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Link Posted: 3/2/2012 3:45:53 PM EDT
<––––––––- They belong outside on a wood pile.

...or against a brick wall


...or next to a plastic post


...or on a wooden hand rail

Link Posted: 3/2/2012 3:46:23 PM EDT
Does anything (with the exception of vodka, which also sucks) from the Soviet Bloc have staying power?

I bought my first AR in 99'.  My second in early 01'.  Now I've almost completed #5 and everyone of them is bad ass.  KISS, post ban Bushmaster M4 (I added a stock on suppressor) with a 3x ACOG, 20" ArmaLite A2, a lightweight CMMG mut loaded, and now a LaRue 20" Stealth with a LR/T mil dot Leupold that is yet to be fired.

Point is, I just can't bring myself to buy an AK.  I've tried to justify it but I won't spend the $400 or whatever on one because they suck.  I'm the son of an Army officer who spent his career defeating the Soviets.  I was raised listening to stories about the "invincibility" of the Soviet army from the media, those stories and the Soviets were garbage.  The weapon is junk and as much as I felt the "need" to add one to my collection, mostly for historical purposes, I didn't and won't do it.  I'd much rather have $400 worth or ammo or mags or pie than that pile of crap stinking up my safe.

The AK is the weapon of thugs, that is it's heritage.  Dirty communist, terrorist, thug guns.  They are cheap and easily acquired, these attributes to not make them good, but rather simply available.  

Bravo RA.  To the garbage can they all go, and the world will be a better place.

You should go work for the Brady Campaign.

Yeah, probly should have added one of these.......... to the last line.  Be my guest if you own one, I won't drive any demand for them so they'll be even less expensive for you.

They should not be banned, less my opinion be interpreted as such.

Link Posted: 3/2/2012 3:46:48 PM EDT
<––––––––- They belong outside on a wood pile.

...or against a brick wall


...or next to a plastic post


...or on a wooden hand rail


...against a wall

Link Posted: 3/2/2012 3:49:17 PM EDT
<––––––––- They belong outside on a wood pile.

...or against a brick wall


...or next to a plastic post


...or on a wooden hand rail


...against a wall


...even in the hands of a woman

But never in a garbage can!
Link Posted: 3/2/2012 3:51:03 PM EDT

Beautiful woman, with gross garbage.


Reminds me of this:

Link Posted: 3/2/2012 3:51:38 PM EDT
<––––––––- They belong outside on a wood pile.

...or against a brick wall


...or next to a plastic post


...or on a wooden hand rail


...against a wall


....at the range

" target="_blank">
Link Posted: 3/2/2012 3:52:57 PM EDT
One of the customers that used to pop into the range I worked at was a security contractor, and pretty hot shit.  Older guy, retired out of SF in the early 2000's and has spent 9 months out of the year in Iraq or Afghanistan every year since then.
We were bullshitting while he was getting some range time in, and he mentioned getting an AK dumped on him for his next hitch.
When asked what he would rather have, he said if he couldn't get an M4, he usually tried to get a G-36.
Link Posted: 3/2/2012 3:57:19 PM EDT

Beautiful woman, with gross garbage.  

Reminds me of this:

Link Posted: 3/2/2012 4:25:31 PM EDT
Does anything (with the exception of vodka, which also sucks) from the Soviet Bloc have staying power?

I bought my first AR in 99'.  My second in early 01'.  Now I've almost completed #5 and everyone of them is bad ass.  KISS, post ban Bushmaster M4 (I added a stock on suppressor) with a 3x ACOG, 20" ArmaLite A2, a lightweight CMMG mut loaded, and now a LaRue 20" Stealth with a LR/T mil dot Leupold that is yet to be fired.

Point is, I just can't bring myself to buy an AK.  I've tried to justify it but I won't spend the $400 or whatever on one because they suck.  I'm the son of an Army officer who spent his career defeating the Soviets.  I was raised listening to stories about the "invincibility" of the Soviet army from the media, those stories and the Soviets were garbage.  The weapon is junk and as much as I felt the "need" to add one to my collection, mostly for historical purposes, I didn't and won't do it.  I'd much rather have $400 worth or ammo or mags or pie than that pile of crap stinking up my safe.

