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Link Posted: 12/21/2020 10:55:34 PM EDT

Link Posted: 12/21/2020 10:56:05 PM EDT
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Originally Posted By BugoutBill1442:

I swear, if they fuck with gas cans again...
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WTF? If you're too stupid to not know you don't store flammable liquids near an open flame, then you deserve everything you eventually have coming to you. Hopefully the whole house will burn down while they're sleeping so they don't pollute the gene pool anymore.
Link Posted: 12/21/2020 10:57:09 PM EDT
Originally Posted By tnriverluver:
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Meadows is swamp
Link Posted: 12/21/2020 10:58:03 PM EDT
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Link Posted: 12/21/2020 11:00:57 PM EDT
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Originally Posted By Hollywood_Shooter:
MIRA MASK PRO TIP #87:  You can fit a mira mask and filter(s) into a standard USGI sustainment  pouch.  In fact, you can fit the mira mask and a filter inside the mira pouch with the thigh straps and put all that into a usgi sustainment pouch.   then molle where needed.
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I finally located a place (Texas Safety Supply, though they shipped from CA ) that will sell the 3M caps to block off one filter port, allowing a cheek weld while wearing a 3M half-face respirator.  My order was delivered today, and I tried it with an AR with an A2 stock and irons.  Felt almost like normal, and I didn't have any trouble with the sights.

Now I need to dig the ventless goggles out of the GHB, clean them, and see if they cause any problems when added to that combination.
Link Posted: 12/21/2020 11:03:52 PM EDT
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Originally Posted By JPN:

The non-prescription Ivermectin is for livestock, and available in a paste form and an injectable form.  The injectable is supposedly safe enough to take orally (mix with a drink or let a piece of bread soak it up), and is usually a 1% solution, which works out to a dose of something like 0.1 milliliter per 11 pounds of body weight.  Get the small bottle.  A little goes a long way.

From what I've read, people vary in how well they tolerate Melatonin.  Makes you sleepy, and it can cause weird dreams if the dose is a little too high for you.
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You can get human form, oral ivermectin from places like Reliable Rx. Hypothetically. So I'm told...12 mg tabs IIRC.
Link Posted: 12/21/2020 11:03:56 PM EDT
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Originally Posted By elcope:

True, but I'm also one of those assholes that if you want me to send $10B to fucking Bangladesh, I'm slipping in a repeal of the NFA34 & GCA68 in your "must pass" bill.
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Link Posted: 12/21/2020 11:06:22 PM EDT
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Originally Posted By 30calTBLkid:

There never should have been such a bill. Its bullshit. Our tax money given back as "stimulus" is a slap in the face. Our tax money given out as corporate welfare to democrat pet programs, and a pittance given back to us, is fucking disgraceful.
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Originally Posted By 30calTBLkid:

There never should have been such a bill. Its bullshit. Our tax money given back as "stimulus" is a slap in the face. Our tax money given out as corporate welfare to democrat pet programs, and a pittance given back to us, is fucking disgraceful.

With all the bullshit in it - fuck it, veto the damned garbage.
Link Posted: 12/21/2020 11:09:08 PM EDT
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Originally Posted By tads:
Part II

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Great read. Nice job.
Link Posted: 12/21/2020 11:09:54 PM EDT
[Last Edit: AJumbo] [#10]
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Originally Posted By JPN:

I finally located a place (Texas Safety Supply, though they shipped from CA ) that will sell the 3M caps to block off one filter port, allowing a cheek weld while wearing a 3M half-face respirator.  My order was delivered today, and I tried it with an AR with an A2 stock and irons.  Felt almost like normal, and I didn't have any trouble with the sights.

Now I need to dig the ventless goggles out of the GHB, clean them, and see if they cause any problems when added to that combination.
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I'm looking, but if you have a link....

ETA- Is this it?
Link Posted: 12/21/2020 11:11:12 PM EDT
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Originally Posted By tads:
Part II

The failure of the multiple fraud lawsuits that culminated in the Texas SCOTUS decision was particularly disturbing, because the event that followed was a psychological operation, and this operation wasn’t being run by the bad guys. It actually followed the same format as the Hunter Biden lap top scandal and was executed in the following stages:

1.- An announcement builds up anticipation.
2.- The GOP presents earthshattering news that is worthy and actionable.
3.- Hope is cultivated.
4.- The media is provoked into an over-reaction.
5.- They let the strategy fall to pieces.
6.- They do nothing.
7.- They let everyone lose their minds.
6.- They release more information.

The Laptop From Hell

It seems that the real goal of the Hunter Biden lap top scandal was not to smear the Biden campaign, but to actually provoke a violent media censorship response. If you analyze what happened, it wasn’t a simple smear campaign, but a much larger influence operation, since the Lap Top data would have been much more effective, had it been released earlier.  

Until the lap top incident, media censorship was not as blatant or bold. By creating a state panic, the media was forced to censor a major newspaper. People then began to notice that these censorship actions transcended mediums and were actually a part of a concerted effort across the entire media landscape.

The Fang Fang Operation

At the same time that people were being demoralized by the SCOTUS decision, the government began to systematically release Chinese subversion information. Again, this information was not new, and the existence of governors and other officials participating in a concerted Chinese economic subversion strategy could just as easily have been released before the election.

DNI Report

The pattern of buildup, overreaction and letdown was further repeated with the delay of the Ratcliffe Report. Anticipation was built up for the 18th of December, and the release was postponed until January. Again, the media perpetrated further censorship, and the Patriots have come to the point where they are no longer surprised that neither the justice department or the media functions as it was intended.  

Judicial Crisis

The events triggered by the Dominion fraud have detonated a full judicial crisis at both a state and federal level. With the subversion of the DOJ by corrupted actors, Trump’s recent actions have exposed the current complicity of the judicial system to the population. When you view the judicial crisis, and it’s effects on the current constitutional crisis, and the systematic erosion of police power created by the riots, you are looking at serious problems. Add to that the corruption of congressmen, a rebellion of intelligence agencies, and a hostile media, and you are at the brink of a systemic failure. This situation is so serious, that if Trump were to relinquish control to the Bidens, America would not survive the provoked economic collapse that they intend to bring about with future lock downs, and these actions would result in a complete firesale, which is the real goal of the actors that are responsible for the subversion.  

Media Power

The best way to neutralize media power without a kinetic engagement, is to break the hold that the media has on the population. If you are going to wake people up from years of media mental conditioning, you cannot tell them that they have been lied to all their lives without having them experience the worst aspects of the media first hand. By provoking the media to react in a violent and visible manner, and allowing the population to be exposed to actual manipulation, the government accomplishes a lot more than what it could do with a simple press release. The same logic applies to correcting the broken legal system. Until people see it no one will believe it. This indicates that when people speak about the “Great Awakening” it seems to refer to an ongoing psychological operation.

Cleaning House

If you are going to open Pandora’s Box, you have to prepare the population for the disaster that is going to ensue. If Trump uses the insurrection act, he must not be seen to have acted in a rash or reckless manner, as he will be heavily vilified. Taking a serious unilateral action of this magnitude requires that as many people as possible be a board with the program, since this is the sort of thing that can provoke an organic civilian insurrection.

Trump has to officially exhaust all of the legal means available to him before he can use military force. He has to bring the corruption out into the open, and allow the population to become familiar with the current conditions of the system. Most people are only focusing on the election, and their main concern is the result. Everyone has to understand that THIS crisis goes far beyond the election, as it is the product of a hostile action by multiple international actors.

Trump’s Reactions

The only subtle signs of impending military action that the administration has given, was the removal of the Secretary of Defense, the removal of the head of CISA, the emasculation of the CIA, the forced resignation of AG Barr and the appointment of Donoghue. The growing support for Trump is not confined to the US and these psychological operations are actually mobilizing populations worldwide. The Trump administration is actually serving as beacon of hope for all the European populations that are currently being herded into a new lockdown, resulting in the Trump movement going global.

Alternate Media Space

Without access to the mainstream media, the patriot movement is at the mercy of the MSM, since it does not have an effective channel through which they can challenge and contest the mainstream media narratives. Interestingly an alternate media space has evolved through time, and it exists as a hodgepodge of Twitter feeds, independent news sites and private chatrooms, that are serving this function. The pandemic censorship expanded this media space by creating new followers from different communities and political backgrounds. And with the current censorship campaign, moderate and mainstream populations are becoming aware of its existence, and expanding its size.


