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Link Posted: 1/28/2021 12:55:32 AM EDT
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The coming deadly reckoning of this Fourth Turning will require tremendous courage, guile, personal sacrifice, dreadful alternatives, survival skills, intelligence, strategic thinking, and an audacity to win at all costs. Those still caught in the mindset of voting in good guys to change the outcome are delusional, as the outcome of this past election confirmed voting does not matter.
Link Posted: 1/28/2021 12:57:32 AM EDT
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We have them surrounded.

It's all in your perspective.
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Not wrong. City vs rural.

Link Posted: 1/28/2021 12:59:49 AM EDT
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It’s because dumbasses don’t know the difference between enduring rights and permissions and privileges based on transient popular culture. They’ve traded the former for the latter. The Indians have bought the pox ridden blankets again.
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There were no pox ridden blankets.
Link Posted: 1/28/2021 1:01:38 AM EDT
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Here's another thought: except for a few immigrants who came here from places like Cambodia, Yugoslavia, nobody in America knows what it's like to live through this kind of social upheaval. As I said in the OP, it's an abstract thought exercise for 99.9% of Americans, even those of us who think we see clearly enough to know what's coming. We can cite the historical examples, but we don't know how it is to live through it. I suspect there's a feedback loop that happens, as people lose their shit and start contributing to the cycle of unrest, breeding more social disintegration.
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As the son of a Yugoslavian immigrant I agree with your comment.  While I have some friends that understand through intense self education from reading and being interested in history and geopolitics most of my friends while smart enough do not have the basic understanding of what is occurring before our eyes and how it has played out in the past.  

I have sat and had to listen to my fathers stories about Yugoslavia and its transformation.  Most people would either laugh at these stories and think that they are far fetched or that it’s is a far off land and that we are incapable of doing the same here.  Most probably can’t even tell you where the former country was on a map.

We are in for a world of hurt soon at this pace.  Bless the ones that are trying to educate others and prepare.  Soon we on the west side of the ocean will have a dark chapter written in the history books about us.  Hopefully only one chapter.
Link Posted: 1/28/2021 1:01:59 AM EDT
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It’s all in the name of this great reset bullshit. They’re lining up the cards and setting the stage.

They know exactly how people will react so they’re playing those cards.
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Maybe. They are fools, and I doubt it plays out according to their plan.
Link Posted: 1/28/2021 1:08:01 AM EDT
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That's what you think. Other facts are available. John Brown Gun Clubs. Socialist Rifle Association. And let's not forget this guy, who likely was only the tip of the iceberg:
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Overall they are the party of single women, minorities, and weak leftists. And the minorities are not as woke.

Things like the JBGC are so small as to insignificant.

Their advantage is they have the levers of power in government, while we lack leadership and comms.
Link Posted: 1/28/2021 1:11:16 AM EDT
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I'll repost this; as America is unique in one way no other country in History is.  There are men here and there is a 2nd Amendment here.
We are simply allowing them some space -- for now.  

Until we dont.  


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The White Russians had weapons.  without direction and organization, we are fucked.
Link Posted: 1/28/2021 1:13:20 AM EDT
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Phase one was disrupting comms

This is phase two
Declare domestic terrorism
Being making examples of a chosen few to create a chilling effect on the general populace

Expect emergency "laws" to be passed to lend legitimacy to the tyranny.
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Neither Ruby Ridge or Waco had a chilling effect.  It did shape tomorrow though.  More anger.
Link Posted: 1/28/2021 1:17:01 AM EDT
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BTW, I'm sure I don't have to point out that literally millions of people will die in an American collapse, whether it goes hot or just economic failure. All those folks that are alive just because of drugs or other ongoing medical intervention? That's a whole lot of people. If the dollar falls for any reason, or if political violence goes mainstream and the supply chain collapses, those folks are going under.