The AK is the weapon of thugs, that is it's heritage.  Dirty communist, terrorist, thug guns.  They are cheap and easily acquired, these attributes to not make them good, but rather simply available.  

Bravo RA.  To the garbage can they all go, and the world will be a better place.

Here's a broad brush for you.

I contend that the AR is the weapon of the elite, that is it's heritage. The perfect tool of Oppression, and a symbol of authoritarians everywhere.  

Link Posted: 3/2/2012 4:37:28 PM EDT
Does anything (with the exception of vodka, which also sucks) from the Soviet Bloc have staying power?

I bought my first AR in 99'.  My second in early 01'.  Now I've almost completed #5 and everyone of them is bad ass.  KISS, post ban Bushmaster M4 (I added a stock on suppressor) with a 3x ACOG, 20" ArmaLite A2, a lightweight CMMG mut loaded, and now a LaRue 20" Stealth with a LR/T mil dot Leupold that is yet to be fired.

Point is, I just can't bring myself to buy an AK.  I've tried to justify it but I won't spend the $400 or whatever on one because they suck.  I'm the son of an Army officer who spent his career defeating the Soviets.  I was raised listening to stories about the "invincibility" of the Soviet army from the media, those stories and the Soviets were garbage.  The weapon is junk and as much as I felt the "need" to add one to my collection, mostly for historical purposes, I didn't and won't do it.  I'd much rather have $400 worth or ammo or mags or pie than that pile of crap stinking up my safe.

The AK is the weapon of thugs, that is it's heritage.  Dirty communist, terrorist, thug guns.  They are cheap and easily acquired, these attributes to not make them good, but rather simply available.  

Bravo RA.  To the garbage can they all go, and the world will be a better place.

Here's a broad brush for you.

I contend that the AR is the weapon of the elite, that is it's heritage. The perfect tool of Oppression, and a symbol of authoritarians everywhere.  

LOL.  Been called many things, never elite.  Guess I'm a 1%er.  Thanks man!

How's the  OWS tent village workin out?
Link Posted: 3/2/2012 4:40:17 PM EDT





Nicely pedantic, but you simply refuse to see the point. You typically do, in anything like this kind of discussion.

You don't see the point I was making.

It's about doing the job.

Sometimes you have your choice of tools, sometimes you don't.

Each tool has it's strengths and it's weaknesses.

The M14 was brought out of inventory because .308 has better terminal ballistics for longer range than 5.56, but they didn't have rifles like the M110 ready yet. it was better at long distances than the AR.

That doesn't make the AR worthless.

And neither is the AK.

And if I HAD to use one of my AKs, I would.
But not if I had access to ANY of my ARs, or to several other rifles in my posession, for that matter.

ETA to fix your assertions.

Then you recognize the AK as a tool that will do the job.

Nothing else needs to be said unless you want to use a framing hammer instead of a rifle.

I also recognize that the AR is a tool that far exceeds the capabilities of the AK in nearly every way.  If you get to 5.45, then hands down, in every way.

If I do happen to need to use a framing hammer to cave in the skull of someone who is threatening me and mine, then that's what I'll do.

Time and again, I see you in threads answering questions and comments in a manner that totally misunderstands or misrepresents whatever you are responding to.  I'm far past thinking that  you're simply accidentally obtuse enough to do so that consistently, so I must presume that you are willfully disingenuous and deceptive for some reason.  Maybe in order to feel that  you're "winning" the arguements that you propel yourself into time and again, maybe to fuel some other issues you may have.  Either way, I am not going to dance to your off-key tune.

Have a nice day, and I'm done with this tangent.
Link Posted: 3/2/2012 4:42:26 PM EDT

LOL.  Been called many things, never elite.  Guess I'm a 1%er.  Thanks man!

How's the  OWS tent village workin out?

Mighty fine for those who ain't there. Sheriff Joe ain't much of a host.

Link Posted: 3/2/2012 4:43:07 PM EDT






I wonder if all the people that were killed by AK47s over the years knew they were being killed by junk?

I bet shitloads of people have been killed by sharp sticks, swords and spears - and even rocks and clubs.

Compared to the M16/M4, those things are junk as well.  

I'll bet shitloads of money you'll be a lot more afraid of someone with an AK in their hands than sharp sticks, swords, or spears.

