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Link Posted: 7/12/2018 3:34:05 AM EDT
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This is one of the most convoluted, ignorant, and idiotic things I have ever read, I’m glad I haven’t read the Bible and that I’m not religious.

2 consenting adults can do what ever the fuck they want in the privacy of their own bedroom, so long as there isn’t a victim, claiming that being gay makes you more prone to murder and should be put to death is really fucking stupid.

I’m at a loss for words and I can’t believe something like this is found in the most well known literature in the world, and that someone would follow these teachings so devoutly.
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That's very intolerant and exclusive of you. Plenty of animals would enjoy some love. Your ignorance of Scripture is surprising. Are you over 12? Leftist?
Link Posted: 7/12/2018 3:41:30 AM EDT
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I agree with you, but the homos and trannies and the so-called movements associated with them are just tools being used by socialists for manipulation purposes, no different than the environmetal movement or the feed the homeless movement, for example. There will always exist tools which socialists will employ to try and advance their agenda. That's why it has reared its ugly head so many times throughout history.

So what's your solution? Wipe out all the homos, trannies, and incest freaks in order to deprive the socialists of their current methods of manipulation? We can't do that.

What is your solution? Not trying to be edgy or difficult at all, just curious.
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How do you like the idea of Authoritarian Socialist government in America for you or your kids or grandkids?

That's the real goal. They are betting that they can continue to slowly erode traditional values, families and religion by normalizingvthese behaviors. Your so called tolerance is exactly what they want.

Personally, Im rather intolerant of the idea of willingly marching toward full blown authoritarian socialism.
I agree with you, but the homos and trannies and the so-called movements associated with them are just tools being used by socialists for manipulation purposes, no different than the environmetal movement or the feed the homeless movement, for example. There will always exist tools which socialists will employ to try and advance their agenda. That's why it has reared its ugly head so many times throughout history.

So what's your solution? Wipe out all the homos, trannies, and incest freaks in order to deprive the socialists of their current methods of manipulation? We can't do that.

What is your solution? Not trying to be edgy or difficult at all, just curious.
Regular people like us, and our elected reps, and the gov we pay for reject the bullshit narratives the same way we always have.

Did we ever really murder gays in the street or in camps like hitlerr? I think not. That is terrible.

Should we really be glorifying it? Displaying the gay flag on the white house? Telling our kids that it is normal and perpetuating the Marxist narrative? I think not. Gays are in history. They are in the bible and have always been there. Greeks, Romans...Any halfway educated middle schooler will know its a thing, no matter how sheltered.

Healthy societies have traditionally successfully found ways to make it clear that is not the norm. Don't ask don't tell type of mentalities. Unhealthy societies persecute them, or make a point to celebrate them. The message was the same for the Greeks and Romans shortly before the end of their empire haydays... "look at how enlightened we are, we give free shit to lazy people and celebrate wierdos, aren't we so awesome."

A gay pride parade is nothing but a symbol of a pathetic and broken society desperate to tell themselves how enlightened they are.
Link Posted: 7/12/2018 3:41:58 AM EDT
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So you are also OK with two biological brothers involved in a homosexual relationship?  Are you ok with them getting married?  What about a mother and daughter?  Father and son?  As long as they are consenting adults, right?

Do you see the flaw in your logic?  Where do you draw the line?
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one need not be ok with what is not his business.

Maintain, practice freedom of association.

As far as "marriage" goes though.. that may be requesting acknowledgment of some sort from other persons which is a different complex topic.
Link Posted: 7/12/2018 3:43:16 AM EDT
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This is one of the most convoluted, ignorant, and idiotic things I have ever read, I’m glad I haven’t read the Bible and that I’m not religious.

2 consenting adults can do what ever the fuck they want in the privacy of their own bedroom, so long as there isn’t a victim, claiming that being gay makes you more prone to murder and should be put to death is really fucking stupid.

I’m at a loss for words and I can’t believe something like this is found in the most well known literature in the world, and that someone would follow these teachings so devoutly.
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Not when you look at it from an historical context. Judaism from the Old Testament covered things like washing your hands after shitting, burying your shit, keeping clean. High infant mortality of the day, disease, warfare, famine. I’d promote my society to have a nuclear family, with LOTS of kids. Having guys ass pounding each other does me no good, as does having them believe in a made up god that likes child sacrifice. You have to admit that having your nation live by the Bible  would make for a strong nation in 2000BC.
Link Posted: 7/12/2018 3:50:39 AM EDT
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one need not be ok with what is not his business.

Maintain, practice freedom of association.

As far as "marriage" goes though.. that may be requesting acknowledgment of some sort from other persons which is a different complex topic.
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But it doesn't work that way.  The people that voted for gay marriage ten years ago on the premise of it being "none of my business, love is love" are now being bombarded daily with homosexual and deviant agenda on our children in public schools, universities, movies, media, books, etc etc.

These same people that passively allowed this, and even voted for this, will soon be culturally forced to accept the impending normalization of pedophilia.  The masses fail to see the organized, systematic, relentless campaign to destroy this country through "progressive" advancement.  I can assure you, their appetite is never satisfied.
Link Posted: 7/12/2018 3:52:42 AM EDT
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Give it time.
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Yup.. Already happening. Mentally disorder people are gonna mentally disorder.
Link Posted: 7/12/2018 3:53:32 AM EDT
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One sexual deviation is the same as the next. A large number of the gays are pedophiles.
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Link Posted: 7/12/2018 3:54:35 AM EDT
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Did you learn that from your trans professor while getting your masters in women's studies at liberal indoctrination university?

Facts: A disproportionate number of gays have been sexually abused. Far more than straight people. The overwhelming majority of pedophiles were sexually abused themselves. Those two categories of people with that same background are going to have significant overlap. It is common sense. Anyone who thinks otherwise is simply kidding themselves.