And that loss itself will be a trigger point: "government must do something to help! we can't just let people die!" leading to more authoritarianism and more economic squeezing. See my earlier point about mediocre leaders responding in a reactionary, short-term way.
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If America simply stops being the major naval power there will be massive impacts worldwide. Taiwan will go down. China will take what is wants. So will Russia. International commerce will plummet.
Link Posted: 1/28/2021 1:22:46 AM EDT
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The White Russians had weapons.  without direction and organization, we are fucked.
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You are wrong. Imperial Russia had to beg for rifles during ww1. They were short on arms.
Link Posted: 1/28/2021 1:23:11 AM EDT
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So what is the best real estate strategy for the coming revolution/collapse?
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I've heard it said that when there's blood in the streets, it will be a good time to buy real estate.  I have no idea how historically accurate that is, though.
Link Posted: 1/28/2021 1:25:41 AM EDT
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Spoilers? Am I the only one thinking a lot of people are reading this wrong and it is going to be turning out much differently than many in here think?
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I keep coming back to Dr. Zhivago, but it’s not identical.
Link Posted: 1/28/2021 1:36:35 AM EDT
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Maybe I'm an idiot, but I'm praying that with the warp speed Biden/Dems/Libtards are unraveling this country... that next elections (mid-term in 2 or presidential in 4) people just vote them out and/or finally push back on the election fraud...when they realize they were sold a bunch of crap
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Have you noticed that voting is a  compléat farce now, or did you miss that bit?
Link Posted: 1/28/2021 3:09:56 AM EDT
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Neither Ruby Ridge or Waco had a chilling effect.  It did shape tomorrow though.  More anger.
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They happened in a different time.
A long time ago, a long time ago indeed...
Link Posted: 1/28/2021 3:23:40 AM EDT
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I wish i had a counter argument.I don't.
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I’m fresh out of arguments.
Link Posted: 1/28/2021 4:24:08 AM EDT
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True, and this is one of the little factors underneath it. Every generation in America did a bit better than the one before. Until now. I heard on the radio this week about how millennials are the first generation to have it worse than their parents, and I believe it. There's a lot of pieces to the puzzle, you can't just shrug it off as millennials are lazy, entitled morons who made bad choices. Offshoring America's wealth for global "free trade" helped make that mess, too, reducing opportunities.

Then there's the social progress America has made, which leaves little undone. I somewhere read that when a society has erased most of its injustice, it starts to make mountains out of molehills, and elevate what had been really minor things to the level of major social injustice. See today's emphasis on "white nationalist extremism." There really isn't any such thing as white bigotry in any meaningful sense, but society focuses on the little things and makes normal people out to be monsters when they didn't do anything wrong.
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...And Lenny Bruce IS now afraid.

Imagine that! If Lenny Bruce was alive and performed in front of a large audience he would offend,and likely be censored by,social justice leftists. I find that ironic.

Those that once championed free expression and free speech are now the ones hellbent on suppression, censorship, and elimination of provocative opinion in the name of _ _ _ _ "ism."

Quite a flip.
Link Posted: 1/28/2021 4:40:05 AM EDT
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US Culture, and truly civilization a whole, looks like it peaked in the late 90s and we're just in for a downward slide until death.
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Link Posted: 1/28/2021 4:47:03 AM EDT
So how do we win? If communists have taken over so many countries

How do they get that strong?
How do we beat them?
Link Posted: 1/28/2021 4:50:05 AM EDT
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Any history major who studied actual history and not leftist programming knows exactly what movie they’re watching right now.
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What movie are we watching?

What is going to happen?
Link Posted: 1/28/2021 4:56:30 AM EDT
This video sends chills down my back.
We do what we do, nothing has changed.

History of the World: Every Year
Link Posted: 1/28/2021 4:59:04 AM EDT
Only a major chapter if we win.  The next four years might decide if these events fade to dust when the last one of us alive today dies.
Link Posted: 1/28/2021 7:14:49 AM EDT
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I'll repost this; as America is unique in one way no other country in History is.  There are men here and there is a 2nd Amendment here.
We are simply allowing them some space -- for now.  

Until we dont.  


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Blah, blah, blah. No one is gonna do shit. And those who might be contemplating it are almost certainly already under surveillance.

There has never been a situation like this before, because no fascist or communist regime has ever had a national security, military, and surveillance apparatus like we have just handed to them on a silver platter. When you combine their capabilities with that of the tech giants, you can't even take a shit without them knowing. Literally.

You can't communicate unless they allow you to. They can shut it off any time they want.

