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OFFICIAL Russo-Ukrainian War (Page 4935 of 5592)
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Link Posted: 9/28/2023 12:51:36 AM EDT
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Originally Posted By mokerr:
You literally just owned yourself, not really seeing the issue haha

I will again respectfully bow out before I receive too many reports and am banished like so many others. Enjoy the safe space fellas.
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Oh no, please stick around and tell us how Ukraine could beat Russia completely unaided, and how if Russia DID take Ukraine and have all of its resources and geography, it wouldn't cause even more problems for the rest of the world, us included.

The level of thinking on anything Ukraine/Russia-

1)  Russia is and always will be harmless


Link Posted: 9/28/2023 12:56:49 AM EDT
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Originally Posted By Ryan_Ruck:

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Originally Posted By Ryan_Ruck:
Originally Posted By DonKey153:
Originally Posted By Cypher15:
Originally Posted By AlmightyTallest:

S-300 launcher with SM's

sm6 trying the cue off of a S300 radar be likehttps://www.ar15.com/media/mediaFiles/105982/image_2023-09-27_181350821_png-2968529.JPG

I was thinkin Block IIA SM-3's >_>

Link Posted: 9/28/2023 1:17:13 AM EDT
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Originally Posted By BigGrumpyBear:


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Originally Posted By BigGrumpyBear:
Originally Posted By NE223:
Originally Posted By Saltwater-Hillbilly:

That had to hurt!  That crash clean-up is going to be messy!

It's Africa they're not going to clean that shit up. It'll still be there 45 years from now.  


my favorite and amusing saying with my Namibian friends when I visit and I hear them talk is


and we all look at each other and roll our eyes...

This is Africa....

Link Posted: 9/28/2023 1:23:40 AM EDT
[Last Edit: Prime] [#4]

Zaporozhye direction.
More than a dozen Russian soldiers turned out to be smarter and refused to die on "SVO", surrendered and now they are waiting for delicious food, a warm bed and periodic communication with their family.

The assault on Russian positions by the "SIGNUM" group, part 1: the 300th Russian fighter did not want to surrender, began to shoot back and before his death wounded two Ukrainian fighters

????? ?????????? SIGNUM ????????? ???**???? ???????
Link Posted: 9/28/2023 1:25:51 AM EDT
Training in Sweden.

Svenskt luftvärn gör skillnad i Ukraina

Link Posted: 9/28/2023 1:29:12 AM EDT

Link Posted: 9/28/2023 1:34:37 AM EDT
Link Posted: 9/28/2023 1:36:29 AM EDT
Link Posted: 9/28/2023 1:38:32 AM EDT

😡 Iran plans to sell Russia new drones and ballistic missiles - ISW.

In particular, such an arrangement may come into effect after October 18. That's when the UN Security Council, which prohibits the Iranian authorities from making such supplies, will expire.

Channel 24
Link Posted: 9/28/2023 1:45:43 AM EDT

Link Posted: 9/28/2023 1:46:05 AM EDT
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Originally Posted By NE223:
It's Africa they're not going to clean that shit up. It'll still be there 45 years from now.  
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The natives will probably strip it clean like an elephant carcass.

“Look ma, a new roof!”
Link Posted: 9/28/2023 2:04:25 AM EDT
[Last Edit: Prime] [#12]
Network degradation will begin.” Russia was deprived of the last supply channel for Swedish equipment for 5G

The Swedish government did not allow Ericsson to supply equipment to Russian companies under contracts that were concluded before Russia's invasion of Ukraine. This follows from the court decision on the claim of the cellular operator Tele2 against Satel TVK LLC, which supplied Ericsson telecom equipment to Russia, Vedomosti writes.

The case materials indicate that “due to the introduced legal ban, the Swedish company Ericsson AB, the manufacturer, was deprived of the opportunity to export its equipment to the Russian Federation.” At the same time, Ericsson was prohibited from supplying equipment not only to Satel TVK LLC, but also to any other buyer for delivery to Russia. By 2023, Tele2 planned to install 50 thousand Ericsson Radio System 5G-ready base stations in 27 regions of Russia, including the Moscow and Leningrad regions. This was to help prepare for the launch of the 5G standard.

It will not be possible to import base stations through parallel import, Kuskov notes. According to him, stations are produced for a specific region, which is reflected in the features of the routers, licenses and activation keys. It is almost impossible to resolve technical issues without manufacturer support. If operators do not start receiving domestic base stations in 2025, networks will begin to degrade in Russia, Kuskov warns.


Putin was offered to bring migrants from Myanmar and Cambodia to Russia

Commissioner for the Protection of Entrepreneurs' Rights Boris Titov proposed to President Vladimir Putin to simplify the labor migration mechanism for citizens of countries that require a pre-issued visa to enter Russia. This, according to Titov, quoted by RBC, will help overcome the shortage of personnel in the economy.

Titov’s letter to the president notes that the personnel shortage in Russia has reached “historic highs.” It is no longer possible to satisfy the need for labor resources at the expense of citizens of the CIS countries, he believes. The Ombudsman advises focusing on countries in Southeast Asia, such as Vietnam, Cambodia, Laos, Myanmar, Thailand, Brunei, East Timor, the Philippines, Malaysia, Indonesia and Singapore.

Problems with personnel worsened after the mobilization, as a result of which 320 thousand people went to the front, and up to a million more left the country. The staffing shortage has reached record levels since 1996: more than 42% of enterprises reported a labor shortage in July.


Putin noted the failure of attempts to stop the rise in gasoline prices

Gasoline at Russian gas stations continues to rise rapidly in price, despite measures taken to eliminate fuel shortages, President Vladimir Putin said on Wednesday.

Although the price of gasoline in wholesale and on the stock exchange fell by almost 20% after the government introduced a complete ban on its export, this had little effect on the situation in retail.

“Yesterday at retail a liter of AI-92 gasoline was 51.6 rubles, before September 21 it was 49.7 (rubles). The price is rising at retail. The measure has been adopted, but prices are rising,” Putin said, addressing the ministers.

In some regions of the Russian Federation, he continued, people are forced to travel to neighboring regions to buy diesel fuel, because their prices do not decrease, and in some places they even continue to rise.

Deputy Prime Minister Alexander Novak, who is in charge of the energy sector, and former head of the Ministry of Energy, informed the president about new measures that the Cabinet of Ministers is preparing to put out the fire in the fuel market. The authorities intend to control fuel markups at gas stations, and will also prescribe volumes of diesel supplies to oil companies for autumn field work. The ban on the export of petroleum products will continue to apply for now, but may be softened in the future: only producers will be able to export gasoline and diesel abroad, and traders who buy volumes on the domestic market will lose this right.