Oh absolutely - AND the same would hold for a bolt action rifle, a large-caliber revolver and all sorts of firearms.  That fact that ANY firearm is superior to swords and sharp sticks doesn't mean that ALL firearms are equal, obviously.  The AK is fine for untrained illiterate peasants who will be in one or two battles and shoot wildly towards the enemy, and have no need for sights more advanced than the late 1800s.

For professional and well-trained soldiers on the other hand, RustedAce is correct - the AK belongs in a garbage can.

Using your own logic, I'd be a lot more afraid of someone with an AR in their hands than an AK - especially if we are talking about engagements at more than 150 yards.


1) Take stock AK out of box ( or unearth from 12" below surface if you prefer, knock out dirt) and point front toward enemy, say the target is 200 yards.  Fire.  number of hits?

2) take stock AR out of box, point front toward enemy, say 200 yards.  Number of hits?
The AR is going to be more accurate, and will have flatter trajectory.  More hits on target, in almost any scenario.  More hits is more important than anything else.

For someone capable of putting a round at POA from 50-300 yards, 7.62 X 39 and AK belongs in a garbage can, if you have access to an AR or other more precise weapon.

Take a quality AK like a SLR-106 or Finnish M71 and matte it up against a standard bushmaster M4 and you will notice that those variables are alot closer than you might think.

Comparing a 20" 5.56x45 AR15 against a 16" 7.62x39 AK is a failure to minimize variables, especially when people doing the comparisons tend to use things like match grade black hills 5.56x45 vs wolf 7.62x39. The AK is not inherently inaccurate, its just the 7.62x39 round does not lend itself well to accuracy beyond 200 yards (its more of a .30-30). Your groups will tighten up in a quality AK chambered in 5.56x45 using good ammunition, more so if you install better sights and optics.

Since most cases of self defense occur within 7 yards, I am pretty sure my AK will be accurate enough for any situation I am likely to run into.

PS: I hope you all stop buying AKs, the more left for me

Link Posted: 3/2/2012 4:45:38 PM EDT



Nicely pedantic, but you simply refuse to see the point. You typically do, in anything like this kind of discussion.

You don't see the point I was making.
It's about doing the job.
Sometimes you have your choice of tools, sometimes you don't.
Each tool has it's strengths and it's weaknesses.
The M14 was brought out of inventory because .308 has better terminal ballistics for longer range than 5.56, but they didn't have rifles like the M110 ready yet. it was better at long distances than the AR.
That doesn't make the AR worthless.
And neither is the AK.

And if I HAD to use one of my AKs, I would.
But not if I had access to ANY of my ARs, or to several other rifles in my posession, for that matter.

ETA to fix your assertions.

Then you recognize the AK as a tool that will do the job.
Nothing else needs to be said unless you want to use a framing hammer instead of a rifle.

I also recognize that the AR is a tool that far exceeds the capabilities of the AK in nearly every way.  If you get to 5.45, then hands down, in every way.

If I do happen to need to use a framing hammer to cave in the skull of someone who is threatening me and mine, then that's what I'll do.

Time and again, I see you in threads answering questions and comments in a manner that totally misunderstands or misrepresents whatever you are responding to.  I'm far past thinking that  you're simply accidentally obtuse enough to do so that consistently, so I must presume that you are willfully disingenuous and deceptive for some reason.  Maybe in order to feel that  you're "winning" the arguements that you propel yourself into time and again, maybe to fuel some other issues you may have.  Either way, I am not going to dance to your off-key tune.

Have a nice day, and I'm done with this tangent.

Far exceeds? How so? Prove it.  I can do anything with an AK74 that I can do with an AR.  What is with all these absolute statements based on nothing but emotion and or a lack of experience.  It is just silly, and makes you look the fool.  They are both very capable rifles with only slight differences that boil down to preference in the end.  Some of you need to get a grip.
Link Posted: 3/2/2012 4:49:01 PM EDT

I also recognize that the AR is a tool that far exceeds the capabilities of the AK in nearly every way.  If you get to 5.45, then hands down, in every way.

If I do happen to need to use a framing hammer to cave in the skull of someone who is threatening me and mine, then that's what I'll do.

Are you going to go dig it out of the trash like you will your AKs if you need it?????

