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Link Posted: 8/21/2022 7:37:05 AM EDT
Same subject, different article.

Canada Announces ‘Digital Identity Program’ in Partnership with WEF

The government of Canada has announced it is working on a new federal “Digital Identity Program” after partnering with Klaus Schwab’s World Economic Forum (WEF) to help develop a global ID system.

Canada joins the Dutch government in developing a digital ID system in partnership with the WEF.

The program seeks to create a digital proof-of-identity document for all citizens that is logged in a system used by airports, authorities, and government agencies.

Details about the development of a federal “Digital Identity Program” were revealed in the Canadian government’s “Canada’s Digital Ambition 2022” report.

Link Posted: 8/21/2022 7:43:44 AM EDT
Digital ID and minority voting do not go hand in hand.
Link Posted: 8/21/2022 12:19:17 PM EDT
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Almost Everyone who has posted in this thread would have already had their shit turned off. Bye bye 1st Amendment.
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The WEF is a virtual state and Castreau is a serving member.

Castreau serves WEF and not Canadians.

Serving the WEF is no different than being an asset or member of a foreign nation-state government.  Frankly, one that's goals are in deep contrast to the interests of the citizens of the infiltrated nation-state.

Digital IDs were pursued earlier this year/end of last year but hushed and rebranded after castreau committed financial crimes against grassroot political opponents during the protests.  This plan was exposed shortly after and received the negative public response it merited.  It is the basis for a social credit score.  Anyone who deals with big data understands the importance of matching and joining multiple data sets using a common field.  

The ultimate goal is to be able to shut your access off to commerce and your finances with the flip of a field in a database.  Similar to how smart power meters work.  So in short they want to be more effective and efficient in doing what they did to the canadian truckers and their supporters.  This sort of behavior takes a runaway effect and will only be expanded.  

The goal of all centralization is control.  It is inherent in the concept of centralization.  

If they tell you they need centralization to help you they are taking on more than they are capable of doing and most certainly doing it to help themselves at your expense regardless of the sales pitch.

I'd like to make one last comment: they have learned the centralized financial system is a tool they can leverage for policy rollout.  ESG, DEI, etc.  Your canary is the financial system.  That may change as the yield drops due to public awareness but at the moment this is the process.  

With digital ID, CBDC, and ESG, the cancel culture will be deadly.

You saw what they did to Canadian truckers, right?

Post something critical of Trudeau, Castro's little shit, and BOOM!  
No access to banking, no ability to make purchases, to pay mortgage, to travel, to post anything online or even access online or phone accounts, etc.  Shit, they can cancel your insurance and your doc appointments or surgeries previously scheduled, and your heart or insulin meds... will not be filled.
Almost Everyone who has posted in this thread would have already had their shit turned off. Bye bye 1st Amendment.

Not me because I happen to believe that our omniscient overlords have our best interests at heart. And if I had any icky guns I would turn them as soon as required if not sooner.
Link Posted: 8/21/2022 2:12:26 PM EDT
The World Economic Forum (WEF) is promoting the introduction of a digital identity system, at whose core will be identity – and who better to create and maintain it than banks and companies offering financial services.

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There certainly appears to be a coordinated effort from banks in various parts of the world to suddenly begin the push - Australia, Canada, & United Kingdom.  I’m sure at least one bank in America is on board.

Suncorp Conditioning People to be Implanted with Microchips

Australia’s banks want you MICROCHIPPED!

State of Nat West banking app, in the 'my spending' tab there's a second tab with 'my footprint'.

It gives a number for your "carbon footprint" on your month's spending and there's more tabs saying how you can reduce it with 'meat free Mondays", etc.

They're using the virtue signalling green agenda to introduce the social credit system, it proves that the technology is already there and embedded into the banking systems.

Link Posted: 8/21/2022 2:41:14 PM EDT
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There certainly appears to be a coordinated effort from banks in various parts of the world to suddenly begin the push - Australia, Canada, & United Kingdom.  I’m sure at least one bank in America is on board.

Suncorp Conditioning People to be Implanted with Microchips


State of Nat West banking app, in the 'my spending' tab there's a second tab with 'my footprint'.

It gives a number for your "carbon footprint" on your month's spending and there's more tabs saying how you can reduce it with 'meat free Mondays", etc.

They're using the virtue signalling green agenda to introduce the social credit system, it proves that the technology is already there and embedded into the banking systems.