Finally, the government proposes to again increase subsidies to oil companies from the budget as part of the damping mechanism, which were reduced on September 1. “This will allow us to compensate for the difference between the export alternative and exchange prices in the domestic market,” Novak said.

Putin approved this decision. Oil companies are “the gooses that lay the golden eggs,” he said, adding that they must be treated “with care.”

According to Rosstat, as of September 25, retail gasoline AI-95 on average in Russia cost 65 rubles per liter - 7 rubles more than at the beginning of summer.


Now with 100% more Solovyev rant

The State Duma announced the threat of bankruptcy of farmers after the departure of foreign grain traders

The monopolization of the grain market after the departure of foreign players who left Russia after the start of the war in Ukraine has brought thousands of farms to the brink of bankruptcy.

Grain traders buy grain below cost, and this destroys the economy of farms, said Sergei Lisovsky, a member of the State Duma Committee on Agrarian Issues.

According to him, the reason for what is happening is low competition. “A few years ago there were 400 traders in the country, now there are only three,” the deputy complained. “Wheat export quotas are divided between these three traders, and this situation allows them to twist the arms of the producer.”

According to Lisovsky, bankruptcy primarily threatens small farms that have a small margin of safety. “Formally, there is competition among traders in the grain market, but in reality there is none,” the deputy complained.

In March 2023, the American Cargill informed the Ministry of Agriculture that grain exports from the Russian Federation would be suspended from July 1. She explained her decision by the growing difficulties in working with Russia: although grain crops were not subject to US and EU sanctions, payment for transactions is complicated by restrictions on banks and state-owned companies.


Link Posted: 9/28/2023 2:09:59 AM EDT
Russian news, special “muh freedom” edition-

Russians will be jailed for 9 years for illegally picking mushrooms

In Russia, from October 12, a new article of the Criminal Code 260.1 will come into force, which provides for prison sentences for the illegal collection of plants and mushrooms listed in the Red Book.

President Vladimir Putin approved the corresponding amendments in April of this year. According to the document, for the intentional destruction, damage, collection, storage, acquisition, forwarding, transportation or sale of rare plants and mushrooms, they will be imprisoned for four years with a fine of up to 1 million rubles. Similar actions involving the use of official position when publicly displayed on the Internet or in the media are punishable by six years in prison and a fine of up to 2 million rubles.

A maximum sentence of 9 years with a fine of up to 3 million rubles can be obtained for illegal trafficking of Red Book plants and mushrooms using the media and the Internet, if the actions were carried out as part of an organized group or by prior conspiracy. The punishment is comparable to the most severe articles of the Criminal Code. For example, for murder, Russian citizens can receive from 6 to 15 years in prison.


They want to ban Russians from freely collecting pine nuts

Russian authorities are preparing to introduce strict regulation of the practice of collecting pine nuts by citizens. Corresponding amendments to the Forest Code of the Russian Federation were proposed by a group of senators and deputies, including Deputy Chairman of the Federation Council Yuri Vorobyov and head of the House of Regions Committee on Agricultural and Food Policy and Environmental Management Alexander Dvoinykh. According to the bill, which was published in the State Duma database, regional authorities will have the right to establish places, terms and a “reasonable standard” for the procurement of pine nuts by individuals. The authors of the bill suggest that such a measure will minimize the illegal sale of nuts collected “for one’s own needs.”

At the moment, it is a common practice in Russia for unscrupulous entrepreneurs to send organized brigades of harvesters into the forests under the guise of collecting “for their own needs,” or to buy collected nuts on an industrial scale from residents of remote taiga villages, according to the explanatory note to the project. “Such activities for the procurement of pine nuts are carried out without concluding lease agreements, without paying any tax payments. When harvesting pine nuts, barbaric methods are often used: unripe cones are harvested, tree tops are broken, metal claws are used to climb trees, and other predatory methods and devices that cause damage and stop the growth of cedar trees,” write the authors of the initiative.

From August 1, 2023, the Russian government included Korean pine pine nuts in the list of strategically important goods and resources. The list includes both inshell and shelled nuts. Now, according to Article 226.1 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation, their smuggling is punishable by imprisonment for up to 12 years.


Russians will begin to be put in prison for positive statements about Navalny

State Duma deputies will consider a bill on criminal liability for justification and propaganda of extremism at a plenary session this Thursday, September 28, RIA Novosti reports, citing a source in the Duma. According to the publication, the State Construction Committee recommended that deputies adopt the document in the first reading.

The bill was submitted to the State Duma back in July of this year. It was initiated by United Russia deputies Pyotr Tolstoy, Anna Kuznetsova, Vasily Piskarev, Andrey Kartapolov and Ernest Valeev. Parliamentarians proposed putting Russians in prison for up to five years for publicly justifying extremism or its propaganda—corresponding amendments are planned to be made to Article 280 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation. Now the article provides for punishment only for calls to carry out extremist activities - up to five years in prison.


Link Posted: 9/28/2023 2:30:36 AM EDT
Link Posted: 9/28/2023 2:37:22 AM EDT
One down.

NKR InfoCenter
The President of the Republic of Artsakh Samvel Shakhramanyan signed a decree on the actions derived from the situation
after September 19, 2023.

According to the decree, in the light of the complex military-political situation, based on the priority of ensuring physical safety and vital interests of the people of Artsakh, taking into account the agreement reached through the command of the Russian peacekeeping contingent with representatives of the Republic of Azerbaijan on ensuring free, voluntary and unrestrained passage. d residents of Nagorny Karabakh, including the armed servicemen, c by their property on their vehicles along the Lachin Corridor, and in accordance with article 93 of the Nagorny Karabakh Constitution, the decision was made:

1. Dissolve all state institutions and organizations under their administrative jurisdiction by January 1, 2024, and the Republic of Nagorny Karabakh (Artsakh) ceases to exist.

2. The population of Nagorni Karabakh, including those outside the Republic, after the entry into force of this Decree, should read the conditions of reintegration presented by the Republic of Azerbaijan, in order to make further an independent and individual decision on the possibility of stay (return) in Nagorni Karbakh.
This Decree will enter into force immediately after its publication.

Link Posted: 9/28/2023 3:51:27 AM EDT
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Originally Posted By Prime:
One down.

NKR InfoCenter
The President of the Republic of Artsakh Samvel Shakhramanyan signed a decree on the actions derived from the situation
after September 19, 2023.

According to the decree, in the light of the complex military-political situation, based on the priority of ensuring physical safety and vital interests of the people of Artsakh, taking into account the agreement reached through the command of the Russian peacekeeping contingent with representatives of the Republic of Azerbaijan on ensuring free, voluntary and unrestrained passage. d residents of Nagorny Karabakh, including the armed servicemen, c by their property on their vehicles along the Lachin Corridor, and in accordance with article 93 of the Nagorny Karabakh Constitution, the decision was made:

1. Dissolve all state institutions and organizations under their administrative jurisdiction by January 1, 2024, and the Republic of Nagorny Karabakh (Artsakh) ceases to exist.

