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Link Posted: 5/30/2020 6:14:10 PM EDT
OP, the M4 did the job it was designed to do excellently.  Tank-on-tank engagements were very rare.  It had the best crew survivability of any MBT.  It was easier to maintain.  It was easily manufactured by the tens of thousands.  It was there when it was needed.  The gun was more than up to its task.  The list goes on.

Belton Cooper's book has filled too many peoples' heads with bullshit about Sherm.

The German super tanks were undependable crap with low crew survivability ratios.  The Germans had A FEW tanks that could outrange a Sherman, but they were very few and far between.  Most of them ended up broken down/abandoned or shot to shit by other tanks with numerical superiority.

The T-34 was a piece of expendable crap with very low crew survivability.  A post-war analysis concluded that the T-34 had worse quality control than you would expect from deliberate sabotage.
Link Posted: 5/30/2020 6:15:04 PM EDT
OP clearly never had played WoT Blitz!
Russian tanks rule!
Link Posted: 5/30/2020 6:15:15 PM EDT
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Lol. They were called Ronsons by both sides for a reason.
They light up on the first strike every time.
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Only the Brit tanks with dry storage.  Wet storage Shermans were very survivable.
Link Posted: 5/30/2020 6:18:00 PM EDT
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This right here....For the simplicity and design, the T34 wins WW2.
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By that metric the M1 carbine was the best weapon we had.  It was simple and produced in greater numbers than any other individual weapon.

But the fact is, it was good at what it was designed to do but not as capable overall as the Garand.
Link Posted: 5/30/2020 6:18:49 PM EDT

Link Posted: 5/30/2020 6:35:42 PM EDT
Panzer who?
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Look at the armor penetration tables.

Shermans die from basically every German tank, tank destroyer and anti tank gun from 2,000 yards.

The high velocity 75mm and 88mm take it past 2,500 and  3,000 yards respectively.

Additionally German optics and gunnery practice gave WAY higher hit probability than their British and American counterparts.

Math and shit.

This is like arguing T-55 vs. Abrams in Desert Storm.

I know there’s a lot of history re-writing these days but the guys who were actually there doing the fighting, none of them on either side thought much of the Sherman.

Not that it mattered with the tactical AirPower and 155s the US Army had on speed dial.  With that kind of back up a Girl Scout troop with a radio, could have take out the entire German army.
Link Posted: 5/30/2020 6:37:10 PM EDT
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We're talking about best tank, not best manufacturing ability, logistics, or command.
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The US literally had the best of almost every piece of machinery for war. We didn't win just on logistics. We had the best of almost everything.

Best Infantry rifle
Best Supply truck
Best Aircraft Carrier (The Essex Class)
Best Battleship (The Iowa Class)
Best Bombers
Best Radar

I'd argue the best overall tank too. No German tank could do what the Sherman was asked to do.

Don't short change the US military simply by saying it was logistics alone. We had damn fine equipment too.
Link Posted: 5/30/2020 6:42:40 PM EDT
The Krauts had better tanks than us.
Link Posted: 5/30/2020 6:42:55 PM EDT
The firefly variant was the best one.
Link Posted: 5/30/2020 6:45:29 PM EDT
I dunno.

Germans had some sexy tanks. Americans had heavier tanks that are less well known then the German stuff. In the end the M4 took troops to combat and kept moving forward. A tank that can't keep up with the army is a really nice semi movable bunker.

And why no love for the KV-1?
Link Posted: 5/30/2020 6:48:19 PM EDT
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And why no love for the KV-1?
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Because heavy tanks are garbage, and Soviet tanks are garbage, so a Soviet Heavy tank....
Link Posted: 5/30/2020 6:48:28 PM EDT
Yeah, best tank during WWII.

Good times. Best tank. Op, keep telling yourself that.

Link Posted: 5/30/2020 6:54:30 PM EDT
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Germans had some sexy tanks. Americans had heavier tanks that are less well known then the German stuff. In the end the M4 took troops to combat and kept moving forward. A tank that can't keep up with the army is a really nice semi movable bunker.
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I find it ironic on a website that constantly puts reliability at the top of their reasoning for choosing a pistol or rifle to buy. Just as quickly dismiss it with regards to tanks. Nevermind German tanks broke down all the time,  they were the best!