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The World Economic Forum (WEF) is promoting the introduction of a digital identity system, at whose core will be identity – and who better to create and maintain it than banks and companies offering financial services.


There certainly appears to be a coordinated effort from banks in various parts of the world to suddenly begin the push - Australia, Canada, & United Kingdom.  I’m sure at least one bank in America is on board.

Suncorp Conditioning People to be Implanted with Microchips


State of Nat West banking app, in the 'my spending' tab there's a second tab with 'my footprint'.

It gives a number for your "carbon footprint" on your month's spending and there's more tabs saying how you can reduce it with 'meat free Mondays", etc.

They're using the virtue signalling green agenda to introduce the social credit system, it proves that the technology is already there and embedded into the banking systems.


Related and connected.

Ask them to define their goals and their ideology. Make them write it down so it's legally connected to their own welfare, and when it goes wrong, punish them.

Jordan Peterson criticizes climate change | Lex Fridman Podcast Clips
Link Posted: 8/21/2022 3:07:49 PM EDT
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You can't stop what's coming

As long as they let me keep my guns to shoot paper targets, I'm good. And if not, I guess I'll just deal without them
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turn them over to somebody who will use them

Link Posted: 8/21/2022 3:09:32 PM EDT
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Instead of handing them in like a cuck, it would be time to put your big boy pants on and do freedom loving things.
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Some posters here have an agenda that isn’t what they want you to believe
Link Posted: 8/21/2022 3:14:17 PM EDT
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To be honest, something like the DoD CAC would be awesome on the civilian side.  I just don’t trust the feds if they were to do such a thing.
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You're naive if you think gov control of ANYTHING is a good idea
Link Posted: 8/21/2022 3:21:16 PM EDT
Why in the living hell haven't we invaded Canada?  They have to be the most pussified country in this hemisphere (beside the United States) so we we should at least have half a chance to actually make it happen.


Link Posted: 8/21/2022 3:57:40 PM EDT
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Then it is up to the Candian People how they wish to live.

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Not enough give a shit past their next welfare cheque...
The stoners, women and the FSA will continue to support the current government as long as weed remains legal, Justin stays sexy and the free money keeps coming...
Link Posted: 8/21/2022 4:06:36 PM EDT
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Why in the living hell haven't we invaded Canada?  
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Because, like it or not we're your best if not only friend you have...

That and well... Last time you tried to invade it didn't go so well.
Granted, it was 210 years ago  but...
Link Posted: 8/21/2022 4:16:52 PM EDT
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Because, like it or not we're your best if not only friend you have...

That and well... Last time you tried to invade it didn't go so well.
Granted, it was 210 years ago  but...
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Why in the living hell haven't we invaded Canada?  

Because, like it or not we're your best if not only friend you have...

That and well... Last time you tried to invade it didn't go so well.
Granted, it was 210 years ago  but...

Maybe thats what it will take to make Canucks wake up and grow some balls to throw off your Cuban fag of a so-called leader.
Politely, of course.
Link Posted: 8/21/2022 4:19:44 PM EDT
Coming soon...

Link Posted: 8/21/2022 4:25:01 PM EDT
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Because, like it or not we're your best if not only friend you have...
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With FJB in the as the dickhead in chief?  I can't disagree.
Link Posted: 8/21/2022 4:29:19 PM EDT
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Because, like it or not we're your best if not only friend you have...

That and well... Last time you tried to invade it didn't go so well.
Granted, it was 210 years ago  but...
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Why in the living hell haven't we invaded Canada?  

Because, like it or not we're your best if not only friend you have...

That and well... Last time you tried to invade it didn't go so well.
Granted, it was 210 years ago  but...

You guys should be all for it.  Just lay low for a while and then clean up on the $1 billion in military gear we leave behind.

Link Posted: 8/21/2022 4:48:30 PM EDT
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You guys should be all for it.  Just lay low for a while and then clean up on the $1 billion in military gear we leave behind
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Problem is... 'you invade Canada, be ready to face off with China.

China won't like you messing with her girl...

