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Link Posted: 2/18/2013 4:59:12 PM EDT

Link Posted: 2/18/2013 5:02:24 PM EDT
I just saw a link in the Armalite industry forum that says DD is on our side. I'm on a crappy mobile and have trouble confiming it.

Posted Via AR15.Com Mobile
Link Posted: 2/18/2013 5:06:55 PM EDT


Do you know what their statement was?
Link Posted: 2/18/2013 5:13:10 PM EDT
Link Posted: 2/18/2013 5:30:33 PM EDT



Our stance on the 2nd Amendment.

"A well regulated militia being necessary to the security of a free state, the right of the people to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed."

The founding fathers made the right to keep and bear arms second only to the freedom of speech in the Bill of Rights. Thomas Jefferson, John Adams, George Mason, Samuel Adams and so many others, labored tirelessly to create a new nation with laws free from the tyranny of the old country. A place where the government would represent the people, not repress them.

As Americans, we have the luxury of living in a developed society where we can develop ourselves through education and critical debate. We have a responsibility to question ideas and confront issues that we have a stake in as citizens of this nation, be that the rights of yourselves or the rights of others when threatened by the state. Firearms are, first and foremost, a tool to secure your life and the lives of others, against any aggressor.

The people at Bravo Company USA and BCM support responsible private individuals having access to the same tools of civilian Law Enforcement to affect the same ends. Securing and defending ourselves, our loved ones and innocent people if the situation arises.

Link Posted: 2/18/2013 5:33:58 PM EDT
I'd like to request that we tack this thread.  Not only that, but I request that links to this thread be placed wherever relevant.

We need to show our support for companies that support us by putting our money where our mouth is.

I'm bookmarking this thread, and the companies on this list will be the ones I go shopping at first when I need or want something.
Link Posted: 2/18/2013 5:36:49 PM EDT
So, we all support CTD now?
Link Posted: 2/18/2013 5:43:06 PM EDT
So, we all support CTD now?

I told you in a different thread. Or someone. I don't. But good on them. I still won't buy anything from them becuase of their prices.
Link Posted: 2/18/2013 5:45:02 PM EDT
So BCM does not sell to areas where "civilians" cannot?
Link Posted: 2/18/2013 5:47:00 PM EDT
So BCM does not sell to areas where "civilians" cannot?

I'm curious about this also. Their response is kinda vague.
Link Posted: 2/18/2013 5:47:53 PM EDT
So, we all support CTD now?

I told you in a different thread. Or someone. I don't. But good on them. I still won't buy anything from them becuase of their prices.

I could care less about their prices.

The fact that they folded up online firearms sales immediately after Sandy Hook is what gets me going.
Link Posted: 2/18/2013 5:48:15 PM EDT
Link Posted: 2/18/2013 5:48:44 PM EDT
So, we all support CTD now?

I told you in a different thread. Or someone. I don't. But good on them. I still won't buy anything from them becuase of their prices.

I could care less about their prices.

The fact that they folded up online firearms sales immediately after Sandy Hook is what gets me going.

Works for me too. What really killed it was the edited by CTD being ruined.
Link Posted: 2/18/2013 5:48:44 PM EDT
So BCM does not sell to areas where "civilians" cannot?

I'm curious about this also. Their response is kinda vague.

To me it reads as if they are just saying we all have the right to the same rifles that Law Enforcement can buy.
Link Posted: 2/18/2013 5:49:47 PM EDT
So, we all support CTD now?

I told you in a different thread. Or someone. I don't. But good on them. I still won't buy anything from them becuase of their prices.

I could care less about their prices.

The fact that they folded up online firearms sales immediately after Sandy Hook is what gets me going.

Can we please not turn this into a I hate this company for that, blah blah blah. They fact is, is that CTD is putting their money where it matters and is helping us fight the antis
Link Posted: 2/19/2013 9:13:45 AM EDT
Another joins the fight...

Trident Armory

Sunday night, 9pm. As of this moment, all contract bids and offers, as well as any current production contracts for any and all US government agencies and affiliates by Trident Armory are null and void.
"We will no longer participate with, or work for a government where the "rights" of the people are able to be adjusted by the whim of the government".
" I will not build guns which can be used to disarm my fellow Americans"

Gun makers and gunsmiths of America, join me. Stop enabling a government who doesn't believe in our rights, save our second amendment, and save Americas freedom from tyranny.

