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Link Posted: 2/27/2013 10:41:06 PM EDT



Just be careful when you start asking for things....when officers don't enforce laws people accuse them of being crooked or biased.  Any other time the entirety of GD would be touting how LE needs to be objective in the eyes of the law.   Do you see how this could go so many ways?

Indeed. I posted a story this morning about how officers were arresting people for taking 2 seats on the subway or dancing. I don't like any of the oppression but, ultimately you have to blame the law, not the cop. I do also believe that cops should have a moral compass and do what is right when they are asked to stand and deliver though.

Well, which is it?

Link Posted: 2/27/2013 10:43:06 PM EDT
Link Posted: 2/27/2013 10:45:39 PM EDT
Link Posted: 2/27/2013 10:46:25 PM EDT


Want to boycott the Sheriff's deputies that arrested Haddad? Ok, I'm down with that. Want to boycott every LEO in a ban state? I'm not down. Innocent until proven guilty, right?
You realize the entire Police Chiefs Association of CO came out against Magpul right?


But the sheriffs didn't

So sheriffs won't arrest people with the wrong mags? They'll arrest them all the while carrying what the second class citizen can't.

Link Posted: 2/27/2013 10:49:16 PM EDT

Well, which is it?

Shitty answer but, it depends. How much is a career worth? The ability to support your family?

Put that guy in the can overnight for dancing (charges dropped later)? Ok. Put that guy away for years over some metal boxes with springs inside (and mark him as a felon forever)? No, fuck you.

That is what I would do anyway.
Link Posted: 2/27/2013 10:49:48 PM EDT



I do. I hope LEOs in ban states are prepared for it. Everywhere else LEOs and private citizens are going to keep sharing beers and wondering how some people in other states tolerate it.


No doubt it's a tough situation.  I'm certainly glad so many here are rallying on the proper side.  I just think there are a lot of talking heads around here based on their lack of a thorough thought process when it comes to some matters.  There will be a time for less thinking and more doing....brute force so to speak....now is not that time.
I think a very very small minority on here actually relish the though of disarming LEOs or even disadvantaging them in the slightest. The rest of us just want to see ban states reap what they have sown. To be perfectly honest I don't think Magpul changing their stance would hurt a single LEO because they either already have mags or will get them somewhere else. The message it sends, however, would be impossible to ignore.

Link Posted: 2/27/2013 10:52:41 PM EDT


Want to boycott the Sheriff's deputies that arrested Haddad? Ok, I'm down with that. Want to boycott every LEO in a ban state? I'm not down. Innocent until proven guilty, right?
You realize the entire Police Chiefs Association of CO came out against Magpul right?


But the sheriffs didn't

I think if you guys put that 2A support check box on your order form, it would be awesome. You could trip up some real assholes later, when they open their mouths and satisfy most of arfcom at the same time.
Link Posted: 2/27/2013 10:53:34 PM EDT

Link Posted: 2/27/2013 10:55:51 PM EDT


I do. I hope LEOs in ban states are prepared for it. Everywhere else LEOs and private citizens are going to keep sharing beers and wondering how some people in other states tolerate it.

No doubt it's a tough situation.  I'm certainly glad so many here are rallying on the proper side.  I just think there are a lot of talking heads around here based on their lack of a thorough thought process when it comes to some matters.  There will be a time for less thinking and more doing....brute force so to speak....now is not that time.
I think a very very small minority on here actually relish the though of disarming LEOs or even disadvantaging them in the slightest. The rest of us just want to see ban states reap what they have sown. To be perfectly honest I don't think Magpul changing their stance would hurt a single LEO because they either already have mags or will get them somewhere else. The message it sends, however, would be impossible to ignore.


Possibly.  But it only does one thing for certain.
Link Posted: 2/27/2013 10:56:19 PM EDT
This is a more complete statement..

With our distribution model, it would be difficult to enforce such a blanket policy, and would be a symbolic gesture. Just as it is difficult to stop $50 and $100 PMAGs at the retail level from resellers that buy through multiple levels of distribution, stopping sales to specific end-users would be almost impossible for the same reasons.

On the other side of this, we have seen the efforts of the Larimer County Sheriff and others in the CO Sheriffs’ Association, who have been incredible advocates for the Second Amendment here in the fight we are currently in. If a ban passes, these guys would be the ones hurt, and the politicians wouldn’t care. They would also be on our side. On the same front, about 600 of the NYSP have come out in protest of the NY SAFE act and in support of responsible Citizens and the 2A, at the risk of losing their jobs, their retirement, and the safety of their families. Are these the guys that we want to punish? Lumping all individual officers together and wanting to punish them all is no different than politicians who want to punish responsible Citizens for the behavior of criminals. Would a check box on the LE/MIL order form affirming 2A support for all Citizens make a difference? How many out there click on “I Accept” for terms and agreements before an iOS update without reading or caring what they are? Would anyone NOT click such a box? Chuck Schumer would even click that box if he was trying to order PMAGs. (We wouldn’t ship that one.)

If these LEOs who support our cause, and are “gun guys” find employment elsewhere because they can’t get the right gear to perform their jobs safely, or if politicians fire them for voicing their objections, they will simply be replaced with new faces that aren’t gun guys, don’t know any better, and may gladly stomp on your rights without a second thought if given the order. As it stands now, these pro-gun LEOs in occupied or potentially occupied territory are the only voices of reason among the LEO ranks there. Do we really want to purge them out and replace them with guys that wouldn’t know the difference between an AR and a Hi-point, and so couldn’t care less which one they are armed with, and that will also blindly follow anti-2A directives without objection? If you think that politicians will be affected by LE or MIL having less effective tools to do their jobs, you would be mistaken. I enlisted in the USMC during the Clinton years. I know better. If something did get ugly, I’m pretty sure I know who’s side CO Sheriffs will be on. Some folks take their oaths seriously.

