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Posted: 8/1/2022 11:08:50 AM EDT
Based off the participation in the Eli Dickens Drill thread i am starting a monthly pistol drill challenge. Each month ill post a new drill and video example. Ill also update a leader board with participant results that posted a video or pix of their shooting. Suggestions for other drill is appreciated. Get out and shoot!

August 2022 monthly drill:

F.A.S.T. (Fundamentals, Accuracy, & Speed Test)

designed by Todd Green

Range: 7 yards
Target: 3×5 card (head), 8" circle or A zone of USPSA target (body)
Start position: weapon concealed or in duty condition with all holster retention devices active; shooter facing downrange in relaxed stance with arms down at sides
Rounds fired: 6

Shooter loads gun with a total of two rounds. On start signal, shooter draws and fires two rounds at the head target; performs a slidelock reload; and fires four rounds at the body target.


10+ seconds: Novice
less than 10 seconds: Intermediate
less than 7 seconds: Advanced
less than 5 seconds: Expert
If shooter is using a retention holster and flap (covered) magazine pouches, subtract 0.5 seconds from the recorded time. If shooter is using an open-top retention holster (e.g., Blackhawk SERPA or Safariland ALS) with no concealment, add 0.50 seconds to the recorded time.

August Results:

@Henny                   P365XL 507K                            8.18s
@Henny                   G19 RMR                                  6.19s
@GunsAndGoats       Shadow Systems XR920 w/ 507  6.52s
@Evnash                  LCP Max                                  10.00s 1 miss
@Evnash                  P365 XL 507K                           5.91s
@Evnash                  Arex Delta 507K                        6.15s
@Evnash                  M&P9 507K                              5.65s
@Lurk-king              XDM9 sub                                 7.44s 2 miss
@03RN                   1911 SA loaded 6390ALS            5.85s
@Evnash                 P80 507K                                  4.90s
@Henny                  43X w/ Swampfox  Sentinel         6.09s
@henny                  48 w/ Holosun 507K                   6.10s
@grey50beast         CZ P07 MPS                               5.46s
@Kabic                   Sar CM9 GLS                              9.36s
@Kabic                  CZ 2075 RAMI                            15.76s
@MikeyCNY            P365XL                                      9.02s
@GunsAndGoats     G48                                           6.67s
@GunsAndGoats     VP9 with Holosun                        6.49s
@steve8140           G19 with a RM06                         6.11s
@Gunnie357          Super 38 Commander                  7.01s 1 miss
@Notcalifornialegal Beretta 92a1                               6.71s 1 miss
@45-Seventy          CZ Custom SDP/Holosun 507k      4.16s
@RazorEdge            Sig 320 X5 Legion/DPP               5.87s
@11boomboom      M18                                           4.94s
@Fooboy               G19 gen 5 with RMR                     5.69s
@LewdyMcshootie   G19 w/ Acro                               5.74s
@grey50beast         P365                                         7.1s
@0627Devildog                                                       5.62s
@74novaman          CZ PCR                                     8.18s
@74novaman          Glock 19 with RMR                     6.78s
@CoreShot              Kimber 1911                             5.97s
@Davidrw5150        P80 w/ optic                              9.39s

September 2022 monthly drill:

Wilson 5x5 skills test
Drill calls out a IDPA target but you can use an USPSA target as well. +0.5s for C zone hits, +1.5s for D zone hits
Concealment is optional.

