I'm sure this has been posited prior, but something dawned on me while debating abortion with a gaggle of Liberals on Facebook:
Liberals are arguing that DACA children shouldn't be punished for their parent's actions, yet they support abortion, which is punishing children for their parent's actions.
One is an inconvenience to the child and the other is the killing of the child.
I've asked a number of Liberals, both men and women how they can simultaneously support DACA and abortion, but I've yet to get a single straightforward response
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It's not a child. It's a lump of cells in a parasitic relationship. You don't complain when Doctors tear out tape worms, do you?! Same thing. Literally and you would know that if you weren't a racist, homophobic, trans-phobic, hoplophoic, agoraphobic, Islamophobic, cynophobic, acrophobic, cis-gendered white racist male.
Now go get your pussy hat and sign over all your property to an underprivileged minority (anyone who isn't white) and get ready to violently assault fascists to keep them from abridging your freedom of speech by speaking.
Edit: Horrible sarcasm aside; don't go looking for logic or reason where non exists. These are the same people who say a wall won't work against illegal immigration because people will find a way to enter the country illegally who then turn around and say we should ban all guns because that would stop bad people from shooting people. You know, the same bad people who illegally smuggle drugs, people, and guns into the country by the metric ton. Many of these people idolize people like Margaret Sanger. That lady had some "interesting ideas" on forced sterilization, abortion, and racism (usually for black people). But they don't want to talk about that.