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Posted: 8/23/2017 2:57:01 PM EDT
If the Republican Party is the mainstream right, who is the alternative right?
Link Posted: 8/23/2017 2:58:05 PM EDT
Is that like adult contemporary?
Link Posted: 8/23/2017 3:03:13 PM EDT
Everyone who libs disagree with.
Link Posted: 8/23/2017 3:04:41 PM EDT
Pretty much any non-RINO Republican from the sound of it.
Link Posted: 8/23/2017 3:05:22 PM EDT
Anyone with a political ideology to the right of communism.
Link Posted: 8/23/2017 3:05:54 PM EDT
I am not sure what it represents, but it sounds like something I would join.
Link Posted: 8/23/2017 3:08:12 PM EDT
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Pretty much any non-RINO Republican from the sound of it.
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"Suck the dick of Politically Correct self-censorship or we shall call you a Nazi."
Link Posted: 8/23/2017 3:09:55 PM EDT
OP is baiting you. Notice how he conveniently left out the KKK, Aryan Nation, Sovereignist, anarchists, and the other assorted nut balls? What a puke poll.
Link Posted: 8/23/2017 3:10:06 PM EDT
Anyone that the leftists and GOP establishment don't like is "Alt Right".
Link Posted: 8/23/2017 3:10:23 PM EDT
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Everyone who libs disagree with.
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Link Posted: 8/23/2017 3:11:54 PM EDT
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Everyone who libs disagree with.
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Link Posted: 8/23/2017 3:12:17 PM EDT
None; the alt-right is an apparition created by the MSM and leftists to demonize all opposition. Soon all opposition will be racist, homophobe etc.
Link Posted: 8/23/2017 3:13:00 PM EDT
I still don't know who they're talking about when they say alt-right and white nationalist. These terms seem to have sprung up out of nowhere when Trump won the election.
Link Posted: 8/23/2017 3:15:08 PM EDT
Spectacular poll fail.
Link Posted: 8/23/2017 3:15:11 PM EDT
Sitting around debating how people label themselves is fucking retarded.
Link Posted: 8/23/2017 3:15:30 PM EDT
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I still don't know who they're talking about when they say alt-right ...
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Its a self explanatory term, alternative right. Who is the alternative to the Republican party on the right of the political spectrum? It's not white supremacists. That's the media trying to demonize everyone more conservative than John McCain.
Link Posted: 8/23/2017 3:17:11 PM EDT
Poll fail. Answer is "None of the above".
Link Posted: 8/23/2017 3:25:18 PM EDT
isnt it a slander term for all the real right leaning people?

an attempt to discredit, disparage, villainize.. or paint as fringe groups
Link Posted: 8/23/2017 3:40:43 PM EDT
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Anyone with a political ideology to the right of communism.
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This, plus anyone who is not really a NeoCon cuck.
Link Posted: 8/23/2017 3:43:03 PM EDT
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Sitting around debating how people label themselves is fucking retarded.
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Not to mention we don't need to define 'alternative' anything anymore. We won an election on the non traditional platform Trump ran on. It polls well with the republican voters. Many reps are in support of it. The party goals have shifted. This is the republican party now. You're just republican voters folks. Debate individual issues not labels.
Link Posted: 8/23/2017 3:44:25 PM EDT
Fictitious term...
Link Posted: 8/23/2017 3:45:27 PM EDT
It's just the current label that the left/media is using to dehumanize conservatives. During the Dubya years it was "neocon".

Media/left would cover Trump events full of people who were obviously middle class working folk with not a radical bone in their body, but would use denigrating terms like "alt right" and "white nationalist". These events were implied to be

dangerous to civilization. At the same time, the rioters that disrupted every event were described as "peaceful protesters". It's all propaganda.
Link Posted: 8/23/2017 3:48:09 PM EDT
R ight

O f

S wamp
Link Posted: 8/23/2017 3:58:30 PM EDT
None. Each group is their own group. PERIOD. Each group would show up on a political compass in different areas.

Link Posted: 8/23/2017 4:00:12 PM EDT
The Charlottesville Statement

August 11, 20171.

