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Posted: 2/26/2014 7:40:46 PM EDT
I saw this:

"In Would War II, the United States and its allies expended 25,000 rounds
of ammunition to kill a single enemy soldier. In the Korean War, the
ammunition expenditure had increased four-fold to 100,000 rounds per
soldier; in the Vietnam War, that figure had doubled to 200,000 rounds
of ammunition for the death of a single enemy soldier."

here: http://www.thegunzone.com/opentip-ammo.html

Is this because more full auto weapons were used in each war? Something else? Seems like a huge increase in ammo/kill.

Link Posted: 2/26/2014 7:42:34 PM EDT
Now it's 87 per kill
Link Posted: 2/26/2014 7:43:20 PM EDT
That's still better than the NYPD
Link Posted: 2/26/2014 7:48:15 PM EDT
Rounds out keep going up and our casualties keep going down.  Coincidence?
Link Posted: 2/26/2014 7:48:43 PM EDT
Increased reliance on small arms instead or artillery.
Link Posted: 2/26/2014 7:51:22 PM EDT
I wonder how artillery doctrine and use correlates...
Link Posted: 2/26/2014 7:51:37 PM EDT
weapons with higher capacity as well

if everyone is shooting bolt actions at each other less rounds will be exchanged than if everyone is shooting assault rifles at each other

yes the higher capacity weapons are "more firepower" but if both sides have them it starts to be a zero sum game
Link Posted: 2/26/2014 7:56:41 PM EDT
Supressing fire.
Link Posted: 2/26/2014 8:16:53 PM EDT
Data on rounds required for wounding might be interesting.
Link Posted: 2/26/2014 8:28:01 PM EDT
I guess the data has been amended.  I always heard that Vietnam was 50,000 rounds per kill.
Link Posted: 2/26/2014 8:34:10 PM EDT
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I guess the data has been amended.  I always heard that Vietnam was 50,000 rounds per kill.
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yea who knows how they came up with those numbers anyhow

total rounds expended in war/enemy KIA..........what does that really tell us
Link Posted: 2/26/2014 8:35:49 PM EDT
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That's still better than the NYPD
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I laughed
Link Posted: 2/26/2014 8:38:45 PM EDT
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yea who knows how they came up with those numbers anyhow

total rounds expended in war/enemy KIA..........what does that really tell us
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I guess the data has been amended.  I always heard that Vietnam was 50,000 rounds per kill.

yea who knows how they came up with those numbers anyhow

total rounds expended in war/enemy KIA..........what does that really tell us

How much the next war is going to cost.
Link Posted: 2/26/2014 8:40:20 PM EDT
I assume that includes rounds used for stuff like strafing and suppressive fire . A few details would help
Link Posted: 2/26/2014 8:42:38 PM EDT
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I guess the data has been amended.  I always heard that Vietnam was 50,000 rounds per kill.
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Last time I looked into the "numbers" game they were using the number of rounds the military fired in total during those war years. That included stateside training and ranges.

Still, small arms are some of the least important aspects of military operations.
Link Posted: 2/26/2014 8:44:51 PM EDT
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How much the next war is going to cost.
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I guess the data has been amended.  I always heard that Vietnam was 50,000 rounds per kill.

yea who knows how they came up with those numbers anyhow

total rounds expended in war/enemy KIA..........what does that really tell us

How much the next war is going to cost.

Seriously? Are you that ignorant?
Link Posted: 2/26/2014 8:52:04 PM EDT
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Supressing fire.
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This ^

DING !   DING !   DING !   DING !  we have a winner.