Another result of the perceived lack of action from the government is the mobilization of previously passive conservative sectors that have all united behind their state governments, and formed a confederation. There was an unprecedented level of popular support for the law suit, which resulted in a large passive element of the population becoming politically active. If one analyzes the collective emotions of conservatives around the country at this moment, they will notice a giant leap from the complacency these people enjoyed before the election. Very few people today believe that an election in 2024 is a possibility.

Doing Nothing

The governments perceived “lack of action” has actually had some very interesting effects. Before the riots about 80% of the population believed in the media and in the current justice system. In September, only 45% of the population remained under the media’s control. This was not accidental, and this could clearly be seen in the voter turnout on November 3rd.

This lack of action is currently being interpreted by the people as incompetence and weakness, but there is a visible psychological change in the population that can be observed, and it was produced by the psychological actions that are currently unfolding. This process is like educating children. One cannot simply resolve a problem that a child causes, without teaching them how to take responsibility for their actions. Trump’s goal is to break the media hold on at least 70% of the population by making them realize that the future of the entire republic is at stake.

Enacting the Second

One of the most important results of these demoralization operations, was forcing people to realize that if Trump is truly incompetent and the government fails, it is up to them to determine their futures. And today, a whole new generation of Americans are viewing the Second Amendment in a completely different light. There is a patriotic awakening unlike anything seen before, and people are now willing to take this fight into the streets. People have begun to stock food, and to reach out to their neighbors. Communities are beginning to organize themselves for an actual conflict, and the entire Patriot movement is ready to mobilize itself to defend the Constitution. In essence, these demoralization actions have activated the last failsafe in the Constitution, which is the civilian militia.

End of Part 2

Part 3

The Real Magnitude of the Conflict

Though people don’t realize it, the United States is currently in a de facto state of war with a non-state transnational actor and with three covert state actors. The federal government is facing a textbook Unrestricted Warfare action on the streets and an internal subversion in it’s agencies. In the beginning I had described the conflict as a 4th Generation Warfare campaign, because it seemed that a native Non-State actor wanted to destabilize the US. As time progressed, we began to notice Chinese involvement, British involvement, evil international bankers, and it became clear that these hostile powers are not a just a simple economic group, but something much larger.

This is a World War, and we are now seeing the opening stages of a true global conflict.
This conflict is no longer about party politics, the election, or a simple domestic insurrection. The true goal of these actions is to neutralize America’s political and military power, so that hidden Economic interests can reorder the world’s entire economic and political landscape.

This type of warfare does not distinguish between combatants and non-combatants. It is designed to destroy entire societies. It does so by creating internal conflict, to divide a population and it cultivates hatred and racial tensions to cause a civilian confrontation. It manipulates societies into destroying themselves, by using corruption and the worst aspects of human nature.

This war is not only directed at the United States. It is being waged against all of humanity at a global level. The pandemic and the lockdowns are not accidental, they are part of a concerted strategy designed to destroy the basic social and economic structures that empower representative democracy, in an attempt to disenfranchise humanity as a whole. There is also a depopulation agenda at play. Whoever decided to destroy our economies, is also interested in reducing the numbers of the global population selectively.


The Chinese are part of the enemy coalition and they are acting as financiers and active belligerents, but they really don’t call the shots. They are not the real enemy in this conflict. China is merely a proxy and the muscle. The real enemy are the banking interests that are using the adversarial relationship between China and the United States to further their goals. This is how bankers fight wars.

War by Proxy

It is important to understand that the hidden enemy who is behind the real subversion is using China as a fail-safe. They set up the entire election fraud operation so that in the event of its discovery, they would have a powerful actor to hide behind and a visible scapegoat to take the blame for the subversion. The Chinese involvement is meant to distract attention from the real players and to dissuade US counter action, as the possibility of an actual confrontation with a near-peer adversary could result in the use of canned sunshine north of the Yalu river.

China is the military power that is backing this global re-ordering. Since they are a brutal and dehumanized society, they are the enforcement element of the entire action. Should the lockdowns fail, and the native military elements of the countries being taken over revolt, Chinese troops would probably be the ones that would carry out the population control under the guise of a United Nations humanitarian peacekeeping force.

The Cabal

The real enemy, are the economic actors that are hiding Europe. These people control traditional power structures that have run the global economy for hundreds of years. They operate by proxy and control several European states. They are a collection of competing banking interests and economic cartels operating from Switzerland, the Vatican and London. They are not a monolithic enemy, but rather and alliance of competing hierarchical interests that are operating as a confederation.

Imagine the most powerful actors on a chessboard as the king and queen. The bishops are their operational groups, the knights are the worldwide network of deep state networks, and castles are the global media. The line of pawns that protects them are China’s economic and military power, and they are the expendable front line elements that these economic interests intend to use to do their bidding.

The Commonwealth

This is the fourth time Redcoats have tried to destroy America in the last 228 years. Previous attempts included 1776, 1812, and 1863. Much like their involvement in the Civil War, their current participation is covert. The Queen of England has always made her contempt for Trump known in subtle ways, the most notable being the message contained in the brooch given to her by Barry Obama, which she wore during Trump’s first state visit. The Steel Dossier came from MI-6 and the five eyes partnership has been heavily involved in this subversion. Dominion is headquartered in Canada. Smartmatic is headquartered in London, and his lordship Mark Molloch Brown is the most visible actor behind the Open Society organization. He was also the one who set up the entire UN sponsored election fraud program at a global scale using British influence. Worse, there has been an incursion in British affairs by the Chinese. Whatever debts they had, these were serious enough to allow Chinese influence to go beyond capital injection and investment and the entire Commonwealth has accepted their free trade agreements and diaspora colonists.

The EU

The election servers were not placed in Europe by accident and there is serious complicity in this conflict that involves various EU governments. Given that the ramifications of the Smartmatic and the Dominion scandal will affect the EU regimes that used this technology to come to power, their overt involvement in the conflict is now inevitable. It will not be in their best interests to have Trump succeed in revealing the entire Dominion scandal to the world, because their entire legitimacy will come into question. Essentially, by persuing the Dominion scandal, Trump will antagonize the combined economic interests that run most of the western world.

Trumps War

It is important to understand that the true goal of this war is to destroy the United States Government with or without a Biden administration. If the election fraud was MEANT to be discovered, and it was so blatant that it would seem that it was, it was intended to cause a constitutional crisis, a judicial crisis, and a balkanization within Congress.

Interestingly, since Trump took office, he took several key steps to allow him to remain ahead of the game in what seems to be an anticipation of this conflict:

1. - Oil

Oil prices destroy entire economies. Trump secured oil independence by embracing fracking and helping the Saudis. He also lifted the bankers hold on the Saudi Princes, by subverting the entire Saudi Arabian power structure. Trump backed MBS (Mister Bone Saw), when he hosted the elegant “anticorruption” purge at the Ritz Carlton. Trump helped MBS consolidate the Kings power by providing MBS with economic intelligence and the documented nefarious activities of the guilty parties.

2.- Foreign Wars

Bankers will kill you with unnecessary military spending. Early on, Trump divorced himself from NATO, letting the EU boys pay their own way. He stabilized Syria, and rid the world of the ISIS crew. He killed the biggest Iranian threat to Iraqi stability, and set the first stages for the withdrawal of US troops from Afghanistan and Iraq.

3.- Global Economic Agenda

Trump removed the United States from most of its free trade commitments. He sought to restore American manufacturing and set the stage for a trade war with China.

4.- Immigration

Trumps focus on Immigration is important because, this mass migration is the mechanism that the Open Society uses to fracture the cultural cohesion of the countries they subvert. The Barcelona Agreement signed in the 1990’s, set the agenda for the immigration policy that the EU was to embrace for coming decades. This was not a humanitarian policy by any means, since its true purpose was to create cultural conflicts throughout the EU and to cause social division in previously homogenous societies, so European nations could not respond to globalist agendas like the 2020 lock downs as cohesive nations.

Acting in concert amidst racial conflicts is hard to achieve, and mixed European armies are more likely to repress populations, than armies that share ethnic traits with their own people. This same policy was applied throughout the British Common Wealth and is the reason why Trump backed the Brexit movement and the hardcore racist right-wingers across the European landscape. This move was entirely political, as necessity makes strange bedfellows.


