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Posted: 7/12/2018 12:31:39 AM EDT
Pedophiles have renamed themselves as “Minor Attracted Persons” in order to try and get acceptance and inclusion into the LGBT community.

The Daily Caller reported that Urban Dictionary defines Minor Attracted Persons — also known as MAPs — as a blanket term that includes infantophiles (a person attracted to infants), pedophiles (a person attracted to prepubescent children), hebephiles (a person attracted to pubescent children) and ephebophiles (a person attracted to post-pubescent children)...

Link Posted: 7/12/2018 12:34:59 AM EDT
Link Posted: 7/12/2018 12:35:39 AM EDT
How about DBFS (Death By Firing Squad)

Has a ring to it.
Link Posted: 7/12/2018 12:35:57 AM EDT
Give it time.
Link Posted: 7/12/2018 12:36:04 AM EDT
Add a black stripe to the rainbow.
Link Posted: 7/12/2018 12:36:12 AM EDT
Link Posted: 7/12/2018 12:36:26 AM EDT
Good, lets see how acepting they are now.
Link Posted: 7/12/2018 12:39:56 AM EDT
I guess they are doing it for the children.

A few public hangings can fix this shit.
Link Posted: 7/12/2018 12:41:57 AM EDT
I thought U S Americans didn't always have MAPs?
Link Posted: 7/12/2018 12:42:28 AM EDT
Should just be called "deceased pedophiles"
Link Posted: 7/12/2018 12:43:10 AM EDT
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I guess they are doing it for the children.

A few public hangings can fix this shit.
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Somebody needs to think about the children. If a pedo does take advantage of a kid, I wished the penalty was firing squad or hanging.

Scum of the earth.
Link Posted: 7/12/2018 12:44:19 AM EDT
One sexual deviation is the same as the next. A large number of the gays are pedophiles.
Link Posted: 7/12/2018 12:51:25 AM EDT
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How about DBFS (Death By Firing Squad)

Has a ring to it.
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They should give it a shot.
Link Posted: 7/12/2018 12:53:07 AM EDT
ACLU defended NAMBLA before . I am sure folks have have seen the HuffPo reporting on children drag queens. The left is normalizing it at a feverish rate. This is 18 years ago.

ACLU To Represent NAMBLA

Link Posted: 7/12/2018 12:56:53 AM EDT
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Somebody needs to think about the children. If a pedo does take advantage of a kid, I wished the penalty was firing squad or hanging.

Scum of the earth.
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There are none lower than these "people"
Link Posted: 7/12/2018 1:01:01 AM EDT
It is merely a matter of time.
Link Posted: 7/12/2018 1:01:52 AM EDT
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ACLU defended NAMBLA before . I am sure folks have have seen the HuffPo reporting on children drag queens. The left is normalizing it at a feverish rate. This is 18 years ago.

ACLU To Represent NAMBLA

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Link Posted: 7/12/2018 1:01:55 AM EDT
Meme masters unite!

This could be epic.
Link Posted: 7/12/2018 1:20:06 AM EDT
I am here to read Erin’s comments.
Link Posted: 7/12/2018 1:29:37 AM EDT
There's a reason our fathers and grandfathers simply labeled all these new fangled categories as sickos and the mentally ill.
Link Posted: 7/12/2018 1:31:22 AM EDT
Go ahead, stick your heads up.
Link Posted: 7/12/2018 1:32:54 AM EDT
Nothing like outing themselves, so you can attach the GPS tracker...
Link Posted: 7/12/2018 1:34:36 AM EDT
Link Posted: 7/12/2018 1:36:01 AM EDT
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One sexual deviation is the same as the next. A large number of the gays are pedophiles.
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And plenty of straight people are pedophiles as well.

you ever fuck a chick in the ass? Then you're just as likely to fuck a guy in the ass. See how stupid that looks?
Link Posted: 7/12/2018 1:41:32 AM EDT
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ACLU defended NAMBLA before . I am sure folks have have seen the HuffPo reporting on children drag queens. The left is normalizing it at a feverish rate. This is 18 years ago.

ACLU To Represent NAMBLA

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I believe they've also defended Nazis, the KKK, Black Lives Matter, etc.
Link Posted: 7/12/2018 1:42:36 AM EDT
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And plenty of straight people are pedophiles as well.

you ever fuck a chick in the ass? Then you're just as likely to fuck a guy in the ass. See how stupid that looks?
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One sexual deviation is the same as the next. A large number of the gays are pedophiles.
And plenty of straight people are pedophiles as well.

you ever fuck a chick in the ass? Then you're just as likely to fuck a guy in the ass. See how stupid that looks?
Did you learn that from your trans professor while getting your masters in women's studies at liberal indoctrination university?