Time and again, I see you in threads answering questions and comments in a manner that totally misunderstands or misrepresents whatever you are responding to.  I'm far past thinking that  you're simply accidentally obtuse enough to do so that consistently, so I must presume that you are willfully disingenuous and deceptive for some reason.  Maybe in order to feel that  you're "winning" the arguements that you propel yourself into time and again, maybe to fuel some other issues you may have.  Either way, I am not going to dance to your off-key tune.

You're presuming that I think the AK is better than the AR. I don't.
The AK is a tool that has a use.
Evidently you do too or you wouldn't have one to use.
You're off base and out in left field when you can't tolerate someone who thinks an AK has a useful purpose.

Have a nice day, and I'm done with this tangent.

Oh, I'm having a nice day. It seems that you aren't though.

Link Posted: 3/2/2012 4:49:20 PM EDT
Does anything (with the exception of vodka, which also sucks) from the Soviet Bloc have staying power?

I bought my first AR in 99'.  My second in early 01'.  Now I've almost completed #5 and everyone of them is bad ass.  KISS, post ban Bushmaster M4 (I added a stock on suppressor) with a 3x ACOG, 20" ArmaLite A2, a lightweight CMMG mut loaded, and now a LaRue 20" Stealth with a LR/T mil dot Leupold that is yet to be fired.

Point is, I just can't bring myself to buy an AK.  I've tried to justify it but I won't spend the $400 or whatever on one because they suck.  I'm the son of an Army officer who spent his career defeating the Soviets.  I was raised listening to stories about the "invincibility" of the Soviet army from the media, those stories and the Soviets were garbage.  The weapon is junk and as much as I felt the "need" to add one to my collection, mostly for historical purposes, I didn't and won't do it.  I'd much rather have $400 worth or ammo or mags or pie than that pile of crap stinking up my safe.

The AK is the weapon of thugs, that is it's heritage.  Dirty communist, terrorist, thug guns.  They are cheap and easily acquired, these attributes to not make them good, but rather simply available.  

Bravo RA.  To the garbage can they all go, and the world will be a better place.

This is easily one of the top 5 most pathetic posts I've ever read on this site
Link Posted: 3/2/2012 4:50:49 PM EDT


Far exceeds? How so? Prove it.  I can do anything with an AK74 that I can do with an AR.

The AK74 cant do anything as well as AR.

It can do one thing the AR cant though.

Belong in a garbage can.
Link Posted: 3/2/2012 4:52:11 PM EDT
<––––––––- They belong outside on a wood pile.

...or against a brick wall


...or next to a plastic post


...or on a wooden hand rail


...against a wall


....at the range

http://i114.photobucket.com/albums/n275/Rsng5/IMG_0279.jpg" target="_blank">http://i114.photobucket.com/albums/n275/Rsng5/IMG_0279.jpg</a>

leaned up against concrete

Link Posted: 3/2/2012 4:55:51 PM EDT

Far exceeds? How so? Prove it.  I can do anything with an AK74 that I can do with an AR.

The AK74 cant do anything as well as AR.

It can do one thing the AR cant though.

Belong in a garbage can.

The AR cant do anything as well as AK74

It can do one thing the AK74 cant though

Burn like the trash it is in a pile.
Link Posted: 3/2/2012 5:04:44 PM EDT
One of the things I find interesting, relevant, and important to the statements about the AK is that when the Finnish Army was evaluating different designs, they discovered that sheet steel receiver AK's shot themselves apart, creating loose rivets, trunnions, etc.  That's when they decided to go with a billet receiver on the Rk62 in the early 1960's.

The sheet steel they used was twice the thickness of AKM's.  They later made the Rk76 with this sheet steel receiver for civilian sales mostly, including chamberings in .222 Remington, 5.56, and a limited number of 7.62x39, and the Rk76 was never adopted by the Finnish Army.  This double thickness sheet steel was ok on semi-auto guns, but not full auto guns.  I found a Valmet Rk76 at a local gun store a few years ago, and immediately notified my Finnish cousin so he could get it, since I was focused on a .260 Rem project and optics at the time.  It was a steal for $1000.  I only look at them for collection purposes though, since the AK has all the problems that is has otherwise.  The Rk 76 is the most solid-feeling stamped receiver Kalashnikov Variant you will ever find though, and the most accurate.

