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Tacked Fallen Comrades (Page 1 of 6)
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Posted: 7/31/2006 1:56:39 PM EDT
[Last Edit: Garand_Shooter]
We should have here in the Hall of Heroes something to remember all of are Brothers who did not make it back from the war and just another little thing so they all can be remember!!

I'll be more then happy to place up the Brothers I lost over there and a little about them I'm sure others on here would do the same.

Marine 2nd Lt. Therrel Shane Childers, 30, of Harrison County, Mississippi.
Killed in action in southern Iraq. He was assigned to the 1st Battalion, 5th Marine Regiment, 1st Marine Division, Camp Pendleton, California. Died on March 21, 2003.
Marine Gunnery Sgt. Jeffrey E. Bohr, Jr.39, of Ossian, Iowa.
Killed in northern Baghdad while engaging enemy forces. He was assigned to the 1st Battalion, 5th Marine Regiment, Camp Pendleton, California. Died on April 10, 2003.

20, of Spring, Texas.
Wafford died due to injuries received from hostile fire in Al Anbar Province, Iraq. He was assigned to 1st Battalion, 5th Marine Regiment, 1st Marine Division, I Marine Expeditionary Force, Camp Pendleton, California. Died on April 8, 2004.

Cpl. Kelly M. Cannan, 21, of Lowville, New York.
Cannan was killed as the result of the detonation of an improvised explosive device while conducting combat operations in Ar Ramadi, Iraq. He was assigned to 1st Battalion, 5th Marine Regiment, 1st Marine Division, I Marine Expeditionary Force. As part of Operation Iraqi Freedom their unit was attached to a 2nd Marine Division, II Marine Expeditionary Force (Forward). Died on April 20, 2005.

Lance Cpl. Dion M. Whitley, 21, of Los Angeles, California.
Whitley died when his vehicle hit an improvised explosive device while conducting combat operations near Ar Ramadi, Iraq. He was assigned to 1st Battalion, 5th Marine Regiment, 1st Marine Division, I Marine Expeditionary Force. During Operation Iraqi Freedom, their unit was operating with the 2nd Brigade Combat Team, 2nd Infantry Division of the U.S. Army, which was attached to 2nd Marine Division, II Marine Expeditionary Force (Forward). Died on June 15, 2005.

This is just a few I know of there are more.
Link Posted: 7/31/2006 9:52:37 PM EDT
[Last Edit: 21BoomCBTENGR] [#1]
Lance Cpl. Karl Linn, of Richmond, VA
Died January 26th, 2005 when the humvee he was riding in was hit with a 122mm rocket during a direct-fire ambush in Haditha, Iraq. He was assigned to the 4th Combat Engineer Battalion, 4th Marine Division (Reserves) at Lynchburg, VA.

Karl was my good friend in college at VCU, we had many a hijink together and he always went to 7-11 with me late at night because he wanted to back me up in case i got into trouble.

RIP Brother
Link Posted: 8/1/2006 8:37:59 PM EDT
BTT, no one thinks this is a good idea?
Link Posted: 8/8/2006 10:58:03 AM EDT
Link Posted: 8/8/2006 11:52:03 AM EDT
Thanks Garand_Shooter!!!!
Link Posted: 8/8/2006 8:50:39 PM EDT
I'll chip in...

The crew of MAC 60150, members of my squadron (52nd MAS) who died flying into Hurlburt Field during bad weather...weather so bad no one on the ground was allowed to take off.

What a waste.
Link Posted: 8/9/2006 8:35:31 AM EDT
This is a man I served with.  He was a good man and a good NCO.

1SGT Chris Rafferty of Brownsville, Pa was assigned to the 37th Engineer Battalion and was mortally wounded when his camp came under attack in Afghanistan.
Link Posted: 8/9/2006 9:58:26 AM EDT
Link Posted: 8/9/2006 2:48:30 PM EDT
Men I've known and worked with:

MAJ Chris Splinter - 5th EN BN S3 stationed at FOB Gunner (AKA Taji) - KIA on 24 DEC 03 by an IED vic Samarra.

CPT Chris Soelzer - 5th EN BN Assistant S3 stationed at FOB Gunner (AKA Taji) - KIA on 24 DEC by an IED vic Samarra.

MAJ Bill Hecker - 3-16 FA BN S3 stationed at FOB Duke - KIA on 5 JAN 06 by an IED vic Najaf.

CPT Chris Petty - 3-16 FA BN Assistant S3 stationed at FOB Duke - KIA by an IED on 5 JAN 06 by an IED vic Najaf.

SFC Terry Wallace - 4-42 FA BN HHB Radar Platoon Sergeant stationed at Camp Taji - KIA on 27 JUN 06 by an IED vic Taji.

RIP Soldiers - you've done your duty well.
Link Posted: 8/9/2006 3:03:53 PM EDT
SGT Brahim Jeffcoat; A Co 1/111th IN

SGT Francis Straub; A Co 1/111th IN

CPL Genaro Pelligrini; A Co 1/111th IN

SPC Kurt Krout; A Co 1/111th IN

SPC John Kulick; A Co 1/111th IN

PFC Nathaniel DeTample; A Co 1/111th IN

PFC Travis "Cowboy" Anderson; B Co 2/7th IN

SPC Josh Kynoch; B Co 2/7th IN
Link Posted: 8/9/2006 3:15:45 PM EDT
CW2 Stanley L. Harriman 3/3 SFG   2 March 02  Operation Anaconda
Link Posted: 8/9/2006 9:51:53 PM EDT
[Last Edit: tortilla-flats] [#11]
CPL Doug Fielder - 54th Engr Bn - 2.27.1991
SGT Dodge Powell - 82nd Engr Bn - 2.26.1991
SGT Bill Strehlow - 82nd Engr Bn - 2.26.1991
PFC Aaron Howard - 82nd Engr Bn - 2.26.1991
SSG Steve Hanson - 19th Engr Bn - 3.2.1991

RIP guys. You are missed.
Link Posted: 8/10/2006 3:32:44 PM EDT
[Last Edit: GulDuCal] [#12]

SPC Robert Hall, Jr - 467th Engineer BN - June 28, 2005 (Based: FOB O'Ryan, Iraq)
SGT Larry Pankey, Jr - 467th Engineer BN - October 3, 2005 (Based: FOB O'Ryan, Iraq)

Like many of us in the 467th engineer battalion, both SPC Hall and SGT Pankey were recalled from the IRR in the summer of 2004 to serve in OIF-3.


