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Link Posted: 2/24/2023 6:21:57 AM EDT
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John Bolton is that you???
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Ronald Reagan would roll over in his grave if he saw the level of stupid a segment of the present day American right was exhibiting. I hardly recognize this country anymore. Growing up and for most of my adult life, the republican party was the party that could be counted on to stand up to shithead Russians and counter their international fuckery. Democrats served as the USSR's useful idiots. Now the Donald Trump/MTG sect of the republican party is trying their best to completely flip the script. I hope the overwhelming majority of republicans remain free thinking enough to avoid falling under the spell of these lunatics, because if the republican party becomes a bunch of Pro-Putin cock slurpers, I'll march my ass down to the clerk's office and change my party affiliation. I won't be associated with this level of retardation. I won't stand for it. And I know I am not alone in those sentiments. So for those on the right who want to be edgy, be very careful. You run the very real risk of forcing numerous republicans to become independents, or worse yet, democrats. We'll see how edgy you are when your fucked up, jaded views make the republican party become totally irrelevant at the national level. The vast majority of the American populace is simply not going to side with Russia because what Russia is doing is wrong and indefensible. If the republican party starts to embrace pro-Russian propaganda, you can stick a fork in the party. It will be finished.

John Bolton is that you???

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Link Posted: 2/24/2023 6:27:21 AM EDT
Western Values? From when? 50 years ago?

This is western values now.
Link Posted: 2/24/2023 6:32:48 AM EDT
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The right claims to believe in national sovereignty and Western values, but when Putin invades a sovereign, ~ western-aligned nation and sics Chechen Muslims on orthodox Christians, the response of the right is one of apathy to outright support. Baffling.
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By “western aligned” you mean corrupt racketeers laundering money for western politicians right?
Link Posted: 2/24/2023 9:18:45 AM EDT
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Western Values? From when? 50 years ago?

This is western values now.
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If we are going to play bait picture games, then this is conservative/libertarian values now.

Link Posted: 2/24/2023 9:40:26 AM EDT

Zelensky - Dancing in Heels. The President of Ukraine dances on heels #shorts
Link Posted: 2/24/2023 9:47:16 AM EDT
What an idiotic thread. Look at the demographic shift in this country if you want to discuss white genocide.

Trying to link it to a Slavic version of Hatfields vs McCoys is disingenuous.
Link Posted: 2/24/2023 9:49:22 AM EDT
A shocking number of folks on the right have devolved into little more than wet brained vatniks.

The resurgence of a new kleptocratic USSR supported by nations such as China, North Korea, and Iran is quite antithetical to traditional Western values.
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Drunk again I see.
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Link Posted: 2/24/2023 9:49:29 AM EDT
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There is a massive world of difference in "support" for russia, and admitting that Ukraine is a cesspool of corruption, that this war started in 2014 under Obama and has been a failure of policy by the same people in charge today, that Ukraine was in deep with the Bidens in money laundering, that Ukraine government has banned all political opposition and is hardly a bastion of freedom or civil rights..... and that our tax money is being used to line elites pockets while the pants shitter in charge has us on the brink of WWIII.

Its possible to be honest about all of it, and not just cherry pick. Our nation attacked Russia by destroying their pipeline.. thats going to come out sooner or later... and shit is not going to be good.
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Link Posted: 2/24/2023 9:52:13 AM EDT
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^ Jesus how many accounts does this guy have?

"If you aren't sucking Biden's cock, you must be sucking Putin's!"
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Yep if you don't fellate Schwab or Gates then you're lettin' Putin Put-In...

