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Link Posted: 11/3/2020 10:29:59 AM EDT
Wife and I voted Trump.  My friend in Macomb County who has never voted before was inspired to get out and vote for Trump too.  I helped fill him in on John James and the conservative judges, trying to get as many votes for the good guys as we can.
Link Posted: 11/3/2020 10:32:08 AM EDT
Took my millennial son with me to vote In Romulus. He is CPL and NRA/GOA member,
T$ and John James and a bunch more pure red pill votes were made.
Number 7 and 8 in line.
Were 50-60 people in line one the way out at 7:15.
Never seen anything like it, so many.
Link Posted: 11/3/2020 10:34:03 AM EDT
In line right now in a republican county.  

If I had to stereotype the crowd I would not say trump supporter.

Hope to be wrong!
Link Posted: 11/3/2020 10:34:05 AM EDT
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Wife and I voted Trump.  My friend in Macomb County who has never voted before was inspired to get out and vote for Trump too.  I helped fill him in on John James and the conservative judges, trying to get as many votes for the good guys as we can.
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+3 vote post!  Hell yeah brother!!!
Link Posted: 11/3/2020 10:34:16 AM EDT
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Honestly, that brought a fuckin tear to my eyes
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Got in line at 6am, polls opened at 7am, when i left, line of about 75-100

Get your buttski to the polls!!

Get em T$ !!!!!!


Honestly, that brought a fuckin tear to my eyes

Honestly, that made me flat out cry. I think I'm really stressed out.
Link Posted: 11/3/2020 10:34:36 AM EDT
Career Democratic, Flint City Council Member - Voting for Trump. 3 min video.

I need an assist with the twitter link....always forget what to delete.

Link Posted: 11/3/2020 10:35:25 AM EDT
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Took my millennial son with me to vote In Romulus. He is CPL and NRA/GOA member,
T$ and John James and a bunch more pure red pill votes were made.
Number 7 and 8 in line.
Were 50-60 people in line one the way out at 7:15.
Never seen anything like it, so many.
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Link Posted: 11/3/2020 10:37:03 AM EDT
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In line right now in a republican county.  

If I had to stereotype the crowd I would not say trump supporter.

Hope to be wrong!
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Link Posted: 11/3/2020 10:40:05 AM EDT
Vote for Trump, John James, and Sheriff Mekoski complete.
Link Posted: 11/3/2020 10:40:09 AM EDT
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I vote in a rural township here in Michigan and I've never seen it so heavy people were parking along the highway. Lot's of idiots wearing maske outside, hope that dowsn't mean they're Biden voters.
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Hopefully they are not Biden voters, but just playing the game so they can vote.
Link Posted: 11/3/2020 10:41:13 AM EDT
Link Posted: 11/3/2020 10:44:13 AM EDT
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Vote for Trump, John James, and Sheriff Mekoski complete.
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Link Posted: 11/3/2020 10:44:34 AM EDT
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I voted a straight red Republican ticket. May FUCK be upon the commies.
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Oh my...

Link Posted: 11/3/2020 10:46:28 AM EDT
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Honestly, that made me flat out cry. I think I'm really stressed out.
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Double shot of Blantons will fix you right up! I wish I didn't have to work today, otherwise, I would set out a pile of movies today and relax.
Link Posted: 11/3/2020 10:50:00 AM EDT
Going to vote after work, Trump, James, Mary Kelly, Brock Swartzel, and Tissdale for Sherrif.
Link Posted: 11/3/2020 10:51:44 AM EDT
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Going to vote after work, Trump, James, Mary Kelly, Brock Swartzel, and Tissdale for Sherrif.
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Link Posted: 11/3/2020 10:56:22 AM EDT
I voted Saturday as I have to work today.  
I did walk my boys to the day care. The day care is in the high school and the high school is a polling place.

As I walk by the dems are out for local trustee. He comments on my kids being twins. I don’t really engage in conversation with him.
I drop the kids off and walk back.

“Oh. You are back?”

“Yup that’s how day care works. You drop your kids off, you leave, you go to work and they take a quarter of your check and give it to welfare rats so they can buy drugs or alcohol.”

“Ok.  Have a nice day.”

“Go fuck yourself commie.”

EDT.  Voted straight republican.  Mary and swartzle.  Yes on the warrant for electronics.
Link Posted: 11/3/2020 10:59:36 AM EDT
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Took my 90yr old dad this morning. He said he would crawl to the polls if he had to. Two more Trump & James votes.

ETA: Btw...I only found three conservative judges on the ballot (no wonder our state is fucked up). Two are up for the state Supreme Court: Kelly and Swartzle. There is one for the 3rd Circuit Court: Mary Beth Kelly. We need more conservative judges and we need the state Supreme Court.
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You win the internet for the day
Link Posted: 11/3/2020 11:00:53 AM EDT
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I voted Saturday as I have to work today.  
I did walk my boys to the day care. The day care is in the high school and the high school is a polling place.

As I walk by the dems are out for local trustee. He comments on my kids being twins. I don’t really engage in conversation with him.
I drop the kids off and walk back.

“Oh. You are back?”

“Yup that’s how day care works. You drop your kids off, you leave, you go to work and they take a quarter of your check and give it to welfare rats so they can buy drugs or alcohol.”

“Ok.  Have a nice day.”