Link Posted: 8/21/2022 5:54:27 PM EDT

Attachment Attached File
Link Posted: 8/21/2022 5:57:10 PM EDT
Link Posted: 8/21/2022 6:16:15 PM EDT
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Klaus Schwab wrote the playbook.
It’s titled: Covid-19 The Great Reset
Link Posted: 8/21/2022 6:18:22 PM EDT
I can hear it now. "If you do nothing wrong, why would it bother you?"
Link Posted: 8/21/2022 6:19:34 PM EDT
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The bottom of that wheel has been mentioned before.................a long time ago
Link Posted: 8/21/2022 6:27:39 PM EDT
I hope they get the number of the beast correct.  If they use the wrong number, their diabolical plot may be suspect.  We will see.
Link Posted: 8/21/2022 6:28:37 PM EDT
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This level of totalitarianism near our border makes me feel very uneasy.

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Have the Québécois beheaded people yet? The Mexican cartels have.
Link Posted: 8/21/2022 6:28:45 PM EDT
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I hope they get the number of the beast correct.  If they use the wrong number, their diabolical plot may be suspect.  We will see.
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667. The Neighbor of The Beast.
Link Posted: 8/21/2022 6:40:04 PM EDT
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It's just a conspiracy theory that covid facilitated one of the largest transfers of wealth ever to people running the show.
It's all a power and monetary grab happening before our eyes.
Link Posted: 8/21/2022 6:43:52 PM EDT

Attachment Attached File

Attachment Attached File

Attachment Attached File
Link Posted: 8/21/2022 6:59:35 PM EDT
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Problem is... 'you invade Canada, be ready to face off with China.

China won't like you messing with her girl...

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You guys should be all for it.  Just lay low for a while and then clean up on the $1 billion in military gear we leave behind


Problem is... 'you invade Canada, be ready to face off with China.

China won't like you messing with her girl...

We’re probably going to face off with China anyway, or Russia, or possibly both.

War, especially a limited nuclear war is planned to happen at some point among other things, I’m thinking.  Can’t Build Back Better if you don’t destroy it all first.

Link Posted: 8/21/2022 7:05:24 PM EDT
[South Park]Fuck Canada[\South Park]

*except fluffly, and a few others
Link Posted: 8/21/2022 7:25:43 PM EDT
Michael Yon@MichaelYon
4 hours ago
Canada: Northern Invasion route
This is how Canada ends up a war.

Link Posted: 8/21/2022 8:18:57 PM EDT
Well..it all started with the formation of the European Union, whose roots can be traced directly to (primarily) Germany. "The European Union was formally established when the Maastricht Treaty whose main architects were Horst K hler, Helmut Kohl and Fran ois Mitterrand came into force on 1 November 1993."
Is it coincidence that Klaus Schwab  is German? I don't believe Germany is the ally that we perceive them to be. Germany is central to many things related to WEF.

Link Posted: 8/22/2022 2:32:56 AM EDT
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Digital ID and minority voting do not go hand in hand.
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Lol. You think there’s going to be voting in the future system?
Link Posted: 8/22/2022 3:12:52 AM EDT
It's amazing to me that this kind of shit gets rolled out with explicit credit given to the WEF and people 'round here will still denounce it as a "conspiracy theory" despite official documents and multi-color graphics stating its purpose

I think ultimately this extreme self deception is a form of cowardice. If you keep pretending that the monster isn't at your doorstep then you don't have to do anything about it

Oh yeah, and if you think this isn't coming to the USA at some point you are quite wrong
Link Posted: 8/22/2022 3:17:20 AM EDT
Link Posted: 8/22/2022 3:39:27 AM EDT
What  a second!!! Voter ID is racist but Digital ID's are OK??? Sounds racist to me!!! Where are the Protest's????
Link Posted: 8/22/2022 3:58:13 AM EDT
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Well..it all started with the formation of the European Union, whose roots can be traced directly to (primarily) Germany. "The European Union was formally established when the Maastricht Treaty whose main architects were Horst K hler, Helmut Kohl and Fran ois Mitterrand came into force on 1 November 1993."
Is it coincidence that Klaus Schwab  is German? I don't believe Germany is the ally that we perceive them to be. Germany is central to many things related to WEF.

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Interesting that you pointed out they are German yet missed the big white elephant in the room:  Rothchild empire is Jewish.
Link Posted: 8/22/2022 4:36:22 AM EDT
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To be honest, something like the DoD CAC would be awesome on the civilian side.  I just don’t trust the feds if they were to do such a thing.
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Nope. I've had a CAC since it's inception. While good for certain access and security purposes, when it's lost, damaged, stolen, or expired, you're fucked. Oh, and as a contractor, that shit gets turned off real fast when some fuck knuckle says some "cert" is expired, even when it's not.  

