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Link Posted: 9/25/2017 9:37:21 AM EDT
Several of the teenagers in this thread love their football.  They seem to place it in very high esteem in their life.  

One thing is for sure in America, the Constitution ensures even phaggots and retards have freedom of speech when OFF THE CLOCK...
Link Posted: 9/25/2017 9:37:52 AM EDT
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Your girl lost, get over it.

Its called the NATIONAL football league, so the cock sucking over paid performers can atleast show a little respect for the NATIONAL anthem and act like adults and stand up for it.
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Winner winner chicken dinner!
Link Posted: 9/25/2017 9:39:41 AM EDT
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You mean trump has now portrayed his political opponents as inherently anti-American thus positioning himself as the sole alternative to those who are pro-American?
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As I've said before. The small minded fanatics on both sides scare me. A lot of people in here are no different than the hard line Clinton or Obama supporters. Just a different side of the same coin.
Link Posted: 9/25/2017 9:40:54 AM EDT
I have never seen a bigger bunch of grown men aka "real men that actually like full contact sports" act like a bunch of sniveling snowflakes.

"We don't want politics in our sports."

GTFO, politics is in everything!

If Trump announced a rally/speech during the Super Bowl halftime stage, the same "get politics out of sports" types here would be screaming MAGA

Even my biggest MAGA friends are bewildered why so many on social media (and here) are clutching their pearls/passing out on their fainting couches simply because of some easily ignorable nonsense.

"Oh my, we must boycott the NFL, this is just tooo much...giving me the vapors!"

And please, stop with the sanctimonious "I was OUTRAGED, I was in the stands and THREE people near me were sitting down during the anthem!  I'm a vet and that angers me!"

Excuse me? Have any of you actually hung out on a typical Marine Corps base when it's time for Colors? (and yes, I was an 03)

Half the unit is staying inside the entrances of buildings because they DON'T want to be caught outside/having to stand through it. Then you have the other groups outside that start to hear the beginning of colors and make a dead sprint to any nearby doorway so NOT to be caught outside. This isn't the shitbirds, this is EVERYONE.

This happened daily on many Marine infantry battalion bases I was stationed on or visited. I saw on Camp Horno, Mateo, Margarita/1st Recon, 29 Palms, Oki, etc..  And yes, this was 2005-2010, not some garrison peacetime. The only time you rarely saw it was on mainside or near 52/infantry school simply because you used to have terrorizing figures like SGT MAJ Vines patrolling.

I don't want to hear any recent vets become all sanctimonious because we all did our best to avoid it too. This is just the daily....not even the dreaded Friday medley.  

I still can't figure why there is so many threads about it. Why are you all so damn upset? If it bothers you so much, simply start watching the game at the kickoff? Do you avoid movies because the upcoming previews piss you off?

Who gives a shit what goes on before??? By being a bunch of "OMG, time to boycott" you sound like a bunch of triggered old ladies clutching their knitting balls. Fuck the non-football bullshit, I came to watch modern day gladiatiors trying to kill each other. If a bunch of players kneeling hurts your sensitive feelings, go watch figure skating or something. I seriously cannot believe this place and the level of butthurt.  

One last thing. Like I said earlier, my MAGA friends can't wrap their heads around why so many conservatives are literally pissing themselves over this situation (as you can see here with the 30 various threads that give up to the minute drama queen updates: "OMG Buffy, did you see that? The dolphins are now kneeling too. Better tell everyone ASAP!!" It's like you're all going out of your way to be offended just like your typical SJW pansy liberal.

My diehard MAGA friends can only assume that the usual culprits are fanning the flames: Hannity and Limbaugh. None of us watch Hannity or listen to Rush but by the amount of just pure rage/emotions over something so trivial, I can only assume Hannity/Rush are making this a BIG deal and really laying down the rhetoric (and I'm assuming they're doing the "Boycott NFL because of the thugs" since that seems to be the usual parroting/talking point here).

Everyone take a deep breath and chill out. Football is still awesome and this is the best sport in the US, hands down. We know this "protest" is just current flavor of the month and will be as relevant as Livestrong bracelets in the coming months. Meanwhile when you all realize you made a mountain out of a mole hill, you'll sit back and realize how much NFL you missed and really regret it.

This forum was the absolute last place I figured on seeing such pearl clutching over something so nonsensical. These "protestors" are like children acting up, the more you give them attention, the more they're going to push. If Trump could keep his mouth fucking shut we wouldn't have all the extra "now we need to double down!" needless drama this weekend. All he did was flame the flames and gives these kneeling fucks even MORE ammo,

In case we haven't forgot....