The only way to win is not to play
Link Posted: 2/24/2023 9:59:32 AM EDT
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Ronald Reagan would roll over in his grave if he saw the level of stupid a segment of the present day American right was exhibiting. I hardly recognize this country anymore. Growing up and for most of my adult life, the republican party was the party that could be counted on to stand up to shithead Russians and counter their international fuckery. Democrats served as the USSR's useful idiots. Now the Donald Trump/MTG sect of the republican party is trying their best to completely flip the script. I hope the overwhelming majority of republicans remain free thinking enough to avoid falling under the spell of these lunatics, because if the republican party becomes a bunch of Pro-Putin cock slurpers, I'll march my ass down to the clerk's office and change my party affiliation. I won't be associated with this level of retardation. I won't stand for it. And I know I am not alone in those sentiments. So for those on the right who want to be edgy, be very careful. You run the very real risk of forcing numerous republicans to become independents, or worse yet, democrats. We'll see how edgy you are when your fucked up, jaded views make the republican party become totally irrelevant at the national level. The vast majority of the American populace is simply not going to side with Russia because what Russia is doing is wrong and indefensible. If the republican party starts to embrace pro-Russian propaganda, you can stick a fork in the party. It will be finished.
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Got Damn it must get tiresome
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Link Posted: 2/24/2023 12:10:09 PM EDT
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It is all very simple, really. Either you support Russia's imperialist attempt to conquer a sovereign nation that poses no threat to them, or you don't. Which side do you fall on? This isn't black or white with shades of gray mixed in. It is simple right versus wrong. I think I've made myself very clear that I consider what Russia is doing as evil and wrong. There is no justification for what they are doing. Yet there are smooth brains within our party who either want to deny Ukraine the support it needs to defend itself against this Russian rabble, or some that even outright support Putin!
Link Posted: 2/24/2023 12:12:47 PM EDT
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The right claims to believe in national sovereignty and Western values, but when Putin invades a sovereign, ~ western-aligned nation and sics Chechen Muslims on orthodox Christians, the response of the right is one of apathy to outright support. Baffling.
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The only reason it's western aligned is the dems overthrew the legit elected gov for someone who would launder any amount
Link Posted: 2/24/2023 12:27:20 PM EDT
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It is all very simple, really. Either you support Russia's imperialist attempt to conquer a sovereign nation that poses no threat to them, or you don't. Which side do you fall on? This isn't black or white with shades of gray mixed in. It is simple right versus wrong. I think I've made myself very clear that I consider what Russia is doing as evil and wrong. There is no justification for what they are doing. Yet there are smooth brains within our party who either want to deny Ukraine the support it needs to defend itself against this Russian rabble, or some that even outright support Putin!
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Just pretend Russia is the US and Ukraine is country full of little brown people in Africa or the Middle East, that should ease your mind.
Link Posted: 2/24/2023 12:32:26 PM EDT
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It is all very simple, really. Either you support Russia's imperialist attempt to conquer a sovereign nation that poses no threat to them, or you don't. Which side do you fall on? This isn't black or white with shades of gray mixed in. It is simple right versus wrong. I think I've made myself very clear that I consider what Russia is doing as evil and wrong. There is no justification for what they are doing. Yet there are smooth brains within our party who either want to deny Ukraine the support it needs to defend itself against this Russian rabble, or some that even outright support Putin!
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It is all very simple, really. Either you support Russia's imperialist attempt to conquer a sovereign nation that poses no threat to them, or you don't. Which side do you fall on? This isn't black or white with shades of gray mixed in. It is simple right versus wrong. I think I've made myself very clear that I consider what Russia is doing as evil and wrong. There is no justification for what they are doing. Yet there are smooth brains within our party who either want to deny Ukraine the support it needs to defend itself against this Russian rabble, or some that even outright support Putin!

I don’t support Russia, nor do I think the US needs to pay for the Ukrainian fight. Europe has plenty of money, they can subsidize this war.
Link Posted: 2/24/2023 12:35:10 PM EDT
I guess you haven't noticed that our "Western Values" have and are devolving into the values of Communism, Socialism, Marxism and Nazism.

Prove me wrong.
Link Posted: 2/24/2023 12:48:52 PM EDT
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Just pretend Russia is the US and Ukraine is country full of little brown people in Africa or the Middle East, that should ease your mind.
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It is all very simple, really. Either you support Russia's imperialist attempt to conquer a sovereign nation that poses no threat to them, or you don't. Which side do you fall on? This isn't black or white with shades of gray mixed in. It is simple right versus wrong. I think I've made myself very clear that I consider what Russia is doing as evil and wrong. There is no justification for what they are doing. Yet there are smooth brains within our party who either want to deny Ukraine the support it needs to defend itself against this Russian rabble, or some that even outright support Putin!

