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Link Posted: 7/20/2023 10:44:44 AM EDT
Sanctuary city should be more welcoming than this.
Link Posted: 7/20/2023 10:45:28 AM EDT
New York Magazine: prints a front page article about millions and millions of sq. ft. of vacant real estate.

NYC Mayor: We have no room!
Link Posted: 7/20/2023 10:49:17 AM EDT
Lol, that's not how open borders work. Better start making room. Texas needs to send another 8,700 busses, the Upper West Side is still oppressively devoid of tent cities.
Link Posted: 7/20/2023 10:49:24 AM EDT
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Time for 500 more bus loads in NYC.
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Make it hurt!  People need to feel the consequences of their actions!
Link Posted: 7/20/2023 10:49:58 AM EDT
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Arizona, Texas and New Mexico should send out flyers that welcomes them to NY and CA. Come get your free shit!!!!

¡hermanos y hermanas! ¡Dirígete al norte hacia la libertad!
¡Nueva York, la tierra de la leche y la miel te da la bienvenida!
¡Tus días de trabajo han terminado! ¡tu nuevo padre Eric Adams te da la bienvenida a su seno!
Link Posted: 7/20/2023 10:50:29 AM EDT
And El Paso is not?
Link Posted: 7/20/2023 10:59:17 AM EDT
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This Country needs to start deporting people en-mass.

You don't need to shut down the border, you just need to start deporting the fuck out of illegals, come down on people employing or assisting illegals, and word will get out, they will stop coming (or at least it will be greatly reduced.)

You pass a law granting State and local LE to enforce Federal Immigration Laws, shit, I hate to say that... That may not be a good idea. You offer local LE $100-$200 for every illegal they catch, that will get the bean counters going, take the money from the Ukraine budget.

Hospitals, no official US ID or Visa, no service unless it is life saving, since they have to provide care.
Schools? Fuck you, no Visa, no school.
Library card? Fuck you, you aren't getting that either.
Church or charity helps illegals? Fuck you, all your tax breaks/exempt status is revoked.
Home Countries? Fuck you, we are taking money from foreign aide to that Country and earmarking it for deportations. See how their leaders like it when their skim is cut off.

Home Country won't allow repatriation flights/ships/buses? Fuck you, jump school just got expanded and the program now lasts 1hr.

"Reuniting families," fuck you we're deporting your family in the US too, because you illegally crossed the border, that'll make some stop and think about helping or crossing.

25% overseas transaction fee on all money sent to any of "the problem" countries. Legitimate business are exempt. Use the money to fund the deportations.
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That's a lot of fuck you's you got going there, but I'm with you bro!

Link Posted: 7/20/2023 11:02:34 AM EDT
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Pay up!

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Fucker is saying discrimination is terrorism, he's from Venezuela.

Link Posted: 7/20/2023 11:02:34 AM EDT
NYC will distribute flyers at US-Mexico border telling newly arrived migrants to 'consider another city'

New York City Mayor Eric Adams has told migrants there is 'no more room in the city' as officials start to evict asylum seekers out of shelters despite more buses arriving from southern border.

The city will distribute flyers at the US-Mexico border telling newly arrived migrants to 'consider another city' and limit shelter stays for adult asylum seekers to 60 days as the city's Democratic mayor says it is straining to house them.

The flyers would seek to 'combat misinformation at the border' and that the city would help migrants find other housing and 'take the next step in their journey,' the office of Mayor Eric Adams said in an announcement on Wednesday.

New York is bound by a decades-old consent decree in a class-action lawsuit to provide shelter for those without homes.

As more migrants have arrived, Adams, who has called the immigration crisis a 'disaster', has tried a range of approaches to housing them, from tents to relocating them to other parts of the state.


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Link Posted: 7/20/2023 11:02:49 AM EDT
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If they can take the democrats with them, that would be great.
Link Posted: 7/20/2023 11:04:22 AM EDT
C'mon now, there's plenty of room with all those empty office buildings. After all, you're all about sanctuary....
Link Posted: 7/20/2023 11:12:28 AM EDT
NYC will distribute flyers at US-Mexico border telling newly arrived migrants to 'consider another city'

New York City Mayor Eric Adams has told migrants there is 'no more room in the city' as officials start to evict asylum seekers out of shelters despite more buses arriving from southern border.

The city will distribute flyers at the US-Mexico border telling newly arrived migrants to 'consider another city' and limit shelter stays for adult asylum seekers to 60 days as the city's Democratic mayor says it is straining to house them.

The flyers would seek to 'combat misinformation at the border' and that the city would help migrants find other housing and 'take the next step in their journey,' the office of Mayor Eric Adams said in an announcement on Wednesday.

