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Posted: 6/2/2002 3:32:37 PM EDT
Posted by Stokes at Assaultweb.net

I've about had enough of this whole Hippocratic mess so here is my two cents
on what "other boards" think of AW. Yes I'm about to become very unpopular
on the web.
This does not go out to our brothers and sister boards who have proven to be
so...you know who you are..
I have seen on several threads on here people mentioning what other boards
or Media?? Think of Assaultweb.net.

Well here is what I know for a fact..

Other boards...Well it is like this. Most of those folks who condemn AW come
here under different user names and post their trash.. Some like
have many user names and play games on all the boards trying to pit them
against one another.

Who is responsible for the posts they all complain about? Allot of them are.

Why do they post it on here? Because we had allowed them a freedom that the
big corporate guns boards would not...

I think it is funny as hell that most of the most ardent voices to cry
freedom at one time.... Are over at those other boards under the very thumb
of big bro himself..
And are now dumbed down and compliant..

Because they can look at all the porn they want to attract membership but
they sacrificed an amount of freedom because they don't want to loose their

And any sponsor who would condone such trash on a board that
advertises for them is just a guilty for the demise of this countries moral
and family values as the porn producers themselves.

Some call us a hate site
..Well the one thing we really hate is a hypocrite. ohh cry oh Ardent ones
now.they are full of crap and are not brother and sisters..

The worst thing is we are actually nice to them offering to help out and
give them a place to post when their boards go down for and extended period
of time.

They come on here and say oh thanks for the forum you guys are nice
for doing this.. Then go back and stick the knife in our backs and claim how
much they hated it over here..Oh well all I can say to those are..The offer
will not be extended again..

That is one reason AW never asked or had pop ups we will have no sponsors in
control of what we say or think on this website..

Anyone who says bad things about AW is like the biggest hypocrites there is
because trust me they have been on here at one time or another or on the
"other boards" and said the same if not terribly worse..and this applies to
a very large part of the web community...Any one who thinks differently has
just got to be dreaming because it is 100% true.

Of course there are exceptions and real good people on other boards to..
But ask the old timers who have been around these gun boards for years...

I saw it when we first started over at AK.net.. I had a different
username..and killed it because I made the choice that if I was going to be
on the web I wasn't going to play the game,, and I would always be...Stokes or
StokesAW..Some version because there is another Stokes at AR-15.com and we
sometimes get mixed up..

all good if you like me ..I don't really give a crap if you don't..

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Link Posted: 6/2/2002 3:33:50 PM EDT
Who cares.
Link Posted: 6/2/2002 3:34:39 PM EDT

In my time on the web I'll always be Stokes..and people will know who they
are dealing with.

Allot of what you see and read by different handles is actually the same
people another persona.

Let me assure you also that I visit the other boards on a very regular basis
and keep tabs on these people also that come on here to get things riled up
and then leave and go hoot it up on another site about what they did ..They
will be leaving this site shortly....

Of course the other guns boards want AW to fail also because even with all
the porn..all the big fancy software.. They have never been able to match
the number of hits to our servers or the quality of our good membership who
is only here seeking fellowship..

They get stuck with the trash and we will start over and become better and
stronger than ever before...

Now it has been said also that AW endangers the Gun communities' purpose or
the gun community itself..

Well let me tell you this from and oldtimer in the gun community.The Gun
community has killed itself..

Just like Christians are Christianity's worst enemy.

Gunowners will tear the gun community apart bit by bit..until we
loose all of or rights..do you know why ???

Because they refuse to get
along..jealousy,pride,envy,hatered,polotics..will tear the gun community to
shreds.. It did not start on Assaultweb.net either.. it started way before.

Gunowners have been separating themselves from one another from the start..

First there were the Sportsman who were against anyone with a

Then it evolved into the online comunities..ARs against
Aks..Glocks vs. Sigs.. Gunowners continue to disrespect their brothers and
sisters around the net..

Now it is anyone who brings out the truth is
endangering us. well spank my hiney..Endangering you???Your big mouth
endangered you we did not..

