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Posted: 1/23/2024 10:44:39 PM EDT
[Last Edit: FlashMan-7k]
1-27, Don't mind the dust as I sort out how to best handle this OP.

Self explanatory and enlightening.

Michael Yon has gone through the same areas and videoed it and talked about it too.

IDK anything about the channel, found the video linked in a post on a site I frequent.


"I like joe biden because he opened the border to all the countries" ~ around 17:20 or so.

I'm kinda surprised these guys didn't get DRT by some of the people they were around.

ETA: besides the expected bits, the guys film very hard to ignore evidence that the inflows are organized and directed by hostile outside actors. Showing maps, signs, etc.  It's in the video.

ETA2: For those unaware -

This does NOT count those they missed.


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And this was done in '22, not even the first full year of biden!
Key Findings:

   Under Biden enforcement priorities, there was a 71 percent decline in removals of deportable aliens who came to ICE’s attention due to a local criminal arrest.
   Ten states experienced an extreme decline in enforcement of greater than 80 percent under Biden policies (Connecticut, Georgia, Idaho, Mississippi, Montana, Nevada, North Dakota, South Carolina, Tennessee, and Vermont).
   Of the 50 U.S. counties that typically have the most criminal alien removals, 14 experienced extreme declines (greater than 80 percent) under Biden policies. About one-third of these high-volume counties are in Texas.
   The high-volume counties with the steepest decline in removals of locally arrested criminals were Gwinnett County, Ga.; Plymouth County, Mass.; Bergen County, N.J.; and Kankakee County, Ill. Criminal removals dropped by more than 90 percent in these jurisdictions.
   There were 50 counties, parishes, or territories with a minimal baseline volume of enforcement where the number of criminal removals dropped by 90 percent or more. Eight of these were in Georgia.
   In one representative county, Howard County, Texas, under Biden policies just half the number of criminals convicted of homicides were removed than before, and there also were steep drops in removals of criminals convicted of assault, burglary, drugs, larceny, and sex offenses.

About the Data. The records obtained by the Center itemize all aliens removed by ICE in fiscal years (October 1 – September 30) 2019 through 2021 in which the alien was identified by ICE as a result of a biometric match generated under the Secure Communities program.4 Using fingerprint matching, this program flags cases of aliens who are arrested by local law enforcement agencies for local crimes, and enables ICE to take action once the alien is held to account for the local crimes. These cases are tracked by ICE in a separate, unique data system that includes information on the state and county or territory where the alien was arrested (this locality information is not available in ICE’s main enforcement records system). The data fields also include the alien’s country of citizenship, criminal history, and other information on the alien’s immigration charges and case disposition, including the date of the alien’s removal from the United States.

For this analysis, we selected records of removals for the time period of January to September in 2019 and 2021, to correspond approximately to the first nine months of the Biden administration and a comparable time period during the Trump administration before the pandemic lockdowns of 2020.

Breakdowns and info at the link.

Table 1 is just shocking:

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Below we excerpt from the Englander note because we hope that more economists, strategists and politicians will read it and grasp what we have been saying for over a year.

Echoing what we have said for months, Englander writes that immigration, particularly illegal immigration, "is a political flashpoint that has also become an important factor in assessing economic performance. Detailed data from US Customs and Border Protection (CBP) and US Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS) suggest that half of non-farm payroll (NFP) growth to date for FY24 (started 1 October 2023) has been from undocumented immigrants who have received an Employment Authorization Document (EAD)" (he defines undocumented immigrants as those who entered the US through non-traditional immigration pathways, such as asylum seekers, parolees, and refugees).

The ability to track EAD issuance to undocumented workers is an advantage in estimating how much they have contributed to employment growth. NFP counts workers with an EAD just like any other. Using that data, it is easy to estimate that undocumented workers have added 109k jobs per month to NFP out of the average 231k increase so far in FY24.

Which is staggering since last night we showed that about 100K monthly jobs are purely statistical distortions, and the real pace of job growth in the past year has been around 130K.

