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Link Posted: 11/3/2022 3:52:42 PM EDT
Ya...real "mystery"

Link Posted: 11/3/2022 4:01:44 PM EDT
last year i got a 1.7% cost of living raise, this year im looking at 4.5% cot of living raise. but inflation has been 4.7 and 10% ... so i got a 10% pay cut for the same work, as ive gotten more experienced...

your telling me i should produce MORE widgets for less money>
Link Posted: 11/3/2022 4:15:39 PM EDT
Me by Thursday afternoon.

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Link Posted: 11/3/2022 4:29:35 PM EDT
I've talked this to death in our facility and with a number of senior people in other sectors trying to bounce stuff around. Everyone is trying everything to keep good people and attract talent with money and incentives.

What I see in no particular order:

Lack of talent. People with basic critical thinking skills and a desire to learn are slim pickings.
Lack of drive. A lot of the folks just don't care about a career anymore. Pay me enough to get by and i'm good
Coddled people - all ages
Phones - driving short term attention spans and distractions
Lack of people period - same turds circling the bowl at 3.2% unemployment
Lack of accountability - Nobody wants to cut people knowing they can't rehire so they allow bad behaviors to become the norm.
Poor culture caused by out of touch companies as well as managers. The above issues also contribute to lack of work. If one gets away with it why should I bust my ass.
Company owners clinging to " old school" management styles

Link Posted: 11/3/2022 4:35:03 PM EDT
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I hate to break it to you, but there are a shitload of useless lazy boomers, too.  I've worked with and around them for years.  They don't say UAW stands for Useless and Worthless or U Ain't Workin' for nothing.  

Maybe the older generations have a higher percentage of ball busters, but humans are, by and large, generally lazy if they can get away with it.
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Yeah, among the 30 or so top of the food chain professionals where I was, the four boomers were in the bottom quartile.  Essentially they had been mediocre at their peak and we’re past their peak.

The three 90th percentile and up guys were white male gen Xers.
And the millennials that were up and coming to peak and displace the X-ERs as they passed their peak were the same.

It’s almost like none of the boomers that had been the top of the pyramid were still around.
They had moved on, retired early, etc.
Link Posted: 11/3/2022 4:46:18 PM EDT
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Work life balance in America is a disgrace. It’s fucking shameful. Some of you people act like having less time to raise your children, to be involved in their PTA, to go to the school board meetings and get involved in the local government…you act like it’s a good thing, like working 55 hours per week and getting 2 weeks PTO is somehow righteous duty.

Some of you are so proudly and fiercely independent…until it comes time to suck that corporate cock, and that’s when you get down on your knees and justify the absolute shit deal we get as workers in this country.

I work remotely for a company that gives me 6 weeks PTO, 37.5 hour weeks, permanent WFH, paternity leave measured in months, and on and on.

This company’s largest competitor, an American corporation, offered me 2 weeks PTO, 45-50+ hour weeks, no WFH, no paternity leave…

I am grateful to have citizenship of an EU country so that I can more easily find opportunities like my current one. America does a lot right…but work life balance is something we suck badly at.

Oh yeah and I don’t have to pay taxes to the other country  because I don’t reside there. We are one of 2 countries on the entire planet that tax non resident citizens. Eritrea is the other one.
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The horrendous work life balance in the USA, like it or not, is the foundation becoming the world’s most productive super power was built on.

A couple of things went wrong along the way.
The CEOs and senior management took more and more of a share of the profits disproportionately compared to the other level’s growth.
Lower level employees demanded higher and higher pay and increased benefits out of proportion to their role and quality density.
Our economy shifted to a services one instead of a productive wealth generating one.  Related to both the issues above.
Our government decided to skim more and more.
It also decided to support the non productive to a standard of living beyond the resources to do so.
And spends a trillion or two more a year than it takes in.
While also going full retarded and adversely affecting wealth generating endeavors.
It also implemented laws directly in opposition to meritocratic reward and progression.
For most of the masses, this has essentially made a harsh work/life balance pointless.

On the other hand,
The reality is-
If you want to be a fighter jet pilot, astronaut, trauma surgeon, nominated to a Tier One Command position, the youngest tenured professor ever in your department, heading a research lab with 20M in annual grants, grow your own business into massive revenue coming in, etc. you are not going to be able to do so working 40 hour weeks with no nights, weekends, or holidays.
Link Posted: 11/3/2022 4:50:14 PM EDT
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Are managerial elites capable of leadership?
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Don't underestimate the importance of leadership.

