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Link Posted: 5/8/2018 4:09:23 PM EDT
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"Times tables"? We were taught that they're called "Multiplication tables".  
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Have  you memorized the gazintas?
Link Posted: 5/8/2018 4:11:16 PM EDT
Dat join date tho...
Link Posted: 5/8/2018 4:12:05 PM EDT
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I wonder what year schools stopped teach stuff that seemed so basic when I was learning it.

I knew it was going to be important to memorize multiplication tables and I think I knew that memorizing all the Presidents in order wouldn't be all that important.

Seems instinctual. YMMV

When did they start allowing HS students to use calculators?
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They let them use calculators in grade school now. That's why you can't get correct change and the teen at the register doesn't realize that 2 items at $7.99 w/tax can't possibly come out to $87.67.
Link Posted: 5/8/2018 4:15:30 PM EDT
Math has the additional benefit of disciplining the mind.

Abraham Lincoln studied Euclidean Geometry to learn logic in order to develop his skills in presenting arguments as a lawyer.
Link Posted: 5/8/2018 4:18:49 PM EDT
I can't say I "memorized the tables" like visualizing it...

But I'm pretty fucking good at doing multiplication in my head.
Link Posted: 5/8/2018 4:39:05 PM EDT
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Have  you memorized the gazintas?
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Was gonna bring up the gazinta's
Link Posted: 5/8/2018 5:23:06 PM EDT
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Yes, I learned them up to 12x12.

It is really handy when estimating material needed, estimating costs, etc in my head.

A really useful skill to have, and it saves the time of needing a calculator.

Additionally, it makes you look smart these days. It used to not be a big deal, but now folks seem amazed that I can get a rough guess in my head quickly with no calculator or paper.
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You should see the looks cashier's give me when I hand them a bill, and tell them what the change is. They would rather the idiot box spit out the answer for them.
Link Posted: 5/8/2018 5:24:46 PM EDT
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Consider 2 groups of people:
The 1st, people who don't see value in understanding multiplication.
The 2nd, people who tout essential oils.

Now picture that Venn Diagram in your head.
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What Venn Diagram?

It's just one fucking circle.
Link Posted: 5/8/2018 5:32:27 PM EDT
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What Venn Diagram?

It's just one fucking circle.
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Consider 2 groups of people:
The 1st, people who don't see value in understanding multiplication.
The 2nd, people who tout essential oils.

Now picture that Venn Diagram in your head.
What Venn Diagram?

It's just one fucking circle.
Not completely.

I'm sure you can find someone (maybe even here in GD!) that can't do math and have never even heard of essential oils.

Link Posted: 5/8/2018 6:40:16 PM EDT
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What Venn Diagram?

It's just one fucking circle.
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Consider 2 groups of people:
The 1st, people who don't see value in understanding multiplication.
The 2nd, people who tout essential oils.

Now picture that Venn Diagram in your head.
What Venn Diagram?

It's just one fucking circle.
Oh, shit.  When I read the first line of you post, I thought I had misspelled Venn.

Then I scrolled down.

Link Posted: 5/8/2018 10:10:17 PM EDT
People don't think innumeracy be like it is, but it do.
Link Posted: 5/9/2018 12:49:09 AM EDT
Have you ever benefited from memorizing times tables?

I use a calculator if I need to multiply something that is not obvious.  Memorizing times tables seems like a total waste of time and mental resources.
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Let me guess, literature isn’t important to you either?
Link Posted: 5/9/2018 12:55:09 AM EDT
You remind me of a kid that told me there is no reason he needs to know what lines of latitude and longitude are.

You can be fucking stupid with him.
Link Posted: 5/9/2018 4:15:00 AM EDT
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I wonder what year schools stopped teach stuff that seemed so basic when I was learning it.

I knew it was going to be important to memorize multiplication tables and I think I knew that memorizing all the Presidents in order wouldn't be all that important.

