I do ISS at my local high school. Several years ago I had a very upset young man come to my room threaten me and proceed to tell me that he was "18 and not going to put up with this shit!"
I said "Dude!" "You're 18?" "Have a seat & we'll do some paperwork and I'll get you right out of here."
He looked at me & said "Fuck this!" and left.
I picked up the phone, called the SRO, told him I had just been threatened and the student had left my room and was going down the 800 hallway. SRO told me they cuffed him and took him in. Never saw or heard from him again.
(I don't get paid enough to go hands on with the little fellers.)
I know someone whose son was always flipping out and had "anger issues." I told them that it was just a matter of time until he mouthed off to the wrong person. I think that time has come because my aunt told me this person was on facebook asking for prayers for her son and being very cryptic about the reason.
If it walks like a duck & quacks like a duck, it's most likely not an eagle.