Especially, now that we are being led by a senile potatoe.

Are managerial elites capable of leadership?

Leading their way to bigger bonuses based on controlling costs?  Yes.  Definitely yes.
Link Posted: 11/3/2022 4:53:31 PM EDT
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That may have something to do with it. But not the full picture. I woke up today with a message about a job. $160 to $300k/yr. Happens a few times a week. Been like that since clown world kicked off. Many must be going unfilled because I'll even get the same exact messages over a span of a couple months.
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CEO: "Why is our turnover so high?"

Workers: Well maybe it has to do with only paying 75% of market rate!

CEO: "No, that can't be it.  Maybe we need more Pizza Fridays."

That may have something to do with it. But not the full picture. I woke up today with a message about a job. $160 to $300k/yr. Happens a few times a week. Been like that since clown world kicked off. Many must be going unfilled because I'll even get the same exact messages over a span of a couple months.

I recently left a place and took a pay cut at a new place with a much less brutal environment.
And based on some other factors ends up being a raise per overall hours.
There had not been a raise in like 8.7 years.  Which was fine because of bonuses.  But then they got sketchy with those.
I just got called about working there again for a 44% increase.
If they had increased pay over that amount of time, say half that amount like 22%, -
I might not have left in the first place.
Link Posted: 11/3/2022 4:55:42 PM EDT
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What is his hourly rate at your shop?
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Straight up Bullshit.

Our shop just hired a 20 year old kid for a welding job.    He works 10-12 hours a day because we wants to.   He has a newer 3/4 ton diesel pickup fitted out as a job site welder and takes side jobs.   Monday, he drove to work towing his 28 foot trailer chock full of parts he welded in his home shop, and was delivering after a full days work at our shop.    Wednesday he had one of those steel international cargo containers strapped to his trailer so he could could deliver it after a full days work work at our shop.  

At this rate, the kid is going to be able to retire at 40, and work for fun.

What is his hourly rate at your shop?

The amount of hours he works per week are unrelated to the fact that his rent, cost of a home, cost of a vehicle, tech school tuition, medical insurance, etc. end up being proportionally two to four times as expensive as they were for a boomer.
Link Posted: 11/3/2022 5:06:56 PM EDT
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What do unemployed people have to do with the productivity of employed people?
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I bet the decrease in productivity correlates with the decrease in spending power.

People were being major lazy fucks after Trump paid an additional $600 per week in unemployment. Because covid.

What do unemployed people have to do with the productivity of employed people?

Essentially, .gov has made it so that the total benefits of a non working mother, her crotch fruit, and live in baby daddy have the lifestyle and benefits of a married family with a gross income of about 60K.

So there is little to no incentive for a couple to take a couple of 12$ and hour jobs to end up worse off with 48K gross a year.

Then, when you have to offer 20$ an hour to get them to take low quality density personnel jobs, they are each working 40 hours a week to gross a total of 80K.  That’s full time working to net an extra 10K in lifestyle each.

A secondary effect is now that you are paying mouth breather 20 an hour, your machinist or other skilled employee making 25 an hour is like, WTF?  I’m supposed to do this shit for 50K a year when meat head gets 40K?

A tertiary effect is labor costs have reached a point where you have to increase your prices,  To a point you lose volume/business.  

The quaternary effect is in order to control cost by doing stuff like offering new mechanical engineers and comp sci types 60K a year.  Which is a very small delta between what average people can do and a higher quality density smaller period of the population can do.  And they get pissed.  

Link Posted: 11/3/2022 5:24:25 PM EDT
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The amount of hours he works per week are unrelated to the fact that his rent, cost of a home, cost of a vehicle, tech school tuition, medical insurance, etc. end up being proportionally two to four times as expensive as they were for a boomer.
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Oh I agree totally.

I had to get an MRI and Xrays done recently. I have insurance through my job but after those bills, I'm still only 1/3rd of what I have to pay for my deductible.

I asked because I already know the answer, I just want him to say it.
Link Posted: 11/3/2022 5:29:55 PM EDT
Another part of the issue is also that the collective mental health of the country has been in steady decline even before covid/civil unrest/elections. That decline then went on steroids the past 2.5 years.

Unless a course correction happens, I fully expect the crime, suicide rate and "deaths of despair" from alcoholism, drugs etc to continue going up each year.

Some people who have been doing very well the past few years are channeling Marie Antoinette and it has taken some time for them to realize that the wheels are really starting to come off at a national or even global level.

