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Posted: 11/28/2006 7:46:35 PM EDT
Here's an idea, find and post an interesting, little known or otherwise strange article from Wikipedia that everyone should know.

I'll start....I give you the infamous Milgram Experiment:

Link Posted: 11/28/2006 7:59:58 PM EDT

Read the book "Ordinary Men: Reserve Police Battalion 101 and the Final Solution in Poland" sometime...Link

I'll bite..

Bet you never heard of this guy:

Le Pétomane

Le Pétomane was the stage name of the French professional farter and entertainer Joseph Pujol (June 1, 1857 - 1945).

He was famous for his remarkable control of the abdominal muscles, which enabled him to break wind at will. His stage name combines the French verb péter, "to fart" with the -mane, "maniac" suffix, found in words like toxicomane. In English, a translation might yield "the fart maniac". His profession can also be referred to as a "Flatulist" or a "Fartiste." [1]

Joseph Pujol was born in Marseille. He was one of five children of François (a stonemason and sculptor) and Rose Pujol. Soon after he left school he had a strange experience while swimming in the sea. He would put his head under the water and hold his breath whereupon he felt an icy cold penetrating his rear. He ran ashore in fright and was amazed to see water pouring from his anus. A doctor assured him that there was nothing to worry about.

When he joined the army he told his fellow soldiers about his special ability, and repeated it for their amusement, sucking up water from a pan into his rectum and then projecting it through his anus up to several yards. He then found that he could suck in air as well. Although a baker by profession, Pujol decided to try his talent on the stage, and debuted in Marseille in 1887. After his act proved successful, he proceeded to Paris, where he took the act to the Moulin Rouge in 1892.

Some of the highlights of his stage act involved playing a flute through a rubber tube in his anus and farting sound effects of cannon fire and thunderstorms. He could also blow out a candle from several yards away. [2]

In 1894, the managers of the Moulin Rouge sued Pujol for an impromptu exhibition he gave to aid a friend struggling with economic difficulties. For the measly sum of 3,000 francs (Pujol's usual fee being 20,000 francs per show), the Moulin Rouge lost their star attraction, who proceeded to set up his own traveling show called the Theatre Pompadour.

In the following decade Pujol tried to 'refine' and make his acts 'gentler'; one of his favourite numbers became a rhyme about a farm which he himself composed, and which he punctuated with the usual anal renditions of the animals' sounds. The climax of his act however involved him farting his impression of the 1906 San Francisco earthquake.

With the outbreak of World War I, Pujol, horrified by the inhumanity of the conflict, retired from the stage and returned to his bakery in Marseille. Later he opened a biscuit factory in Toulon. He died in 1945, aged 88 and was buried in the cemetery of La Valette in the Var département, where his grave can still be seen today. The Sorbonne offered his family a large sum of money to study his body after his death, but they refused the offer.

There is a musical based on his life that was performed in New York in 2006 called The Fartiste.
A present-day comedian employing the same effect is Mr. Methane.
A short humorous film about his life, entitled Le Petomane, starred Leonard Rossiter.
The Italian movie 'Il Petomane', starring Ugo Tognazzi gives a poetic rendition of the character, contrasting his deep longing for normalcy with the condition of 'freak' to which his act relegated him.
The 1999 Kinky Friedman novel, Spanking Watson, makes frequent reference to Le Petomane.
"Le Pétomane: Parti Avec Le Vent", a 2005 short film based on Pujol's life, stars Ben Wise. It was written, produced and directed by Steve Ochs.
Le Petomane is also a character in Sarah Bynum's 2006 novel "Madeleine is Sleeping"
In Blazing Saddles, Mel Brooks named the character he plays Governor William J. Le Petomane.
Le Petomane was the name of a character in Sarah Bynum's novel Madeleine is Sleeping.

Link Posted: 11/28/2006 8:04:29 PM EDT
Link Posted: 11/28/2006 8:08:55 PM EDT
Link Posted: 11/28/2006 8:09:06 PM EDT
Link Posted: 11/28/2006 8:09:40 PM EDT
Link Posted: 11/28/2006 8:10:13 PM EDT

There are explicit references to the virgin birth in only two places in the New Testament: the Gospels of Matthew and Luke, which are believed by many scholars to be amongst the later written parts of the New Testament (see Markan priority). The apparently older Gospel of Mark, on which Matthew and Luke are believed to be partly based, does not mention the virgin birth, and some scholars also argue from grammar and style that the first two chapters of Luke, describing the virgin birth, were a later addition to the Gospel.

In the past two millennia, there has been controversy among scholars about the translation and the meaning of a small section of Isaiah. For many scholars, the crux of the matter is the translation of the word : עלמה, `almah which has been translated as young woman and as virgin.