1LT Andre Tyson - 579th Engineer BN - June 22, 2004 (Based: LSA Anaconda, Iraq)

I knew LT Tyson years ago. Back then he was Corporal and I was his Platoon Leader. Although an E-4, he was an excellent NCO who knew his stuff, and he was always someone I could count on to make things happen.

Link Posted: 8/10/2006 9:20:52 PM EDT
I hope this isn't deemed as inappropriate.
Stryker_11a will understand...it has been a year.

WHEN ROOKIE cop Gennaro Pellegrini Jr. reported for duty at the 26th District on July 22, 2002, he wore Badge No. 3722.

That was the very same badge worn by his father, Gennaro Pellegrini Sr., who had just retired. (Dad pulled a few strings to get his old badge assigned to his son.)

By all accounts, the elder Pellegrini was a good cop over the course of a 26-year career, most of it spent in the 25th District, which borders the 26th.

By all accounts, young Gerry Pellegrini was a good cop over a brief career, which was cut short by his death last Aug. 9, while serving with the Pennsylvania National Guard.

He was 31, the first Philadelphia police officer to die in Iraq.

Yesterday, under high clouds that streaked a pale blue sky like tears, shrouded by the mournful wail of bagpipes on the first anniversary of his death, Officer Pellegrini was memorialized with a plaque usually reserved for Philadelphia police officers who die in the line of duty.

"Though Gerry was not on U.S. soil when he died, he still served this city, he served this community," I was told by Officer Michelle Winkis, 35. She was closest to Pellegrini during his tour at the 26th, which covers Fishtown, parts of Kensington and North Philly. "If that was his time [to die], he would have been here doing the same thing here, serving his community."

Pellegrini's death got heavy coverage last year because he had a dream come true before he shipped out. The amateur welterweight boxer and Golden Gloves champ, whose goal was to someday join the department's elite SWAT team, also yearned for a pro bout. He got it at the legendary Blue Horizon, knocking out his opponent in the fourth round.

It was a high point in his life.

Graduating from the Police Academy was another.

Truth is, the wiry Pellegrini was stronger athletically than academically, his father told me, more interested in lifting weights than lifting books. When Gerry graduated from high school, "His mother yelled for him to check the diploma to see if it was really his," the elder Pellegrini said with a laugh.

The father said he was surprised when Gerry announced he wanted to be a cop. Everyone was happily surprised when Gerry got through the academy.

On the job, said his commanding officer, Capt. Lou Campione, 50, "he showed book knowledge," and always sought direction. "He was hungry for it. He was eager to learn."

Gerry was determined to make his parents proud of him, "especially his father," said Campione. "He wanted to win his father's approval, in a positive way."

He did win that approval and the elder Pellegrini got occasional feedback from pals still on the job that his son was doing a good job on the "last out" shift, from 11 p.m. - 7 a.m.

Pellegrini called his parents, now retired to the shore, "every day. Every single day," said Winkis, a 15-year veteran who added that Gerry was "always a gentleman."

He insisted on opening and closing the squad car's door for Winkis. "To the point where I said, 'Gerry, you have to stop doing this. Like, you're embarrassing me.' "

When they were first paired, "We didn't like each other at all."

Like many rookies, Gerry was too gung-ho, too ramped up, too full of himself.

"He had a couple of good arrests when he first got here," Winkis said, and he felt he was entitled to get his own squad car. That's not how it works, Winkis explained.

As the result of an arrest in which he knocked out a thief with a single punch, Campione tagged him "One-Punch Pellegrini.

Among fellow officers, it was a bit different.

He was so wired, related Officer Bob Oscilowski, 56, they nicknamed him "Punchy."

"He was good-hearted," said Oscilowski. "He took a joke and wouldn't retaliate."

Winkis recalled her relationship with Pellegrini "was like a mother-son thing in the beginning because I was yelling at him constantly." Things didn't always sink in the first time and she had to repeat herself, "telling him the same thing over and over and over. 'Are you listening to anything I tell you?,' " she asked him. smiling at the memory.

Within a month, though, "we got along terrific, we were the best of friends."

Does she miss him now?

"Ungodly," she said, tears filling her blue eyes.

At yesterday's memorial outside the 26th District, Girard and Montgomery avenues, they closed down East Girard for Gerry to make room for the hundreds of friends, cops, officials, Army Reservists and others who showed up to honor his memory.

In addition to his police work and boxing, Gerry's love of kids was mentioned at the ceremony, how he maintained a pen-pal relationship with kids at the Hackett School, on York near Sepviva, while he was in Iraq and how he got the kids to collect 350 pairs of flip-flops to send to Iraqi kids who had nothing.

After the stories were told and the thanks were given, bagpipes came to life for "Amazing Grace." At its end, a solitary piper walked slowly west on Girard until the music faded into nothingness.

Badge No. 3722, worn by two men named Gennaro Pellegrini, is retired. It never will be worn again.

Link Posted: 8/11/2006 8:21:53 PM EDT
[Last Edit: crowboy] [#14]
My best friend and Brother in Arms, PFC Jim Foster, 08 NOV 1965  at Hill 65 in "the D Zone" RVN along with 48 other "Sky Soldiers" who went All the Way that terrible morning.  Charlie Co 1st of the 503d PIR 173d Airborne Brigade (SEP)  AIRBORNE !
Link Posted: 8/16/2006 4:35:42 PM EDT
[Last Edit: sepulchrave] [#15]
Co C 1-155 IN / TF 2-11

23 MAY 2005 Haswah, Iraq

SSG Saburant "Sabot" Parker
CPL Audrey D. Lunsford
SPC Daniel R. Varnado
SPC Bryan E. Barron

All killed when an IED exploded directly underneath their M1114.