2. The population of Nagorni Karabakh, including those outside the Republic, after the entry into force of this Decree, should read the conditions of reintegration presented by the Republic of Azerbaijan, in order to make further an independent and individual decision on the possibility of stay (return) in Nagorni Karbakh.
This Decree will enter into force immediately after its publication.

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Armenia is complex and difficult. There is a diaspora that gave heavily and supported it heavily but for me, as long as Azeri recognizes and protects Armenians and their rights, I don't think it would be complex to just let it go.

It's tough but nobody is helping Armenia and they created the situation. There were several times that Azeri said they have written it into their constitution to protect all rights and Armenia and the Artsakh parliament rejected it.

It's been part of Azeri for a long time despite it originally being Armenian and it was forcefully and sadly ethnically cleansed by the Turks.

It's sad...but it is reality.
Link Posted: 9/28/2023 4:52:00 AM EDT
Link Posted: 9/28/2023 5:12:01 AM EDT

Link Posted: 9/28/2023 5:29:48 AM EDT
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Originally Posted By Prime:
Network degradation will begin.” Russia was deprived of the last supply channel for Swedish equipment for 5G

The Swedish government did not allow Ericsson to supply equipment to Russian companies under contracts that were concluded before Russia's invasion of Ukraine. This follows from the court decision on the claim of the cellular operator Tele2 against Satel TVK LLC, which supplied Ericsson telecom equipment to Russia, Vedomosti writes.

The case materials indicate that “due to the introduced legal ban, the Swedish company Ericsson AB, the manufacturer, was deprived of the opportunity to export its equipment to the Russian Federation.” At the same time, Ericsson was prohibited from supplying equipment not only to Satel TVK LLC, but also to any other buyer for delivery to Russia. By 2023, Tele2 planned to install 50 thousand Ericsson Radio System 5G-ready base stations in 27 regions of Russia, including the Moscow and Leningrad regions. This was to help prepare for the launch of the 5G standard.

It will not be possible to import base stations through parallel import, Kuskov notes. According to him, stations are produced for a specific region, which is reflected in the features of the routers, licenses and activation keys. It is almost impossible to resolve technical issues without manufacturer support. If operators do not start receiving domestic base stations in 2025, networks will begin to degrade in Russia, Kuskov warns.


Putin was offered to bring migrants from Myanmar and Cambodia to Russia

Commissioner for the Protection of Entrepreneurs' Rights Boris Titov proposed to President Vladimir Putin to simplify the labor migration mechanism for citizens of countries that require a pre-issued visa to enter Russia. This, according to Titov, quoted by RBC, will help overcome the shortage of personnel in the economy.

Titov’s letter to the president notes that the personnel shortage in Russia has reached “historic highs.” It is no longer possible to satisfy the need for labor resources at the expense of citizens of the CIS countries, he believes. The Ombudsman advises focusing on countries in Southeast Asia, such as Vietnam, Cambodia, Laos, Myanmar, Thailand, Brunei, East Timor, the Philippines, Malaysia, Indonesia and Singapore.

Problems with personnel worsened after the mobilization, as a result of which 320 thousand people went to the front, and up to a million more left the country. The staffing shortage has reached record levels since 1996: more than 42% of enterprises reported a labor shortage in July.


Putin noted the failure of attempts to stop the rise in gasoline prices

Gasoline at Russian gas stations continues to rise rapidly in price, despite measures taken to eliminate fuel shortages, President Vladimir Putin said on Wednesday.

Although the price of gasoline in wholesale and on the stock exchange fell by almost 20% after the government introduced a complete ban on its export, this had little effect on the situation in retail.

“Yesterday at retail a liter of AI-92 gasoline was 51.6 rubles, before September 21 it was 49.7 (rubles). The price is rising at retail. The measure has been adopted, but prices are rising,” Putin said, addressing the ministers.

In some regions of the Russian Federation, he continued, people are forced to travel to neighboring regions to buy diesel fuel, because their prices do not decrease, and in some places they even continue to rise.

Deputy Prime Minister Alexander Novak, who is in charge of the energy sector, and former head of the Ministry of Energy, informed the president about new measures that the Cabinet of Ministers is preparing to put out the fire in the fuel market. The authorities intend to control fuel markups at gas stations, and will also prescribe volumes of diesel supplies to oil companies for autumn field work. The ban on the export of petroleum products will continue to apply for now, but may be softened in the future: only producers will be able to export gasoline and diesel abroad, and traders who buy volumes on the domestic market will lose this right.

Finally, the government proposes to again increase subsidies to oil companies from the budget as part of the damping mechanism, which were reduced on September 1. “This will allow us to compensate for the difference between the export alternative and exchange prices in the domestic market,” Novak said.

Putin approved this decision. Oil companies are “the gooses that lay the golden eggs,” he said, adding that they must be treated “with care.”

According to Rosstat, as of September 25, retail gasoline AI-95 on average in Russia cost 65 rubles per liter - 7 rubles more than at the beginning of summer.


Now with 100% more Solovyev rant

The State Duma announced the threat of bankruptcy of farmers after the departure of foreign grain traders

The monopolization of the grain market after the departure of foreign players who left Russia after the start of the war in Ukraine has brought thousands of farms to the brink of bankruptcy.

Grain traders buy grain below cost, and this destroys the economy of farms, said Sergei Lisovsky, a member of the State Duma Committee on Agrarian Issues.

According to him, the reason for what is happening is low competition. “A few years ago there were 400 traders in the country, now there are only three,” the deputy complained. “Wheat export quotas are divided between these three traders, and this situation allows them to twist the arms of the producer.”

According to Lisovsky, bankruptcy primarily threatens small farms that have a small margin of safety. “Formally, there is competition among traders in the grain market, but in reality there is none,” the deputy complained.

In March 2023, the American Cargill informed the Ministry of Agriculture that grain exports from the Russian Federation would be suspended from July 1. She explained her decision by the growing difficulties in working with Russia: although grain crops were not subject to US and EU sanctions, payment for transactions is complicated by restrictions on banks and state-owned companies.


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I didn’t realize the Russian farms were so severely hit with virtually no buyers. Then add climbing fuel prices. Good luck planting winter wheat and harvesting in the spring/summer. Or affording fertilizer.
Link Posted: 9/28/2023 5:31:56 AM EDT
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Originally Posted By Prime:
Russian news, special “muh freedom” edition-

Russians will be jailed for 9 years for illegally picking mushrooms

In Russia, from October 12, a new article of the Criminal Code 260.1 will come into force, which provides for prison sentences for the illegal collection of plants and mushrooms listed in the Red Book.