So if 100K jobs per month are fabricated birth/death artifacts (i.e., not real jobs but a statistically goalseeked fudge factor), and another 109K jobs per month are illegal aliens, that leaves just about 11K jobs for everyone else, i.e., law abiding Americans.

Much more @ link.


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illegals admit to being registered to vote
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US Taxpayers Paid $150 Billion In 1 Year For Migrants: Report
Tyler Durden's Photo
by Tyler Durden
Friday, Aug 30, 2024 - 03:10 PM

In 2023, roughly $150 billion in US taxpayer money was doled out for government services and support to help the 20 million illegals in the country, according to a study from the Federation for American Immigration Reform (FAIR).
Most of the money was borne by state and local governments, not the feds, the NY Post reports.



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1.3 MILLION Native-Born Americans Lost Their Jobs Under Biden-Harris In August.

An estimated 1.3 million native-born American workers lost their jobs in August, according to the latest jobs report from the Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS). Meanwhile, the number of foreign-born workers increased by 635,000.

While the August jobs report shows unemployment falling to 4.2 percent last month, this drop is primarily due to a spike in part-time employment. According to the BLS data, the number of full-time workers decreased slightly.


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Hat tip zerohedge here: https://www.zerohedge.com/commodities/its-spreading-americas-top-oil-field-terrorized-armed-venezuela-gangs

... industry peers and law enforcement in West Texas (WTX) are aware of a recent increase in organized criminal activity inclusive of violent crimes, gang activity and oil field thefts in and around  ... WTX operational areas. Specifically, regional law enforcement and the FBI advised that gang members emanating from Cuba and Venezuela are organizing and working in concert to commit thefts within the Permian Basin. These individuals and groups are armed, violent in nature and will not hesitate to use force.

Crimes associated with these groups include the theft of oil, diesel fuel, copper wire, and catalyst elements. Recent incidents have also included two assaults by water haulers who were attempting to steal oil from WTX oilfield sites. After the thieves were observed by witnesses who drove up to investigate, the thieves attempted to use their vehicles to run the witnesses off the road. In another incident, a thief, acting as a spotter and following a water hauler who had stolen oil, also attempted to run a witness off the road. There have been numerous reports of second vehicles acting as spotters for water haulers committing oil thefts.

An industry peer provided the below snapshot of a video surveillance of an armed thief checking out an area before stealing diesel from the location.


Apathetic cop tells a a guy that they're going to let an illegal walk free because they live in an sanctuary city, and that he has had to let someone with a double homicide walk free ... again ... because theya re in a sanctuary city.

Hit the link and watch the video.

I Meme Therefore I Am ????@ImMeme0

A cop tells a citizen who is reporting a crime committed by an immigrant:

"I've arrested a double homicide suspect in this city before, I let him walk out the door because we're sanctuary city.

We do not report illegals, undocumented immigrants."

CITIZEN:  "So you're gonna let a person who went to prison, he committed crime in America, who's illegal right now, you re gonna let him go free right now?"

OFFICER: "That's exactly what I'm saying because we are sanctuary city"

This is going to be Harris’ America!

12:18 PM · Sep 3, 2024 · 6.4M  Views

40.6K  Reposts   3,462  Quotes   84.3K  Likes   13.5K  Bookmarks

People will not put up with this for long. The tissue paper thick protection of society is being shredded. People WILL start protecting themselves, and once people realize this is a meanngful option, you're going to get enforcement bands. Once you get that people realize they have real power and the government isn't stopping them.  That's when hell on earth breaks out in the form of anarchy.  That's how people wind up getting necklaced with a tire and set on fire in south africa.

Society will break down and *cease.*

Knowing if you live in a place that has sanctuary status is now a risk assessment factor that means a lot.

This is from here, where it is zoomable and updated, go and look.



Source: https://judiciary.house.gov/sites/evo-subsites/republicans-judiciary.house.gov/files/evo-media-document/Jenks%20Testimony%20%281%29.pdf

I can only imagine what the last two years have driven the percentage up to.

For those who know history, look at the highest percentage FB from 1850 to the 1910-20 (the classic migration era). That was spread over 50-60 years. What we have had is in less than 4 years, and more in raw numbers than all of that before AND it looks like probably higher percentage FB.