31 OCT 2005 Haswah, Iraq

1LT Robert C. "Ski" Oneto-Sikorski

Killed by an IED while on a dismounted patrol. Ski was one of my closest friends there. His house was blown away by Katrina as was his mother's. As his mother and children moved north to escape the destruction Ski decided they were safe and he would stay with his guys in Iraq instead of taking emergency leave. He was killed with 2 months left before going home.

2-114 FA / TF 2-11

16 JUN 2005 Haswah, Iraq

SGT Travis S. Cooper

I did not know SGT Cooper until the night he died. We responded to a SVBIED that exploded near an Iraqi Army Checkpoint. When we arrived our medic did everything he could for him and got him on a bird. He died shortly after arriving in Anaconda from severe head injuries.
Link Posted: 8/17/2006 4:36:33 PM EDT
SFC William Labadie E(-) 151 CAV SQDRN 39th INF BDE (AR) 07APR2004 OIF
Bill made me a better shooter and soldier as an instuctor in the State Marksmanship unit in OK.  He taught and loved soldiers.

SGT Myla Marivillose 205th MI BDE Kirkuk Iraq 24DEC2005
She planned to take religious vows when we got home.


Link Posted: 8/18/2006 5:11:25 PM EDT
Spc4 Andy Alaniz C Co. 3/15 Inf. 24th Inf. Div. KIA 27 Feb. 1991 Jalibah, Iraq

Pfc  John Hutto C Co. 3/15 Inf. 24th Inf. Div. KIA 27 Feb. 1991 Jalibah, Iraq

IN FLANDERS FIELDS the poppies blow
Between the crosses row on row,
That mark our place; and in the sky
The larks, still bravely singing, fly
Scarce heard amid the guns below.

We are the Dead. Short days ago
We lived, felt dawn, saw sunset glow,
Loved and were loved, and now we lie
In Flanders fields.

Take up our quarrel with the foe:
To you from failing hands we throw
The torch; be yours to hold it high.
If ye break faith with us who die
We shall not sleep, though poppies grow
In Flanders fields.

Brothers you are gone, but a week never passes that I do not think of you.
Till, we meet at the last muster.
Link Posted: 8/21/2006 8:56:47 PM EDT

Lane died August 29, 2003, while quick-rappelling down a rope from a hovering helicopter during a nighttime combat assault in Afghanistan. He was a sergeant first class and special operations soldier in the U.S. Army on his second tour of duty in that country

My old roomdog and freind that i will never forget. RIP Roomdog

link to his SF memorial page
Link Posted: 8/28/2006 1:07:57 AM EDT
[Last Edit: Bartholomew] [#19]
Spc. Matthew P. Steyart.
KIA 10/22/05 by IED in Afghanistan.

I am not military, but he was like my brother nevertheless. He was my friend, my idol, my hero...

Tribute to Matt

~Rest in Piece Sunshine~
Link Posted: 9/12/2006 4:14:37 PM EDT
Lance Cpl. Jonathan R. Flores
Hometown: San Antonio, Texas, U.S.

Age: 18 years old

Died: June 15, 2005 in Operation Iraqi Freedom.

Unit: Marines, 1st Battalion, 5th Marine Regiment, 1st Marine Division, 1st Marine Expeditionary Force, Camp Pendleton, Calif.

Incident: Killed when their vehicle struck a roadside bomb in Ramadi.

Cpl. Jesse Jaime
Hometown: Henderson, Nevada, U.S.

Age: 22 years old

Died: June 15, 2005 in Operation Iraqi Freedom.

Unit: Marines, 1st Battalion, 5th Marine Regiment, 1st Marine Division, 1st Marine Expeditionary Force, Camp Pendleton, Calif.

Incident: Killed when their vehicle struck a roadside bomb in Ramadi.

Cpl. Tyler S. Trovillion
Hometown: Richardson, Texas, U.S.

Age: 23 years old

Died: June 15, 2005 in Operation Iraqi Freedom.

Unit: Marines, 1st Battalion, 5th Marine Regiment, 1st Marine Division, 1st Marine Expeditionary Force, Camp Pendleton, Calif.

Incident: Killed when their vehicle struck a roadside bomb in Ramadi

Lance Cpl. Chad B. Maynard
Hometown: Montrose, Colorado, U.S.

Age: 19 years old

Died: June 15, 2005 in Operation Iraqi Freedom.

Unit: Marines, 1st Battalion, 5th Marine Regiment, 1st Marine Division, 1st Marine Expeditionary Force, Camp Pendleton, Calif.

Incident: Killed when their vehicle hit a roadside bomb in Ramadi

R.I.P my brothers

Link Posted: 9/15/2006 9:04:42 PM EDT
Sgt. Robert "Bobby" Wagner - KIA 08-01-04 while working for a private military contractor firm in Iraq. Career NCO, served in the USMC before switching to the USAR; Our unit (88th MP Co.) served the whole tour and we never lost a single man.

Godspeed, Bobby!

Link Posted: 10/2/2006 3:51:38 AM EDT
Jerry Palinsky--Killed May 3, 2006 by roadside IED performing contract security work and protecting me.  I was sitting behind him when the IED went off.  Jerry was a 350lb. teddy bear, his size absorbed most of the blast taking most of it for me.  He was killed on his 23rd wedding anniversary.  He left behind wife, E.J., son, Jerry Jr., and daughter Adina.  R.I.P. Jerry....I think about you everyday....
Link Posted: 10/3/2006 8:20:35 AM EDT

Full Description:


It is with a heavy heart that I bring tragic news to our Detachment members and friends that L/Cpl Chris Cosgrove of Cedar Knolls was killed in action today, 10/1/06 while on assignment in Iraq with Charlie Company, 1st Battalion, 25th Marines.