You can't organize effectively, because they can either shut off or monitor all of your communications. You have one of their monitoring devices in your pocket or on your desk right next to you right now, and you never leave home without it.

It doesn't make one fuck or difference if you're the most heavily armed man on the planet. You won't be able to use it effectively.

It doesn't matter if there are more of us, or whether we have more guns. Because they can organize and operate freely, and you can't. They can mass their manpower and firepower, and you can't. They'll drag you out of your house at 4am any day they want and there isn't shit you can do about it.

They have every tool that they need to smother any insurgency in the crib. And they have the ability to print trillions of dollars to make it happen. You don't.

Frankly, if those in the military and law enforcement (federal, mostly) still had any integrity, they could stop this. But since we have no political leadership, no one is willing to stick their necks out. So everyone will just follow orders and try to keep their heads down. We do't have a Franco to pull our asses out of the fire. Our generals are all politicians, and our politicians are all swamp rats.

Yes, we all know this is happening. And no, there's nothing we can do to stop it.

Except, you know... We'Ll gEt ThEm In 2022, dOnT fOrGeT tO vOtE!
Link Posted: 1/28/2021 8:58:37 AM EDT
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Blah, blah, blah. No one is gonna do shit. And those who might be contemplating it are almost certainly already under surveillance.

There has never been a situation like this before, because no fascist or communist regime has ever had a national security, military, and surveillance apparatus like we have just handed to them on a silver platter. When you combine their capabilities with that of the tech giants, you can't even take a shit without them knowing. Literally.

You can't communicate unless they allow you to. They can shut it off any time they want.

You can't organize effectively, because they can either shut off or monitor all of your communications. You have one of their monitoring devices in your pocket or on your desk right next to you right now, and you never leave home without it.

It doesn't make one fuck or difference if you're the most heavily armed man on the planet. You won't be able to use it effectively.

It doesn't matter if there are more of us, or whether we have more guns. Because they can organize and operate freely, and you can't. They can mass their manpower and firepower, and you can't. They'll drag you out of your house at 4am any day they want and there isn't shit you can do about it.

They have every tool that they need to smother any insurgency in the crib. And they have the ability to print trillions of dollars to make it happen. You don't.

Frankly, if those in the military and law enforcement (federal, mostly) still had any integrity, they could stop this. But since we have no political leadership, no one is willing to stick their necks out. So everyone will just follow orders and try to keep their heads down. We do't have a Franco to pull our asses out of the fire. Our generals are all politicians, and our politicians are all swamp rats.

Yes, we all know this is happening. And no, there's nothing we can do to stop it.

Except, you know... We'Ll gEt ThEm In 2022, dOnT fOrGeT tO vOtE!
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Command, control, and communications aren't boots on the ground. When a community is organized and dedicated to liberal principles (small L), who can say what happens? Surely, there aren't so many Americans who are okay with authoritarianism that there wouldn't be a fierce contest.

Get out and help take over your local Republican party. They already have some network and infrastructure in place. Get the Reps going toward conserving America's traditional values - liberty, justice, equality. Don't give up the ship.
Link Posted: 1/28/2021 9:24:30 AM EDT
I am told we are going to “Build back better”.

This phrase is being used globally.

It feels to me that there is a worldwide struggle underway and I do not believe that the “good guys” are going to roll over and surrender.

Time will tell but I’m not giving up.
Link Posted: 1/28/2021 9:53:37 AM EDT
If the left comes to murder you and you resist them, just know that you will be labeled the murder/terrorist/white supremacist/racist/NAZI/Traitor, regardless if there is zero evidence supporting such assertions.

Any reputation that you may have had will be drug through the mud.

The only solace you will have is dying with the knowledge that you were right and they are lying. Maybe you believe god knows this. Maybe you believe it is an unknown event recorded on the block universe. Either way, the sooner you realize it doesn't matter what people think of you once you are gone (especially uninformed/brainwashed morons of the present or future), the better off you'll be.
Link Posted: 1/28/2021 9:54:24 AM EDT
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I'm pretty sure the prince (Dipendra?) killed his family, but maybe you're talking about something different?
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I was living in Nepal in the '90s when the Maoists slowly took control. First on the village level then winning national elections. After they murdered the royal family, they assumed absolute power in the resulting political vacuum.

