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Posted: 3/22/2021 5:22:22 PM EDT
Is being discussed actively in the Official 2021 NFL Discussion Thread but was smartly mentioned by @Hunter-Killer that we should have a dedicated thread for discussing just Deshaun Watson as this will likely continue for an extended period of time.

For those unaware, we now have thirteen civil suits filed accusing Deshaun Watson of sexual assault. There could be at least 9 more pending (being vetted by the attorney) with an unknown number more following that (no update since Friday).

Links to each individual suit based on time and date filed (might not match news order):
Suit 1: https://pdfhost.io/v/h65BTEwlD_Suit_1PDF.pdf
Suit 2: https://pdfhost.io/v/zxlLOM1bM_Suit_2PDF.pdf
Suit 3: https://pdfhost.io/v/IcDXV~wPg_Suit_3PDF.pdf
Suit 4: https://pdfhost.io/v/es1y6kBsG_Suit_4PDF.pdf
Suit 5: https://pdfhost.io/v/g9EJ8Qeq3_Suit_5PDF.pdf
Suit 6: https://pdfhost.io/v/a9ktDqz~X_Suit_6PDF.pdf
Suit 7: https://pdfhost.io/v/TXV1Qu4gX_Suit_7PDF.pdf
Suit 8: https://pdfhost.io/v/9w4qJf.m6_Suit_8PDF.pdf
Suit 9: https://pdfhost.io/v/FgcwNjcbE_Suit_9PDF.pdf
Suit 10: https://pdfhost.io/v/auzEusgko_Suit_10PDF.pdf
Suit 11: https://pdfhost.io/v/gaX9dOtth_Suit_11PDF.pdf
Suit 12: https://pdfhost.io/v/.W5XAsVJ1_Suit_12PDF.pdf
Suit 13: https://pdfhost.io/v/SoQVncN48_Suit_13PDF.pdf
Suit 14: https://pdfhost.io/v/MUtUPLwJ3_Suit_14PDF.pdf
Suit 15: https://pdfhost.io/v/WpbPxIuZa_Suit_15PDF.pdf
Suit 16: https://pdfhost.io/v/freNpWzHe_Suit_16PDF.pdf
Suit 17: https://pdfhost.io/v/jshJNFRU5_Suit_17PDF.pdf
Suit 18: https://pdfhost.io/v/yNZGritL1_Suit_18PDF.pdf
Suit 19: https://pdfhost.io/v/z6mOJ2oW7_Suit_19PDF.pdf

Additional accuser who has not signed with Buzbee (attorney for other 19 suits): https://www.si.com/nfl/2021/03/29/first-hand-story-of-deshaun-watson-inappropriate-behavior-not-in-lawsuit

Suit 20: https://pdfhost.io/v/R9MFqvTlZ_Suit_20PDF.pdf
Suit 21: https://pdfhost.io/v/7rQbxX0EJ_Suit_21PDF.pdf
Suit 22: https://pdfhost.io/v/OpSB5A5qn_Suit_22PDF.pdf

Super brief timeline and description for TLDR folks. Was specifically targeting massage therapists (and related fields), almost all through Instagram.

Edit: 3/23 - Added 14th suit
Edit: 3/24 - Added 15th and 16th suits
Edit: 3/29 - Added 17th, 18th and 19th suits
Edit: 3/29 - Added new accuser article through Sports Illustrated
Edit: 3/31 - Added 20th and 21st suits
Edit: 4/5 - Added 22nd suit
Link Posted: 3/22/2021 5:22:42 PM EDT
Short summary of all the suits based on their listed filing date and time (might not match news order).

#1: March 2020, Houston massage therapist

Works out of her home. Contacted through Instragram. Arranged to give a relaxation massage. Watson asked whether she would be alone, victim says she thought he just wanted privacy being a celebrity.

Left Watson alone to undress, came back, he was nude except for a small hand towel which he brought himself. Watson was aggressive in dictating the massage and repeatedly stated he wanted her to focus on his groin. Kept trying to direct her to his penis.

He purposely exposed his penis and was fully erect. Continued to move his body/hips in order to expose his penis and made contact with her hands. She ended the massage and asked him to leave.

Says she began crying and Watson made a comment which she considered a threat to her career. He left without further incident and later texted an apology.

#2: August 2020, Atlanta massage therapist

Contacted through Instagram. Watson flew her to Houston to give him a massage. Before arriving, told her he wanted her to specifically focus on his glutes and groin. Met at The Houstonian Hotel, Club and Spa.

Watson got fully nude and laid down on the massage table fully exposed. Victim asked him to cover and he refused. She proceeded with the massage and Watson became aggressive and directed her towards his anus. Asked for more oil around his anus and wanted her to work on the "inner part of his anus" which she ignored.

Watson demanded she move higher towards his penis, "come up more", "go here". Moved in her direction causing his penis to touch her hands. Flipped over fully exposing himself. Victim said he needed to cover himself, Watson refused. She stopped the massage wanting to leave. Watson grabbed her, pulled her towards himself saying, "it's okay, it's okay."

She left. Watson only paid half of what he owed. Watson tried to contact her again, she ignored him.

#3: December 2020, Houston massage therapist, Just graduated from chiropractic school

Worked as a mobile therapist. Contacted through Instagram. Arranged to meet Watson at an office building. Arrived early with her mother to set up for the massage. Mother left as Watson arrived.

Watson fully undressed and again used a small towel he brought to cover himself, face down on massage table. Watson became aggressive and directed her towards his buttocks and inner thighs. Flipped onto his back. Aggressively directed her towards his groin. She said she had a tool for that area and Watson refused saying he wanted her to use her hands.