I would almost be okay with this if it wasn't associated with your banking or other financial transactions. AND, anybody who's on government subsidies or assistance (excluding SS or pension) shouldn't be allowed to vote...

I'm just concerned for the minority populations; according to the Democrats, they're too stupid to get a picture ID right now...and now we want to consider issuing "digital ID cards"? Can they even spell "digital?
Link Posted: 8/22/2022 7:13:42 AM EDT
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Well..it all started with the formation of the European Union, whose roots can be traced directly to (primarily) Germany. "The European Union was formally established when the Maastricht Treaty whose main architects were Horst K hler, Helmut Kohl and Fran ois Mitterrand came into force on 1 November 1993."
Is it coincidence that Klaus Schwab  is German? I don't believe Germany is the ally that we perceive them to be. Germany is central to many things related to WEF.

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Never knew Klaus Schwabs mother was a Rothschild
Link Posted: 8/22/2022 7:16:27 AM EDT
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Boomer thread lol
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Quality thread contribution
You should be proud of yourself
Link Posted: 8/22/2022 7:18:50 AM EDT
The dollar will be their black market currency.
Link Posted: 8/22/2022 8:32:33 AM EDT
The Microchip Implant To Pay With Your Hand #shorts

Would you implant a debit card chip in your hand? | Banfield

Link Posted: 8/22/2022 8:36:47 AM EDT
WEF needs to be dismantled.  This is an unelected body of basically dictators deciding how the world will function.  It needs to be gone from the planet.
Participants should be cut off from further participation in any type of global or otherwise collective forums.
Link Posted: 8/22/2022 10:17:37 AM EDT
Digital ID's are a stepping stone toward control.  

A chip in the hand to make purchases or open doors, etc. is convenient and we are currently being conditioned to accept this new technology.  

Think about the possibilities: Theft reduction because cash is no longer needed; vehicle thefts would plummet as unauthorized persons (thief) would be unable to drive away with your SUV; your medical history would be immediately available to medics and doctors should you suffer a health emergency; you no longer need to show ID to buy alcohol, vote or fly. It will make a huge impact on your life and will be embraced by most.

All will go well and many will enjoy the benefits until the power base (gov't) determines you do not support their agenda and thus are a threat to their society, and turn-off your digital ID/chip and render you unable to buy, sell, travel, etc.

This technology didn't exist 2000+ years ago, yet this type of control was described in the Bible. No one then understood and even people 70 years ago could not have imagined how such control could be implemented. Yet here we are. We understand. For the first time in history, we are eye-witnesses to the birth of the technology necessary to implement what the Bible prophesied 2000+ years ago. It's coming, right before our eyes.
Link Posted: 8/22/2022 10:49:40 AM EDT
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Digital ID's are a stepping stone toward control.  

A chip in the hand to make purchases or open doors, etc. is convenient and we are currently being conditioned to accept this new technology.  

Think about the possibilities: Theft reduction because cash is no longer needed; vehicle thefts would plummet as unauthorized persons (thief) would be unable to drive away with your SUV; your medical history would be immediately available to medics and doctors should you suffer a health emergency; you no longer need to show ID to buy alcohol, vote or fly. It will make a huge impact on your life and will be embraced by most.

All will go well and many will enjoy the benefits until the power base (gov't) determines you do not support their agenda and thus are a threat to their society, and turn-off your digital ID/chip and render you unable to buy, sell, travel, etc.

This technology didn't exist 2000+ years ago, yet this type of control was described in the Bible. No one then understood and even people 70 years ago could not have imagined how such control could be implemented. Yet here we are. We understand. For the first time in history, we are eye-witnesses to the birth of the technology necessary to implement what the Bible prophesied 2000+ years ago. It's coming, right before our eyes.
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It’s coming hard and fast like a freight train!

How do we build an ethical framework for a technologically augmented society?

Augmented tech can change the way we live, but only with the right support and vision

Help us prevent the spread of disinformation
This article has been intentionally misrepresented on sites that spread false information. Please read the piece for yourself before sharing or commenting.

The World Economic Forum is committed to publishing a wide array of opinions. Misrepresenting content diminishes open conversations.