My point is, nobody sees it happening until it already has.

I'm pretty sure the prince (Dipendra?) killed his family, but maybe you're talking about something different?

It's a good story isn't it? A epic tale of tragic LOVE worthy of the Ramayana itself. It is the story that the Maoist investigators issued, the State controlled media endorsed and the surviving Royals collaborated as they voluntarily dissolved the monarchy and backed the Maoist regime.

In other news, there was an armed insurrection at the U.S. Capitol. 26,000 Federal troops were required in order to keep White Supremists from paddling military grade kayaks up the Potomac to stop the inauguration! (I'm not making this shit up) https://www.insideedition.com/national-guard-plagued-by-covid-19-outbreak-fears-of-right-wing-militia-ties-ahead-of-inauguration

Link Posted: 1/28/2021 10:28:41 AM EDT
The left is truly ignorant of reality. I wish I could make a meme of a midget kicking the shit out of a 100 lb. junk yard dog taking a nap and the resulting carnage. MAYBE they could understand the game they're playing. The left is also TERRIBLE at math. IIRC the approximate ratio of cops to citizens is about 1000 to 1. Can they not see the writing on the wall in terms of force on force? Apparently not.
I get out and around a bit in a very rural area on a steady basis. I see young men and middle aged men and even a few elders in Tractor Supply, the feed store, the hardware store, the grocery store and more. These people are always "on a mission" and moving quickly going about solving their problem of the day. Many are fairly large with callouses and vigor.

I've also been in urban areas watching the same groups of people doing their daily stuff. TWO DIFFERENT IMAGES entirely come to mind. Skinny armed clean prim and proper men picking through albums/CDs/games and asking who's the "best" handyman in town. The folks I see in the rural areas can kill a feral hog with a shovel, skin it, grill it and eat it. The ones in the urban areas call 911 if they see a stray dog. It may be a party with lots of empty chairs when it's done.
Link Posted: 1/28/2021 10:35:26 AM EDT
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Yes, but it was a period of radical social change, precipitated by extreme "progressive" policies like "land reform" and attacking organized religion. In Spain, the Whites won instead of the Reds, a rare exception. But there was still a massive social upheaval that nobody got through unscathed. People fleeing the country to avoid the conflict, people getting conscripted into one or the other side's armies, propaganda on both sides, social disintegration. We've stepped from the ladder to the top of the slide. Get ready to take a ride!
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  When I get to the bottom I go back to the top of the slide    
   Where I stop and I turn and I go for a ride

  Something something HELTER SKELTER!!!
Link Posted: 1/28/2021 11:45:41 AM EDT
I watched fight club last night, and realized the entire movie is impossible, from getting on a flight with glycerine soap, to organizing, to project mayhem etc.
the surveillance state would crush that world.
Link Posted: 1/28/2021 12:12:08 PM EDT
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The left is truly ignorant of reality. I wish I could make a meme of a midget kicking the shit out of a 100 lb. junk yard dog taking a nap and the resulting carnage. MAYBE they could understand the game they're playing. The left is also TERRIBLE at math. IIRC the approximate ratio of cops to citizens is about 1000 to 1. Can they not see the writing on the wall in terms of force on force? Apparently not.
I get out and around a bit in a very rural area on a steady basis. I see young men and middle aged men and even a few elders in Tractor Supply, the feed store, the hardware store, the grocery store and more. These people are always "on a mission" and moving quickly going about solving their problem of the day. Many are fairly large with callouses and vigor.