She describes being afraid of Watson and beginning to shake. Felt intimidated and threatened. Watson coerced and directed her hands across his genitals. Then Watson coerced her into performing oral sex on him against her consent.

She says she blacked out due to fear. Felt helpless in the moment, and was so frightened she defecated herself. Watson got up and left with no apology. Left her "shaking, violated and ashamed".

#4: September-October 2020, Houston Esthetician

Works at a spa Watson went to. Watson asked her boss for a photo of her before booking with her. Watson wanted to give HER a massage according to her boss. Watson wanted her phone number to book directly. Watson texted her asking if anyone else would be around, asked to use the back entrance to the spa for their Sept appointment.

Said Watson didn't want her to leave the room while he undressed. Watson didn't cover himself, wanted to be fully nude. Was aggressive and demanding. When he rolled to his back he was erect. Asked the woman what she was going to do about his erection. Session ended without further incident.

October appointment. Escalated his behavior. Tried to put his penis into her hand, asked her to touch it. Moved his body (again) to make his penis touch her. He was upset she was fully clothed. Told her she was wearing too much and tried to kiss her. She cut the session short.

#5: September 2020, Houston massage therapist

Contacted through Instagram. Watson again used a small towel instead of provided draperies to cover himself. Aggressive, requested she work on his groin area. Made numerous requests to remove the towel so he could be fully nude.

Watson reportedly asked her if it was okay that he was aroused. She tried to remain professional and continue. He became erect and began moving so his penis would touch her hands. Says she was shocked and moved away, at which point Watson finished himself and ejaculated on the table. She left the room, Watson left while she was gone.

#6: October-November 2020, Houston Bodywork and Stretch Therapy

Contacted through Instagram. Session scheduled in October. Watson came to her office. Undressed and covered himself with a towel. Was respectful to begin with but then started to pull his towel down to expose himself. Kept trying to get her to rub the inside of his thighs. Refused to roll over so she could continue. Session ended.

November session. Without any warning, he kissed her, caught her by surprise. She left her business and went to the business next door and told the owner of that business what happened. She regained her composure and returned to find Watson already undressed and ready for his massage. She warned him about his behavior, then continued the session. Watson began to ask her to rub his butt and groin areas and began moving to make his penis touch her hands.

Watson got irritated and said he would pay more if she rubbed those areas. She refused. Watson said, "Well can you do it just for me?" She declined again and Watson got upset and left.

He reached out to schedule another appointment and she refused.

#7: June 2020, Houston sports massage therapist

Contacted through Instagram. Says they spoke on the phone before the 1st meeting and Watson said, "I make a lot of massage therapists uncomfortable and it's really hard for me to find someone who will meet my needs." Specifically wanted glute work. Wanted everything to be private with no one around. She figured it was because he was a celebrity.

Took place at a spa in Houston on June 2nd. Watson wanted to shower. She requested when done he cover with a towel and lay down. She came back and he was nude and didn't want to cover up. She insisted he cover. He refused. Session continued.

She would use her knuckles, he kept asking her to use her fingers. She refused. Says he kept moving and exposing his penis. Watson reportedly laughed and told her she could move his penis if it was in the way. He became erect and continued to move his body trying to get his penis to touch her. She ended the session.

Watson contacted her for follow up sessions repeatedly. She refused all of them.

#8: June-August 2020, Houston body work and stretch therapy

Booked through her manager in June. Routinely provides massages at the spa where she worked. Did not know who Watson was. Met Watson at his hotel. Massage began, wanted her to rub his inner thighs, asking her to go "deeper". Rolled over and let her massage his chest.

Says he became aggressive and then groped both her buttocks and groin while pulling her ass into his face. Says she actually slapped him and then he apologized.

Watson requested she wipe the massage oil off him but then he moved his hips to make his penis touch her hands. End session. Watson stiffed her on the payment and told her manager she "had not given him what he wanted".

Watson then tried to book her through her Instagram again in August. Says she didn't recognize who he was since the first booking was through her manager. When she arrived and recognized him, she scolded him for his inappropriate behavior previously. Watson apologized and said no one had rejected him before.

She told Watson she was a lesbian and not interested in him and he agreed to behave. But a short time later he started making comments about her body. He grabbed her, pulled her close, and said he wanted to ejaculate. Said other therapists made him "cum". She told him to stop acting like a pervert. Says he got more aggressive, wanted to kiss her, said he wanted a blow job and forced her mouth down on him. He wrapped his thighs around her neck and told her to kiss and spit on his penis.

She refused and was released. Watson then masturbated and ejaculated.

#9: March 2021, Atlanta massage therapist

Contacted through Instagram. Watson wanted the $55 discounted massage she offered on social media that day. Watson requested she come to him. She agreed but then refused when he wanted her to come at night. Watson agreed to come to her office the following day.

Watson undressed in front of her, laid on the table, and didn't cover himself. She covered him with the draperies. When she got to his glutes he asked her to remove the sheets and "get into his glutes". Watson asked her to go deeper.

He flipped over and directed her to massage his groin area and testicles. She refused. Watson removed the sheet and exposed himself. She attempted to cover him, he moved and made his penis touch her. She moved away, he got dressed and left.

#10: April 2020, Houston esthetician

Contacted through Instagram. Met at spa. Brought Watson a towel. He wanted a smaller one, like a hand towel. She obliged. Watson only wanted her to work on his buttocks, groin area and hamstrings. Was aggressive. Watson wanted her to go "deeper" into his buttocks.

She claims she was frightened so she obliged. Watson requested she work on the "crevices of his testicles and buttocks". He then rolled onto his back, towel fell off, exposing his erection. He told her not to pick up the towel.