President Vladimir Putin approved the corresponding amendments in April of this year. According to the document, for the intentional destruction, damage, collection, storage, acquisition, forwarding, transportation or sale of rare plants and mushrooms, they will be imprisoned for four years with a fine of up to 1 million rubles. Similar actions involving the use of official position when publicly displayed on the Internet or in the media are punishable by six years in prison and a fine of up to 2 million rubles.

A maximum sentence of 9 years with a fine of up to 3 million rubles can be obtained for illegal trafficking of Red Book plants and mushrooms using the media and the Internet, if the actions were carried out as part of an organized group or by prior conspiracy. The punishment is comparable to the most severe articles of the Criminal Code. For example, for murder, Russian citizens can receive from 6 to 15 years in prison.


They want to ban Russians from freely collecting pine nuts

Russian authorities are preparing to introduce strict regulation of the practice of collecting pine nuts by citizens. Corresponding amendments to the Forest Code of the Russian Federation were proposed by a group of senators and deputies, including Deputy Chairman of the Federation Council Yuri Vorobyov and head of the House of Regions Committee on Agricultural and Food Policy and Environmental Management Alexander Dvoinykh. According to the bill, which was published in the State Duma database, regional authorities will have the right to establish places, terms and a “reasonable standard” for the procurement of pine nuts by individuals. The authors of the bill suggest that such a measure will minimize the illegal sale of nuts collected “for one’s own needs.”

At the moment, it is a common practice in Russia for unscrupulous entrepreneurs to send organized brigades of harvesters into the forests under the guise of collecting “for their own needs,” or to buy collected nuts on an industrial scale from residents of remote taiga villages, according to the explanatory note to the project. “Such activities for the procurement of pine nuts are carried out without concluding lease agreements, without paying any tax payments. When harvesting pine nuts, barbaric methods are often used: unripe cones are harvested, tree tops are broken, metal claws are used to climb trees, and other predatory methods and devices that cause damage and stop the growth of cedar trees,” write the authors of the initiative.

From August 1, 2023, the Russian government included Korean pine pine nuts in the list of strategically important goods and resources. The list includes both inshell and shelled nuts. Now, according to Article 226.1 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation, their smuggling is punishable by imprisonment for up to 12 years.


Russians will begin to be put in prison for positive statements about Navalny

State Duma deputies will consider a bill on criminal liability for justification and propaganda of extremism at a plenary session this Thursday, September 28, RIA Novosti reports, citing a source in the Duma. According to the publication, the State Construction Committee recommended that deputies adopt the document in the first reading.

The bill was submitted to the State Duma back in July of this year. It was initiated by United Russia deputies Pyotr Tolstoy, Anna Kuznetsova, Vasily Piskarev, Andrey Kartapolov and Ernest Valeev. Parliamentarians proposed putting Russians in prison for up to five years for publicly justifying extremism or its propaganda—corresponding amendments are planned to be made to Article 280 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation. Now the article provides for punishment only for calls to carry out extremist activities - up to five years in prison.


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WTH with harsh prison terms for pine nuts and mushrooms??!!  Crazy town.
Link Posted: 9/28/2023 5:54:11 AM EDT

Link Posted: 9/28/2023 6:14:41 AM EDT
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Originally Posted By Dracster:

2500m of runway and he decided 800 of it was enough. The camera dude has too much sky, but it looks like he touched down about where the red X is.


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Originally Posted By Dracster:
Originally Posted By Charging_Handle:
Originally Posted By Capta:
Mali - Wagner IL-76 landing ridiculously long and overrunning the runway on landing.  Note that the accident takes place right in front of what appears to be an Airbus A400 transport, likely French military.  Hotdogging?


Which can't help but remind me of this:

"The Vodka Burner"

Those stupid sons-of-bitches! Why the hell did they even attempt setting it down as bad as they overshot? And upon setting it down, why the hell didn't the pilots immediately throttle up and get back into the air? Hell, even a dumb Russian should be able to see they didn't have nowhere near enough runaway for stopping. Geez, as much stupid shit as I've seen the "ackbar" types do over the years, not even they can compete with level of retardation exhibited by the Russians.

2500m of runway and he decided 800 of it was enough. The camera dude has too much sky, but it looks like he touched down about where the red X is.


LOL from Reddit

"Well when your brake lines have been cut after threatening to murder your former KGB boss it’s hard to stop before the runway ends."
-170 vagnerites.
Link Posted: 9/28/2023 6:36:46 AM EDT
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Originally Posted By RockNwood:

WTH with harsh prison terms for pine nuts and mushrooms??!!  Crazy town.
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Originally Posted By RockNwood:
Originally Posted By Prime:
Russian news, special “muh freedom” edition-

Russians will be jailed for 9 years for illegally picking mushrooms

In Russia, from October 12, a new article of the Criminal Code 260.1 will come into force, which provides for prison sentences for the illegal collection of plants and mushrooms listed in the Red Book.

President Vladimir Putin approved the corresponding amendments in April of this year. According to the document, for the intentional destruction, damage, collection, storage, acquisition, forwarding, transportation or sale of rare plants and mushrooms, they will be imprisoned for four years with a fine of up to 1 million rubles. Similar actions involving the use of official position when publicly displayed on the Internet or in the media are punishable by six years in prison and a fine of up to 2 million rubles.

A maximum sentence of 9 years with a fine of up to 3 million rubles can be obtained for illegal trafficking of Red Book plants and mushrooms using the media and the Internet, if the actions were carried out as part of an organized group or by prior conspiracy. The punishment is comparable to the most severe articles of the Criminal Code. For example, for murder, Russian citizens can receive from 6 to 15 years in prison.


They want to ban Russians from freely collecting pine nuts

Russian authorities are preparing to introduce strict regulation of the practice of collecting pine nuts by citizens. Corresponding amendments to the Forest Code of the Russian Federation were proposed by a group of senators and deputies, including Deputy Chairman of the Federation Council Yuri Vorobyov and head of the House of Regions Committee on Agricultural and Food Policy and Environmental Management Alexander Dvoinykh. According to the bill, which was published in the State Duma database, regional authorities will have the right to establish places, terms and a “reasonable standard” for the procurement of pine nuts by individuals. The authors of the bill suggest that such a measure will minimize the illegal sale of nuts collected “for one’s own needs.”

