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Link Posted: 6/5/2019 2:13:10 AM EDT
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Jesus! I hope they were unconscious
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Trust me. They were.
Link Posted: 6/5/2019 9:10:27 AM EDT
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To stop the spin you have to move the hoist cable in the opposite direction of rotation (much harder to do as the cable gets shorter).  If you can’t stop it, transitioning into forward flight should slow then stop the spin.  The trick is not to let it get that fast of a spin to begin with.
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The cable isn't twisting/turning/spinning.  If it did, it would become structurally compromised pretty quickly (birdcage).  The cable dead-ends into a bearing at the hook, to allow the hook to freely spin around the cable, to prevent birdcaging. On pre-flight, if you can't hang from the hook and spin freely in both directions, the hoist is red-Xed, and can't be used for a rescue mission. While it is true that a tag-line can prevent the spinning, it isn't used all that often for helicopter hoist operations--at least that I have seen.  Usually a little bit of forward airspeed will stop the spin, but rescue hoists are not designed for long-line operations, so it's not advisable to just long-line the patient to the LZ/hospital.
Link Posted: 6/5/2019 9:12:54 AM EDT
Link Posted: 6/5/2019 9:24:47 AM EDT
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I bet her breasts are now located on the top of her head! ??
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Free facelift!
Link Posted: 6/5/2019 9:29:58 AM EDT
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I would be puking everywhere.
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Mostly up your nose.
Link Posted: 6/5/2019 10:36:40 AM EDT
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Jesus! I hope they were unconscious
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Didn't start that way, but the heli EMTs made sure of it so she was comfortable for the ride to the hospital.
Link Posted: 6/5/2019 10:38:07 AM EDT
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They started lowering him back down a couple of times as if they were winding him up like a toy.
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I believe that was the line winding up and down
Link Posted: 6/5/2019 10:41:08 AM EDT
Saw the news. They tried winching them down which stopped the spin, but going up it started again.
They had a line on it which was supposed to help keep it from spinning, but it simply was not working.
Link Posted: 6/5/2019 10:46:05 AM EDT
Maybe Space X will see the video and give her a suit.

That’s Mars material.
Link Posted: 6/5/2019 10:53:04 AM EDT
This is a new "aversive training" technique designed to teach people not to travel into the desert unprepared ever again.
Link Posted: 6/5/2019 10:55:10 AM EDT
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This is a new "aversive training" technique designed to teach people not to travel into the desert unprepared ever again.
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And yet, they won't learn.  They never do.
Link Posted: 6/5/2019 11:00:39 AM EDT
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It crossed my mind they could stop the spinning by bumping him up against the cactus.
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I puked watching it.Fucking cactus just stood there and did NOTHING to help
It crossed my mind they could stop the spinning by bumping him up against the cactus.
I was waiting for them to smash the basket into a cactus.
Link Posted: 6/5/2019 11:09:05 AM EDT
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For the love of God, stop rescuing me!!!!!!!!!!!
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Link Posted: 6/5/2019 11:12:31 AM EDT
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And yet, they won't learn.  They never do.
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This is a new "aversive training" technique designed to teach people not to travel into the desert unprepared ever again.
And yet, they won't learn.  They never do.
Same here with winter conditions. I spent 20 years with Search and Rescue. I always felt sorry for the children whose stupid parents put them in dangerous situations.
Link Posted: 6/5/2019 11:14:50 AM EDT
On the plus-side, she is now cleared for fighter jet piloting and astronaut duty!  
Link Posted: 6/5/2019 11:15:37 AM EDT
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Imagine you are in that basket thinking the worst is over.
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Waiting for the cable to snap
Link Posted: 6/5/2019 11:21:00 AM EDT

Link Posted: 6/5/2019 11:33:29 AM EDT
This thread has me in tears. I love you guys. All aboard the bus to hell!