Globalism is not bad concept when sovereignty and fair-trade practices are respected. It becomes threatening when these policies are intentionally designed to weaken economies and to empower hostile emerging states. Climate agreements are in everyone’s best interests, but they become toxic to nations if they are designed to curb their economic development. The United Nations and its health agency the WHO are no longer noble pursuits when globalist interests use these agencies to intentionally sabotage a global pandemic response.

Given what is at stake and the true dimensions of the conflict, it is necessary for the population to understand that the actions that the American government needs to take, will not be confined to resolving the election controversy. And whatever response is coming, it will occur at a global scale.

The election controversy will be resolved one way or the other. Trump does not need to respect the election results at this point, because he is in an undeclared state of war with several nation states that knowingly interfered in the elections, with the collusion of corrupt US government actors. He can enact war powers at any given time, and it is necessary for the population to understand that if his response is taking longer than expected, it is because the possibility of a kinetic confrontation with China these days, is not a distant possibility.
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Link Posted: 12/21/2020 11:15:24 PM EDT
[Last Edit: MRTsHaircut] [#12]
Originally Posted By tads:
Part II

The failure of the multiple fraud lawsuits that culminated in the Texas SCOTUS decision was particularly disturbing, because the event that followed was a psychological operation, and this operation wasn’t being run by the bad guys. It actually followed the same format as the Hunter Biden lap top scandal and was executed in the following stages:

1.- An announcement builds up anticipation.
2.- The GOP presents earthshattering news that is worthy and actionable.
3.- Hope is cultivated.
4.- The media is provoked into an over-reaction.
5.- They let the strategy fall to pieces.
6.- They do nothing.
7.- They let everyone lose their minds.
6.- They release more information.

The Laptop From Hell

It seems that the real goal of the Hunter Biden lap top scandal was not to smear the Biden campaign, but to actually provoke a violent media censorship response. If you analyze what happened, it wasn’t a simple smear campaign, but a much larger influence operation, since the Lap Top data would have been much more effective, had it been released earlier.  

Until the lap top incident, media censorship was not as blatant or bold. By creating a state panic, the media was forced to censor a major newspaper. People then began to notice that these censorship actions transcended mediums and were actually a part of a concerted effort across the entire media landscape.

The Fang Fang Operation

At the same time that people were being demoralized by the SCOTUS decision, the government began to systematically release Chinese subversion information. Again, this information was not new, and the existence of governors and other officials participating in a concerted Chinese economic subversion strategy could just as easily have been released before the election.

DNI Report

The pattern of buildup, overreaction and letdown was further repeated with the delay of the Ratcliffe Report. Anticipation was built up for the 18th of December, and the release was postponed until January. Again, the media perpetrated further censorship, and the Patriots have come to the point where they are no longer surprised that neither the justice department or the media functions as it was intended.  

Judicial Crisis

The events triggered by the Dominion fraud have detonated a full judicial crisis at both a state and federal level. With the subversion of the DOJ by corrupted actors, Trump’s recent actions have exposed the current complicity of the judicial system to the population. When you view the judicial crisis, and it’s effects on the current constitutional crisis, and the systematic erosion of police power created by the riots, you are looking at serious problems. Add to that the corruption of congressmen, a rebellion of intelligence agencies, and a hostile media, and you are at the brink of a systemic failure. This situation is so serious, that if Trump were to relinquish control to the Bidens, America would not survive the provoked economic collapse that they intend to bring about with future lock downs, and these actions would result in a complete firesale, which is the real goal of the actors that are responsible for the subversion.  

Media Power

The best way to neutralize media power without a kinetic engagement, is to break the hold that the media has on the population. If you are going to wake people up from years of media mental conditioning, you cannot tell them that they have been lied to all their lives without having them experience the worst aspects of the media first hand. By provoking the media to react in a violent and visible manner, and allowing the population to be exposed to actual manipulation, the government accomplishes a lot more than what it could do with a simple press release. The same logic applies to correcting the broken legal system. Until people see it no one will believe it. This indicates that when people speak about the “Great Awakening” it seems to refer to an ongoing psychological operation.

Cleaning House

If you are going to open Pandora’s Box, you have to prepare the population for the disaster that is going to ensue. If Trump uses the insurrection act, he must not be seen to have acted in a rash or reckless manner, as he will be heavily vilified. Taking a serious unilateral action of this magnitude requires that as many people as possible be a board with the program, since this is the sort of thing that can provoke an organic civilian insurrection.

Trump has to officially exhaust all of the legal means available to him before he can use military force. He has to bring the corruption out into the open, and allow the population to become familiar with the current conditions of the system. Most people are only focusing on the election, and their main concern is the result. Everyone has to understand that THIS crisis goes far beyond the election, as it is the product of a hostile action by multiple international actors.

Trump’s Reactions

The only subtle signs of impending military action that the administration has given, was the removal of the Secretary of Defense, the removal of the head of CISA, the emasculation of the CIA, the forced resignation of AG Barr and the appointment of Donoghue. The growing support for Trump is not confined to the US and these psychological operations are actually mobilizing populations worldwide. The Trump administration is actually serving as beacon of hope for all the European populations that are currently being herded into a new lockdown, resulting in the Trump movement going global.

Alternate Media Space

Without access to the mainstream media, the patriot movement is at the mercy of the MSM, since it does not have an effective channel through which they can challenge and contest the mainstream media narratives. Interestingly an alternate media space has evolved through time, and it exists as a hodgepodge of Twitter feeds, independent news sites and private chatrooms, that are serving this function. The pandemic censorship expanded this media space by creating new followers from different communities and political backgrounds. And with the current censorship campaign, moderate and mainstream populations are becoming aware of its existence, and expanding its size.


Another result of the perceived lack of action from the government is the mobilization of previously passive conservative sectors that have all united behind their state governments, and formed a confederation. There was an unprecedented level of popular support for the law suit, which resulted in a large passive element of the population becoming politically active. If one analyzes the collective emotions of conservatives around the country at this moment, they will notice a giant leap from the complacency these people enjoyed before the election. Very few people today believe that an election in 2024 is a possibility.

Doing Nothing

The governments perceived “lack of action” has actually had some very interesting effects. Before the riots about 80% of the population believed in the media and in the current justice system. In September, only 45% of the population remained under the media’s control. This was not accidental, and this could clearly be seen in the voter turnout on November 3rd.

This lack of action is currently being interpreted by the people as incompetence and weakness, but there is a visible psychological change in the population that can be observed, and it was produced by the psychological actions that are currently unfolding. This process is like educating children. One cannot simply resolve a problem that a child causes, without teaching them how to take responsibility for their actions. Trump’s goal is to break the media hold on at least 70% of the population by making them realize that the future of the entire republic is at stake.

Enacting the Second

One of the most important results of these demoralization operations, was forcing people to realize that if Trump is truly incompetent and the government fails, it is up to them to determine their futures. And today, a whole new generation of Americans are viewing the Second Amendment in a completely different light. There is a patriotic awakening unlike anything seen before, and people are now willing to take this fight into the streets. People have begun to stock food, and to reach out to their neighbors. Communities are beginning to organize themselves for an actual conflict, and the entire Patriot movement is ready to mobilize itself to defend the Constitution. In essence, these demoralization actions have activated the last failsafe in the Constitution, which is the civilian militia.

End of Part 2

Part 3

The Real Magnitude of the Conflict

Though people don’t realize it, the United States is currently in a de facto state of war with a non-state transnational actor and with three covert state actors. The federal government is facing a textbook Unrestricted Warfare action on the streets and an internal subversion in it’s agencies. In the beginning I had described the conflict as a 4th Generation Warfare campaign, because it seemed that a native Non-State actor wanted to destabilize the US. As time progressed, we began to notice Chinese involvement, British involvement, evil international bankers, and it became clear that these hostile powers are not a just a simple economic group, but something much larger.

This is a World War, and we are now seeing the opening stages of a true global conflict.
This conflict is no longer about party politics, the election, or a simple domestic insurrection. The true goal of these actions is to neutralize America’s political and military power, so that hidden Economic interests can reorder the world’s entire economic and political landscape.

This type of warfare does not distinguish between combatants and non-combatants. It is designed to destroy entire societies. It does so by creating internal conflict, to divide a population and it cultivates hatred and racial tensions to cause a civilian confrontation. It manipulates societies into destroying themselves, by using corruption and the worst aspects of human nature.