At the moment, it is a common practice in Russia for unscrupulous entrepreneurs to send organized brigades of harvesters into the forests under the guise of collecting “for their own needs,” or to buy collected nuts on an industrial scale from residents of remote taiga villages, according to the explanatory note to the project. “Such activities for the procurement of pine nuts are carried out without concluding lease agreements, without paying any tax payments. When harvesting pine nuts, barbaric methods are often used: unripe cones are harvested, tree tops are broken, metal claws are used to climb trees, and other predatory methods and devices that cause damage and stop the growth of cedar trees,” write the authors of the initiative.

From August 1, 2023, the Russian government included Korean pine pine nuts in the list of strategically important goods and resources. The list includes both inshell and shelled nuts. Now, according to Article 226.1 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation, their smuggling is punishable by imprisonment for up to 12 years.


Russians will begin to be put in prison for positive statements about Navalny

State Duma deputies will consider a bill on criminal liability for justification and propaganda of extremism at a plenary session this Thursday, September 28, RIA Novosti reports, citing a source in the Duma. According to the publication, the State Construction Committee recommended that deputies adopt the document in the first reading.

The bill was submitted to the State Duma back in July of this year. It was initiated by United Russia deputies Pyotr Tolstoy, Anna Kuznetsova, Vasily Piskarev, Andrey Kartapolov and Ernest Valeev. Parliamentarians proposed putting Russians in prison for up to five years for publicly justifying extremism or its propaganda—corresponding amendments are planned to be made to Article 280 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation. Now the article provides for punishment only for calls to carry out extremist activities - up to five years in prison.


WTH with harsh prison terms for pine nuts and mushrooms??!!  Crazy town.

Attachment Attached File

Link Posted: 9/28/2023 6:56:06 AM EDT
That was in the Darien Gap.
Link Posted: 9/28/2023 7:09:07 AM EDT
Link Posted: 9/28/2023 7:21:26 AM EDT
Link Posted: 9/28/2023 8:33:27 AM EDT
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Originally Posted By RockNwood:

I didn’t realize the Russian farms were so severely hit with virtually no buyers. Then add climbing fuel prices. Good luck planting winter wheat and harvesting in the spring/summer. Or affording fertilizer.
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Originally Posted By RockNwood:
Originally Posted By Prime:
Network degradation will begin.” Russia was deprived of the last supply channel for Swedish equipment for 5G

The Swedish government did not allow Ericsson to supply equipment to Russian companies under contracts that were concluded before Russia's invasion of Ukraine. This follows from the court decision on the claim of the cellular operator Tele2 against Satel TVK LLC, which supplied Ericsson telecom equipment to Russia, Vedomosti writes.

The case materials indicate that “due to the introduced legal ban, the Swedish company Ericsson AB, the manufacturer, was deprived of the opportunity to export its equipment to the Russian Federation.” At the same time, Ericsson was prohibited from supplying equipment not only to Satel TVK LLC, but also to any other buyer for delivery to Russia. By 2023, Tele2 planned to install 50 thousand Ericsson Radio System 5G-ready base stations in 27 regions of Russia, including the Moscow and Leningrad regions. This was to help prepare for the launch of the 5G standard.

It will not be possible to import base stations through parallel import, Kuskov notes. According to him, stations are produced for a specific region, which is reflected in the features of the routers, licenses and activation keys. It is almost impossible to resolve technical issues without manufacturer support. If operators do not start receiving domestic base stations in 2025, networks will begin to degrade in Russia, Kuskov warns.


Putin was offered to bring migrants from Myanmar and Cambodia to Russia

Commissioner for the Protection of Entrepreneurs' Rights Boris Titov proposed to President Vladimir Putin to simplify the labor migration mechanism for citizens of countries that require a pre-issued visa to enter Russia. This, according to Titov, quoted by RBC, will help overcome the shortage of personnel in the economy.

Titov’s letter to the president notes that the personnel shortage in Russia has reached “historic highs.” It is no longer possible to satisfy the need for labor resources at the expense of citizens of the CIS countries, he believes. The Ombudsman advises focusing on countries in Southeast Asia, such as Vietnam, Cambodia, Laos, Myanmar, Thailand, Brunei, East Timor, the Philippines, Malaysia, Indonesia and Singapore.

Problems with personnel worsened after the mobilization, as a result of which 320 thousand people went to the front, and up to a million more left the country. The staffing shortage has reached record levels since 1996: more than 42% of enterprises reported a labor shortage in July.


Putin noted the failure of attempts to stop the rise in gasoline prices

Gasoline at Russian gas stations continues to rise rapidly in price, despite measures taken to eliminate fuel shortages, President Vladimir Putin said on Wednesday.

Although the price of gasoline in wholesale and on the stock exchange fell by almost 20% after the government introduced a complete ban on its export, this had little effect on the situation in retail.

“Yesterday at retail a liter of AI-92 gasoline was 51.6 rubles, before September 21 it was 49.7 (rubles). The price is rising at retail. The measure has been adopted, but prices are rising,” Putin said, addressing the ministers.

In some regions of the Russian Federation, he continued, people are forced to travel to neighboring regions to buy diesel fuel, because their prices do not decrease, and in some places they even continue to rise.

Deputy Prime Minister Alexander Novak, who is in charge of the energy sector, and former head of the Ministry of Energy, informed the president about new measures that the Cabinet of Ministers is preparing to put out the fire in the fuel market. The authorities intend to control fuel markups at gas stations, and will also prescribe volumes of diesel supplies to oil companies for autumn field work. The ban on the export of petroleum products will continue to apply for now, but may be softened in the future: only producers will be able to export gasoline and diesel abroad, and traders who buy volumes on the domestic market will lose this right.

Finally, the government proposes to again increase subsidies to oil companies from the budget as part of the damping mechanism, which were reduced on September 1. “This will allow us to compensate for the difference between the export alternative and exchange prices in the domestic market,” Novak said.

Putin approved this decision. Oil companies are “the gooses that lay the golden eggs,” he said, adding that they must be treated “with care.”

According to Rosstat, as of September 25, retail gasoline AI-95 on average in Russia cost 65 rubles per liter - 7 rubles more than at the beginning of summer.


Now with 100% more Solovyev rant

The State Duma announced the threat of bankruptcy of farmers after the departure of foreign grain traders

The monopolization of the grain market after the departure of foreign players who left Russia after the start of the war in Ukraine has brought thousands of farms to the brink of bankruptcy.

Grain traders buy grain below cost, and this destroys the economy of farms, said Sergei Lisovsky, a member of the State Duma Committee on Agrarian Issues.

According to him, the reason for what is happening is low competition. “A few years ago there were 400 traders in the country, now there are only three,” the deputy complained. “Wheat export quotas are divided between these three traders, and this situation allows them to twist the arms of the producer.”

According to Lisovsky, bankruptcy primarily threatens small farms that have a small margin of safety. “Formally, there is competition among traders in the grain market, but in reality there is none,” the deputy complained.