Why do you think these folks are self identifying and attaching themselves to the gay movement? Because they have just as much in common with straight people? LOL
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all the kiddie diddlers I've ever encountered were straight..l
Link Posted: 7/12/2018 3:55:38 AM EDT
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Facts: A disproportionate number of gays have been sexually abused.
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lol, just because you put "Facts" in front of a statement, doesn't make it factual.  Cite, or you're no different than the left making erroneous statements in order to push an agenda.
Link Posted: 7/12/2018 3:55:46 AM EDT
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One sexual deviation is the same as the next. A large number of the gays are pedophiles.
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Shhhh! We dont say uncomfortable truths like that. It upsets some people
Link Posted: 7/12/2018 3:57:27 AM EDT
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all the kiddie diddlers I've ever encountered were straight..l
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Oh!  Now you've done it!  Shortly, you'll be accused of being taught by a trans professor..or something
Link Posted: 7/12/2018 3:58:07 AM EDT
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let them all skyline themselves then arrest them.

i’m cool with whatever (x)sexual you want to be as long as it involves two consenting adults. diddle kiddies, and you deserve the pokey.
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The pokey eh?
Link Posted: 7/12/2018 4:00:58 AM EDT
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This is not a surprise to anyone who has read Romans 1 (Starting in verse 27 which describes what reprobates do. Read the previous ones to see how they became reprobate by rejecting God)

27 And likewise also the men, leaving the natural use of the woman, burned in their lust one toward another; men with men working that which is unseemly, and receiving in themselves that recompence of their error which was meet.

28 And even as they did not like to retain God in their knowledge, God gave them over to a reprobate mind, to do those things which are not convenient;

29 Being filled with all unrighteousness, fornication, wickedness, covetousness, maliciousness; full of envy, murder, debate, deceit, malignity; whisperers,

30 Backbiters, haters of God, despiteful, proud, boasters, inventors of evil things, disobedient to parents,

31 Without understanding, covenantbreakers, without natural affection, implacable, unmerciful:

32 Who knowing the judgment of God, that they which commit such things are worthy of death, not only do the same, but have pleasure in them that do them.


God’s word makes it clear that homosexuals are people who have rejected God and been given over to a reprobate mind to unclean things, but not just that, they are given over to ALL unrighteousness and the list even includes murder as something that reprobates are capable of not to mention ALL kinds of perversion and uncleanness
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This ain't the fiction forum.
Link Posted: 7/12/2018 4:04:07 AM EDT
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This is one of the most convoluted, ignorant, and idiotic things I have ever read, I’m glad I haven’t read the Bible and that I’m not religious.

2 consenting adults can do what ever the fuck they want in the privacy of their own bedroom, so long as there isn’t a victim, claiming that being gay makes you more prone to murder and should be put to death is really fucking stupid.

I’m at a loss for words and I can’t believe something like this is found in the most well known literature in the world, and that someone would follow these teachings so devoutly.
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This is not a surprise to anyone who has read Romans 1 (Starting in verse 27 which describes what reprobates do. Read the previous ones to see how they became reprobate by rejecting God)

27 And likewise also the men, leaving the natural use of the woman, burned in their lust one toward another; men with men working that which is unseemly, and receiving in themselves that recompence of their error which was meet.

28 And even as they did not like to retain God in their knowledge, God gave them over to a reprobate mind, to do those things which are not convenient;

29 Being filled with all unrighteousness, fornication, wickedness, covetousness, maliciousness; full of envy, murder, debate, deceit, malignity; whisperers,

30 Backbiters, haters of God, despiteful, proud, boasters, inventors of evil things, disobedient to parents,

31 Without understanding, covenantbreakers, without natural affection, implacable, unmerciful:

32 Who knowing the judgment of God, that they which commit such things are worthy of death, not only do the same, but have pleasure in them that do them.


God’s word makes it clear that homosexuals are people who have rejected God and been given over to a reprobate mind to unclean things, but not just that, they are given over to ALL unrighteousness and the list even includes murder as something that reprobates are capable of not to mention ALL kinds of perversion and uncleanness
This is one of the most convoluted, ignorant, and idiotic things I have ever read, I’m glad I haven’t read the Bible and that I’m not religious.

2 consenting adults can do what ever the fuck they want in the privacy of their own bedroom, so long as there isn’t a victim, claiming that being gay makes you more prone to murder and should be put to death is really fucking stupid.

I’m at a loss for words and I can’t believe something like this is found in the most well known literature in the world, and that someone would follow these teachings so devoutly.
You'd be amazed at what some people will believe and follow. Jim Jones was successful because many people are not able to think logically and need someone or something to guide them
Link Posted: 7/12/2018 4:05:36 AM EDT
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But it doesn't work that way.  The people that voted for gay marriage ten years ago on the premise of it being "none of my business, love is love"  -snipped short for quote
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I agree on these topics we are on the wrong path, it is not the freedom path, not a minarchist / libertarian path or even a just one.

it is spinning off the appeals of good / free etc.. but something less than so.

Freedom might work out, but this pushing, if continued far enough will eventually result in a break and a backlash.

eta- and that is just with adults... pedophile bullshit would be some combustible fuel on that fire.
Link Posted: 7/12/2018 4:05:52 AM EDT
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Did you learn that from your trans professor while getting your masters in women's studies at liberal indoctrination university?

Facts: A disproportionate number of gays have been sexually abused. Far more than straight people. The overwhelming majority of pedophiles were sexually abused themselves. Those two categories of people with that same background are going to have significant overlap. It is common sense. Anyone who thinks otherwise is simply kidding themselves.

Why do you think these folks are self identifying and attaching themselves to the gay movement? Because they have just as much in common with straight people? LOL
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One sexual deviation is the same as the next. A large number of the gays are pedophiles.
And plenty of straight people are pedophiles as well.

you ever fuck a chick in the ass? Then you're just as likely to fuck a guy in the ass. See how stupid that looks?
Did you learn that from your trans professor while getting your masters in women's studies at liberal indoctrination university?

Facts: A disproportionate number of gays have been sexually abused. Far more than straight people. The overwhelming majority of pedophiles were sexually abused themselves. Those two categories of people with that same background are going to have significant overlap. It is common sense. Anyone who thinks otherwise is simply kidding themselves.

Why do you think these folks are self identifying and attaching themselves to the gay movement? Because they have just as much in common with straight people? LOL
(Removed -40xb)

Post your numbers with actual proof that says homosexuals were sexually abused more than straight people. I fuckin dare you, because there ain't no fuckin numbers they say that.

I think some of you guys are so fucking secretly in the closet that you have to just completely freak out when you hear anything about a homo because it stirs your inner feelings about your desire for two big guys to make you airtight.
Link Posted: 7/12/2018 4:10:08 AM EDT
Many people on ARFcom predicted, that this type of thing would happen.