Continued to work around his groin, he would move so his penis touched her hands. Says she didn't stop because she was afraid of him, and she needed the money. Shortly after this Watson ejaculated.

Watson said he wanted to come in WEEKLY for the same service. Woman was embarrassed and confused. Told her mother what happened.

#11: January 2021, Houston massage therapist

Contacted through Instagram. Met for a swedish massage where Watson requested she must use her hands, no tools. Watson face down, requested she massage as high as she could to his groin.

When he flipped over he again requested she massage around his groin. She stepped back and made sure to explain nothing sexual would happen. Continued the massage. Watson then exposed himself multiple times and moved to his penis would touch her hands. He then said, "oh that felt good, can you do that again?".

She refused and Watson said, "I do not want to make you do anything you don't want to do." She ended the massage.

#12: July 2020, Houston spa and cosmetic services

Contacted through Instagram. Watson asked if she was an esthetician, she said no. Asked if she could do massages, said she was never trained but she could try. She was confused on why he would be asking her, but thought having a football player as a client could help her business which was new.

She offered to use her office, Watson declined and asked if he could meet her at her home instead. She thought nothing of it, expecting that a celebrity would want privacy. Watson told her to wear something comfortable that she likes to wear around the house.

Before arriving Watson texted asking if anyone else would be home. She assured him she would be alone. Watson began to undress while she was still in the room, got completely naked. She admits since she never gave a massage before she figured this was probably normal since he was so casual about it.

On his stomach, massaging back of legs, Watson requested she come higher to the area underneath his genitals and anus. She again assumed this would be normal and did as requested.

He rolled over, asked her to massage his upper thigh/groin region. Says he then "suddenly ejaculated everywhere, all over Plaintiff's face, and all over Plaintiff's body." He grabbed her hand, moving it to his penis, making her touch it, and that he started to masturbate further.

Terrified, she ran to the bathroom. Watson left while she was in there. She called and told a friend what happened.

#13: August 2020, Houston wellness therapy services

Contacted through Instagram. Met Watson at his hotel room, when arriving Watson was in a towel already.

Watson repeatedly asked if he could remove the towel and be naked. She kept saying no. Became aggressive, wanted her to work on his buttocks, telling her to "get in there". Wanted her to work in his "butt crack" and to touch his anus.

Finished the massage. She went into the bathroom to wash her hands, came out and Watson was fully nude, exposed. Asked her if she "did more" than just professional body work "for more money". She refused. Watson was disappointed and angry and told her to leave.

#14: July 2020, Los Angeles massage therapist

Works as a mobile therapist (to your home/hotel/office). Says she has provided massages to other professional football players and other high profile athletes. Watson contacted her through Instagram. Texted the address to a home in Beverly Hills.

Watson led her into a room where he shut and locked the doors behind them. Says she pulled her mace out of her purse, Watson saw it, and laughed, didn't do anything. Watson said he didn't want to be covered by a top sheet because he gets hot easily (something stated in many of the other suits as well), the woman agreed but required he wear a towel.

Says Watson became aggressive in dictating the massage. Asked her to massage his "glutes" while pointing at his butt hole. She firmly said no. When he turned onto his back he had an erection. Watson pulled off the towel exposing himself. While she was massaging his abdominals he grabbed her hands and moved them onto his penis.

Afterwords Watson told her, "I will not have you sign a NDA but don't ever talk about this." Says she was numb in fear, felt violated, ashamed and disgusted. Felt scared being trapped in a room with Watson.

#15: October 2020, Houston body contouring and skin tightening services

Single mother who works at a Spa. Boss asked her to do a massage for Watson. She has never done a massage working for that spa before. Boss told her she may have to sign a NDA because of the client's profile. She did not sign one.

Watson did not arrive until 7pm once the spa was empty. This is when she discovered it would be Deshaun Watson. Entered the room, got naked, laid face down. She began massaging his lower legs as she was instructed. Watson asked her what she was doing and told her to "come up" to his inner thighs and around his butt.

Watson asked her to go deeper, to touch his anus and testicles. She declined. Watson then flipped over exposing his penis and told her to massage his inner thighs and stomach. Says she was terrified and was forced to brush his penis while massaging those areas as he did not cover himself. Watson told her not to be scared to touch him. She said that was not what she was paid to do and Watson told her that is what he was paying for. She again declined and quickly finished. Watson only paid her 1/3rd of his bill.

#16: May 2020, Houston wellness therapy services

Contacted through Instagram. Watson asked if she was a massage therapist, she told him no, she was a certified personal trainer. Usually helped with therapy and massages were not her specialty. He booked her anyways and said he wanted her to focus on his groin and glutes and lower abdominals.

Massage took place at Deshaun Watson's home. Watson messaged her (evidence) saying she could come dressed in "casually relaxing attire" and "you don't have to be full professional".

Watson laid face down on a table just with a towel covering himself. Massage went normally. Then Watson flipped over onto his back and the towel fell off fully exposing himself. He then moved his penis onto her hand. She says Watson had pre-ejaculation leaking which was on her hand.

Watson said, "I hope you do not mind if we continue the massage like this." She says she froze, felt disgusted and confused and stuttered saying, "I do not know. I do not know.". She decided to end the massage and told Watson it was time to go. Watson got up, fully nude and asked if he could hug her. She declined and Watson responded, "Oh c'mon, I saw your Instagram. I know what you're working with." She again said it was time to go. Watson replied, "Aww okay. Well, if we had time, would we do what we do?" She immediately left.

When she got home she called her mother and best friend and explained what happened and said she was traumatized by the event. Watson texted her later asking her if she was okay. She did not respond. Four weeks later Watson contacted her again trying to book another appointment. She said she was too busy.