New York is bound by a decades-old consent decree in a class-action lawsuit to provide shelter for those without homes.

As more migrants have arrived, Adams, who has called the immigration crisis a 'disaster', has tried a range of approaches to housing them, from tents to relocating them to other parts of the state.


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Where do we donate to help send triple or more busses to take them to nyc?
Link Posted: 7/20/2023 11:16:34 AM EDT
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Pay up!

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I believe this is what the Washington Post refers to as "hiding in the shadows..."
Link Posted: 7/20/2023 11:18:55 AM EDT
my preference would be to legalize them in an exchange program.   for every democrat or nevertrumper that emigrates to south or central america, one illegal can immigrate and become legal.  immigrants must work and pay taxes; no freebies or handouts from the gov.  no anchor babies or other relatives.  after 10 years of work, they would be eligible for citizenship.
Link Posted: 7/20/2023 11:21:21 AM EDT
I went to the city and stayed very close to a place that is housing 5000 of these illegals.  I didn't see many folks milling about that were from the latin american region.  So I bet there is a LOT more room. Keep busing them in!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Attachment Attached File

Link Posted: 7/20/2023 11:24:15 AM EDT
Isn't it the law of NYC that they have to provide certain services to illegals in their first 90 days. So is Adams saying he is going to have to break the law.
Link Posted: 7/20/2023 11:25:31 AM EDT
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Southern governors, it’s time to double down on shipping illegals into New York
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Link Posted: 7/20/2023 11:30:25 AM EDT
Tough shit NYC. You promoted this shit; now you have to live with it.

Here in Texas we have been dealing with the Democrat Party immigration policies for decades and were told, suck it up.

Texas should distribute flyers to BBJs informing them of their rights in NYC and offering legal assistance should the bigots in NYC government give them any shit.
Link Posted: 7/20/2023 11:30:56 AM EDT
Maybe they should consider mailing some of those flyers to the Marxists working inside the White House?
Link Posted: 7/20/2023 11:33:13 AM EDT
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We are being bombarded w/ them here in Herkimer county... We are a Red county & they are trying to stack them here.
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Busses go both ways on the highway.
Link Posted: 7/20/2023 11:35:17 AM EDT
Go fuck yourself Mayor. You and your leftist party sowed this fucking seed, now eat it.

Plus, with all the evil moderates and Republicans leaving youre shithole, you should have plenty of room for all these dependents.

Enjoy it New York.
Link Posted: 7/20/2023 11:35:43 AM EDT
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And El Paso is not?
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Yep, El Paso is getting butt fucked in this Democrat Party created crisis.
Link Posted: 7/20/2023 11:37:54 AM EDT
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I went to the city and stayed very close to a place that is housing 5000 of these illegals.  I didn't see many folks milling about that were from the latin american region.  So I bet there is a LOT more room. Keep busing them in!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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Stack 'em deep.
Link Posted: 7/20/2023 11:58:52 AM EDT
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Pay up!

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Someone is financing this shit for the sole purpose of destroying America and we need to figure that out.

This guy doesn’t speak a lock of English, is clearly reading from a script that he is unfamiliar with based on how frequently he has to look at it and general body language, the ones around him look confused and all of their signs are in English with proper grammar.

Since blacks are starting to wake up and turn their backs on democrats these are the new useful brown people.
Link Posted: 7/20/2023 12:03:13 PM EDT
Yeah. Good luck handing out flyers in English.

Of course, 50% of them probably dont speak Spanish.

And 75% of the Spanish speakers cannot read.

Link Posted: 7/20/2023 12:06:26 PM EDT
Migrants Walk Out of Shelter After Spoiled Food Sickens Kids, Again
Shelter staff responded to the improvised protest by telling worried parents that they could leave if they didn’t like it.

Link Posted: 7/20/2023 12:07:47 PM EDT
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Yeah. Good luck handing out flyers in English.

Of course, 50% of them probably dont speak Spanish.

And 75% of the Spanish speakers cannot read.

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They are all functionally retarded.

Link Posted: 7/20/2023 12:08:11 PM EDT
Link Posted: 7/20/2023 12:08:18 PM EDT
Wow that is not very inclusive. It also is racist.
Link Posted: 7/20/2023 12:11:02 PM EDT
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Wow that is not very inclusive. It also is racist.
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Link Posted: 7/20/2023 12:12:16 PM EDT
Texas needs to start distributing flyers informing illegals of the sanctuary states and cities as well as a list of the free transportation we can provide that will get them there.
Link Posted: 7/20/2023 12:14:53 PM EDT
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Texas needs to start distributing flyers informing illegals of the sanctuary states and cities as well as a list of the free transportation we can provide that will get them there.
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I'm pretty sure Catholic Charities takes care of that along the way.
Link Posted: 7/20/2023 12:15:13 PM EDT
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Plenty of room in Central Park for tents and porta johns.
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This place is bigger than our house!