“Go fuck yourself commie.”
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Link Posted: 11/3/2020 11:04:05 AM EDT
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623 Trump
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Link Posted: 11/3/2020 11:11:41 AM EDT
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Link Posted: 11/3/2020 11:13:40 AM EDT
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Link Posted: 11/3/2020 11:18:08 AM EDT
Link Posted: 11/3/2020 11:18:13 AM EDT
+2 more straight red tickets here in Northern MI.
Link Posted: 11/3/2020 11:21:00 AM EDT
Voted this morning for 4 more years of Trump and for my guy John James.
Link Posted: 11/3/2020 11:21:02 AM EDT
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+2 more straight red tickets here in Northern MI.
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Link Posted: 11/3/2020 11:22:23 AM EDT
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Voted this morning for 4 more years of Trump and for my guy John James.
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Link Posted: 11/3/2020 11:22:37 AM EDT
3 from our house for T$ and James.  Fuck Slotkin too.  Daughter voted for the 1st time too with us.

Even my uncle, who never votes because he thinks it does not matter, pulled the lever from Trump

Link Posted: 11/3/2020 11:23:28 AM EDT
My brothers and their wives, as well as my mom and step dad all voted for Trump. They all said the polling stations had long lines.
Link Posted: 11/3/2020 11:23:57 AM EDT
Did my part! Wife is doing the same as I type this.

The good news - I live in a farming community of around 1,400 people. There were 100 people in line to vote when I left. We are a conservative stronghold surrounded by communists....every single person I spoke to said they believed it was too important of an election to trust absentee voting, they wanted to do it in person.

The red wave is building!!!

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Link Posted: 11/3/2020 11:23:59 AM EDT
Me and my fiance's votes for Trump/James will at least cancel out the votes her siblings and mom will be casting for Joe Biden.  They're the worst type of voters in that they know nothing at all about politics and are just voting because they made some false claim about something Trump said they didn't like and when I tried to look for proof he said it there was none.  There needs to be some sort of aptitude test for knowledge or something before they let people vote.

Link Posted: 11/3/2020 11:25:14 AM EDT
Trump, John James, and strong coffee.  Go MAGA
Link Posted: 11/3/2020 11:26:26 AM EDT
Voted this morning, stood in line for about an hour after getting there around 7:15am.

One more vote for Trump and James!
Link Posted: 11/3/2020 11:26:31 AM EDT

Wife and I will be voting later (probably after work).
Link Posted: 11/3/2020 11:26:38 AM EDT
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Did my part! Wife is doing the same as I type this.

The good news - I live in a farming community of around 1,400 people. There were 100 people in line to vote when I left. We are a conservative stronghold surrounded by communists....every single person I spoke to said they believed it was too important of an election to trust absentee voting, they wanted to do it in person.

The red wave is building!!!

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Bigly!  Your vote put Trump one more step to 4more years!
Link Posted: 11/3/2020 11:28:43 AM EDT
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Voted this morning, stood in line for about an hour after getting there around 7:15am.

One more vote for Trump and James!
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Link Posted: 11/3/2020 11:28:55 AM EDT

Hopefully they are not Biden voters, but just playing the game so they can vote.
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This. I put a mask on, I don’t have time to deal with stupid Karen’s bitching.
Link Posted: 11/3/2020 11:32:20 AM EDT
I'll be going after work so T$ will be getting at least one more.

My parents and siblings will probably join me as we all go to the same station so that's and additional 4 on top of mine.

Got 2 never voted before guys to get out and go Trump too.
Link Posted: 11/3/2020 11:32:58 AM EDT
Guys we are counting on you...get as many out today as you can. We NEED Michigan to shut these fucks down!
Link Posted: 11/3/2020 11:34:19 AM EDT
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3 from our house for T$ and James.  Fuck Slotkin too.  Daughter voted for the 1st time too with us.

Even my uncle, who never votes because he thinks it does not matter, pulled the lever from Trump

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Daaaamn, +4 vote post!!!!
Link Posted: 11/3/2020 11:35:28 AM EDT
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I'll be going after work so T$ will be getting at least one more.

My parents and siblings will probably join me as we all go to the same station so that's and additional 4 on top of mine.

Got 2 never voted before guys to get out and go Trump too.
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+7 vote post.
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Link Posted: 11/3/2020 11:39:46 AM EDT
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Guys we are counting on you...get as many out today as you can. We NEED Michigan to shut these fucks down!
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We got this.

Link Posted: 11/3/2020 11:50:42 AM EDT
Wife and I are both off work today, got to the polls early and still were lucky to find a spot to park with the huge turnout. Two more votes for Trump and James, plus Kelly and Swartzle. We need our Supreme Court now more than ever to combat the lefts power grabs here.
Link Posted: 11/3/2020 11:53:51 AM EDT
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My MIL who never votes and used to lean to the left, voted for Trump.


The final map will look a lot like that.  I’m pretty sure Hawaii will be blue though.
Link Posted: 11/3/2020 11:54:14 AM EDT
Turnout this morning in my smallish town is insane. Usually, it's a 10 minute wait. Stood on line over an hour.
Link Posted: 11/3/2020 11:56:21 AM EDT
I was #30 in my rural UP township, in line at 0650.  Line was still the same length when I got through and exited at 0730.
Link Posted: 11/3/2020 11:56:40 AM EDT
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Wife and I are both off work today, got to the polls early and still were lucky to find a spot to park with the huge turnout. Two more votes for Trump and James, plus Kelly and Swartzle. We need our Supreme Court now more than ever to combat the lefts power grabs here.
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+2 for T-Money!!!!  
Link Posted: 11/3/2020 12:01:14 PM EDT
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Dude is quality through and through. I know someone who goes to church with him. Evidently an absolutely stellar guy. Praying he wins and sends Dopey Peters home.
Link Posted: 11/3/2020 12:03:50 PM EDT
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Litchrally lol'd
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Greenland comes through for Trump!
Link Posted: 11/3/2020 12:16:11 PM EDT
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Greenland comes through for Trump!
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Greenland comes through for Trump!

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