Start Shooting Better Episode 11: Wilson 5x5 Skill Test

September Results

@Fooboy       g19 gen 5 with RMR and Streamlight      21.28s
@Henny        G19 RMR                                              23.50s
@evnash       P365XL holosun                                    19.56s
@evnash       Archon Type B                                      22.05s
@evnash       P7 PSP                                                 23.00s
@74novaman          CZ PCR                                       23.99s
@74novaman          Glock 19 with RMR                       28.08s
@CoreShot             Kimber 1911                               18.33s
@11boomboom      Sig M18 red dot                            20.17s
@03RN                  SpringFeild 1911                          20s
@RazorEdge           320X5 Legion                              18.18s

October 2022 Drill
The ASP 10-Round Skill Check

Gun must be holstered and concealed. Shooting from open carry adds .35 seconds to the time recorded, excepting duty holsters with level 2 retention or above.
Target is 7 yards away
Scoring is “Virginia” style, meaning no make up shots are allowed. Extra shots are penalized -10 points. Hits are scored according to USPSA Minor Power Factor, I.e. 5 for A zone, 3 for B or C zone, 1 for D zone. Total points possible are 50 points, divided by total time for all four stages, giving hit factor. Take hit factor and multiply by 12.5 to normalize scores to 100 point system.Starting position for all stages may be hands at sides, hands at defensive fence, or “fig leaf” without grasping the cover garment. Strong side, AIWB, pocket carry, or ankle carry are all acceptable carry locations.
Stage 1 (Draw to first shot):Draw and fire one shot, center mass. Record time and points.Repeat one time for a total of 2 rounds fired.
Stage 2 (Dave Spaulding Skill on Demand Drill):Draw and fire 2 shots to the head. Record time and points.
Stage 3 (Bill Drill, made by Bill Wilson):Draw and fire 6 shots, center mass. Record time and points.
Scoring: 1.Add total points. (50 points are possible)2.Add total time on all four stages.3.Divide total points by total time.4.Multiply score by 12.5 to normalize to 100 point system.

Standards:1.Competent CCW (learning pistol craft): 25-49.92.
Professional: 50-74.993.
Advanced (highly competent professional firearms carrier): 75-99.994.
Master (highly developed skill set): 100+

Theoretical breakdowns:To achieve the standards, the following times are estimates of what the student should expect to be able to get A-zone hits:
Stage 1 (draw to first shot):1.Beginner: 3.0 seconds2.Intermediate: 2.0 seconds3.Advanced: 1.4 seconds4.Master: 1.0 second
Stage 2 (Skill on Demand)1.Beginner: 7.0 seconds (4.0 draw to first shot, 3.0 second shot)2.Intermediate: 4.0 seconds (2.5 draw to first shot, 1.5 second shot)3.Advanced: 2.5 seconds (1.75 draw to first shot, 0.75 second shot)4.Master: 2.0 seconds (1.5 draw to first shot, 0.5 second shot)
Stage 3 (Bill Drill)1.Beginner: 12.5 seconds (3.5 draw to first shot, 1.8 follow up shots)2.Intermediate: 5.0 seconds (2.0 draw to first shot, 0.6 follow up shots)3.Advanced: 3.0 seconds (1.25 draw to first shot, .35 follow up shots)4.Master: 2.25 seconds (1.0 draw to first shot, .25 follow up shots

The ASP 10-Round Skill Check (Original Drill)

Oct results:
@evnash              P365XL w. 507k       71 pts
@evnash              Tisas Hi Power         64 pts
@evnash              LCP Max                  53 pts
@Coreshot           Kimber1911             80 pts
@RazorEdge         320X5 Legion          68 pts
@11boomboom    Sig M18 red dot       68 pts
@Henny              G19.5 MOS w/ RMR  67 pts
@Gunnie357       Government 38 Super 64 pts
@Gunnie357       Delta Elite                 60 pts
@03RN               1911                       80 pts

November 2022 Drill

Point 1 Tactical Cold Standard V2

from concealment, 6 rounds in the mag, Starting at 3 yards, hands at the "high thoracic" ready position, while retreating, fire 6 rounds to the center rectangle. Then you will stop movement, perform a slide lock reload, fire 2 rounds into each of the Howitzer logos at the bottom (4 rounds total), and then initiate movement forward toward the target and fire 1 round into each of the Point 1 Tactics logos at the top, while moving. Time standard is 11.5 seconds to pass and 8 seconds for the Expert time. Must be shot clean to pass.