Just pretend Russia is the US and Ukraine is country full of little brown people in Africa or the Middle East, that should ease your mind.

Those are very weak mental gymnastics.
Link Posted: 2/24/2023 12:49:05 PM EDT
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I guess you haven't noticed that our "Western Values" have and are devolving into the values of Communism, Socialism, Marxism and Nazism.

Prove me wrong.
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With a sprinkling of diversity, equity and inclusion plus a side of "environmental, social and governance,"
Link Posted: 2/24/2023 12:53:17 PM EDT
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I guess you haven't noticed that our "Western Values" have and are devolving into the values of Communism, Socialism, Marxism and Nazism.

Prove me wrong.
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The nazis were putting the commies, Marxists and socialists into camps.

There is a reason the left refers to anyone that they think disagrees with them nazis.

The nazis burned their transgender books.

Now "they" are back , about 100 years later, same script just no Freikorps to blast Marxists in the streets.  The Marxists used rifles and pistols in the 1920s to make their political kills. Now in the 2020s all the left has to do is call us racists and bigots and we keel over.

Link Posted: 2/24/2023 12:57:23 PM EDT
A shocking number of folks on the right have devolved into little more than wet brained vatniks.

The resurgence of a new kleptocratic USSR supported by nations such as China, North Korea, and Iran is quite antithetical to traditional Western values.
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We're the propagaters of all genocide,
Burning through the worlds resources,
Then we turn and hide,
Cool, in denial, we're the cruel Regulators smoking cigaro, cigaro, cigar...
Link Posted: 2/24/2023 12:58:47 PM EDT
What are you talking about?
Link Posted: 2/24/2023 1:11:48 PM EDT
We are ruled by a parasitic foreign cartel of bankers and corporations. Virtually everything we have seen or heard for well over 100 years has been created for us, all with the goal of extracting as much energy as possible in as short a period of time to build a control and support structure. They have pretty much built it, the next phase is the pulling the curtain back, and depopulation. Birth rates in the northern hemisphere dropping, testosterone levels dropping. Crap food, toxins introduced everywhere, genetic bioweapons in Beta testing. Tick tock motherfuckers.
Link Posted: 2/24/2023 1:19:48 PM EDT
What are "traditional western values"?

What are the values of modern Americans and "immigrants"?
Link Posted: 2/24/2023 1:39:44 PM EDT
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Ronald Reagan would roll over in his grave if he saw the level of stupid a segment of the present day American right was exhibiting. I hardly recognize this country anymore. Growing up and for most of my adult life, the republican party was the party that could be counted on to stand up to shithead Russians and counter their international fuckery. Democrats served as the USSR's useful idiots. Now the Donald Trump/MTG sect of the republican party is trying their best to completely flip the script. I hope the overwhelming majority of republicans remain free thinking enough to avoid falling under the spell of these lunatics, because if the republican party becomes a bunch of Pro-Putin cock slurpers, I'll march my ass down to the clerk's office and change my party affiliation. I won't be associated with this level of retardation. I won't stand for it. And I know I am not alone in those sentiments. So for those on the right who want to be edgy, be very careful. You run the very real risk of forcing numerous republicans to become independents, or worse yet, democrats. We'll see how edgy you are when your fucked up, jaded views make the republican party become totally irrelevant at the national level. The vast majority of the American populace is simply not going to side with Russia because what Russia is doing is wrong and indefensible. If the republican party starts to embrace pro-Russian propaganda, you can stick a fork in the party. It will be finished.
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sweet galloping jesus!...someone needs to wake up from nap time and take moment to look around and understand how the world has changed/evolved since the 80s
Link Posted: 2/24/2023 1:41:59 PM EDT
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Conservatism has sadly become the politics of dumb people.  I wonder if we'll ever recover.
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You are completely incorrect.  Progressivism is the politics of The Low IQ Left.