I hope I'm wrong.
Link Posted: 11/3/2022 5:47:26 PM EDT
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Lots of butthurt children on here. "Why work when I can't afford a house?"
"The boss wants me to actually show up to work after my two and a half year vacation".  

It's a load of horse shit. It's because 87% of the workers under the age 40 have zero clue what work ethic means. Easy times most certainly created soft "males".

Hopefully every "worker" who works from home will have their job outsourced to a Indian who will gladly do the work for $3 an hour.

As for never owning a house, well your piss poor budgeting skills on top of your piss poor work ethic are not my problem.

Fuck all of the free shit army including the ones on here.
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You do realize there are Boomers who dodged the draft, fucked off in college on deferments, didn’t amount to shit over decades when the world was on easy mode,
And there are millennials who racked up years of their life in combat zones with SOF, were ER and ICU docs during COVID, etc.?

Despite growing up in a culture, workplace, and educational environment designed and ran by Boomers?
Link Posted: 11/3/2022 6:12:27 PM EDT
Yeah sure as hell i have no clue where that could be coming from. some smart ideas in this thread who would have known.

I see myself as a hard worker but i am so tired of selling my work for dollars on a dime.
I currently work between 45-50Hours and and easily have work to do for 60, i am also willing to do so.
The Problem is a company wide policy that sets a "flat" amout of Dollars for any extra day for any salaried personal. The amount would result in me getting payed less than half for of my regular pay for work that is usually on Sat and Sundays. My Boss can not force me to do it so now i hired externals who do the same Job for roughly 4 times my regular pay (+ Hotel, Travel, per diem). The company could literally pay me double for Sundays and still save half the expenses but refuse to do so because "policy and different budget"  

When i start my new Employment somewhere else i start a sidebiz to come back as a contractor on Sundays.

1. Sky high turnover. New hires suck ass until they get used to the work and pickup some experience. Also a lot of institutional knowledge and experience left when the older folks retired en masse during COVID.
2. People sitting around cause they’re waiting on parts, or they can get some parts but they need additional labor or processing to make them usable because their usual item that they and the processes are used to is not available and they had to substitute or because of crappy QC. Or not enough people showed up and instead of one person on each task a couple guys are running around like headless chickens and being less efficient.
3 People not giving a fuck because they are (or think they are) being overworked and underpaid, and knowing they can’t get fired and/or can easily get another job if they do.
4. People being pissed at being forced back to the office and slow rolling. Or the fact that being in the office makes some people less productive.
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The 2nd one is very true as well. At least 10% of my Worktime the past half year was due to parts not beeing available.

Link Posted: 11/3/2022 6:16:16 PM EDT
I can't tell you I've personally witnessed top talent (which I wasn't at this place) who were always on time and did most work miss promotions to unqualified minorities who didn't even understand the craft.

Why put yourself out there when there is only a slap in the face as a reward?

Also "kids these days" better work 90 hour weeks to buy an entry level home.
Link Posted: 11/3/2022 6:16:23 PM EDT
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Employees, after working remotely for a while: "Wow I love working remotely!  I'm more productive, i don't have to hear about the latest sportsball game or gossip at the office, I don't have to commute 2 hours every day so I'm saving shit tons of money on gas and wear & tear on my car, I don't have to get up at the ass-crack of dawn just to sit in a traffic jam because some got dickhead got in a wreck on the interstate, I get to spend more time with my kids and my family, I'm less stressed, and I've realized there is life outside of work!"

CEO: "I can't stand not having control over everyone, and besides, we're paying out the ass for these building leases while they're empty.  I don't care how much productivity went up while everyone was remote, so now you all have to come back into the office!!!"

*most of the top performers resign*

*everyone comes back to the office*

CEO: "Why is productivity down?  Why did all our top performers leave?  Why is everyone in such a bad mood?  I'm mandating 20 hours of unpaid overtime every week for the foreseeable future to fix this!!!"

Workers: facepalm
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Link Posted: 11/3/2022 6:18:54 PM EDT
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Who is John Galt?
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i have that bumper sticker on my toolbox.
Link Posted: 11/3/2022 6:24:31 PM EDT
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They're making record profits. I'm not getting raises. Those groceries are eating up a greater percentage of my check.

The boss makes a dollar, I make a dime.

That's why I shit on company time.
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Link Posted: 11/3/2022 6:48:12 PM EDT
Office Space was a non fiction movie.