I've also been in urban areas watching the same groups of people doing their daily stuff. TWO DIFFERENT IMAGES entirely come to mind. Skinny armed clean prim and proper men picking through albums/CDs/games and asking who's the "best" handyman in town. The folks I see in the rural areas can kill a feral hog with a shovel, skin it, grill it and eat it. The ones in the urban areas call 911 if they see a stray dog. It may be a party with lots of empty chairs when it's done.
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This mentality is rife at arfcom. And it's badly wrong. The skinny, tattooed guy with the man bun is going to be the one pointing a gun at the head of the strong, self-reliant man kneeling at the ditch. Because the latter just wants to live his own life, isn't invested in politics, isn't on board with "movements" or social reform; whereas the former is highly motivated, deeply invested in an urgent political movement, dedicated to a social cause greater than himself. Those self-reliant folks need to start forming groups, joining with like-minded people. Change is coming. You need to get a grip on how you intend to go through that change; just trying to live your life, or banding together with people who share your values. The Left is committed to changing reality to match their vision. Conservatives don't even see that, IMO.
Link Posted: 1/28/2021 12:40:53 PM EDT
This socialist movement is being lead by the weak: feminists and girly men. They will need an army of like-minded militants to impose their will by force on America but previous violent socialist's movements had strong men in their ranks while in America those same strong men are the socialist's targets.  They will be ignored and there will be civil disobedience and they will be powerless to do anything about it.

If you are wetting your pants about the prospect of the weak dominating the strong than maybe you should count yourselves among the ranks of the weak.  Socialists in America are all bark and zero bite.  Threats without consequences are nothing.  The pen is mightier than the sword only as long as the sword allows it...
Link Posted: 1/28/2021 12:52:20 PM EDT
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You are wrong. Imperial Russia had to beg for rifles during ww1. They were short on arms.
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Watching Enemy at the Gates and when the Russians hand out weapons to the soldiers and some soldiers get weapons and some only get a clip of ammo.  Sobering to have to go into battle and you can't even defend yourself.  

Never, Never give up your weapons.  Die before you do.
Link Posted: 1/28/2021 12:57:24 PM EDT
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It’s all in the name of this great reset bullshit. They’re lining up the cards and setting the stage.

They know exactly how people will react so they’re playing those cards.
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The people in power are trying to rein in the general population. The internet has allowed people great freedom, access to information, and autonomy.

They are using social media to control people, like a sheep dog herds sheep.

The question is will people allow it to happen, or will they resist.

If they allow it 1984 will no longer be a work of fiction.

If they resist it will be the french revolution on a global scale. All politicians, bankers, etc...will have no where to run and will put in line for the guillotine.

I think this is partly because what is happening is on a global scale, this is not nazi germany or communist russia where you can flee to a free nation for a better life. There is now here to run. The US and Europe are no longer safe havens.
Link Posted: 1/28/2021 1:15:35 PM EDT
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There is no place to escape to.
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Link Posted: 1/28/2021 1:20:58 PM EDT
The left will make sure the immigrants are allowed in. Do they have a function in what is happening? A lot of younger males with no political leanings. They just need a paycheck to determine who they align with. If not the actual  oppressors they will fill job vacancies as we are eliminated.
Link Posted: 1/28/2021 1:28:24 PM EDT
Link Posted: 1/28/2021 1:42:36 PM EDT
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And, it's not just us. By 2050 the CCP wants to be the world's preeminant economy.  It will need Taiwan to have it's sense of completion.  There is no better time than when the US is in turmoil.

Iran desparately wants to unify its people.  The best way to do that is to attack Israel.  Israel knows that, and has promised to attack Iran pre-emptively if we rejoin the Iran nuclear deal.  There is no better time for Iran to attack Israel, and likewise no better time for Israel to attack Iran.

So, we're looking at a spectacular time for world turmoil.
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Apparently they now plan to overtake us within the next 10 years. In CNN of all places, too:


And they almost certainly will. Unless the U.S. does an abrupt about face on many fronts...and right now the opposite is happening.

This will have a massive effect on not just the U.S., but on the entire world. I don't get too into the big brother/deep state ideas. It's the right there in the open, plain-as-day shift in global wealth and power that will drive upcoming historic changes. We are likely on the verge of a significant event in world history that is the end of the U.S. era and the start of the era in which China is world hegemon.

RIP Pax Americana.

Link Posted: 1/28/2021 1:49:10 PM EDT
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I'm probably not being very clear, trying to say the Commies (and future commies) are thinking this time will be different, Socialism will miraculously work.
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No, it was just run by the GRU
Link Posted: 1/28/2021 2:08:37 PM EDT
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"Right wing extremist" is a relative term, not an objectively fixed term. Relative to the Khmer Rouge, self-reliant, free-thinking people who just want to go about their daily lives with their families are "right wing extremists." It doesn't even matter what the pejorative term is; the authoritarians demonize the "other," and put them in mass graves. There are countless examples. Human history is a continuous series of bloodbaths. The post-war peace is an exception. Humanity may be about to revert back to the mean.