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I was laughing until the basket reached 500rpm,WTF?
never seen a basket spin like that before.

also it might not have any bearing in this instance but people are idiots when they venture into the desert unprepared
it can and will kill you quick if you fuck up
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And if the desert don't get ya, the rescue heli ride just might.
Link Posted: 6/5/2019 11:34:36 AM EDT
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The hiker is a 74-year-old woman.  Ouch.
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Exciting ride . . . and the good news is that many of her facial wrinkles have been removed as a result of that rescue.
Link Posted: 6/5/2019 11:35:25 AM EDT
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OMG My wife and I can’t stop laughing. I’m going to burn in hell for this one...
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Link Posted: 6/5/2019 11:38:16 AM EDT
Link Posted: 6/5/2019 11:38:47 AM EDT
It's almost as funny as the clip of the guy on the stretcher that gets loaded onto the back of the horse, and the fuckin horse takes off bucking and the stretcher flips 180 and the guy lands face-first.
Link Posted: 6/5/2019 11:41:26 AM EDT
The biggest fear is dehydration, so lets spin her till she pukes, that will help.
Link Posted: 6/5/2019 11:58:31 AM EDT
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Top Men

Note to self:  No matter how tired or injured you think you are, walk down off the mountain under your own power.
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We had a non-english speaking contractor hurt his back on the 12th elevation (about 200' above ground level) at our plant. He made it clear that he couldn't walk down, so we strapped him into a basket and rigged up to lower him over the handrail. He immediately started feeling better and wanting out of that basket!
Link Posted: 6/5/2019 12:06:28 PM EDT
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Jesus, you've lived a sheltered life.

Ought to see a paratrooper get hung up on a C-30 ramp drop.
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That was the most fucked up thing I have ever seen.  https://www.ar15.com/images/smilies/smiley_freak.gif
Jesus, you've lived a sheltered life.

Ought to see a paratrooper get hung up on a C-30 ramp drop.
I'm sure jumping out of a Volvo can get pretty dicey.

Link Posted: 6/5/2019 12:12:44 PM EDT
There was a second line to prevent the spin. but it broke.

“About a minute after the spinning began, it subsided and the basket was brought alongside the crew area of the helicopter, which landed at an ambulance.”
Link Posted: 6/5/2019 12:16:36 PM EDT
This happened in my AO, i hike that trail often. Poor old lady.
Link Posted: 6/5/2019 12:26:38 PM EDT
Could be worse

Link Posted: 6/5/2019 12:33:13 PM EDT
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The hiker is a 74-year-old woman.  Ouch.
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I am quite sure she looked 24 when she was spinning, and spinning and spinning and spinning.

She is going to be wound up when she is finally wound down.
Link Posted: 6/5/2019 12:34:02 PM EDT
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To stop the spin you have to move the hoist cable in the opposite direction of rotation (much harder to do as the cable gets shorter).  If you can’t stop it, transitioning into forward flight should slow then stop the spin.  The trick is not to let it get that fast of a spin to begin with.
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The pilot just wanted to have a little fun.
Link Posted: 6/5/2019 12:35:37 PM EDT
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No shit.  
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Oh no, i bet there was plenty of shit, and screams!
Link Posted: 6/5/2019 12:40:56 PM EDT
Someone with more time than me, please create a world-class GIF by combining this image with the litter image.

Link Posted: 6/5/2019 1:14:46 PM EDT
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Could be worse

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Hey buddy, you OK!

Just let me lay here for a few minutes until things stop moving.
Link Posted: 6/5/2019 1:24:14 PM EDT
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Someone with more time than me, please create a world-class GIF by combining this image with the litter image.


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Link Posted: 6/5/2019 1:33:56 PM EDT
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Could be worse

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Holy hell. I'd need some phenagrin and a new pair of underoos!
Link Posted: 6/5/2019 1:56:48 PM EDT
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nailed it!

Link Posted: 6/5/2019 2:14:42 PM EDT
saw this yesterday but didnt watch it fully didnt realize she got going that fast
Link Posted: 6/5/2019 2:41:19 PM EDT
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Could be worse

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Cirque du Soleil Medevac
Link Posted: 6/5/2019 3:31:01 PM EDT
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Bet she sounded like a police siren.
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Too slow. More like those middle eastern women ululating.