Very informative.  Thanks for posting this.
Link Posted: 3/2/2012 5:05:08 PM EDT

Link Posted: 3/2/2012 5:06:07 PM EDT
Dropped once

Link Posted: 3/2/2012 5:06:10 PM EDT




Far exceeds? How so? Prove it.  I can do anything with an AK74 that I can do with an AR.

The AK74 cant do anything as well as AR.

It can do one thing the AR cant though.

Belong in a garbage can.

The AR cant do anything as well as AK74

It can do one thing the AK74 cant though

Burn like the trash it is in a pile.

IDK, looks like the -15's took fire better, there are still a lot of fore stocks left.
Link Posted: 3/2/2012 5:07:13 PM EDT
Link Posted: 3/2/2012 5:42:28 PM EDT
Does anything (with the exception of vodka, which also sucks) from the Soviet Bloc have staying power?

I bought my first AR in 99'.  My second in early 01'.  Now I've almost completed #5 and everyone of them is bad ass.  KISS, post ban Bushmaster M4 (I added a stock on suppressor) with a 3x ACOG, 20" ArmaLite A2, a lightweight CMMG mut loaded, and now a LaRue 20" Stealth with a LR/T mil dot Leupold that is yet to be fired.

Point is, I just can't bring myself to buy an AK.  I've tried to justify it but I won't spend the $400 or whatever on one because they suck.  I'm the son of an Army officer who spent his career defeating the Soviets.  I was raised listening to stories about the "invincibility" of the Soviet army from the media, those stories and the Soviets were garbage.  The weapon is junk and as much as I felt the "need" to add one to my collection, mostly for historical purposes, I didn't and won't do it.  I'd much rather have $400 worth or ammo or mags or pie than that pile of crap stinking up my safe.

The AK is the weapon of thugs, that is it's heritage.  Dirty communist, terrorist, thug guns.  They are cheap and easily acquired, these attributes to not make them good, but rather simply available.  

Bravo RA.  To the garbage can they all go, and the world will be a better place.

This is easily one of the top 5 most pathetic posts I've ever read on this site

Sarcasm meter broken?  Relax man, I'm not that serious...........it's the internet.

Link Posted: 3/2/2012 6:02:12 PM EDT


I love Three Amigos, but I won't pretend it's the apex of cinema.  In fact it's a pretty crappily made movie.  I still like it, but if you think it's stupid I won't get all butthurt about it.

From now on, you shall be known as "El Guapo".

At least I will die with a man's gun, not a little seesee gun....

viva El Guapo
Link Posted: 3/2/2012 10:29:27 PM EDT

Who's the chick? I keep seeing her picture taped to windshields. I've asked the drivers, but I don't get straight answers.
Link Posted: 3/3/2012 6:05:15 AM EDT
One of the customers that used to pop into the range I worked at was a security contractor, and pretty hot shit.  Older guy, retired out of SF in the early 2000's and has spent 9 months out of the year in Iraq or Afghanistan every year since then.

We were bullshitting while he was getting some range time in, and he mentioned getting an AK dumped on him for his next hitch.

When asked what he would rather have, he said if he couldn't get an M4, he usually tried to get a G-36.


The G-36 is another double secret short stroke gas piston AK design. Shhh...... don't tell anyone.

Link Posted: 3/3/2012 7:03:07 AM EDT
Link Posted: 3/3/2012 7:07:11 AM EDT

Locked up in a gunsafe so their fragile parts don't break.  Wait...that's AR's.  Nevermind!
Link Posted: 3/3/2012 7:14:14 AM EDT



One of the customers that used to pop into the range I worked at was a security contractor, and pretty hot shit.  Older guy, retired out of SF in the early 2000's and has spent 9 months out of the year in Iraq or Afghanistan every year since then.
We were bullshitting while he was getting some range time in, and he mentioned getting an AK dumped on him for his next hitch.
When asked what he would rather have, he said if he couldn't get an M4, he usually tried to get a G-36.

The G-36 is another double secret short stroke gas piston AK design. Shhh...... don't tell anyone.

See those two?  Yeah, they don't go together.