It's obvious but this needs to be said: This is culture war. Push out what's here with what the people you bring in believe.



American Community Survey Shows Record Size and Growth in Foreign-Born Population in 2023
Other Census Bureau data shows growth is even larger
By Steven A. Camarota on September 12, 2024

The Census Bureau today released the 2023 American Community Survey (ACS), which shows a total foreign-born or immigrant population (legal and illegal) of 47.83 million in July 2023 — an increase of 1.65 million compared to the 2022 ACS. The size of the foreign-born population and the year-over-year increase are the largest the survey has ever shown.1 At 14.3 percent of the total U.S. population, the share is also a record in the ACS.

The bureau also released on Tuesday, September 10, the Annual Social and Economic Supplement of the Current Population Survey (ASEC CPS), which shows a foreign-born population of 51.26 million as of March 2024 — an increase of 2.48 million over March 2023. The ASEC CPS shows the foreign-born were 15.5 percent of the total U.S. population.2 As with the ACS, the total size, single-year increase, and share of the U.S. population that is foreign- born in the 2024 ASEC CPS are all new record highs for the survey.3
(The likely reasons for the differing numbers are differing methodologies as well as the fact that the ASEC CPS is more recent, reporting March 2024 numbers, rather than the ACS's July 2023.)



The international community faces a forced migration crisis of historic proportions. We must offer bold leadership and innovative solutions and join other nations by doing our part. The United Nations Refugee Agency (UNHCR) recently reported that an unprecedented 110 million people are forcibly displaced worldwide, 40 percent of whom are children. Among them, UNHCR estimates that 2.4 million refugees need urgent access to resettlement this year, but less than one percent are afforded this chance.

We continually hear from our constituents that they believe in and support refugee resettlement. From greeting refugee families at the airport to assisting with English language classes or navigating bus lines, our communities stand for welcome.

"We regulated and taxed them so hard they can't employ americans now, give us 2.5 million MORE illegals to fill the jobs at cut rates!"

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Border Patrol reports slight increase in illegal border crossings from July to August

The agency reported that just over 58,000 migrants were arrested for trying to enter the country illegally on the country's southern border. The number is slightly higher than the 56,399 arrested in July, but it's 68% lower than 2023, according to the CBP.
By Misty Severi

Published: September 16, 2024 7:57pm



Potential Impacts

In presidential elections, roughly half of non-citizens who are registered turn out to vote. Given that about 10% to 27% of them are currently registered, this means about 5% to 13% of them will illegally vote in the 2024 presidential and congressional elections.

The U.S. Census recorded a population of 19.7 million voting-age non-citizens in the U.S. during 2022. This is an absolute minimum because the Census doesn’t count masses of non-citizens who falsely claim to be citizens or don’t fill out Census surveys.

Also, the figure of 19.7 million doesn’t include multitudes of non-citizens who’ve entered since 2022. This includes people who legally immigrated, crossed the border illegally, or were allowed into the country under the Biden administration’s parole policies.

Based on the data above, roughly 1.0 million to 2.7 million non-citizens will illegally vote in the 2024 presidential and congressional elections unless stronger election integrity measures are implemented.

And in the biggest "well DUH" of all time:

Who Do Non-Citizens Vote For?

In the 2008 presidential election, 82% of non-citizens who admitted that they voted stated that they voted for Democrat Barack Obama, while only 18% said they voted for Republican John McCain. Showing this was not a fluke, Richman found in multiple surveys conducted from 2006 to 2022 that 73% to 82% of non-citizens supported Democratic candidates.

Those outcomes accord with the promises and actions of Democrat politicians to give wide-ranging welfare and full amnesty to people who immigrate to the United States legally or illegally.



Non-citizens added to states’ voter rolls through DMV, even after admitting lack of US citizenship

“We have hundreds where they actually mark on the form, ‘hello, not a citizen,’ and they still get registered to vote,” J. Christian Adams explained.

