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Link Posted: 8/8/2022 12:14:03 PM EDT
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The red wave is BS. When many of the women of this country take to the polls this year inflation, gas prices, crime, and perhaps the open borders will be on their minds but in the end the removal of Roe V Wade will trump all. The know that down the line inflation will be lowered and gas prices will come down but abortion in so many states will be gone forever. They will be thinking of their bodies, the bodies of their daughters, and grand daughters whether born yet or not.
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Absolute nonsense.
Link Posted: 8/8/2022 12:17:50 PM EDT
LOL at people still pretending the deep state won't just steal what they need.

We ain't voting our way out of this!

Admit it already and let's get to work on real solutions.

Every day we let slip by not making revolution noises the possibility of victory slips further away.
Link Posted: 8/8/2022 12:19:25 PM EDT
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Do you think the “inflation B.S.” bill was good idea? Well not one traditional Republican voted for it…many who can be classified as RINO’s. I pick the lesser of the two evils…that’s the best play IMHO.
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Did they need to stick their neck out in order for it to pass?  No, but they get to secretly enjoy it if they wanted it to pass because RINO.
Link Posted: 8/8/2022 12:22:06 PM EDT
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Oh, BS!

More nevertrumper nonsense.

These candidates are solid newcomers that won based on their independent thought and inability to be influenced or swayed by special interest.

They are considered "fringe and unelectable" because the two party establishment cannot control them.
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No, salting the primaries has been a D tactic for a while.

In 2012 Claire McCaskil’s senate campaign both funded and attacked Todd Akins primary run. Once he won the primary all she had to do was sit back and wait for him to say something retarded (it didnt take long) and then she sailed to her biggest win of her political career. And afterward they bragged about it in the St Louis Post.

From all appearances, it looks like they tried to do the same thing with Grietens this time around but fortunately Missouri voters had wised up.
Link Posted: 8/8/2022 12:26:39 PM EDT
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The red wave is BS. When many of the women of this country take to the polls this year inflation, gas prices, crime, and perhaps the open borders will be on their minds but in the end the removal of Roe V Wade will trump all. The know that down the line inflation will be lowered and gas prices will come down but abortion in so many states will be gone forever. They will be thinking of their bodies, the bodies of their daughters, and grand daughters whether born yet or not.
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Abortion isn't a right in our constitution and never has been.

Democrats lied. If women want to kill their unborn inside the womb, they will have to vote for a rep that is willing to legislate that.
Link Posted: 8/8/2022 12:26:53 PM EDT
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It's all a farce and the only impact resulting from your participation are any good feelz you may get.
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This is by design.
Link Posted: 8/8/2022 12:27:17 PM EDT
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I believe you are wrong OP. Our interests aren’t served by putting Republicans into office. We need to WIN. Advancing the careers of moderates and spineless politicians does nothing to help long-term.
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I posted an article, not my opinion
Link Posted: 8/8/2022 12:30:07 PM EDT
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The problem is who's defining "electable".  That needs to be us, not talking heads or controlled-opposition party leadership.
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Jeb Bush was the shoe-in "electable" candidate in 2016 according to all the pundits.
Link Posted: 8/8/2022 12:31:02 PM EDT
Buckley was a glowie before it was cool.
Link Posted: 8/8/2022 12:37:09 PM EDT
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It's not us, it never will be us, it's the middle of the road voters, voters not wedded to political parties.
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The problem is who's defining "electable".  That needs to be us, not talking heads or controlled-opposition party leadership.

It's not us, it never will be us, it's the middle of the road voters, voters not wedded to political parties.

In case you haven't noticed, the left has done a good job of eliminating the old "fence sitter" undecided voting block.

They've managed to anger both Conservatives and Libertarians with their extreme ideology and the "if you don't loudly support our cause, you are our enemy" cancel culture bullshit.  The voters of 20 years ago that had a "live and let live" mindset have been pushed to one side or the other by the vocal left.

