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Link Posted: 4/25/2008 3:26:47 PM EDT
Intimidation, to put it bluntly, has ALWAYS been the idea behind a uniform for police wear. Geez, that goes back to Sir Robert Peel...
Link Posted: 4/25/2008 3:28:33 PM EDT



Perhaps they might have achieved a similar desired effect by choosing dark navy blue without the negative connotations?  It's just me but as a retired CLEO, I did consider such things when choosing uniform patterns.

I think this is more of a poor choice of wording than anything else.

Do we have before and after pics available?



I love it
Link Posted: 4/25/2008 3:31:18 PM EDT
Link Posted: 4/25/2008 3:32:28 PM EDT


Perhaps they might have achieved a similar desired effect by choosing dark navy blue without the negative connotations?  It's just me but as a retired CLEO, I did consider such things when choosing uniform patterns.

I think this is more of a poor choice of wording than anything else.

Do we have before and after pics available?

I think you're right.

Hell, I'd be more concerned/afraid of a LEO coming toward me wearing a highlighter yellow uniform instead of black
Link Posted: 4/25/2008 3:40:18 PM EDT


pics of this said uniform ?
Something like this? www.totls.com/ASS-RFSS-TUNIC-FRONT.jpg

NJ State Trooper Uniform?
Link Posted: 4/25/2008 3:51:22 PM EDT
My agency for the most part has 3 types of uniforms.  The most most formal of the 3 can appear black because of the material used, even though its a dark blue.

Back in the day, one uniform consisted of a white shirt and black pants.  I wouldn't mind an all black uniform.  In our case, I don't think it has anything to do with fear.  It has everything to do with looking sharp though.  Think US Navy Winter Blues.

I think the way in which people are forced to interact with us causes fear rather than the color or style of uniforms.
Link Posted: 4/25/2008 3:55:38 PM EDT
Video in this link shows the uniform:


Link Posted: 4/25/2008 6:35:20 PM EDT


pics of this said uniform ?
Something like this? www.totls.com/ASS-RFSS-TUNIC-FRONT.jpg

Is it just me or does the New Jersey State Police Uniform not look like blue version of the Nazi Uniform? I've always thought their uniforms had a strange resemblence to the photo above but in a blue color.

ETA: I just now noticed the posts on Page 2 and 3 making this same observance so I guess I'm not the only one.
Link Posted: 4/25/2008 7:56:42 PM EDT

pics of this said uniform ?
Link Posted: 4/25/2008 7:58:52 PM EDT
It's better than pastels. h.gif

Link Posted: 4/25/2008 8:12:52 PM EDT

pics of this said uniform

Link Posted: 4/25/2008 8:23:05 PM EDT


pics of this said uniform



Thats what I'm talking about. You can't be storm troopers without cool full face helmets.
Link Posted: 4/25/2008 11:29:42 PM EDT
Reminds me of that quote in "The Departed," where Matt Daemon's character tells that other cop: "You got a nice suit at home or do you like coming to work everyday dressed like you're goin' to invade Poland?"
Link Posted: 4/25/2008 11:35:17 PM EDT
White plastic armor and full face helmets would work better....especially if they carry carrying MG42s or Sterling SMGs made up to look more futuristic.
Link Posted: 4/26/2008 4:46:08 AM EDT
When i was working in the prison, the inmates were complaining about our black shake down gloves, saying they were intimidating and threatening. The warden posted a memo no to wear gloves. Like that was going to happen. I wore mine anytime i entered a cell.
Link Posted: 4/26/2008 4:50:14 AM EDT
I can honestly say (from experience) that Springfield, MA is one of this biggest shit holes in the northeast. It sickitates me that I have to go there for a family wedding later this year. I may just stay in NH/VT and commute to the wedding. I don't want to give that worthless state  or city a dime of my money.

ETA: I guess I should comment on the uniforms. "Meh, they're doing that everywhere".
Link Posted: 4/26/2008 4:55:03 AM EDT
Hey they just want to serve and protect
Link Posted: 4/26/2008 4:56:00 AM EDT

It's better than pastels.

Pastels would frighten me much more than black.
Link Posted: 4/26/2008 5:02:04 AM EDT

Cops wearing BDUs, it looks so unprofessional...Thats just my opinion...Slacks with polished shoes and a nice shirt looks better...

I work in a physical environment myself and I have no problem with Cops wearing black BDU bottoms. Much more comfortable and much easier to chase down a bad guy in. I have worked construction for years in BDU bottoms, there really is no better work pant.

I have a problem with Cops getting into full battle gear to include digital camo at thinks like the VT event, but nothing wrong with BDU's.

No reason to be a dick to the cops and make them wear pink. BDU bottoms don't hurt anybody. When it's 100 degrees out and a Cop stops to help you with a flat in rush hour so you don't get mangled by traffic, isn't it reasonable to let them wear comfy pants? Let's not be dicks.
Link Posted: 4/26/2008 5:05:43 AM EDT
Obviously people are reading into the statement and failing to understand the uniforms are for their Street Crimes Unit, not the entire agency. For the purposes of the unit, BDUs are more than applicable to SCU members.
Link Posted: 4/26/2008 5:16:31 AM EDT
Patriot, I'm with you.
We don't pay the officers enough, we should at least let em wear clothes designed to be practical.
Link Posted: 4/26/2008 5:23:19 AM EDT
Weren't these the same asshats that freaked out over some
magnetic light brights with Adult Swim cartoon characters on them ?