Chris Cosgrove (age 23) was the only child of Charlene Bowie, wife of Slattery Detachment associate member, Art Bowie. L/Cpl Cosgrove was scheduled to return from Iraq with his unit in five days when the catastrophic car bombing occurred, taking his young life. Although the full details of the assault are not yet know, I will make them available to you as I, myself, am made aware of the circumstances.

Chris, an exceptional young man and outstanding Marine, was passionate about his work with the Marines Helping Marines program. He visited wounded servicemen and women at Bethesda Naval Hospital and was instrumental in getting an article published about the program in Leatherneck magazine. Chris was an active member of the Slattery Detachment of the Marine Corps League and was scheduled to be installed (in absentia) as our Junior Vice-Commandant this Wednesday.

Please keep Art and Charlene Bowie in your prayers. Details of Lance Corporal Cosgrove’s memorial service will be made available as soon as I have knowledge of same.

With a heavy heart,

Pete Gallo
Link Posted: 10/13/2006 8:36:17 AM EDT
I thank God every day that I haven't lost any friends down range. I thank Him even more that I haven't lost any of the young men and women that I put in the Army while I was a Recruiter.

  I can feel the pain of the folks that are posting the names of their dead friends. I hope I never have to experience that.

  Rest in peace Brothers.
Link Posted: 10/17/2006 1:49:46 PM EDT
In memory of a good friend and former company member, SFC Christopher L. Robinson, 36, 2/20th SFG.  KIA on 25Mar06 in Sangain District, Afghanistan.  A true "Quiet Professional", Chris was the type of guy that you would not know he was around until he said something.  From what I've heard from guys who were there when he was hit, he sent a bunch of Taliban to their just rewards.  Married, with children, he is sadly missed by all.  I saw him a couple of days before he left, as this was his 2d trip overseas, and told him I would see him in a few months.  Little did I know that when I saw him again it would be in sad surroundings.  RIP my friend, I know we will meet again at our appointed time.
Link Posted: 10/17/2006 2:01:12 PM EDT


Former classmate of mine.....RIP Tim.
Link Posted: 10/27/2006 10:28:21 PM EDT
Sgt. Brandon S. Asbury - Tazewell, VA

Died of injuries suffered when his unit (4th Support Battalion, 1st Brigade, 4th Infantry Division)  came in contact with enemy forces using small-arms fire during combat operations in Baghdad, Iraq, on October 7, 2006

His father serves in the motor pool section of B Co. 276th Engr. Bn.  He went overseas to Mosul with me and came back, and then a year and a half later his son was taken from him.  RIP Bro

Link Posted: 11/6/2006 3:07:48 PM EDT
[Last Edit: Stryker_11A] [#28]
Maj Douglas Sloan of Charlevoix, MI

1/32 10th Mountain Division.

KIA 31 Oct 2006 in the Korengal Valley region of northern Afghanistan when an IED struck his vehicle.

Maj Sloan was my platoon instructor during infantry officer basic course at Ft. Benning. He was easy going in his demeanor but demanded results. I learned many things from him that kept me and my Soldiers alive in combat. He was well liked and respected. He thought his career had hit a dead end, but he over came that obstacle and excelled. Funny, he was afraid he would miss the war. He leaves behind a wife and 4 children. He will be laid to rest at Arlington National Cemetary.

Rest easy Double Stuff, we will miss you.

CHARLEVOIX - In August, Major Douglas Sloan comforted his soldiers during an emotional funeral for three fallen men in Afghanistan.

“Three of our comrades have made the ultimate sacrifice,” Sloan said. “We will mourn them but continue to take the fight to the enemy.”

In an article in the “Fort Drum Blizzard,” he described the men as selfless in their service and irreplaceable.

Nearly three months later the Charlevoix major joined his fallen men. Sloan was Company Commander of Battle Company, 1st Battalion, 32nd Infantry at the time of his death.

Sloan was killed instantly by an explosive device on Halloween. Sloan who was stationed at Camp Blessing in northeast Afghanistan's Pesch Valley was preparing for a relocation to Bagram. He was on a final trip showing the new captain the surrounding villages.

Sloan, a father of four and a Charlevoix graduate served with his men on the frontlines, James Spencley, an interrogator with the U.S. Department of Defense stationed in Bagram, Afghanistan said in an e-mail: “Doug was a hero. He changed and saved a lot of lives while he was here. ... If the military was filled with Doug Sloans we would have been out of here a long time ago. I can't even explain how proud I am to have known him as a soldier and especially as a friend and how sad I am that he is gone.”

Sloan's family, military service people and friends remembered him during a military memorial Wednesday at Fort Drum in New York. Hours before the ceremony, Wendy Sloan, his mother, and Emory, his father, were surrounded by family.

“It's now real,” Wendy said, in tears.

The burial for Sloan is 1 p.m., Tuesday, Nov. 13, at the Arlington National Cemetery.

Hundreds of miles away, in Northern Michigan, the resort town of Charlevoix continues to mourn its lost son. The flags are at half mast and Memorial day decorations adorn city streets. The American Legion and the city will remember Sloan during the Veteran's Day ceremony, 11 a.m., Saturday in Veterans park.

“It has been at least 35 years since Charlevoix has lost anyone in active duty,” Joe Seidel, the American Legion Commander said.

The legion will honor Sloan's celebrated military career and will present the Gold Star flag to his mother. The Gold Star flag is a traditional flag given to a mother who lost a son or daughter in war.

The family is supported by those who served with him.

“We've received letters and e-mails from soldiers who said they loved him,” Van Sloan, Doug's older brother said. “He was a man who would lead from the front line - a soldier's soldier.”

Van said he made life better for the soldiers and villagers in Afghanistan. He brought rule to a unruly region.