Link Posted: 2/19/2013 9:21:52 AM EDT
does anyone have a list of the places that are still selling to leo's in ban states?
a list of places that we shouldnt buy from?
that might be just as helpful as the list of patriotic places
Link Posted: 2/19/2013 9:23:57 AM EDT
does anyone have a list of the places that are still selling to leo's in ban states?
a list of places that we shouldnt buy from?
that might be just as helpful as the list of patriotic places

Basically everyone sells to LEO's in ban states, unless they have specifically decided not to.

So all your big names like Glock, Smith and Wesson and all the little online shops. Which is why boycotting people like Armalite is retarded.
Link Posted: 2/19/2013 9:26:49 AM EDT
The CTD catalog goes straight into the recycling box as soon as I get it. I will never send them a penny.

Same here, straight from the mailbox to the trash
Link Posted: 2/19/2013 11:36:13 AM EDT
Link Posted: 2/19/2013 11:54:15 AM EDT
Effective Immediately!!

Due to the recent changes in 2nd Amendment laws that are pending or currently enforced by states across the country, the J&T Family of Companies which includes J&T Distributing, DoubleStar Corp., Ace Limited, and the DoubleStar Training Academy has been forced to reassess our policies regarding government and law enforcement sales. Effective immediately, the J&T Family of Companies will be joining other manufacturers and distributors by ceasing sales of regulated items in states that have altered the rights of citizens to keep and bear arms.

The JTFOC will no longer sell prohibited items to law enforcement agencies or any government agencies in states, counties, cities, and municipalities that have enacted restrictive gun control laws against their law abiding citizens. We hope other companies will join us with their support. We applaud those already involved with this effort to protect our 2nd Amendment rights.

-Be Victorious
Link Posted: 2/19/2013 11:55:19 AM EDT

EFI, LLC will not sell anything to the following local government agencies until their firearm and/or magazine restrictions have been repealed:
City of Chicago, Illinois
New York State
Washington, DC

EFI Policies
Link Posted: 2/19/2013 12:34:10 PM EDT
If we could get Glock, S&W, Colt and ATK this would actually have a serious impact. I'm glad all these companies are doing the right thing to various degrees but the big boys would have the antis freaking out.

I agree that bashing Armalite is stupid. Their position and BCM look the same to me. And we shouldn't bash or threaten anyone in the industry. We should support  companies that take a stand and encourage the others to follow suit. But do it respectfully and with class.

You always get more with honey than a stick. Besides, most of industry has sales into the next decade, threatening to not buy from them carries no weight. But pointing out it is in their long range interest to send a message to NY and the rest is the way to go IMHO

My .02
Link Posted: 2/19/2013 1:58:45 PM EDT

American Spirit Arms
J&T Companies
Extreme Firepower
Liberty Suppressors
Link Posted: 2/19/2013 2:02:16 PM EDT
Link Posted: 2/19/2013 2:06:56 PM EDT
This needs to be tacked.
Link Posted: 2/19/2013 3:51:27 PM EDT
DoubleStar Corporation

Facebook post.

Effective Immediately!!
Due to the recent changes in 2nd Amendment laws that are pending or currently enforced by states across the country, the J&T Family of Companies which includes J&T Distributing, DoubleStar Corp., Ace Limited, and the DoubleStar Training Academy has been forced to reassess our policies regarding government and law enforcement sales. Effective immediately, the J&T Family of Companies will be joining other manufacturers and distributors by ceasing sales of regulated items in states that have altered the rights of citizens to keep and bear arms.

The JTFOC will no longer sell prohibited items to law enforcement agencies or any government agencies in states, counties, cities, and municipalities that have enacted restrictive gun control laws against their law abiding citizens. We hope other companies will join us with their support. We applaud those already involved with this effort to protect our 2nd Amendment rights.

-Be Victorious
Link Posted: 2/19/2013 3:58:05 PM EDT
bump for a tac
Link Posted: 2/19/2013 5:09:52 PM EDT
Link Posted: 2/19/2013 5:14:40 PM EDT


I spoke to Troy at SHOT Show and they were officially the first I heard was to take this stand. I suggest someone else contact them, but I highly doubt they would have changed their stance and then add them to the list.