Things have changed a lot in the last decade or so.
Link Posted: 8/8/2022 12:40:19 PM EDT
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The RINO will at least be more pro gun then any Dem.
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Citation needed.
Link Posted: 8/8/2022 12:41:25 PM EDT
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The red wave is BS. When many of the women of this country take to the polls this year inflation, gas prices, crime, and perhaps the open borders will be on their minds but in the end the removal of Roe V Wade will trump all. The know that down the line inflation will be lowered and gas prices will come down but abortion in so many states will be gone forever. They will be thinking of their bodies, the bodies of their daughters, and grand daughters whether born yet or not.
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Horseshit.  The vocal minority does not represent the broader mindset.

Roe v Wade is a major issue for women who were voting D regardless.
Link Posted: 8/8/2022 12:42:49 PM EDT
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No, salting the primaries has been a D tactic for a while.

In 2012 Claire McCaskil’s senate campaign both funded and attacked Todd Akins primary run. Once he won the primary all she had to do was sit back and wait for him to say something retarded (it didnt take long) and then she sailed to her biggest win of her political career. And afterward they bragged about it in the St Louis Post.

From all appearances, it looks like they tried to do the same thing with Grietens this time around but fortunately Missouri voters had wised up.
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Oh, BS!

More nevertrumper nonsense.

These candidates are solid newcomers that won based on their independent thought and inability to be influenced or swayed by special interest.

They are considered "fringe and unelectable" because the two party establishment cannot control them.

No, salting the primaries has been a D tactic for a while.

In 2012 Claire McCaskil’s senate campaign both funded and attacked Todd Akins primary run. Once he won the primary all she had to do was sit back and wait for him to say something retarded (it didnt take long) and then she sailed to her biggest win of her political career. And afterward they bragged about it in the St Louis Post.

From all appearances, it looks like they tried to do the same thing with Grietens this time around but fortunately Missouri voters had wised up.

Democrats aren't going to get away with it like they use to. Politics have changed. The media conspiring with democrats to win is not going to work like it did.
Link Posted: 8/8/2022 12:49:24 PM EDT
Sounds like the op, is falling right into their trap.  Let the opposition help determine who the conservatives nominate so we can have a controlled opposition like we did for the past 6 decades.  How did president bush work out…..   how are most of the Republicans in the senate working out….how do you expect government institutions that are completely in the tank for democrats be held accountable… do you think assholes like mitt Romney give a shit…..

I think the game has changed dramatically since the “Buckley” rule was invented 6 decades ago.  People are feed up with the mitt Romney, Mitch McConnell type of politician.   They only tell you what you want to hear Election Day, for your vote, than they go to d.c. were it becomes a game of building as much family wealth so that their great great great grandchildren never have to work.  The people that voted to get them there become an after thought…..as they use the public treasury to bribe the people….  A page right outta the dem play book.

Op think of the last several gop presidential nominees, starting with the first bush…. Then bush II, John McCain, and mitt Romney.  These are exactly the type of stooges the democrats want in charge if they can’t have their extremists.  I sincerely believe the Republican Party base has had it with those types.  What have they gotten us.  No southern border, runaway taxes, a china that is or shortly will dominate militarily and economically, endless wars sacrificing other peoples children on the alter of war so they can benefit,etc.etc.

I for one am glad the Romneys, Cheneys, and McConnells days are numbered in the gop.  They suck and will sell out their principles for one positive news story in the main stream media.  Besides on the current track this country is on its only a matter of time before we get over taken by other countries as the number one country and we don’t have much time at that.  Then we will see how people vote once the benevolent Chinese communists run the world and we are a distant second.  No country that has become as stupid as ours is going to survive in the number spot that long.  Remember we are 31 trillion in debt.
Link Posted: 8/8/2022 12:51:40 PM EDT
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Sounds like the op, is falling right into their trap.  Let the opposition help determine who the conservatives nominate so we can have a controlled opposition like we did for the past 6 decades.  How did president bush work out…..   how are most of the Republicans in the senate working out….how do you expect government institutions that are completely in the tank for democrats be held accountable… do you think assholes like mitt Romney give a shit…..

I think the game has changed dramatically since the “Buckley” rule was invented 6 decades ago.  People are feed up with the mitt Romney, Mitch McConnell type of politician.   They only tell you what you want to hear Election Day, for your vote, than they go to d.c. were it becomes a game of building as much family wealth so that their great great great grandchildren never have to work.  The people that voted to get them there become an after thought…..as they use the public treasury to bribe the people….  A page right outta the dem play book.