Facts: A disproportionate number of gays have been sexually abused. Far more than straight people. The overwhelming majority of pedophiles were sexually abused themselves. Those two categories of people with that same background are going to have significant overlap. It is common sense. Anyone who thinks otherwise is simply kidding themselves.

Why do you think these folks are self identifying and attaching themselves to the gay movement? Because they have just as much in common with straight people? LOL
Link Posted: 7/12/2018 1:49:43 AM EDT
let them all skyline themselves then arrest them.

i’m cool with whatever (x)sexual you want to be as long as it involves two consenting adults. diddle kiddies, and you deserve the pokey.
Link Posted: 7/12/2018 1:50:59 AM EDT
I fortold this years ago, yes I included polygous & beastality fans too but again I was not wrong.
Link Posted: 7/12/2018 1:51:00 AM EDT
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It is merely a matter of time.
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No, it is NOT a "sexual preference," it is a mental illness and/or a perversion. That they want it under the umbrella of "sexual preference" is VERY WORRYING.

I can have some sympathy for a person with this mental illness abstaining their whole life (never offending) and for those people, what can I say. They haven't "done" anything wrong. It's all in their mentally ill minds. As long as they never hurt a child then fine, whatever.

But by calling it a "sexual preference" makes me fear what they have planned next and how they're going to try to force us to be "tolerant."
Link Posted: 7/12/2018 2:27:56 AM EDT
They should be the Panty Cabinet, a lot of philes in there.

They’d also be known as PC.
Link Posted: 7/12/2018 2:33:09 AM EDT
Link Posted: 7/12/2018 2:35:42 AM EDT
Does anybody remember some 5-10 years ago during the gay marriage push, how some were saying that the normalization of pedophilia would be next?

Then of course everyone ripped them apart for saying such a horrible thing.  Well, here we are.  Looks like there was validity to the "slippery slope" argument.
Link Posted: 7/12/2018 2:39:04 AM EDT
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It is merely a matter of time.
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It was called twenty years ago
Link Posted: 7/12/2018 2:39:26 AM EDT
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let them all skyline themselves then arrest them.

i’m cool with whatever (x)sexual you want to be as long as it involves two consenting adults. diddle kiddies, and you deserve the pokey.
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So you are also OK with two biological brothers involved in a homosexual relationship?  Are you ok with them getting married?  What about a mother and daughter?  Father and son?  As long as they are consenting adults, right?

Do you see the flaw in your logic?  Where do you draw the line?
Link Posted: 7/12/2018 2:41:35 AM EDT
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Does anybody remember some 5-10 years ago during the gay marriage push, how some were saying that the normalization of pedophilia would be next?

Then of course everyone ripped them apart for saying such a horrible thing.  Well, here we are.  Looks like there was validity to the "slippery slope" argument.
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I think thats the lubed slope, slippery slopes gay brother.
Link Posted: 7/12/2018 2:43:21 AM EDT
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So you are fine with two biological brothers involved in a homosexual relationship?  Are you ok with them getting married?  What about a mother and daughter?  Father and son?  As long as they are consenting adults, right?

Do you see the flaw in your logic?  Where do you draw the line?
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That all sounds nasty as fuck, but other than that, I don't really see how it would affect me. In fact, I'm sure all of those examples are probably happening somewhere in the world, and none of it is affecting me. Is it affecting you?
Link Posted: 7/12/2018 2:47:42 AM EDT
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That all sounds nasty as fuck, but other than that, I don't really see how it would affect me. In fact, I'm sure all of those examples are probably happening somewhere in the world, and none of it is affecting me. Is it affecting you?
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The normalization of these behaviors has and will certainly have an effect on society and innocent individuals.  It's already heavily saturated in school curriculums, television, media, movies etc etc.

If you think this doesn't have an effect on others, than you are being naive, or ignorant.
Link Posted: 7/12/2018 2:47:44 AM EDT
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So you are fine with two biological brothers involved in a homosexual relationship?  Are you ok with them getting married?  What about a mother and daughter?  Father and son?  As long as they are consenting adults, right?

Do you see the flaw in your logic?  Where do you draw the line?
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let them all skyline themselves then arrest them.

i’m cool with whatever (x)sexual you want to be as long as it involves two consenting adults. diddle kiddies, and you deserve the pokey.
So you are fine with two biological brothers involved in a homosexual relationship?  Are you ok with them getting married?  What about a mother and daughter?  Father and son?  As long as they are consenting adults, right?

Do you see the flaw in your logic?  Where do you draw the line?
Clearly the goal is to remove the line, or at least roll it back as far as possible. The gay agenda, like feminism, has always been a useful idiot cause to supoort the marxist socialist agenda by tearing down traditional morals, religion and the traditional family unit to increase individuals reliance on the government.