Link Posted: 3/3/2012 7:20:10 AM EDT

Far exceeds? How so? Prove it.  I can do anything with an AK74 that I can do with an AR.

The AK74 cant do anything as well as AR.

It can do one thing the AR cant though.

Belong in a garbage can.

Can't argue with that logic.  
Link Posted: 3/3/2012 9:16:13 AM EDT



One of the customers that used to pop into the range I worked at was a security contractor, and pretty hot shit.  Older guy, retired out of SF in the early 2000's and has spent 9 months out of the year in Iraq or Afghanistan every year since then.
We were bullshitting while he was getting some range time in, and he mentioned getting an AK dumped on him for his next hitch.
When asked what he would rather have, he said if he couldn't get an M4, he usually tried to get a G-36.

The G-36 is another double secret short stroke gas piston AK design. Shhh...... don't tell anyone.

The G-36 was designed off of the AR-18, including the rotating 7 lug bolt, the short stroke gas system (AK-47's have LONG stroke gas pistons) and the bolt carrier riding on the recoil spring guide rod, instead of the receiver.

Link Posted: 3/3/2012 9:19:54 AM EDT
The G36 belongs in the trash can simply because it is soooo ugly.
Link Posted: 3/3/2012 10:53:54 AM EDT
Link Posted: 3/3/2012 11:20:30 AM EDT
FALs, AKs, ARs, none of them work in the snow.

Link Posted: 3/3/2012 12:01:08 PM EDT
O.K. here's a question for you. If everyone throws their AK's in the garbage, who's gonna buy your tape?
Link Posted: 3/3/2012 12:59:37 PM EDT
O.K. here's a question for you. If everyone throws their AK's in the garbage, who's gonna buy your tape?

Only believers with most halal surplus bolt guns, and chicom ars of course.

Link Posted: 3/3/2012 1:19:29 PM EDT


O.K. here's a question for you. If everyone throws their AK's in the garbage, who's gonna buy your tape?

The people who already use them, the guys living in garbage dump countries.

Link Posted: 3/3/2012 1:31:20 PM EDT
FALs, AKs, ARs, none of them work in the snow.


AR's actually work awesome in the snow, and sub-zero conditions.

I've run several high-volume, multiple day/night courses over the past several years, and the M4's/AR's run exceptionally well.  

AK's....not so much.

Temps have been from -13 C to -22 C.
Link Posted: 3/3/2012 1:50:56 PM EDT



FALs, AKs, ARs, none of them work in the snow.


AR's actually work awesome in the snow, and sub-zero conditions.

I've run several high-volume, multiple day/night courses over the past several years, and the M4's/AR's run exceptionally well.  

AK's....not so much.

Temps have been from -13 C to -22 C.

Umm, 7n6 the local AK expert says otherwise...

Link Posted: 3/3/2012 1:58:51 PM EDT




FALs, AKs, ARs, none of them work in the snow.


AR's actually work awesome in the snow, and sub-zero conditions.

I've run several high-volume, multiple day/night courses over the past several years, and the M4's/AR's run exceptionally well.  

AK's....not so much.

Temps have been from -13 C to -22 C.

Umm, 7n6 the local AK expert says otherwise...


He sounds like my Cousin who knows absolutely nothing about guns or the intricacies of their design.

Link Posted: 3/3/2012 2:07:02 PM EDT
The reality is that I see a lot of problems with AK's in low temps, in addition to their regular problems.

If you look at the basic design of the AK, and how it supports the barrel, it is a childlike approach to engineering:

A metal box with a trunnion held in it by rivets, perpendicular to the bore axis, with the barrel threaded into the trunnion.  Shock wave forces and barrel whip exert inordinate stress on the rivets, and increases the diameter of the rivet holes with extended or high-volume use.

The AR fastens the barrel to the upper receiver by means of a cylinder tightly fit in a cylinder-two concentric circles.  I have yet to see a receiver worn due to barrel whip, or shock force.  The only wear I see on receivers is surface wear on the bolt carrier raceways, which doesn't affect the operation of the weapon at all.
Link Posted: 3/3/2012 2:11:24 PM EDT


The reality is that I see a lot of problems with AK's in low temps, in addition to their regular problems.

