link Posted: 4/26/2024 2:06:55 AM EDT
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I think these recent Israeli/hamas  events have gotten a lot of people to research things that they normally never would have and are uncovering things like the fact that the US pays/paid for Israel healthcare, education, military,  etc......meanwhile they look at our own country on life support and think wtf. I've been seeing these types of topics trending. I think there's a lot of anti-israel aid sentiments going on moreso than antisemitism
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A Black conservative would suggest that the welfare state has destroyed the Black nuclear family and encouraged a breakdown in family values, high crime and poverty. How can that be when the state is literally giving them money? When you can answer that, perhaps you can answer why the monies given to Israel is a control mechanism for the US and not "thievery" by Israel. Hint: that money is not unconditional.
Link Posted: 4/26/2024 3:00:30 AM EDT
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Yours is quite interesting too. Or lack there of. Says a lot without having to actually say anything.
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Sweet avatar bro...The US flag looks so nice being overlapped and covered by foreign ones.

Yours is quite interesting too. Or lack there of. Says a lot without having to actually say anything.

I spent  9 or 10k at Brownells over the last year or so...isn't that the same thing?
Link Posted: 4/26/2024 3:13:39 AM EDT

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