Saying after gay marriage, and transgender, "acceptance" that the pedo's would come out
Link Posted: 7/12/2018 4:14:04 AM EDT
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all the kiddie diddlers I've ever encountered were straight..l
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Did you learn that from your trans professor while getting your masters in women's studies at liberal indoctrination university?

Facts: A disproportionate number of gays have been sexually abused. Far more than straight people. The overwhelming majority of pedophiles were sexually abused themselves. Those two categories of people with that same background are going to have significant overlap. It is common sense. Anyone who thinks otherwise is simply kidding themselves.

Why do you think these folks are self identifying and attaching themselves to the gay movement? Because they have just as much in common with straight people? LOL
all the kiddie diddlers I've ever encountered were straight..l
I'm sure some think they are or otherwise are. Some just might fuck anything warm. All sorts of wierdos out there.

Studies have been done. Most of the data is old now, from the 50s and 60s. Back then they used surveys and interviews. Most of it isn't online.

Overwhelmingly leftist modern academia loves the gays to a fault. They do everything they can to protect the narrative about how great that community is for us. They have written extensively trying to discredit those old studies which showed the large overlap in the gay and pedophile communities. But I can find no real comparable modern resesrch that supports the attempt to discredit. Instead they argue that back then, everyone was basically too intolerant to honestly evaluate the information or differentiate between a pedo and homo. Theres no need to study further or re-evaluate the topic. Nothing to see here, the academics said so.

You always hear about preventing STDs and how important that is in the modern era. How often do those liberals explain the STD rate of gay men being astronomically higher? They dont. It doesnt fit their narrative.
Link Posted: 7/12/2018 4:14:27 AM EDT
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Many people on ARFcom predicted, that this type of thing would happen.

Saying after gay marriage, and transgender, "acceptance" that the pedo's would come out
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Do you just continually regurgitate whatever you read on here and treat it as gospel? You literally just copied and pasted the exact same thing that you just posted on page 1 of this very same thread. Do you really not have any original thoughts that you couldn't come up with an even slightly different post?
Link Posted: 7/12/2018 4:15:00 AM EDT
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Many people on ARFcom predicted, that this type of thing would happen.

Saying after gay marriage, and transgender, "acceptance" that the pedo's would come out
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arfcom's been right 87% of the time
Link Posted: 7/12/2018 4:15:32 AM EDT
Link Posted: 7/12/2018 4:17:00 AM EDT
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So you are also OK with two biological brothers involved in a homosexual relationship?  Are you ok with them getting married?  What about a mother and daughter?  Father and son?  As long as they are consenting adults, right?

Do you see the flaw in your logic?  Where do you draw the line?
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let them all skyline themselves then arrest them.

i’m cool with whatever (x)sexual you want to be as long as it involves two consenting adults. diddle kiddies, and you deserve the pokey.
So you are also OK with two biological brothers involved in a homosexual relationship?  Are you ok with them getting married?  What about a mother and daughter?  Father and son?  As long as they are consenting adults, right?

Do you see the flaw in your logic?  Where do you draw the line?
The issue with incest is largely about power dynamics. An older brother (even by a minute) has more power socially than a younger brother. or a parent with an adult-child (did the parent brainwash their kid, etc.?)

An example that I could think of that I personally wouldn't have issue with is: if it was siblings who were raised separately, later met eachother not knowing anything, dated and only afterwards figured out that they were biologically related. As well, if they were to have sex, etc. (that they use protection, etc.)/not bear a child. It would be tough for me to say what the immoral action is with that.

Fully-informed (without being brainwashed) adult consent.
Link Posted: 7/12/2018 4:17:50 AM EDT
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I'm sure some think they are or otherwise are. Some just might fuck anything warm. All sorts of wierdos out there.

Studies have been done. Most of the data is old now, from the 50s and 60s. Back then they used surveys and interviews. Most of it isn't online.

Overwhelmingly leftist modern academia loves the gays to a fault. They do everything they can to protect the narrative about how great that community is for us. They have written extensively trying to discredit those old studies which showed the large overlap in the gay and pedophile communities. But I can find no real comparable modern resesrch that supports the attempt to discredit. Instead they argue that back then, everyone was basically too intolerant to honestly evaluate the information or differentiate between a pedo and homo. Theres no need to study further or re-evaluate the topic. Nothing to see here, the academics said so.

You always hear about preventing STDs and how important that is in the modern era. How often do those liberals explain the STD rate of gay men being astronomically higher? They dont. It doesnt fit their narrative.
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Did you learn that from your trans professor while getting your masters in women's studies at liberal indoctrination university?

Facts: A disproportionate number of gays have been sexually abused. Far more than straight people. The overwhelming majority of pedophiles were sexually abused themselves. Those two categories of people with that same background are going to have significant overlap. It is common sense. Anyone who thinks otherwise is simply kidding themselves.

Why do you think these folks are self identifying and attaching themselves to the gay movement? Because they have just as much in common with straight people? LOL
all the kiddie diddlers I've ever encountered were straight..l
I'm sure some think they are or otherwise are. Some just might fuck anything warm. All sorts of wierdos out there.

Studies have been done. Most of the data is old now, from the 50s and 60s. Back then they used surveys and interviews. Most of it isn't online.

Overwhelmingly leftist modern academia loves the gays to a fault. They do everything they can to protect the narrative about how great that community is for us. They have written extensively trying to discredit those old studies which showed the large overlap in the gay and pedophile communities. But I can find no real comparable modern resesrch that supports the attempt to discredit. Instead they argue that back then, everyone was basically too intolerant to honestly evaluate the information or differentiate between a pedo and homo. Theres no need to study further or re-evaluate the topic. Nothing to see here, the academics said so.