If you look at the basic design of the AK, and how it supports the barrel, it is a childlike approach to engineering:

A metal box with a trunnion held in it by rivets, perpendicular to the bore axis, with the barrel threaded into the trunnion.  Shock wave forces and barrel whip exert inordinate stress on the rivets, and increases the diameter of the rivet holes with extended or high-volume use.

The AR fastens the barrel to the upper receiver by means of a cylinder tightly fit in a cylinder-two concentric circles.  I have yet to see a receiver worn due to barrel whip, or shock force.  The only wear I see on receivers is surface wear on the bolt carrier raceways, which doesn't affect the operation of the weapon at all.

No kidding, they whip around more than my balls at a Christmas party!

Link Posted: 3/3/2012 2:19:06 PM EDT


The reality is that I see a lot of problems with AK's in low temps, in addition to their regular problems.

If you look at the basic design of the AK, and how it supports the barrel, it is a childlike approach to engineering:

A metal box with a trunnion held in it by rivets, perpendicular to the bore axis, with the barrel threaded into the trunnion.  Shock wave forces and barrel whip exert inordinate stress on the rivets, and increases the diameter of the rivet holes with extended or high-volume use.

The AR fastens the barrel to the upper receiver by means of a cylinder tightly fit in a cylinder-two concentric circles.  I have yet to see a receiver worn due to barrel whip, or shock force.  The only wear I see on receivers is surface wear on the bolt carrier raceways, which doesn't affect the operation of the weapon at all.

Here is good .gif that really illustrate that.

Link Posted: 3/3/2012 3:01:43 PM EDT
my wife says you can keep your sissy little AR

Link Posted: 3/3/2012 3:05:19 PM EDT



FALs, AKs, ARs, none of them work in the snow.


AR's actually work awesome in the snow, and sub-zero conditions.

I've run several high-volume, multiple day/night courses over the past several years, and the M4's/AR's run exceptionally well.  

AK's....not so much.

Temps have been from -13 C to -22 C.

Umm, 7n6 the local AK expert says otherwise...


Not any more, he doesn't.  At least, not on ARFCOM.

ETA:  Shit!  No sooner do I say it than I check in on the pit, and see that he's back.  I really hoped he was gone for good.  
Link Posted: 3/3/2012 3:07:48 PM EDT

In the first pic, it looks like she's just getting in one last magazine before she throws it in that garbage can behind her.  

Link Posted: 3/3/2012 3:09:31 PM EDT

The reality is that I see a lot of problems with AK's in low temps, in addition to their regular problems.

If you look at the basic design of the AK, and how it supports the barrel, it is a childlike approach to engineering:

A metal box with a trunnion held in it by rivets, perpendicular to the bore axis, with the barrel threaded into the trunnion.  Shock wave forces and barrel whip exert inordinate stress on the rivets, and increases the diameter of the rivet holes with extended or high-volume use.

The AR fastens the barrel to the upper receiver by means of a cylinder tightly fit in a cylinder-two concentric circles.  I have yet to see a receiver worn due to barrel whip, or shock force.  The only wear I see on receivers is surface wear on the bolt carrier raceways, which doesn't affect the operation of the weapon at all.

Here is good .gif that really illustrate that.


After seeing that I'm kinda surprised the damn cleaning rod doesn't fall out when firing
Link Posted: 3/3/2012 3:30:07 PM EDT

The reality is that I see a lot of problems with AK's in low temps, in addition to their regular problems.

If you look at the basic design of the AK, and how it supports the barrel, it is a childlike approach to engineering:

A metal box with a trunnion held in it by rivets, perpendicular to the bore axis, with the barrel threaded into the trunnion.  Shock wave forces and barrel whip exert inordinate stress on the rivets, and increases the diameter of the rivet holes with extended or high-volume use.

The AR fastens the barrel to the upper receiver by means of a cylinder tightly fit in a cylinder-two concentric circles.  I have yet to see a receiver worn due to barrel whip, or shock force.  The only wear I see on receivers is surface wear on the bolt carrier raceways, which doesn't affect the operation of the weapon at all.

Here is good .gif that really illustrate that.


After seeing that I'm kinda surprised the damn cleaning rod doesn't fall out when firing

You can tell it is fake by the way the AK is actually functioning.  It is true that only AKs have barrel whip, but it has never actually been filmed because they just fall apart too fast.

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