Idiocracy was made by a time traveler.
Link Posted: 11/3/2022 6:49:51 PM EDT
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You do realize there are Boomers who dodged the draft, fucked off in college on deferments, didn't amount to shit over decades when the world was on easy mode,
And there are millennials who racked up years of their life in combat zones with SOF, were ER and ICU docs during COVID, etc.?

Despite growing up in a culture, workplace, and educational environment designed and ran by Boomers?
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Link Posted: 11/3/2022 7:24:10 PM EDT
I used to be a manager, most people have inflated expectations when raise time comes and will never be happy

we. paid a good salary to start but used bonuses more than large increases in salary
Link Posted: 11/3/2022 7:36:18 PM EDT
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I used to be a manager, most people have inflated expectations when raise time comes and will never be happy

we. paid a good salary to start but used bonuses more than large increases in salary
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Most managers have inflated expectations on timelines, and output. No matter how hard you work they will never be happy.. Hence this entire conversation.
Link Posted: 11/3/2022 7:39:46 PM EDT
I wonder what the percentage of workers that'll see a 8.7% or greater COL raise to match the Social security bump?
Link Posted: 11/3/2022 8:23:29 PM EDT
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Another part of the issue is also that the collective mental health of the country has been in steady decline even before covid/civil unrest/elections. That decline then went on steroids the past 2.5 years.

Unless a course correction happens, I fully expect the crime, suicide rate and "deaths of despair" from alcoholism, drugs etc to continue going up each year.

Some people who have been doing very well the past few years are channeling Marie Antoinette and it has taken some time for them to realize that the wheels are really starting to come off at a national or even global level.

I hope I'm wrong.
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I’m a landlord and can confirm. Hardest hit is white men between 16-30. Essentially public schools, single mothers and a general hatred by society has broken a ton of these dudes. And after hearing about what happens to them in school, work, dating……….I would be saying fuck this place also.
Link Posted: 11/3/2022 8:27:31 PM EDT
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Poor thing....having to go back to the office.

Lots of us...never got that " workcation"  chance.
All we got was having to bust ass more, while getting shit on daily because logistics issues delaying projects etc

On top of that...trades will be dying off because " new" help won't do the work because
" it's to hard" and  entitlement attitudes.
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Shutdown part: Probably right.

Work from home part: Totally wrong. People are "quiet quitting" now to spite their employers for forcing them back to the office.

I see it every day. Draaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaggiiiiiiiiiinnnnnnnnnnggggggggg   Aaaaaaasssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssss

You want me back? I'm back! Surprise, fuckface!!!!!!

Reap what you sow.

Poor thing....having to go back to the office.

Lots of us...never got that " workcation"  chance.
All we got was having to bust ass more, while getting shit on daily because logistics issues delaying projects etc

On top of that...trades will be dying off because " new" help won't do the work because
" it's to hard" and  entitlement attitudes.

I always wonder why people brag about having a shitty job and not being able to keep up with the world.

I'd think about it more but it's about time for my on the clock nap.

I LOVE being smart.
Link Posted: 11/3/2022 8:32:50 PM EDT
If I work harder than my colleagues I get the same 3.3% raise that is eaten by inflation.

Work tells me they can't afford more while spending millions on bullshit projects and administration golden parachutes.

So I do enough to get positive evaluations and Stat under the radar.
Link Posted: 11/3/2022 8:39:21 PM EDT
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I'm a landlord and can confirm. Hardest hit is white men between 16-30. Essentially public schools, single mothers and a general hatred by society has broken a ton of these dudes. And after hearing about what happens to them in school, work, dating   .I would be saying fuck this place also.
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Link Posted: 11/3/2022 8:46:19 PM EDT
It used to be that employers could compel wage slavery. Now, employees are in short supply and workers are only willing to do one full time job for their employer. There has been a new renaissance in unionization. Also, time off reminded people that their family was a lot more fulfilling than their jobs.

I hope it stays this way but these things are always cyclical. We forgot that because we've been under the bosses thumb (the corporate side of the cycle) for a very long time.
Link Posted: 11/3/2022 8:49:52 PM EDT
It used to be that employers could compel wage slavery. Now, employees are in short supply and workers are only willing to do one full time job for their employer. There has been a new renaissance in unionization. Also, time off reminded people that their family was a lot more fulfilling than their jobs.

Part of the reason workers have so much control is that there is no childcare. That removed a ton of workers from the competition for jobs. All other first world countries know that childcare is important for productivity so they subsidize it. We're dumb.