But in another thread those same people will argue for or against picking a pistol based on its reliability.
Link Posted: 5/30/2020 7:21:33 PM EDT
Did ARFCOM GD get invaded by 16 year old World of Tanks players again?

Shermans kicked ass because they were reliable, plentiful, powerful enough, and available.

The German tanks were powered mostly by propaganda and the LCpl underground rumor department.

Didn't someone post once that checking the T-34's oil was a 24 bolt affair?

But I'll take an M18, thank you very much.
Link Posted: 5/30/2020 7:46:02 PM EDT
all the tanks of the war sucked in their own way.

id hate to work on some shermans engines

Link Posted: 5/30/2020 7:47:43 PM EDT
Link Posted: 5/30/2020 7:48:14 PM EDT
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Oh wow something made for war got destroyed. There was literally no piece of large issue equipment that you can't find similar pics for. Would you like me to post similar pics for a Panther or King tiger?
Link Posted: 5/30/2020 7:50:52 PM EDT
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Ok I'll bite.
First a bit on my background:

Have worked on Aberdeen Proving Grounds the prime tank testing center for nearly 4 years.
Had ample opportunity to inspect the tanks in person that were at the museum there (before it moved) which included all major US tanks and tank destroyers all major German tanks and tank destroyers and all soviet tanks and tank destroyers ( except no JS series tanks)
I am also an engineer by training and have spent some time in the Army with tracked vehicles.

It depends on how we define "best".
Certainly the Sherman was arguably the most reliable tank of WW2, at least maong the major tanks.
The reason for this it was designed from the beginning as an expeditionary tank that would be at the tip of a long supply line.
So automotive reliability as designed and produced by the largest automotive industry in the world.

It was also among the most ergonomic tanks ( even thought he German tanks such as the Panther were probabaly equally good in that respect.
So if we have a doctrine where automotive reliability is most critical it was indeed "the best".

Someone mentioned something about tactical mobility though, by this it was bested by the T34 and by an even wider margin by the big german tanks such as the Panther... even the Tigers had lower ground pressure + most suspension travel.. and could often travel smoothly were the Sherman could not...  ( note I said "tactical mobility  I will get to strategic in a minute) for example he Panther had 50cm suspension travel which was not exceeded until 40 years later by any tank on the planet.

What about the T34?
Wide tracks, check, decent armor, check, decent main gun for the year (76mm to 85mm check)
BUT and this is not widely known because no one ever challenged soviet narrative until decades later the T34 was among the most unreliable tanks of the war. right up with with the early versions of the Panthers.
And the most troublesome part of the panther were the final drives... but those are much easier to change than the transmission on a T34... some soviet crews even went into battle with a spare transmission strapped to the deck.
This you will never see in allied newsreels..
That was when their tank broke down they would not attract suspicion of trying to avoid battle ( and possibly get shot for it) if they busied themsleves trying to change the transmission.
As for the t34s gun even the late war 85 mm was not quite the equivalent of thew panzer 4s 75mm ( never mind the longer Panther 75mm) the armor was nice and sloped but the quality of the steel was significantly less than the Wests or the allies.
Where the t34 exceeded was that it was  a competitive design that was available in large numbers from relatively early on in the war.
It had good producibility and a decent engine and was the most modern tank of 1941.

What about some other tanks? I am not going to examine the JS series or the King Tiger or the T26E which were all premium tanks and a tour de force in resource consumption rather than clever designs.

So lets look at the remaining candidate, the Panther.

A tanks design parameters are Firepower, Armor (especially front), mobility, ergonomics and cost of production.

Lets examine the Panthers firepower.

The 75mm main gun of the panther was had penetrating power slightly better than the Tiger 1s 88mm (not the tiger IIs 88mm, thats a different gun). It was powerful enough it could frontally penetrate a JS series tank.
It was equipped with a MG34 (I dont have the time to explain why it was not the MG42, so please dont ask) in the front and also optionally had a mount for an MG34 on top of the turret.
Additionally late war models were equipped with a Nahvertieidigungswaffe a grenadelauncher for anti infantry use ( even though it was not always fitted it is still a design feature)
The Optics that supported this gun were the same ones as in the Tiger so not only was the gun capable of high mechanically accuracy but the Optics fully supported that (and were superior to any allied tank.
Another Joker is some late war Panther were equipped with night fighting and driving sights.. a first in warfare (but I am not including that in this comparo)

Armor: The sloped 80mm of front armor was nearly the equivalent of the Tiger 1, the side armor was not nearly as good but still same or slightly better than Sherman or T34

Mobility: The suspension of the Panther was the smoothest riding and had the greatest travel of any tank of the war (possible excepting the KingTiger but I am not counting this premium tank for this comparison). The suspension travel was unmatched by tanks even after the war for decades until the Leopard 2. The steering was light, the power to weight ratio was quite good the trench crossing and vertical obstacle crossing and wading was better than both Sherman and T34-85 as well.