Op think of the last several gop presidential nominees, starting with the first bush…. Then bush II, John McCain, and mitt Romney.  These are exactly the type of stooges the democrats want in charge if they can’t have their extremists.  I sincerely believe the Republican Party base has had it with those types.  What have they gotten us.  No southern border, runaway taxes, a china that is or shortly will dominate militarily and economically, endless wars sacrificing other peoples children on the alter of war so they can benefit,etc.etc.

I for one am glad the Romneys, Cheneys, and McConnells days are numbered in the gop.  They suck and will sell out their principles for one positive news story in the main stream media.  Besides on the current track this country is on its only a matter of time before we get over taken by other countries as the number one country and we don’t have much time at that.  Then we will see how people vote once the benevolent Chinese communists run the world and we are a distant second.  No country that has become as stupid as ours is going to survive in the number spot that long.  Remember we are 31 trillion in debt.
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I posted an article for the purpose of discussion, I didn't write the article. I don't know why this is hard to grasp.
Link Posted: 8/8/2022 1:09:08 PM EDT
Link Posted: 8/8/2022 1:15:47 PM EDT
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In case you haven't noticed, the left has done a good job of eliminating the old "fence sitter" undecided voting block.

They've managed to anger both Conservatives and Libertarians with their extreme ideology and the "if you don't loudly support our cause, you are our enemy" cancel culture bullshit.  The voters of 20 years ago that had a "live and let live" mindset have been pushed to one side or the other by the vocal left.

Things have changed a lot in the last decade or so.
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The problem is who's defining "electable".  That needs to be us, not talking heads or controlled-opposition party leadership.

It's not us, it never will be us, it's the middle of the road voters, voters not wedded to political parties.

In case you haven't noticed, the left has done a good job of eliminating the old "fence sitter" undecided voting block.

They've managed to anger both Conservatives and Libertarians with their extreme ideology and the "if you don't loudly support our cause, you are our enemy" cancel culture bullshit.  The voters of 20 years ago that had a "live and let live" mindset have been pushed to one side or the other by the vocal left.

Things have changed a lot in the last decade or so.

Maybe this varies a lot by state, OH being purple tends to skew my perspective.  Like I said open primaries need to go away to avoid the Democrats picking who they will run against.  That’s just wrong.

People that don’t pay attention to politics closely can be fooled by someone that lies during the primary and election campaigns and goes far left during their term. That’s what Obama did.  Twice.

Politicians don’t have the same incentives that businesses have.  Businesses that have gone woke are feeling the consequences of losing customers, or decreased sales, and are changing their tune.

That doesn’t work for politicians. Many politicians are basically gatekeepers for sale, whoever has the biggest checkbook gets what they want and the rest of us don’t.

Leftist billionaires didn’t exist in such large numbers before the Internet age. Free speech my ass.
Link Posted: 8/8/2022 1:37:49 PM EDT
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No, salting the primaries has been a D tactic for a while.

In 2012 Claire McCaskil’s senate campaign both funded and attacked Todd Akins primary run. Once he won the primary all she had to do was sit back and wait for him to say something retarded (it didnt take long) and then she sailed to her biggest win of her political career. And afterward they bragged about it in the St Louis Post.

From all appearances, it looks like they tried to do the same thing with Grietens this time around but fortunately Missouri voters had wised up.
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Well she didn't need to do much salting... she just took the moral high ground and said it shouldn't be something that excludes him from the race.
Link Posted: 8/8/2022 1:38:19 PM EDT
Sounds like the OP is a RINO!  My rule number one - do not ever vote for RINO's.
Link Posted: 8/8/2022 1:40:59 PM EDT
Democrats don’t have to do anything when the withered remains of Buckley’s legacy like the National Review would label anyone adhering to Russell Kirk’s six principles of conservatism a fascist in current year inevitably followed by the lolberts screaming Christian Taliban.
Link Posted: 8/8/2022 1:43:46 PM EDT
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The red wave is BS. When many of the women of this country take to the polls this year inflation, gas prices, crime, and perhaps the open borders will be on their minds but in the end the removal of Roe V Wade will trump all. The know that down the line inflation will be lowered and gas prices will come down but abortion in so many states will be gone forever. They will be thinking of their bodies, the bodies of their daughters, and grand daughters whether born yet or not.
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I've seen some numbers that strongly suggest the abortion issue is not nearly as big a deal for the democrats as we have been led to believe. I was surprised at the very low percentage of people who care.
Link Posted: 8/8/2022 1:46:10 PM EDT
Yeah. There also used to be a rule that supporting gay marriage and gun control was a third rail.