Regardless of political views, these guys face violent criminals, make 2 am traffic stops, serve felony warrants, raid meth labs, etc. We refuse to punish LE collectively for the anti-2A beliefs of some, or even of their politically appointed chiefs, who could care less about properly equipped officers in many cases. We see this as no different than demanding that legislators do not punish all of society for the actions of criminals by taking away rights from the law abiding.

Because of this, we won’t bend from our principles, and if anyone decides they need to not buy our products based on this stance, then we are fine with you not bending on yours. If you’re selling any of your Colts over this, I might be interested.

Although we absolutely support the goals of the companies willing to stand up in this effort, we don’t believe a policy like this is the best way to achieve those goals for us.
Right now, we are engaged in the fight of our lives for 2A rights here in CO. Despite the high costs that moving would entail, we would actually be better off financially if we had just moved, rather than staying in the fight, based on the time, effort, and resources that we have poured into this battle, and are still pouring in. Simply running away wouldn’t be our style, though, and would be a betrayal of our friends, neighbors, the free Citizens of CO, and would concede a defeat for gun rights across the country. So, we are fighting. We are in this fight on both the state and national levels. Do any of us really want to uproot our families, leave our homes, and head out of the state? Hell no. But we will.

For those of you who want to call it a corporate greed business decision, or that we are following a monetary necessity, we had every opportunity to cave and probably could have written whatever exemption language we wanted if we would have backed off and sold out CO Citizens to completely protect our ability to manufacture. They probably would have cut all kinds of deals to get us to back out and not make the jobs and economy part of the issue, and we didn’t. They came to us prior to the vote on the day the exemption was presented on the floor and asked, basically, “Are we cool now?” To which, we responded NO, and that NO exemption or condition would keep us here, and that we didn’t support that amendment, let alone the bill. We are standing by our principles, and if yours differ, that’s fine, and we encourage you to stand by them, whatever they are.

For right now, we feel that efforts towards this end on our part would be more effective by looking at agency sales on a case-by-case basis behind the scenes rather than with a blanket policy shouted from the rooftops that punishes individual officers, and that our efforts are best directed where we are using them currently. We encourage others, whether friends or competitors, to do what they think is best, also, even if it differs from our position. This may evolve, but for right now, that is where we are at, and while we are always open to listening to reason, no boycotts or flaming will change our minds from doing what we feel is the right thing to do

Does this mean companies such as LaRue and Bravo don't have such high principles as Magpul's? Are you committing that Magpul will not sell to these 100+ companies that don't share these same ideals? On one hand you say "we don’t believe a policy like this is the best way to achieve those goals for us" meaning it's really about the $$$ since Magpul is still doing business with those involved in the boycott, but also selling to those for whom the boycott is against. I may be a layman, but it sounds to me you guys want it both ways...

Link Posted: 2/27/2013 11:03:08 PM EDT

Because of this, we won’t bend from our principles, and if anyone decides they need to not buy our products based on this stance, then we are fine with you not bending on yours.

For right now, we feel that efforts towards this end on our part would
be more effective by looking at agency sales on a case-by-case basis
behind the scenes
rather than with a blanket policy shouted from the
rooftops that punishes individual officers, and that our efforts are
best directed where we are using them currently. We encourage others,
whether friends or competitors, to do what they think is best, also,
even if it differs from our position. This may evolve, but for right
now, that is where we are at, and while we are always open to listening
to reason, no boycotts or flaming will change our minds from doing what
we feel is the right thing to do

Fair enough. I can't agree with you, but I can damn sure respect a stand on your principles. You guys made one hell of a stand in CO, and nothing people disagree with Magpul about now erases that.

You guys ever want to explain on this part in red you probably have a bunch of people wanting to listen.
Link Posted: 2/28/2013 12:09:23 AM EDT
I've decided to contact those businesses who are involved in the boycott the following email. For those who want to use part of it may do so.


Within the last few days Magpul Industries issued a statement involving the boycott that your company is a part of. Magpul has stated that they will not be involved in such a boycott. In part their statement reads;

"Regardless of political views, these guys face violent criminals, make 2 am traffic stops, serve felony warrants, raid meth labs, etc. We refuse to punish LE collectively for the anti-2A beliefs of some, or even of their politically appointed chiefs, who could care less about properly equipped officers in many cases. We see this as no different than demanding that legislators do not punish all of society for the actions of criminals by taking away rights from the law abiding. Because of this, we won’t bend from our principles, and if anyone decides they need to not buy our products based on this stance, then we are fine with you not bending on yours."

It appears that Magpul believes they have higher principles than you, but at the same time, continues to profit from your business and from those the boycott is against. While I find this a bit contradictory this is the message that Magpul has delivered, and ended their statement with the following;

"We encourage others, whether friends or competitors, to do what they think is best, also, even if it differs from our position. This may evolve, but for right now, that is where we are at, and while we are always open to listening to reason, no boycotts or flaming will change our minds from doing what we feel is the right thing to do"

While Magpul doesn't share the same opinion on the boycott as your business is a part of, I want to let you know, that I cannot, in good conscious, do business with those who carry products from manufactures who do not support our cause on this. This is action that we all must be a part of, and I will only do business with those who are in this battle to win it.

