Been playing since 2016. It's a fantastic experience, but not a lot of narrative depth. Pretty superficial in that regard, in my opinion.
The recent patches from the Worlds Pt 1 update have my game running worse. Not sure what is going on, but they release Worlds Pt 1 and everything was glorious, then patched it to 5.03 I think, and now it's sluggish and slow.
I'm so maxed out in the game that I'm basically just stat-rolling X-class upgrades when I get bored. I can make 4.2 billion units easily, have about 600,000 nanites, and about 20000 quicksilver. Not a whole lot to do from here, but I like that when I get an itch to world hop and check out new stuff, it's there. Base building is still top notch, so it has that going for it.
It's gone from game to more of a relaxing, quasi-meditative experience for me now. Maybe they'll flesh it out more soon. Who knows.
The Adrift expedition was super fun. They replay it in November and you haven't done it, I encourage you to do it.