An election integrity group has examined states’ voter rolls for years, finding many non-citizens who are illegally registered to vote across the country.
Illinois and elsewhere

Many more details @ link.



NYP covered this:



First one: Estimated percentage of the total pop of the country that has come here illegally from 01/2021 to 08-2024

Second one:
Where those from Cuba, Haiti, Nicagragua, & Venezuela are going to. Yep, most of them are being dumped/directed/going into non-democrat states.

Support equality. Ship at minimum 50% of them to democrat states. #equality.

I believe *these* are the .CSV files he's referring to that this is sourced from:


I bet the spreadsheet crew could have a FIELD DAY with that data.


In the latest of countless scandals involving the Biden administration’s failure to secure the border, over half a million illegal aliens with criminal histories are roaming freely in the United States, 435,719 with convictions and another 226,847 with pending charges. The Department of Homeland Security (DHS), created after 9/11 to protect the country from another terrorist attack, has released the foreign criminals in cities around the U.S., according to the Deputy Director of Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE), the DHS agency charged with “enforcing immigration laws to preserve national security and public safety.” In figures reluctantly provided to Congress ICE’s second in command, Patrick Lechleitner, reveals that as of July 21, 2024 662,566 noncitizens with criminal histories are on the agency’s “non-detained docket” and therefore roaming freely throughout the country. The data is “beyond disturbing,” said the Texas congressman, Republican Tony Gonzales, who forced DHS to provide the records.

Nearly 15,000 of the freed illegal aliens have been convicted of or charged with murder, more than 20,000 with sexual assault, 60,268 with burglary, larceny, or robbery, 105,146 with assault, 16,820 with weapon offenses, 3,971 with commercialized sex crimes and 3,372 with kidnapping. Over 126,000 have committed traffic offenses, more than 70,000 are in the system for drug crimes, 21,106 for fraudulent activities and 12,000 for obstruction of justice.
Link Posted: 1/23/2024 10:58:13 PM EDT
Bump while ya'll are watching.

Link Posted: 1/23/2024 11:06:41 PM EDT
I saw that yesterday, it was a very interesting and infuriating look into the invasion. Yeah, I’m surprised he wasn’t disappeared for the questions being asked and the way he was taking videos. He wasn’t exactly subtle about it.
Link Posted: 1/23/2024 11:10:19 PM EDT
So the entire Southern hemisphere didn't just decide to march North due to climate change?
Link Posted: 1/23/2024 11:10:20 PM EDT
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Originally Posted By 170Driver:
I saw that yesterday, it was a very interesting and infuriating look into the invasion. Yeah, I’m surprised he wasn’t disappeared for the questions being asked and the way he was taking videos. He wasn’t exactly subtle about it.
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The organizations providing support and maps need to get what they deserve for doing this stuff.

Love or hate trump, showing this stuff widely in ways the media cannot ignore would be a service he could do, even if nothing else.

This stuff should be forced into the media environment.
Link Posted: 1/23/2024 11:10:55 PM EDT
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Originally Posted By ITCHY-FINGER:
So the entire Southern hemisphere didn't just decide to march North due to climate change?
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Video is worth the watch.

This stuff has organized outside hostile support.

Yes, including chinese.
Link Posted: 1/23/2024 11:13:27 PM EDT
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Originally Posted By FlashMan-7k:

The organizations providing support and maps need to get what they deserve for doing this stuff.

Love or hate trump, showing this stuff widely in ways the media cannot ignore would be a service he could do, even if nothing else.

This stuff should be forced into the media environment.
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Even before I saw this video, I had a pretty good idea that it the NGOs had international help, but seeing this documentary removed all doubt. Anthony Rubin and his brother should get an award for this piece of true journalism.
Link Posted: 1/23/2024 11:13:42 PM EDT
[Last Edit: SpankMonkey] [#7]
Unbelievable how much damage this is going to do.
Link Posted: 1/23/2024 11:15:12 PM EDT
One of Yon's videos of the darien gap:

Migrants being Smuggled through Darien Gap.
Link Posted: 1/23/2024 11:15:20 PM EDT
Fuck Democrats...
Link Posted: 1/23/2024 11:16:57 PM EDT
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Originally Posted By outdoorgb:
Fuck Democrats...
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Link Posted: 1/23/2024 11:18:50 PM EDT
Fuck anybody that allows that,encourages it and helps!!