Remember when they closed down the streets and called in the bomb
squad ands wat teams ?
That was Massachusets wasn't it ?

I remember them pulling down the sign and blowing some of them up on the spot .

Their new uniforms should have that cartoon character flipping the bird on the
front !

Photoshop /MS paint anyone ?
Link Posted: 4/26/2008 5:27:59 AM EDT
I say we let al sharpton pick the uniforms , it is his supporters that will be seeing them
Link Posted: 4/26/2008 5:28:47 AM EDT

Patriot, I'm with you.
We don't pay the officers enough, we should at least let em wear clothes designed to be practical.

Eh, I think they're paid ok for the most part, especially in these parts. But it is stupid to really give a shit about what they wear when patrolling ghettos cracking down on street gangs. We bitch about the gangs and we expect the Cops to eradicate them.......and then we act like a bunch of little girls with Barbies and dress them? Seriously, I have other things to think about than what Cops are wearing.
Link Posted: 4/26/2008 5:30:06 AM EDT
I read somewhere that the snappy SS/Wermacht uniforms were, as suggested, patterned after an eastern US LE agency's, specifically NJSP.

One of the biggest problems (a real "root cause" of lots of criminality) in my hometown is the fact that the streetcorner scum are no longer afraid of the police. 15 - 20 years ago, a knot of ne'er-do-wells and assorted creeps milling about would scatter like roaches if a patrolman or detective stopped and got out of his car. Now they stare sullenly and scream insults. I believe this is a direct result of abandonment of SPAP (the Sheriff's Percussive Admonition Program).

The city was much, much safer when the criminal element had reason to fear a good beating (and no arrest) if they got mouthy or fled or threatened/attempted to hit a policeman, and a severe beating with jail or prison time if they committed a particularly offensive crime or put their hands on an officer.

People who refuse as a matter of routine to sign off on the social contract should not enjoy its full benefits.

ETA: Intimidating chronically criminal dirtbags is a good thing. I'm not afraid of the police no matter what they wear. Some people should be afraid of the police, because they will acquire some degree of healthy reluctance to make any attempts against me or my property.
Link Posted: 4/26/2008 5:31:50 AM EDT


pics of this said uniform ?
Something like this? www.totls.com/ASS-RFSS-TUNIC-FRONT.jpg

God,that's really funny.  So fitting too.
Link Posted: 4/26/2008 5:32:32 AM EDT

My Dept has black uniforms, what's the big deal?

I think the mentality behind the color chice is pretty lame... "Delaney said a sense of "fear" has been missing for the past few years."

Link Posted: 4/26/2008 5:35:43 AM EDT
1) Solid color BDUs are a VERY appropriate police uniform.. And switch the Officer's Cap for a PC too... Camo is un-needed & not really appropriate... But a nice set of black or blue BDUs is just the ticket for a MODERN police uniform...

2) Don't give me that shit about the 'Barney Fife' police uniform not being a military uniform... Take a look at a Soldier or Airman in dress blues or class A's... That's where your 'classic' police uniform came from...

Oh, and we (military) used to go to war in uniforms that looked very much like our current formal-dress attire (Blues -> late-1800's cavalry uniform inspired)....

3) Police uniforms should be form-follows-function... That's how the military arrived at the BDUs, anyway... They are comfortable, all-weather friendly, and very suitable for chasing down bad guys while carrying all the crap that a cop has to carry on duty....

I would hate to try to chase a BG in dress slacks & a button-down shirt...

4) The 'BDU look' is out in the military anyway... It's now wash-and-wear, wrinkles-authorized...

And we haven't worn solid-color BDUs since Vietnam era fatigues...

So a set of pressed solid color BDUs is as 'in the past' as the classic cop uniform....

5) In the same sense that the people of the US do not fear us (Army) but our potential enemies certainly do...

I see nothing wrong with the *RIGHT* people (habitual criminals, street gang members, etc) being afraid of the police... And with the police doing legal things to encourage this...

So long as the PD doesn't make the average law abiding citizen afraid of them, they can intimidate crooks all day long... Who said career criminals have a right to a comfortable work environment?

And I immagine that the average law abiding citizen is NOT going to be scared of a 'Strike-Team' style gang enforcement unit in BDUs... Many of them will probably be glad to see the cops going out to 'get some' (so long as the target is a criminal organization that none of their family members are involved in)....
Link Posted: 4/26/2008 5:39:12 AM EDT

No reason to be a dick to the cops and make them wear pink. BDU bottoms don't hurt anybody. When it's 100 degrees out and a Cop stops to help you with a flat in rush hour so you don't get mangled by traffic, isn't it reasonable to let them wear comfy pants? Let's not be dicks.