In March 2023, the American Cargill informed the Ministry of Agriculture that grain exports from the Russian Federation would be suspended from July 1. She explained her decision by the growing difficulties in working with Russia: although grain crops were not subject to US and EU sanctions, payment for transactions is complicated by restrictions on banks and state-owned companies.


I didn’t realize the Russian farms were so severely hit with virtually no buyers. Then add climbing fuel prices. Good luck planting winter wheat and harvesting in the spring/summer. Or affording fertilizer.

Russia has basically a closed economy now. In many ways it gives the government more flexibility to manipulate the economy to do things like save the farmers. They already had these tools but it makes them more powerful now. One thing they don't have the ability to do is to get back the money they have lost that they were making by selling gasoline to europe. As I understand it this caused a bunch of refineries to close because they were no longer making a profit which resulted in fuel shortage.
Link Posted: 9/28/2023 8:34:22 AM EDT
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Originally Posted By mokerr:

You literally just owned yourself, not really seeing the issue haha

I will again respectfully bow out before I receive too many reports and am banished like so many others. Enjoy the safe space fellas.
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Lying to us to save face is one thing, but at least be honest with yourself: you're not leaving the thread because this is a safe space. You're leaving because you posted some drive-by, smooth-brain bullshit and know that when the heat is on, your hollow ideas that you carelessly spewed before actually taking a second to think would crumble under scrutiny.

Link Posted: 9/28/2023 8:36:36 AM EDT
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LOL, I want to get the CNC laser out and do a wood burn of that one
Link Posted: 9/28/2023 8:49:31 AM EDT
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Originally Posted By RockNwood:

WTH with harsh prison terms for pine nuts and mushrooms??!!  Crazy town.
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Originally Posted By RockNwood:
Originally Posted By Prime:
Russian news, special “muh freedom” edition-

Russians will be jailed for 9 years for illegally picking mushrooms

In Russia, from October 12, a new article of the Criminal Code 260.1 will come into force, which provides for prison sentences for the illegal collection of plants and mushrooms listed in the Red Book.

President Vladimir Putin approved the corresponding amendments in April of this year. According to the document, for the intentional destruction, damage, collection, storage, acquisition, forwarding, transportation or sale of rare plants and mushrooms, they will be imprisoned for four years with a fine of up to 1 million rubles. Similar actions involving the use of official position when publicly displayed on the Internet or in the media are punishable by six years in prison and a fine of up to 2 million rubles.

A maximum sentence of 9 years with a fine of up to 3 million rubles can be obtained for illegal trafficking of Red Book plants and mushrooms using the media and the Internet, if the actions were carried out as part of an organized group or by prior conspiracy. The punishment is comparable to the most severe articles of the Criminal Code. For example, for murder, Russian citizens can receive from 6 to 15 years in prison.


They want to ban Russians from freely collecting pine nuts

Russian authorities are preparing to introduce strict regulation of the practice of collecting pine nuts by citizens. Corresponding amendments to the Forest Code of the Russian Federation were proposed by a group of senators and deputies, including Deputy Chairman of the Federation Council Yuri Vorobyov and head of the House of Regions Committee on Agricultural and Food Policy and Environmental Management Alexander Dvoinykh. According to the bill, which was published in the State Duma database, regional authorities will have the right to establish places, terms and a “reasonable standard” for the procurement of pine nuts by individuals. The authors of the bill suggest that such a measure will minimize the illegal sale of nuts collected “for one’s own needs.”

At the moment, it is a common practice in Russia for unscrupulous entrepreneurs to send organized brigades of harvesters into the forests under the guise of collecting “for their own needs,” or to buy collected nuts on an industrial scale from residents of remote taiga villages, according to the explanatory note to the project. “Such activities for the procurement of pine nuts are carried out without concluding lease agreements, without paying any tax payments. When harvesting pine nuts, barbaric methods are often used: unripe cones are harvested, tree tops are broken, metal claws are used to climb trees, and other predatory methods and devices that cause damage and stop the growth of cedar trees,” write the authors of the initiative.

From August 1, 2023, the Russian government included Korean pine pine nuts in the list of strategically important goods and resources. The list includes both inshell and shelled nuts. Now, according to Article 226.1 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation, their smuggling is punishable by imprisonment for up to 12 years.


Russians will begin to be put in prison for positive statements about Navalny

State Duma deputies will consider a bill on criminal liability for justification and propaganda of extremism at a plenary session this Thursday, September 28, RIA Novosti reports, citing a source in the Duma. According to the publication, the State Construction Committee recommended that deputies adopt the document in the first reading.

The bill was submitted to the State Duma back in July of this year. It was initiated by United Russia deputies Pyotr Tolstoy, Anna Kuznetsova, Vasily Piskarev, Andrey Kartapolov and Ernest Valeev. Parliamentarians proposed putting Russians in prison for up to five years for publicly justifying extremism or its propaganda—corresponding amendments are planned to be made to Article 280 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation. Now the article provides for punishment only for calls to carry out extremist activities - up to five years in prison.


WTH with harsh prison terms for pine nuts and mushrooms??!!  Crazy town.

Even in the US pine nut harvesting has regulation.  Ginseng root and lots of foragables do.  Add a totalitarian government that is becoming increasingly economically desperate and there ya go.  

Pine nut prices are nothing to sneeze at, and if you're in a remote agrarian part of Russia without a lot of income options they would be on your radar.

Random first Google result:
Link Posted: 9/28/2023 8:52:18 AM EDT
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Originally Posted By stone-age:

Russia has basically a closed economy now. In many ways it gives the government more flexibility to manipulate the economy to do things like save the farmers. They already had these tools but it makes them more powerful now. One thing they don't have the ability to do is to get back the money they have lost that they were making by selling gasoline to europe. As I understand it this caused a bunch of refineries to close because they were no longer making a profit which resulted in fuel shortage.
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Originally Posted By stone-age:
Originally Posted By RockNwood:
Originally Posted By Prime:
Network degradation will begin.” Russia was deprived of the last supply channel for Swedish equipment for 5G

The Swedish government did not allow Ericsson to supply equipment to Russian companies under contracts that were concluded before Russia's invasion of Ukraine. This follows from the court decision on the claim of the cellular operator Tele2 against Satel TVK LLC, which supplied Ericsson telecom equipment to Russia, Vedomosti writes.

The case materials indicate that “due to the introduced legal ban, the Swedish company Ericsson AB, the manufacturer, was deprived of the opportunity to export its equipment to the Russian Federation.” At the same time, Ericsson was prohibited from supplying equipment not only to Satel TVK LLC, but also to any other buyer for delivery to Russia. By 2023, Tele2 planned to install 50 thousand Ericsson Radio System 5G-ready base stations in 27 regions of Russia, including the Moscow and Leningrad regions. This was to help prepare for the launch of the 5G standard.