As for us, we can't sell much to NYers,  but will continue to treat everyone here as equals while we are still around.

I locked a "boycott" thread, so please keep this thread to those companies who are for and against this movement and all will be well. As much as I appreciate and have pushed this movement behind closed doors, I have sworn to never allow boycott threats against pro-second amendment companies on this site. If you choose to buy or not buy from them, it is entirely up to you. Having a list of pro/against should help that, but please watch how things are said and all will be well.

It's a time to fight for our survival and we must rally together unlike ever before. Stay strong. Stay focused. Stay safe.

Just because somebody sells guns and gun related products does not mean they are a pro-second amendment company. Not a call out or even naming any names, just pointing out that boycotts of certain firearms related businesses may be within those guidelines.

Link Posted: 2/19/2013 6:28:13 PM EDT
So BCM does not sell to areas where "civilians" cannot?

I'm curious about this also. Their response is kinda vague.

To me it reads as if they are just saying we all have the right to the same rifles that Law Enforcement can buy.

I posted in the BCM industry forum asking what their official stance is, earlier today.
I want to buy my next upper from them as they are a local business.
BUT I am holding off until I get clarification.
Sorry, no hotlink, on my phone.
Link Posted: 2/19/2013 6:42:49 PM EDT
I just saw a link in the Armalite industry forum that says DD is on our side. I'm on a crappy mobile and have trouble confiming it.

Posted Via AR15.Com Mobile

I saw that too. Then I was on another forum seeing how they were coping with the situation since they seem to have a lot more cops there and a guy mentioned he would cry if DD was on the list. I wanted to make him cry but I couldn't find anything at all to support it.
Link Posted: 2/19/2013 7:00:09 PM EDT
so the question is,  do we wait for our favorite companies to join the fight, or do we ask them to clarify their position.

My intention is to keep my purchases to companies that are on this list.
Link Posted: 2/19/2013 7:12:52 PM EDT
I'll follow along but just because someone takes the right stance doesn't mean they are a top tier company.

Link Posted: 2/19/2013 7:18:31 PM EDT
Has Magpul come out yet saying that they will not sell products to ban state LEO agencies or allow their distributes to do the same?
Link Posted: 2/19/2013 7:20:45 PM EDT
Has Magpul come out yet saying that they will not sell products to ban state LEO agencies or allow their distributes to do the same?

They said they wont be in a state where the citizens cannot own their product. There is no way magpul can stop their products from being sold to certain areas/people in the US
Link Posted: 2/19/2013 7:22:31 PM EDT
I'll follow along but just because someone takes the right stance doesn't mean they are a top tier company.


That is my point.  There are some excellent companies on that list,  but there are still some top class companies that we have yet to hear from. The question is will YOU e-mail your favorite company to see where they stand.  Are you willing to change your purchasing preferences based on what they say?
Link Posted: 2/19/2013 7:23:22 PM EDT
Has Magpul come out yet saying that they will not sell products to ban state LEO agencies or allow their distributes to do the same?

They said they wont be in a state where the citizens cannot own their product. There is no way magpul can stop their products from being sold to certain areas/people in the US

That is about the same stance that BCM has.
Link Posted: 2/19/2013 7:24:45 PM EDT
Has Magpul come out yet saying that they will not sell products to ban state LEO agencies or allow their distributes to do the same?

They said they wont be in a state where the citizens cannot own their product. There is no way magpul can stop their products from being sold to certain areas/people in the US

That is about the same stance that BCM has.

BCM still sells most of their stuff through their website.

Magpul is about to move their entire operation over this.
Link Posted: 2/19/2013 7:57:27 PM EDT

BCM still sells most of their stuff through their website.
Magpul is about to move their entire operation over this.
They are not going to move they are going to be run out of the state on an unconstitutional rail. Not quite the same. I've spent plenty on their stuff and like them, but let's be clear about what is happening. Lots of Pmags in the hands of the NYPD.

ETA: I'm aware they could stay and continue manufacturing if it passes. However the serial number requirement is burdensome and probably a part of their decision to move.
Link Posted: 2/19/2013 8:03:19 PM EDT


BCM still sells most of their stuff through their website.