#17: November 2020, Houston flight attendant and massage therapist

Plaintiff was a massage therapy student at the time of the incident. Was posting about her schooling/lessons on Instagram. Watson contacted her on Instagram. Said she previously knew Watson through a mutual friend, so felt comfortable around him.

Watson got her phone number and requested she come to a hotel to do the massage. She declined to do so at a hotel. After refusing, Watson continued to message her to the point she felt harassed. Watson then contacted their mutual friend. The friend then encouraged her to do the massage.

Watson volunteered to drive to her mother's house in Pearland TX to have the massage instead of at a hotel (2 days before an away game). Watson met her at her mothers house and asked her to sign a non disclosure agreement. Left it on a table while he undresses.

She came back to the room, he was naked on his stomach with a towel covering his buttocks. Watson became aggressive in dictating the massage, kept saying "get up in there", "don't be scared", "use your fingers". She said if she went any further she would be rubbing his butt hole/crack area, so she refused.

Watson flipped onto his back, towel kept slipping exposing his penis. Watson kept directing her towards his groin. She refused.

They arranged for a second massage, again at her mothers house, a few days later (2 days after an away game). Watson said he just came from practice and had already gotten a massage from the team therapist before coming. She thought it was odd he wanted another, but he said it was normal for him to get several massages a day.

Naked, face down, towel covering again. Kept directing her towards his buttocks again. Watson flipped. Had an erection, kept exposing himself, started moving his hips to make his penis touch her hands. "Watson then ejaculated. The semen got all over Plaintiff's arm and hand."

She said she was disturbed but just wanted to end things as quickly as possible. Wiped off his semen and tried to finish the massage. Watson then asked about getting another massage. She said she would let him know and got him out of the house.

Watson began texting, wanting her to go to a hotel now. She refused. He kept texting "incessantly" almost every day. She stopped responding. Watson started calling her. She refused to answer.

#18: 2020 (no date given), Houston massage therapist

Licensed, owns her own business. Gave Watson three massages, saying they got worse and worse. A mutual friend referred Watson to her. She was excited at getting a high profile client so she accepted. Discussed scheduling over text messages.

First massage at Watson's home. Watson didn't want draping, she insisted. Watson got naked, and covered. Stated massaging his back, he said he didn't want his back rubbed. Kept wanting to flip over early. He flipped over, exposing his penis. His penis made contact with her hands several times. At the end of the massage she felt uncomfortable but shrugged it off since she wanted her business to grow.

Second session. Watson refused to cover himself with the draperies, used a small towel. He complained about using the towel. Requested she massage his lower abdomen and groin area including between his penis and testicles. She refused but continued to not lose a client. Watson kept moving his hips to make his penis touch her hand.

Third session. Watson again refused draperies and only covered with a "small washcloth". He again continued to move his body to make his penis touch her. She then "fired" him as a client. Said she was not going to do anything to jeopardize her marriage.

She told her husband about what happened.

#19: October 2020, Houston massage therapist

Licensed, owns her own business, contacted through Instagram. Watson came to her office. Was covered with the draperies but requested to be uncovered so he could be naked. Started on his back, he requested she focus on his lower back, glutes and hamstrings. When she got to his glutes Watson requested she, "go deeper".

Watson then requested she rub the inside of his legs near his penis. She declined. Watson turned onto his back, fully nude, penis exposed. Against requested she work on his inner legs, asking her to "go further" with her hands. She refused. Watson said he would pay extra money, "don't worry, no one is going to know." She said no. Watson then grabbed her hand and forced it to his penis. She pulled back shocked and said no.

#20: July 2020, Scottsdale AZ massage therapist

Asked a yoga instructor (on Instagram) for a massage therapist recommendation. Requested it be a woman and he wanted to see her Instagram pages so he could choose. Provided his phone number for the massage therapist to contact him.

Scheduled the session. Plaintiff didn't know who Watson was until that day. Scheduled for a Swedish massage at her business. Within 10 minutes of starting Watson said he didn't want his bag or legs rubbed, began to aggressively dictate the massage and directed her to focus on his glutes.

Once done with his glutes she tried to continue onto his back, he said no and requested she "penetrate his anus with her fingers" to massage him there. She says she was shocked and confused. Said she could not do that. Watson was aggressive and demanded she stick her fingers into his anus. When she said no again Watson said the massage was done. Paid and left.

#21: July - September 2020, Houston massage therapist (unlicensed)

First made contact on SnapChat. Informed Watson she was unlicensed. Was excited to try and grow her business by working with an athlete.

First session, July, Houstonian hotel. Watson got fully naked and refused to cover. During the session Watson exposed his penis several times. Watson requested she massage the area around his anus. She refused. Since Watson didn't force it and didn't touch her she concluded she was being a bit too sensitive. After the session Watson messaged asking if she was okay, she said it was just nerves, agreed to a second session.

Watson asked her to come to the second session wearing a sports bra and short shorts. She refused. Once again met at The Houstonian hotel. Watson got fully naked and refused to cover. While she was massaging his legs he started to become aggressive and told her to "come up" and "get in there". Wanted her to massage his groin area and pointed to the area next to his anus. Watson flipped onto his back and would move his hips to make his penis touch her. Says she was uncomfortable but wanted to give him the benefit of the doubt and not risk him giving her a bad review/hurting her business.

Third session. Watson said he just came from practice. Told Watson to go chance in the restroom, he just undressed in front of her, complete naked on the table. Watson wanted her to work on his glutes and groin area. Tried to get her to massage around his anus, "go higher", get in between his buttocks. Says she moved to a different area of his body to avoid the request and Watson aggressively directed her back towards his anus, encouraging her with ,"it's okay". Watson attempted to stroke her butt and leg. Says Watson was aware she was a single mother struggling financially and used that information to his advantage.