That is why Obama displayed the rainbow on the whitehouse . That is why Holkywood pushes the narrative so hard.
Link Posted: 7/12/2018 2:47:53 AM EDT
Who could have ever predicted this....
Link Posted: 7/12/2018 2:50:16 AM EDT
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Clearly the goal is to remove the line, or at least roll it back as far as possible. The gay agenda, like feminism, has always been a useful idiot cause to supoort the marxist socialist agenda by tearing down traditional morals, religion and the traditional family unit to increase individuals reliance on the government.

That is why Obama displayed the rainbow on the whitehouse . That is why Holkywood pushes the narrative so hard.
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You are not wrong.  I understand what their agenda and end game is, I'm just saddened to see the masses so ignorantly willful in all of this.  Dead fish always float downstream.
Link Posted: 7/12/2018 2:51:30 AM EDT
This is not a surprise to anyone who has read Romans 1 (Starting in verse 27 which describes what reprobates do. Read the previous ones to see how they became reprobate by rejecting God)

27 And likewise also the men, leaving the natural use of the woman, burned in their lust one toward another; men with men working that which is unseemly, and receiving in themselves that recompence of their error which was meet.

28 And even as they did not like to retain God in their knowledge, God gave them over to a reprobate mind, to do those things which are not convenient;

29 Being filled with all unrighteousness, fornication, wickedness, covetousness, maliciousness; full of envy, murder, debate, deceit, malignity; whisperers,

30 Backbiters, haters of God, despiteful, proud, boasters, inventors of evil things, disobedient to parents,

31 Without understanding, covenantbreakers, without natural affection, implacable, unmerciful:

32 Who knowing the judgment of God, that they which commit such things are worthy of death, not only do the same, but have pleasure in them that do them.


God’s word makes it clear that homosexuals are people who have rejected God and been given over to a reprobate mind to unclean things, but not just that, they are given over to ALL unrighteousness and the list even includes murder as something that reprobates are capable of not to mention ALL kinds of perversion and uncleanness
Link Posted: 7/12/2018 2:53:07 AM EDT
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That all sounds nasty as fuck, but other than that, I don't really see how it would affect me. In fact, I'm sure all of those examples are probably happening somewhere in the world, and none of it is affecting me. Is it affecting you?
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So you are fine with two biological brothers involved in a homosexual relationship?  Are you ok with them getting married?  What about a mother and daughter?  Father and son?  As long as they are consenting adults, right?

Do you see the flaw in your logic?  Where do you draw the line?
That all sounds nasty as fuck, but other than that, I don't really see how it would affect me. In fact, I'm sure all of those examples are probably happening somewhere in the world, and none of it is affecting me. Is it affecting you?
How do you like the idea of Authoritarian Socialist government in America for you or your kids or grandkids?

That's the real goal. They are betting that they can continue to slowly erode traditional values, families and religion by normalizingvthese behaviors. Your so called tolerance is exactly what they want.

Personally, Im rather intolerant of the idea of willingly marching toward full blown authoritarian socialism.
Link Posted: 7/12/2018 2:53:37 AM EDT
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This is not a surprise to anyone who has read Romans 1 (Starting in verse 27 which describes what reprobates do. Read the previous ones to see how they became reprobate by rejecting God)

27 And likewise also the men, leaving the natural use of the woman, burned in their lust one toward another; men with men working that which is unseemly, and receiving in themselves that recompence of their error which was meet.

28 And even as they did not like to retain God in their knowledge, God gave them over to a reprobate mind, to do those things which are not convenient;

29 Being filled with all unrighteousness, fornication, wickedness, covetousness, maliciousness; full of envy, murder, debate, deceit, malignity; whisperers,

30 Backbiters, haters of God, despiteful, proud, boasters, inventors of evil things, disobedient to parents,

31 Without understanding, covenantbreakers, without natural affection, implacable, unmerciful:

32 Who knowing the judgment of God, that they which commit such things are worthy of death, not only do the same, but have pleasure in them that do them.


God’s word makes it clear that homosexuals are people who have rejected God and been given over to a reprobate mind to unclean things, but not just that, they are given over to ALL unrighteousness and the list even includes murder as something that reprobates are capable of not to mention ALL kinds of perversion and uncleanness
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How much longer will God wait before He steps in and drops the big hammer?
Link Posted: 7/12/2018 3:05:57 AM EDT
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The normalization of these behaviors has and will certainly have an effect on society and innocent individuals.  It's already heavily saturated in school curriculums, television, media, movies etc etc.