This war is not only directed at the United States. It is being waged against all of humanity at a global level. The pandemic and the lockdowns are not accidental, they are part of a concerted strategy designed to destroy the basic social and economic structures that empower representative democracy, in an attempt to disenfranchise humanity as a whole. There is also a depopulation agenda at play. Whoever decided to destroy our economies, is also interested in reducing the numbers of the global population selectively.


The Chinese are part of the enemy coalition and they are acting as financiers and active belligerents, but they really don’t call the shots. They are not the real enemy in this conflict. China is merely a proxy and the muscle. The real enemy are the banking interests that are using the adversarial relationship between China and the United States to further their goals. This is how bankers fight wars.

War by Proxy

It is important to understand that the hidden enemy who is behind the real subversion is using China as a fail-safe. They set up the entire election fraud operation so that in the event of its discovery, they would have a powerful actor to hide behind and a visible scapegoat to take the blame for the subversion. The Chinese involvement is meant to distract attention from the real players and to dissuade US counter action, as the possibility of an actual confrontation with a near-peer adversary could result in the use of canned sunshine north of the Yalu river.

China is the military power that is backing this global re-ordering. Since they are a brutal and dehumanized society, they are the enforcement element of the entire action. Should the lockdowns fail, and the native military elements of the countries being taken over revolt, Chinese troops would probably be the ones that would carry out the population control under the guise of a United Nations humanitarian peacekeeping force.

The Cabal

The real enemy, are the economic actors that are hiding Europe. These people control traditional power structures that have run the global economy for hundreds of years. They operate by proxy and control several European states. They are a collection of competing banking interests and economic cartels operating from Switzerland, the Vatican and London. They are not a monolithic enemy, but rather and alliance of competing hierarchical interests that are operating as a confederation.

Imagine the most powerful actors on a chessboard as the king and queen. The bishops are their operational groups, the knights are the worldwide network of deep state networks, and castles are the global media. The line of pawns that protects them are China’s economic and military power, and they are the expendable front line elements that these economic interests intend to use to do their bidding.

The Commonwealth

This is the fourth time Redcoats have tried to destroy America in the last 228 years. Previous attempts included 1776, 1812, and 1863. Much like their involvement in the Civil War, their current participation is covert. The Queen of England has always made her contempt for Trump known in subtle ways, the most notable being the message contained in the brooch given to her by Barry Obama, which she wore during Trump’s first state visit. The Steel Dossier came from MI-6 and the five eyes partnership has been heavily involved in this subversion. Dominion is headquartered in Canada. Smartmatic is headquartered in London, and his lordship Mark Molloch Brown is the most visible actor behind the Open Society organization. He was also the one who set up the entire UN sponsored election fraud program at a global scale using British influence. Worse, there has been an incursion in British affairs by the Chinese. Whatever debts they had, these were serious enough to allow Chinese influence to go beyond capital injection and investment and the entire Commonwealth has accepted their free trade agreements and diaspora colonists.

The EU

The election servers were not placed in Europe by accident and there is serious complicity in this conflict that involves various EU governments. Given that the ramifications of the Smartmatic and the Dominion scandal will affect the EU regimes that used this technology to come to power, their overt involvement in the conflict is now inevitable. It will not be in their best interests to have Trump succeed in revealing the entire Dominion scandal to the world, because their entire legitimacy will come into question. Essentially, by persuing the Dominion scandal, Trump will antagonize the combined economic interests that run most of the western world.

Trumps War

It is important to understand that the true goal of this war is to destroy the United States Government with or without a Biden administration. If the election fraud was MEANT to be discovered, and it was so blatant that it would seem that it was, it was intended to cause a constitutional crisis, a judicial crisis, and a balkanization within Congress.

Interestingly, since Trump took office, he took several key steps to allow him to remain ahead of the game in what seems to be an anticipation of this conflict:

1. - Oil

Oil prices destroy entire economies. Trump secured oil independence by embracing fracking and helping the Saudis. He also lifted the bankers hold on the Saudi Princes, by subverting the entire Saudi Arabian power structure. Trump backed MBS (Mister Bone Saw), when he hosted the elegant “anticorruption” purge at the Ritz Carlton. Trump helped MBS consolidate the Kings power by providing MBS with economic intelligence and the documented nefarious activities of the guilty parties.

2.- Foreign Wars

Bankers will kill you with unnecessary military spending. Early on, Trump divorced himself from NATO, letting the EU boys pay their own way. He stabilized Syria, and rid the world of the ISIS crew. He killed the biggest Iranian threat to Iraqi stability, and set the first stages for the withdrawal of US troops from Afghanistan and Iraq.

3.- Global Economic Agenda

Trump removed the United States from most of its free trade commitments. He sought to restore American manufacturing and set the stage for a trade war with China.

4.- Immigration

Trumps focus on Immigration is important because, this mass migration is the mechanism that the Open Society uses to fracture the cultural cohesion of the countries they subvert. The Barcelona Agreement signed in the 1990’s, set the agenda for the immigration policy that the EU was to embrace for coming decades. This was not a humanitarian policy by any means, since its true purpose was to create cultural conflicts throughout the EU and to cause social division in previously homogenous societies, so European nations could not respond to globalist agendas like the 2020 lock downs as cohesive nations.

Acting in concert amidst racial conflicts is hard to achieve, and mixed European armies are more likely to repress populations, than armies that share ethnic traits with their own people. This same policy was applied throughout the British Common Wealth and is the reason why Trump backed the Brexit movement and the hardcore racist right-wingers across the European landscape. This move was entirely political, as necessity makes strange bedfellows.


Globalism is not bad concept when sovereignty and fair-trade practices are respected. It becomes threatening when these policies are intentionally designed to weaken economies and to empower hostile emerging states. Climate agreements are in everyone’s best interests, but they become toxic to nations if they are designed to curb their economic development. The United Nations and its health agency the WHO are no longer noble pursuits when globalist interests use these agencies to intentionally sabotage a global pandemic response.

Given what is at stake and the true dimensions of the conflict, it is necessary for the population to understand that the actions that the American government needs to take, will not be confined to resolving the election controversy. And whatever response is coming, it will occur at a global scale.

The election controversy will be resolved one way or the other. Trump does not need to respect the election results at this point, because he is in an undeclared state of war with several nation states that knowingly interfered in the elections, with the collusion of corrupt US government actors. He can enact war powers at any given time, and it is necessary for the population to understand that if his response is taking longer than expected, it is because the possibility of a kinetic confrontation with China these days, is not a distant possibility.
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That’s a lot to unpack amigo.  

I agree that the cabal is behind much of the fuckery.

Regarding China... they are an existential threat.  They are running out of time due their self destroying one child policy.   China isn’t a small bit player or a useful tool..  they are rotten and parasitic and the reason we find ourselves where we are.
Kinetic war with China is a certainty.
Link Posted: 12/21/2020 11:18:27 PM EDT
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Originally Posted By tads:
Click To View Spoiler
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As always, your analyses are appreciated.
Link Posted: 12/21/2020 11:21:13 PM EDT
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Originally Posted By AJumbo:

I'm looking, but if you have a link....

ETA- Is this it?
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Originally Posted By AJumbo:
Originally Posted By JPN:

I finally located a place (Texas Safety Supply, though they shipped from CA ) that will sell the 3M caps to block off one filter port, allowing a cheek weld while wearing a 3M half-face respirator.  My order was delivered today, and I tried it with an AR with an A2 stock and irons.  Felt almost like normal, and I didn't have any trouble with the sights.

Now I need to dig the ventless goggles out of the GHB, clean them, and see if they cause any problems when added to that combination.

I'm looking, but if you have a link....

ETA- Is this it?

Yep. That's it.

And the goggles were right on the edge between not causing a problem, and causing a problem, with using the sights.  Not really a problem, but seemed to make sighting slightly more difficult than with just the respirator.

And off to try it with other guns...
Link Posted: 12/21/2020 11:22:01 PM EDT

Link Posted: 12/21/2020 11:23:27 PM EDT
Hey guys, apologies for missing the calls. Hope you guys are good, had one hell of a week.

If you all do organize a riot call do give us a shout.
Link Posted: 12/21/2020 11:29:12 PM EDT
lol at this mask zealot

Link Posted: 12/21/2020 11:34:27 PM EDT
Rod Serling Was Prophetic With This Warning
Link Posted: 12/21/2020 11:35:12 PM EDT
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add breckin myer as bill's son...