Asaultweb.net is one of the most patriotic sites around. We love our country
those of us who are Americans on here.. The Canadians love their country.
The British and Aussies love theirs... That is why we are so pissed and
opinionated about our countries and the loss of our rights.Yes we do take it

Oh where are the Ardent ones now..close up the porn boys..wake up.. your
rights are in danger because you're the ones who could not shut your big
freaking mouths on here and the other gun boards everywhere.

Freedom of
speach where is it?? Where are the old defenders??

"I may not like you but
I'll defend your freedom of speech anywhere"

..Dam hadn't heard that in a

it is more than alive here.we just ask people not go

They will not anymore.Because we are sick of being the soap box
for every loud mouth, overbearing opinionated, hypocritical, ass on the
web..who does not care what he says , who it endangers, or if it would make
people uncomfortable...

An idiot brought up Our Brother CSA the other day on a forum..Really because
CSA spanked the guy real good with factual information and he could not take
it and decide to troll CSA's forum. But he says it is the other way
around..LOL I wonder why..LOL hypocrite.

CSA on here brings to light sensitive topics so people can discuss them
mostly dealing with the southern black vs. white issues but not limited to..

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Link Posted: 6/2/2002 3:40:00 PM EDT

And I thought this was about the "conception" thread we shut down.

Link Posted: 6/2/2002 3:42:22 PM EDT

And I thought this was about the "conception" thread we shut down.

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Speaking of that, what do you have to say legrue?

Link Posted: 6/2/2002 3:54:08 PM EDT
STILL Cont...

So is he or any of his crew racists??..don't think so To my best knowledge I
have never seen them say they hate anyone..

What they hate and discuss is the
failure of southern State and Federal goverments to equalize the so called equal

And I agree with them 100% in that issue and it is the only one I
probably do agree with them about..

CSA was brought on here because the other..Sites with all those sensitive
members just didn't want to hear any bad stuff about minorities or

So they were actively trolling him..Because his views just did not fit in with the gun community there.

Well wake up guys get your noses
out of the porn page.. Minorities and immigration are real world problems
out here in the real world off the computer screens..

Oh but they would never
register as another user..And come on here and agree with that.

you have done it..

Brother Belloc and myself are known Muslim lovers. because we care and
realize that inspite of the events of 9/11 there are good Muslims.. And
there are bad Muslims..
Just like any other race or religion.

. Kinda like there are good gun
owners and bad gun owners eh???

Hipocrits..you're the racist for condemning a whole religion and culture of people everytime you scream kill the rag heads
or we are going to get them rag heads now..

Hey maybe instead of looking at all that porn you should pay some attention
to your wife, if you got one..Or maybe you should try to get a flesh and
blood real woman.

"oh but if we don't look at porn we just don't know how to
appreciate a truly beautiful woman"....Wrong..wake up and.. get that thingy
out of your hand.. Get a real woman hipocrites..Appreciate her..and if you have a wife don't disrespect her by looking at porn..

Here on AW the American family and others included worldly ..family values
are the most important issue and the other sites who would choose to support
the demise of it by supporting and industry like porn..

Are guilty of more
terrorisitic acts against American and the world moral values than any so called
terrorist ever did.

Point blank.bunch of hypocrites..

Stay as cozy as you want on the safe corporately protected sites as you
want..But I guarantee you this when the time comes for trouble..

It will be
a brother or sister from AW or affiliated with them that will be the ones
truly fighting and dying for your freedoms while you sit back in your comfy
chair..on your supposedly secure computer and read your porn and brag about
your guns..

Now we had an inccodent last night or a "brother" on a web site he is a moderator on letting a Anti AW post continue on that site in an unprofessional manner...He was a memeber of AW also and was contributing to the trash over there..

Well Just another Hipocrite..So called patriot trying to pit the boards against each other.. Stir up hard feelings and further separate the gun comunity more..
Now I see a buddy of his shows up in defense this morning.. Well if that buddy turns out to say the same bad stuff on the "other"board he will be leaving also...

If you want to play games the rest of your life ,start crap, between the boards, come over here and post your trash and then go over to another site and joke about it..

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Link Posted: 6/2/2002 3:56:34 PM EDT

Your nothing but trash yourself.. you will not be on here...you do not deserve the privilage of association with the good people on this board.

Matter of fact your about the sorriest form of "socalled patriot" there is the very ones who are destroying and will be the downfall of the gun comunity..