Am I over-stating the case? You can't prove that. Normalcy bias is a pretty big thing. Am I grossly mistaken? Maybe, but when the ruling party is following the National Socialist playbook to a T, you'd have to find evidence to prove me wrong. I don't think I'm misrepresenting human history or human nature, not at all. Am I totally out of touch with reality? No, I've seen the things Dems say about evil, hateful, bigoted Republicans, and I've seen the violence in the streets. If anything, the people pretending everything isn't that far from normal are the ones out of touch with reality, what people are actually saying and doing. I think. Time will tell...
Link Posted: 1/28/2021 2:16:48 PM EDT
"When I despair, I remember that throughout history the way of truth and love has always won.  There have been tyrants and murderers, and for a time they can seem invincible.  But in the end, they always fall......think of it......always."

Link Posted: 1/28/2021 2:17:56 PM EDT
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This socialist movement is being lead by the weak: feminists and girly men. They will need an army of like-minded militants to impose their will by force on America but previous violent socialist's movements had strong men in their ranks while in America those same strong men are the socialist's targets.  They will be ignored and there will be civil disobedience and they will be powerless to do anything about it.

If you are wetting your pants about the prospect of the weak dominating the strong than maybe you should count yourselves among the ranks of the weak.  Socialists in America are all bark and zero bite.  Threats without consequences are nothing.  The pen is mightier than the sword only as long as the sword allows it...
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This socialist movement is being lead by the weak: feminists and girly men. They will need an army of like-minded militants to impose their will by force on America but previous violent socialist's movements had strong men in their ranks while in America those same strong men are the socialist's targets.  They will be ignored and there will be civil disobedience and they will be powerless to do anything about it.

If you are wetting your pants about the prospect of the weak dominating the strong than maybe you should count yourselves among the ranks of the weak.  Socialists in America are all bark and zero bite.  Threats without consequences are nothing.  The pen is mightier than the sword only as long as the sword allows it...

Experience says otherwise.

That incident is a perfect microcosm of the larger movements. Freedom-loving patriots show up to fly flags and speak out. Leftists advance and attack.

I'm going with misdirection in the quoted post, intentional misdirection to reinforce normalcy bias and forestall actions toward self-preservation. "Bah, ignore them, they can't do anything, go about your lives as you were."
“You may not be interested in war, but war is interested in you.”

? Leon Trotsky
Link Posted: 1/28/2021 2:18:54 PM EDT
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"Right wing extremist" is a relative term, not an objectively fixed term. Relative to the Khmer Rouge, self-reliant, free-thinking people who just want to go about their daily lives with their families are "right wing extremists." It doesn't even matter what the pejorative term is; the authoritarians demonize the "other," and put them in mass graves. There are countless examples. Human history is a continuous series of bloodbaths. The post-war peace is an exception. Humanity may be about to revert back to the mean.

Am I over-stating the case? You can't prove that. Normalcy bias is a pretty big thing. Am I grossly mistaken? Maybe, but when the ruling party is following the National Socialist playbook to a T, you'd have to find evidence to prove me wrong. I don't think I'm misrepresenting human history or human nature, not at all. Am I totally out of touch with reality? No, I've seen the things Dems say about evil, hateful, bigoted Republicans, and I've seen the violence in the streets. If anything, the people pretending everything isn't that far from normal are the ones out of touch with reality, what people are actually saying and doing. I think. Time will tell...
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Beware of Leftists bearing blue plastic bags

Link Posted: 1/28/2021 2:20:18 PM EDT
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If it is “speed of change” you want, you are about to get it.

In spades.
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Link Posted: 1/28/2021 2:45:22 PM EDT
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Blah, blah, blah. No one is gonna do shit. And those who might be contemplating it are almost certainly already under surveillance.

There has never been a situation like this before, because no fascist or communist regime has ever had a national security, military, and surveillance apparatus like we have just handed to them on a silver platter. When you combine their capabilities with that of the tech giants, you can't even take a shit without them knowing. Literally.