Link Posted: 12/21/2020 11:43:32 PM EDT
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Originally Posted By Doodles:

Great read. Nice job.
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Originally Posted By Doodles:
Originally Posted By tads:
Part II


Great read. Nice job.

Link Posted: 12/21/2020 11:45:57 PM EDT
Originally Posted By tads:
Hey guys, apologies for missing the calls. Hope you guys are good, had one hell of a week.

If you all do organize a riot call do give us a shout.
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Stay safe brother!
Link Posted: 12/21/2020 11:46:20 PM EDT
Originally Posted By m35ben:
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Link Posted: 12/21/2020 11:49:20 PM EDT
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Originally Posted By 30calTBLkid:

What was the blue bar between life buoy and irish spring? Coast? Which ever of those was on sale that week, that's what I got. Said "damnit" like John Wayne. Left tooth marks in the bar.
Good times.
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at some point she switched to dial.
Link Posted: 12/21/2020 11:50:33 PM EDT
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Originally Posted By tads:
Hey guys, apologies for missing the calls. Hope you guys are good, had one hell of a week.

If you all do organize a riot call do give us a shout.
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No worries. I'm good. How are you doing?

Link Posted: 12/21/2020 11:50:55 PM EDT
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Originally Posted By Cecenrse:

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Interesting that they would move an Ohio class boat into the Gulf.
Link Posted: 12/21/2020 11:55:32 PM EDT
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Originally Posted By Cecenrse:
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God loves all children. Muhammad loved the little children.
Link Posted: 12/21/2020 11:59:09 PM EDT
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Originally Posted By 30calTBLkid:

What was the blue bar between life buoy and irish spring? Coast? Which ever of those was on sale that week, that's what I got. Said "damnit" like John Wayne. Left tooth marks in the bar.
Good times.
View Quote

I remember my farmer grandparents used super gritty "Lava" soap. Strip the hide right off of a delicate girl child's skin, btw. Yuck!!  

Was that the one you're talking about?
Link Posted: 12/22/2020 12:10:52 AM EDT
[Last Edit: AJumbo] [#28]
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Originally Posted By Cecenrse:

I remember my farmer grandparents used super gritty "Lava" soap. Strip the hide right off of a delicate girl child's skin, btw. Yuck!!  

Was that the one you're talking about?
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I still use Lava on my hands. I only had my mouth washed out once, and I maintain to this day that is was unjust and undeserved punishment precipitated by a slip of the tongue on the part of a 4-year-old who didn't know that replacing one letter with another would offend my Mom's delicate sensibilities. All I learned from the incident is that I hate scented soaps and still won't use them.
Link Posted: 12/22/2020 12:12:01 AM EDT
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Originally Posted By BugoutBill1442:

I swear, if they fuck with gas cans again...
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No need, the green new deal is gonna have us all rolling around in electric vehicles.
Link Posted: 12/22/2020 12:13:21 AM EDT
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Originally Posted By MRTsHaircut:

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If you haven't seen Twilight Zone Obsolete man its worth watching.
Link Posted: 12/22/2020 12:19:46 AM EDT
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Originally Posted By FCSD2162:

As always, your analyses are appreciated.
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Link Posted: 12/22/2020 12:19:54 AM EDT
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Originally Posted By hiyaboa:

While I hate the idea of it,  what are they gonna do about it?  The point of SSGN/SSBN submarines is an invisible deterrent, apparently the Iranians needed a little more of an in your face warning.  If they published that I can only assume they had ample cause. I also think it’s a reasonable assumption that there is a boomer in range as well but the cruise missile boats are a much more realistic threat.

That’s assuming they named the correct boat or location.
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Maybe a "look over here" while we are "over there"?
Link Posted: 12/22/2020 12:23:48 AM EDT

At least we had some decent video coming out of Salem today. Watching Black Conservative Preacher's stream, I was amused when he was talking about antifa showing up and wearing masks to conceal their identity because the police and/or patriots might be watching. "God's watching. That's what you should be concerned about."
Link Posted: 12/22/2020 12:27:34 AM EDT

Link Posted: 12/22/2020 12:27:44 AM EDT
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Originally Posted By stoner01:
Sometimes I wish it was the old days. When shit was settled in an afternoon. One way or the other.
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See ya at sundown

Attachment Attached File
Link Posted: 12/22/2020 12:32:04 AM EDT
Link Posted: 12/22/2020 12:33:04 AM EDT
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Originally Posted By tads:
Part II

The failure of the multiple fraud lawsuits that culminated in the Texas SCOTUS decision was particularly disturbing, because the event that followed was a psychological operation, and this operation wasn’t being run by the bad guys. It actually followed the same format as the Hunter Biden lap top scandal and was executed in the following stages:

1.- An announcement builds up anticipation.
2.- The GOP presents earthshattering news that is worthy and actionable.
3.- Hope is cultivated.
4.- The media is provoked into an over-reaction.
5.- They let the strategy fall to pieces.
6.- They do nothing.
7.- They let everyone lose their minds.
6.- They release more information.

The Laptop From Hell

It seems that the real goal of the Hunter Biden lap top scandal was not to smear the Biden campaign, but to actually provoke a violent media censorship response. If you analyze what happened, it wasn’t a simple smear campaign, but a much larger influence operation, since the Lap Top data would have been much more effective, had it been released earlier.  

Until the lap top incident, media censorship was not as blatant or bold. By creating a state panic, the media was forced to censor a major newspaper. People then began to notice that these censorship actions transcended mediums and were actually a part of a concerted effort across the entire media landscape.

The Fang Fang Operation

At the same time that people were being demoralized by the SCOTUS decision, the government began to systematically release Chinese subversion information. Again, this information was not new, and the existence of governors and other officials participating in a concerted Chinese economic subversion strategy could just as easily have been released before the election.

DNI Report

The pattern of buildup, overreaction and letdown was further repeated with the delay of the Ratcliffe Report. Anticipation was built up for the 18th of December, and the release was postponed until January. Again, the media perpetrated further censorship, and the Patriots have come to the point where they are no longer surprised that neither the justice department or the media functions as it was intended.  

Judicial Crisis

The events triggered by the Dominion fraud have detonated a full judicial crisis at both a state and federal level. With the subversion of the DOJ by corrupted actors, Trump’s recent actions have exposed the current complicity of the judicial system to the population. When you view the judicial crisis, and it’s effects on the current constitutional crisis, and the systematic erosion of police power created by the riots, you are looking at serious problems. Add to that the corruption of congressmen, a rebellion of intelligence agencies, and a hostile media, and you are at the brink of a systemic failure. This situation is so serious, that if Trump were to relinquish control to the Bidens, America would not survive the provoked economic collapse that they intend to bring about with future lock downs, and these actions would result in a complete firesale, which is the real goal of the actors that are responsible for the subversion.  

Media Power

The best way to neutralize media power without a kinetic engagement, is to break the hold that the media has on the population. If you are going to wake people up from years of media mental conditioning, you cannot tell them that they have been lied to all their lives without having them experience the worst aspects of the media first hand. By provoking the media to react in a violent and visible manner, and allowing the population to be exposed to actual manipulation, the government accomplishes a lot more than what it could do with a simple press release. The same logic applies to correcting the broken legal system. Until people see it no one will believe it. This indicates that when people speak about the “Great Awakening” it seems to refer to an ongoing psychological operation.

Cleaning House

If you are going to open Pandora’s Box, you have to prepare the population for the disaster that is going to ensue. If Trump uses the insurrection act, he must not be seen to have acted in a rash or reckless manner, as he will be heavily vilified. Taking a serious unilateral action of this magnitude requires that as many people as possible be a board with the program, since this is the sort of thing that can provoke an organic civilian insurrection.

Trump has to officially exhaust all of the legal means available to him before he can use military force. He has to bring the corruption out into the open, and allow the population to become familiar with the current conditions of the system. Most people are only focusing on the election, and their main concern is the result. Everyone has to understand that THIS crisis goes far beyond the election, as it is the product of a hostile action by multiple international actors.

Trump’s Reactions

The only subtle signs of impending military action that the administration has given, was the removal of the Secretary of Defense, the removal of the head of CISA, the emasculation of the CIA, the forced resignation of AG Barr and the appointment of Donoghue. The growing support for Trump is not confined to the US and these psychological operations are actually mobilizing populations worldwide. The Trump administration is actually serving as beacon of hope for all the European populations that are currently being herded into a new lockdown, resulting in the Trump movement going global.