In closing, I want to thank you for taking the time in reading this, and I hope that your company has the right principles to see this fight through.


Link Posted: 2/28/2013 3:23:08 AM EDT
Thank you Magpul.  There's a bunch of dumb fucks on this site that don't gave a rat's ass about the 2nd amendment they just don't like cops and like these business to stop selling to LE as a way of sticking it to the man.

Link Posted: 2/28/2013 3:25:25 AM EDT
That's fucked up
Link Posted: 2/28/2013 3:43:21 AM EDT
We don't want to punish LEO's.

The anti's, FOR DECADES, have exempted LEO's in their ban statutes for two reasons.......(1) to buy them off and (2) because they are perceived to need superior weapons than we are.

I believe number (1) to be the primary reason and this may be tinfoil on my part but that is what I believe is the PRIMARY reason.

Magpul has played into that strategy and made the anti's strategy successful IMHO.
Link Posted: 2/28/2013 3:43:42 AM EDT
I haven't seen anything posted about contracts with state/local LE agencies anywhere, so I'll just throw it in this thread.

Companies like Larue, Barrett and BCM do not have a whole lot of contracts with local/state LE agencies for actual weapons (not talking about accessories)***. They can decide to "stop" selling their weapons to LE agencies in those states, because most of their sales are made on an as-needed basis, so the total number of sales to agencies is relatively few. I quoted "stop" here because the nature of these companies' sales to LE agencies is usually infrequent and uncertain, so they never really "start" in the sense where sales normally begin and are ongoing. The important nature of these sales of these companies to LE agencies is they usually aren't being sold under long-term contracts, i.e. they have no obligation to continue producing weapons for said LE agencies.

Companies like Colt, Armalite, Smith & Wesson usually sell under large, long-term contracts and can't just decide to "stop" selling to LE agencies on a whim. These businesses have a legal obligation to continue producing/procuring/delivering weapons to LE agencies until existing contracts are fulfilled. If they stop, they'll be in breach of contract. I put "stop" in quotes here because these companies could continue production under current contracts until fulfillment, while refusing to negotiate new contracts. However, such a refusal to pursue new contracts would be very detrimental to these larger companies that many (but not all) of these larger companies. They absolutely rely on government contracts.

Additionally, whatever company decided to not extend any contracts for the provision of weapons to an LE agency would effectuate nothing; a counterpart company would step in and gladly negotiate a contract. In the case of Smith and Wesson, who do you think is going to step in? Without any doubt, Glock would fulfill most of the contracts. Ceteris paribus, I'd much rather have all those tax dollars be spent on equipment from a US manufacturer than going overseas. However, the potential for substitute fulfillment is not the point of my post.

In sum, at least for these larger companies, there are really only two tenable positions:
1) Damn the consequences, it is the principle of the matter: Stop selling to LE agencies in rights-restrictive states, our voice must be heard.
2) It is disappointing that the LE agencies of rights-restrictive states enjoy greater rights than these states deem the 2nd Amendment to provide citizens, and it is also disappointing that there is not much that these companies can do about it.

That said, I would advocate that you not waste your time bashing these larger companies - denigrating them is not going to change anything. Moreover, sitting on the computer bashing each other will certainly produce no results. I completely understand people not wanting to support a company, refusing to spend money on their products out of principle and then voicing their opinions here or elsewhere. That is absolutely your right and I doubt anyone would posit the contrary. Yet quarreling and haranguing each other is futile. Spend that time instead contacting as many representatives as you can. Hell, contact these larger corporations and demand that they engage in more proactive support of the 2A. Its not just the duty of the residents of those rights-restrictive states to prevent, stop, or end tyranny, it is the duty of every US citizen.

"Of Liberty, then, I would say, that in the whole plenitude of its extent, it is unobstructed action according to our will; but rightful liberty is unobstructed action, according to our will, within limits drawn around us by the equal rights of others. I do not add 'within the limits of the law', because law is often but the tyrant's will, and always so when it violates the rights of the individual." - Thomas Jefferson (in his final letter to Isaac H. Tiffany, implicitly discussing the natural right of self government)

***Larue, Barrett, BCM, and Spikes may very well have some contracts with LE agencies, yet the volume of sales under these contracts to the volume of civilian sales is presumably very low. I would assume that Magpul and PWS fall under this category as well, but I am not certain. Please indicate if this is incorrect.

ETA: I've edited this a few times as I've continued to think about the matter. I've come back to the topic again and I'll edit it once more to add my position to the extent it was not previously ascertainable in the spirit of full disclosure and to promote discussion.

I understand many companies not joining the LE agency boycott, as it is not only their right to make this decision, but it is also entirely impracticable for some. At the same time, I am very happy that some companies have begun boycotting the LE agencies; this gives our cause a much stronger voice and offers the government new perspective. Moreover, the companies that have decided to refuse selling to LE agencies have put their reputations and businesses on the line in the face of lost profits and governmental and/or LE community retribution. For some of these companies, like Larue or BCM, I am in no way surprised. They are headed by highly convicted individuals with firm foundations who will not yield to the abrogation of the rights of US citizens. Their actions speak volumes and I cannot thank them enough for considering and giving deference my interests and rights over their bottom line. Nevertheless, my continued support of these companies via my minimal purchases will have to suffice.