Cost: In man hours and reichs mark it cost about the same to make as the much less lethal Panzer 4. Why was the panzer 4 kept in production? The productions lines were well established and humming along and converting them would reduce the numebrs of tanks delivered.. all in all 6000 Panthers were producing by German during the war, more than half of which in 1944, plus approx 500 specialized versions primarily Jagdpanther ( tank hunters with the KWK 43, the long 88mm of the King Tiger) and Bergepanther, recovery tnaks of the same chassis.

So lets talk about the elephant (elefant? ;) ) in the room.
Reliability. WHich is really part of mobility.

The Panther was inferior to the Sherman in reliability, yet tales grow taller by the telling.. just like the reputation of say the Kingtiger as "best" is not justified , the tales of extreme unreliability aslo grow taller with the telling.. it made it seems like these tanks couldnt move at all , yet move they did and a lot in both defense and offense.

The Achilles heel of the panther that unlike some other early teething problems was never fixed were the final drives.
The Tigers final drives were not a problem, why the lighter panthers?
Because the Tiger was  a premium tank and as such was allowed to use up more resources in production and as such got final drive designs made with better machining.
The Panther design team was only allowed to design final drives that were easy to make.
And these were not as durable, it was not an issue of the metallurgy (brits decades later tried to make a spare part for a panther using the same design and their part was no better despite using modern steels)
It is hard to say now by how much but if the Panther had been authorized "premium" final drives like the Tiger using high end machining assets that were in short supply in germany during the entire war.. its production numbers would almost certainly have been significantly reduced.
This was something the Waffenamt felt could not be tolerated.

The Sherman incidentally had premium designed (I am trying to reduce technical jargon) final drives of the type denied to the Panther and installed on the Tiger.
So what would you rather have?

100 Shermans or 100 Panthers.. or perhaps to reflect the fact that even the by German standards very affordable Panthers, were still more expensive than the Shermans...
Would you rather have 120-130 Shermans or 100 Panthers.
In some situations like the African or Italian campaign which were extremely demanding on the automotive components I would have preferred the Shermans..
But in the big set piece battles of the Eastern Front the panther was at times successful out of proportion:

And there I would have preferred the 100 Panther over even 200 Shermans even fireflys

Could the same number of Shermans have done this? or even double the number of Shermans?

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When asking whether or not Shermans could have done as well as Panthers in any given battle I think it's important to remember that German kill ratio reporting is fundamentally bullshit. This is doubly true when speaking of SS units on the Eastern Front. There's a blog series on that subject; here's one example.
Link Posted: 5/30/2020 7:55:32 PM EDT
Link Posted: 5/30/2020 7:55:37 PM EDT
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When asking whether or not Shermans could have done as well as Panthers in any given battle I think it's important to remember that German kill ratio reporting is fundamentally bullshit. This is doubly true when speaking of SS units on the Eastern Front. There's a blog series on that subject; here's one example.
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Especially since the cats were almost always on the defense, its going to skew the numbers, since they dictate the initial contact.
Link Posted: 5/30/2020 7:56:57 PM EDT
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When asking whether or not Shermans could have done as well as Sherman ands in any given battle I think it's important to remember that German kill ratio reporting is fundamentally bullshit. This is doubly true when speaking of SS units on the Eastern Front. There's a blog series on that subject; here's one example.
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A totalitarian regime lieing about their kill ratio? Unthinkable! It would have suited the Germans just as well to tell their civilian population that the war was going badly for them!