Drill can be printed here:

If you cant print you can draw it out yourself. Center box is 9"x 3 5/8" . Bottom circles are 1 5/8" and top circles are 1 1/4"  .

Point 1 Tactics Pistol Cold Standard V2

November results

@CoreShot        Kimber 1911            10:83s
@03RN             1911                       12:11s 2 M
@Henny            G19.5 MOS  RMR     10:72s
@evnash          M&P9 507K              8.91s
@11boomboom                               9.3s 1 miss

December 2022 Drill

ASP 10 Round Skills check Version 2
shot from concealment for both pistol and spare mag.
7 yards
If you cant draw due to an indoor range, just add .5s to EACH draw.
Note the head shots are intended for the smaller A box, not the whole head

String 1: draw and fire 1 shot to body
String 2: draw and fire 2 shots to body
String 3: draw and fire 2 rounds to body and 1 to head
String 3: draw and fire 2 rounds to head, perform a slide lock reload, fire 2 rounds to body

50 pts total, 5 pts for A, 3 pts for C, 1 pt for D.
points/time x 17 = total.


ASP 10-Round Skill Check Type 2

December results

@evnash         M&P9 507K         79.95
@03RN           M66-8                 76
@evnash        LCP Max              52
@razoredge                              70
@Henny         G19                    59

January 2023 Drill

10 in 8 Spaulding Drill

Target is an index card @ 5 yards. Mark two positions say 3 yards apart on the ground.  in the video he is open carrying but lets try both ways.
Starting at one position, upon signal, draw while moving to other position, once there fire 5 rounds into index card. then move back to first position and fire 5 more.
clean hits in under 8 sec is considered expert. line breaks count
Bonus respect points if you run it concealed
and more respect points if you throw a slide lock reload in between positions

Jan results:
@evnash          P365XL 507K        8.34s
@evnash          SA 4" 1911           9:06s 1 miss
@11boombooom  Sig M18 with DPP              9.31s 1 miss
@gunsandgoats   M&P 2.0 Compact       9.44 1 miss
@gunsandgoats   M&P 2.0 Compact       8.36s 2 miss
@03RN              Smith revolver            10s 2 miss
@Henny            G19                           7.27s  
@vanilla_gorilla  G45 optic                   9.16s 1 miss
@vanilla_gorilla  Staccato optic            8.63 1 miss
@baconfat         STI 1911 9mm          4.65s 1 miss

February 2023 Drill

Average Joes: Strong and Weak:

@7 yards. Open carry. 3 mags loaded with 5 rounds each. Target: 3x5 index card on the head, 8.5x11" piece of paper folded in half and positioned at the top edge of the USPSA A zone, another placed at bottom edge of target. with 5 rounds in the gun, draw and engage index card with 5 rounds, slide lock reload and engage the middle target area strong hand only, slide lock reload and engage the bottom target area weak hand only.

Average Joes Challenge: Strong and Weak

Feb results:
@evnash                    Arex Delta M Gen 2 507K        18.51 2 miss
@vanilla_gorilla          Glock 45 w/ optic                    19.17s
@vanilla_gorilla          Staccato w/ optic                    14.06s
@Gunnie357              G45/MPS                                21.96s 1 miss
@Henny                    G19 RMR                                23.59s
@03RN                     Springfield Loaded                   19.97s
@11boomboom         Sig M18 with X300U                 17.59s 3 miss

Link Posted: 8/1/2022 11:09:17 AM EDT
March 2023 Drill: The Conner Drill

Starting at the target (USPSA A-Zone), sprint to 50 yards, fire 5 rounds, sprint to 25 yards, fire 5 rounds, sprint to 7 yards, fire 5 rounds then reload and fire 5 more to the head A-zone. The load out is 15 rounds loaded in the gun and holster, 5 more rounds in a spare magazine. The standard was set by Connor with 80% hits, no misses, in under 35 seconds. Drawing from concealment

Lets score via Hit Factory. total points divided by total time
A Zone = 5 points
C Zone = 3 point
D Zone = 1 point

The Connor Drill - Sprint to 50 Yards, 25, and 7

March results:
@evnash              M&P9 507K              1.92 Hit Factor
@henny                G19 rmr                  2.04 hit factor.