As for the LE officers, they have very little to do with the current political sentiment; it is not the fault of LEOs in rights-restrictive states that citizens are being denied individual freedoms. I fully support the LEOs, thank them for their service and hope they can take some of the current negativity with a grain of salt. I hope they understand that the decisions of these companies is not a reflection on them, their agencies, or the value of their service, but rather, a reflection upon the failures of the representatives of the states in which they exist.
Link Posted: 2/28/2013 3:43:54 AM EDT



Not when the "others" are the ones using guns to make us sit in the back of the fucking bus, no

Can you come up with more than the Haddad instance to show me that all NY LEO's are bad? I'm not convinced they will all herd us onto the FEMA trains.

I can show you an instance where a NY/NJ PAPD LEO was arrested for having 30 round mags and a flash hider in my home state.
The point is not that all LEOs are bad.  I don't believe anyone has said that, but what it an easy and obvious approach is this:  if an item is banned from a state, the ban will be implemented and applied to the entire state, not against the majority, with exception for a small minority.

The entire premise is built upon the foundation that some people are not held to the same standard of behavior as the rest.  It necessarily creates two different and distinct classes of people.

Those that are required to obey the law; and

Those who are above the law.

An explanation is not really needed, but if one is, I doubt you can, or want to, understand it.

Explain why one segment of society is required to obey a law, while the other gets a pass.


Link Posted: 2/28/2013 3:50:15 AM EDT





GD is full of lemmings

Guys, costa sells videos to cops in ban states.   Get him!
All of this started when people, including myself, were trying to put Magpul on the good guy list and couldn't find their stance. Then Magpul posted in the thread with a less than thrilling response. They have since continued to the extent of apparently blaming the sentiment against their stance on "LE hate". I really don't think they get it and they seem to somehow think they can try to be apolitical in this atmosphere.


I dunno. I don't see anything besides LEO hate behind this boycott. I'd be onboard if I were to be proven wrong.

I don't care if someone hates cops,  I can take them or leave them.  I want mags.  The politicians are trying to take my mags.  The cops are not.   Is that enough for anyone on here ?
LOL, GTFO.  The cops in NY just jailed and charged a war hero over mags.  The same has been going on in other states for decades.  In fact, when the guy in NJ got 7 years for all the "banned" stuff he had, the cops hammered his ass and the majority of ARFCOM said "well, it was the law and he broke it.  Play stupid games . . ."

The politicians won't be the ones that stop you like Haddad, seize your property and haul your ass to jail.  That will be ban-state LE, now the loyal foot soldier of the tyrant.

They are the people Magpul wants to arm, while telling you "daddy said 'NO,' you can't have that."

I have no idea how to make it clearer.

Link Posted: 2/28/2013 3:57:50 AM EDT






That would be a valid point if Magpul wasn't selling direct to LEOs.


It doesn't matter

Do whatever you want. It's still a somewhat free country. Magpul is obviously a pro 2nd A company, but their decisions have made it to where I no longer personally support them. I wish them well but for the time being it won't be with my money.  


You are misguided.  You cannot expect them to have 100% compatible views or understanding as you.

This whole "no to LE in ban states" thing is fairly new, and it is unfair to expect businesses to understand the meme.  I understand that Barrett has done it for a while now, but their products are unique enough that nobody else could take their place.

Doesn't seem to be that hard for another mag manufacturer and the rest of the list.

1.LaRue Tactical  2-8-13

2.Olympic Arms 2-12-13

3.Extreme Firepower Inc, LLC (Per EFI, policy is several years old)

4.Templar Custom 2-13-13

5.York Arms 2-13-13

6.Cheaper Than Dirt 2-15-13

7.Bullwater Enterprises 2-16-13

8.West Fork Armory 2-16-13

9.Smith Enterprise 2-17-13

10.Alex Arms 2-17-13

11.Spike’s Tactical 2-18-13

12.Quality Arms Idaho 2-19-13

13.Liberty Suppressors 2-19-13

14.Doublestar Corp 2-19-13 (Includes J&T Distributing & Ace LTD)

15.American Spirit Arms 2-19-13 (complete with a video!)

16.Trident Armory 2-17-13 (reported to me 2-20-13)

17.Head Down Products 2-20-13

18.J&G Sales 2-20-13

19.Barrett Firearms 2-20-13

20.Exile Machine 2-20-13

21.Tier One Arms 2-15-13 (reported to me 2-20-13)

22.Bravo Company USA 2-20-13

23.Primary Weapons Systems 2-21-13 (read my blog post on PWS)

24.Crusader Weaponry 2-20-13

25.Top Gun Supply 2-21-13

26.Kiss Tactical 2-21-13

27.Clark Fork Tactical 2-21-13

28.OFA Tactical 2-17-13 (reported to me 2-21-13)

29.One Source Tactical 2-21-13 (Scroll down to shipping restrictions)

30.Templar Tactical Arms 2-12-13 (reported 2-21-13)

31.NEMO Arms 2-21-13 (check out their photo!)

32.Old Grouch’s Military Surplus 1-15-13 (NOT a typo!)