Put it up on my fb page.
Will see how long it is up.
Link Posted: 1/23/2024 11:19:46 PM EDT
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Originally Posted By outdoorgb:
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Chamber of commerce type repubs have their fingers in the pie too.
Link Posted: 1/23/2024 11:20:59 PM EDT
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Originally Posted By SpankMonkey:
Unbelievable how much damage this is going to do.
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More unbelievable how certain people think this is a good thing.......I hope they suffer the worst
Link Posted: 1/23/2024 11:25:27 PM EDT
[Last Edit: FlashMan-7k] [#14]
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Originally Posted By 170Driver:

Even before I saw this video, I had a pretty good idea that it the NGOs had international help, but seeing this documentary removed all doubt. Anthony Rubin and his brother should get an award for this piece of true journalism.
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Originally Posted By 170Driver:
Originally Posted By FlashMan-7k:

The organizations providing support and maps need to get what they deserve for doing this stuff.

Love or hate trump, showing this stuff widely in ways the media cannot ignore would be a service he could do, even if nothing else.

This stuff should be forced into the media environment.

Even before I saw this video, I had a pretty good idea that it the NGOs had international help, but seeing this documentary removed all doubt. Anthony Rubin and his brother should get an award for this piece of true journalism.

Yon showed a bit of it too, earlier.

We knew years ago that people were handing out entry route maps in mexico.

And we have seen allegations like this recently:


Quote not folding, put it in a spoiler fold.
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It turns out that this pattern was far from happenstance. The Center for Immigration Studies asked several of the Mexican immigration officers what was going on and learned that President Joe Biden’s Department of Homeland Security has been coordinating these mass swims with Mexico’s immigration service, INM, at high levels on an encrypted Whatsapp channel.

The officers explained that their senior officers were in touch with U.S. Customs and Border Protection officials about how many immigrants were gathered and were prepared to cross the river at any given time.

“We’re letting them know that there’s a group of people ready to cross,” one officer explained.

But the process, which has never been publicized, amounts to a “controlled-flow” system most often used, controversially, by Colombia, Panama, and Costa Rica, to facilitate mass illegal migration to the U.S. border rather than incur the expense and trouble of blocking it in those countries.

Controlled-flow by the Biden administration’s DHS with Mexico also constitutes a highly unusual U.S. policy that demonstrates formal acquiescence to illegal immigration and an official willingness to accommodate mass illegal immigration rather than stopping, blocking, or deterring it, as required by law.
Link Posted: 1/23/2024 11:42:39 PM EDT
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Originally Posted By SpankMonkey:
Unbelievable how much damage this is going to do.
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IIRC allowing something like this on a smaller scale in the past is said to have set california on the course to be what it is right now.

Changing conditions to remove what they are coming here for would encourage a lot to self-deport.

The overt and covert hostiles left would have to be deported likely by the individual states.

Fedgov wants them here.
Link Posted: 1/23/2024 11:43:08 PM EDT
I knew about the NGO’s and communist countries but the fucking UN. Just solidifies my belief that C19 was a world wide conspiracy to steal the election from Trump.
Link Posted: 1/23/2024 11:45:34 PM EDT
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Originally Posted By 10mmillie:
I knew about the NGO’s and communist countries but the fucking UN. Just solidifies my belief that C19 was a world wide conspiracy to steal the election from Trump.
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The greater overall goal was to seize the reigns of the world's lone Superpower.

They won.

Link Posted: 1/23/2024 11:45:57 PM EDT
[Last Edit: FlashMan-7k] [#18]
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Originally Posted By 10mmillie:
I knew about the NGO’s and communist countries but the fucking UN. Just solidifies my belief that C19 was a world wide conspiracy to steal the election from Trump.
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Given the confusion and head-wrenching about faces that happened early on (rember the whole go hug a chinaman, have dinner in chinatown, don't close the borders you racist phase?)  I don't think the release was planned or intentional, but they sure did take advantage of it as soon as their fellow thinkers figured it out and showed them the way.

