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Posted: 5/9/2011 5:42:25 AM EDT

If you took everyone in America and lined them up on a political spectrum, do you think that people on both of the extreme ends are about equally as nuts/paraniod/batshit crazy?

Link Posted: 5/9/2011 5:44:11 AM EDT
yes, extremists from either side are bad
Link Posted: 5/9/2011 5:44:44 AM EDT
You'll have to define the extreme right for me at least.

Extreme left = communism.

Extreme right = Anarchy? Christian Theocracy?

Link Posted: 5/9/2011 5:44:45 AM EDT
Crazy is crazy.  The brand of Kool Aid you drink is just semantics.  
Link Posted: 5/9/2011 5:44:49 AM EDT
yes, extremists from either side are bad

Link Posted: 5/9/2011 5:45:02 AM EDT
What is extreme right?
Link Posted: 5/9/2011 5:45:41 AM EDT
Instead of viewing it as a line you should view it as a circle.
Link Posted: 5/9/2011 5:46:01 AM EDT
Joseph Stalin<––––––––––––> Adolf Hitler
Extreme Left <––––––––––––> Extreme Right
Link Posted: 5/9/2011 5:46:26 AM EDT


Joseph Stalin<––––––––––––>Adolf Hitler

Extreme Left                     Extreme Right

You would be wrong.  Hitler was a leftist.

Link Posted: 5/9/2011 5:47:42 AM EDT
I ain't fuggin crazy........
Link Posted: 5/9/2011 5:47:58 AM EDT
Wrong.  Facism = extreme right
Link Posted: 5/9/2011 5:48:33 AM EDT
Joseph Stalin<––––––––––––> Adolf Hitler
Extreme Left <––––––––––––> Extreme Right

public education
Link Posted: 5/9/2011 5:48:36 AM EDT
yes, extremists from either side are bad

What he said.

Link Posted: 5/9/2011 5:48:37 AM EDT
Most of the political circle are either nuts or flakes and should be boxed and sold as breakfast cereal.
Link Posted: 5/9/2011 5:51:16 AM EDT


Wrong.  Facism = extreme right

Dude, facism is a system in which the means of production are privately owned, but tightly controlled by The State.  It is socialism light, and a stepping stone toward communism (full ownership of everything by The State).

You are regurgitating leftists talking points.

Nazism was known as the Nationalist Socialist Party.  

Link Posted: 5/9/2011 5:53:36 AM EDT
No, the “extreme right” is nowhere near as bad, mainly because it barely exists.

See, reality is what it is, it’s objectively real so to speak. But different people perceive reality differently. All of our perceptions are influenced by what we have been taught, our emotions, and our world view in general. “Extremists” are people who see reality far differently than it actually is.

And, in our culture, everyone is constantly bombarded by the left wing version of reality. It’s embedded in virtually every television show, in our educational system, on the news, in our comedians jokes. Unless you isolate yourself completely from the culture you will be exposed. An, even then you will get it second hand from people who haven’t completely isolated themselves from pop culture. This provides a check to right wing extremism.

But there is no such check on left wing extremism. A person can go through life and never even hear an opinion expressed that contradicts the left wing world view.
Link Posted: 5/9/2011 5:53:59 AM EDT


Joseph Stalin<––––––––––––> Adolf Hitler

Extreme Left <––––––––––––> Extreme Right

Yeah, Hitler and his State run everything is really what hard right leaning people strive for.

Oh. No. That's not it at all.

Link Posted: 5/9/2011 5:54:59 AM EDT
yes, extremists from either side are bad


Extremists of all variety are bad.

However, how you define "left" and "right" is open to some debate.  

Notice that "socialist" appears in both "the union of Soviet socialist republics" (USSR) and the "national socialists" (nazis).  

Link Posted: 5/9/2011 5:57:35 AM EDT
Instead of viewing it as a line you should view it as a circle.

Yup, just got done with a social science class in college a while back. The spectrum is best described as a circle, it makes more sense that way.

The class really made me think and be objective, the professor commented to me after the course I was one of a few students in the weekly discussions who actually took an objective look at all the issues being discussed. Others she said seemed to keep stating the same things over and over with no facts to back them up.

She is a die hard DEM, Lefty what ever you want to call her but she gave me the impression she takes her role as a professor seriously and leaves most politics out of her grading and conduct of the class.