WOW, great idea huh? Let's stop focusing on nonsense, huh, Trump????

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Thank you for your service now shut the fuck up!

Seriously, shut your fucking trap. It's disrespectful and we as consumers don't owe the NFL jack shit, period.

Dont give a fuck if you were a Marine, I'm still an American just much as you are, I'm still patriotic just as much as you are, and I still have an opinion just as god damn much as you have.

If I can't stand to watch millionaires take a few moments to show a little respect for the country that gave them everything, then guess what?


Hey were you up in arms when Obama was talking shit to NRA members? Clinging to our god, guns and bibles?

How they used the IRS as a weapon against civilian conservatives? Now you're bashing Trump for saying what needs to be said.

Just becaused you served doesn't give you any moral high ground over the rest of us, every fucking day we get up and put our pants on do what is asked of us as well. We pay the bills for this entire country, gives us the right to pissed off these guys.

Put that in your sippy cup
Link Posted: 9/25/2017 9:41:01 AM EDT
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So I can assume that you don't own any product which

*Was made in China
*Contains any component which was made in China
*Was sold by any company which employs Chinese workers

Anything else would be inconsistent.
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This matter has certainly brought the Hillary crowd out into the light.

Let me explain things for you:

Someone shits on my beliefs and they don't get any more money from me.

It's not too difficult a concept.
So I can assume that you don't own any product which

*Was made in China
*Contains any component which was made in China
*Was sold by any company which employs Chinese workers

Anything else would be inconsistent.
Oh look.......another transparent Alinsky straw man from the GD left wing.

I'll spend my money where the fuck, and on what the fuck, I want to; and I won't be supporting the NFL with my dollars anymore.

I realize that the concept of individual free will and capitalism is foreign to leftists.
Link Posted: 9/25/2017 9:41:54 AM EDT
Link Posted: 9/25/2017 9:41:55 AM EDT
I have never seen a bigger bunch of grown men aka "real men that actually like full contact sports" act like a bunch of sniveling snowflakes.

"We don't want politics in our sports."

GTFO, politics is in everything!

If Trump announced a rally/speech during the Super Bowl halftime stage, the same "get politics out of sports" types here would be screaming MAGA

Even my biggest MAGA friends are bewildered why so many on social media (and here) are clutching their pearls/passing out on their fainting couches simply because of some easily ignorable nonsense.

"Oh my, we must boycott the NFL, this is just tooo much...giving me the vapors!"

And please, stop with the sanctimonious "I was OUTRAGED, I was in the stands and THREE people near me were sitting down during the anthem!  I'm a vet and that angers me!"

Excuse me? Have any of you actually hung out on a typical Marine Corps base when it's time for Colors? (and yes, I was an 03)

Half the unit is staying inside the entrances of buildings because they DON'T want to be caught outside/having to stand through it. Then you have the other groups outside that start to hear the beginning of colors and make a dead sprint to any nearby doorway so NOT to be caught outside. This isn't the shitbirds, this is EVERYONE.

This happened daily on many Marine infantry battalion bases I was stationed on or visited. I saw on Camp Horno, Mateo, Margarita/1st Recon, 29 Palms, Oki, etc..  And yes, this was 2005-2010, not some garrison peacetime. The only time you rarely saw it was on mainside or near 52/infantry school simply because you used to have terrorizing figures like SGT MAJ Vines patrolling.

I don't want to hear any recent vets become all sanctimonious because we all did our best to avoid it too. This is just the daily....not even the dreaded Friday medley.  

I still can't figure why there is so many threads about it. Why are you all so damn upset? If it bothers you so much, simply start watching the game at the kickoff? Do you avoid movies because the upcoming previews piss you off?

Who gives a shit what goes on before??? By being a bunch of "OMG, time to boycott" you sound like a bunch of triggered old ladies clutching their knitting balls. Fuck the non-football bullshit, I came to watch modern day gladiatiors trying to kill each other. If a bunch of players kneeling hurts your sensitive feelings, go watch figure skating or something. I seriously cannot believe this place and the level of butthurt.  

One last thing. Like I said earlier, my MAGA friends can't wrap their heads around why so many conservatives are literally pissing themselves over this situation (as you can see here with the 30 various threads that give up to the minute drama queen updates: "OMG Buffy, did you see that? The dolphins are now kneeling too. Better tell everyone ASAP!!" It's like you're all going out of your way to be offended just like your typical SJW pansy liberal.