You always hear about preventing STDs and how important that is in the modern era. How often do those liberals explain the STD rate of gay men being astronomically higher? They dont. It doesnt fit their narrative.
Nothing like claiming things as "facts" and then when called out on it, shucks, the data has all been covered up by evil academia.  Just admit it man, you are just making shit up and claiming it as fact
Link Posted: 7/12/2018 4:18:01 AM EDT
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lol, just because you put "Facts" in front of a statement, doesn't make it factual.  Cite, or you're no different than the left making erroneous statements in order to push an agenda.
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Facts: A disproportionate number of gays have been sexually abused.
lol, just because you put "Facts" in front of a statement, doesn't make it factual.  Cite, or you're no different than the left making erroneous statements in order to push an agenda.
"46 percent of bisexual women have been raped, compared to 17 percent of heterosexual women and 13 percent of lesbians"

"40 percent of gay men and 47 percent of bisexual men have experienced sexual violence other than rape, compared to 21 percent of heterosexual men"

Those are CDC numbers. Takes a few seconds to google.
Link Posted: 7/12/2018 4:18:14 AM EDT
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Clearly the goal is to remove the line, or at least roll it back as far as possible. The gay agenda, like feminism, has always been a useful idiot cause to supoort the marxist socialist agenda by tearing down traditional morals, religion and the traditional family unit to increase individuals reliance on the government.

That is why Obama displayed the rainbow on the whitehouse . That is why Holkywood pushes the narrative so hard.
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let them all skyline themselves then arrest them.

i’m cool with whatever (x)sexual you want to be as long as it involves two consenting adults. diddle kiddies, and you deserve the pokey.
So you are fine with two biological brothers involved in a homosexual relationship?  Are you ok with them getting married?  What about a mother and daughter?  Father and son?  As long as they are consenting adults, right?

Do you see the flaw in your logic?  Where do you draw the line?
Clearly the goal is to remove the line, or at least roll it back as far as possible. The gay agenda, like feminism, has always been a useful idiot cause to supoort the marxist socialist agenda by tearing down traditional morals, religion and the traditional family unit to increase individuals reliance on the government.

That is why Obama displayed the rainbow on the whitehouse . That is why Holkywood pushes the narrative so hard.
Like it or not, capitalism has done more to destroy the traditional family unit than anything.
Link Posted: 7/12/2018 4:19:30 AM EDT
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Meme masters unite!
This could be epic.
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Attachment Attached File
Link Posted: 7/12/2018 4:22:03 AM EDT
Link Posted: 7/12/2018 4:22:34 AM EDT
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Like it or not, capitalism has done more to destroy the traditional family unit than anything.
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let them all skyline themselves then arrest them.

i’m cool with whatever (x)sexual you want to be as long as it involves two consenting adults. diddle kiddies, and you deserve the pokey.
So you are fine with two biological brothers involved in a homosexual relationship?  Are you ok with them getting married?  What about a mother and daughter?  Father and son?  As long as they are consenting adults, right?

Do you see the flaw in your logic?  Where do you draw the line?
Clearly the goal is to remove the line, or at least roll it back as far as possible. The gay agenda, like feminism, has always been a useful idiot cause to supoort the marxist socialist agenda by tearing down traditional morals, religion and the traditional family unit to increase individuals reliance on the government.

That is why Obama displayed the rainbow on the whitehouse . That is why Holkywood pushes the narrative so hard.
Like it or not, capitalism has done more to destroy the traditional family unit than anything.

Talk about making shit up. Id lovevto hear your version of American history, what capitalism is, and how it accomplished that.

Fiction is fun, especially with creative authors.
Link Posted: 7/12/2018 4:23:05 AM EDT
Link Posted: 7/12/2018 4:23:22 AM EDT
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Talk about making shit up. Id lovevto hear your version of American history, what capitalism is, and how it accomplished that.

Fiction is fun, especially with creative authors.
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let them all skyline themselves then arrest them.

i’m cool with whatever (x)sexual you want to be as long as it involves two consenting adults. diddle kiddies, and you deserve the pokey.
So you are fine with two biological brothers involved in a homosexual relationship?  Are you ok with them getting married?  What about a mother and daughter?  Father and son?  As long as they are consenting adults, right?

Do you see the flaw in your logic?  Where do you draw the line?
Clearly the goal is to remove the line, or at least roll it back as far as possible. The gay agenda, like feminism, has always been a useful idiot cause to supoort the marxist socialist agenda by tearing down traditional morals, religion and the traditional family unit to increase individuals reliance on the government.

That is why Obama displayed the rainbow on the whitehouse . That is why Holkywood pushes the narrative so hard.
Like it or not, capitalism has done more to destroy the traditional family unit than anything.

Talk about making shit up. Id lovevto hear your version of American history, what capitalism is, and how it accomplished that.

Fiction is fun, especially with creative authors.
2 workers > 1 worker.
Link Posted: 7/12/2018 4:27:29 AM EDT
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No I didn't you cock face cunt lick.

Post your numbers with actual proof that says homosexuals were sexually abused more than straight people. I fuckin dare you, because there ain't no fuckin numbers they say that.

I think some of you guys are so fucking secretly in the closet that you have to just completely freak out when you hear anything about a homo because it stirs your inner feelings about your desire for two big guys to make you airtight.
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One sexual deviation is the same as the next. A large number of the gays are pedophiles.
And plenty of straight people are pedophiles as well.

you ever fuck a chick in the ass? Then you're just as likely to fuck a guy in the ass. See how stupid that looks?
Did you learn that from your trans professor while getting your masters in women's studies at liberal indoctrination university?

Facts: A disproportionate number of gays have been sexually abused. Far more than straight people. The overwhelming majority of pedophiles were sexually abused themselves. Those two categories of people with that same background are going to have significant overlap. It is common sense. Anyone who thinks otherwise is simply kidding themselves.

Why do you think these folks are self identifying and attaching themselves to the gay movement? Because they have just as much in common with straight people? LOL
No I didn't you cock face cunt lick.

Post your numbers with actual proof that says homosexuals were sexually abused more than straight people. I fuckin dare you, because there ain't no fuckin numbers they say that.

I think some of you guys are so fucking secretly in the closet that you have to just completely freak out when you hear anything about a homo because it stirs your inner feelings about your desire for two big guys to make you airtight.