Link Posted: 7/20/2023 12:19:52 PM EDT
Print up a bunnch of flyers telling how NYC provides free housings, food and spending money to all new immigrants for the first three years and leave them lying around in random places. Those flyers will make the rounds and the illegals will be fighting each other to get on the bus.
Link Posted: 7/20/2023 12:20:12 PM EDT
The " Work Permits " crowd, who just want them to vote, is still in action.

Link Posted: 7/20/2023 12:21:26 PM EDT
lol, go to Albany or Buffalo, what about the crackheads in Philly?
Link Posted: 7/20/2023 12:21:41 PM EDT
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Send them to the Hamptons
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I hope the "asylum seekers " shit in their yards.
Link Posted: 7/20/2023 12:28:03 PM EDT
They could pass a new law:  Any private residences that are over 10,000 Sq/Ft and have a residency showing over 1200 sq/ft per resident, will be required to accept illegal..err undocumented residents until they reach 1200 sq/ft per person.

So all those mansions will be taking in new arrivals.
Link Posted: 7/20/2023 12:30:01 PM EDT
Perhaps if more sanctuary cities became deeply involved, new insights could offer great things.

Fourth Texas Bus with Illegal Immigrants Arrives in Los Angeles
A fourth bus filled with illegal immigrants arrived in Los Angeles this week. That bus had more than 40 illegal aliens on board, with more than half of them being from Venezuela.

Texas has now sent more than 150 illegals to that sanctuary city since June, joining other cities like New York City, Chicago, Philadelphia, and Denver.

The state has sent more than 25,000 illegals to cities across the US, including Washington, DC, New York City, Chicago, Philadelphia, Denver and Los Angeles, according to a July 10 tweet from the governor. At the time, more than 80 migrants had been sent to Los Angeles, he said.
Link Posted: 7/20/2023 12:31:34 PM EDT
Every sanctuary city wants to be a sanctuary city until its time to sanctuate!
Link Posted: 7/20/2023 12:38:31 PM EDT
NYC will distribute flyers at US-Mexico border telling newly arrived migrants to 'consider another city'

New York City Mayor Eric Adams has told migrants there is 'no more room in the city' as officials start to evict asylum seekers out of shelters despite more buses arriving from southern border.

The city will distribute flyers at the US-Mexico border telling newly arrived migrants to 'consider another city' and limit shelter stays for adult asylum seekers to 60 days as the city's Democratic mayor says it is straining to house them.

The flyers would seek to 'combat misinformation at the border' and that the city would help migrants find other housing and 'take the next step in their journey,' the office of Mayor Eric Adams said in an announcement on Wednesday.

New York is bound by a decades-old consent decree in a class-action lawsuit to provide shelter for those without homes.

As more migrants have arrived, Adams, who has called the immigration crisis a 'disaster', has tried a range of approaches to housing them, from tents to relocating them to other parts of the state.


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 Well, I dang sure hope they printed them in f'ing Spanish and other dialects, because 99% of these people no habla inglés.
Link Posted: 7/20/2023 12:42:10 PM EDT

The Mayor of NYC is actually admitting that his city sucks and people shouldn't go there.
Link Posted: 7/20/2023 12:53:47 PM EDT
95% of these people came for their promised Heaven on Earth, a US welfare life and a free phone.
Link Posted: 7/20/2023 12:54:07 PM EDT
No more room, huh?  How many has the mayor personally welcomed into his home?
Link Posted: 7/20/2023 12:55:17 PM EDT
Sorry asshole, we owe you nothing and we don't negotiate with terrorist threats.

Link Posted: 7/20/2023 12:57:59 PM EDT
Oh HELL no, keep pumping the ones already over the border into NYC. DC, too. Especially DC.
Link Posted: 7/20/2023 12:58:44 PM EDT
They don't speak English soo...
Link Posted: 7/20/2023 1:04:08 PM EDT
When they leave the shelters, they camp in the next door parking lot.

For some migrants in NYC, a tent encampment under the BQE is now home


NYC will quickly resemble LA or San Francisco with huge homeless encampments. Of desperate people.
Link Posted: 7/20/2023 1:10:55 PM EDT
They just vacated a super 8 in my area and started bussing them in from NYC 2 nights ago,the town is in an uproar.
Link Posted: 7/20/2023 1:20:03 PM EDT
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