Is it accurate to translate עלמה (`almah) as virgin? The Greek version of the Book of Isaiah 7:14 (see below and the articles on Biblical canon, Tanakh, Septuagint and Old Testament) translates עלמה (`almah) as παρθενος (parthenos). Parthenos is conventionally translated into English as virgin.

There are two important words in Hebrew that can be translated into English as "virgin": בתולה, bethulah, and עלמה, `almah. Isaiah uses `almah in the Masoretic Text, and so conservative Christians have tried to demonstrate that the word unambiguously means "virgin", while other scholars, Christian, Jewish and otherwise, have tried to demonstrate that the word means simply "young woman", without any necessary connotation of virginity.

Link Posted: 11/28/2006 8:11:46 PM EDT
Are Encyclopedia Dramatica articles ok?
Link Posted: 11/28/2006 8:14:30 PM EDT
Link Posted: 11/28/2006 8:15:26 PM EDT
Ford Nucleon

The Ford Nucleon was a nuclear-powered concept car developed by Ford Motor Company in 1958. The car did not have an internal-combustion engine, rather, it was powered by a small nuclear reactor in the trunk of the car. The vehicle featured a power capsule suspended between twin booms at the rear. The capsule, which would contain radioactive core for motive power, was designed to be easily interchangeable, according to performance needs and the distances to be traveled.

The passenger compartment of the Nucleon featured a one-piece, pillar-less windshield and compound rear window, and was topped by a cantilever roof. There were air intakes at the leading edge of the roof and at the base of its supports. An extreme cab-forward style provided more protection to the driver and passengers from the reactor in the rear. Some pictures show the car with tailfins sweeping up from the rear fenders.

The drive train would be integral to the power module, and electronic torque converters would take the place of the drive-train used at the time. It was said that cars like the Nucleon would be able to travel 5,000 miles or more, depending on the size of the core, without recharging. Instead at the end of the core's life they would be taken to a charging station, which research designers envisioned as largely replacing gas stations. The car was never built and never went into production, but it remains an icon of the Atomic Age of the 1950s.

The mock-up of the car can be viewed at the Henry Ford Museum in Detroit, MI.


Link Posted: 11/28/2006 8:18:30 PM EDT


I'll start....I give you the infamous Milgram Experiment:


... first time I ever heard of the Milgram Experiment was here: en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Coast_to_Coast_AM
Link Posted: 11/28/2006 8:20:37 PM EDT
Link Posted: 11/28/2006 8:21:57 PM EDT


Read the book "Ordinary Men: Reserve Police Battalion 101 and the Final Solution in Poland" sometime...Link

I'll bite..

Bet you never heard of this guy:

Le Pétomane

You know, I had a buddy that could suck air in and fart at will.  Weird talent.
Link Posted: 11/28/2006 8:26:11 PM EDT
Link Posted: 11/28/2006 8:28:19 PM EDT
Link Posted: 11/28/2006 8:37:11 PM EDT

Here's an idea, find and post an interesting, little known or otherwise strange article from Wikipedia that everyone should know.

I'll start....I give you the infamous Milgram Experiment:


Wasn't there a similar experiment, with college kids simulating a prison environment, testing the willingness of guards to abuse the inmates or something?
Link Posted: 11/28/2006 8:40:14 PM EDT


Here's an idea, find and post an interesting, little known or otherwise strange article from Wikipedia that everyone should know.

I'll start....I give you the infamous Milgram Experiment:


Wasn't there a similar experiment, with college kids simulating a prison environment, testing the willingness of guards to abuse the inmates or something?

Stanford Prison Experiment:

Link Posted: 11/28/2006 8:41:56 PM EDT
Link Posted: 11/28/2006 8:48:43 PM EDT
Do a search for Isreal War

Good history lesson.
Link Posted: 11/28/2006 8:50:01 PM EDT
The Danish Jægerkorps


As a minor point, the articles says that they have not been in any firefights in Afghanistan or Iraq, but I know for a fact that is incorrect.  
Link Posted: 11/28/2006 8:53:34 PM EDT
Link Posted: 11/28/2006 8:56:30 PM EDT
One of my favorites.

Czar Bomb
Link Posted: 11/28/2006 8:57:58 PM EDT
Link Posted: 11/28/2006 9:15:25 PM EDT
Project Pluto (the "Flying Crowbar")

Pluto's namesake was Roman mythology's ruler of the underworld -- seemingly an apt inspiration for a locomotive-size missile that would travel at near-treetop level at three times the speed of sound, tossing out hydrogen bombs as it roared overhead. Pluto's designers calculated that its shock wave alone might kill people on the ground.

Link Posted: 11/28/2006 9:49:34 PM EDT
Link Posted: 11/28/2006 9:50:36 PM EDT

Puts the patriot act and wirtapping to shame and it was all done by a D admin
Link Posted: 11/28/2006 10:00:13 PM EDT
Another favorite, another weird coldwar project.