Our left and the CCP went the lockdown route because our left is american style maoism. They think the same way and thus will react the same way to the same situation.

ETA: pepperidge farms remembers anita dunn:
Ben Shapiro17 Oct 2012

Everybody realizes at this point that one of President Barack Obama’s debate coaches is 2004 losing presidential candidate Sen. John Kerry (D-MA). But it’s been largely overlooked that another one of his debate coaches is Anita Dunn.

The third lesson and tip actually come from two of my favorite political philosophers, Mao Zedong and Mother Teresa — not often coupled with each together, but the two people that I turn to most to basically deliver a simple point, which is, you’re going to make choices. You’re going to challenge. You’re going to say, “Why not?” You’re going to figure out how to do things that have never been done before. But here’s the deal: These are your choices. They are no one else’s.

In 1947, when Mao Zedong was being challenged within his own party on his plan to basically take China over, Chiang Kai-shek and the Nationalist Chinese held the cities, they had the army, they had the air force, they had everything on their side. And people said, “How can you win? How can you do this? How can you do this against all of the odds against you?” And Mao Zedong said, you know, “You fight your war, and I’ll fight mine.” And think about that for a second.

The american left has widely adopted maoist tactics. Heck, we have useful suckers for the red-guardist "attack the olds" in putatively friendly places. Some take "ok boomer" just that far.
Link Posted: 1/23/2024 11:46:42 PM EDT
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Originally Posted By Rheinmetall792:

The greater overall goal was to seize the reigns of the world's lone Superpower.

They won.

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Originally Posted By Rheinmetall792:
Originally Posted By 10mmillie:
I knew about the NGO’s and communist countries but the fucking UN. Just solidifies my belief that C19 was a world wide conspiracy to steal the election from Trump.

The greater overall goal was to seize the reigns of the world's lone Superpower.

They won.

Nothing is ever won securely.
Link Posted: 1/23/2024 11:50:48 PM EDT
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Originally Posted By crashburnrepeat:

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Originally Posted By crashburnrepeat:
Originally Posted By outdoorgb:
Fuck Democrats...

It's not just the Ds. The Rs aren't helping either. How about F them ALL
Link Posted: 1/23/2024 11:51:45 PM EDT
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Originally Posted By cyclone:

More unbelievable how certain people think this is a good thing.......I hope they suffer the worst
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Originally Posted By cyclone:
Originally Posted By SpankMonkey:
Unbelievable how much damage this is going to do.

More unbelievable how certain people think this is a good thing.......I hope they suffer the worst

They will.
Unfortunately,  so will we.
Link Posted: 1/23/2024 11:55:47 PM EDT
This is an ongoing disaster.
Link Posted: 1/24/2024 12:07:25 AM EDT
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Originally Posted By FlashMan-7k:

Video is worth the watch.

This stuff has organized outside hostile support.

Yes, including chinese.
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Originally Posted By FlashMan-7k:
Originally Posted By ITCHY-FINGER:
So the entire Southern hemisphere didn't just decide to march North due to climate change?

Video is worth the watch.

This stuff has organized outside hostile support.

Yes, including chinese.

Link Posted: 1/24/2024 12:15:39 AM EDT
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Originally Posted By Prijador:

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Originally Posted By Prijador:
Originally Posted By FlashMan-7k:
Originally Posted By ITCHY-FINGER:
So the entire Southern hemisphere didn't just decide to march North due to climate change?

Video is worth the watch.

This stuff has organized outside hostile support.

Yes, including chinese.

It should be spread around everywhere.

People should know.
Link Posted: 1/24/2024 12:17:59 AM EDT
Believe it or not, Obama was actually pretty tough on the border. There were only about two things he actually did right.
Link Posted: 1/24/2024 12:22:04 AM EDT
[Last Edit: FlashMan-7k] [#26]
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Originally Posted By Pallas:
Believe it or not, Obama was actually pretty tough on the border. There were only about two things he actually did right.
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The guy who's reigeme intentionally ran guns to the cartel was good on the border?