Seems instinctual. YMMV

When did they start allowing HS students to use calculators?
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Since forever, or as long as I was in HS/middle school.
Link Posted: 5/9/2018 4:44:55 AM EDT
Me no need math. skool 4 dumme. what am I book hahaha
Link Posted: 5/9/2018 4:49:43 AM EDT
Times tables up to 12x12 is probably the one math thing that I use the most.
Doesn’t matter if you do rocket surgery or drive truck, it’s useful. And if you want to do any math at all, algebra, calculus, whatever you are at a significant disadvantage if you have to whip out a calculator for 7x8.
Link Posted: 5/9/2018 5:58:45 AM EDT
Useful.  Aids in spotting errors made when fat fingered folks enter numbers wrong on their phones.
Link Posted: 5/9/2018 6:32:50 AM EDT
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Link Posted: 5/9/2018 2:31:04 PM EDT
OP, may I ask what you do for a living?
Link Posted: 5/9/2018 2:47:32 PM EDT
if you don't have them memorized by 9th grade....there is no hope for you

Calculator?  LOL
Link Posted: 5/9/2018 2:49:58 PM EDT
Multiplication Tables...
Link Posted: 5/9/2018 2:53:38 PM EDT
Memorizing basic single digit multiplication is pretty useful.
Link Posted: 5/9/2018 3:12:48 PM EDT
I didn't memorize them, but I'm pretty good at doing the calculations in my head.

Not really multiplication related, but my wife struggles with math in general. So we're laying in bed the other night and talking about the stupid raised garden beds I'm building her. I ask her if she thinks 18 inches is deep enough. After a few seconds of silence I look over and see that she is using her thumb and forefinger to approximate an inch and then stacking them on top of each other while counting to 18.
I'm like "18 inches is a foot and a half. You can't picture a foot and a half? How about a cubit? Holy shit woman!" Her excuse is that since she did hair for 20 years, she automatically thinks in inches. Like "Just take about 4 inches off the back".

So she's never living that down. I guess I should have just told her to picture my dick. ....And then multiply by 6.
Link Posted: 5/9/2018 4:42:36 PM EDT
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Let me guess, literature isn’t important to you either?
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Literacy (my strong suit) is important to me.

What is not important is memorizing information that I have since never used.  I'd prefer to rely on a calculator.
Link Posted: 5/9/2018 4:44:32 PM EDT
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OP, may I ask what you do for a living?
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Web design with a focus on ecommerce.

However, I am interested in 3D modelling.
Link Posted: 5/9/2018 4:45:40 PM EDT
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Multiplication tables?

You multiply things, you don't times things.
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OP didn't bother with English class either.
Link Posted: 5/9/2018 4:46:23 PM EDT
Have you ever benefited from memorizing times tables?

I use a calculator if I need to multiply something that is not obvious.  Memorizing times tables seems like a total waste of time and mental resources.
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Dude...this is literally 3rd grade math.  Multiplication tables.  You should know them in your head up to a number of 12  (12x12).

You've got to be joking.  Let me guess; you can't write or read cursive, either?
Link Posted: 5/9/2018 4:46:58 PM EDT
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I didn't memorize them, but I'm pretty good at doing the calculations in my head.

Not really multiplication related, but my wife struggles with math in general. So we're laying in bed the other night and talking about the stupid raised garden beds I'm building her. I ask her if she thinks 18 inches is deep enough. After a few seconds of silence I look over and see that she is using her thumb and forefinger to approximate an inch and then stacking them on top of each other while counting to 18.
I'm like "18 inches is a foot and a half. You can't picture a foot and a half? How about a cubit? Holy shit woman!" Her excuse is that since she did hair for 20 years, she automatically thinks in inches. Like "Just take about 4 inches off the back".

So she's never living that down. I guess I should have just told her to picture my dick. ....And then multiply by 6.
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It must have been cold.
Link Posted: 5/9/2018 4:47:08 PM EDT
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When I went on long drives (say 3 days coast to coast) in a car without a radio, I used to pick wo 3-digit random numbers and multiply them in my head, then I would take the result and divide it in my head. It got to the point I could predict the top three digits and the bottom three digits faster than people with calculators could punch in the numbers and hit equals.
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Link Posted: 5/9/2018 4:47:20 PM EDT
Spelling is dumb two.

I mean I walk around with a spellchecker in my pocket all the time.
Link Posted: 5/9/2018 4:49:30 PM EDT
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Dude...this is literally 3rd grade math.  Multiplication tables.  You should know them in your head up to a number of 12  (12x12).

You've got to be joking.  Let me guess; you can't write or read cursive, either?
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I stopped giving a damn about multipication tables n 3rd grade.

I can read and write in cursive (but don't because it is retarded).  Leaned that in 4th grade.
Link Posted: 5/9/2018 4:52:05 PM EDT
49 times 2 is 98..

multiplying and 'times' have the same meaning
Link Posted: 5/9/2018 4:56:49 PM EDT
Have you ever benefited from memorizing times tables?

I use a calculator if I need to multiply something that is not obvious.  Memorizing times tables seems like a total waste of time and mental resources.
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It was not a total waste of time for me, because I was in grammar school and did not have a hell of a lot else to do at the time.