The World Economic Forum is committed to publishing a wide array of opinions. Misrepresenting content diminishes open conversations.

- Augmented reality technology has the ability to transform society and individual lives, particularly in health care and mobility.

- As much as visual and hearing aids are a part of our lives today, implant technologies could become the norm in future.

- Stakeholders in society will need to agree on how to ethically make these amazing technologies a part of our lives.

Superheroes have been dominating big and small screens for a while, but there’s a subtle change happening. Many children expect to develop superpowers themselves.

These expectations may sound unattainable, but we’re already making the first strides towards an “augmented society”. Trade fairs are boasting augmented reality (AR) goggles that show technicians where a particular screw should go. Your own phone gives you information about your fitness in real time or tells you about the latest fad.

Augmentation can be defined as the extension of rehabilitation where technological aids such as glasses, cochlear implants or prosthetics are designed to restore a lost or impaired function. Add it to completely healthy individuals and such technology can augment. Night goggles, exoskeletons and brain-computer interfaces build up the picture. The augmenting technology will help in all stages of life: children in a learning environment, professionals at work and ambitious senior citizens. There are many possibilities.

Much more here -

Link Posted: 8/22/2022 11:27:04 AM EDT
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Interesting that you pointed out they are German yet missed the big white elephant in the room:  Rothchild empire is Jewish.
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Well..it all started with the formation of the European Union, whose roots can be traced directly to (primarily) Germany. "The European Union was formally established when the Maastricht Treaty whose main architects were Horst K hler, Helmut Kohl and Fran ois Mitterrand came into force on 1 November 1993."
Is it coincidence that Klaus Schwab  is German? I don't believe Germany is the ally that we perceive them to be. Germany is central to many things related to WEF.

Interesting that you pointed out they are German yet missed the big white elephant in the room:  Rothchild empire is Jewish.

So Adolf was onto something?
Link Posted: 8/22/2022 11:28:20 AM EDT
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Like most people, even on this site? Ya, I probably would.

What other options really are there? Don't turn them in and go to prison,  or even worse be shutoff from society?  Nobody is going HAM and anyone who does will be quickly delt with along with .gov hammering down on anyone else they think might cause them trouble.
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So you’d turn your guns in to the government if they banned them?
Because with a CBDC they could leverage you by turning off your finances.

Like most people, even on this site? Ya, I probably would.

What other options really are there? Don't turn them in and go to prison,  or even worse be shutoff from society?  Nobody is going HAM and anyone who does will be quickly delt with along with .gov hammering down on anyone else they think might cause them trouble.

Link Posted: 8/22/2022 11:29:13 AM EDT
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I'm already 87 feet to your left, have fun
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Your post doesn’t surprise me.

My advice to you is to get out of the way of those not willing to see their children live as slaves.

I'm already 87 feet to your left, have fun

We know.  You have been moving further and further left these days.
Link Posted: 8/22/2022 11:29:35 AM EDT
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WEF needs to be dismantled.  This is an unelected body of basically dictators deciding how the world will function.  It needs to be gone from the planet.
Participants should be cut off from further participation in any type of global or otherwise collective forums.
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Totally agree.
Problem is they have infiltrated governments all over the world and have politicians in their pocket who are the ones pushing this agenda.
Link Posted: 8/22/2022 11:50:57 AM EDT
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Plenty of people on here jump through their ass to start to turn stuff in before even its banned or register their 80%s when a new law passes. Plenty of the chest thumpers on here will fall in line if/when the time comes(maybe even you). I'm at least honest about it.
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There may be a few, so what?  "Plenty of people" do meth. "Plenty" of dudes suck other dudes off.  That's your rationale for decision making, it sounds like you may as well start doing meth and sucking dicks.
Link Posted: 8/22/2022 12:00:49 PM EDT
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Like most people, even on this site? Ya, I probably would.

What other options really are there? Don't turn them in and go to prison,  or even worse be shutoff from society?  Nobody is going HAM and anyone who does will be quickly delt with along with .gov hammering down on anyone else they think might cause them trouble.
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Now a caveman thread
Link Posted: 8/22/2022 12:13:26 PM EDT
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We know.  You have been moving further and further left these days.
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Your post doesn’t surprise me.

My advice to you is to get out of the way of those not willing to see their children live as slaves.

I'm already 87 feet to your left, have fun

We know.  You have been moving further and further left these days.

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