I wish more people would be objective thinkers and do there homework to the best of their ability instead of being sheep.
Link Posted: 5/9/2011 5:57:55 AM EDT
My reply is Yes.

The extreme right looks a lot like the extreme left - Both extremes want to maximize control over peoples' lives.

Link Posted: 5/9/2011 5:58:26 AM EDT
Without a doubt.
Link Posted: 5/9/2011 5:59:48 AM EDT
Crazy is crazy and I don't want to be associated with either.
Link Posted: 5/9/2011 6:00:03 AM EDT
That would appear to be the natural order of things.

Nature loves a balance.
Link Posted: 5/9/2011 6:00:04 AM EDT

Joseph Stalin<––––––––––––> Adolf Hitler
Extreme Left <––––––––––––> Extreme Right

Yeah, Hitler and his State run everything is really what hard right leaning people strive for.

Oh. No. That's not it at all.

Under a 'traditional' definition of Left-Right politics, yes.  Corporate Statism to benefit a few.

Would this suit you better?  All government<––––––––->No government

Both extremes are bad.
Link Posted: 5/9/2011 6:00:14 AM EDT
[div]If you took everyone in America and lined them up on a political spectrum, do you think that people on both of the extreme ends are about equally as nuts/paraniod/batshit crazy?


I hate all extremists.  The left wants control of my wallet, the right wants control of my life.  I will not accede easily to either.

I'm a Libertarian.  I'm an "extremist" about liberty.
Link Posted: 5/9/2011 6:01:19 AM EDT
My reply is Yes.

The extreme right looks a lot like the extreme left - Both extremes want to maximize control over peoples' lives.

Link Posted: 5/9/2011 6:02:05 AM EDT
The thing is, we must first understand the terms which we discuss.

The American model, and the European model.

The American model (the model which I subscribe to) looks like this

   <––––––––––––––––––––––            ––––––––––––––––––––––––––->

More government control            Less government control
The European model is circuler  because they have never once had a system of free enterprise and individual rights.  Their choices were either private ownership and heavy control of the state, or the state controls everything.
Link Posted: 5/9/2011 6:04:23 AM EDT


What is extreme right?

Bingo.  Need to understand what we are comparing.

Link Posted: 5/9/2011 6:05:11 AM EDT
My reply is Yes.

The extreme right looks a lot like the extreme left - Both extremes want to maximize control over peoples' lives.

great way to put it.
Link Posted: 5/9/2011 6:06:45 AM EDT
A single axis model (left to right on a line) is a flawed model of politics.

A much better model is two axis (left to right and also up to down).  It's called the Nolan chart.

A lot of people here are conservative but highly authoritarian, while I am conservative but highly libertarian.  These are very far apart politically and are represented as so on the Nolan chart.

eta:  I'd probably be somewhere around or just under the second "a" in Libertarian.
Link Posted: 5/9/2011 6:08:27 AM EDT
Crazy is crazy.  The brand of Kool Aid you drink is just semantics.  

This +1
Link Posted: 5/9/2011 6:08:55 AM EDT

Think about the spectrum as a donut with a small bite taken out of the top. Hmmm...donuts...

To the extreme left you have advocated support for internationalism and the proletariat, to the extreme right you have advocates for Nationalism and the bourgeoisie. Not much difference besides what the two CLAIM to support.

Both are totalitarian regimes where the government controls every aspect of an individuals life and the government owns every institution within society.

edit: to add Xtreme!
Link Posted: 5/9/2011 6:09:28 AM EDT
A single axis model (left to right on a line) is a flawed model of politics.

A much better model is two axis (left to right and also up to down).  It's called the Nolan chart.


A lot of people here are conservative but highly authoritarian, while I am conservative but highly libertarian.  These are very far apart politically and are represented as so on the Nolan chart.

eta:  I'd probably be somewhere around or just under the second "a" in Libertarian.

So "extreme south" is no control?
Link Posted: 5/9/2011 6:09:53 AM EDT
What is extreme right?