It is definately wrong to call it mental illness. You convinced me.
Link Posted: 7/12/2018 4:27:48 AM EDT
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"46 percent of bisexual women have been raped, compared to 17 percent of heterosexual women and 13 percent of lesbians"

"40 percent of gay men and 47 percent of bisexual men have experienced sexual violence other than rape, compared to 21 percent of heterosexual men"

Those are CDC numbers. Takes a few seconds to google.
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Facts: A disproportionate number of gays have been sexually abused.
lol, just because you put "Facts" in front of a statement, doesn't make it factual.  Cite, or you're no different than the left making erroneous statements in order to push an agenda.
"46 percent of bisexual women have been raped, compared to 17 percent of heterosexual women and 13 percent of lesbians"

"40 percent of gay men and 47 percent of bisexual men have experienced sexual violence other than rape, compared to 21 percent of heterosexual men"

Those are CDC numbers. Takes a few seconds to google.
So if most pedophiles are homosexuals based on your "facts", then it would stand to be believed that majority of children that are molested would be boys.  So why are female children sexually abused at a 2 to 1 ratio to boys? Or do gays all the sudden like women when it comes to children?
Link Posted: 7/12/2018 4:28:12 AM EDT
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Regular people like us, and our elected reps, and the gov we pay for reject the bullshit narratives the same way we always have.

Did we ever really murder gays in the street or in camps like hitlerr? I think not. That is terrible.

Should we really be glorifying it? Displaying the gay flag on the white house? Telling our kids that it is normal and perpetuating the Marxist narrative? I think not. Gays are in history. They are in the bible and have always been there. Greeks, Romans...Any halfway educated middle schooler will know its a thing, no matter how sheltered.

Healthy societies have traditionally successfully found ways to make it clear that is not the norm. Don't ask don't tell type of mentalities. Unhealthy societies persecute them, or make a point to celebrate them. The message was the same for the Greeks and Romans shortly before the end of their empire haydays... "look at how enlightened we are, we give free shit to lazy people and celebrate wierdos, aren't we so awesome."

A gay pride parade is nothing but a symbol of a pathetic and broken society desperate to tell themselves how enlightened they are.
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How do you like the idea of Authoritarian Socialist government in America for you or your kids or grandkids?

That's the real goal. They are betting that they can continue to slowly erode traditional values, families and religion by normalizingvthese behaviors. Your so called tolerance is exactly what they want.

Personally, Im rather intolerant of the idea of willingly marching toward full blown authoritarian socialism.
I agree with you, but the homos and trannies and the so-called movements associated with them are just tools being used by socialists for manipulation purposes, no different than the environmetal movement or the feed the homeless movement, for example. There will always exist tools which socialists will employ to try and advance their agenda. That's why it has reared its ugly head so many times throughout history.

So what's your solution? Wipe out all the homos, trannies, and incest freaks in order to deprive the socialists of their current methods of manipulation? We can't do that.

What is your solution? Not trying to be edgy or difficult at all, just curious.
Regular people like us, and our elected reps, and the gov we pay for reject the bullshit narratives the same way we always have.

Did we ever really murder gays in the street or in camps like hitlerr? I think not. That is terrible.

Should we really be glorifying it? Displaying the gay flag on the white house? Telling our kids that it is normal and perpetuating the Marxist narrative? I think not. Gays are in history. They are in the bible and have always been there. Greeks, Romans...Any halfway educated middle schooler will know its a thing, no matter how sheltered.

Healthy societies have traditionally successfully found ways to make it clear that is not the norm. Don't ask don't tell type of mentalities. Unhealthy societies persecute them, or make a point to celebrate them. The message was the same for the Greeks and Romans shortly before the end of their empire haydays... "look at how enlightened we are, we give free shit to lazy people and celebrate wierdos, aren't we so awesome."

A gay pride parade is nothing but a symbol of a pathetic and broken society desperate to tell themselves how enlightened they are.
Greek and Roman societies were actually pretty much openly ephebolphilic/bisexual during their society's rise and zenith. If anything one of the many causes of the Western Roman Empire's fall was it's adoption of Christianity (though it had to do more with it being a foreign religion).
Link Posted: 7/12/2018 4:31:21 AM EDT
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I agree on these topics we are on the wrong path, it is not the freedom path, not a minarchist / libertarian path or even a just one.

it is spinning off the appeals of good / free etc.. but something less than so.

Freedom might work out, but this pushing, if continued far enough will eventually result in a break and a backlash.

eta- and that is just with adults... pedophile bullshit would be some combustible fuel on that fire.
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But it doesn't work that way.  The people that voted for gay marriage ten years ago on the premise of it being "none of my business, love is love"  -snipped short for quote
I agree on these topics we are on the wrong path, it is not the freedom path, not a minarchist / libertarian path or even a just one.

it is spinning off the appeals of good / free etc.. but something less than so.

Freedom might work out, but this pushing, if continued far enough will eventually result in a break and a backlash.

eta- and that is just with adults... pedophile bullshit would be some combustible fuel on that fire.
Yup. But now the tolerance brigade is here to tell you how smart they are, and shout down any reasonable discussion that isn't an internet pride parade.

You may not be able to tell, but Im assured they are very accepting.
Link Posted: 7/12/2018 4:38:41 AM EDT
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Greek and Roman societies were actually pretty much openly ephebolphilic/bisexual during their society's rise and zenith. If anything one of the many causes of the Western Roman Empire's fall was it's adoption of Christianity (though it had to do more with it being a foreign religion).
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I think part of the younger attraction back then was based on the much shorter lifespan, and people having to grow up faster.

In this day and age, can you take a 16 year old girl and say she's mentally mature??? even if she's physically past puberty it doesn't mean she is mentally capable of making those decisions. Which is why an older male courting a young girl or dude is so looked down upon, it's the position of power over a young person. it's even weird for a 40 year old to go after a 20 year old but legally there's nothing you can do. At a certain point you have to say someone is an adult and let them make their own choices.

As for the Chomos, there's no excuses. A kid can't consent, legally or mentally. If someone has that mental illness, it may not be their fault, but it IS their responsibility to make sure they never act on it.

I don't like to lump in Gay/les/bi/trans people, even if I believe it's an aberration in the human mind, it's one we can't fix right now and at a point you just have to say.... an adult is an adult, they have to make their own choices.
Link Posted: 7/12/2018 4:41:09 AM EDT
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2 workers > 1 worker.
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let them all skyline themselves then arrest them.

i’m cool with whatever (x)sexual you want to be as long as it involves two consenting adults. diddle kiddies, and you deserve the pokey.
So you are fine with two biological brothers involved in a homosexual relationship?  Are you ok with them getting married?  What about a mother and daughter?  Father and son?  As long as they are consenting adults, right?