Race: Race is real. Race matters. Race is the foundation of identity.
“White” is shorthand for a worldwide constellation of peoples, each of which is derived from the Indo-European race, often called Aryan.
“European” refers to a core stock—Celtic, Germanic, Hellenic, Latin,
Nordic, and Slavic—from which related cultures and a shared civilization
2. Jews: Jews are an ethno-religious people distinct from Europeans. At various times, they have existed within European societies, without
being of them. The preservation of their identity as Jews was and is
contingent on resistance to assimilation, sometimes expressed as
hostility towards their hosts. “Judeo-Christian values” might be a
quaint political slogan, but it is a distortion of the historical and
metaphysical reality of both Jews and Europeans.
3. The Ethno-State: Nations must secure their existence and uniqueness and promote their own development and flourishing. The state is an existential entity,
and, at its best, a physical manifestation of a people’s being, order,
and will to survive. Racially or ethnically defined states are
legitimate and necessary.
4. Metapolitics: Spirit is the wellspring of culture, and politics is downstream of that. The Alt-Right wages a situational and ideological war on those
deconstructing European history and identity. The decrepit values of
Woodstock and Wall Street mean nothing to us.
5. White America: The founding population of the United States was primarily Anglo-Saxon and Protestant. By the Great War, a coherent American nation
emerged that was European and Christian. Other races inhabited the
continent and were often set in conflict or subservience to Whites.
Whites alone defined America as a European society and political order.
6. Europe: Europe is our common home, and our ancestors’ bone and blood lie in its soil.
European unity emerged at critical points in history, but so did fragmentation, rivalry, and betrayal. As brother nations, Europeans have
competed with one another, and even hated and killed one another. We
can no longer afford the luxury of intra-racial squabbling. “Brothers
wars” gain us nothing, and directly lead to our collective downfall.
Europeans must come together as a family.
The so-called “refugee crisis” is an invasion, a war without bullets, taking place on the fields of race, religion, sex, and morality. At
stake is Europe’s very identity—whether the continent will be the locus
of our people’s shared story, or become just another Islamic outpost.
7. Family: The family—a man and woman in a loving relationship that produces offspring—is an essential, indispensable foundation for a healthy and
functioning society.
8. Human Nature: Man is not a blank slate on which to be written, nor was he born a guileless, noble savage. Human nature—the reality of race, sex,
heritability, and innate endowments—is the most powerful force shaping
individuals, families, societies, and nations.
9. Women and Sex: Women, as mothers and caregivers, are key to the future of our race and civilization. We oppose feminism, deviancy, the futile denial of
biological reality, and everything destructive to healthy relations
between men and women. We must overcome today’s debased and lonely “porn
culture” and return to a sexuality that is fruitful and erotic in the
truest sense of the word.
10. Foreign Affairs: The foreign policies of European states (including immigration, diplomacy, and war) should be based on the safeguarding of its
peoples—and not be beholden to special or foreign interests, nor to
corporate profit motives, nor to the chimeras of globalism,
humanitarianism, or the End of History. Insofar as “chauvinism” means
attempting to transform non-Europeans into Europeans, we are not
“Western chauvinists.”
11. Speech: American citizens should enjoy freedom of speech as guaranteed by the Constitution; we endorse this value for all European peoples. We oppose
those who seek to suppress the speech of people with whom they
disagree, whether through government censorship, corporate policy,
digital platform denial, or intimidation.
12. Firearms: All U.S. citizens, and all Europeans, should have the right to bear arms, as a means of protecting themselves and their families and
enjoying the manly sport of hunting.
13. Globalization: International trade and the good-faith exchange of ideas can be beneficial to all. Economic and political globalization, however, has
been destructive to authentic cultures. Industrialized countries are
being transformed into great “nothings” and “nowheres”:
indistinguishable, concrete dumping grounds and shopping centers,
divorced from culture, people, and history. Globalization threatens not
just Europeans but every unique identity on Earth.
14. The Left: Leftism is an ideology of death and must be confronted and defeated. “Losing gracefully” will eventuate in the destruction of our people and
15. Economics: Economic freedom is not an end in itself. All economic policies should serve the people of the nation; the interests of businessmen and
global merchants should never take precedence over the well-being of
workers, families, and the natural world.
16. Urban Life: The automobile, the highway system, and resultant “car culture” have contributed to the death of cities and towns. While not everyone will
live in urban environments, cities are vital institutions of culture,
community, learning, and the arts. They should never have been abandoned
by American Whites of older generations and should be reestablished as
jewels of our civilization.
17. The Natural World: We are a special part of the natural order, being in it and above it. We have the potential to become nature’s steward or its destroyer.
Putting aside contentious matters like global warming and resource
depletion, European countries should invest in national parks,
wilderness preserves, and wildlife refuges, as well as productive and
sustainable farms and ranches. The natural world—and our experience of
it—is an end in itself.
18. The ‘68ers: The generation born between the years 1945 and 1964 abrogated its duty to safeguard and pass down a civilization to its children. The
so-called “‘68ers” engage in childish narcissism of the most extreme
kind; they bear responsibility for today’s lamentable state of affairs;
and they are seemingly unable even to recognize their culpability.
A new generation of leadership is desperately needed.
19. Education: Modern education—from preschool to the doctoral level—has become corrupted past the point of recognition. This industry (both public and
private) serves leftist ideologues, loan financiers, and a new class of
administrators far more than it serves students and parents.
Children should not be indoctrinated in liberal dogma but given a foundation in language, mathematics, the arts, history, and science.
Higher education—far from being a “right” or a “pathway to the middle
class”—is only appropriate for a cognitive elite dedicated to truth; it
is improper, even detrimental, for most. Practical education—trade
schools and apprenticeships—should be revived as the norm for most
20. Personal Duties: A man distinguishes himself by his deeds. And every man, in his own way, must strive to be something more than a man: to be honored by his
heirs; to be part of something greater than his self.
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source: https://altright.com/2017/08/11/what-it-means-to-be-alt-right/
Link Posted: 8/23/2017 4:05:32 PM EDT
 Nationalistic Fiscal Socialist Social Liberals
Link Posted: 8/23/2017 4:09:54 PM EDT
The only thing spanning all half-dozen identifiable factions is post-libertarianism. The alt right is the understanding that classical liberalism is incapable of preserving itself.
Link Posted: 8/23/2017 4:12:14 PM EDT
If the Republican Party is the mainstream right, who is the alternative right?
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Depends ... do you mean "in reality" or "in the eyes of the left"?