33.Big Horn Armory 2-22-13

34.Midway USA 2-22-13

35.CMMG Inc 2-22-13

36.Rocky Top Tactical 2-22-13

37.Badger Peak 2-22-13

38.Controlled Chaos Arms 2-22-13

39.SRT Arms 2-22-13

40.Norton Firearms 2-22-13

41.Umlaut Industries 2-22-13

42.Predator Intelligence 2-2-13 (Read comments)

43.Citizen Arms 2-23-13 (At the bottom of the page)

44.Evolution Weaponry 2-17-13

45.Chaos Arms 2-23-13

46.Warbirds Custom Guns 2-23-13 (Scroll to the bottom)

47.JBTAC 2-23-13

48.Stoner Arms 2-22-13

49.Ammoclip (Date of policy unknown)

50.3 Rivers Precision 2-22-13

51.2A Firearms 2-22-13

52.Lanco Tactical 2-22-13

53.Predator Tactical 2-23-13

54.Arrowhead Shooting Sports 2-23-13

55.Boise Tactical 2-23-13

56.Huntertown Arms 2-23-13

57.Lauer Custom Weaponry 2-22-13 (PDF) (Makers of DuraCoat)

58.556 Tactical 2-23-13

59.Iron Goat Guns 2-16-13

60.Dead Bang Guns (Date of policy unknown)

61.Southern Appalachian Arms 2-15-13

62.Thunder Beast Arms (2-22-13)

63.Delmarva Shooting Supply 2-23-13

64.OJ’s Gun Shop 2-23-13

65.OCS Guns 2-23-13

66.Progressive Micro Devices (Special case, read my post)

67.Semper Fi Arms 2-22-13

68.Climags (Unknown date. Scroll to "Why was my order cancelled?”)

69.Southwest Shooting Authority 2-8-13

70.Csspecs Magazines 2-24-13

71.MFI 2-25-13

72.Critical Survival 2-24-13

73.DogLeg Arms 2-25-13

74.Victory Defense Consulting 2-25-13

75.GWACS Armory 2-24-13

76.Allegiance Ammunition 2-22-13

77.2A Armament 2-22-13

78.Daniel Byer FFL 2-24-13

79.Black Mountain Survival 2-25-13

80.Hill Country Black Rifles 2-25-13

81.Big Sky Ammunition 1-1-13

82.Allstar Tactical 2-25-13

83.Precision Firearms 2-25-13

84.Alpine Guns 2-25-13

85.Umbrella Corp 2-25-13

86.Bison Armory 2-25-13

87.3RI Technologies 2-25-13

88.The Tactical Toolbox 2-25-13

89.JCW Industries (Unknown)

90.Volquartsen Custom (Unknown)

91.Paige Firearms 2-25-13

92.Franklin Armory 2-22-13

93.West Michigan Tactical 2-26-13

94.West Acre Sporting Goods 2-26-13

95.Shade’s Landing 2-14-13

96.GunUp 2-27-13

97.RL Hydro-Graphix 2-27-13

98.Jeremy Kupper’s Gunsmithing 2-26-13

99.Hansohn Brothers 2-27-13

100.Deep South Ammo 2-27-13

All guilty of GD LEO hate apparently

Link Posted: 2/28/2013 4:07:48 AM EDT
Link Posted: 2/28/2013 4:26:51 AM EDT


GD is full of lemmings

Guys, costa sells videos to cops in ban states.   Get him!
All of this started when people, including myself, were trying to put Magpul on the good guy list and couldn't find their stance. Then Magpul posted in the thread with a less than thrilling response. They have since continued to the extent of apparently blaming the sentiment against their stance on "LE hate". I really don't think they get it and they seem to somehow think they can try to be apolitical in this atmosphere.


I dunno. I don't see anything besides LEO hate behind this boycott. I'd be onboard if I were to be proven wrong.
I'll give you an example. Two very pro-LEO companies, LaRue Tactical and Bravo Company, have taken the stance that they will not sell to states anything private citizens cannot have in those states. Midway USA and many others have also taken this position. Do you think these companies are doing it out of LEO hate?


Both direct sellers with virtually zero dealer or distribution network selling specialized product lines.

Easy for them to do so.

Not so much for companies that use distributor channels and have contracts with resellers....

Sure it is, it's as easy to enforce as MAP etc.....you put it in our contract with your distributors and you ban hammer or sue the shit out of those who don't comply. Didn't we have a company here get in trouble with Aimpoint not long ago for "under selling"? That shit was fixed like RIGHT NOW as I recall!
Link Posted: 2/28/2013 4:31:18 AM EDT


Oh yeah I really trust Cheaper than Dirt to actually live up to this promise

Wanna buy a bridge?  The owners won't sell to cops in ban states.

Olympic? What kind of dept buys olympic AR's?
What about Bravo Company? Because ban state LEOs won't be getting those either.


The sentiment behind this whole thing is sound but its misdirected.  Everyone needs to be focusing on other ways of hitting where it hurts.  Agencies are likely to not give much of a crap and even if they do, most don't have political pull to affect anything.  This is just the latest fad for GD to get their rocks off.  That probably sounds like I'm against the idea, which isn't true.  But I also know a lot of good LE guys in ban states that this could affect.  And that's the problem....it doesn't hurt the agencies (who may or may not have any pull where it counts) it only hurts the individual who wants to do his job.

Do his job with 7 rounds or get busy helping the average fella overturn the ridiculous law.

Why are they obligated to help you fight the law?

Two things- What is the largest segment of their sales, Leo or Civilian? Do you work to preserve the largest portion of your income? Second in our free market economy people are free to spend their money as they see fit, part of that for some folks is spending it with a company that supports their values and beliefs. So while they are not "obligated" to help fight the consequences of not doing so should be painfully obvious.
Link Posted: 2/28/2013 4:34:37 AM EDT
Bravo Company gets it.