Sloan's service never hardened his humanitarian spirit and love for children.

“When he would go into a village the first thing he would do was play with the kids and give them candy,” Van said.

Van who often spoke with his brother about his service said, “He believed in the cause and the people of Afghanistan.”

At the funeral service in Afghanistan, villagers from across the mountain attended. Spencley said he related to his soldiers, who on a lighter side joked that he was on the front-line to avoid office work. Several of his men shared in the highlight of his career his advancement ceremony from captain to major in the mountains of Afghanistan.

Andrew Coughlin, 22, a specialist who served under Sloan at Fort Drum remembers the beloved commander.

“He was a great leader. He wouldn't ask you to do anything he wouldn't do, and you liked him and respected him, and from my experience in the military there wasn't too many officers like that,” Coughlin said. “You respected them because you had to. But with him you respected him because he earned it and you liked him because he cared about his men.”

When Coughlin, of Ludington, came back from Iraq he suffered from post traumatic stress disorder. Sloan visited with him and his family.

Looking back he remembers lighter stories, even Sloan's habits.

“He always had Dunkin Donuts back by his office. I mean always,” Coughlin said.

Allen Schut, whose son Andy served with Doug said in an e-mail, “Andy had nothing but the highest regard for Doug. He spoke about Doug numerous times. My wife and I send our deepest sympathy to all of his family. He truly is a hero. We are proud that our son had the opportunity to know and serve with Major Sloan.”

Sloan who was a serious soldier was also known as a loving father. Sloan was married to Kerry. The couple had four children Aidan, 11, Dylan, 8, Kellan, 3, and 3-month old Kenley all of Fort Drum, New York.

“He was a wonderful father. He loved kids,” Wendy Sloan said.

“It was common to see the favorite uncle and father in the middle of a baseball or football game surrounded by children,” Wendy said.

Van remembers his children's anticipation for Doug's visits.

“It was always an event when uncle Doug visited,” Van said. “ ... It was like Santa Claus coming.”

The brothers would wake up early to jog and his kids would watch him do pushups in the driveway.

Van said growing up his little brother wanted to be a soldier. Doug followed his father, Emory's footsteps.

He made his father proud, said family friend Robert Drebenstedt.

“When Emory retired from his job Douglas was there. On Emory's day of glory he celebrated his son's military service,” Drebenstedt said.

Sloan enlisted in the Army in 1987. He advanced his education and military service by attending Western Michigan University earning a history degree. A lifetime military leader, he served as an infantry officer basic course instructor at Fort Benning. Sloan who previously served in Iraq was serving his third deployment to Afghanistan.

“He always chose the hardest assignments, the things he could do well, he was a very qualified man,” Seidel said. “He will be greatly missed.”

The Rotary Club of Charlevoix established a Doug Sloan Children Endowment fund through the Charlevoix State Bank to assist the family. Contributions are being accepted.

Military Education - Bradley Fighting Vehicle Commander Course, Combined Arms Staff Service School, Infantry Officer Advanced Course, Jumpmaster Course, Ranger Course, Infantry Mortar Platoon Officer Course, Basic Airborne Course and the Air Assault Course.

Awards and Decorations - the Army Commendation Medal, Army Achievement Medal, National Defense Service Medal, Afghanistan Campaign Medal, Global War on Terrorism Service Medal, Korea Defense Service Medal, Armed Forces Service Medal, Non-commissioned Officer Professional Development Ribbon, Army Service Ribbon, Combat Infantryman Badge, Expert Infantryman Badge, Senior Parachutist Badge, Air Assault Badge and the Ranger Tab. He was also awarded the Order of Saint Maurice for his personal contributions to the infantry, which since its inception, has been awarded to only some 2,000 Army Captains. He will be awarded a Purple Heart posthumously.

Link Posted: 11/9/2006 5:53:23 PM EDT

Spec. Marcos O. Nolasco
Hometown: Chino, California, U.S.

Age: 34 years old

Died: May 18, 2004 in Operation Iraqi Freedom.

Unit: Army, Battery B, 1st Battalion, 33rd Field Artillery, 1st Infantry Division, Bamberg, Germany

Incident: Electrocuted in an accident in Baji.

Former Marine. Was drinking beer at my house 2 weeks before we deployed. He worked for me for a year in the S2 shop. Left a wife and 10 year old son. His death was an absolute waste of a human life. He is sorely missed.

Link Posted: 11/21/2006 6:57:21 AM EDT
Cpl Cross
Spc. Dolan
Sgt. White
Members of 1/23INF 3-2 SBCT Killed by IED's in Baghdad.
They were my friends, and I'll miss 'em.
Link Posted: 11/21/2006 9:58:21 AM EDT
[Last Edit: TANGOCHASER] [#31]
SFC Randy Rehn

Died 3 April 2003 from friendly fire.

He was my gunner back in the day when he was a SGT.

Link Posted: 12/13/2006 6:45:27 PM EDT
SGT Jeremy Martin Campbell was killed by an IED in western Baghdad. We were enroute to a Iraqi Police Station when two buried 155mm artillery rounds detonated 5 feet from his door killing him instantly. He was the one guy you could always count on and never one to flinch in the face of danger. His memorial is lasered in stone at Fort Bragg, NC.

Rejoice O' young man in thy youth.  -Jesus Christ-
Link Posted: 12/18/2006 12:01:20 AM EDT
[Last Edit: Darkstar117] [#33]
Maj. Troy L. Gilbert

F-16 Pilot stationed with me at Luke AFB, AZ.

11/30/2006 - LUKE AIR FORCE BASE, Ariz. -- The Department of Defense announced Wednesday the identity of a Luke Airman listed as Duty Status-Whereabouts Unknown. Maj. Troy L. Gilbert was the pilot of an Air Force F-16 engaged in support of coalition ground combat operations that crashed approximately 20 miles northwest of Baghdad Monday.