Joking aside... yes. The Germans lied their asses off on many things. It's well known if the population at home thinks the war is going badly, it won't be good for the regime's survival. So yes, the Germans built up this bullshit about the German super soldier and super tank to keep up the spirits of the German people and their troops.
Link Posted: 5/30/2020 7:57:10 PM EDT
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Some guy who saw a tank once in the 80s will be along shortly to argue endlessly with Manic_Moran and all his research and knowledge over this
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I miss Manic_Moran's tank channel
Link Posted: 5/30/2020 7:58:19 PM EDT
Short barrel 75mm against Japan was great

Updated 75mm (and others) with long barrel was the best tank
Link Posted: 5/30/2020 7:59:49 PM EDT
Link Posted: 5/30/2020 8:01:04 PM EDT
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I miss Manic_Moran's tank channel
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It's still on You Tube.

AAMOF, he released a video today.
Link Posted: 5/30/2020 8:02:35 PM EDT
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Quantity has a quality all of its own. Good enough matters, but you have to BUILD ENOUGH too!

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Came here to post this
Link Posted: 5/30/2020 8:02:39 PM EDT
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.50 cal would punch holes though it
Link Posted: 5/30/2020 8:02:40 PM EDT
Panzer who?
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Are you going to make a thread like this about every system in the US inventory in the last 100 years?
Link Posted: 5/30/2020 8:04:50 PM EDT
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It's still on You Tube.

AAMOF, he released a video today.
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I miss Manic_Moran's tank channel

It's still on You Tube.

AAMOF, he released a video today.
Link Posted: 5/30/2020 8:07:02 PM EDT
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When asking whether or not Shermans could have done as well as Panthers in any given battle I think it's important to remember that German kill ratio reporting is fundamentally bullshit. This is doubly true when speaking of SS units on the Eastern Front. There's a blog series on that subject; here's one example.
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Holy shit that’s laughable!

Soviet “primary sources”......

One of the former Soviet state historians who happened to have fought at the battle of Kursk, flat out came out and said that the almost ALL Soviet records were being forged by commanders in order to not show how badly they were suffering at the hands of the Germans.

Anything that the commanders didn’t forge on the spot, got forged later on to not make the Soviets look so bad!  Which he himself admitted to being a part of!

Read Blood, Steel and Myth.  It thoroughly dismantled the history we think we know, based on Soviet “primary sources”.

At Kursk the Waffen SS had a kill ratio on the Soviets of anywhere from 10-1 to 20-1.
Link Posted: 5/30/2020 8:09:26 PM EDT
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Are you going to make a thread like this about every system in the US inventory in the last 100 years?
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Panzer who?
Are you going to make a thread like this about every system in the US inventory in the last 100 years?
What's it to you?
Link Posted: 5/30/2020 8:09:35 PM EDT
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At Kursk the Waffen SS had a kill ratio on the Soviets of anywhere from 10-1 to 20-1.
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And yet... the Soviets ended up winning. Quantity having a quality all its own, as the saying goes.
Link Posted: 5/30/2020 8:09:47 PM EDT
We know.
Link Posted: 5/30/2020 8:11:06 PM EDT
Link Posted: 5/30/2020 8:12:42 PM EDT
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Are you going to make a thread like this about every system in the US inventory in the last 100 years?
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Panzer who?
Are you going to make a thread like this about every system in the US inventory in the last 100 years?

These tend to be some of the more informative and entertaining threads in GD. Calm down
Link Posted: 5/30/2020 8:13:11 PM EDT
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And yet... the Soviets ended up winning. Quantity having a quality all its own, as the saying goes.
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By the end of the War the Society were operationally just as effective as any of the major powers. To say their only power was to keep sending waves of conscripts died in 1943, they were an extremely effective mechanized army.
Link Posted: 5/30/2020 8:14:00 PM EDT
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These tend to be some of the more informative and entertaining threads in GD. Calm down
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Next week, lets talk US field artillery!
Link Posted: 5/30/2020 8:17:04 PM EDT
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And yet... the Soviets ended up winning. Quantity having a quality all its own, as the saying goes.
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Absolutely.   A lesson America will learn soon.  

Germany couldn't even beat the British, let alone the British, Canadians, Americans and the Soviets.
Link Posted: 5/30/2020 8:28:10 PM EDT
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Not even once.
Link Posted: 5/30/2020 8:30:41 PM EDT
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Holy shit that’s laughable!

Soviet “primary sources”......

One of the former Soviet state historians who happened to have fought at the battle of Kursk, flat out came out and said that the almost ALL Soviet records were being forged by commanders in order to not show how badly they were suffering at the hands of the Germans.