Ok than.

ETA: I hope you're wearing a nomex bodysuit.
Link Posted: 1/24/2024 12:23:45 AM EDT
[Last Edit: Morlawn66] [#27]
"Evidently it's who we are as a country " .    An invasion facilitated by our own .gov .   Heard FKH today on how to fix this ,  "more people to process them faster " was her answer,  truly wtf .  Biden is Obama ,   same people except  Eric Holder just helps steal elections now .
Link Posted: 1/24/2024 12:34:03 AM EDT
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Originally Posted By Pallas:
Believe it or not, Obama was actually pretty tough on the border. There were only about two things he actually did right.
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He played the optics while setting up the long game we are seeing now.
Link Posted: 1/24/2024 12:35:54 AM EDT
What's up with the audio in the OP's video? I have it all the way up and it's barely audible.
Link Posted: 1/24/2024 12:39:21 AM EDT
[Last Edit: FlashMan-7k] [#30]
It looks like they did not use any dynamic range compression - making the softer parts louder, the louder parts softer, and than "turning the volume up" on everything.

I had no trouble hearing any of it on my headphones, though.

ETA: VLC media player can take YT links and will let you turn the audio up above 100%.


Open network stream

Past the URL into the network URL box, hit play.

Link Posted: 1/24/2024 12:40:50 AM EDT
At this point anyone caught knowingly employing an illegal needs to be stripped of their business license and everyone within the company involved with the hiring process needs to be stripped of everything they own (probably the only time I'd support asset forfeiture) and then thrown in jail- besides cutting off any and all benefits, it's the only thing that has any chance of slowing them down.  
Link Posted: 1/24/2024 12:42:03 AM EDT
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Originally Posted By sandboxmedic:
At this point anyone caught knowingly employing an illegal needs to be stripped of their business license and everyone within the company involved with the hiring process needs to be stripped of everything they own (probably the only time I'd support asset forfeiture) and then thrown in jail- besides cutting off any and all benefits, it's the only thing that has any chance of slowing them down.  
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You would have to close some pretty big catholic (and other) "charities" as well.
Link Posted: 1/24/2024 12:43:35 AM EDT
The 2021, 2022, and 2023 invasion numbers are straight-up shocking when depicted on that bar graph.

Those 1960s invasion numbers...
Link Posted: 1/24/2024 12:45:49 AM EDT
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Originally Posted By FVMC:

It's not just the Ds. The Rs aren't helping either. How about F them ALL
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yes, fuck the entire political class

but a special fuck to joe and jill democrat, they are the enablers and therefore the enemy of liberty

neither should ever been forgiven
Link Posted: 1/24/2024 12:49:53 AM EDT
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Originally Posted By SpankMonkey:
Unbelievable how much damage this is going to do.
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Spot on. The strain on our schools and social systems are just beginning.
I recently read where 60% of illegal immigrants manage to get on social welfare immediately.
You think the national debt is bad now, just wait a few years.
Link Posted: 1/24/2024 12:50:54 AM EDT
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Originally Posted By sandboxmedic:
At this point anyone caught knowingly employing an illegal needs to be stripped of their business license and everyone within the company involved with the hiring process needs to be stripped of everything they own (probably the only time I'd support asset forfeiture) and then thrown in jail- besides cutting off any and all benefits, it's the only thing that has any chance of slowing them down.  
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When I shop around for companies to do work on my home (roofing, etc.), I straight up ask them if they have illegals. So far they've all either been honest with their "no" answers, or they hand-picked their American workers for the jobs because I haven't had a single foreigner on my property.
Link Posted: 1/24/2024 1:05:47 AM EDT
There are not enough rope and trees for the people that caused the invasion of our country.
Link Posted: 1/24/2024 1:13:54 AM EDT
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Originally Posted By Off-the-Grid:
There are not enough rope and trees for the people that caused the invasion of our country.
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Rope is reusable.  Start tying knots.
Link Posted: 1/24/2024 1:14:23 AM EDT
It's a orchestrated attack using illegal immigration on nearly all western countries actually. It's going on in Europe too, except, it's NGO ships that scoop up the migrant army at sea and then dump them onto Europe. It started to peak around 2015 in Europe, and our southern border is being invaded using the same talking points that were first used in Europe in 2015. They are told to say that they are refugees in order to give the media talking points to deceive the public with, and the elected officials are in on it and bus them around to various states in our case, and to various EU countries in Europe's case.