Alternate Media Space

Without access to the mainstream media, the patriot movement is at the mercy of the MSM, since it does not have an effective channel through which they can challenge and contest the mainstream media narratives. Interestingly an alternate media space has evolved through time, and it exists as a hodgepodge of Twitter feeds, independent news sites and private chatrooms, that are serving this function. The pandemic censorship expanded this media space by creating new followers from different communities and political backgrounds. And with the current censorship campaign, moderate and mainstream populations are becoming aware of its existence, and expanding its size.


Another result of the perceived lack of action from the government is the mobilization of previously passive conservative sectors that have all united behind their state governments, and formed a confederation. There was an unprecedented level of popular support for the law suit, which resulted in a large passive element of the population becoming politically active. If one analyzes the collective emotions of conservatives around the country at this moment, they will notice a giant leap from the complacency these people enjoyed before the election. Very few people today believe that an election in 2024 is a possibility.

Doing Nothing

The governments perceived “lack of action” has actually had some very interesting effects. Before the riots about 80% of the population believed in the media and in the current justice system. In September, only 45% of the population remained under the media’s control. This was not accidental, and this could clearly be seen in the voter turnout on November 3rd.

This lack of action is currently being interpreted by the people as incompetence and weakness, but there is a visible psychological change in the population that can be observed, and it was produced by the psychological actions that are currently unfolding. This process is like educating children. One cannot simply resolve a problem that a child causes, without teaching them how to take responsibility for their actions. Trump’s goal is to break the media hold on at least 70% of the population by making them realize that the future of the entire republic is at stake.

Enacting the Second

One of the most important results of these demoralization operations, was forcing people to realize that if Trump is truly incompetent and the government fails, it is up to them to determine their futures. And today, a whole new generation of Americans are viewing the Second Amendment in a completely different light. There is a patriotic awakening unlike anything seen before, and people are now willing to take this fight into the streets. People have begun to stock food, and to reach out to their neighbors. Communities are beginning to organize themselves for an actual conflict, and the entire Patriot movement is ready to mobilize itself to defend the Constitution. In essence, these demoralization actions have activated the last failsafe in the Constitution, which is the civilian militia.

End of Part 2

Part 3

The Real Magnitude of the Conflict

Though people don’t realize it, the United States is currently in a de facto state of war with a non-state transnational actor and with three covert state actors. The federal government is facing a textbook Unrestricted Warfare action on the streets and an internal subversion in it’s agencies. In the beginning I had described the conflict as a 4th Generation Warfare campaign, because it seemed that a native Non-State actor wanted to destabilize the US. As time progressed, we began to notice Chinese involvement, British involvement, evil international bankers, and it became clear that these hostile powers are not a just a simple economic group, but something much larger.

This is a World War, and we are now seeing the opening stages of a true global conflict.
This conflict is no longer about party politics, the election, or a simple domestic insurrection. The true goal of these actions is to neutralize America’s political and military power, so that hidden Economic interests can reorder the world’s entire economic and political landscape.

This type of warfare does not distinguish between combatants and non-combatants. It is designed to destroy entire societies. It does so by creating internal conflict, to divide a population and it cultivates hatred and racial tensions to cause a civilian confrontation. It manipulates societies into destroying themselves, by using corruption and the worst aspects of human nature.

This war is not only directed at the United States. It is being waged against all of humanity at a global level. The pandemic and the lockdowns are not accidental, they are part of a concerted strategy designed to destroy the basic social and economic structures that empower representative democracy, in an attempt to disenfranchise humanity as a whole. There is also a depopulation agenda at play. Whoever decided to destroy our economies, is also interested in reducing the numbers of the global population selectively.


The Chinese are part of the enemy coalition and they are acting as financiers and active belligerents, but they really don’t call the shots. They are not the real enemy in this conflict. China is merely a proxy and the muscle. The real enemy are the banking interests that are using the adversarial relationship between China and the United States to further their goals. This is how bankers fight wars.

War by Proxy

It is important to understand that the hidden enemy who is behind the real subversion is using China as a fail-safe. They set up the entire election fraud operation so that in the event of its discovery, they would have a powerful actor to hide behind and a visible scapegoat to take the blame for the subversion. The Chinese involvement is meant to distract attention from the real players and to dissuade US counter action, as the possibility of an actual confrontation with a near-peer adversary could result in the use of canned sunshine north of the Yalu river.

China is the military power that is backing this global re-ordering. Since they are a brutal and dehumanized society, they are the enforcement element of the entire action. Should the lockdowns fail, and the native military elements of the countries being taken over revolt, Chinese troops would probably be the ones that would carry out the population control under the guise of a United Nations humanitarian peacekeeping force.

The Cabal

The real enemy, are the economic actors that are hiding Europe. These people control traditional power structures that have run the global economy for hundreds of years. They operate by proxy and control several European states. They are a collection of competing banking interests and economic cartels operating from Switzerland, the Vatican and London. They are not a monolithic enemy, but rather and alliance of competing hierarchical interests that are operating as a confederation.

Imagine the most powerful actors on a chessboard as the king and queen. The bishops are their operational groups, the knights are the worldwide network of deep state networks, and castles are the global media. The line of pawns that protects them are China’s economic and military power, and they are the expendable front line elements that these economic interests intend to use to do their bidding.

The Commonwealth

This is the fourth time Redcoats have tried to destroy America in the last 228 years. Previous attempts included 1776, 1812, and 1863. Much like their involvement in the Civil War, their current participation is covert. The Queen of England has always made her contempt for Trump known in subtle ways, the most notable being the message contained in the brooch given to her by Barry Obama, which she wore during Trump’s first state visit. The Steel Dossier came from MI-6 and the five eyes partnership has been heavily involved in this subversion. Dominion is headquartered in Canada. Smartmatic is headquartered in London, and his lordship Mark Molloch Brown is the most visible actor behind the Open Society organization. He was also the one who set up the entire UN sponsored election fraud program at a global scale using British influence. Worse, there has been an incursion in British affairs by the Chinese. Whatever debts they had, these were serious enough to allow Chinese influence to go beyond capital injection and investment and the entire Commonwealth has accepted their free trade agreements and diaspora colonists.

The EU

The election servers were not placed in Europe by accident and there is serious complicity in this conflict that involves various EU governments. Given that the ramifications of the Smartmatic and the Dominion scandal will affect the EU regimes that used this technology to come to power, their overt involvement in the conflict is now inevitable. It will not be in their best interests to have Trump succeed in revealing the entire Dominion scandal to the world, because their entire legitimacy will come into question. Essentially, by persuing the Dominion scandal, Trump will antagonize the combined economic interests that run most of the western world.

Trumps War

It is important to understand that the true goal of this war is to destroy the United States Government with or without a Biden administration. If the election fraud was MEANT to be discovered, and it was so blatant that it would seem that it was, it was intended to cause a constitutional crisis, a judicial crisis, and a balkanization within Congress.

Interestingly, since Trump took office, he took several key steps to allow him to remain ahead of the game in what seems to be an anticipation of this conflict:

1. - Oil

Oil prices destroy entire economies. Trump secured oil independence by embracing fracking and helping the Saudis. He also lifted the bankers hold on the Saudi Princes, by subverting the entire Saudi Arabian power structure. Trump backed MBS (Mister Bone Saw), when he hosted the elegant “anticorruption” purge at the Ritz Carlton. Trump helped MBS consolidate the Kings power by providing MBS with economic intelligence and the documented nefarious activities of the guilty parties.

2.- Foreign Wars

Bankers will kill you with unnecessary military spending. Early on, Trump divorced himself from NATO, letting the EU boys pay their own way. He stabilized Syria, and rid the world of the ISIS crew. He killed the biggest Iranian threat to Iraqi stability, and set the first stages for the withdrawal of US troops from Afghanistan and Iraq.

3.- Global Economic Agenda

Trump removed the United States from most of its free trade commitments. He sought to restore American manufacturing and set the stage for a trade war with China.

4.- Immigration

Trumps focus on Immigration is important because, this mass migration is the mechanism that the Open Society uses to fracture the cultural cohesion of the countries they subvert. The Barcelona Agreement signed in the 1990’s, set the agenda for the immigration policy that the EU was to embrace for coming decades. This was not a humanitarian policy by any means, since its true purpose was to create cultural conflicts throughout the EU and to cause social division in previously homogenous societies, so European nations could not respond to globalist agendas like the 2020 lock downs as cohesive nations.