I hope it stays this way but these things are always cyclical. We forgot that because we've been under the bosses thumb (the corporate side of the cycle) for a very long time.
Link Posted: 11/3/2022 9:02:38 PM EDT
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I wonder what the percentage of workers that'll see a 8.7% or greater COL raise to match the Social security bump?
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I got a 13% raise this spring. I'm now making $20K more than when I was laid off due to covid in March 2020.
Link Posted: 11/3/2022 9:42:38 PM EDT
Gaslighting of the jabbs with risk of getting fired, and the ole separation/divorce during that time period  pretty much finished me off. They company's actions or inactions, etc. told me they, corporate and management,  dont give a fuck about us. Direct boss is a good guy, why i stay semi-loyal, he helped me alot with the shit going on with the wife. Dealt with mask nazis at work, complete disregard for GMP and Safety for a bullshit mask, told me they dont really believe what they claim about rules and using basic critical thinking. My company couldn't wait to be forced to mandate the jabb, luckily it didn't happen. Worked my ass off for all of my gawd-damn life, just to end up here in this mind fuck psyop, that we call reality, just as fucking broke, and future seems just as bleak. That light at end of tunnel is probably just the flash from the gamma blast.
Link Posted: 11/3/2022 11:35:00 PM EDT
The economic hamster wheel has been exposed. Those in charge of the money printer have been wreckless. The money that ties the whole system together is ensuring its collapse.  

Don't trust. Verify.

Link Posted: 11/4/2022 12:07:16 AM EDT
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Straight up Bullshit.

Our shop just hired a 20 year old kid for a welding job.    He works 10-12 hours a day because we wants to.   He has a newer 3/4 ton diesel pickup fitted out as a job site welder and takes side jobs.   Monday, he drove to work towing his 28 foot trailer chock full of parts he welded in his home shop, and was delivering after a full days work at our shop.    Wednesday he had one of those steel international cargo containers strapped to his trailer so he could could deliver it after a full days work work at our shop.  

At this rate, the kid is going to be able to retire at 40, and work for fun.
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Welding is a low pay job and we all know it.  He's getting experience at your outfit and will either get into a niche or get smart and get a real job if he has any expectation of a future.
Link Posted: 11/4/2022 12:38:43 AM EDT
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The amount of hours he works per week are unrelated to the fact that his rent, cost of a home, cost of a vehicle, tech school tuition, medical insurance, etc. end up being proportionally two to four times as expensive as they were for a boomer.
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Straight up Bullshit.

Our shop just hired a 20 year old kid for a welding job.    He works 10-12 hours a day because we wants to.   He has a newer 3/4 ton diesel pickup fitted out as a job site welder and takes side jobs.   Monday, he drove to work towing his 28 foot trailer chock full of parts he welded in his home shop, and was delivering after a full days work at our shop.    Wednesday he had one of those steel international cargo containers strapped to his trailer so he could could deliver it after a full days work work at our shop.  

At this rate, the kid is going to be able to retire at 40, and work for fun.

What is his hourly rate at your shop?

The amount of hours he works per week are unrelated to the fact that his rent, cost of a home, cost of a vehicle, tech school tuition, medical insurance, etc. end up being proportionally two to four times as expensive as they were for a boomer.

Exactly this. GDP per employee has gone way up while wages have lagged way behind.

I look at my parents story of building themselves up, and it's impossible to do today. My parents are gone now but I could't even afford the property tax on the house I grew up in. It's more than my monthly housing cost today.

What people call starter homes now are the old pieces of crap that boomers bought new back in the 60's as starter homes.

New homes in my area, which isn't exactly high income, are $350k+. My sister bought a starter home in a better area in 2006 for $160k, and sold it for $280k 10 years later. I just looked at Zillow, and their estimate is $420k. I don't understand how people think you can just work more hours when the same house in 2006 sold brand new for $160k is now worth 262% more at $420k
Link Posted: 11/4/2022 12:44:18 AM EDT
Pay for output.  Companies pay more they get more.
Link Posted: 11/4/2022 12:53:54 AM EDT
I've never been more busy, but some of that is having to find competent help to put some of the work load off on.

I think we've gotten less efficient on projects due to material shortages though. Having to bounce around too much instead of completely finishing one thing and moving to the next thing. Now you have nothing 100% done, but several tasks at many different levels of completeness.

All this makes planning and forecasting 10X harder, only for surprises to show up at the last second changing everybody's plans.