It's not a random occurrence at all. The global warming claims are just BS lies. If there was even a tiny grain of truth too it then there would be swarms trying to get into Japan and South Korea as those are wealthy first world countries but no, they don't have this issue, as their politicians are like Trump and don't allow it.
Link Posted: 1/24/2024 2:09:01 AM EDT
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Originally Posted By FlashMan-7k:

You would have to close some pretty big catholic (and other) "charities" as well.
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Originally Posted By FlashMan-7k:
Originally Posted By sandboxmedic:
At this point anyone caught knowingly employing an illegal needs to be stripped of their business license and everyone within the company involved with the hiring process needs to be stripped of everything they own (probably the only time I'd support asset forfeiture) and then thrown in jail- besides cutting off any and all benefits, it's the only thing that has any chance of slowing them down.  

You would have to close some pretty big catholic (and other) "charities" as well.

I'm good with that, they've needed to be shut down for years. There are a lot of non-profits, including churches, that need to be permanently shuttered for violating the rules for non-profits, not just the illegal problem.
Link Posted: 1/24/2024 2:17:28 AM EDT
Dat ‘54 dip!

Link Posted: 1/24/2024 2:29:26 AM EDT
That does it! I'm SO over all of this shit. Release teh kitties!!!

Link Posted: 1/24/2024 8:19:41 AM EDT
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Originally Posted By huggybro:

Spot on. The strain on our schools and social systems are just beginning.
I recently read where 60% of illegal immigrants manage to get on social welfare immediately.
You think the national debt is bad now, just wait a few years.
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Originally Posted By huggybro:
Originally Posted By SpankMonkey:
Unbelievable how much damage this is going to do.

Spot on. The strain on our schools and social systems are just beginning.
I recently read where 60% of illegal immigrants manage to get on social welfare immediately.
You think the national debt is bad now, just wait a few years.

I would have thought the number would be much higher than 60%.
Link Posted: 1/24/2024 8:27:14 AM EDT
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Originally Posted By FlashMan-7k:

Chamber of commerce type repubs have their fingers in the pie too.
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HHS and DHS are directly funding the NGOs.

DHS has taken ads out in south America instruting people how to get here and what to do once they arrive at the border.

Link Posted: 1/24/2024 10:06:08 AM EDT
Holy fuck.
Link Posted: 1/24/2024 11:16:57 AM EDT
The fact that this thread is still only one page tells me we are part of the problem as well.
Link Posted: 1/24/2024 11:26:46 AM EDT
[Last Edit: 14BoltFF] [#47]
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Originally Posted By inGobwetrust:
The fact that this thread is still only one page tells me we are part of the problem as well.
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I was just thinking that it's a shame this thread hasn't gained more traction. 11,000 per day. That's a town's worth of invaders crossing the border daily - and those are only the ones being counted.
Link Posted: 1/24/2024 11:27:39 AM EDT
Morning bump.
Link Posted: 1/24/2024 11:34:05 AM EDT
[Last Edit: Glck1911] [#49]
This country is done if this isn't stopped soon.  Unfortunately many seem to be okay with that.

Can't help but notice the disgusting sense of entitlement expressed by the invaders in that video. They have been brainwashed by media into believing that you, Joe American, owes them.

All of the fucking morons who regurgitate retarded shit like "Migration will back fire on the Dems!  Latinos hate abortion!" need to watch this.

Link Posted: 1/24/2024 11:44:36 AM EDT
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Originally Posted By crashburnrepeat:

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Originally Posted By crashburnrepeat:
Originally Posted By outdoorgb:
Fuck Democrats...

Fuck Globalists, and those who wish to bring the US down.  
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