My diehard MAGA friends can only assume that the usual culprits are fanning the flames: Hannity and Limbaugh. None of us watch Hannity or listen to Rush but by the amount of just pure rage/emotions over something so trivial, I can only assume Hannity/Rush are making this a BIG deal and really laying down the rhetoric (and I'm assuming they're doing the "Boycott NFL because of the thugs" since that seems to be the usual parroting/talking point here).

Everyone take a deep breath and chill out. Football is still awesome and this is the best sport in the US, hands down. We know this "protest" is just current flavor of the month and will be as relevant as Livestrong bracelets in the coming months. Meanwhile when you all realize you made a mountain out of a mole hill, you'll sit back and realize how much NFL you missed and really regret it.

This forum was the absolute last place I figured on seeing such pearl clutching over something so nonsensical. These "protestors" are like children acting up, the more you give them attention, the more they're going to push. If Trump could keep his mouth fucking shut we wouldn't have all the extra "now we need to double down!" needless drama this weekend. All he did was flame the flames and gives these kneeling fucks even MORE ammo,

In case we haven't forgot....

WOW, great idea huh? Let's stop focusing on nonsense, huh, Trump????

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Freedom of speech does not apply to business. It is about the Government.

Where I work, I deal with the public, I can not say anything about most anything. Not even who my favorite College teams are. Not guns, not politics, religion, or if I make the customer mad I can be fired.

The players are employees, just like I me. The NFL should tell them to pound sand.....
Link Posted: 9/25/2017 9:42:07 AM EDT
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Or maybe we just see the NFL is full of shitheads who are anti American and we arent so addicted to a game that we sell out our country and beliefs.  /It's just a game get over it.
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I think OP is a die hard sports nut who has to watch the ESPN sports update every hour on the hour or he starts to shake like a heroin addict who needs his fix.

Sports are great and all but there is a point where you have to draw the line. Most Americans watch to pass some time and have an excuse to drink a few beers. I don't flip on the game to receive a political lecture, If i want one sided news and politics ill watch CNN. Athletes are like actors and singers, they are paid entertainers, nothing more, they make millions because they can run fast, jump high, cry on command or strum out a killer guitar solo, NOT because we want to hear their opinions of racial issues, gun laws, religion, abortion, or climate change.
Link Posted: 9/25/2017 9:42:08 AM EDT
Sounds like OP is the buttercup whinning about his football is being ruined.  As typical for a liberal, he complaining at the wrong people.
Link Posted: 9/25/2017 9:42:08 AM EDT
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As I've said before. The small minded fanatics on both sides scare me. A lot of people in here are no different than the hard line Clinton or Obama supporters. Just a different side of the same coin.
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But you are above it all.  the high minded moderate who cannot see difference between Antifa and the Tea Party.

“Extremism in the defense of liberty is no vice; moderation in the pursuit of justice is no virtue.”-Some Roman faggot.
Link Posted: 9/25/2017 9:42:20 AM EDT
I used my freedom of speech and burnt all my Cleveland Browns shit yesterday. Hell, they suck ass anyways.
Link Posted: 9/25/2017 9:42:33 AM EDT
Yell real loud OP

It's a long way to Arlington
Link Posted: 9/25/2017 9:42:50 AM EDT
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Sounds like OP is the buttercup whinning about his football is being ruined.  As typical for a liberal, he complaining at the wrong people.
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Link Posted: 9/25/2017 9:43:45 AM EDT
FNFL, if you want sports, take your kids outside and play football with em.
Link Posted: 9/25/2017 9:44:27 AM EDT
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But you are above it all.  the high minded moderate who cannot see difference between Antifa and the Tea Party.

“Extremism in the defense of liberty is no vice; moderation in the pursuit of justice is no virtue.”-Some Roman faggot.
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As I've said before. The small minded fanatics on both sides scare me. A lot of people in here are no different than the hard line Clinton or Obama supporters. Just a different side of the same coin.
But you are above it all.  the high minded moderate who cannot see difference between Antifa and the Tea Party.

“Extremism in the defense of liberty is no vice; moderation in the pursuit of justice is no virtue.”-Some Roman faggot.
Nothing but net....
Link Posted: 9/25/2017 9:44:46 AM EDT
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But you are above it all.  the high minded moderate who cannot see difference between Antifa and the Tea Party.