Well...at least you all will have porn to read when you loose the RKBA because you were to stupid to let your anamosities go toward others and actually work for the betterment of the gun owners...

I'm sick of them all let the trash say what it wants.

As for the good people who have negative opinions of assaultweb...I'll take their opinions any day ..at least they are serious and not wasting their time viewing porn material and arguing over what site banned you and why they are so bad...

Well this is the Gun comunity folks...we should all be so proud of their accomplishments...

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Laussy, was we just spanked?

What amuses me the most is the part where they claim to support free speech on their site, but within reason. WTF is that?? Sorta like, I support the second ammendment, but only up to .22 rimfires.

At least here, you can pretty much express your opinion, so long as it doesn't get nasty.

What a bunch of loons.

Link Posted: 6/2/2002 4:09:24 PM EDT

And I thought this was about the "conception" thread we shut down.

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Speaking of that, what do you have to say legrue?

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I'll let Mac answer for me.


If you want to engage a debate on abortion, please start a new thread.

This is commonly known as "hijacking" a thread is frowned upon here.

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Still, my other offer still stands. If we can keep our dicks in our pants, I'll engage in a dialogue with you. I'm not sure I see the point, however, as our opinions are likely to remain unchanged.

Link Posted: 6/2/2002 4:15:54 PM EDT

Shirley you know my comment in this thread was in jest.

Link Posted: 6/2/2002 4:17:39 PM EDT
Wow, this thread brought a tear to my eye, I wish I could read more shit like this on a daily basis.  I especially love the part about loving Muslims.  
Link Posted: 6/2/2002 4:22:33 PM EDT

Shirley you know my comment in this thread was in jest.

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T'wasn't sure. And stop calling me Shirley.

-legrue, your brother in arms.

Link Posted: 6/2/2002 4:33:15 PM EDT

Your nothing but trash yourself.. you will not be on here...you do not deserve the privilage of association with the good people on this board.

Matter of fact your about the sorriest form of "socalled patriot" there is the very ones who are destroying and will be the downfall of the gun comunity..

Well...at least you all will have porn to read when you loose the RKBA because you were to stupid to let your anamosities go toward others and actually work for the betterment of the gun owners...

I'm sick of them all let the trash say what it wants.

As for the good people who have negative opinions of assaultweb...I'll take their opinions any day ..at least they are serious and not wasting their time viewing porn material and arguing over what site banned you and why they are so bad...

Well this is the Gun comunity folks...we should all be so proud of their accomplishments...

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Laussy, was we just spanked?

What amuses me the most is the part where they claim to support free speech on their site, but within reason. WTF is that?? Sorta like, I support the second ammendment, but only up to .22 rimfires.

At least here, you can pretty much express your opinion, so long as it doesn't get nasty.

What a bunch of loons.

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Seems to me they are a private site with rules. Same as here. I've seen folks get banned here too. You don't like it? Go play somewhere else.... So they don't like porn and swearing. That makes them loons? If you believe that, why go there? Did you post this just to stir shit like stokes says? Guess ya just proved him right! He's the loon???  [:D]
Link Posted: 6/2/2002 4:34:06 PM EDT
I noticed he uses the word PORN More often than he uses the word PATRIOT.

Kinda lets you know, where his priorities are at.
Link Posted: 6/2/2002 4:43:57 PM EDT
Link Posted: 6/2/2002 6:08:22 PM EDT
Oh I get it now, that guy that got pulled over for being a dumbass and putting a "neaby militia on standby" is perfectly normal.  Sheesh and all this time I thought they were a bit looney.  Guess I was WRONG! [:)]
Link Posted: 6/2/2002 6:13:59 PM EDT
I like Assweb,
The GD is kinda Crazy, but they do have a wealth of info for the taking.

Excellent C& R section
I could go on and on, but each place has its own sections for stuff.
Link Posted: 6/2/2002 6:33:24 PM EDT
I think this guy forgot to take his pills this morning[whacko]. he sounds just a little high strung if you ask. no body here really flames assault web or any other boards. just relax

chill out.
Link Posted: 6/2/2002 8:01:38 PM EDT
It's all the doctors' fault...they're responsible for "this whole Hippocratic mess"...them and their damned oath.
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