"While Bravo Company has made a great many friends with the fine
officiers that serve in the Milwaukee Police Department, regrettably as
of today, we will no longer do business with Chief Edward Flynn and the
Milwaukee PD."


Link Posted: 2/28/2013 4:34:56 AM EDT
After what happened with the trigger happy LAPD in the Dorner manhunt, LEO's are the last people in the country that I want to have 30 round mags!
Link Posted: 2/28/2013 4:37:33 AM EDT
After what happened with the trigger happy LAPD in the Dorner manhunt, LEO's are the last people in the country that I want to have 30 round mags!

Well, someone had to say it!!


Link Posted: 2/28/2013 5:23:22 AM EDT
Thank you Magpul.  There's a bunch of dumb fucks on this site that don't gave a rat's ass about the 2nd amendment they just don't like cops and like these business to stop selling to LE as a way of sticking it to the man.

I'm sure I'm wasting my time, but it's a slow morning.

You don't get it.  This has nothing to do with cop hate, or sticking it to anyone.  This is completely about 2nd amendment rights.  Look at NY, and think, serriously think about that.  In the matter of an evening, the course of rights and freedoms for those there was changed.  Done.  That's it.  Imagine going to bed and then waking up to that news.  "Won't happen to me, I live in the great state of Texas".  Bullshit.  Before we know it, we could all be NY.

What Magpul is doing, makes no sense to me at all.  Laws are nothing without enforcement.  They're willing to move their entire operation out of state (and all that entails) to show their principles, but at the same time, will still provide to LE what is illegal to non-LE....having LE being those who enforce the law.  Not only that, but they'll fast-track their purchase.  In my opinion, this is counterintuitive.

What Magpul is doing, is arming those who would disarm us (us being you, too).  LEO are the ones raiding meth labs, so they deserve their 30rd mag more than I do protecting my children and wife in the middle of the night when a methhead comes through my front door.
Link Posted: 2/28/2013 5:32:55 AM EDT
Link Posted: 2/28/2013 5:37:14 AM EDT
Time to break out the milspec aluminum mags.

Bye bye PMAGs.

Link Posted: 2/28/2013 5:40:04 AM EDT

I've been saying the same fucking thing since the ArmaLite shit started.  Motherfuckers around here have no problem tearing down the same companies that help us.  It's shameful.

I've got no problem boycotting Quislings.

Fuck Armalite.  I wouldn't take one of their rifles if they GAVE it to me.

And at this point, ditto for Magpul.  I've bought my last Magpul product.

Fuck them.

Someone else will bring a better product AND a willingness to hold EVERYONE, civilian and government alike, to the same standards on sales.
Link Posted: 2/28/2013 5:46:55 AM EDT

I've been saying the same fucking thing since the ArmaLite shit started.  Motherfuckers around here have no problem tearing down the same companies that help us.  It's shameful.

I've got no problem boycotting Quislings.

Fuck Armalite.  I wouldn't take one of their rifles if they GAVE it to me.

And at this point, ditto for Magpul.  I've bought my last Magpul product.

Fuck them.

Someone else will bring a better product AND a willingness to hold EVERYONE, civilian and government alike, to the same standards on sales.

Tapco and century
Link Posted: 2/28/2013 5:57:21 AM EDT

I've been saying the same fucking thing since the ArmaLite shit started.  Motherfuckers around here have no problem tearing down the same companies that help us.  It's shameful.

I've got no problem boycotting Quislings.

Fuck Armalite.  I wouldn't take one of their rifles if they GAVE it to me.

And at this point, ditto for Magpul.  I've bought my last Magpul product.

Fuck them.

Someone else will bring a better product AND a willingness to hold EVERYONE, civilian and government alike, to the same standards on sales.

Tapco and century

Because nobody else can make a high quality magazine out of plastic, ever......Jesus Christ I hope a meteor doesn't hit their plant it would be the end as we know it.....
Link Posted: 2/28/2013 5:58:43 AM EDT
Everyone will continue to privately buy pmags and no one will decide to buy an Oly because of this.

I am going to buy an Oly because of this. I was looking at buying an AR-10, but will probably get some sort of Oly 9mm, 45acp or something instead. Not sure, I have to look into once demand dies down. I'll still keep a few P-Mag around, probably 100 less than I otherwise would. I really don't care for the LEO fastlane.
Link Posted: 2/28/2013 6:00:09 AM EDT

I've been saying the same fucking thing since the ArmaLite shit started.  Motherfuckers around here have no problem tearing down the same companies that help us.  It's shameful.

I've got no problem boycotting Quislings.

Fuck Armalite.  I wouldn't take one of their rifles if they GAVE it to me.

And at this point, ditto for Magpul.  I've bought my last Magpul product.

Fuck them.

Someone else will bring a better product AND a willingness to hold EVERYONE, civilian and government alike, to the same standards on sales.

Tapco and century

Because nobody else can make a high quality magazine out of plastic, ever......Jesus Christ I hope a meteor doesn't hit their plant it would be the end as we know it.....

I don't know

I use USGI, made in Hartford, CT
Link Posted: 2/28/2013 6:00:27 AM EDT


Tapco and century

Smart ass!!

Link Posted: 2/28/2013 6:01:25 AM EDT
Everyone will continue to privately buy pmags and no one will decide to buy an Oly because of this.