Do you see the flaw in your logic?  Where do you draw the line?
Clearly the goal is to remove the line, or at least roll it back as far as possible. The gay agenda, like feminism, has always been a useful idiot cause to supoort the marxist socialist agenda by tearing down traditional morals, religion and the traditional family unit to increase individuals reliance on the government.

That is why Obama displayed the rainbow on the whitehouse . That is why Holkywood pushes the narrative so hard.
Like it or not, capitalism has done more to destroy the traditional family unit than anything.

Talk about making shit up. Id lovevto hear your version of American history, what capitalism is, and how it accomplished that.

Fiction is fun, especially with creative authors.
2 workers > 1 worker.
Women in the workforce (if thats what you are referring  to) is a classic Marxist agenda item. The Soviets did it first and were all proud of themselves while most of our middle class women were still homemakers in the 50s and 60s. We've recently adopted it more and more as we've also steadily embraced more and more social programs post WWII and even more post cold war.

FDR started a bunch of socialism in this country. It has been added to a lot since then. We certainly are nothing near a true capitalist economy at this point. We have had enormous programs that no real capitalist would approve of fucking our economy since LBJ.
Link Posted: 7/12/2018 4:44:10 AM EDT
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Do you just continually regurgitate whatever you read on here and treat it as gospel? You literally just copied and pasted the exact same thing that you just posted on page 1 of this very same thread. Do you really not have any original thoughts that you couldn't come up with an even slightly different post?
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Many people on ARFcom predicted, that this type of thing would happen.

Saying after gay marriage, and transgender, "acceptance" that the pedo's would come out
Do you just continually regurgitate whatever you read on here and treat it as gospel? You literally just copied and pasted the exact same thing that you just posted on page 1 of this very same thread. Do you really not have any original thoughts that you couldn't come up with an even slightly different post?
Sorry I pissed in your Cheerios, but a crappy satellite connection and a series of errors and gateway timeouts occurred, if you must know
Link Posted: 7/12/2018 4:45:53 AM EDT
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Sorry I pissed in your Cheerios, but a crappy satellite connection and a series of errors and gateway timeouts occurred, if you must know
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Many people on ARFcom predicted, that this type of thing would happen.

Saying after gay marriage, and transgender, "acceptance" that the pedo's would come out
Do you just continually regurgitate whatever you read on here and treat it as gospel? You literally just copied and pasted the exact same thing that you just posted on page 1 of this very same thread. Do you really not have any original thoughts that you couldn't come up with an even slightly different post?
Sorry I pissed in your Cheerios, but a crappy satellite connection and a series of errors and gateway timeouts occurred, if you must know
Sorry man, it's 4:45 in the morning here and I have yet to fall a sleep. Feel like shit but my mind won't shut down
Link Posted: 7/12/2018 4:45:54 AM EDT
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Originally Posted By 75149 Deej:

...cunt lick.
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Link Posted: 7/12/2018 4:50:38 AM EDT
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So if most pedophiles are homosexuals based on your "facts", then it would stand to be believed that majority of children that are molested would be boys.  So why are female children sexually abused at a 2 to 1 ratio to boys? Or do gays all the sudden like women when it comes to children?
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Facts: A disproportionate number of gays have been sexually abused.
lol, just because you put "Facts" in front of a statement, doesn't make it factual.  Cite, or you're no different than the left making erroneous statements in order to push an agenda.
"46 percent of bisexual women have been raped, compared to 17 percent of heterosexual women and 13 percent of lesbians"

"40 percent of gay men and 47 percent of bisexual men have experienced sexual violence other than rape, compared to 21 percent of heterosexual men"

Those are CDC numbers. Takes a few seconds to google.
So if most pedophiles are homosexuals based on your "facts", then it would stand to be believed that majority of children that are molested would be boys.  So why are female children sexually abused at a 2 to 1 ratio to boys? Or do gays all the sudden like women when it comes to children?
I don't think you understand how statistics work.

What is a bigger number? 40% of a subgroup that makes up 3% of the population, or 3% of a sub group that makes up the other 97% of the total.
Link Posted: 7/12/2018 4:51:10 AM EDT
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I think part of the younger attraction back then was based on the much shorter lifespan, and people having to grow up faster.

In this day and age, can you take a 16 year old girl and say she's mentally mature??? even if she's physically past puberty it doesn't mean she is mentally capable of making those decisions. Which is why an older male courting a young girl or dude is so looked down upon, it's the position of power over a young person. it's even weird for a 40 year old to go after a 20 year old but legally there's nothing you can do. At a certain point you have to say someone is an adult and let them make their own choices.

As for the Chomos, there's no excuses. A kid can't consent, legally or mentally. If someone has that mental illness, it may not be their fault, but it IS their responsibility to make sure they never act on it.

I don't like to lump in Gay/les/bi/trans people, even if I believe it's an aberration in the human mind, it's one we can't fix right now and at a point you just have to say.... an adult is an adult, they have to make their own choices.
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Greek and Roman societies were actually pretty much openly ephebolphilic/bisexual during their society's rise and zenith. If anything one of the many causes of the Western Roman Empire's fall was it's adoption of Christianity (though it had to do more with it being a foreign religion).
I think part of the younger attraction back then was based on the much shorter lifespan, and people having to grow up faster.

In this day and age, can you take a 16 year old girl and say she's mentally mature??? even if she's physically past puberty it doesn't mean she is mentally capable of making those decisions. Which is why an older male courting a young girl or dude is so looked down upon, it's the position of power over a young person. it's even weird for a 40 year old to go after a 20 year old but legally there's nothing you can do. At a certain point you have to say someone is an adult and let them make their own choices.

As for the Chomos, there's no excuses. A kid can't consent, legally or mentally. If someone has that mental illness, it may not be their fault, but it IS their responsibility to make sure they never act on it.

I don't like to lump in Gay/les/bi/trans people, even if I believe it's an aberration in the human mind, it's one we can't fix right now and at a point you just have to say.... an adult is an adult, they have to make their own choices.
I just meant my comment in relation to his view of history (which I don't think is supported).
Link Posted: 7/12/2018 4:52:06 AM EDT
Is Harry Reid flying the flag?
Link Posted: 7/12/2018 4:53:27 AM EDT
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Women in the workforce (if thats what you are referring  to) is a classic Marxist agenda item. The Soviets did it first and were all proud of themselves while most of our middle class women were still homemakers in the 50s and 60s. We've recently adopted it more and more as we've also steadily embraced more and more social programs post WWII and even more post cold war.