Link Posted: 2/24/2023 1:46:03 PM EDT
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The right claims to believe in national sovereignty and Western values, but when Putin invades a sovereign, ~ western-aligned nation and sics Chechen Muslims on orthodox Christians, the response of the right is one of apathy to outright support. Baffling.
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Not baffling really, but the expected result of years of careful study and practice in the art of "information confrontation."

Only baffling if you've let yourself buy into the Koolaid about the American right being anything resembling a unified voice or ideology.
Link Posted: 2/24/2023 1:46:23 PM EDT
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Just pretend Russia is the US and Ukraine is country full of little brown people in Africa or the Middle East, that should ease your mind.
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I don't recall the U.S. trying to take over any countries of "little brown people" in an act of imperial conquest, to attempt to erase their culture and identity, nor do I remember us completely demolishing entire cities and showing zero regard for civilian casualties. The stuff we spent nearly two decades trying to achieve in the Middle East was certainly dumb. But it in no way equates to the actions of the Russians. They are barbarians. They've always been barbarians. And they probably always will be. Therefore I am fully in favor of defanging this snake now so it won't be able to strike out at any other potential victims any time in the near future.
Link Posted: 2/24/2023 1:49:09 PM EDT
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sweet galloping jesus!...someone needs to wake up from nap time and take moment to look around and understand how the world has changed/evolved since the 80s
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Right and wrong hasn't changed. It never changes. The only thing that has changed is that an element of our party has become so jaded and disillusioned that they've lost their fucking minds and can no longer make the distinction between good and evil. And that is quite sad.
Link Posted: 2/24/2023 1:49:19 PM EDT
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You are completely incorrect.  Progressivism is the politics of The Low IQ Left.
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Conservatism has sadly become the politics of dumb people.  I wonder if we'll ever recover.

You are completely incorrect.  Progressivism is the politics of The Low IQ Left.
Populism means you drag a lot of idiots along with you (or get drug along by them). Some (many) of those idiots are quite certain of their own intellectual prowess, of course.
Link Posted: 2/24/2023 1:51:01 PM EDT
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Conservatism has sadly become the politics of dumb people.  I wonder if we'll ever recover.
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Link Posted: 2/24/2023 1:51:29 PM EDT
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The right claims to believe in national sovereignty and Western values, but when Putin invades a sovereign, ~ western-aligned nation and sics Chechen Muslims on orthodox Christians, the response of the right is one of apathy to outright support. Baffling.
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Team America, fuck yeah!
Link Posted: 2/24/2023 1:53:03 PM EDT
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Team America, fuck yeah!
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Better than Team Russia, don't ya think?
Link Posted: 2/24/2023 1:58:10 PM EDT
Perpetual war is best war !

5 years amd 750 billion dollars from now it will be "two weeks till Putins done!!!!111"

The same guy who wanted you to starve to death from not being able to leave your house to buy food if you weren't vaxxed, the same guy who saw to it hundreds of thousands of peoples lives were destroyed if they didn't Vax,  is somehow the next coming of Roosevelt,  steering us thru WW2 ?

Now , let's say this is the fight of our lives . Why are we not giving more and better shit to the ukes?

We could give them ALL our tanks in Europe in relatively short time .

Why don't they ? Why aren't we giving them missiles to hit russias manufacturing amd infrastructure ?

Because they want an endless ww1 stalemate .

You really think pedo cares about Ukrainian freedom ?? When his whole life is dedicated to ending freedom ?

Pedo is a much bigger threat to you , me , everyone in America than drunk Russians who can't beat Ukraine.  

Pedo Joe , the man you've dreamed of leading America!
Link Posted: 2/24/2023 1:58:25 PM EDT
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Better than Team Russia, don't ya think?
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Team America, fuck yeah!

Better than Team Russia, don't ya think?

Some of us realize it's not one or the other.
Link Posted: 2/24/2023 1:59:34 PM EDT
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Perpetual war is best war !

5 years amd 750 billion dollars from now it will be "two weeks till Putins done!!!!111"

The same guy who wanted you to starve to death from not being able to leave your house to buy food if you weren't vaxxed, the same guy who saw to it hundreds of thousands of peoples lives were destroyed if they didn't Vax,  is somehow the next coming of Roosevelt,  steering us thru WW2 ?