Cos in the eyes of the left anyone who's not a liberal is alt-right.
Link Posted: 8/23/2017 4:51:49 PM EDT
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Depends ... do you mean "in reality" or "in the eyes of the left"?

Cos in the eyes of the left anyone who's not a liberal is alt-right.
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Reality. Not the false media narrative that the "alt-right" is a bunch of Nazis.
Link Posted: 8/23/2017 5:19:47 PM EDT
Everyone the communists disagree with.
Link Posted: 8/23/2017 5:34:03 PM EDT
There are "alt right" Nazis and not racist conservatives (fed up with neocons) that innocently wear the "alt right" label.  

I'm not posting a link, but search YouTube for "the alt light strikes back".  Its offensive as hell. Be prepared.  I believe the real "alt right" is an actual national socialist movement. It was accidentally co-opted by frustrated conservatives unaware of its origin.
Link Posted: 8/27/2017 7:53:40 PM EDT
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Everyone the communists disagree with.
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I hope everyone is paying attention this weekend to San Francisco and Berkely.
Link Posted: 8/28/2017 11:41:17 AM EDT
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There are "alt right" Nazis and not racist conservatives (fed up with neocons) that innocently wear the "alt right" label.  

I'm not posting a link, but search YouTube for "the alt light strikes back".  Its offensive as hell. Be prepared.  I believe the real "alt right" is an actual national socialist movement. It was accidentally co-opted by frustrated conservatives unaware of its origin.
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Nailed it
Link Posted: 8/28/2017 11:42:10 AM EDT
made up bogeyman by the left progressives.
Link Posted: 8/28/2017 12:56:10 PM EDT
I wish we had a like function on this board.  Guess I should chip in for a membership so they could make it happen.

jekbrown:Everyone the communists disagree with.
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Getting to be damn near that way.

GrasshopperNOmore:I believe the real "alt right" is an actual national socialist movement. It was accidentally co-opted by frustrated conservatives unaware of its origin.
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Yes, but it was also co-opted by natsocs unaware of its frustrated conservative origin.  Refer to eesmith.

GreyHat:The only thing spanning all half-dozen identifiable factions is post-libertarianism. The alt right is the understanding that classical liberalism is incapable of preserving itself.
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I think you are right about the altright being a postlibertarian movement as many people are beginning to realize they must first preserve the nation.  There is an undeniable ethnostate component to it, but the current internal debate for the soul of the altright is on propositional civic nationalism.  I disagree with you on classical liberalism, the Dark Enlightenment has confirmed that the limited franchise is necessary to maintain the liberal Enlightenment ideas rather than a need to return to authoritarianism.  This was presaged by Edmund Burke, who I shall paraphrase: "Men are qualified for civil liberty in exact proportion to their disposition to put moral chains upon their own appetites.  Men of intemperate minds cannot be free.  Their passions forge their fetters."

DstryrOfWrlds: Nationalistic Fiscal Socialist Social Liberals
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Regrettably, I can't tell if you are trying to joke.  But there is a vein of American economic philosophy that is moving through the altright that has largely been ignored in the last half century of conservative discourse.  It was someone on arfcom (and I wish I could recall the posters' name to give credit) that turned me on to colonial scrip.  The control of economic policy for the benefit of the public was seen in colonial times, in federalist times, by Lincoln, and then the turn of the century progressive movement epitomized with TR's New Nationalism.  Appealing to the American workingman's economic self-interest was one of Trump's winning moves.  We may see the acceptance of economic principles into American Conservatism that were ironically enough originally voiced by Karl Marx (albeit before he went off the deep end and became... err uhh hmm uhh before Marx became Marxist).

Caeser2001:None. Each group is their own group. PERIOD. Each group would show up on a political compass in different areas.

