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Link Posted: 7/22/2020 6:24:24 PM EDT
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Where did the OP find this?
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Link Posted: 7/22/2020 6:24:33 PM EDT
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Good. I’m like #4.

Except smaller.

And bigger boned.
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OBVIOUSLY you don’t lift.
Link Posted: 7/22/2020 6:25:40 PM EDT
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OBVIOUSLY you don’t lift.
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Good. I’m like #4.

Except smaller.

And bigger boned.

OBVIOUSLY you don’t lift.

Not anymore.

Taking a break.

Just treadmill/chins/pushups in my plate carrier.

Link Posted: 7/22/2020 6:25:46 PM EDT
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What women like or dislike changes on a monthly basis.
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Hell it changes during their monthly cycle too
Link Posted: 7/22/2020 6:25:53 PM EDT
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Probably the pose.  Flatbill and white Oakleys implied but not shown.
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And why the hate for #14?  Looks just like #7 above it with an added smallish beer gut.
Probably the pose.  Flatbill and white Oakleys implied but not shown.

This guy gets it.  It's the unspoken stuff.  

I just posted earlier today on Facebook that the guy in this commercial totally skeeves me out.  Objectively he's not bad looking but there's so much more to whether someone is appealing or not.  

eharmony Video Date: First Date Promotional Video
Link Posted: 7/22/2020 6:25:54 PM EDT
Jared Leto thread
Link Posted: 7/22/2020 6:25:55 PM EDT
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Only 1.7% guess nobody actually likes a "dad bod"

I want to see what these wimmin look like.
Link Posted: 7/22/2020 6:26:27 PM EDT
In Los Angeles green looks good to them all Attachment Attached File
Link Posted: 7/22/2020 6:26:39 PM EDT
"a bunch of women"

I'd lose my job with data like that.
Link Posted: 7/22/2020 6:27:53 PM EDT
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Wait. Is that bad? Or good?

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How did the dude with the gunt beat the bodybuilder? I know chicks don't dig the roid look, but hard to believe they prefer morbidly obese.

They probably figure bodybuilder guy will spend all his time in the gym instead of with them.

That type of bodybuilder is the male equivalent of this, IMO.  


Wait. Is that bad? Or good?


  I'm shocked.
Link Posted: 7/22/2020 6:28:11 PM EDT
Now, they should make it interesting and add net worth into the equation.  I'm guessing you might see some shifts in those numbers.

Link Posted: 7/22/2020 6:29:27 PM EDT
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Have another guy holding a big wad of $100's.
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I'd recommend #10 for this experiment.
Link Posted: 7/22/2020 6:30:25 PM EDT
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Not anymore.

Taking a break.

Just treadmill/chins/pushups in my plate carrier.

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Good. I’m like #4.

Except smaller.

And bigger boned.

OBVIOUSLY you don’t lift.

Not anymore.

Taking a break.

Just treadmill/chins/pushups in my plate carrier.



I keep fucking up joints and tendons so I take it easy.  Oh well, there’s always biking for my old ass!

Link Posted: 7/22/2020 6:30:43 PM EDT
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Now, they should make it interesting and add net worth into the equation.  I'm guessing you might see some shifts in those numbers.

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How many attractive women will take #10 if he's got piles of green?
Link Posted: 7/22/2020 6:31:16 PM EDT
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I’m between #3 and #4, trying to up my lean mass.

Thing is, a lot of those body types are close to each other but rank way differently.  Something doesn’t make sense, lol.
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I'm probably closets to a #7, but I'm a bit critical towards him cause he needs to focus a bit more on his pectorals, so I can't say I'd be ok with someone telling me #7 and I have a resemblance.

I'm not as cut as #3 but I have more mass. I'm more cut than #4 but not as much mass.

If #7 would just do more bench and a few shoulder shrugs, that would be my match.
Link Posted: 7/22/2020 6:32:06 PM EDT
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LittlePony thread.
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is he still around? I dont recall seeing him in a while...
Link Posted: 7/22/2020 6:33:39 PM EDT
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LittlePony thread.
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That's why I came here. Where's he at?
Link Posted: 7/22/2020 6:34:18 PM EDT
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I'm probably closets to a #7, but I'm a bit critical towards him cause he needs to focus a bit more on his pectorals, so I can't say I'd be ok with someone telling me #7 and I have a resemblance.

I'm not as cut as #3 but I have more mass. I'm more cut than #4 but not as much mass.

If #7 would just do more bench and a few shoulder shrugs, that would be my match.
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I’m between #3 and #4, trying to up my lean mass.

Thing is, a lot of those body types are close to each other but rank way differently.  Something doesn’t make sense, lol.

I'm probably closets to a #7, but I'm a bit critical towards him cause he needs to focus a bit more on his pectorals, so I can't say I'd be ok with someone telling me #7 and I have a resemblance.

I'm not as cut as #3 but I have more mass. I'm more cut than #4 but not as much mass.

If #7 would just do more bench and a few shoulder shrugs, that would be my match.

In reality, you’re probably ahead of 95% of the American male population as far as good body composition is concerned.  Nothing to fret about if we’re truly healthy.
Link Posted: 7/22/2020 6:35:00 PM EDT
#2 baby!  Gotta find that 1.7%!!
Link Posted: 7/22/2020 6:35:16 PM EDT
I have found that unless your just a complete fat ass most women really don't care if you bring other things to the table.
Link Posted: 7/22/2020 6:35:45 PM EDT
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I vote you add a poll and have GD'ers rank themselves as which body type they think they are!
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Well I'll admit that I'm somewhere between a #2 and #6. Neither which is ranked high at all.
Link Posted: 7/22/2020 6:37:07 PM EDT
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So judging by #9's score, AIDS patients are sexy. Who knew?
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Heroin Chic
Link Posted: 7/22/2020 6:40:48 PM EDT
Interesting thing is comparison of results between #9 and #14.