Now , let's say this is the fight of our lives . Why are we not giving more and better shit to the ukes?

We could give them ALL our tanks in Europe in relatively short time .

Why don't they ? Why aren't we giving them missiles to hit russias manufacturing amd infrastructure ?

Because they want an endless ww1 stalemate .

You really think pedo cares about Ukrainian freedom ?? When his whole life is dedicated to ending freedom ?

Pedo is a much bigger threat to you , me , everyone in America than drunk Russians who can't beat Ukraine.  

Pedo Joe , the man you've dreamed of leading America!
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Ukebros love their CinC!
Link Posted: 2/24/2023 2:05:56 PM EDT
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Right and wrong hasn't changed. It never changes. The only thing that has changed is that an element of our party has become so jaded and disillusioned that they've lost their fucking minds and can no longer make the distinction between good and evil. And that is quite sad.
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sweet galloping jesus!...someone needs to wake up from nap time and take moment to look around and understand how the world has changed/evolved since the 80s

Right and wrong hasn't changed. It never changes. The only thing that has changed is that an element of our party has become so jaded and disillusioned that they've lost their fucking minds and can no longer make the distinction between good and evil. And that is quite sad.

Slept right through the collapse of the Soviet Union and just waking up. I get it.

There are innumerable rights and wrongs in the world, including here domestically. Russia is far from being the top geopolitical threat to our national security. Stop pretending they are. You can support Ukraine's sovereignty without having to foot the "lion's share" of the bill. Not necessary to admonish conservatives  who choose humanity over greed.
Link Posted: 2/24/2023 2:07:40 PM EDT

Link Posted: 2/24/2023 2:13:31 PM EDT
You don’t understand what globohomo means, it stands for “global homogenization”.  In other words, everybody the same.  The exact opposite of diversity and makes “genocide” ie..wiping out national, cultural and ethnic variation essential.  Who the fuck wants that other than globalists?  Beige worlders are assholes.  It is essentially genocide.  Ukraine is going to be the prototype vassal state for globalism.

They’re not eliminating genocide, they’re investing in it.

Link Posted: 2/24/2023 2:17:41 PM EDT
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^ Jesus how many accounts does this guy have?

"If you aren't sucking Biden's cock, you must be sucking Putin's!"
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Why does this always devolve into gay blowjobs?

One wonders why that is front and center in most of these “conversations.”

“if you aren’t sucking this cock, then you must be sucking this cock.”

You should google the term projection.
Link Posted: 2/24/2023 2:19:06 PM EDT
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What an idiotic thread. Look at the demographic shift in this country if you want to discuss white genocide.

Trying to link it to a Slavic version of Hatfields vs McCoys is disingenuous.
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What are you talking about?
White genocide here?
The fuck?
Link Posted: 2/24/2023 2:19:22 PM EDT
Link Posted: 2/24/2023 2:22:02 PM EDT
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I could have went for quite a while longer without seeing that photo on the top.

Mind-blowing is all I have to say.

Oh, and I'll bet the money is quite good as well.
Link Posted: 2/24/2023 2:27:16 PM EDT
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sweet galloping jesus!...someone needs to wake up from nap time and take moment to look around and understand how the world has changed/evolved since the 80s
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Link Posted: 2/24/2023 2:29:42 PM EDT
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Slept right through the collapse of the Soviet Union and just waking up. I get it.

There are innumerable rights and wrongs in the world, including here domestically. Russia is far from being the top geopolitical threat to our national security. Stop pretending they are. You can support Ukraine's sovereignty without having to foot the "lion's share" of the bill. Not necessary to admonish conservatives  who choose humanity over greed.
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Choosing humanity over greed? LMAO. Look at your previous sentence dude. You just stated the U.S. shouldn't be funding Ukraine's defense against Russia's aggression. That is essentially throwing them to the wolves. I think any rational person would look at that as doing nothing to support humanity while being incredibly greedy.