It will not be possible to import base stations through parallel import, Kuskov notes. According to him, stations are produced for a specific region, which is reflected in the features of the routers, licenses and activation keys. It is almost impossible to resolve technical issues without manufacturer support. If operators do not start receiving domestic base stations in 2025, networks will begin to degrade in Russia, Kuskov warns.


Putin was offered to bring migrants from Myanmar and Cambodia to Russia

Commissioner for the Protection of Entrepreneurs' Rights Boris Titov proposed to President Vladimir Putin to simplify the labor migration mechanism for citizens of countries that require a pre-issued visa to enter Russia. This, according to Titov, quoted by RBC, will help overcome the shortage of personnel in the economy.

Titov’s letter to the president notes that the personnel shortage in Russia has reached “historic highs.” It is no longer possible to satisfy the need for labor resources at the expense of citizens of the CIS countries, he believes. The Ombudsman advises focusing on countries in Southeast Asia, such as Vietnam, Cambodia, Laos, Myanmar, Thailand, Brunei, East Timor, the Philippines, Malaysia, Indonesia and Singapore.

Problems with personnel worsened after the mobilization, as a result of which 320 thousand people went to the front, and up to a million more left the country. The staffing shortage has reached record levels since 1996: more than 42% of enterprises reported a labor shortage in July.


Putin noted the failure of attempts to stop the rise in gasoline prices

Gasoline at Russian gas stations continues to rise rapidly in price, despite measures taken to eliminate fuel shortages, President Vladimir Putin said on Wednesday.

Although the price of gasoline in wholesale and on the stock exchange fell by almost 20% after the government introduced a complete ban on its export, this had little effect on the situation in retail.

“Yesterday at retail a liter of AI-92 gasoline was 51.6 rubles, before September 21 it was 49.7 (rubles). The price is rising at retail. The measure has been adopted, but prices are rising,” Putin said, addressing the ministers.

In some regions of the Russian Federation, he continued, people are forced to travel to neighboring regions to buy diesel fuel, because their prices do not decrease, and in some places they even continue to rise.

Deputy Prime Minister Alexander Novak, who is in charge of the energy sector, and former head of the Ministry of Energy, informed the president about new measures that the Cabinet of Ministers is preparing to put out the fire in the fuel market. The authorities intend to control fuel markups at gas stations, and will also prescribe volumes of diesel supplies to oil companies for autumn field work. The ban on the export of petroleum products will continue to apply for now, but may be softened in the future: only producers will be able to export gasoline and diesel abroad, and traders who buy volumes on the domestic market will lose this right.

Finally, the government proposes to again increase subsidies to oil companies from the budget as part of the damping mechanism, which were reduced on September 1. “This will allow us to compensate for the difference between the export alternative and exchange prices in the domestic market,” Novak said.

Putin approved this decision. Oil companies are “the gooses that lay the golden eggs,” he said, adding that they must be treated “with care.”

According to Rosstat, as of September 25, retail gasoline AI-95 on average in Russia cost 65 rubles per liter - 7 rubles more than at the beginning of summer.


Now with 100% more Solovyev rant

The State Duma announced the threat of bankruptcy of farmers after the departure of foreign grain traders

The monopolization of the grain market after the departure of foreign players who left Russia after the start of the war in Ukraine has brought thousands of farms to the brink of bankruptcy.

Grain traders buy grain below cost, and this destroys the economy of farms, said Sergei Lisovsky, a member of the State Duma Committee on Agrarian Issues.

According to him, the reason for what is happening is low competition. “A few years ago there were 400 traders in the country, now there are only three,” the deputy complained. “Wheat export quotas are divided between these three traders, and this situation allows them to twist the arms of the producer.”

According to Lisovsky, bankruptcy primarily threatens small farms that have a small margin of safety. “Formally, there is competition among traders in the grain market, but in reality there is none,” the deputy complained.

In March 2023, the American Cargill informed the Ministry of Agriculture that grain exports from the Russian Federation would be suspended from July 1. She explained her decision by the growing difficulties in working with Russia: although grain crops were not subject to US and EU sanctions, payment for transactions is complicated by restrictions on banks and state-owned companies.


I didn’t realize the Russian farms were so severely hit with virtually no buyers. Then add climbing fuel prices. Good luck planting winter wheat and harvesting in the spring/summer. Or affording fertilizer.

Russia has basically a closed economy now. In many ways it gives the government more flexibility to manipulate the economy to do things like save the farmers. They already had these tools but it makes them more powerful now. One thing they don't have the ability to do is to get back the money they have lost that they were making by selling gasoline to europe. As I understand it this caused a bunch of refineries to close because they were no longer making a profit which resulted in fuel shortage.

Yep, and defense spending has ballooned, which is helping prop up their economy.  Ruble machine go brrrr.

Link Posted: 9/28/2023 8:58:38 AM EDT
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Originally Posted By RockNwood:
How does Chancellor Scholz fantasize that Russia could engage in direct conflict with Germany? 1,500 km from the front protected by Ukraine and Poland?

Or do you still have your fat fingers in the Russian economy and worried about your Euros? Deflection, much?

Chancellor Olaf Scholz has put the move on hold because of concerns that German personnel would have to travel to Ukraine to help maintain and operate the sophisticated weapon.

According to officials, Scholz believes that a parliamentary vote is needed to move troops to the war zone.

He is also concerned that such a move could draw Germany even deeper into the conflict, which could lead to a direct confrontation with Russia.

I ain’t buying the “technicians in Ukraine.”  This stall reeks of “muh piggy bank at risk!”

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Yeah, I'm torn...

either the German Taurus dont work because dilapidated and un-maintained and will need 87K German technicians to fire OR Russian gas/oil money is still influencing German politicians. (probably both)

But fearing "direct confrontation" is total bullshit.
Link Posted: 9/28/2023 9:09:15 AM EDT
[Last Edit: Walleyeguy24] [#33]
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Originally Posted By Prime:

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And this has been my fear. Unless Ukraine moves quickly, Russia will keep building fortification further back and Ukrainian is going to be on the offensive in tough conditions indefinitely.  They have to make a breakthrough and continue quickly before Russia just builds another line.
Link Posted: 9/28/2023 9:12:01 AM EDT
[Last Edit: AlmightyTallest] [#34]

If it was indeed the initial purpose, the use of kamikaze tanks to clear minefields is quite strange and the effectiveness of this method raises questions. Especially while having mine clearance systems such as UR-77.
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Link Posted: 9/28/2023 9:14:50 AM EDT
[Last Edit: AlmightyTallest] [#35]

capabilities and does not impact Ukrainian military logistics.