Female version of "pointy elbows."
Link Posted: 7/22/2020 6:41:25 PM EDT
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So judging by #9's score, AIDS patients are sexy. Who knew?
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Number 12 is the real AIDS patient.

I don't know but if I was a chick I would be more concerned about a guys paycheck than his body type.  I fail even worse at that.
Link Posted: 7/22/2020 6:42:02 PM EDT
After entering my teens over the past four decades I went from 9 to 3 to 4 to 11 to 4 to 6 to 4 to 6 again.

Obviously, you are less popular if scrawny and even less popular if obese.
Lean but not scrawny and muscular but not to a point only other dudes care how muscular you are is what attracts women.
Link Posted: 7/22/2020 6:42:49 PM EDT
I'm a number 8 though I have way more toned arms and a farmers tan.
Link Posted: 7/22/2020 6:44:21 PM EDT
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So the majority of women prefer men that are lean and muscular? Who knew.
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Yeah, stop the presses.....Thing is most men prefer similar in women.
Link Posted: 7/22/2020 6:44:54 PM EDT
IDK, a ton look the same and have wildly different ratings.

Not sure what the deal is there.
Link Posted: 7/22/2020 6:49:19 PM EDT
One suspects that women want some level of muscle tone and no beer gut.
Link Posted: 7/22/2020 6:49:32 PM EDT
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Yeah, stop the presses.....Thing is most men prefer similar in women.
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I don't know about that. I think the majority of guys prefer them with a little more meat on the bone. Runway model skinny is not as popular as you'd think.
Link Posted: 7/22/2020 6:50:12 PM EDT
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First, #4 still looks good at the beach without the high maintenance of 13.

More importantly, 13 requires a ton of work and a small percentage of chicks put in that kind of work...so every time they look at him they see “stop being fat”. Chicks don’t like that.
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This. Plus there have been studies showing that overall strength levels correlate with attractiveness. I think bodybuilders and heavyweight powerlifters were not represented, but in the studies the strongest guys were rated most attractive. Guy number four is the strongest dude there except for the BB, and most women view them the way we view chicks with giant fake tits. I love huge, huge cans, but they gotta be natty.

ETA: Beat by Onlineallthetime.
Link Posted: 7/22/2020 6:50:16 PM EDT
Link Posted: 7/22/2020 7:00:08 PM EDT
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I have found that unless your just a complete fat ass most women really don't care if you bring other things to the table.
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Nope. You have to be super hot, tall and ripped or rich to land a woman.

That’s the only reason arfcom isn’t more successful in the relationship department.
Link Posted: 7/22/2020 7:03:16 PM EDT
Nice im a 10 !!!!!

Link Posted: 7/22/2020 7:03:19 PM EDT
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Nope. You have to be super hot, tall and ripped or rich to land a woman.

That’s the only reason arfcom isn’t more successful in the relationship department.
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Link Posted: 7/22/2020 7:05:02 PM EDT
Just interviewed wife...she prefers 11, says I more closely resemble 4.

Told her that it just means I have options based on the percentages...

Her response:

Link Posted: 7/22/2020 7:06:44 PM EDT
They used my picture for #2
Link Posted: 7/22/2020 7:08:50 PM EDT
Other than the biggest variation in score, what's the difference between 9 and 12?

Link Posted: 7/22/2020 7:10:44 PM EDT
Link Posted: 7/22/2020 7:11:50 PM EDT
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I have found that unless your just a complete fat ass most women really don't care if you bring other things to the table.
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Like what?

How about herpes
Link Posted: 7/22/2020 7:12:11 PM EDT
Glad I scored my wife before I became a 2.
Link Posted: 7/22/2020 7:12:20 PM EDT
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Other than the biggest variation in score, what's the difference between 9 and 12?

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One has AIDS and the other has anorexia.
Link Posted: 7/22/2020 7:13:11 PM EDT
It looks like they don't like 6-8 pack abs. I've been working more on my abdominals but not trying to get a 6-pack but more for my lower back. Having a strong core = less back pain.
Link Posted: 7/22/2020 7:14:31 PM EDT
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It looks like they don't like 6-8 pack abs. I've been working more on my abdominals but not trying to get a 6-pack but more for my lower back. Having a strong core = less back pain.
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That’s stupid.

Having a strong back = less back pain.
Link Posted: 7/22/2020 7:17:18 PM EDT
I'm bigger than 6, but smaller than 10.

Attachment Attached File

Edit: Why the fuck is my picture sideways???
Link Posted: 7/22/2020 7:18:21 PM EDT
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I don't know about that. I think the majority of guys prefer them with a little more meat on the bone. Runway model skinny is not as popular as you'd think.
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Meat on the bone is code for thicc. Most men prefer slimmer women, especially those of us that don’t have dad bods (or worse.)
Link Posted: 7/22/2020 7:18:21 PM EDT
Link Posted: 7/22/2020 7:20:03 PM EDT
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Only 1.7% guess nobody actually likes a "dad bod"
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1.7% - so you're saying I've got a chance?
Link Posted: 7/22/2020 7:20:13 PM EDT
So nothing in between ripped tren abusers, fat asses, and soy boys.

Link Posted: 7/22/2020 7:20:21 PM EDT
Money changes that whole bod dynamic.
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