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The political compass is a bunch of bulljive, a cultural wasteland filled with inappropriate metaphors and an unrealistic portrayal of life created by the liberal media elite. But, yeah, the altright is a big tent right now of discontented people with interconnected ideas.  The internal debate for the soul of the altright pits the hope of civic nationalism against the dread of ethnonationalism.  It is a young man's movement so it is in need of middle aged and elder leadership to rightly guide it through the lens of Americana.  Lacking that is how you end up with idiot parades like Charlottesville, or even Spencer's "Hail Trump" forehead slapper finale at the NPI conference last year.

McGuy:It's just the current label that the left/media is using to dehumanize conservatives. During the Dubya years it was "neocon".

Media/left would cover Trump events full of people who were obviously middle class working folk with not a radical bone in their body, but would use denigrating terms like "alt right" and "white nationalist". These events were implied to be dangerous to civilization. At the same time, the rioters that disrupted every event were described as "peaceful protesters". It's all propaganda.
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Pretty much, and it may be one reason why George Washington denounced partisanship, because it restricts the intellectual freedom of adherents.  People in general are eager to pigeonhole each other into certain stereotypes, it is mentally less exhaustive to deal with them that way but it leads to errors and abuses.  Also, as noted by eesmith, the alternative right was started in opposition to neoconservative philosophy by paleoconservatives.

StevenH:Its a self explanatory term, alternative right. Who is the alternative to the Republican party on the right of the political spectrum? It's not white supremacists. That's the media trying to demonize everyone more conservative than John McCain.
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Do you remember how they laughably tried to demonize McCain and Romney as right wing conservatives?  Likewise, if they think our moderate center left President is far right, they are in for a terribly rude surprise should he fail or be defeated in his mission to restore the hope of civic nationalism.

Jmmoney:Sitting around debating how people label themselves is fucking retarded.
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That's the money quote right there.

FistPeso:I am not sure what it represents, but it sounds like something I would join.
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LOL, I know that sentiment.  Caveat it with Groucho Marx: "I refeuse to join any cub that would have me as a member."

Maersk:Is that like adult contemporary?
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I wish we had a like button here.

Notice me senpai!
Link Posted: 8/28/2017 1:07:37 PM EDT
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Everyone who libs disagree with.
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Yes this is correct!

Nazi where national socialist they where for price and production fixing the government didn't own the factories but they told you what to produce and how much to charge.

Does that sound right wing?
Link Posted: 8/28/2017 1:20:27 PM EDT
According to the left, anyone who is not 100% in lockstep agreement with each and every aspect of the far leftist agenda is "alt-right" AKA a white supremacist Nazi.
Including black preachers, transgender gun owners, gay conservative jews who like black dudes and anti illegal immigrtion hispanics etc.
All Nazis.
Link Posted: 8/28/2017 1:25:12 PM EDT
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I still don't know who they're talking about when they say alt-right and white nationalist. These terms seem to have sprung up out of nowhere when Trump won the election.
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This.  It seems like the Liberal media and RINO republicans refer to anyone pro-Trump or not Progressive (Left or Right) as being racist, white nationalist, Nazi, Alt-Right.  They toss it all together and I don't know what it is.  I've heard there are some legit dirtbag Nazis that identify by it.

We're at a difficult place of having to distinguish our conservative/Constitutional/Capitalist values from the disgusting tiny population of legit neo-Nazis who keep rearing their ugly heads. While at the same time being pummeled by accusations of the Left's hateful projections, being called hateful, bigotted, etc., and yet these are diversionary tactics that take away from unifying over stuff that actually matters and getting policy passed.  The Right is bogged down and eating it's own while the Left throw's the kitched sink at us and stupid Nazis show up and make thingd worse.  

Meanwhile the media coddles the violent, racist, fascist Antifa & BLM folks who are a real problem, and pushing absurd beliefs into the national realm and it's further dividing the country over asburd special interests.  Agh, it's crazy.
Link Posted: 8/28/2017 1:39:59 PM EDT
There is no singular Alt-Right.
Link Posted: 8/28/2017 1:41:36 PM EDT
I don't even know what Alt Right means, nor do I care. I'm tired of labels
Link Posted: 8/28/2017 1:42:27 PM EDT
The Alt-right is nothing more than a Red Herring perpetrated by the MSM for propaganda purposes....
Link Posted: 8/28/2017 1:46:14 PM EDT
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The Alt-right is nothing more than a Red Herring perpetrated by the MSM for propaganda purposes....
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Came to say this.... MSM thing to tie anyone who disagrees with the agenda as a nazi, or racist.
Link Posted: 8/28/2017 1:48:04 PM EDT
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Everyone who libs disagree with.
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Link Posted: 8/28/2017 1:48:31 PM EDT
it were a fad invented as heel for antifa.

Didnt work out according to plan.SAD!
Link Posted: 8/28/2017 3:11:57 PM EDT
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