Link Posted: 6/5/2019 4:42:11 PM EDT
Just showed that vid to some coworkers, we are all in tears laughing. It's funnier watching it with a group.
Link Posted: 6/5/2019 6:15:06 PM EDT
Link Posted: 6/5/2019 6:19:37 PM EDT
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Jesus! I hope they were unconscious
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They were when these guys finished with them. That and both eyes blood red.
Link Posted: 6/5/2019 6:27:28 PM EDT
I absolutely hate being spun round and round. When I was a kid I'd puke all over anyone or anything that did that to me then I'd be sick for 3 days.

I'm not sure who I'd be more pissed at if I was that hiker, myself for landing me in that position, or that rescue team for spinning me around like that like they'd never rescued anyone before. If I survived it I'd kick myself in the ass for a week, then I'd find a lawyer to sue the living fuck out of those fuckers.
Link Posted: 6/5/2019 6:36:38 PM EDT
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It's a known risk, especially with head & neck immobilization. You can't turn your head, so you're just waterboarding yourself with vomitus.
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That was terrible. I would have choked on my own puke.
It's a known risk, especially with head & neck immobilization. You can't turn your head, so you're just waterboarding yourself with vomitus.
Inertia says the vommit exited the patient, forcefully.  I wonder if the stomach contents moving "out" from the center of rotation is what slowed the spin temporarily, kinda like a figure skater putting their arms out to slow their rotation.

ETA: I suppose some of the vommit might have been forced up into the sinuses, but there's no way it got stuck in the throat.
Link Posted: 6/5/2019 7:03:53 PM EDT
I have an LE friend (solid guy, not a dumbass) who thinks they should be charged.
Link Posted: 6/5/2019 7:10:44 PM EDT
I did that quite frequently learning how to free fall.
Link Posted: 6/5/2019 7:18:34 PM EDT
Link Posted: 6/5/2019 8:15:45 PM EDT
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Inertia says the vommit exited the patient, forcefully.  I wonder if the stomach contents moving "out" from the center of rotation is what slowed the spin temporarily, kinda like a figure skater putting their arms out to slow their rotation.

ETA: I suppose some of the vommit might have been forced up into the sinuses, but there's no way it got stuck in the throat.
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That was terrible. I would have choked on my own puke.
It's a known risk, especially with head & neck immobilization. You can't turn your head, so you're just waterboarding yourself with vomitus.
Inertia says the vommit exited the patient, forcefully.  I wonder if the stomach contents moving "out" from the center of rotation is what slowed the spin temporarily, kinda like a figure skater putting their arms out to slow their rotation.

ETA: I suppose some of the vommit might have been forced up into the sinuses, but there's no way it got stuck in the throat.
You’re assuming that vomit is all expelled from the mouth & nose. There can be plenty of gastric content that regurgitates without the classic retching projectile vomit most people envision.

Someone that’s breathing & possibly gasping, unable to turn their head, is at risk of aspirating things in the oropharynx. This is a known possibility mentioned in high angle rescue literature.
Link Posted: 6/5/2019 9:13:16 PM EDT
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I don't think freefall would let you hit 60rpm unless you were doing a somersault, too much air drag.

At 60 RPM, person would be under sustained 7 gs. Calculator for 175 cm tall subject

"If a force of 4 to 6 g is sustained for more than a few seconds, the resulting symptoms range from visual impairment to total blackout." 4–6 g

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I did that quite frequently learning how to free fall.
I don't think freefall would let you hit 60rpm unless you were doing a somersault, too much air drag.

At 60 RPM, person would be under sustained 7 gs. Calculator for 175 cm tall subject

"If a force of 4 to 6 g is sustained for more than a few seconds, the resulting symptoms range from visual impairment to total blackout." 4–6 g

You went all sciencey on me.  It's called a flat spin and it feels like 300 rpm.
Link Posted: 6/6/2019 1:19:50 PM EDT
Holy shit, fucking amateur hour on that rescue. Hopefully whoever was on that hoist gets shit-canned, or at least has to go through a complete do over of whatever training syllabus they use before he flies again.
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