Link Posted: 11/28/2006 10:05:47 PM EDT
Link Posted: 11/28/2006 10:37:04 PM EDT
The Hawthorne Effect

By the way, awesome idea for a topic swingset.
Link Posted: 11/28/2006 10:42:45 PM EDT
On the topic of the Milgram Experiment, I think it is very fascinating to read about.

While ethics are a consideration, it really is too bad such an experiment could not be conducted today. The results would be worth it I think.
Link Posted: 11/28/2006 11:25:32 PM EDT
Since we're on the subject of interesting Cold War experiments, here's one:

SL-1 Reactor Accident

Link Posted: 11/28/2006 11:27:07 PM EDT
One of my favorite journals:


And one of my favorite articles therein:

Tastes Like Chicken?

Posits that dinosaurs probably tasted like chicken.


As a result of this study, I must conclude that cooked flavor is a result more of ancestral inheritance than of convergent evolution. Many animals taste similar because they evolved from a common ancestor that tasted that way. The meat of our argument is that "chicken-like" flavor is ancestral (that is, plesiomorphic) for birds and many other vertebrates, as well. Indeed, the emphasis on chicken in the statement "tastes like chicken" is misleading. The common ancestor of most tetrapods would have tasted similarly, if we had only been there to cook and eat it. I therefore propose that the use of "taste like chicken" be banished from common speech in favor of "tastes like tetrapod."

Link Posted: 11/29/2006 12:52:02 AM EDT

Project Pluto (the "Flying Crowbar")

Pluto's namesake was Roman mythology's ruler of the underworld -- seemingly an apt inspiration for a locomotive-size missile that would travel at near-treetop level at three times the speed of sound, tossing out hydrogen bombs as it roared overhead. Pluto's designers calculated that its shock wave alone might kill people on the ground.




This one was amazing!

Great idea for a thread
Link Posted: 11/29/2006 1:06:13 AM EDT

The Hawthorne Effect

By the way, awesome idea for a topic swingset.

I was going to post that!!! Great minds, I guess.
Link Posted: 11/29/2006 1:17:13 AM EDT

and its resultant


I still get chills when I read some of the stuff about Have Blue and the Nighthawk.


It's [disappointingly] just a stub.  There *used* to be an af.mil site that would come up in a Google search that had pictures.  Not found within search results anymore....
Link Posted: 11/29/2006 8:43:26 AM EDT


The Hawthorne Effect

By the way, awesome idea for a topic swingset.

I was going to post that!!! Great minds, I guess.

I guess we both like really cool psych/socio experiments .
Link Posted: 11/29/2006 11:24:19 AM EDT
It's a place in Austria, you know?
Link Posted: 11/29/2006 11:28:10 AM EDT
Link Posted: 11/29/2006 11:34:08 AM EDT
Link Posted: 11/29/2006 11:50:37 AM EDT


Chicks can get blue "balls"? They really need to come up with their own "slang" for that one... a chick with blue balls just sounds gross... makes me think of

Link Posted: 11/29/2006 11:54:02 AM EDT



Chicks can get blue "balls"? They really need to come up with their own "slang" for that one... a chick with blue balls just sounds gross... makes me think of


Can't you read?  It's called "pelvic congestion" in women.

Lovely sounding, don't you think?
Link Posted: 11/29/2006 2:02:08 PM EDT


It's a place in Austria, you know?

There was, I think, at one time, another companion sign that said "Bit so schnell," which I recollect meant either "not so hard" or "not so fast" (pretty sure it was the latter).

I've got it on one of these damned computers, somewheres.........
Link Posted: 11/29/2006 2:03:29 PM EDT




Chicks can get blue "balls"? They really need to come up with their own "slang" for that one... a chick with blue balls just sounds gross... makes me think of


Can't you read?  It's called "pelvic congestion" in women.

Lovely sounding, don't you think?

I've got something that oughtta break that congestion right up.
Link Posted: 11/29/2006 2:11:51 PM EDT


Notice the bottom:  Spin Off Sites

Link Posted: 11/29/2006 2:14:21 PM EDT
Bullet Proof Glass

Notice the External Links.  
Link Posted: 11/29/2006 2:17:09 PM EDT


There are also many "colorful" members of the site, such as "TheRedGoat", who is frequently "owned". Additionally, "SP1Grrl" is well known for her avatar and for being "owned" by her husband in the "team" forum.

Wow that's pretty up to date!!
Link Posted: 11/29/2006 2:33:59 PM EDT




Chicks can get blue "balls"? They really need to come up with their own "slang" for that one... a chick with blue balls just sounds gross... makes me think of


Can't you read?  It's called "pelvic congestion" in women.

Lovely sounding, don't you think?

That's not the slang term though... I could take this further... but I won't.
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