Watson flipped onto his back, penis fully exposed. He intentionally touched her hand with his penis. At that point he got an erection and demanded she massage his penis and testicles. Says she was terrified and wanted to leave but felt intimidated. Watson moved his penis onto her hand and ejaculated, getting semen on her hand and arms. Got dressed and left. Plaintiff said she felt humiliated, scared and responsible. Was still afraid Watson would hurt her career.

Watson began messaging her repeatedly. Said she felt forced and trapped and was afraid for her career. Agreed to a fourth session. Beginning of the fourth session she began to massage his legs, says he was now done with formalities and grabbed her hand and immediately placed it on his penis. Plaintiff pulled back in shock, said she wanted to run. Watson began guiding her hand and coercing her to give him oral. It then ended after coerced oral sex.

Watson continued to request extra sessions, all the way up to December. She refused saying she was taking a break from the profession.

#22: November 2020, Houston Esthetician

Contact made on Instagram. She provided a list of services she offered and gave her phone number for Watson to contact. On the phone she explained she was not a licensed massage therapist and offered to help him connect with one. He declined saying he already had licensed therapists from the Texans and wanted her to perform the massage. She asked how he found her and he said she came up on his "explore page" on Instagram. She accepted with the hope this would help her business.

She informed Watson that she wanted him to use the common sheet and blanket draperies. He said he didn't want sheets and inquired if she had any towels. She said she had large towels and medium hand towels. Watson said those were unacceptable and he would bring his own.

Upon his arrival she left so he could change and when she came back he was face down covered with nothing but a wash cloth on his butt. He told her he wanted her to work on his lower abs, groin and quads.

When she worked up to his buttock area he repeatedly asked for more pressure and to go deeper. She said she did not feel comfortable and refused to go any closer to his anus. Instead she asked him to flip over.

Started on his lower legs, worked up, when she reached his thighs he again asked for more pressure. Working on that area with more pressure would lead to contact with his penis, she expressed she was not comfortable with that and wanted to move to his abs.

Watson grabbed her butt and began flirting, with an erect and exposed penis. Moved his hips so his penis would make contact with her. She asked what he was thinking and he replied, "you can sit on it". She said that was unprofessional and not how "she got down". She ended the massage at that point.

When he had dressed, he came out with a non-disclosure agreement and said she had to sign it for him to pay her. Without reading it, she signed it. he left and paid her $250 through CashApp although the charge was only $65.

Right afterwords she contacted her business partner and explained the session. Watson reached out to her again, but she refused.
Link Posted: 3/22/2021 5:23:38 PM EDT
Link Posted: 3/22/2021 5:28:55 PM EDT
His mom was probably a massage therapist.

Link Posted: 3/22/2021 5:29:26 PM EDT
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25 year old starting QB for the Houston Texans.
Signed a 4 year $156 million contract last season.
Has been in the news for demanding a trade.
Said he would not play for the Texans again.

News broke last week (beginning of free agency in the NFL) that one woman was accusing him of sexual assault. Then the next day it was 3. Then the next day it was 6. Then 9. Then 12. Now potentially 22.
Link Posted: 3/22/2021 5:32:27 PM EDT
They should trade him him to New York, for Coumo
Link Posted: 3/22/2021 5:32:58 PM EDT
He might get his anus touched a lot for free pretty soon.
Link Posted: 3/22/2021 5:33:17 PM EDT
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They should trade him him to New York, for Coumo
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Attachment Attached File
Link Posted: 3/22/2021 5:34:59 PM EDT
Super brief description and timeline for those with TLDR issues:

Specifically targeted masseuses (and a couple related fields), primarily through Instagram.
Link Posted: 3/22/2021 5:35:43 PM EDT
Link Posted: 3/22/2021 5:36:05 PM EDT
Link Posted: 3/22/2021 5:36:08 PM EDT
Top notch summary.

Am I in before the NFL haters?
Link Posted: 3/22/2021 5:36:13 PM EDT
Dude’s a freak.

I half hearted think there is a bit of conspiracy going on so he can’t leave the Texans.

And he gave them the ammo to shoot down his dreams.
Link Posted: 3/22/2021 5:36:34 PM EDT
well he certainly has his habits doesn't he?  

How dumb can this guy be.  Shit.  If you want to get a finger up your butt hole and a rub and tug, there are people out there who can be paid to do that.  Don't just go around springing it on some person who truly is  just there to provide a massage.  I dont know how he figured that wouldn't come back to bite him.
Link Posted: 3/22/2021 5:38:21 PM EDT
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25 year old starting QB for the Houston Texans.
Signed a 4 year $156 million contract last season.
Has been in the news for demanding a trade.
Said he would not play for the Texans again.

News broke last week (beginning of free agency in the NFL) that one woman was accusing him of sexual assault. Then the next day it was 3. Then the next day it was 6. Then 9. Then 12. Now potentially 22.
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He potentially went from $156,000,000.00 to $0.00 and jail time.  It sucks being a Houston sports fan.  Teams come here to die.
Link Posted: 3/22/2021 5:40:01 PM EDT
Seems odd.

Dude could probably have any rando social media hoe he wanted. Either these chicks are in it for a payday or he's got some weird massage fetish.

He's a BLM douche anyway, but innocent until proven guilty.
Link Posted: 3/22/2021 5:41:58 PM EDT
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How dumb can this guy be.
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Well, one of his accusers is from this month (March 2021). The lawyer filing these suits spoke to Watson's agent and attorney last month about receiving a settlement for the first accuser (March 2020).