Goddamn. Is this really the level of intellect "conservatives" have evolved to? If so, we're finished.
Link Posted: 2/24/2023 2:30:18 PM EDT
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Why does this always devolve into gay blowjobs?

One wonders why that is front and center in most of these “conversations.”

“if you aren’t sucking this cock, then you must be sucking this cock.”

You should google the term projection.
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Wait GD doesn't stand for Gay Discussion?
Link Posted: 2/24/2023 2:31:09 PM EDT

Those people with the flags are a literal false flag. They talked about it on the Jimmy Dore show. Those people with those flags, they're a group, went there specifically to make the antiwar rally look bad. Their goal was what you're doing. Using those pics to shit on the rally.
“Boutique” Left Worked OBSESSIVELY To Undermine Anti-War Rally
Link Posted: 2/24/2023 2:31:46 PM EDT
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Choosing humanity over greed? LMAO. Look at your previous sentence dude. You just stated the U.S. shouldn't be funding Ukraine's defense against Russia's aggression. That is essentially throwing them to the wolves. I think any rational person would look at that as doing nothing to support humanity while being incredibly greedy.

Goddamn. Is this really the level of intellect "conservatives" have evolved to? If so, we're finished.
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We really need to try and blend in if you need a clown nose I got you bro!
Link Posted: 2/24/2023 2:33:26 PM EDT
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The right claims to believe in national sovereignty and Western values, but when Putin invades a sovereign, ~ western-aligned nation and sics Chechen Muslims on orthodox Christians, the response of the right is one of apathy to outright support. Baffling.
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Define western values because I don't really see them much anymore,  at least not where western governments are concerned .

To be clear if I had to pick a side in the conflict it would be Ukraine but, since I don't I pick the US tax payer instead .

If by " western aligned " you mean a money laundering operation for the corrupt western governments , you are correct .

If by "western aligned" you mean some sort of ally, you couldn't be farther from the truth .

As for orthodox Christians,  I'm pretty sure there are plenty of those on the Russian side as well .

Try again.
Link Posted: 2/24/2023 2:35:54 PM EDT
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Conservatism has sadly become the politics of dumb people.  I wonder if we'll ever recover.

Took me longer than some of you to begrudgingly come to this realization but the old Q thread was some eye opening shit.
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Those "Q" Threads were the greatest EVER for the Insane Loony Comedy & inevitable Hurt Feels later when reality showed what Stupid Bull Shit it always was.

It is a Huge Shame to ARFCOM that those threads were ever allowed to slip into the archives to allow the names of the "True "Q" Believers" to be stripped out.  

That thread should have locked & kept the user names in it as a ARFCOM "Wall of Shame".

Link Posted: 2/24/2023 2:36:37 PM EDT
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So much dishonesty mixed into one post. One, there are numerous people here rooting for Putin. Two, Ukraine has corruption issues, just like every other post-Soviet state does. Much of the corruption after the dissolution of the USSR is still a result of direct Russian influence, and it's something the Ukrainians have worked towards combating. Three, Biden was in bed with pro-Russian entities in Ukraine, which is something that gets conveniently ignored by those on the right who wish to slander Ukraine. Four, the Ukrainian government banned pro-Russian and pro-communist political parties. If I was a Ukrainian, I would expect nothing less from my government. Five, in spite of asking numerous times, I have yet to see any concrete evidence that Ukraine aid is being used to line the elites' pockets. Essentially, the supposed evidence for this simply boils down, "I just know it's happening!" Six, we aren't on the brink of WW3. This is the same level of fear mongering that the left stooped to during covid, and it's sad to see many on the right behaving the same way. Seven, once again, there's no evidence that the US destroyed Nordstream. Anyone pretending to know definitively who did it is lying.

Your post is nothing more than a conjecture of misinformation, baseless speculation, and conspiracies.
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Speaking of conjecture and misinformation.
Link Posted: 2/24/2023 2:39:07 PM EDT
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Those people with the flags are a literal false flag. They talked about it on the Jimmy Dore show. Those people with those flags, they're a group, went there specifically to make the antiwar rally look bad. Their goal was what you're doing. Using those pics to shit on the rally.
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How dare you burst his bubble.
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