Magpul is about to move their entire operation over this.
They are not going to move they are going to be run out of the state on an unconstitutional rail. Not quite the same. I've spent plenty on their stuff and like them, but let's be clear about what is happening. Lots of Pmags in the hands of the NYPD.


pretty much this.  

Link Posted: 2/19/2013 8:09:06 PM EDT


BCM still sells most of their stuff through their website.

Magpul is about to move their entire operation over this.
They are not going to move they are going to be run out of the state on an unconstitutional rail. Not quite the same. I've spent plenty on their stuff and like them, but let's be clear about what is happening. Lots of Pmags in the hands of the NYPD.

ETA: I'm aware they could stay and continue manufacturing if it passes. However the serial number requirement is burdensome and probably a part of their decision to move.


There is a statement out there where they said they are moving whether there is a manufacturing clause or not.

Richard Fitzpatrick, Founder, President, and CEO of Magpul Industries, said that regardless of any amendments that may be worked into the bill, he will no longer be able to continue to do business in Colorado if his core product is made illegal.

“Our company could not, in good conscience, continue to manufacture our products in a state where law-abiding citizens are prohibited from purchasing and owning them. ”
Link Posted: 2/19/2013 8:23:13 PM EDT

There is a statement out there where they said they are moving whether there is a manufacturing clause or not.
Richard Fitzpatrick, Founder, President, and CEO of Magpul Industries, said that regardless of any amendments that may be worked into the bill, he will no longer be able to continue to do business in Colorado if his core product is made illegal.

"Our company could not, in good conscience, continue to manufacture our products in a state where law-abiding citizens are prohibited from purchasing and owning them. ”
Have they and do they continue to sell and allow their distributors to sell to LEOs and departments in ban states? Yes or no. It's simple really.

ETA: Standard capacity Pmags are also banned for civilians in Denver and have been for years.

Link Posted: 2/19/2013 8:39:02 PM EDT
If you want them off the list I can take them off. Someone said to put them on thr list and after seeing that statement I did.

Also I see it as impossible for companies like magpul to do what your asking
Link Posted: 2/19/2013 8:43:56 PM EDT


If you want them off the list I can take them off. Someone said to put them on thr list and after seeing that statement I did.
Also I see it as impossible for companies like magpul to do what your asking

It probably is. It would be nice to hear them at least voice it as a policy. They are located not 20 miles from a city that bans ownership of standard Pmags for civilians. At much as I like Magpul they located in a liberal area and it finally bit them in the ass. I don't want them off the list. They easily could have said "fuck off" to civilians and they didn't.

ETA: If the list is nothing but a list of companies that don't sell to ban states I don't think Magpul should be on it. If the list is of companies that support the 2nd amendment I think they should stay. If there has been a statement from Magpul that they don't sell or contract with LEOs in ban states they should be on the list. I have not seen one.
Link Posted: 2/20/2013 6:23:46 AM EDT



Has Magpul come out yet saying that they will not sell products to ban state LEO agencies or allow their distributes to do the same?

They said they wont be in a state where the citizens cannot own their product. There is no way magpul can stop their products from being sold to certain areas/people in the US

I have a question on this, doesn't the manufacturer sell to the distributor and then the distributor sells to whomever they want?

Link Posted: 2/20/2013 6:40:23 AM EDT

Has Magpul come out yet saying that they will not sell products to ban state LEO agencies or allow their distributes to do the same?

They said they wont be in a state where the citizens cannot own their product. There is no way magpul can stop their products from being sold to certain areas/people in the US

I have a question on this, doesn't the manufacturer sell to the distributor and then the distributor sells to whomever they want?  

Link Posted: 2/20/2013 6:44:23 AM EDT
I'll follow along but just because someone takes the right stance doesn't mean they are a top tier company.


That is my point.  There are some excellent companies on that list,  but there are still some top class companies that we have yet to hear from. The question is will YOU e-mail your favorite company to see where they stand.  Are you willing to change your purchasing preferences based on what they say?

I already have been.

Link Posted: 2/20/2013 6:50:55 AM EDT
Can't the manufacturer set the rules for who their products can be sold to as a condition of you being one of their distributors? For example an LEO in NY attempts to purchase a PMAG, distributor says "Sorry we can't to you due to restrictions from Magpul"
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