I am going to buy an Oly because of this. I was looking at buying an AR-10, but will probably get some sort of Oly 9mm, 45acp or something instead. Not sure, I have to look into once demand dies down. I'll still keep a few P-Mag around, probably 100 less than I otherwise would. I really don't care for the LEO fastlane.

Oly is not milspec
Link Posted: 2/28/2013 6:02:22 AM EDT
Thank you Magpul.  There's a bunch of dumb fucks on this site that don't gave a rat's ass about the 2nd amendment they just don't like cops and like these business to stop selling to LE as a way of sticking it to the man.


Oh, and I'm sure my county would grant a tax abatement here in Texas if your looking for new scenary in a Pro 2nd Amendment state  
Link Posted: 2/28/2013 6:13:55 AM EDT
Thank you Magpul.  There's a bunch of dumb fucks on this site that don't gave a rat's ass about the 2nd amendment they just don't like cops and like these business to stop selling to LE as a way of sticking it to the man.


Oh, and I'm sure my county would grant a tax abatement here in Texas if your looking for new scenary in a Pro 2nd Amendment state  

See my post above and I'm calling the same bs here as well.

This isn't about cop hate.  It's about cops deserving/needing/have access to a 30rd mag that I can't.

So tell me, Mr. gbcop...why is ok for YOU to protect yourself with a  30rd mag, but not for me?
Link Posted: 2/28/2013 6:14:30 AM EDT


The sentiment behind this whole thing is sound but its misdirected.  Everyone needs to be focusing on other ways of hitting where it hurts.  Agencies are likely to not give much of a crap and even if they do, most don't have political pull to affect anything.  This is just the latest fad for GD to get their rocks off.  That probably sounds like I'm against the idea, which isn't true.  But I also know a lot of good LE guys that voluntarily chose to work and support the laws  in ban states that this could affect.  And that's the problem....it doesn't hurt the agencies (who may or may not have any pull where it counts) it only hurts the individual who wants to do his job.
FIFY and agencies are made up of people.


So quit and move somewhere else to hope to get a job in this wonderful economy while starting from bottom pay?
Link Posted: 2/28/2013 6:42:22 AM EDT

They are playing both sides of the fence. Talk a big show about moving out of CO in a principal stand for citizens 2A rights -- and at the same time have a special LEO fast track setup.

What the fuck don't some of you dipshits see about this????

- we will leave CO in a stand for 2A rights
- and at the same time we fast track equip THE VERY LEO that will enforce the death of those 2A rights


Don't tell me you stand for my rights when at the same time you make special provisions to equip the very jack booted thug who will kick my door in and arrest me to confiscate the very product he carries in his magwel. (figuratively speaking, my state is not currently a ban state)

And I bet a damn dollar to a hole in a donut that you DON'T leave CO either.

Now, having said all that, I love your products, always have and have spent thousands of dollars on it.

There is no middle ground.


Posted Via AR15.Com Mobile
Link Posted: 2/28/2013 6:49:16 AM EDT
I'm gonna sell my remaining peemags to cops
Link Posted: 2/28/2013 6:51:53 AM EDT
This is a more complete statement..

With our distribution model, it would be difficult to enforce such a blanket policy, and would be a symbolic gesture. Just as it is difficult to stop $50 and $100 PMAGs at the retail level from resellers that buy through multiple levels of distribution, stopping sales to specific end-users would be almost impossible for the same reasons.

On the other side of this, we have seen the efforts of the Larimer County Sheriff and others in the CO Sheriffs’ Association, who have been incredible advocates for the Second Amendment here in the fight we are currently in. If a ban passes, these guys would be the ones hurt, and the politicians wouldn’t care. They would also be on our side. On the same front, about 600 of the NYSP have come out in protest of the NY SAFE act and in support of responsible Citizens and the 2A, at the risk of losing their jobs, their retirement, and the safety of their families. Are these the guys that we want to punish? Lumping all individual officers together and wanting to punish them all is no different than politicians who want to punish responsible Citizens for the behavior of criminals. Would a check box on the LE/MIL order form affirming 2A support for all Citizens make a difference? How many out there click on “I Accept” for terms and agreements before an iOS update without reading or caring what they are? Would anyone NOT click such a box? Chuck Schumer would even click that box if he was trying to order PMAGs. (We wouldn’t ship that one.)

If these LEOs who support our cause, and are “gun guys” find employment elsewhere because they can’t get the right gear to perform their jobs safely, or if politicians fire them for voicing their objections, they will simply be replaced with new faces that aren’t gun guys, don’t know any better, and may gladly stomp on your rights without a second thought if given the order. As it stands now, these pro-gun LEOs in occupied or potentially occupied territory are the only voices of reason among the LEO ranks there. Do we really want to purge them out and replace them with guys that wouldn’t know the difference between an AR and a Hi-point, and so couldn’t care less which one they are armed with, and that will also blindly follow anti-2A directives without objection? If you think that politicians will be affected by LE or MIL having less effective tools to do their jobs, you would be mistaken. I enlisted in the USMC during the Clinton years. I know better. If something did get ugly, I’m pretty sure I know who’s side CO Sheriffs will be on. Some folks take their oaths seriously.

Regardless of political views, these guys face violent criminals, make 2 am traffic stops, serve felony warrants, raid meth labs, etc. We refuse to punish LE collectively for the anti-2A beliefs of some, or even of their politically appointed chiefs, who could care less about properly equipped officers in many cases. We see this as no different than demanding that legislators do not punish all of society for the actions of criminals by taking away rights from the law abiding.