Acting in concert amidst racial conflicts is hard to achieve, and mixed European armies are more likely to repress populations, than armies that share ethnic traits with their own people. This same policy was applied throughout the British Common Wealth and is the reason why Trump backed the Brexit movement and the hardcore racist right-wingers across the European landscape. This move was entirely political, as necessity makes strange bedfellows.


Globalism is not bad concept when sovereignty and fair-trade practices are respected. It becomes threatening when these policies are intentionally designed to weaken economies and to empower hostile emerging states. Climate agreements are in everyone’s best interests, but they become toxic to nations if they are designed to curb their economic development. The United Nations and its health agency the WHO are no longer noble pursuits when globalist interests use these agencies to intentionally sabotage a global pandemic response.

Given what is at stake and the true dimensions of the conflict, it is necessary for the population to understand that the actions that the American government needs to take, will not be confined to resolving the election controversy. And whatever response is coming, it will occur at a global scale.

The election controversy will be resolved one way or the other. Trump does not need to respect the election results at this point, because he is in an undeclared state of war with several nation states that knowingly interfered in the elections, with the collusion of corrupt US government actors. He can enact war powers at any given time, and it is necessary for the population to understand that if his response is taking longer than expected, it is because the possibility of a kinetic confrontation with China these days, is not a distant possibility.
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Thanks for that, I need a cigarette now. Actually cigar and a single malt.
Link Posted: 12/22/2020 12:37:11 AM EDT
Link Posted: 12/22/2020 12:37:46 AM EDT
[Last Edit: hiyaboa] [#39]
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Originally Posted By Socalmopar:

Thanks for that, I need a cigarette now. Actually cigar and a single malt.
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Originally Posted By Socalmopar:
Originally Posted By tads:
Part II

The failure of the multiple fraud lawsuits that culminated in the Texas SCOTUS decision was particularly disturbing, because the event that followed was a psychological operation, and this operation wasn’t being run by the bad guys. It actually followed the same format as the Hunter Biden lap top scandal and was executed in the following stages:

1.- An announcement builds up anticipation.
2.- The GOP presents earthshattering news that is worthy and actionable.
3.- Hope is cultivated.
4.- The media is provoked into an over-reaction.
5.- They let the strategy fall to pieces.
6.- They do nothing.
7.- They let everyone lose their minds.
6.- They release more information.

The Laptop From Hell

It seems that the real goal of the Hunter Biden lap top scandal was not to smear the Biden campaign, but to actually provoke a violent media censorship response. If you analyze what happened, it wasn’t a simple smear campaign, but a much larger influence operation, since the Lap Top data would have been much more effective, had it been released earlier.  

Until the lap top incident, media censorship was not as blatant or bold. By creating a state panic, the media was forced to censor a major newspaper. People then began to notice that these censorship actions transcended mediums and were actually a part of a concerted effort across the entire media landscape.

The Fang Fang Operation

At the same time that people were being demoralized by the SCOTUS decision, the government began to systematically release Chinese subversion information. Again, this information was not new, and the existence of governors and other officials participating in a concerted Chinese economic subversion strategy could just as easily have been released before the election.

DNI Report

The pattern of buildup, overreaction and letdown was further repeated with the delay of the Ratcliffe Report. Anticipation was built up for the 18th of December, and the release was postponed until January. Again, the media perpetrated further censorship, and the Patriots have come to the point where they are no longer surprised that neither the justice department or the media functions as it was intended.  

Judicial Crisis

The events triggered by the Dominion fraud have detonated a full judicial crisis at both a state and federal level. With the subversion of the DOJ by corrupted actors, Trump’s recent actions have exposed the current complicity of the judicial system to the population. When you view the judicial crisis, and it’s effects on the current constitutional crisis, and the systematic erosion of police power created by the riots, you are looking at serious problems. Add to that the corruption of congressmen, a rebellion of intelligence agencies, and a hostile media, and you are at the brink of a systemic failure. This situation is so serious, that if Trump were to relinquish control to the Bidens, America would not survive the provoked economic collapse that they intend to bring about with future lock downs, and these actions would result in a complete firesale, which is the real goal of the actors that are responsible for the subversion.  

Media Power

The best way to neutralize media power without a kinetic engagement, is to break the hold that the media has on the population. If you are going to wake people up from years of media mental conditioning, you cannot tell them that they have been lied to all their lives without having them experience the worst aspects of the media first hand. By provoking the media to react in a violent and visible manner, and allowing the population to be exposed to actual manipulation, the government accomplishes a lot more than what it could do with a simple press release. The same logic applies to correcting the broken legal system. Until people see it no one will believe it. This indicates that when people speak about the “Great Awakening” it seems to refer to an ongoing psychological operation.

Cleaning House

If you are going to open Pandora’s Box, you have to prepare the population for the disaster that is going to ensue. If Trump uses the insurrection act, he must not be seen to have acted in a rash or reckless manner, as he will be heavily vilified. Taking a serious unilateral action of this magnitude requires that as many people as possible be a board with the program, since this is the sort of thing that can provoke an organic civilian insurrection.

Trump has to officially exhaust all of the legal means available to him before he can use military force. He has to bring the corruption out into the open, and allow the population to become familiar with the current conditions of the system. Most people are only focusing on the election, and their main concern is the result. Everyone has to understand that THIS crisis goes far beyond the election, as it is the product of a hostile action by multiple international actors.

Trump’s Reactions

The only subtle signs of impending military action that the administration has given, was the removal of the Secretary of Defense, the removal of the head of CISA, the emasculation of the CIA, the forced resignation of AG Barr and the appointment of Donoghue. The growing support for Trump is not confined to the US and these psychological operations are actually mobilizing populations worldwide. The Trump administration is actually serving as beacon of hope for all the European populations that are currently being herded into a new lockdown, resulting in the Trump movement going global.

Alternate Media Space

Without access to the mainstream media, the patriot movement is at the mercy of the MSM, since it does not have an effective channel through which they can challenge and contest the mainstream media narratives. Interestingly an alternate media space has evolved through time, and it exists as a hodgepodge of Twitter feeds, independent news sites and private chatrooms, that are serving this function. The pandemic censorship expanded this media space by creating new followers from different communities and political backgrounds. And with the current censorship campaign, moderate and mainstream populations are becoming aware of its existence, and expanding its size.


Another result of the perceived lack of action from the government is the mobilization of previously passive conservative sectors that have all united behind their state governments, and formed a confederation. There was an unprecedented level of popular support for the law suit, which resulted in a large passive element of the population becoming politically active. If one analyzes the collective emotions of conservatives around the country at this moment, they will notice a giant leap from the complacency these people enjoyed before the election. Very few people today believe that an election in 2024 is a possibility.

Doing Nothing

The governments perceived “lack of action” has actually had some very interesting effects. Before the riots about 80% of the population believed in the media and in the current justice system. In September, only 45% of the population remained under the media’s control. This was not accidental, and this could clearly be seen in the voter turnout on November 3rd.

This lack of action is currently being interpreted by the people as incompetence and weakness, but there is a visible psychological change in the population that can be observed, and it was produced by the psychological actions that are currently unfolding. This process is like educating children. One cannot simply resolve a problem that a child causes, without teaching them how to take responsibility for their actions. Trump’s goal is to break the media hold on at least 70% of the population by making them realize that the future of the entire republic is at stake.

Enacting the Second

One of the most important results of these demoralization operations, was forcing people to realize that if Trump is truly incompetent and the government fails, it is up to them to determine their futures. And today, a whole new generation of Americans are viewing the Second Amendment in a completely different light. There is a patriotic awakening unlike anything seen before, and people are now willing to take this fight into the streets. People have begun to stock food, and to reach out to their neighbors. Communities are beginning to organize themselves for an actual conflict, and the entire Patriot movement is ready to mobilize itself to defend the Constitution. In essence, these demoralization actions have activated the last failsafe in the Constitution, which is the civilian militia.

End of Part 2

Part 3

The Real Magnitude of the Conflict

Though people don’t realize it, the United States is currently in a de facto state of war with a non-state transnational actor and with three covert state actors. The federal government is facing a textbook Unrestricted Warfare action on the streets and an internal subversion in it’s agencies. In the beginning I had described the conflict as a 4th Generation Warfare campaign, because it seemed that a native Non-State actor wanted to destabilize the US. As time progressed, we began to notice Chinese involvement, British involvement, evil international bankers, and it became clear that these hostile powers are not a just a simple economic group, but something much larger.