FDR started a bunch of socialism in this country. It has been added to a lot since then. We certainly are nothing near a true capitalist economy at this point. We have had enormous programs that no real capitalist would approve of fucking our economy since LBJ.
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let them all skyline themselves then arrest them.

i’m cool with whatever (x)sexual you want to be as long as it involves two consenting adults. diddle kiddies, and you deserve the pokey.
So you are fine with two biological brothers involved in a homosexual relationship?  Are you ok with them getting married?  What about a mother and daughter?  Father and son?  As long as they are consenting adults, right?

Do you see the flaw in your logic?  Where do you draw the line?
Clearly the goal is to remove the line, or at least roll it back as far as possible. The gay agenda, like feminism, has always been a useful idiot cause to supoort the marxist socialist agenda by tearing down traditional morals, religion and the traditional family unit to increase individuals reliance on the government.

That is why Obama displayed the rainbow on the whitehouse . That is why Holkywood pushes the narrative so hard.
Like it or not, capitalism has done more to destroy the traditional family unit than anything.

Talk about making shit up. Id lovevto hear your version of American history, what capitalism is, and how it accomplished that.

Fiction is fun, especially with creative authors.
2 workers > 1 worker.
Women in the workforce (if thats what you are referring  to) is a classic Marxist agenda item. The Soviets did it first and were all proud of themselves while most of our middle class women were still homemakers in the 50s and 60s. We've recently adopted it more and more as we've also steadily embraced more and more social programs post WWII and even more post cold war.

FDR started a bunch of socialism in this country. It has been added to a lot since then. We certainly are nothing near a true capitalist economy at this point. We have had enormous programs that no real capitalist would approve of fucking our economy since LBJ.
Capitalism likes more workers/more capital, it doesn't give a sh-t about your traditional family values or whether the workers are women who should be in the kitchen, like it or not. Women had entered the workforce during the Industrial Revolution as well, which was all about capitalism (and was also way before the Soviet Union).

During the 1950's as well was some of the highest income tax rates we've ever had.
Link Posted: 7/12/2018 4:53:48 AM EDT
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I don't think you understand how statistics work.

What is a bigger number? 40% of a subgroup that makes up 3% of the population, or 3% of a sub group that makes up the other 97% of the total.
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Facts: A disproportionate number of gays have been sexually abused.
lol, just because you put "Facts" in front of a statement, doesn't make it factual.  Cite, or you're no different than the left making erroneous statements in order to push an agenda.
"46 percent of bisexual women have been raped, compared to 17 percent of heterosexual women and 13 percent of lesbians"

"40 percent of gay men and 47 percent of bisexual men have experienced sexual violence other than rape, compared to 21 percent of heterosexual men"

Those are CDC numbers. Takes a few seconds to google.
So if most pedophiles are homosexuals based on your "facts", then it would stand to be believed that majority of children that are molested would be boys.  So why are female children sexually abused at a 2 to 1 ratio to boys? Or do gays all the sudden like women when it comes to children?
I don't think you understand how statistics work.

What is a bigger number? 40% of a subgroup that makes up 3% of the population, or 3% of a sub group that makes up the other 97% of the total.
So then you would agree that majority of pedophiles are heterosexual, correct?

Edit: and based on your response, I'm not sure if you comprehend statistics. I understand your 40% of 3% claim, but what is 3% of 97% supposed to represent?
Link Posted: 7/12/2018 4:55:19 AM EDT
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I just meant my comment in relation to his view of history (which I don't think is supported).
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Not criticizing at all just putting my .02 canadian pesos in

I do think people in power have a long standing tradition of abusing kids, it's no different today with our overlords abusing kids. Probably why there's so much steam behind it, if it weren't for the people like FHRC and the DNC (and their forerunners, and kings and monarchs before them) this shit may have been stamped out long ago...
Link Posted: 7/12/2018 5:02:23 AM EDT
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So then you would agree that majority of pedophiles are heterosexual, correct?

Edit: and it's actually about 25% of the population that is homosexual... But there you go again with your "facts"
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I don't think it's a secret that there a way more pedos that are 'strait' white people.

BUT, the percentage of gays may be slightly more disproportionate compared to strait people. If gay people as a percentage go through more sexual trauma than strait people, there's a very high chance that those former victims will continue the cycle of abuse.

Unfortunately sexual abuse causes issues long into adulthood, and very possibly permanently in some cases... a couple of the girls I've dated had been raped at one point in their life (like real rape actual not "I decided to change my mind after"). And even a 30 year old girl can still have some issues with it. Some are better equipped to deal with than others, some may never recover... And some turn to the only thing they know; which is abusing... Maybe why we see all these teachers going after young boys in school??? I know we all say "Yeah where was that hottie when I was there" but in real life a 25 or 30 year old woman can't legitimately think a 14 year old boy would be a good mate....
Link Posted: 7/12/2018 5:06:00 AM EDT
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I don't think it's a secret that there a way more pedos that are 'strait' white people.

BUT, the percentage of gays may be slightly more disproportionate compared to strait people. If gay people as a percentage go through more sexual trauma than strait people, there's a very high chance that those former victims will continue the cycle of abuse.

Unfortunately sexual abuse causes issues long into adulthood, and very possibly permanently in some cases... a couple of the girls I've dated had been raped at one point in their life (like real rape actual not "I decided to change my mind after"). And even a 30 year old girl can still have some issues with it. Some are better equipped to deal with than others, some may never recover... And some turn to the only thing they know; which is abusing... Maybe why we see all these teachers going after young boys in school??? I know we all say "Yeah where was that hottie when I was there" but in real life a 25 or 30 year old woman can't legitimately think a 14 year old boy would be a good mate....
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So then you would agree that majority of pedophiles are heterosexual, correct?

Edit: and it's actually about 25% of the population that is homosexual... But there you go again with your "facts"
I don't think it's a secret that there a way more pedos that are 'strait' white people.

BUT, the percentage of gays may be slightly more disproportionate compared to strait people. If gay people as a percentage go through more sexual trauma than strait people, there's a very high chance that those former victims will continue the cycle of abuse.