So he was still trying to get rub and tugs even after his agent and lawyer were made aware of a victim seeking financial damages... So pretty fucking dumb.
Link Posted: 3/22/2021 5:42:55 PM EDT
Link Posted: 3/22/2021 5:45:11 PM EDT
Link Posted: 3/22/2021 5:45:51 PM EDT
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Never heard of him but I guess an athlete?

Whatever he was he's going to be nothing but a drug dealer's pet enforcer after this.  Nobody else will hire him.
Link Posted: 3/22/2021 5:46:01 PM EDT
I just read it's up to 22 accusers now. Criminal charges pending.
Link Posted: 3/22/2021 5:47:30 PM EDT
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However, if he did contact via Instagram there will be evidence.
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Every suit mentions either Instagram direct messaging, text messages or phone calls. Many of the suits mention using two or even all three methods.

So there should definitely be plenty of digital footprint to at least confirm these women were all in contact with Watson at some point, even ignoring what may have been mentioned in those messages.

A number of the meetings were in hotels, so will also be confirmation of Watson staying there on the listed dates.
Link Posted: 3/22/2021 5:47:45 PM EDT
This is hilarious.
Link Posted: 3/22/2021 5:49:00 PM EDT
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So the attorney lives on the same street as the Texans owner.  To me, having watched Watson play at Clemson, this screams Duke LaCrosse case.  However, if he did contact via Instagram there will be evidence.
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How?  That was one woman.  This is 12 separate suits (or whatever the current count is up to this hour) with reportedly 10+ more possibly coming.
Link Posted: 3/22/2021 5:52:16 PM EDT
Those are all pretty damn detailed and specific, shouldn’t be hard to disprove based on timelines and electronic evidence if not true.

That said, I think the chance of them all being lies is pretty damn low.  His goose is likely (and rightfully) cooked.
Link Posted: 3/22/2021 5:53:07 PM EDT
Link Posted: 3/22/2021 5:53:10 PM EDT
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I just read it's up to 22 accusers now. Criminal charges pending.
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As of Friday there were 12 women whose suits were pending, and another 10 women being "vetted".
As of today 13 suits have been filed, no update on the remaining 9.

The lawyer was reportedly going to submit affidavits and evidence of the willing accusers to the Houston Police Dept today. They were requesting a grand jury be empaneled to review the evidence.
Link Posted: 3/22/2021 5:57:29 PM EDT
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Media sensationalism + money.  They want to make a good guy into a bad guy.  Watson asked for a trade, is loaded thanks to his contract,  has been very vocal against the Texans, and like I said, the attorney suing him lives on the same street as the Texans owner. Plus to go from 1 to 12 to 22 seems a little odd to me (given that they tried a settlement and one of the accusers is from the time between then and the lawsuit).
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So the attorney lives on the same street as the Texans owner.  To me, having watched Watson play at Clemson, this screams Duke LaCrosse case.  However, if he did contact via Instagram there will be evidence.

How?  That was one woman.  This is 12 separate suits (or whatever the current count is up to this hour) with reportedly 10+ more possibly coming.

Media sensationalism + money.  They want to make a good guy into a bad guy.  Watson asked for a trade, is loaded thanks to his contract,  has been very vocal against the Texans, and like I said, the attorney suing him lives on the same street as the Texans owner. Plus to go from 1 to 12 to 22 seems a little odd to me (given that they tried a settlement and one of the accusers is from the time between then and the lawsuit).

For all the conspiracy theories about the Texans doing all of this to Watson...

All 13 of these women, as claimed in the suits, so assuredly will be shown in court, were contacted through either Instagram DM's, text messages or phone calls. In many instances all 3.

So if this is a conspiracy, one of the three following things must be true:
  1. The Houston Texans are capable of manipulating Watson's phone records, his Instagram account and his phone GPSS data.
  2. The Houston Texans were able to find 13 masseuses/etc that Watson had legitimately contacted for legitimate massage services and then convinced all 13 of them to lie about the services and conspire allegations against Watson.
  3. The Houston Texans were aware of Watson's activities all along and were helping him cover it up and keep it quiet, but now they want to expose it. Edit: Which of course would mean he was guilty of it.
One of those HAS to be true in order for this to be a Texans conspiracy. Take your pick.
Link Posted: 3/22/2021 5:58:35 PM EDT
In like a mofo
Link Posted: 3/22/2021 5:58:48 PM EDT
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Media sensationalism + money.  They want to make a good guy into a bad guy.  Watson asked for a trade, is loaded thanks to his contract,  has been very vocal against the Texans, and like I said, the attorney suing him lives on the same street as the Texans owner. Plus to go from 1 to 12 to 22 seems a little odd to me (given that they tried a settlement and one of the accusers is from the time between then and the lawsuit).
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So the attorney lives on the same street as the Texans owner.  To me, having watched Watson play at Clemson, this screams Duke LaCrosse case.  However, if he did contact via Instagram there will be evidence.

How?  That was one woman.  This is 12 separate suits (or whatever the current count is up to this hour) with reportedly 10+ more possibly coming.

Media sensationalism + money.  They want to make a good guy into a bad guy.  Watson asked for a trade, is loaded thanks to his contract,  has been very vocal against the Texans, and like I said, the attorney suing him lives on the same street as the Texans owner. Plus to go from 1 to 12 to 22 seems a little odd to me (given that they tried a settlement and one of the accusers is from the time between then and the lawsuit).

I think it’s more likely the team was doing whatever they could to keep a lid on all of this until they no longer had a reason to do so.  That’s likely why were seeing this avalanche of claims now.

The claims are too specific and way too easily disproven for them all to be fake, IMO.