Now look, the left pushes and wins with the hardest left candidates they can find.

Our MAGA candidates are hardly that radical.
Link Posted: 8/8/2022 1:50:38 PM EDT
All I can say to anyone trying to game a system by voting for an "unelectable" in a primary...

There once was a candidate named Barack Hussein Obama.  Who was born of scandal to a tramp in Africa.  Who's middle name was the same as America Enemy #1.


And there once was a candidate named Trump, who was viewed as a failed businessman loudmouth that said stupid shit and offended everybody.

So by all means D's you go ahead and go vote for a hard right unelectsble - and see how that plays out.

Link Posted: 8/8/2022 2:09:33 PM EDT
Didn't they say trump was undetectable in 2016?
Link Posted: 8/8/2022 2:12:21 PM EDT
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The problem is who's defining "electable".  That needs to be us, not talking heads or controlled-opposition party leadership.
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Should have been first post.
Link Posted: 8/8/2022 2:25:57 PM EDT
Democrats successfully replaced about 75% of the Republican party in my county last election and the people don't even know it.
Link Posted: 8/8/2022 2:32:31 PM EDT
During the most recent Illinois gubernatorial primary, Dems made no secrete of support for the more conservative Republican candidates. By some reports, the Dems spent 10 million dollars supporting Republican candidates for that office alone. That included the winning Republican candidate, Darren Baily.

The candidate who had the only chance in hell of beating JB Pritzker, the current Democratic incumbent governor, was a black suburban RINO named Michael Irvin. In the Chicago area market the Dems ran slam ads through proxies saying he was a RINO, accused him of patronage, the list goes on.

In the downstate market they ran advertisements implying Irvin was city slicker, the more conservative candidates were friendly to agriculture, so on.

Bailey will be on the November ballet. Dems are now slamming him on abortion, 2A, and being an all around Trumper. He doesn't stand a chance. He will drag the rest of the ticket down with him. Otherwise winnable conservative candidates in lessor offices will have a tougher time in their campaigns.

Sad thing is, the Dems didn't say anything that wasn't true. They just amplified it. Irvin is a RINO. Bailey is far right. Shame on R's for not getting their house in order before the primary. Regan would never have won if not for the Regan Democrats. Bush one may not have lost to Clinton if Buckley and Perot hadn't weekend him during that primary.

The Dem's strategy is the "Let them fight" meme. Conservatives will keep loosing here until we come to some kind of unity internally. We are eating our own.
Link Posted: 8/8/2022 2:46:07 PM EDT
I’m seeing the Dems trying some Br’er Rabbit shit in MI with this Shri Thanedar freakshow. He’s a super liberal but one of the Democrat voting PACs has ads out about how he votes with conservatives 90% of the time or something. It’s totally headgames.
Link Posted: 8/8/2022 2:48:36 PM EDT
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All I can say to anyone trying to game a system by voting for an "unelectable" in a primary...

There once was a candidate named Barack Hussein Obama.  Who was born of scandal to a tramp in Africa.  Who's middle name was the same as America Enemy #1.

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By the way, that is exactly how Obama was elected to the US Senate in Illinois. During the primary of that election, the Republicans fought amongst themselves. They chose an unwinnable candidate who later dropped out of the general election due to a sex scandal involving his ex-wife, Seven of Nine, the Borg. I kid you not.

They then recruited out of state east coast conservative Alan Keys to to be the Republican US Senate candidate in the Land of Lincoln. He ran against a then unknown progressive insider named Barak Obama. At the time people didn't know where Obama was born, but they did know he at least lived in Illinois. Obama won by sitting back and letting the Rs self destruct.
Link Posted: 8/8/2022 3:05:07 PM EDT
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Didn't they say trump was undetectable in 2016?
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Didn't they say trump was undetectable in 2016?

He is very stealthy

Sounds like the OP is a RINO!  My rule number one - do not ever vote for RINO's.