Birthers and NAZIs (debatable but a given from the POV of our liberal-focused education system) are two ....
Link Posted: 5/9/2011 6:10:10 AM EDT
Far right politics usually involve supremacism — a belief that superiority and inferiority is an innate reality between individuals and groups — and a complete rejection of the concept of social equality as a norm.[2] Far right politics often support segregation; the separation of groups deemed to be superior from groups deemed to be inferior.[3] Far right politics also commonly include authoritarianism, nativism, racism and xenophobia.

from wiki

thus the term racist is constantly used against anyone conservative. White folk wants colored folk back in chain...see BHO and his upbringing against colonial UK African politics.

BHO is extreme left (he hides it well) and due to his environment growing up, he was taught anything middle to the right, Christian, and white is extreme. He is not American in the sense that he spent his childhood overseas in Muslim schools around people that hate Americans.  

It all comes down to ideology at the personal level.
Link Posted: 5/9/2011 6:11:34 AM EDT


A single axis model (left to right on a line) is a flawed model of politics.

A much better model is two axis (left to right and also up to down).  It's called the Nolan chart.


A lot of people here are conservative but highly authoritarian, while I am conservative but highly libertarian.  These are very far apart politically and are represented as so on the Nolan chart.
eta:  I'd probably be somewhere around or just under the second "a" in Libertarian.
But you could also say that since some "conservatives" are authoritarian, the fact that they want government control, would mean that they would be in the center of a left to right scale.

It would look like this


socialist                 progressive   liberal             conservative                 constitutional  libertarian                    anarchist

Link Posted: 5/9/2011 6:12:00 AM EDT
You're either nutty as a squirrel turd, or you're not.  Anything beyond that is between you and your psychologist.
Link Posted: 5/9/2011 6:12:18 AM EDT
The religious fanatics are every bit as loony as the commies on the left.
Link Posted: 5/9/2011 6:12:33 AM EDT
I am not as nuts as the extreme left!!

Link Posted: 5/9/2011 6:13:13 AM EDT


If you took everyone in America and lined them up on a political spectrum, do you think that people on both of the extreme ends are about equally as nuts/paraniod/batshit crazy?




Link Posted: 5/9/2011 6:13:15 AM EDT
What is extreme right?

You and I.

Link Posted: 5/9/2011 6:14:18 AM EDT

Joseph Stalin<––––––––––––>Adolf Hitler
Extreme Left                     Extreme Right

You would be wrong.  Hitler was a leftist.

yep. Read "The Road to Serfdom" by F.A. Hayek or "Liberal Fascism" by Jonah Goldberg. You only need to read those books if you don't remember from school that Hitler was a National Socialist
Link Posted: 5/9/2011 6:14:33 AM EDT
Link Posted: 5/9/2011 6:14:49 AM EDT
Wrong.  Facism = extreme right

absolutely fucking false
Link Posted: 5/9/2011 6:16:37 AM EDT
yes, extremists from either side are bad


Link Posted: 5/9/2011 6:16:39 AM EDT
How about:

Stalin <–––––––––––––> Bin Laden

Link Posted: 5/9/2011 6:17:24 AM EDT
The religious fanatics are every bit as loony as the commies on the left.

True. Both are the enemy of rational decent people and should be treated as such.
Link Posted: 5/9/2011 6:17:24 AM EDT



What is extreme right?

Birthers and NAZIs (debatable but a given from the POV of our liberal-focused education system) are two ....

But yet Nazis were not right wing.

As with the Nolan chart, Nazis & fascists are certainly not right-wing when it came to market policies. The only fascist I can think of that was actually right wing was Augusto Pinochet.

Here's PoliticalCompass' on political leaders using a 4-axis chart:

As you can see, Hitler was certainly no right-winger.

Link Posted: 5/9/2011 6:17:37 AM EDT

Hmmm. Donuts...
Link Posted: 5/9/2011 6:20:28 AM EDT
if you go far enough in either direction you end up in fucktard land.
Link Posted: 5/9/2011 6:22:16 AM EDT

What is extreme right?

Birthers and NAZIs (debatable but a given from the POV of our liberal-focused education system) are two ....

But yet Nazis were not right wing.

As with the Nolan chart, Nazis & fascists are certainly not right-wing when it came to market policies. The only fascist I can think of that was actually right wing was Augusto Pinochet.

Here's PoliticalCompass' on political leaders using a 4-axis chart:


As you can see, Hitler was certainly no right-winger.

I can't quite agree with this placement of Hitler on this chart. Listen to his speeches and then make the determination and he will be well left of that line.
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