This is a World War, and we are now seeing the opening stages of a true global conflict.
This conflict is no longer about party politics, the election, or a simple domestic insurrection. The true goal of these actions is to neutralize America’s political and military power, so that hidden Economic interests can reorder the world’s entire economic and political landscape.

This type of warfare does not distinguish between combatants and non-combatants. It is designed to destroy entire societies. It does so by creating internal conflict, to divide a population and it cultivates hatred and racial tensions to cause a civilian confrontation. It manipulates societies into destroying themselves, by using corruption and the worst aspects of human nature.

This war is not only directed at the United States. It is being waged against all of humanity at a global level. The pandemic and the lockdowns are not accidental, they are part of a concerted strategy designed to destroy the basic social and economic structures that empower representative democracy, in an attempt to disenfranchise humanity as a whole. There is also a depopulation agenda at play. Whoever decided to destroy our economies, is also interested in reducing the numbers of the global population selectively.


The Chinese are part of the enemy coalition and they are acting as financiers and active belligerents, but they really don’t call the shots. They are not the real enemy in this conflict. China is merely a proxy and the muscle. The real enemy are the banking interests that are using the adversarial relationship between China and the United States to further their goals. This is how bankers fight wars.

War by Proxy

It is important to understand that the hidden enemy who is behind the real subversion is using China as a fail-safe. They set up the entire election fraud operation so that in the event of its discovery, they would have a powerful actor to hide behind and a visible scapegoat to take the blame for the subversion. The Chinese involvement is meant to distract attention from the real players and to dissuade US counter action, as the possibility of an actual confrontation with a near-peer adversary could result in the use of canned sunshine north of the Yalu river.

China is the military power that is backing this global re-ordering. Since they are a brutal and dehumanized society, they are the enforcement element of the entire action. Should the lockdowns fail, and the native military elements of the countries being taken over revolt, Chinese troops would probably be the ones that would carry out the population control under the guise of a United Nations humanitarian peacekeeping force.

The Cabal

The real enemy, are the economic actors that are hiding Europe. These people control traditional power structures that have run the global economy for hundreds of years. They operate by proxy and control several European states. They are a collection of competing banking interests and economic cartels operating from Switzerland, the Vatican and London. They are not a monolithic enemy, but rather and alliance of competing hierarchical interests that are operating as a confederation.

Imagine the most powerful actors on a chessboard as the king and queen. The bishops are their operational groups, the knights are the worldwide network of deep state networks, and castles are the global media. The line of pawns that protects them are China’s economic and military power, and they are the expendable front line elements that these economic interests intend to use to do their bidding.

The Commonwealth

This is the fourth time Redcoats have tried to destroy America in the last 228 years. Previous attempts included 1776, 1812, and 1863. Much like their involvement in the Civil War, their current participation is covert. The Queen of England has always made her contempt for Trump known in subtle ways, the most notable being the message contained in the brooch given to her by Barry Obama, which she wore during Trump’s first state visit. The Steel Dossier came from MI-6 and the five eyes partnership has been heavily involved in this subversion. Dominion is headquartered in Canada. Smartmatic is headquartered in London, and his lordship Mark Molloch Brown is the most visible actor behind the Open Society organization. He was also the one who set up the entire UN sponsored election fraud program at a global scale using British influence. Worse, there has been an incursion in British affairs by the Chinese. Whatever debts they had, these were serious enough to allow Chinese influence to go beyond capital injection and investment and the entire Commonwealth has accepted their free trade agreements and diaspora colonists.

The EU

The election servers were not placed in Europe by accident and there is serious complicity in this conflict that involves various EU governments. Given that the ramifications of the Smartmatic and the Dominion scandal will affect the EU regimes that used this technology to come to power, their overt involvement in the conflict is now inevitable. It will not be in their best interests to have Trump succeed in revealing the entire Dominion scandal to the world, because their entire legitimacy will come into question. Essentially, by persuing the Dominion scandal, Trump will antagonize the combined economic interests that run most of the western world.

Trumps War

It is important to understand that the true goal of this war is to destroy the United States Government with or without a Biden administration. If the election fraud was MEANT to be discovered, and it was so blatant that it would seem that it was, it was intended to cause a constitutional crisis, a judicial crisis, and a balkanization within Congress.

Interestingly, since Trump took office, he took several key steps to allow him to remain ahead of the game in what seems to be an anticipation of this conflict:

1. - Oil

Oil prices destroy entire economies. Trump secured oil independence by embracing fracking and helping the Saudis. He also lifted the bankers hold on the Saudi Princes, by subverting the entire Saudi Arabian power structure. Trump backed MBS (Mister Bone Saw), when he hosted the elegant “anticorruption” purge at the Ritz Carlton. Trump helped MBS consolidate the Kings power by providing MBS with economic intelligence and the documented nefarious activities of the guilty parties.

2.- Foreign Wars

Bankers will kill you with unnecessary military spending. Early on, Trump divorced himself from NATO, letting the EU boys pay their own way. He stabilized Syria, and rid the world of the ISIS crew. He killed the biggest Iranian threat to Iraqi stability, and set the first stages for the withdrawal of US troops from Afghanistan and Iraq.

3.- Global Economic Agenda

Trump removed the United States from most of its free trade commitments. He sought to restore American manufacturing and set the stage for a trade war with China.

4.- Immigration

Trumps focus on Immigration is important because, this mass migration is the mechanism that the Open Society uses to fracture the cultural cohesion of the countries they subvert. The Barcelona Agreement signed in the 1990’s, set the agenda for the immigration policy that the EU was to embrace for coming decades. This was not a humanitarian policy by any means, since its true purpose was to create cultural conflicts throughout the EU and to cause social division in previously homogenous societies, so European nations could not respond to globalist agendas like the 2020 lock downs as cohesive nations.

Acting in concert amidst racial conflicts is hard to achieve, and mixed European armies are more likely to repress populations, than armies that share ethnic traits with their own people. This same policy was applied throughout the British Common Wealth and is the reason why Trump backed the Brexit movement and the hardcore racist right-wingers across the European landscape. This move was entirely political, as necessity makes strange bedfellows.


Globalism is not bad concept when sovereignty and fair-trade practices are respected. It becomes threatening when these policies are intentionally designed to weaken economies and to empower hostile emerging states. Climate agreements are in everyone’s best interests, but they become toxic to nations if they are designed to curb their economic development. The United Nations and its health agency the WHO are no longer noble pursuits when globalist interests use these agencies to intentionally sabotage a global pandemic response.

Given what is at stake and the true dimensions of the conflict, it is necessary for the population to understand that the actions that the American government needs to take, will not be confined to resolving the election controversy. And whatever response is coming, it will occur at a global scale.

The election controversy will be resolved one way or the other. Trump does not need to respect the election results at this point, because he is in an undeclared state of war with several nation states that knowingly interfered in the elections, with the collusion of corrupt US government actors. He can enact war powers at any given time, and it is necessary for the population to understand that if his response is taking longer than expected, it is because the possibility of a kinetic confrontation with China these days, is not a distant possibility.

Thanks for that, I need a cigarette now. Actually cigar and a single malt.

Don’t try to church it up son.  A Marlboro mild and any booze sounds like a good time
Link Posted: 12/22/2020 12:37:55 AM EDT
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Link Posted: 12/22/2020 12:39:23 AM EDT
Link Posted: 12/22/2020 12:43:23 AM EDT
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Link Posted: 12/22/2020 12:48:08 AM EDT
[Last Edit: hiyaboa] [#44]
Link Posted: 12/22/2020 12:50:33 AM EDT
Originally Posted By m35ben:
If you haven't seen Twilight Zone Obsolete man its worth watching.
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Was that the one with the librarian who the state says needs retrained?
Link Posted: 12/22/2020 12:55:42 AM EDT
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Link Posted: 12/22/2020 1:15:44 AM EDT
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Originally Posted By MRTsHaircut:

Was that the one with the librarian who the state says needs retrained?
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Librarian yes but they want him dead not retrained.
Link Posted: 12/22/2020 1:17:35 AM EDT

Link Posted: 12/22/2020 1:21:05 AM EDT
[Last Edit: hiyaboa] [#49]
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Originally Posted By Cecenrse:

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They’ll use MAGA while they can, the Republicans are no better than the democrats.  
Link Posted: 12/22/2020 1:24:05 AM EDT

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