April drill: modified El Presidente

Place 3 uspsa/idpa/IPSC targets 3 yards apart from each other. Shooter is standing 10 yards away from the middle.
Upon signal, draw and fire 2 shots on each target, perform a slide lock reload, re engage each target with 2 more round strong hand only, perform a slide lock reload, re engage targets again with weak hand only. 18 total round, 90 points   Please note in your results if concealed or open. Post hit factor which is total points divided by total time
A Zone = 5 points
C Zone = 3 point
D Zone = 1 point

April results:
@evnash            SA prodigy 4.25” with eps. Open       4.55 HF
@vanilla_gorilla     3.8 HF

May Drill: Dot Torture

Print it off here

if you didnt want to shoot 50 rounds you could cut the round count in half for each drill. round up.

May Results:
@evnash            SA 4.25" Prodigy with EPS             46/50 @ 5 yrds
@Detn8r-Red2    Shadow Systems MR920                44/50 @ 5
@Henny             G48                                             45/50 @ 8
Link Posted: 8/1/2022 11:09:29 AM EDT
Saved for more drills
Link Posted: 8/1/2022 11:09:41 AM EDT
Saved for more drills
Link Posted: 8/1/2022 11:09:51 AM EDT
Saved for more drills
Link Posted: 8/1/2022 11:10:01 AM EDT
Saved for more drills
Link Posted: 8/1/2022 11:11:54 AM EDT
Neat. Subscribed
Link Posted: 8/1/2022 11:12:47 AM EDT
This is a fuckin cool and should be a thing.

I'm in.
Link Posted: 8/1/2022 11:15:49 AM EDT
Link Posted: 8/1/2022 11:17:57 AM EDT
Link Posted: 8/1/2022 11:24:18 AM EDT
Im in for this.
Link Posted: 8/1/2022 11:26:02 AM EDT
Link Posted: 8/1/2022 11:31:26 AM EDT

It's been a while since I've done this one. I should be able to on Saturday.

Link Posted: 8/1/2022 11:56:57 AM EDT
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I'm in....I should have my pistol range rebuilt at home in the next couple weeks.
Link Posted: 8/1/2022 1:43:14 PM EDT
I shoot the FAST drill as part of my regular drill cycle.  

One of the skills I’m currently working to improve is my draw and 2 shots to a 3x5.  I either run too fast snd drop one off the 3x5 or I am glacially slow putting my total time around 9 sec.
Link Posted: 8/1/2022 2:02:18 PM EDT
Link Posted: 8/1/2022 2:03:19 PM EDT
Cool thanks
Link Posted: 8/1/2022 2:16:31 PM EDT
Maybe this'll motivate me to repair the backyard range.
Link Posted: 8/1/2022 2:21:20 PM EDT
Link Posted: 8/1/2022 2:32:39 PM EDT
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5 seconds par time?

That's tough.
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In order to get a fast coin you have to shoot it twice clean in sub 5 sec per run.  Only a 23  people have coins.


10+ seconds: Novice
less than 10 seconds: Intermediate
less than 7 seconds: Advanced
less than 5 seconds: Expert
Link Posted: 8/1/2022 2:39:59 PM EDT
Is this about twice back to back or just your best?
Link Posted: 8/1/2022 2:48:56 PM EDT
Didn’t notify me of the @ but I’m in!
Link Posted: 8/1/2022 2:52:25 PM EDT
Tag. Figure the 4 in the a zone at 7 is quick and easy probably just over a second. Just need a clean draw to first shot.

I'll try it when I go get velocities on my rifle.

Question, if pistol is owb in a covered holster ie SLS but mags are in open top is that run no handicap/penalty?
Link Posted: 8/1/2022 3:47:50 PM EDT
Cool idea for the drills.
Link Posted: 8/1/2022 3:51:01 PM EDT
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Is this about twice back to back or just your best?
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Not my thread, so this is only a suggestion, but I’d propose posting time for one run per trip, and your first run at that.