Exactly... It's that sort of thing that BDUs are designed for - to keep you as comfortable (and your body temperature as properly regulated) as possible while doing athletic or manual labor in all sorts of weather....

Weather it's changing tires on a HMMWV & doing 3-5 sec rushes....

Or helping some soccer mom with a tire on a minivan & later chasing down a corner drug dealer....
Link Posted: 4/26/2008 5:53:28 AM EDT
Something like this ?

Or maybe something in a nice Stasi uniform. They were known to be pretty intimidating.

ETA - Remind me to stay out of MASS for awhile.
Link Posted: 4/26/2008 5:59:41 AM EDT


pics of this said uniform ?


Link Posted: 4/26/2008 6:06:49 AM EDT
The uniforms will make no difference, the criminal element in this country has no fear of the police, courts, or the penal system. Until a fear of possible punishment returns, folks will just assume the cops are playing dress-up.

Link Posted: 4/28/2008 7:55:37 AM EDT

Patriot, I'm with you.
We don't pay the officers enough, we should at least let em wear clothes designed to be practical.

$150-$170 for a class B uniform for us. What a rip off....
Link Posted: 4/28/2008 8:01:03 AM EDT
Maybe they can contract with Hugo Boss.
Link Posted: 4/28/2008 8:08:10 AM EDT

I can honestly say (from experience) that Springfield, MA is one of this biggest shit holes in the northeast. It sickitates me that I have to go there for a family wedding later this year. I may just stay in NH/VT and commute to the wedding. I don't want to give that worthless state  or city a dime of my money.

ETA: I guess I should comment on the uniforms. "Meh, they're doing that everywhere".

Tell me about it. I live in a town near Springfield and nothing short of "Nuking it from Orbit" is gonna help that city.
Link Posted: 4/28/2008 8:16:42 AM EDT


how about the NJSP

Sorry, that looks like some fat kid at a cheesy military school.

What would really be intimidating to BGs would be a professional PD and DA and a hangin' judge.
Link Posted: 4/28/2008 8:20:47 AM EDT


pics of this said uniform ?
Something like this? www.totls.com/ASS-RFSS-TUNIC-FRONT.jpg

Link Posted: 4/28/2008 8:26:03 AM EDT
Philly Highway Patrol

When we were kids, we DID NOT want to get pulled over by them....
Link Posted: 4/28/2008 8:29:32 AM EDT
won't they be awful hot wearing black during those humid new england summers?  perhaps shorts would be a better choice?

Link Posted: 4/28/2008 8:33:51 AM EDT
It's the Street Crimes Unit that is getting the Black uniforms, not the regular PD:

Springfield's Street Crimes Unit is getting back in black to show strength in some of the city's most dangerous neighborhoods.

They say the uniform makes the man.

"We have officers that work on the streets everyday wearing plain clothes," says Sgt. John Delaney of the Springfield Police Department. "We have officers wearing the blue uniform and they wear it proudly."

But the men and women of Springfield's Street Crimes Unit are turning in their blues and getting back in black.

"The public seems to become enamored with a little bit different look and a little bit different uniform," says Commissioner William Fitchet.

For two years the unit has walked the city's most dangerous neighborhoods, making thousands of arrests and clearing the streets of drugs and guns.

"When the citizens in high crime areas saw us come, they knew that we were there to get rid of the drug dealers near their property, on their property," says Sgt. Delaney. "And they loved to see us coming."

"They have a personal relationship with the community and that's what I think everybody needs," says resident Tiffany Nieves.

Under the direction of Commissioner Flynn the black shirts and signature badges were put back on the shelf, and the unit stopped their aggressive street-based work. Now, after a year and a half hiatus the street crimes unit is reorganizing.

"Their sole responsibility is to clean up street corners, arrest drug dealers, identify gang members and bring these people to justice," says Sgt. Delaney.

And that's exactly what these residents want.

"All the people that are doing drugs should be off the streets and in jail," says resident Mylo Caride.

The Street Crimes Unit should be ready to patrol the streets in the next couple of weeks.
Link Posted: 4/28/2008 8:45:13 AM EDT
"Scary" uniforms won't instill more fear into the hearts of the depraved criminals in Springfield. I don't care if the cops wear storm trooper suits. If the courts turn them loose with a slap on the wrists, there's no teeth behind law enforcement. It's all bark and no bite.
Link Posted: 4/28/2008 8:53:42 AM EDT

how about the NJSP

That doesn't look Nazi-esque.

That just looks terrible. The yellow triangles. Jeez.
Link Posted: 4/28/2008 8:58:27 AM EDT
Without going through the Four pages.

The chief is both RIGHT and WRONG about there not being fear.

The individuals have no fear of the police...basically the police give them a ride to the station, they make bail, get out (or get to relax for several days until their hearing), they get a light slap on the wrist, and go back to doing what they were before they were arrested.

Not much fear involved.

The fear should NOT be of the police, it should be of the consequences of their actions...
Police show up, they get arrested.  No bail depending on the serious nature of the crime.   No easy time/slap on the wrist/early parole...they get stuck with hard labor, pink jump suits, and Reader's Digest/Cosmo/Modern Bride to read.

That will put a little fear into them.

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