As the Thunderbolt went to press Thursday, Major Gilbert's status was listed as "Duty Status-Whereabouts Unknown." "Duty Status-Whereabouts Unknown" is an interim designation used while official verification of a service member's status is conclusively determined.

"Everyone's priority at this time is providing as much factual information and support as possible to the Gilbert family," said Brig. Gen. Tom Jones, 56th Fighter Wing commander, in an announcement to Phoenix area media on Wednesday. "We are in constant contact with Air Force officials in Iraq and at U.S. Central Command Air Forces, and we are providing updates to the family as soon as we receive the information," the general said.

Major Gilbert deployed in September from the 309th Fighter Squadron to the 332nd Air Expeditionary Wing at Balad Air Base, Iraq, in support of Operation Iraqi Freedom. According to CENTAF, Major Gilbert was actively supporting coalition ground combat operations at the time of the crash.

Major Gilbert has been assigned to Luke since March 2004. He has served as an instructor pilot and was the assistant director of operations for the 309th Fighter Squadron. For two years, he served as the 56th FW's executive flying officer.

"Major Gilbert is well known here at Luke," General Jones said. "He is an outstanding officer, an outstanding pilot, and an outstanding friend to many people here. But most importantly, above all else, he treasures his family and is a man of strong faith and conviction.

"We have devoted a strong and compassionate team of friends from our base to support the family in this difficult time. The Luke family is close-knit and this news affects us all."


The following is a statement from the Gilbert family to the Phoenix, West Valley community.

"Troy was first and foremost a wonderful husband and father. His Christian faith, personal values, and work ethic guided his personal life and his career as a military officer. He was highly respected by and deeply loved by so many. At the time of the tragedy during combat operations, he was unselfishly protecting the lives of other American military members. We, his family, cherish the worldwide prayers and support during this extremely difficult time."


For members of the public interested in assisting the Gilbert family, Fighter Country Partnership, a community support organization for the men and women of Luke Air Force Base, has established a sub account under the 5013C Foundation for the Gilbert Family.

The title of this account is "The Gilbert Family." Interested members of the public may write a check to "The Gilbert Family" and drop the check off at any Credit Union West Branch or they can mail the check to Fighter Country Partnership at 500 North Estrella (estraya) Parkway, Suite B-2, PMB #479, Goodyear, Arizona, 85338. Fighter Country Partnership emphasizes that this may be a tax deductible donation. For more information, contact Steve Yamamori, FCP executive director, at (602) 369-3531.

For any member of the public using a financial institution outside Arizona, you can ask the financial institution for assistance in electronically wiring the funds directly to the Gilbert family account. For information on electronic wiring, financial institutions can contact Robin Reed at Credit Union West at (602) 631-3218 for more information, to include routing/account information.
Link Posted: 1/15/2007 1:50:22 PM EDT
TSgt Timothy R. Weiner, USAF.  KIA 7 January 2007 Baghdad, Iraq.

Tim was in my NCO Academy flight less than a year ago.  We spent six fun filled weeks together competing against one another academically, drinking a lot of beers, and generally having a good time.  Tim was the only other non-noner (maintainers will understand ) in my flight so we had a lot of previous deployments to BS about.  He showed the class a lot of pictures and videos of close calls from his previous Iraq deployment.  Tim was killed by a VBIED which detonated as he and the other two members of his team approached it to collect evidence.  Senior Airman Elizabeth A. Loncki, 23, of New Castle, Del., and Senior Airman Daniel B. Miller Jr., 24, of Galesburg, Ill., were also killed in the explosion.  Tim was a very bright and motivated NCO and his team had sucessfully dealt with hundreds of threats in this deployment.  They were getting ready to redeploy back home in a few weeks.  The two things Tim was most proud of in his life were his 13 year old son, the light of his life, and his most valued posession, his Blue Audi TT.  Tim, like most EOD troops, lived life to the fullest, not sure how long he had left.  RIP Tim, the world is a better place for having had you.  
Link Posted: 1/26/2007 2:14:26 PM EDT
SSG Jamie Wilson (Boondocksaint) US ARMY. KIA 22nd Janyary 2007 Fallujah, Iraq

Alaska-based paratrooper has lost his life in Iraq.

Staff Sgt. Jamie D. Wilson was killed Monday by enemy small arms fire near Fallujah. The 34-year-old soldier from Texas was on guard duty at his base at the time.

Staff Sgt. Wilson was assigned to Fort Richardson's 4th Brigade Combat Team, 25th Infantry Division.

Please keep his soldiers in your prayers that are still over there.

Rest in peace Brother

Link Posted: 2/1/2007 7:44:16 PM EDT
In memory of corporal Joshua Snyder -sniper, corporal Brett Lundstrum-sniper, pfc Kyle Brown-sniper, corporal Felipe Barbosa-accident, lcpl Jariad Jacobs-sniper. all kia in Fallujah Iraq, 2006..never to be forgotten
Rip Brothers
Link Posted: 2/4/2007 1:13:25 PM EDT
A few of my friends lost.

Link Posted: 2/9/2007 5:41:04 AM EDT
[Last Edit: 6731HBAR] [#38]
I did not know these young men. But I want to express my sorrow at their passing, and my thanks on behalf of a nation that appreciates their ultimate sacrafice.  May God bless you and your families.

A member of the Nebraska’s Army National Guard was killed in Iraq Sunday, according to the U.S. Department of Defense.
Sgt. Randy J. Matheny of McCook was a member of the 1074th Transportation Company based out of Sidney.

Maheny, 20, died Sunday after an I.E.D – an improvised explosive device – was detonated near his vehicle, the Defense Department said. The incident took place in Baghdad. Matheny was serving as a gunner in the vehicle.

Two other soldiers Nebraska Army National Guard soldiers were injured in the incident, according to Capt. Kevin Hynes of the Nebraska National Guard. Their names and conditions were not released.