Will update with imagery when available.

The first depot.
Bohdanivka, Kirovograd Region
Coords: 48.778111 32.501639 is another former Soviet Munitions Depot that appears on the Report titled "Aging stocks of ammunition and salw in ukraine: risks and challenges published 2005 from B.I.C.C (Bonn International Center for Conversion) on page 61 and as of 2005 contained the following munitions waiting for disposal.

The second site at Kryvyi Rhi
coords: 47.859730,33.249780
is another former Soviet site is not mentioned in the 2005 report from B.I.C.C and has been mostly torn down according to satellite imagery.
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Link Posted: 9/28/2023 9:22:26 AM EDT
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Originally Posted By stgdz:

Without divulging to much.

Is there a plan to protect the transport of these things from the manuf site to the af base in the future.  I would hope our galaxy brain leaders have been watching the strikes in Russia and asking the question.

"What happens when the war comes home for the US?"
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Originally Posted By stgdz:
Originally Posted By AlmightyTallest:




Without divulging to much.

Is there a plan to protect the transport of these things from the manuf site to the af base in the future.  I would hope our galaxy brain leaders have been watching the strikes in Russia and asking the question.

"What happens when the war comes home for the US?"

Yes, we are careful.

Link Posted: 9/28/2023 9:25:29 AM EDT
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Originally Posted By Old_Fashioned:
It’s a Soviet civil war. They will never invade a NATO country. When the wall came down we saw how terrified they were of being invaded. We literally paid Russia to win WW2 for us, then paid Europe to counter. All while our country rots from the inside.
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News update for you - Lithuania, Latvia, and Estonia are NATO members now. Maybe you didn't know that. Those are also historically part of Russia, according to Russia.
Link Posted: 9/28/2023 9:28:34 AM EDT
Link Posted: 9/28/2023 9:32:08 AM EDT

fighters of the 1st artillery division of the Third Assault Brigade.

We are not slowing down and working towards the city,” — the Third Assault Brigade.

P. S. Surrender is the only option for the invaders to survive.
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Link Posted: 9/28/2023 9:37:58 AM EDT
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Originally Posted By Walleyeguy24:

And this has been my fear. Unless Ukraine moves quickly, Russia will keep building fortification further back and Ukrainian is going to be on the offensive in tough conditions indefinitely.  They have to make a breakthrough and continue quickly before Russia just builds another line.
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Originally Posted By Walleyeguy24:
Originally Posted By Prime:


And this has been my fear. Unless Ukraine moves quickly, Russia will keep building fortification further back and Ukrainian is going to be on the offensive in tough conditions indefinitely.  They have to make a breakthrough and continue quickly before Russia just builds another line.

I would hope somebody in the important positions have already figured out that Russia is not going to just sit there and wait for the ukrainians to break through. Fighting through fortification after fortification after fortification does not seem to be a good plan.
Link Posted: 9/28/2023 9:38:08 AM EDT

1) In the past day or two, AFU forces entered the far western section of Verbove with possibly an 82nd Air Assault Brigade DRG (reconnaissance group) that appeared to withdraw shortly after. However, this morning, the local AFU command in the AO (Tavria Group) stated they have gained a foothold in the village and are working to better "secure their left flank." This supports information from other Ukrainian sources indicating that  Russian forces are on the defensive there.  

Note:  Russia Propagandist Colonel Cassad recently posted  (0930Z today) the following: "Despite all efforts, the enemy was unable to capture Verbove."  This is consistent with "have a foothold" but also means the fighting there was intense.    

2) There was also evidence within the past couple days that at least one AFU BMP had breached the Russian defensive lines WSW of Verbove. This then prompted widespread speculation that AFU armor had begun moving and south of there. Combined with the Tavria report this morning of AFU forces now holding positions in Verbove, it does appear a consequential breach has occurred in that sector prompting the rapid movement of AFU forces, armor and other materiel eastward to exploit their advantage there.
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Link Posted: 9/28/2023 9:39:28 AM EDT
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Originally Posted By DASJUDEN:

Known about this for a while, it's not classified. You can buy copies of it right outside the gate at FT. Rucker.
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Does Hooper field outside the gate still have the bleachers set up so you can watch the apache's?
Link Posted: 9/28/2023 9:44:31 AM EDT
Who let those two vatniks outta their cope cage?
Link Posted: 9/28/2023 9:44:35 AM EDT
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Originally Posted By RockNwood:
I didn’t realize the Russian farms were so severely hit with virtually no buyers. Then add climbing fuel prices. Good luck planting winter wheat and harvesting in the spring/summer. Or affording fertilizer.
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Reading between the lines, the wholesale buyers are quietly price-fixing to crush the producers. Lack of competition at the wholesale level makes this possible, along with the usual Russian market efficiency.
Link Posted: 9/28/2023 10:03:43 AM EDT
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Originally Posted By Walleyeguy24:

And this has been my fear. Unless Ukraine moves quickly, Russia will keep building fortification further back and Ukrainian is going to be on the offensive in tough conditions indefinitely.  They have to make a breakthrough and continue quickly before Russia just builds another line.
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Originally Posted By Walleyeguy24:
Originally Posted By Prime:


And this has been my fear. Unless Ukraine moves quickly, Russia will keep building fortification further back and Ukrainian is going to be on the offensive in tough conditions indefinitely.  They have to make a breakthrough and continue quickly before Russia just builds another line.

That's why I want to see them get as much armor as possible. They need to be able to take losses, keep pressing onwards, and bust through the Russian line. They also need better combined arms training, as the several week garbage provided by the Army National Guard for the new brigades has proven to be inadequate.
Link Posted: 9/28/2023 10:08:57 AM EDT
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Originally Posted By HIPPO:

😡 Iran plans to sell Russia new drones and ballistic missiles - ISW.

In particular, such an arrangement may come into effect after October 18. That's when the UN Security Council, which prohibits the Iranian authorities from making such supplies, will expire.

Channel 24
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So I wonder if Iran selling ballistic missiles will get the Izzy's involved.
Link Posted: 9/28/2023 10:11:45 AM EDT
[Last Edit: HIPPO] [#47]
The Freedom of Russia legion announced that they have restarted operations in the Bilhorod region in Russia.

"There are no wounded or dead among the legionnaires, we are working according to plan. Leave the tales about minefields to Konashenkov. We continue to cleanse our house of Putin’s filth," they emphasize.
Link Posted: 9/28/2023 10:14:21 AM EDT
Link Posted: 9/28/2023 10:23:57 AM EDT

Link Posted: 9/28/2023 10:24:51 AM EDT
Hopefully it makes sudden stops:

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