Link Posted: 3/22/2021 5:59:44 PM EDT
If this is true, which if he contacted them how they say he did then a pattern should be quick and easy to verify, the guy is a fucking retard. $156M could afford him a stable of hookers to do his "massages", but nope, not for him. Rules don't apply to him
Link Posted: 3/22/2021 6:01:20 PM EDT
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How?  That was one woman.  This is 12 separate suits (or whatever the current count is up to this hour) with reportedly 10+ more possibly coming.
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When I heard about the first one it seemed like a gold rush. Now, it seem slightly more than inconvenient for Mr. Watson. No trade for you now.
Link Posted: 3/22/2021 6:01:25 PM EDT
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Top notch summary.

Am I in before the NFL haters?
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@AeroEngineer - Nope, you were beat by 3 seconds.
Link Posted: 3/22/2021 6:02:12 PM EDT
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@AeroEngineer - Nope, you were beat by 3 seconds.
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Top notch summary.

Am I in before the NFL haters?

@AeroEngineer - Nope, you were beat by 3 seconds.

Yep.  I tried
Link Posted: 3/22/2021 6:02:19 PM EDT
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For all the conspiracy theories about the Texans doing all of this to Watson...

All 13 of these women, as claimed in the suits, so assuredly will be shown in court, were contacted through either Instagram DM's, text messages or phone calls. In many instances all 3.

So if this is a conspiracy, one of the three following things must be true:
  1. The Houston Texans are capable of manipulating Watson's phone records, his Instagram account and his phone GPSS data.
  2. The Houston Texans were able to find 13 masseuses/etc that Watson had legitimately contacted for legitimate massage services and then convinced all 13 of them to lie about the services and conspire allegations against Watson.
  3. The Houston Texans were aware of Watson's activities all along and were helping him cover it up and keep it quiet, but now they want to expose it. Edit: Which of course would mean he was guilty of it.
One of those HAS to be true in order for this to be a Texans conspiracy. Take your pick.
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So the attorney lives on the same street as the Texans owner.  To me, having watched Watson play at Clemson, this screams Duke LaCrosse case.  However, if he did contact via Instagram there will be evidence.

How?  That was one woman.  This is 12 separate suits (or whatever the current count is up to this hour) with reportedly 10+ more possibly coming.

Media sensationalism + money.  They want to make a good guy into a bad guy.  Watson asked for a trade, is loaded thanks to his contract,  has been very vocal against the Texans, and like I said, the attorney suing him lives on the same street as the Texans owner. Plus to go from 1 to 12 to 22 seems a little odd to me (given that they tried a settlement and one of the accusers is from the time between then and the lawsuit).

For all the conspiracy theories about the Texans doing all of this to Watson...

All 13 of these women, as claimed in the suits, so assuredly will be shown in court, were contacted through either Instagram DM's, text messages or phone calls. In many instances all 3.

So if this is a conspiracy, one of the three following things must be true:
  1. The Houston Texans are capable of manipulating Watson's phone records, his Instagram account and his phone GPSS data.
  2. The Houston Texans were able to find 13 masseuses/etc that Watson had legitimately contacted for legitimate massage services and then convinced all 13 of them to lie about the services and conspire allegations against Watson.
  3. The Houston Texans were aware of Watson's activities all along and were helping him cover it up and keep it quiet, but now they want to expose it. Edit: Which of course would mean he was guilty of it.
One of those HAS to be true in order for this to be a Texans conspiracy. Take your pick.

Clearly it's a vast right white-wing conspiracy.  
Link Posted: 3/22/2021 6:03:08 PM EDT
I read the thread title as official dachshund sexual assault thread
Link Posted: 3/22/2021 6:04:45 PM EDT
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If this is true, which if he contacted them how they say he did then a pattern should be quick and easy to verify, the guy is a fucking retard. $156M could afford him a stable of hookers to do his "massages", but nope, not for him. Rules don't apply to him
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There's a pattern among all the allegations.  He's got a very weird/specific fetish.  He could afford escorts, but he specifically reached out to massage therapists and other similar type workers he found on social media.
Link Posted: 3/22/2021 6:05:00 PM EDT
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I read the thread title as official dachshund sexual assault thread
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Link Posted: 3/22/2021 6:05:16 PM EDT
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I think it’s more likely the team was doing whatever they could to keep a lid on all of this until they no longer had a reason to do so.  That’s likely why were seeing this avalanche of claims now.

The claims are too specific and way too easily disproven for them all to be fake, IMO.

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I was super skeptical of all of this because of the timing + that scumbag lawyer Buzbee, but with the amount of women now I'm leaning towards Watson having an MO and sticking to it. Sucks, I was a fan and he seemed like a good dude.

Wondering what Dabo turned a blind eye to now.....Mr high and mighty himself
Link Posted: 3/22/2021 6:05:50 PM EDT
He is an idiot with a fetish.
Link Posted: 3/22/2021 6:06:23 PM EDT
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For all the conspiracy theories about the Texans doing all of this to Watson...

All 13 of these women, as claimed in the suits, so assuredly will be shown in court, were contacted through either Instagram DM's, text messages or phone calls. In many instances all 3.

So if this is a conspiracy, one of the three following things must be true:
  1. The Houston Texans are capable of manipulating Watson's phone records, his Instagram account and his phone GPSS data.
  2. The Houston Texans were able to find 13 masseuses/etc that Watson had legitimately contacted for legitimate massage services and then convinced all 13 of them to lie about the services and conspire allegations against Watson.
  3. The Houston Texans were aware of Watson's activities all along and were helping him cover it up and keep it quiet, but now they want to expose it. Edit: Which of course would mean he was guilty of it.
One of those HAS to be true in order for this to be a Texans conspiracy. Take your pick.
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So the attorney lives on the same street as the Texans owner.  To me, having watched Watson play at Clemson, this screams Duke LaCrosse case.  However, if he did contact via Instagram there will be evidence.