Attachment Attached File
Link Posted: 8/8/2022 3:16:13 PM EDT
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During the most recent Illinois gubernatorial primary, Dems made no secrete of support for the more conservative Republican candidates. By some reports, the Dems spent 10 million dollars supporting Republican candidates for that office alone. That included the winning Republican candidate, Darren Baily.

The candidate who had the only chance in hell of beating JB Pritzker, the current Democratic incumbent governor, was a black suburban RINO named Michael Irvin. In the Chicago area market the Dems ran slam ads through proxies saying he was a RINO, accused him of patronage, the list goes on.

In the downstate market they ran advertisements implying Irvin was city slicker, the more conservative candidates were friendly to agriculture, so on.

Bailey will be on the November ballet. Dems are now slamming him on abortion, 2A, and being an all around Trumper. He doesn't stand a chance. He will drag the rest of the ticket down with him. Otherwise winnable conservative candidates in lessor offices will have a tougher time in their campaigns.

Sad thing is, the Dems didn't say anything that wasn't true. They just amplified it. Irvin is a RINO. Bailey is far right. Shame on R's for not getting their house in order before the primary. Regan would never have won if not for the Regan Democrats. Bush one may not have lost to Clinton if Buckley and Perot hadn't weekend him during that primary.

The Dem's strategy is the "Let them fight" meme. Conservatives will keep loosing here until we come to some kind of unity internally. We are eating our own.
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bush 1 lost because he was a globalist shitbag, perot had nothing to do with it
Link Posted: 8/8/2022 3:23:01 PM EDT
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During the most recent Illinois gubernatorial primary, Dems made no secrete of support for the more conservative Republican candidates. By some reports, the Dems spent 10 million dollars supporting Republican candidates for that office alone. That included the winning Republican candidate, Darren Baily.

The candidate who had the only chance in hell of beating JB Pritzker, the current Democratic incumbent governor, was a black suburban RINO named Michael Irvin. In the Chicago area market the Dems ran slam ads through proxies saying he was a RINO, accused him of patronage, the list goes on.

In the downstate market they ran advertisements implying Irvin was city slicker, the more conservative candidates were friendly to agriculture, so on.

Bailey will be on the November ballet. Dems are now slamming him on abortion, 2A, and being an all around Trumper. He doesn't stand a chance. He will drag the rest of the ticket down with him. Otherwise winnable conservative candidates in lessor offices will have a tougher time in their campaigns.

Sad thing is, the Dems didn't say anything that wasn't true. They just amplified it. Irvin is a RINO. Bailey is far right. Shame on R's for not getting their house in order before the primary. Regan would never have won if not for the Regan Democrats. Bush one may not have lost to Clinton if Buckley and Perot hadn't weekend him during that primary.

The Dem's strategy is the "Let them fight" meme. Conservatives will keep loosing here until we come to some kind of unity internally. We are eating our own.
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All of which goes to show we need a law saying that the only people who can place an advert for a candidate is the candidate themselves.
Link Posted: 8/8/2022 3:30:53 PM EDT
LOL! You all think think your vote is relevant don't you.
Link Posted: 8/8/2022 3:36:11 PM EDT
Both sides of the same coin.

Both parties need to go.

I just want a party that says “I just want to build things. A wall, roads, water resources, power, and enough defense to keep us safe. Let’s build industry here, cut off the flow to China and abroad, and be self sufficient. Let’s get the young people working faster so they can build their lives by gutting the colleges and reducing the BS. Businesses get red tape removed. People will no longer be spied on and the tech companies will no longer monetize their data. The time of fringe issues fraying the country so politicians can get rich is done. Bring out the hangman’s ropes, it cleaning house time to the bloated .gov”
Link Posted: 8/8/2022 3:37:08 PM EDT
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Yeah. There also used to be a rule that supporting gay marriage and gun control was a third rail.

Now look, the left pushes and wins with the hardest left candidates they can find.