Once I learned it -- and it was not difficult -- it became rote memory recall.

I taught myself the 11X and 12X tables later, because it seemed like handy knowledge.

We didn't have calculators back then. And I can give you an answer before you can get the calculator app on your brain-substitute phone launched.
Link Posted: 5/9/2018 5:20:27 PM EDT
Why stop at 12?

Why is rote memorization a 'good' thing?
Link Posted: 5/9/2018 5:43:47 PM EDT
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Why stop at 12?

Why is rote memorization a 'good' thing?
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Well, because you can stop at 10, and then build everything off of that.

If you're working in BES, it would be helpful to memorize to 12.  You could even skip the 11s if you think it's not worth the effort.  That'd save you some work.  Or not.

This was explained in 4th or 5th grade math class.
Link Posted: 5/9/2018 5:45:51 PM EDT
Fairly regularly.  

It's not area-under-a-curve differential shit.  It's six times fucking nine.
Link Posted: 5/9/2018 5:59:09 PM EDT
I use multiplication/division tables for simple math just about every day. I grab a calculator if more than a few digits are involved.

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You would if you were an electrical engineer.
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You would if you were an electrical engineer.
Or a ham radio operator.


...Let me guess; you can't write or read cursive, either?
Or operate a manual transmission...
Link Posted: 5/9/2018 6:08:50 PM EDT
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I use multiplication/division tables for simple math just about every day. I grab a calculator if more than a few digits are involved.

Or a ham radio operator.

Or operate a manual transmission...
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I use multiplication/division tables for simple math just about every day. I grab a calculator if more than a few digits are involved.


You would if you were an electrical engineer.
Or a ham radio operator.


...Let me guess; you can't write or read cursive, either?
Or operate a manual transmission...
Well to be fair, he probably can't read the numbers on the handle and then you throw in one letter and it all goes to hell in a hand basket.....so I will give him a pass on that one.
Link Posted: 5/9/2018 6:10:10 PM EDT
Never memorized them but can do the mental math no problem...
Link Posted: 5/9/2018 6:12:49 PM EDT
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You would if you were an electrical engineer.
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Times tables? Every day of my life.

Algebra? Not so much.
You would if you were an electrical engineer.

EVD=2kIL    use 1.732 fer 3-ph

I are be an engineer...
Link Posted: 5/9/2018 6:14:29 PM EDT
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I carry a calculator (solar powered) and my phone which has an app for that.

I stopped bothering with times tables in 3rd grade where I figured out that 6x6 is 36.
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Was that year before last?
Link Posted: 5/9/2018 6:16:37 PM EDT
I feel sorry for people who are so reliant on technology that they don't know simple things like multiplication tables.  

I'm sorry...that's just gotta be a shitty existence.  
Link Posted: 5/9/2018 6:26:18 PM EDT
Is op a teenager? Kids these days can't read, multiply, or tell what time it is on a clock. I guess they just ask their iPhone.
Link Posted: 5/9/2018 6:41:29 PM EDT
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If we're talking 1-10. . . you should just end up doing those enough times that you remember them, without having to focus on memorizing them.
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It can be useful as a kid but it should just be common knowledge by the time you're an adult.
Link Posted: 5/9/2018 6:48:19 PM EDT
I can figure basic math in my head faster than I can find a calculator. I earn my living programming and setting up CNC machines.

What are you, in 4th grade?
Link Posted: 5/9/2018 6:57:04 PM EDT
You'd never make it as a formwork carpenter on one of my crews.

Would be way too slow if you're relying on a calculator to do what you should be doing in your head.
Link Posted: 5/9/2018 7:06:27 PM EDT
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Was that year before last?
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that was 1997 or so
Link Posted: 5/9/2018 7:08:33 PM EDT
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Is op a teenager? Kids these days can't read, multiply, or tell what time it is on a clock. I guess they just ask their iPhone.
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All technology and the ease of life it creates, detracts from the basic skills of the previous generation.

It's been happening since, forever, exponentially.

Link Posted: 5/9/2018 7:26:26 PM EDT
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Consider 2 groups of people:
The 1st, people who don't see value in understanding multiplication.
The 2nd, people who tout essential oils.

Now picture that Venn Diagram in your head.
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I picture a lot of overlap, but only because there are people in each group who most likely have never heard of the other.
Link Posted: 5/9/2018 7:26:52 PM EDT
Reading the time on a clock, cursive writing, and multiplication tables - are going to be examples of lost arts of baby boomers.

Idiocracy is here, courtesy of the "smart phone".  Without that device, millennials are lost.
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