How?  That was one woman.  This is 12 separate suits (or whatever the current count is up to this hour) with reportedly 10+ more possibly coming.

Media sensationalism + money.  They want to make a good guy into a bad guy.  Watson asked for a trade, is loaded thanks to his contract,  has been very vocal against the Texans, and like I said, the attorney suing him lives on the same street as the Texans owner. Plus to go from 1 to 12 to 22 seems a little odd to me (given that they tried a settlement and one of the accusers is from the time between then and the lawsuit).

For all the conspiracy theories about the Texans doing all of this to Watson...

All 13 of these women, as claimed in the suits, so assuredly will be shown in court, were contacted through either Instagram DM's, text messages or phone calls. In many instances all 3.

So if this is a conspiracy, one of the three following things must be true:
  1. The Houston Texans are capable of manipulating Watson's phone records, his Instagram account and his phone GPSS data.
  2. The Houston Texans were able to find 13 masseuses/etc that Watson had legitimately contacted for legitimate massage services and then convinced all 13 of them to lie about the services and conspire allegations against Watson.
  3. The Houston Texans were aware of Watson's activities all along and were helping him cover it up and keep it quiet, but now they want to expose it. Edit: Which of course would mean he was guilty of it.
One of those HAS to be true in order for this to be a Texans conspiracy. Take your pick.

I'm going to go with door number 3...
Link Posted: 3/22/2021 6:06:28 PM EDT
So he likes a finger up his ass?

Link Posted: 3/22/2021 6:06:35 PM EDT
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So the attorney lives on the same street as the Texans owner.  To me, having watched Watson play at Clemson, this screams Duke LaCrosse case.  However, if he did contact via Instagram there will be evidence.
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Not even close to the same thing.

And it gives a bit of context to Watsons claims that Easterby had him followed and wanted to pray for Watson together.

The Texans knew this was happening for awhile is my guess.
Link Posted: 3/22/2021 6:07:18 PM EDT
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There's a pattern among all the allegations.  He's got a very weird/specific fetish.  He could afford escorts, but he specifically reached out to massage therapists and other similar type workers he found on social media.
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If this is true, which if he contacted them how they say he did then a pattern should be quick and easy to verify, the guy is a fucking retard. $156M could afford him a stable of hookers to do his "massages", but nope, not for him. Rules don't apply to him

There's a pattern among all the allegations.  He's got a very weird/specific fetish.  He could afford escorts, but he specifically reached out to massage therapists and other similar type workers he found on social media.

Yeah, it looks like perhaps his kink was the specific situation itself.  Sure, he could have hired hookers to roleplay it, but maybe "pretend" wasn't enough for him to get his rocks off.
Link Posted: 3/22/2021 6:07:46 PM EDT
I think Jack Easterby did it.
Link Posted: 3/22/2021 6:07:53 PM EDT
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You know, NFL player, very important to arfcom NFL fans.  

Link Posted: 3/22/2021 6:10:14 PM EDT
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You know, NFL player, very important to arfcom NFL fans.  
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You know, NFL player, very important to arfcom NFL fans.  
Sorry the word NFL hurt you. You can ignore the NFL part if it makes you feel better.

Let's rephrase it, "A popular and wealthy young celebrity was accused of sexual assault by 22 women."
Link Posted: 3/22/2021 6:11:20 PM EDT
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Never heard of him but I guess an athlete?

Whatever he was he's going to be nothing but a drug dealer's pet enforcer after this.  Nobody else will hire him.
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Never heard of him but I guess an athlete?

Whatever he was he's going to be nothing but a drug dealer's pet enforcer after this.  Nobody else will hire him.

An interesting angle is the sports media bias on this story.  For months the coverage of the Texans organization has been pretty much 100% negative.  

Watson's coverage has been positive however, even while leading his team to a 4-12 record.  

When he demanded a trade sometime in Jan. the coverage was all on his side.  They were happy to pass along his suggestions that the Texans org is racist

Now with this story the sports media is pretty quiet all of a sudden.
Link Posted: 3/22/2021 6:11:47 PM EDT
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I was super skeptical of all of this because of the timing + that scumbag lawyer Buzbee, but with the amount of women now I'm leaning towards Watson having an MO and sticking to it. Sucks, I was a fan and he seemed like a good dude.

Wondering what Dabo turned a blind eye to now.....Mr high and mighty himself
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Anyone that regularly invokes their religous beliefs to project an image of high character and integrity immediately sets off my bullshit radar. Dabo broke mine a long time ago.
Link Posted: 3/22/2021 6:12:03 PM EDT
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Sorry the word NFL hurt you. You can ignore the NFL part if it makes you feel better.

Let's rephrase it, "A popular and wealthy young celebrity was accused of sexual assault by 22 women."
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You know, NFL player, very important to arfcom NFL fans.  
Sorry the word NFL hurt you. You can ignore the NFL part if it makes you feel better.

Let's rephrase it, "A popular and wealthy young celebrity was accused of sexual assault by 22 women."

Didn't hurt me - I know it hurts you NFL fans, though.  That league is very important in your lives, I understand.

Was he on your fantasy team?

Link Posted: 3/22/2021 6:12:33 PM EDT
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You know, NFL player, very important to arfcom NFL fans.  

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You know, NFL player, very important to arfcom NFL fans.  

I know who Deschaun is and what the Texans are but could not give one fuck about the NFL.

Your edge is pretty dull.
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