Link Posted: 11/4/2022 1:22:44 AM EDT
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Bullshit.  We're being asked to do four times as much work
in the same amount of time while filling out fake "Safety"
documents, listening to mandatory garbage "trade enhancement"
& Diversity,  Equity, and Inclusion videos, looking for body
harnesses to work just six feet off the floor, looking for vises and
and safety saws to cut shit we did by hand with a hacksaw twenty
years ago, and having two people carry an eight foot ladder because
somebody might get hurt.

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THIS. Don't forget the diversity hires that can't tell their ass from a hole in the ground.....
Link Posted: 11/4/2022 11:10:01 AM EDT
Where I work, they decided to increase the starting salary for different job categories by 5 percent, but only for those that had been there for less than two years to new hires.

If you have been there for 10 years you got nothing.  So they just devalued all experienced employees but boosted new inexperienced people.. Makes no sense as the people that get the work done are those in the 5-15 year range.

Yeah, I'm going to work harder.
Link Posted: 11/4/2022 11:21:42 AM EDT
Work harder for money that is worth less and less as well as to turn more and more of it over to the Federal government in taxes.

Work your ass off so that you don't see a dime more in salary, a salary that stays either relatively stagnant or is increasingly worth less  as cost of living sky rockets, and then after decades of sacrifice be replaced by a H1B Visa Indian foreign worker that you have to train as your replacement in order to receive a severance.  Yeah, but you should work your ass because "reasons."  

Make sure you and your spouse are working 80 hours a week so that your children are raised entirely by the State, because damn it Jeff Bezos needs another yacht.  Make sure you work those office jobs under artificial light sedentary until you're 500 lbs and expire at the age of 50 from a heart attack after years of depression.  Make sure that you work so hard for so long that you're at best an absentee husband so that your wife divorces you and your kids see you as a stranger. I mean the purpose to life isn't to do anything other than work right?  

Maybe we could all just be super productive like the Chinese who work on average 11 hour days 7 days a week?   We could maybe just give up everything and move into Gulags with pods while eating bug paste competing against each other for who could be most productive with the winners getting flavor in their foods and the losers being shocked by electricity at the end of each work day?  

I swear some of you Boomers are out of your damn minds, which explains why we're in such horrible shape as a nation right now.
Link Posted: 11/4/2022 11:25:15 AM EDT
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Work harder for money that is worth less and less as well as to turn more and more of it over to the Federal government in taxes.

Work your ass off so that you don't see a dime more in salary, a salary that stays either relatively stagnant or is increasingly worth less  as cost of living sky rockets, and then after decades of sacrifice be replaced by a H1B Visa Indian foreign worker that you have to train as your replacement in order to receive a severance.  Yeah, but you should work your ass because "reasons."  

Make sure you and your spouse are working 80 hours a week so that your children are raised entirely by the State, because damn it Jeff Bezos needs another yacht.  Make sure you work those office jobs under artificial light sedentary until you're 500 lbs and expire at the age of 50 from a heart attack after years of depression.  Make sure that you work so hard for so long that you're at best an absentee husband so that your wife divorces you and your kids see you as a stranger. I mean the purpose to life isn't to do anything other than work right?  

Maybe we could all just be super productive like the Chinese who work on average 11 hour days 7 days a week?   We could maybe just give up everything and move into Gulags with pods while eating bug paste competing against each other for who could be most productive with the winners getting flavor in their foods and the losers being shocked by electricity at the end of each work day.  

I swear some of you Boomers are out of your damn minds, which explains why we're in such horrible shape as a nation right now.
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I work my ass off but constantly grow my pot, enjoy awesome time with my wife and kids, and generally live large as fuck.

I’ll stick to my plan, k thx. Your screed is tragic.
Link Posted: 11/4/2022 11:29:14 AM EDT
It all comes down to this:

You get what you pay for. If you cheap out on wages, you will get cheap performance.

“Good work ain’t cheap, cheap work ain’t good”

Link Posted: 11/4/2022 12:38:50 PM EDT
If I don't get a raise at my meeting today, I will adjust my productivity according to inflation and staff reductions.

Pay up or get what you pay for.

Link Posted: 11/4/2022 1:18:47 PM EDT
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It used to be that employers could compel wage slavery. Now, employees are in short supply and workers are only willing to do one full time job for their employer. There has been a new renaissance in unionization. Also, time off reminded people that their family was a lot more fulfilling than their jobs.

Part of the reason workers have so much control is that there is no childcare. That removed a ton of workers from the competition for jobs. All other first world countries know that childcare is important for productivity so they subsidize it. We're dumb.