“Extremism in the defense of liberty is no vice; moderation in the pursuit of justice is no virtue.”-Some Roman faggot.
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I know, the truth hurts.
Link Posted: 9/25/2017 9:45:33 AM EDT
Link Posted: 9/25/2017 9:46:55 AM EDT
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I know, the truth hurts.
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But you are above it all.  the high minded moderate who cannot see difference between Antifa and the Tea Party.

“Extremism in the defense of liberty is no vice; moderation in the pursuit of justice is no virtue.”-Some Roman faggot.
I know, the truth hurts.
  Would you know the truth if it bit you on the ass?  Just curious...
Link Posted: 9/25/2017 9:47:02 AM EDT
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I used my freedom of speech and burnt all my Cleveland Browns shit yesterday. Hell, they suck ass anyways.
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I'm right there with you....

Life long Raider fan, I just walked away from that team yesterday.

I took everything NFL/Raider related put it all in a garbage bag and took it to Goodwill.

I'm fucking done with it.
Link Posted: 9/25/2017 9:47:15 AM EDT
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Nothing but net....
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"well, sure, I take it in the ass, but I don't push back, so I don't really consider myself gay.  kind of a moderate I guess"
Link Posted: 9/25/2017 9:48:04 AM EDT
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OP's either 8 years old, a moron or a troll.

There are no other options.
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In for poll.
Link Posted: 9/25/2017 9:48:23 AM EDT
Link Posted: 9/25/2017 9:50:38 AM EDT
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You guys scream "injustice" but never manage to actually describe the "injustice" you're bitching about.

Are you commiserating with those poor exploited multi- millionaire athletes?

Seriously, what "injustice" has your jimmies so rustled?

The injustice of The American People having elected a President who wasn't on the official globalist/leftist/elitist/media/poltitical establishment's  "menu" of candidates.

Tough shit in that case.
Link Posted: 9/25/2017 9:51:24 AM EDT
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Yep. The goal is simply to protest the object of current protest is meaningless.


"Take down all the Confederate flags for healing"


"Take down all the Confederate monuments for healing"


"Take down Jefferson/Washington etc. for healing"


"Stop the Anthem!"


Ad infinitum.
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It's planned. Destruction of anything nationalistic for the push towards globalism. "Racism", "Russia" "Nazis" next it'll be "Aliens"...,

Link Posted: 9/25/2017 9:51:37 AM EDT
Anybody pick the Redskins last night ?

Link Posted: 9/25/2017 9:52:29 AM EDT
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But you are above it all.  the high minded moderate who cannot see difference between Antifa and the Tea Party.

“Extremism in the defense of liberty is no vice; moderation in the pursuit of justice is no virtue.”-Some Roman faggot.
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As I've said before. The small minded fanatics on both sides scare me. A lot of people in here are no different than the hard line Clinton or Obama supporters. Just a different side of the same coin.
But you are above it all.  the high minded moderate who cannot see difference between Antifa and the Tea Party.

“Extremism in the defense of liberty is no vice; moderation in the pursuit of justice is no virtue.”-Some Roman faggot.
Binary thought in action. Maybe the extremists on both sides are idiots?

What liberty is being defended here and by whom?
Link Posted: 9/25/2017 9:53:53 AM EDT
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"well, sure, I take it in the ass, but I don't push back, so I don't really consider myself gay.  kind of a moderate I guess"
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Nothing but net....
"well, sure, I take it in the ass, but I don't push back, so I don't really consider myself gay.  kind of a moderate I guess"
Link Posted: 9/25/2017 9:54:04 AM EDT
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Binary thought in action. Maybe the extremists on both sides are idiots?

What liberty is being defended here and by whom?
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But a higher level of stupidity is unquestionably those who can't tell the difference.
Link Posted: 9/25/2017 9:56:39 AM EDT
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It is not just a game.

It is a business.

If a any business does anti-Amercican stuff, I avoid doing business with them as best I can. I do not support commie, or anti-American, or anti-gun businesses if I have a choice.

NFL teams are showing disrespect for the American Flag.
A flag and country people have sacrificed and died for.
Some of those people I know personally.
It is a protest based in lies.
They are protesting the killing of blacks by cops.
It is propaganda by the communist forces trying to divide and conquer  this country.
It is the follow on to HANDS UP DON'T SHOOT narrative that is nothing but a promoted lie.
The cops are shooting blacks because they commit crimes and then fight cops.

