The directed energy weapon claim is a psyop to discredit any actual malfeasance that caused the fires. Let's say the buying land thing is true, what better way to discredit and misdirect normies away from that then to make those who speak the truth sound insane. It's a red herring.
If you want an actual conspiracy theory how about mass arson across the western world perpetrated by eco-terrorists to support their bunk theory that the wold has or will end due to "man made climate change". Plausible, some evidence to support it, it tracks.
How about something more mundane, like our crumbling infrastructure and lack of maintenance caused by a combo of incompetence and greed. Pocketing the profits instead of investing in new systems or repairing or maintaining existing systems. Definitely Plausible, even likely, given what we have seen, overwhelming evidence to support this.
Use occams razor, and Cui Bono, it will lead you true most times. Realize they want you isolated and impotent, they absolutely do not want critical thinkers but it's impossible to stop so why not give them the rope to hang themselves they think. And it works, over and over again.
Everything is propaganda. Truth is dead.