Unfortunately sexual abuse causes issues long into adulthood, and very possibly permanently in some cases... a couple of the girls I've dated had been raped at one point in their life (like real rape actual not "I decided to change my mind after"). And even a 30 year old girl can still have some issues with it. Some are better equipped to deal with than others, some may never recover... And some turn to the only thing they know; which is abusing... Maybe why we see all these teachers going after young boys in school??? I know we all say "Yeah where was that hottie when I was there" but in real life a 25 or 30 year old woman can't legitimately think a 14 year old boy would be a good mate....
So it all comes back to causation vs correlation. Too often we see on this website people who hold the belief that being gay makes people more prone to be pedophiles, where as it's most likely something more along the lines of being sexually abused as a child makes people more prone to being pedophiles themselves
Link Posted: 7/12/2018 5:06:33 AM EDT
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Greek and Roman societies were actually pretty much openly ephebolphilic/bisexual during their society's rise and zenith. If anything one of the many causes of the Western Roman Empire's fall was it's adoption of Christianity (though it had to do more with it being a foreign religion).
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How do you like the idea of Authoritarian Socialist government in America for you or your kids or grandkids?

That's the real goal. They are betting that they can continue to slowly erode traditional values, families and religion by normalizingvthese behaviors. Your so called tolerance is exactly what they want.

Personally, Im rather intolerant of the idea of willingly marching toward full blown authoritarian socialism.
I agree with you, but the homos and trannies and the so-called movements associated with them are just tools being used by socialists for manipulation purposes, no different than the environmetal movement or the feed the homeless movement, for example. There will always exist tools which socialists will employ to try and advance their agenda. That's why it has reared its ugly head so many times throughout history.

So what's your solution? Wipe out all the homos, trannies, and incest freaks in order to deprive the socialists of their current methods of manipulation? We can't do that.

What is your solution? Not trying to be edgy or difficult at all, just curious.
Regular people like us, and our elected reps, and the gov we pay for reject the bullshit narratives the same way we always have.

Did we ever really murder gays in the street or in camps like hitlerr? I think not. That is terrible.

Should we really be glorifying it? Displaying the gay flag on the white house? Telling our kids that it is normal and perpetuating the Marxist narrative? I think not. Gays are in history. They are in the bible and have always been there. Greeks, Romans...Any halfway educated middle schooler will know its a thing, no matter how sheltered.

Healthy societies have traditionally successfully found ways to make it clear that is not the norm. Don't ask don't tell type of mentalities. Unhealthy societies persecute them, or make a point to celebrate them. The message was the same for the Greeks and Romans shortly before the end of their empire haydays... "look at how enlightened we are, we give free shit to lazy people and celebrate wierdos, aren't we so awesome."

A gay pride parade is nothing but a symbol of a pathetic and broken society desperate to tell themselves how enlightened they are.
Greek and Roman societies were actually pretty much openly ephebolphilic/bisexual during their society's rise and zenith. If anything one of the many causes of the Western Roman Empire's fall was it's adoption of Christianity (though it had to do more with it being a foreign religion).
I guess it depends on your definition of "openly." If you are suggesting it was as commonly accepted and celebrated as much, or even close to, straight relationships, marriage and procreation, I'd have to disagree. It certainly existed the enture time, built momentum, then fell out of favor when things went to shit.

I'd be interested in hearing about the massive gay greek or roman weddings and parades during the glory days.

And I never said it was a cause of downfall. Thats silly. Symbols and causes are different things.
Link Posted: 7/12/2018 5:10:47 AM EDT
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I guess it depends on your definition of "openly." If you are suggesting it was as commonly accepted and celebrated as much, or even close to, straight relationships, marriage and procreation, I'd have to disagree. It certainly existed the enture time, built momentum, then fell out of favor when things went to shit.
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How do you like the idea of Authoritarian Socialist government in America for you or your kids or grandkids?

That's the real goal. They are betting that they can continue to slowly erode traditional values, families and religion by normalizingvthese behaviors. Your so called tolerance is exactly what they want.

Personally, Im rather intolerant of the idea of willingly marching toward full blown authoritarian socialism.
I agree with you, but the homos and trannies and the so-called movements associated with them are just tools being used by socialists for manipulation purposes, no different than the environmetal movement or the feed the homeless movement, for example. There will always exist tools which socialists will employ to try and advance their agenda. That's why it has reared its ugly head so many times throughout history.

So what's your solution? Wipe out all the homos, trannies, and incest freaks in order to deprive the socialists of their current methods of manipulation? We can't do that.

What is your solution? Not trying to be edgy or difficult at all, just curious.
Regular people like us, and our elected reps, and the gov we pay for reject the bullshit narratives the same way we always have.

Did we ever really murder gays in the street or in camps like hitlerr? I think not. That is terrible.

Should we really be glorifying it? Displaying the gay flag on the white house? Telling our kids that it is normal and perpetuating the Marxist narrative? I think not. Gays are in history. They are in the bible and have always been there. Greeks, Romans...Any halfway educated middle schooler will know its a thing, no matter how sheltered.

Healthy societies have traditionally successfully found ways to make it clear that is not the norm. Don't ask don't tell type of mentalities. Unhealthy societies persecute them, or make a point to celebrate them. The message was the same for the Greeks and Romans shortly before the end of their empire haydays... "look at how enlightened we are, we give free shit to lazy people and celebrate wierdos, aren't we so awesome."

A gay pride parade is nothing but a symbol of a pathetic and broken society desperate to tell themselves how enlightened they are.
Greek and Roman societies were actually pretty much openly ephebolphilic/bisexual during their society's rise and zenith. If anything one of the many causes of the Western Roman Empire's fall was it's adoption of Christianity (though it had to do more with it being a foreign religion).
I guess it depends on your definition of "openly." If you are suggesting it was as commonly accepted and celebrated as much, or even close to, straight relationships, marriage and procreation, I'd have to disagree. It certainly existed the enture time, built momentum, then fell out of favor when things went to shit.
It was commonly accepted that people had bisexual relationships for quite a long time with Greek and Roman societies (during their rise and zenith).

And I never said it was a cause of downfall. Thats silly. Symbols and causes are different things.
Why would something be a symbol of downfall if it was more prevalent during the society's rise and zenith?
Link Posted: 7/12/2018 5:20:28 AM EDT
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One sexual deviation is the same as the next. A large number of the gays are pedophiles.
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their recruiting strategy
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