Because of this, we won’t bend from our principles, and if anyone decides they need to not buy our products based on this stance, then we are fine with you not bending on yours. If you’re selling any of your Colts over this, I might be interested.

Although we absolutely support the goals of the companies willing to stand up in this effort, we don’t believe a policy like this is the best way to achieve those goals for us. Right now, we are engaged in the fight of our lives for 2A rights here in CO. Despite the high costs that moving would entail, we would actually be better off financially if we had just moved, rather than staying in the fight, based on the time, effort, and resources that we have poured into this battle, and are still pouring in. Simply running away wouldn’t be our style, though, and would be a betrayal of our friends, neighbors, the free Citizens of CO, and would concede a defeat for gun rights across the country. So, we are fighting. We are in this fight on both the state and national levels. Do any of us really want to uproot our families, leave our homes, and head out of the state? Hell no. But we will.

For those of you who want to call it a corporate greed business decision, or that we are following a monetary necessity, we had every opportunity to cave and probably could have written whatever exemption language we wanted if we would have backed off and sold out CO Citizens to completely protect our ability to manufacture. They probably would have cut all kinds of deals to get us to back out and not make the jobs and economy part of the issue, and we didn’t. They came to us prior to the vote on the day the exemption was presented on the floor and asked, basically, “Are we cool now?” To which, we responded NO, and that NO exemption or condition would keep us here, and that we didn’t support that amendment, let alone the bill. We are standing by our principles, and if yours differ, that’s fine, and we encourage you to stand by them, whatever they are.

For right now, we feel that efforts towards this end on our part would be more effective by looking at agency sales on a case-by-case basis behind the scenes rather than with a blanket policy shouted from the rooftops that punishes individual officers, and that our efforts are best directed where we are using them currently. We encourage others, whether friends or competitors, to do what they think is best, also, even if it differs from our position. This may evolve, but for right now, that is where we are at, and while we are always open to listening to reason, no boycotts or flaming will change our minds from doing what we feel is the right thing to do

pick a  side of the line and stay behind it.
Link Posted: 2/28/2013 6:57:28 AM EDT

They are playing both sides of the fence. Talk a big show about moving out of CO in a principal stand for citizens 2A rights -- and at the same time have a special LEO fast track setup.

What the fuck don't some of you dipshits see about this????

- we will leave CO in a stand for 2A rights
- and at the same time we fast track equip THE VERY LEO that will enforce the death of those 2A rights


Don't tell me you stand for my rights when at the same time you make special provisions to equip the very jack booted thug who will kick my door in and arrest me to confiscate the very product he carries in his magwel. (figuratively speaking, my state is not currently a ban state)

And I bet a damn dollar to a hole in a donut that you DON'T leave CO either.

Now, having said all that, I love your products, always have and have spent thousands of dollars on it.

There is no middle ground.


Posted Via AR15.Com Mobile

Because the cops made the law? What have you done to fight the laws passing? More than magpul? I doubt it.
Link Posted: 2/28/2013 7:00:46 AM EDT
So where does Lancer stand on this issue?

My money has to go somewhere.
Link Posted: 2/28/2013 7:06:24 AM EDT
No more Magpul for me. I've got about three dozen Pmags and from now on it'll be D&H.
Link Posted: 2/28/2013 7:07:57 AM EDT

Because the cops made the law? What have you done to fight the laws passing? More than magpul? I doubt it.

There is a well-coordinated and well-financed effort to pass similar laws in multiple states, starting with those most likely to adopt (New York being the best example)

The problem with the 'we will not sell to departments, but will sell to officers on letterhead' dodge is it undermines the ability of a unified front against these laws.

Every legislature now knows that any LE opposition will evaporate, since some manufacturers (Armalite, Magpul, Colt etc) will continue to arm those who will enforce these laws, either overtly, or with end-around moves like the letterhead two-step.

The manufacturers are either blindly or willfully ignorant of this, and value only their bottom line. That is business.

It is also myopic, as the end game is get enough states to ban, and the rest will fall, if not individually, then by Federal mandate.

By then, the manufacturers in question will have effectively eliminated their own consumer/civilian markets.

They may not be thinking this through, or they may just not care.

Either way, they are selling us, and the 2nd Amendment out. No matter how much they claim to support it.

Edit: spelling

Link Posted: 2/28/2013 7:12:59 AM EDT
These really are symbolic gestures, guys. You must realize this.
Link Posted: 2/28/2013 7:14:15 AM EDT
These really are symbolic gestures, guys. You must realize this.

How do we really know until it is played out and LEO's can't get the weapons/accessories, etc., they thought they could get via special exemptions?
Link Posted: 2/28/2013 7:15:30 AM EDT
These really are symbolic gestures, guys. You must realize this.

if i'm interpreting your meaning correctly agree.  companies showing that they stand behind the 2nd is what's important,  not whether cops get to have 30 rounders or not.
Link Posted: 2/28/2013 7:18:21 AM EDT
I made this offer in a previous (now locked) Armalite thread. But it bears updating and repeating...

For all of you Armalite (and now Magpul) owners with your panties in a bunch, please feel free send me any of your functioning Armalite & Magpul products. I will make sure they are thoroughly used and abused. I'll even cover shipping and any transfer fees.

Hopefully my offer will allow anyone who takes it up to sleep a little better at night knowing you no longer have to worry about those evil Armalite/Magpul products no longer in your possession.
Link Posted: 2/28/2013 7:19:21 AM EDT
Disappointing, I liked Magpul products.
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