So the teams and players, and the main stream media doing that can go fuck themselves, and twice on Sunday.
I reject their bullshit narrative.
I reject their disgrace for our Flag, and our country.
I reject them, their business, and will not support their pay checks that give them the opportunity to disgrace the flag.
As far as I am concerned they can go fuck themselves.
I hope their business model and multi-million dollar employment fails.
A bunch of stupid, disrespecting, multi-million dollar, communist shit head useful idiots.
Fuck them.
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And they are intentionally disrespecting the Flag and Anthem because they know it's divisive, and pride in ones country is not conducive to a global society. 2 birds,1stone. Globalist + victim/no personal responsibility. Nice to see it in the open though.
Link Posted: 9/25/2017 9:58:15 AM EDT
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You guys scream "injustice" but never manage to actually describe the "injustice" you're bitching about.

Are you commiserating with those poor exploited multi- millionaire athletes?

Seriously, what "injustice" has your jimmies so rustled?

The injustice of The American People having elected a President who wasn't on the official globalist/leftist/elitist/media/poltitical establishment's  "menu" of candidates.

Tough shit in that case.
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You guys scream "injustice" but never manage to actually describe the "injustice" you're bitching about.

Are you commiserating with those poor exploited multi- millionaire athletes?

Seriously, what "injustice" has your jimmies so rustled?

The injustice of The American People having elected a President who wasn't on the official globalist/leftist/elitist/media/poltitical establishment's  "menu" of candidates.

Tough shit in that case.
I would love to hear a few real personal injustices, see if they measure up to the ones I have lived.  Life gives you a soup sandwich, use it, grow from it, do better.  When you fight life for your own personal version of respect, people abandon you quickly, and you will have learned nothing. 

"I make a million dollars but I am gonna sit for the Anthem so I can gain some respect and street cred"......from drug dealers and thieves no less.   

SUCK IT NFL and all your known associates.  
Link Posted: 9/25/2017 9:59:02 AM EDT
The players were not even required to be on the field for the National Anthem until 2009. Coincidentally, that was the year the Pentagon started PAYING the NFL for their patriotic displays. Those players have every right to do what they are doing, (as much as I disagree) and the President calling them "Sons of Bitches" did not help. Trump brought this upon himself, and he's only exacerbating the problem.

How about we stop this jingoistic, faux patriotism and spend that Pentagon money on spare parts or something military related instead?
Link Posted: 9/25/2017 10:00:22 AM EDT
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Poor analogy. The guys in the pic aren't intentionally making a protest statement about the country over an issue that doesn't exist. 
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Oh don't burst the simple-minded bubble. Let's pretend it's the same thing. Then we are hypocrites if we disagree!
Link Posted: 9/25/2017 10:01:20 AM EDT
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And so many NFL players didn't suddenly join in this past weekend to say fuck the USA either. They joined in to say fuck Donald Trump and his call to fire people who disagree with him.
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No, they are protesting about the discriminating against African Americans and how they are "unfairly treated" and how bad the country is. They came right out and said it.

Now they want a whole protest month. 

It's an extension of the statue fiasco, and BLM 
Link Posted: 9/25/2017 10:01:43 AM EDT
screw the NFL
Link Posted: 9/25/2017 10:01:50 AM EDT
Link Posted: 9/25/2017 10:01:52 AM EDT
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And they are intentionally disrespecting the Flag and Anthem because they know it's divisive, and pride in ones country is not conducive to a global society. 2 birds,1stone. Globalist + victim/no personal responsibility. Nice to see it in the open though.
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See? Free speech works as intended, it allows ignorant morons to paint themselves, so you can practice freedom of association...
Link Posted: 9/25/2017 10:03:10 AM EDT
Link Posted: 9/25/2017 10:03:52 AM EDT
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The players were not even required to be on the field for the National Anthem until 2009. Coincidentally, that was the year the Pentagon started PAYING the NFL for their patriotic displays. Those players have every right to do what they are doing, (as much as I disagree) and the President calling them "Sons of Bitches" did not help. Trump brought this upon himself, and he's only exacerbating the problem.

How about we stop this jingoistic, faux patriotism and spend that Pentagon money on spare parts or something military related instead?
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and the owners have every right to fire them and the president, and anyone else, has every right to call them out as spoiled, retarded, millionaire sock puppets.

But that is different.

Trump could have called out the players' fathers, but that probably would have been a non-sequitor.
Link Posted: 9/25/2017 10:03:56 AM EDT
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The players were not even required to be on the field for the National Anthem until 2009. Coincidentally, that was the year the Pentagon started PAYING the NFL for their patriotic displays. Those players have every right to do what they are doing, (as much as I disagree) and the President calling them "Sons of Bitches" did not help. Trump brought this upon himself, and he's only exacerbating the problem.