If you think this doesn't have an effect on others, than you are being naive, or ignorant.
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Okay I get what you mean now. I don't like the normalization aspect, either. At the same time, people are going to do what they want to do, and I'm not going to waste my thoughts on it when it's consenting adults.
Link Posted: 7/12/2018 3:11:17 AM EDT
Many people on ARFcom predicted, that this type of thing would happen.

Saying after gay marriage, and transgender, "acceptance" that the pedo's would come out
Link Posted: 7/12/2018 3:11:39 AM EDT
Many people on ARFcom predicted, that this type of thing would happen.

Saying after gay marriage, and transgender, "acceptance" that the pedo's would come out
Link Posted: 7/12/2018 3:16:45 AM EDT
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Many people on ARFcom predicted, that this type of thing would happen.

Saying after gay marriage, and transgender, "acceptance" that the pedo's would come out
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Yeah, I remember people talking about this and everyone else scoffing.

I didn't understand HOW they could pull it off. Now we're starting to see.
Link Posted: 7/12/2018 3:18:49 AM EDT
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That all sounds nasty as fuck, but other than that, I don't really see how it would affect me. In fact, I'm sure all of those examples are probably happening somewhere in the world, and none of it is affecting me. Is it affecting you?
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So you are fine with two biological brothers involved in a homosexual relationship?  Are you ok with them getting married?  What about a mother and daughter?  Father and son?  As long as they are consenting adults, right?

Do you see the flaw in your logic?  Where do you draw the line?
That all sounds nasty as fuck, but other than that, I don't really see how it would affect me. In fact, I'm sure all of those examples are probably happening somewhere in the world, and none of it is affecting me. Is it affecting you?

But to mr war_path I agree with you as well. Shit ain't right but as long as no abuse was happening this is really none of our business. I think we have enough problems to contend with without delving into consenting adult tangents right away. Stopping the pedophiles is a huge concern and who we hand citizenship and voting rights to is up there as well. If some sick 35 year old wants to diddle their 60 year old parent.......I'm gonna MYOB. Just don't do it in front of my kids and try to teach them this is how things should be done.
Link Posted: 7/12/2018 3:20:10 AM EDT
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How do you like the idea of Authoritarian Socialist government in America for you or your kids or grandkids?

That's the real goal. They are betting that they can continue to slowly erode traditional values, families and religion by normalizingvthese behaviors. Your so called tolerance is exactly what they want.

Personally, Im rather intolerant of the idea of willingly marching toward full blown authoritarian socialism.
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I agree with you, but the homos and trannies and the so-called movements associated with them are just tools being used by socialists for manipulation purposes, no different than the environmetal movement or the feed the homeless movement, for example. There will always exist tools which socialists will employ to try and advance their agenda. That's why it has reared its ugly head so many times throughout history.

So what's your solution? Wipe out all the homos, trannies, and incest freaks in order to deprive the socialists of their current methods of manipulation? We can't do that.

What is your solution? Not trying to be edgy or difficult at all, just curious.
Link Posted: 7/12/2018 3:25:44 AM EDT
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This is not a surprise to anyone who has read Romans 1 (Starting in verse 27 which describes what reprobates do. Read the previous ones to see how they became reprobate by rejecting God)

27 And likewise also the men, leaving the natural use of the woman, burned in their lust one toward another; men with men working that which is unseemly, and receiving in themselves that recompence of their error which was meet.

28 And even as they did not like to retain God in their knowledge, God gave them over to a reprobate mind, to do those things which are not convenient;

29 Being filled with all unrighteousness, fornication, wickedness, covetousness, maliciousness; full of envy, murder, debate, deceit, malignity; whisperers,

30 Backbiters, haters of God, despiteful, proud, boasters, inventors of evil things, disobedient to parents,

31 Without understanding, covenantbreakers, without natural affection, implacable, unmerciful:

32 Who knowing the judgment of God, that they which commit such things are worthy of death, not only do the same, but have pleasure in them that do them.


God’s word makes it clear that homosexuals are people who have rejected God and been given over to a reprobate mind to unclean things, but not just that, they are given over to ALL unrighteousness and the list even includes murder as something that reprobates are capable of not to mention ALL kinds of perversion and uncleanness
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This is one of the most convoluted, ignorant, and idiotic things I have ever read, I’m glad I haven’t read the Bible and that I’m not religious.

2 consenting adults can do what ever the fuck they want in the privacy of their own bedroom, so long as there isn’t a victim, claiming that being gay makes you more prone to murder and should be put to death is really fucking stupid.

I’m at a loss for words and I can’t believe something like this is found in the most well known literature in the world, and that someone would follow these teachings so devoutly.
Link Posted: 7/12/2018 3:29:35 AM EDT
They should be allowed to join. It would be consistent. LGBTQPSICKOS
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