Anything that the commanders didn’t forge on the spot, got forged later on to not make the Soviets look so bad!  Which he himself admitted to being a part of!

Read Blood, Steel and Myth.  It thoroughly dismantled the history we think we know, based on Soviet “primary sources”.

At Kursk the Waffen SS had a kill ratio on the Soviets of anywhere from 10-1 to 20-1.
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Lol. German Intelligence reduced tank kill claims on the Eastern Front by 50% in 1944 when estimating enemy strength. Why? Because even the German Army knew the claims they were making were bullshit; especially those of the SS. Don't you think it's a little odd that all of the SS's massive kill ratios occurred in battles where they were ultimately forced to retreat? A little suspicious that they only achieved these incredible results when no one could actually count the vehicles they'd killed in order to verify their claims?
Link Posted: 5/30/2020 8:34:05 PM EDT
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Next week, lets talk US field artillery!
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These tend to be some of the more informative and entertaining threads in GD. Calm down

Next week, lets talk US field artillery!

Can we start with HIMARS? All I know is that they've scared the crap out of me, I know nothing else about them
Link Posted: 5/30/2020 8:45:14 PM EDT
The M4 was absolutely the best tank on the WW2 battlefield, until a panther or tiger showed up.
Link Posted: 5/30/2020 8:46:04 PM EDT
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Lol. They were called Ronsons by both sides for a reason.
They light up on the first strike every time.
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Do you even wet stowage, bruh?
Link Posted: 5/30/2020 8:57:00 PM EDT
The Sherman wasn’t the most effective tank on the Western Front, it was the most “there”, however.
Link Posted: 5/30/2020 9:10:48 PM EDT
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This thread is like saying the AK47 is the best military rifle because is was mostly reliable and more produced...lol....nope. The Panther was the AR15 of WWII....maybe slightly less reliable (if properly maintained was not an issue), better made and more accurate. Built under the same conditions (post war) there is no comparison.

Sherman was 1/2 assed decent up till about 1942 (it was good against Jap 1930's tanks and panzer II's from the 1930's). The Sherman was built under ideal conditions and was nicknamed "the Ronson" after the cigarette lighter from then because it always lighted on the first strike.

Weak armor and weak gun (75mm was an infantry support gun), but yeah it ran good mostly being built in ideal conditions. Just like the T34 which gets undo credibility. There were reports of Tigers taking out 50 T34's on one outing many times, only running out of ammo stopped them from destroying more...but when faced 100-1 then all of a sudden the T34 "shines" like the sherman...lol.
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So much wrong in one post, I don’t even know where to start.
Link Posted: 5/30/2020 9:12:34 PM EDT
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Lol. They were called Ronsons by both sides for a reason.
They light up on the first strike every time.
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Everything burns if you shoot it enough. And a burnt tank is beyond repair.

To quote The Chieftain, “Keep shooting until it catches fire or changes shape”.
Link Posted: 5/30/2020 9:15:54 PM EDT
I would have to say Panther despite its mechanical issues.
Better gun, better armor, decent mobility. They did tend to catch fire quite a bit as did most gas powered tanks.

75mm Sherman’s had no chance frontally against the panther even at point blank range. 76mm equipped units may have faired better but weren’t as common.

2 SS Panthers vs. 21 US Shermans

However the better tank doesn’t mean a thing if your tactics suck

Sherman vs. Panther: France 1944

Link Posted: 5/30/2020 10:02:18 PM EDT
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Can we start with HIMARS? All I know is that they've scared the crap out of me, I know nothing else about them
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Deal, I think we need to have history of Rocket artillery and then discuss MLRS/HIMARS.
Link Posted: 5/30/2020 10:26:22 PM EDT
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Deal, I think we need to have history of Rocket artillery and then discuss MLRS/HIMARS.
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Can we start with HIMARS? All I know is that they've scared the crap out of me, I know nothing else about them

Deal, I think we need to have history of Rocket artillery and then discuss MLRS/HIMARS.

I’m game!

Link Posted: 5/31/2020 12:05:57 AM EDT
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Just imagine they had taken all the resources pumped into the V weapons and super tanks, and used it on improving tactical rocket artillery. Would have been nice to have weapons that could break up massed soviet attacks while using less vehicles and troops to man them. Fast, flexible and powerful.
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