I hope it stays this way but these things are always cyclical. We forgot that because we've been under the bosses thumb (the corporate side of the cycle) for a very long time.
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I call bull on childcare. Mom stays home with the kids, the workforce is cut in half, wages explode. Bam, we're back to an unskilled high school dropout being able to have a small home and raise a family.

Doubling the available workforce was the worst thing to happen to us, both economically and socially.
Link Posted: 11/4/2022 1:21:31 PM EDT
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I work my ass off but constantly grow my pot, enjoy awesome time with my wife and kids, and generally live large as fuck.

I’ll stick to my plan, k thx. Your screed is tragic.
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Work harder for money that is worth less and less as well as to turn more and more of it over to the Federal government in taxes.

Work your ass off so that you don't see a dime more in salary, a salary that stays either relatively stagnant or is increasingly worth less  as cost of living sky rockets, and then after decades of sacrifice be replaced by a H1B Visa Indian foreign worker that you have to train as your replacement in order to receive a severance.  Yeah, but you should work your ass because "reasons."  

Make sure you and your spouse are working 80 hours a week so that your children are raised entirely by the State, because damn it Jeff Bezos needs another yacht.  Make sure you work those office jobs under artificial light sedentary until you're 500 lbs and expire at the age of 50 from a heart attack after years of depression.  Make sure that you work so hard for so long that you're at best an absentee husband so that your wife divorces you and your kids see you as a stranger. I mean the purpose to life isn't to do anything other than work right?  

Maybe we could all just be super productive like the Chinese who work on average 11 hour days 7 days a week?   We could maybe just give up everything and move into Gulags with pods while eating bug paste competing against each other for who could be most productive with the winners getting flavor in their foods and the losers being shocked by electricity at the end of each work day.  

I swear some of you Boomers are out of your damn minds, which explains why we're in such horrible shape as a nation right now.

I work my ass off but constantly grow my pot, enjoy awesome time with my wife and kids, and generally live large as fuck.

I’ll stick to my plan, k thx. Your screed is tragic.

Link Posted: 11/4/2022 3:45:29 PM EDT
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Work harder for money that is worth less and less as well as to turn more and more of it over to the Federal government in taxes.

Work your ass off so that you don't see a dime more in salary, a salary that stays either relatively stagnant or is increasingly worth less  as cost of living sky rockets, and then after decades of sacrifice be replaced by a H1B Visa Indian foreign worker that you have to train as your replacement in order to receive a severance.  Yeah, but you should work your ass because "reasons."  

Make sure you and your spouse are working 80 hours a week so that your children are raised entirely by the State, because damn it Jeff Bezos needs another yacht.  Make sure you work those office jobs under artificial light sedentary until you're 500 lbs and expire at the age of 50 from a heart attack after years of depression.  Make sure that you work so hard for so long that you're at best an absentee husband so that your wife divorces you and your kids see you as a stranger. I mean the purpose to life isn't to do anything other than work right?  

Maybe we could all just be super productive like the Chinese who work on average 11 hour days 7 days a week?   We could maybe just give up everything and move into Gulags with pods while eating bug paste competing against each other for who could be most productive with the winners getting flavor in their foods and the losers being shocked by electricity at the end of each work day?  

I swear some of you Boomers are out of your damn minds, which explains why we're in such horrible shape as a nation right now.
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i turn down lucrative side work all the time.

don't want to pay more taxes than i already do.
Link Posted: 11/4/2022 3:52:55 PM EDT
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hahaha.. I'm working 3 full time W2 jobs remotely right now. Half assing all of them. I do real estate investing in my spare time and i've pocketed about 850k in the past 14 or so months. I'll be retired at 46 in 2 years, couldn't probably do it now but the money is too good so im running up the score. I'm not whining im helping the rest of you out, i've already beat the game... For 300 an hour, i can coach you up if you want.
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You are my hero.
Link Posted: 11/4/2022 4:12:19 PM EDT
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I call bull on childcare. Mom stays home with the kids, the workforce is cut in half, wages explode. Bam, we're back to an unskilled high school dropout being able to have a small home and raise a family.

Doubling the available workforce was the worst thing to happen to us, both economically and socially.
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It used to be that employers could compel wage slavery. Now, employees are in short supply and workers are only willing to do one full time job for their employer. There has been a new renaissance in unionization. Also, time off reminded people that their family was a lot more fulfilling than their jobs.