Matheny was a 2004 graduate of McCook High School and the son of Gary Matheny and Jan Collins of McCook. He joined the Nebraska Army National Guard on March 28, 2005, as a heavy vehicle driver in Detachment 1, 1057th Transportation Company in Scottsbluff. He attended basic training at Fort Jackson, S.C., in 2005 and then advanced individual training at Fort Leonard Wood, Mo., in 2006.

Specialist Matheny was promoted posthumously to the rank of sergeant.

“The entire Nebraska National Guard family grieves over the loss of Sergeant Matheny,” said Gen. Roger Lempke, adjutant general for Nebraska. “Our thoughts and prayers are with his family and the McCook community.”

Matheny’s death comes a little more than two weeks after 1st Lt. Jacob Fritz, 25, of rural Verdon was killed in combat operations.

Military officials had first said Fritz died during a Jan. 20 attack on U.S. forces at a government compound in Karbala. It was later revealed that he was one of four soldiers killed after militants abducted them from the compound.

Thirty-nine U.S. service members with Nebraska connections who have died in military operations in Afghanistan or Iraq since Sept. 11, 2001.

Link Posted: 2/28/2007 9:42:56 AM EDT
[Last Edit: Shadow4Golf] [#39]
I know 4 guys.  2 guys were in my platoon, and 2 guys I trained with at Ft Knox.

SPC Lance S. Sage.  Ubaydi region, Iraq 27 December 2005.  Our platoon was split into 3 sections, 2 dismounted and one mounted.  The dismount sections were on a joint patrol with a platoon sized element of the Iraqi Army.  Sage stepped on what was estimated to be a 152mm shell detontated by a pressure switch about the size of a dime.

PVT Josh M. Morberg.  Ubaydi region, Iraq 27 December 2005.  Josh was the point man of the dismount section that was moving to secure the blast site and to care for the wounded.  He was killed by an IED of the same type and configuration that killed Sage.

SGT Jose Gomez.  Jose was killed during a mounted patrol in Baghdad when an IED went off  next to his truck.

SPC Jose Rosario.  He was with 3ID and his entire truck crew was killed by indirect fire.

I know there has to be more, but I can't really bring myself to look at the lists anymore.
Link Posted: 3/8/2007 10:58:40 AM EDT
[Last Edit: 2T2_Crash] [#40]

My friend, SSgt Geraldine Marquez. she taught me how to drive a 4k forklift, she got my wife drunk one night at a birthday party, only time I have seen her drunk.

she ALWAYS had a smile. I still carry the switchblade that I traded Iraqi leaflets with her for.

I miss her, she is the first friend I have lost to this war, we are transporters, we load planes, I have had mortars and such shot at me, but never really thought of the danger even though we never go off the base.

She got out and I guess was working over there as a civilian

   "Geraldine Marquez kept telling her family that she was in no danger.

As a civilian contractor at heavily defended Bagram Air Base in Afghanistan, she mainly did paperwork on supply shipments.

"She kept saying she was in the safest place," her brother-in-law, Victor Rios of Ontario, told the Inland Valley Daily Bulletin. "Nothing could get to her. There would literally have to be a bomb falling out of the sky."

Marquez was among 23 people killed Tuesday by a suicide bomber at the main gate during a visit by Vice President Dick Cheney.

She turned 31 a day earlier, celebrating with ice cream cake. Her family began to worry when she failed to return their e-mailed birthday greetings.

"We always worried for her, we always prayed for her," said her brother, Alfredo Marquez of Victorville, on Thursday. "But she loved what she was doing. She always said, `If it's my time to go, I'd like to go doing what I love to do.' "

Marquez, who had lived with family members in Ontario and Victorville, worked for Lockheed Martin. She was an Air Force veteran.

Born in Nogales, Mexico, she was the youngest of five siblings. Family members described her as a leader with a strong religious faith.

She also loved online shopping and showered friends and family with gifts, they said. She bought a watch for her mother, plane tickets for her sister and iPods for her nieces.

"She was extravagantly giving," said her sister, Yuri Abraamyan of Valencia. "She just loved to make other people happy."

She especially loved children.

"She was always a child at heart" and loved to play with the youngsters at family gatherings, Abraamyan said.

In Afghanistan, she was friends with children who would gather at the gate of the air base, Army Lt. Mark O. Biggs told the family in an e-mail.

Some of the children were killed in the bombing.

"I have no doubt that she is taking care of them still," Biggs wrote, "and happy to do so."   "
Link Posted: 3/17/2007 12:25:53 AM EDT
Sergeant Jeffrey R. Shaver, 26, a medic assigned to Headquarters and Headquarters Company, 1st Battalion, 161st Infantry, a part of the 81st Armored Brigade, died May 12th, as a result of hostile action near Baghdad.

Specialist Jeremiah W. Schmunk, 20, an Infantryman assigned to Company C, 1st Battalion, 161st Infantry, a part of the 81st Armored Brigade, died July 8th, as a result of hostile action near Baghdad.

Sergeant Damien Thai Ficek, 26, an infantryman assigned to Company C, 1st Battalion, 161st Infantry, a part of the 81st Brigade Combat Team, died December 30th, 2004 as a result of hostile action near Baghdad.

Corporal Glenn James Watkins, 42, died on April 5th, when he succumbed to wounds he received when a vehicle-based improvised explosive device (VBIED) exploded alongside the HMMWV in which he was riding.

Link Posted: 3/27/2007 8:14:14 PM EDT
[Last Edit: bobd25] [#42]
CWO Scott Dyer, 3rd SFG

Chief Warrant Officer Scott W. Dyer, 38, of Cocoa Beach, Florida, died October 11, 2006, in Banditemur, Afghanistan, from injuries suffered during combat operations. Dyer was assigned to the 3rd Battalion, 3rd Special Forces Group, Fort Bragg, North Carolina.

It is hard to describe this guy. I do not think that I ever recall having seen him in a bad mood. A real character he was, and a great soldier.