Our MAGA candidates are hardly that radical.
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The left has gone back to JFK vs Nixon... they don't care about the policy positions. They are seeking out and recruiting charismatic actors. It should be remembered that charismatic doesn't have to mean beautiful (jug ears, the donkey, etc).
Link Posted: 8/8/2022 3:38:13 PM EDT
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Buckley's conservatism is Bush/McConnell/Ryan conservatism. IE - The DNC platform in slow motion.
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It wasn't always that, but that's what it became in the end.
Link Posted: 8/8/2022 3:39:16 PM EDT
We got 2 terms of Obama because we had 2 republican RINO candidates running against him.

It's hard to win when the majority of your party dislike their candidate.
Link Posted: 8/8/2022 3:45:42 PM EDT
History will call this bold political move "operation backfire". Much like how they had their MSM run story after story on to hurt Trump and all it did was get him elected.

These elitist assholes believe they are smart, but history has shown they are always the dumbest motherfuckers in the room. They will get the "ultra maga" candidates they fear most elected...I can't wait to see this blow up in their faces.

Most people no longer want some slick dick smooth talking moderate with perfect hair like the boy king in Canada or another Romney. Instead they want someone who will tear down DC and make it for the people again...this is the part they don't get.

Look at the popularity of the 2 "ultra maga" GOP women house members they did all they could to destroy Lauren Boebert and Marjorie Taylor Greene as they are now more popular than ever after they tried to portray them as hicks and uneducated. They will win every election from here on out.

This will not end the way they think...wait and see.
Link Posted: 8/8/2022 3:53:35 PM EDT
Oh how cute. You still think your vote matters.

Link Posted: 8/8/2022 3:58:59 PM EDT
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don't forget the dems were happy as all get out when Trump won the primary. They figured he'd never get elected. Figured Hillary had it in the bag.

They don't understand over 1/2 of this country.
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They deserve none of it.  Not even Detriot, Newark, and Gary, IN.
Link Posted: 8/8/2022 4:06:21 PM EDT
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The problem is who's defining "electable".  That needs to be us, not talking heads or controlled-opposition party leadership.
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McCain - Electable.... Romney - Electable..... Trump - OOPS! Bring on the unprecedented cheat to make sure it can't happen again.
Link Posted: 8/8/2022 4:16:03 PM EDT
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and look where Buckley's rule got us now after doing that all these years
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Link Posted: 8/8/2022 4:17:30 PM EDT
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 You cannot win by only playing defense.
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 You cannot win by only playing defense.

Conservatism is an inherently defensive position.

We got 2 terms of Obama because we had 2 republican RINO candidates running against him.

It's hard to win when the majority of your party dislike their candidate.

We got two terms of Obama because we had two terms of Bush Jr.

Link Posted: 8/8/2022 4:22:00 PM EDT
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Conservatism is an inherently defensive position.

We got two terms of Obama because we had two terms of Bush Jr.

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 You cannot win by only playing defense.

Conservatism is an inherently defensive position.

We got 2 terms of Obama because we had 2 republican RINO candidates running against him.

It's hard to win when the majority of your party dislike their candidate.

We got two terms of Obama because we had two terms of Bush Jr.

That's nonsense
Link Posted: 8/8/2022 4:23:27 PM EDT
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LOL, the "lesser of two evils" theory.

I vote for who best reflect my values and beliefs. If there isn't one, I'll stay home.
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You will die sooner.

Time is possibility.
Link Posted: 8/8/2022 4:25:30 PM EDT
I’m convinced the Swamp does this for McConnell as he never runs against a Blue Dog Democrat always some crazy ass loon liberal.  Just making sure those of us who can’t stand him are voting for him as lesser of two evils.  They also I think control the primaries to keep him safe just maybe not to the same extreme as those are more manageable.

Link Posted: 8/8/2022 6:01:47 PM EDT
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If I was a Utah resident and the choice is Romney and some Den .I would vote Romney. I am voting Rep no matter what but I don't have a good feeling about Lake beating Hobbs in AZ. I will do my part but the biggest voting block in Maricopa County are independents out numbering both Rep and Dem.
That's going to be a real problem for Lake. She needs to shift her message to appeal to them. Not sure she is capable of that.
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I am in Utah and will not under any circumstances vote Romney. I will either abstain or vote dem out of spite. No more lesser of two evils for me. That mentality is what got us to where we're at.
Link Posted: 8/8/2022 6:21:22 PM EDT
I'm interested to see how many of these people are truly "unelectable".
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