You can't communicate unless they allow you to. They can shut it off any time they want.

You can't organize effectively, because they can either shut off or monitor all of your communications. You have one of their monitoring devices in your pocket or on your desk right next to you right now, and you never leave home without it.

It doesn't make one fuck or difference if you're the most heavily armed man on the planet. You won't be able to use it effectively.

It doesn't matter if there are more of us, or whether we have more guns. Because they can organize and operate freely, and you can't. They can mass their manpower and firepower, and you can't. They'll drag you out of your house at 4am any day they want and there isn't shit you can do about it.

They have every tool that they need to smother any insurgency in the crib. And they have the ability to print trillions of dollars to make it happen. You don't.

Frankly, if those in the military and law enforcement (federal, mostly) still had any integrity, they could stop this. But since we have no political leadership, no one is willing to stick their necks out. So everyone will just follow orders and try to keep their heads down. We do't have a Franco to pull our asses out of the fire. Our generals are all politicians, and our politicians are all swamp rats.

Yes, we all know this is happening. And no, there's nothing we can do to stop it.

Except, you know... We'Ll gEt ThEm In 2022, dOnT fOrGeT tO vOtE!
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I'll repost this; as America is unique in one way no other country in History is.  There are men here and there is a 2nd Amendment here.
We are simply allowing them some space -- for now.  

Until we dont.  


Blah, blah, blah. No one is gonna do shit. And those who might be contemplating it are almost certainly already under surveillance.

There has never been a situation like this before, because no fascist or communist regime has ever had a national security, military, and surveillance apparatus like we have just handed to them on a silver platter. When you combine their capabilities with that of the tech giants, you can't even take a shit without them knowing. Literally.

You can't communicate unless they allow you to. They can shut it off any time they want.

You can't organize effectively, because they can either shut off or monitor all of your communications. You have one of their monitoring devices in your pocket or on your desk right next to you right now, and you never leave home without it.

It doesn't make one fuck or difference if you're the most heavily armed man on the planet. You won't be able to use it effectively.

It doesn't matter if there are more of us, or whether we have more guns. Because they can organize and operate freely, and you can't. They can mass their manpower and firepower, and you can't. They'll drag you out of your house at 4am any day they want and there isn't shit you can do about it.

They have every tool that they need to smother any insurgency in the crib. And they have the ability to print trillions of dollars to make it happen. You don't.

Frankly, if those in the military and law enforcement (federal, mostly) still had any integrity, they could stop this. But since we have no political leadership, no one is willing to stick their necks out. So everyone will just follow orders and try to keep their heads down. We do't have a Franco to pull our asses out of the fire. Our generals are all politicians, and our politicians are all swamp rats.

Yes, we all know this is happening. And no, there's nothing we can do to stop it.

Except, you know... We'Ll gEt ThEm In 2022, dOnT fOrGeT tO vOtE!

he gets it, Im sorry to say
Link Posted: 1/28/2021 3:33:38 PM EDT
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This socialist movement is being lead by the weak: feminists and girly men. They will need an army of like-minded militants to impose their will by force on America but previous violent socialist's movements had strong men in their ranks while in America those same strong men are the socialist's targets.  They will be ignored and there will be civil disobedience and they will be powerless to do anything about it.

If you are wetting your pants about the prospect of the weak dominating the strong than maybe you should count yourselves among the ranks of the weak.  Socialists in America are all bark and zero bite.  Threats without consequences are nothing.  The pen is mightier than the sword only as long as the sword allows it...
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The problem that we now face is that those feminists and girly men command an entire army of manly men who will follow orders and do what they're told in order to stay out of prison and keep their pensions. They command not only that army, but also a national security and surveillance apparatus that would make Heinrich Himmler blush. And now that government and the tech giants are effectively working in concert, their surveillance capabilities are closer to omniscient than we've ever seen.

It's not Antifa or the Redneck Revolt assholes you have to worry about now. It's the entire US military, the FBI, the CIA, the DHS, and the NSA that you're talking about. When they come to your house at 4am and drag you out of your bed in front of your wife and kids, they won't send Antifa to do it...