Link Posted: 8/1/2022 4:10:20 PM EDT
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Is this about twice back to back or just your best?
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just best run
Link Posted: 8/1/2022 4:33:58 PM EDT
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Attachment Attached File
Link Posted: 8/1/2022 4:35:33 PM EDT
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That gif and your username
Link Posted: 8/1/2022 4:41:23 PM EDT
Link Posted: 8/1/2022 4:55:41 PM EDT
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Should be able to get it this week.
Link Posted: 8/1/2022 4:59:37 PM EDT
So if I’m using a USPSA target is it just the head Alpha or the whole head?
Link Posted: 8/1/2022 6:12:05 PM EDT
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So if I’m using a USPSA target is it just the head Alpha or the whole head?
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3x5 index card size.
Link Posted: 8/1/2022 6:27:45 PM EDT
Video or honor system?
Link Posted: 8/1/2022 6:32:49 PM EDT
I’m in on this.  I’m old and slow though…..
Link Posted: 8/1/2022 6:33:24 PM EDT
This is a great thread idea! What's arfcoms recommended shot timer?
Link Posted: 8/1/2022 6:33:46 PM EDT
I’m in.
Link Posted: 8/1/2022 6:34:59 PM EDT
Last time I did it when I was in practice it was over 8 seconds for sure, might have even been over 9...the first two into the 3x5 at about 2 seconds was fine - it was the reload and then rushing to make that time back up where you pay
Link Posted: 8/1/2022 6:35:02 PM EDT
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Video or honor system?
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Only videoed/ pictured runs will be added to the results. But feel free to run it and post
Link Posted: 8/1/2022 6:36:06 PM EDT
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I’m in on this.  I’m old and slow though…..
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As long as you are getting out and training
Link Posted: 8/1/2022 6:36:50 PM EDT
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This is a great thread idea! What's arfcoms recommended shot timer?
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I like my ced. But there are other stand alone timers. Generally the phone app timers suck
Link Posted: 8/1/2022 6:57:46 PM EDT
Link Posted: 8/1/2022 7:01:07 PM EDT
I'm in to give this a whirl.
Link Posted: 8/1/2022 7:04:04 PM EDT
Link Posted: 8/1/2022 8:37:54 PM EDT
Oh hell yes!  I’ll try to get out tomorrow!

@currahee this may be of interest to you!
Link Posted: 8/1/2022 10:36:18 PM EDT
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This is a great thread idea! What's arfcoms recommended shot timer?
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Pact 3 is what I run it’s user friendly enough
Link Posted: 8/2/2022 3:28:49 AM EDT






Link Posted: 8/2/2022 3:38:01 AM EDT
Tagged to get out of the rut of doing stuff I like.
Link Posted: 8/2/2022 8:14:54 AM EDT
Will try to get out this week and shoot it!
Link Posted: 8/2/2022 8:20:35 AM EDT

Link Posted: 8/2/2022 10:12:10 AM EDT
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Thanks for the tag! I used to shoot this drill all the time.

I'll give it a try next range trip, but school supplies shopping is taking over my range time this month.

ETA: potato video of a potato video of me doing this 7 years ago with a shoot-me-first vest and no image of the target

Link Posted: 8/2/2022 10:31:54 AM EDT
Rusty,  but 11 seconds. Missed the first headshot. Second headshot was technically a miss, but centered an inch low. Right in the teeth. In real life it would have been a hit. Can’t see sights without my reading glasses. I choked the reload; I simply wasn’t expecting it in my mind and it took me a second to remember what to do.

I’m somewhat embarrassed but I guess that’s the point of the thread. So I’m posting this in hopes that others won’t be embarrassed and will post up. That’s the path to improvement.

Eta: ran drill with leather iwb holster and 1911 with leather off side mag pouch. Used usgi mags because they run my H&G reloads better than modern mags.
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