Part of the reason workers have so much control is that there is no childcare. That removed a ton of workers from the competition for jobs. All other first world countries know that childcare is important for productivity so they subsidize it. We're dumb.

I hope it stays this way but these things are always cyclical. We forgot that because we've been under the bosses thumb (the corporate side of the cycle) for a very long time.

I call bull on childcare. Mom stays home with the kids, the workforce is cut in half, wages explode. Bam, we're back to an unskilled high school dropout being able to have a small home and raise a family.

Doubling the available workforce was the worst thing to happen to us, both economically and socially.

That occurred in an economy that was heavy manufacturing, production related, resulted in wealth generation, and the top of the pyramid kept less of the profits.  
(So, if the CEO made 200k in 1970, the senior engineer made 50k, and the new engineer made 12.5K-
You would expect something along the lines of now the CEO of that little company makes 1.5M, the senior engineer makes 400K, and the new chemical engineer makes 100K.

What you see now is the CEO making 5M, the senior engineer 200K, and they want to hire the new guy for 65K.
And they are basically putting on labels and reselling stuff made in China instead of a US based wealth generating enterprise.
Link Posted: 11/4/2022 5:00:14 PM EDT
I work in IT, and I'll begin with the caveat that I am not some socially inept basement dwelling code monkey who can tell you when xyz software made revision e32 off the top of their head like some. If I wanted to work 60-80 hours a week like some numb nuts who never realized there's a whole world to experience outside of "mai productivity" I'm sure I could be doing better than I am. That said...
For the last over a 15 years ish I have lost money every year with the exception of taking new jobs. Inflation and healthcare goes up, wages do not. Teams shrink, wages do not go up. Been in my current gig for 15 months, wage increase was 2%. Inflation is 8%, health insurance increased 16%. The team used to consist of 25 workers, it now consists of 14. Our client base has doubled. I was told 1 on call weekend a quarter if you want, if not someone else would volunteer. I've got 5 mandatory on call weekends scheduled this last quarter alone. Shit like this is what everyone is dealing with in non manufacturing. It sucks. I have friends who spent a good chunk of the first half of the year laid off their manufacturing jobs, they've been on mandatory 20hr OT since July.

Hate to admit it, but the socialists and lefties are a lot more right than they used to be when they say the workforce is getting fucked over. We're all feeling pretty burnt out.

And ya ya ya "back in my day that was just what a good worker did" simply means you were all too fucking stupid to realize you got shafted. Maybe a plus one for public education we all hate haha.
Link Posted: 11/5/2022 7:25:18 PM EDT
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I work in IT, and I'll begin with the caveat that I am not some socially inept basement dwelling code monkey who can tell you when xyz software made revision e32 off the top of their head like some. If I wanted to work 60-80 hours a week like some numb nuts who never realized there's a whole world to experience outside of "mai productivity" I'm sure I could be doing better than I am. That said...
For the last over a 15 years ish I have lost money every year with the exception of taking new jobs. Inflation and healthcare goes up, wages do not. Teams shrink, wages do not go up. Been in my current gig for 15 months, wage increase was 2%. Inflation is 8%, health insurance increased 16%. The team used to consist of 25 workers, it now consists of 14. Our client base has doubled. I was told 1 on call weekend a quarter if you want, if not someone else would volunteer. I've got 5 mandatory on call weekends scheduled this last quarter alone. Shit like this is what everyone is dealing with in non manufacturing. It sucks. I have friends who spent a good chunk of the first half of the year laid off their manufacturing jobs, they've been on mandatory 20hr OT since July.

Hate to admit it, but the socialists and lefties are a lot more right than they used to be when they say the workforce is getting fucked over. We're all feeling pretty burnt out.

And ya ya ya "back in my day that was just what a good worker did" simply means you were all too fucking stupid to realize you got shafted. Maybe a plus one for public education we all hate haha.
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I work in IT too and i dont know anyone that has done it for any serious amount of time that the last 5 years or so hasn't worn them out. Exactly what you said too. More work, less staff, no merit increases, screwed out of bonuses. Health care increases. I gave up quit that place and as i mentioned above im working 3 jobs remotely now. I couldn't care less either. I'm just doing it for the cash.
Link Posted: 11/5/2022 7:52:08 PM EDT
When you have to substitute material for other material that requires more work to produce the desired end product, when you have to make other things that used to out sourced because you aren't set up to produce them efficiently, when you have a company heavily invested in lean/just on time management, and stuff doesn't arrive just on time; productivity goes to shit.
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