Oh, and when the laws make it inconvenient, you'll also have the Five eyes to worry about. Why do you think Canada is designating the Proud Boys a terrorist group? That's got Five Eyes all over it.

The game has changed. The enemy has... been upgraded.

Link Posted: 1/28/2021 3:35:46 PM EDT
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It's incredible and sad that we know it's happening and still can't manage aren't willing to stop it.

I watched zero dark thirty today bc i have no life. It makes me proud of team america and grateful for having the best intelligence and special forces on our side. But I couldn't stop thinking about how scary it was that assets like the cia and seals could be turned inward on all of us one day. And in the case of the cia, they already have been, like with the spying on trump.
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We can absolutely stop this if we care to.

But we don't love freedom enough.
Link Posted: 1/28/2021 3:39:20 PM EDT
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It’s because dumbasses don’t know the difference between enduring rights and permissions and privileges based on transient popular culture. They’ve traded the former for the latter. The Indians have bought the pox ridden blankets again.
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Honestly, I'm not a fan.

US Culture, and truly civilization a whole, looks like it peaked in the late 90s and we're just in for a downward slide until death.

Things were always getting better every year the first two decades of my life but since ~2000 everything has stayed the same or gotten worse. Cosmetic changes and variety, but that's it. We're stuck.

It’s because dumbasses don’t know the difference between enduring rights and permissions and privileges based on transient popular culture. They’ve traded the former for the latter. The Indians have bought the pox ridden blankets again.

"But abortion, heroin, and assigned housing are all free, now; why aren't things getting better?  Why can't I do anything but get high and maybe work?"
Link Posted: 1/28/2021 3:45:39 PM EDT
Get ready to party like its 1789. Or 1860. Or 1917. Or 1936.

Something will give somewhere, there are too many moving parts, and when whatever is going to happen starts, it will happen fast.

Link Posted: 1/28/2021 3:57:46 PM EDT
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As the son of a Yugoslavian immigrant I agree with your comment.  While I have some friends that understand through intense self education from reading and being interested in history and geopolitics most of my friends while smart enough do not have the basic understanding of what is occurring before our eyes and how it has played out in the past.  

I have sat and had to listen to my fathers stories about Yugoslavia and its transformation.  Most people would either laugh at these stories and think that they are far fetched or that it’s is a far off land and that we are incapable of doing the same here.  Most probably can’t even tell you where the former country was on a map.

We are in for a world of hurt soon at this pace.  Bless the ones that are trying to educate others and prepare.  Soon we on the west side of the ocean will have a dark chapter written in the history books about us.  Hopefully only one chapter.
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My father also knew the reality of communism, and escaped Hungary in 1957. I never got the full story, but I know he was jailed for a year, and I think he was in the 56 uprising. His description of his homeland seemed like another world. Today, I see it here.

I've also known a lot of people over the years who fled the former USSR in the early 90s. Their stories too were all similar, and their shared experiences all are remarkably similar to what is happening here now.

I still hope we can find a way out of where we are heading, but my hope diminishes with each day. We're still not at the point of no return, but its approaching.
Link Posted: 1/28/2021 5:00:55 PM EDT
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My father also knew the reality of communism, and escaped Hungary in 1957. I never got the full story, but I know he was jailed for a year, and I think he was in the 56 uprising. His description of his homeland seemed like another world. Today, I see it here.

I've also known a lot of people over the years who fled the former USSR in the early 90s. Their stories too were all similar, and their shared experiences all are remarkably similar to what is happening here now.

I still hope we can find a way out of where we are heading, but my hope diminishes with each day. We're still not at the point of no return, but its approaching.
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Oh, see, that's where you're wrong.

The Dems are already deep into their modern Enabling Acts. I'm not saying there will be one all-powerful dictator, but certainly one-party rule is the intended outcome. DC and Puerto Rico statehood flips the Senate. Biden has a commission examining whether there should be judicial "reforms" (court packing at the USSC and all the circuits). The Dems intend to get what they have in California for the whole country. By all means, if there's a way to stop what's coming, please share. Once they enact their "reforms," it will be over. Several Rep Senators don't mind supporting Dems, but try to find a Dem Senator that will vote against their party. They are pushing that Overton window hard.
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