Please take a moment to read the information about him here:

Link Posted: 4/10/2007 12:54:37 AM EDT
[Last Edit: NUCdt04] [#43]
Adam P Kennedy.... Sgt US Army...

Local News story

Great friend and a rook brother. Most motivated and locked on guy I've met.

Link Posted: 4/11/2007 3:15:37 AM EDT
To remember them is to honor them. May we never forget the supreme price they have paid. My hats off..head lowered..as I stand in tearful silent honor for every one of them...
Link Posted: 4/11/2007 7:07:11 AM EDT
Brothers from the 957 MRBC lost while serving under the 82 Div. Iraq.

SSG Hendrickson- Killed near Fallujah by 3 155mm rounds detonated in a guard rail.

SGT Smette- Killed near Fallujah in the same blast

Spc Hendrickson-Killed near Ramadi during a direct fire ambush

And also to a special someone who I will miss and love forever who turned his sidearm on his self after he returned home after being the only one to survive an IED attack.

You are my platoon mates and I will never forget you as long as I live.  


Link Posted: 5/29/2007 4:38:05 AM EDT
[Last Edit: jackt308] [#46]
I'd like to remember SSG Kristopher Higdon, out of Ft. Lewis, Washington. He was killed 22 May during his service in Iraq. A good man, he was formerly with the 82nd Airborne Division out of Ft. Bragg, North Carolina. He was my team leader for quite a while, and it was a great time. Always joking around, he could always help pass the time, whether in the barracks, in training, or in a support by fire position. He gave all he had for us, and for a cause that he believed in, no matter what others may say. Please keep him, and his wife and children in your prayers. We're all going to miss him.
Link Posted: 6/1/2007 12:04:10 AM EDT
[Last Edit: GrabMyWrist] [#47]
SSG Tommy M. McFall
36 years old
KIA on Memorial Day 2007

Tommy McFall

Posted by Mike Gilbert @ 04:24:12 pm Fort Lewis released a statement on behalf of Emily McFall, the wife of Staff Sgt. Thomas McFall, killed in action May 28 in Baghdad by an IED as his unit conducted a foot patrol.

"Tommy was my husband, a proud dad, a great son, and a friend to many. We opened our house to many for Christmas and Thanksgiving, so his Soldiers would not be alone for the holidays. We also hosted many a barbecue. Somehow, he always took over the barbecue, even if it was someone else's house. He was the "BBQ King." (He made) the best ribs.

Staff Sgt. Thomas McFall

He always had a story to tell you, and sometimes they would take forever, but you listened because he had that kind of hold on you, you wanted to know how it ended. He shared his love of beer and classic rock with the younger Joes, and often teased them about the "crap" music of today.

He just had a special pull about him. He would go into a bar, bathroom, store, anywhere and someone would start talking to him like they knew him. He could always put a positive spin on anything. He made me and a lot of other people better just by knowing him.

He would have had 13 years in (the Army) in October and when many got out he would say to them, 'it's the easiest job in the world.' He loved the brotherhood, and his heart beat red, white, and blue... there was only one exit for him.

So in our time of sorrow, don't shed a tear, just lift up a beer for Tommy and turn up the classic rock and remember what Tommy loved to say most: 'Let's eat.' Keep us and his fellow brothers that are still over there in your prayers. Come home safe guys- Tommy's still got your back."

Rest in peace brother.  You will be missed.

Eyewitness account from fellow ARFCOM member who was there when it happened...

That's pretty close to the events. We were in a district on the southern side of Baghdad, but we were in Baghdad. We were conducting dismounted patrols, bounding from one position of elevated security to the next. His squad and mine were co-located on a building, and mine moved forward. We took up position in the next building, and he moved his guys to my position. On his way, an IED buried on the other side of a courtyard went off, killing him and one of his men instantly. No other injuries were sustained.

The messed up part is that no amount of training or preparation could have prevented it. It was completely impossible to see from the movement. I literally walked within 5 meters of it on my way to the building we occupied. It just as easily could have been me and one of my guys, instead of him.

After the blast, the locals were smiling and cheerful and some were dancing around celebrating. Really motivates one to be friendly and professional, I'd say ...


Well....  I just returned home from the memorial.  I had forgotten how hard those things were to attend.  It was good to be able to say goodbye.  It was great to see the way he is remembered.

Before I left the Chapel, I placed my ARFCOM challenge coin next to Tom's picture, weapon, kevlar, dog tags and boots.  Then I saluted all three of the fine soldiers who paid the ultimate price.

It was my way of saying that we appreciate the sacrifice they made.

Link Posted: 6/14/2007 5:21:51 AM EDT
Three of the guys in my platoon got killed, all three of which were very very close friends of mine.

SGT Michael Peek, SGT Brandon Parr, and SGT Ashly Moyer
03MAR07 - Baghdad, Iraq.

Catostrophic IED - it flipped the HMMWV, caught on fire, and cooked off all the rounds, including the AT4 and grenades. Sucks. SGT Peek was 2 weeks from going home to get married, SGT Parr has a 4 year old son and an awesome wife, and SGT Moyer was engaged to my team leaders cousin.

Link Posted: 6/14/2007 9:58:18 AM EDT

Originally Posted By JSteensen:
Three of the guys in my platoon got killed, all three of which were very very close friends of mine.

SGT Michael Peek, SGT Brandon Parr, and SGT Ashly Moyer
03MAR07 - Baghdad, Iraq.

Catostrophic IED - it flipped the HMMWV, caught on fire, and cooked off all the rounds, including the AT4 and grenades. Sucks. SGT Peek was 2 weeks from going home to get married, SGT Parr has a 4 year old son and an awesome wife, and SGT Moyer was engaged to my team leaders cousin.

Link Posted: 6/20/2007 2:30:43 PM EDT
CPT Joshua Steele
Died 17 June 2007, Panjway, Afghanistan.  IED.

RIP Josh

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