How about we stop this jingoistic, faux patriotism and spend that Pentagon money on spare parts or something military related instead?
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I don't care if they were REQUIRED TO BE ON THE FIELD, those that are/were there were REQUIRED TO STAND BY NFL POLICY as well as good old fashioned respect for the flag.

They have NO RIGHT to what they do.  They only have the ability to get away with it if the owners choose to let them.  They are at work not at a city council meeting.
Link Posted: 9/25/2017 10:04:25 AM EDT
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You're saying an employer can't decide who works for them?
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No, I'm not saying that.

But we will be in a world of hurt if we use that right foolishly.

I have the right to vote. But a vote for Hillary would have been foolish. Correct?

And would you rather have ignorant people vote or stay home on Election Day?

In the universe of possible options, not all are equally wise simply because all or equally available to me.

Trump absolutely screwed this up. And in the long run we'd be better off remaining intellectually honest and highlighting the left's intolerant hypocrisy for what it is rather than adopting their same tactics.

Freedom is scary. It means people that hate it get to use it against itself. But that's an inevitable risk. There is no way to have it and eliminate that risk at the same time. The left can't grasp that truth. Apparently, neither can the right.
Link Posted: 9/25/2017 10:04:27 AM EDT
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I will admit, many of these replies busting my balls actually caught me off guard/got me laughing out loud.
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What balls?
Link Posted: 9/25/2017 10:04:36 AM EDT
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Well judging by op's experience BSA>USMC
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Having been both, USMC is much stricter.
Link Posted: 9/25/2017 10:05:18 AM EDT
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I think those out of power who hate Trump will do anything to get a rise out if their enemies. If they knew it would piss you off they'd burn stacks of vintage Transfomer robots. Trump chiming in lit the fuse.
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Trump chiming in is portraying his political opponents as inherently anti-American.  That's genius.

If you weigh in on the side of spoiled millionaires who think America is awful that isn't going to resonate with most americans.
Link Posted: 9/25/2017 10:06:11 AM EDT
The NFL sucks, it sucked before CK started kneeling. 
Link Posted: 9/25/2017 10:06:30 AM EDT
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No, I'm not saying that.

But we will be in a world of hurt if we use that right foolishly.

I have the right to vote. But a vote for Hillary would have been foolish. Correct?

And would you rather have ignorant people vote or stay home on Election Day?

In the universe of possible options, not all are equally wise simply because all or equally available to me.

Trump absolutely screwed this up. And in the long run we'd be better off remaining intellectually honest and highlighting the left's intolerant hypocrisy for what it is rather than adopting their same tactics.

Freedom is scary. It means people that hate it get to use it against itself. But that's an inevitable risk. There is no way to have it and eliminate that risk at the same time. The left can't grasp that truth. Apparently, neither can the right.
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Freedom is scary?  lulz.

go into your job today and yell at the top of your lungs "my boss can suck my fucking dick"

Go on, champ!  Show me your patriotic exercise of your freedom.

Let me know how it goes for you.
Link Posted: 9/25/2017 10:06:40 AM EDT
The OP shows why I think football is gay as fuck.

 More than anything I hate the hype over "modern day gladiators trying to kill each other". What a bunch of fucking bunk! It's 350 pound illiterate goons laying on top of each other for 10 minutes after standing around in spandex for 3 hours. When is the last time a "modern day gladiator" died on the field? Oh,it hasn't actually happened? Some gladiators trying to kill each other but do nothing but fail...gay as fuck. There are even players that can't be hit because they are too tender,it is just stupid.

 Compare the risks to real manly sports. If the NFL was as risky as the Isle of Man there would be 25 funerals every Monday and most of the guys racing are having to pay for the pleasure. I would ask how many NFL players would have the balls to paddle into big waves but 85% can't even swim so there goes that one out the window...Football,nothing but lowest common denominator entertainment for meatheads.
Link Posted: 9/25/2017 10:06:51 AM EDT
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And Trump knows that picking a fight with the NFL over this will get the players to act out worse while also riling up Trump's base.
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His base is all that's left, might as well go all in I guess.
Link Posted: 9/25/2017 10:07:00 AM EDT
a liberal trying to find hypocrisy in statements made.....

oh man OP I can't stop laughing.  Great way to start a Monday morning.
Link Posted: 9/25/2017 10:07:33 AM EDT

"We don't want politics in our sports."
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You should have just stopped right there

No, politics ISN'T in everything. Don't be a putz
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