Link Posted: 2/26/2014 8:53:58 PM EDT

I better rethink my preps.
Link Posted: 2/26/2014 9:09:28 PM EDT
There was a lot more fighting at night against American positions in both Korea and (way more in) Vietnam. Plus the fact that both the NVA and the Viet Cong (up to '68) had tunnel systems and underground lairs allowing them to hide from the rounds impacting in their general direction and then pop up else where, and then the whole shooting gallery would start up again.
Link Posted: 2/26/2014 9:12:27 PM EDT
Are those rounds fired in theater, or rounds fired in combat?
Link Posted: 2/26/2014 9:15:33 PM EDT
I saw this:

"In Would War II, the United States and its allies expended 25,000 rounds of ammunition to kill a single enemy soldier. In the Korean War, the ammunition expenditure had increased four-fold to 100,000 rounds per soldier; in the Vietnam War, that figure had doubled to 200,000 rounds of ammunition for the death of a single enemy soldier."

here: http://www.thegunzone.com/opentip-ammo.html

Is this because more full auto weapons were used in each war? Something else? Seems like a huge increase in ammo/kill.
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Think about all the aircraft mounted weapons, and anti aircraft guns. I bet a ton of ammo is expended through them per kill. Its not small arms that upped those numbers that high.
Link Posted: 2/26/2014 9:22:24 PM EDT
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Seriously? Are you that ignorant?
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I guess the data has been amended.  I always heard that Vietnam was 50,000 rounds per kill.

yea who knows how they came up with those numbers anyhow

total rounds expended in war/enemy KIA..........what does that really tell us

How much the next war is going to cost.

Seriously? Are you that ignorant?

And which office in JMC procurement do you work in, stud?
Link Posted: 2/26/2014 9:26:57 PM EDT
well.. the point of war isnt to kill.  its to capture ground and destroy the enemy's will to fight.  killing is a biproduct of.
Link Posted: 2/26/2014 9:33:19 PM EDT
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And which office in JMC procurement do you work in, stud?
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I guess the data has been amended.  I always heard that Vietnam was 50,000 rounds per kill.

yea who knows how they came up with those numbers anyhow

total rounds expended in war/enemy KIA..........what does that really tell us

How much the next war is going to cost.

Seriously? Are you that ignorant?

And which office in JMC procurement do you work in, stud?

Your latest post reeks of seriousness, thus perhaps I misjudged the first one.  I took your first post to be one of the growing we're broke screw the .mil types, if this wasn't the case then you have my apologies.

Let's be honest though, small arms ammunition is such a small cost compared to our other costs these days. The B1 CAS sorties overhead cost far more than the entire expenditure of my troop's entire deployment, including missiles.
Link Posted: 2/27/2014 6:34:06 AM EDT
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Your latest post reeks of seriousness, thus perhaps I misjudged the first one. I took your first post to be one of the growing we're broke screw the .mil types, if this wasn't the case then you have my apologies.

Let's be honest though, small arms ammunition is such a small cost compared to our other costs these days. The B1 CAS sorties overhead cost far more than the entire expenditure of my troop's entire deployment, including missiles.
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Your latest post reeks of seriousness, thus perhaps I misjudged the first one. I took your first post to be one of the growing we're broke screw the .mil types, if this wasn't the case then you have my apologies.

Let's be honest though, small arms ammunition is such a small cost compared to our other costs these days. The B1 CAS sorties overhead cost far more than the entire expenditure of my troop's entire deployment, including missiles.

I'm a DoD civilian.    I designed the remodeled command suite for the JMC HQ (the people who acquire all Army munitions) and got a small taste of what they do.

I didn't say it was a majority cost, but it's still there.
Link Posted: 2/27/2014 6:38:20 AM EDT
Thought it was about suppression fire, and firing being used for movement, as well as better casualty collection info.
Link Posted: 2/27/2014 6:47:03 AM EDT
The numbers are SWAGs, no one knows for sure how many rounds are fired, lost/stolen or destroyed in wars
Link Posted: 2/27/2014 6:48:13 AM EDT
Specially considering that the closest count we ever got for resupplies were estimates.
Link Posted: 2/27/2014 6:48:45 AM EDT
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That's still better than the NYPD
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Link Posted: 2/27/2014 6:49:04 AM EDT
Lies, damn lies, and statistics.

The WWII US military industrial base made billions of small arms cartridges.  We shipped out mega-chunks to all our allies (Brits, French, Chinese, etc.) around the world.

Once Vietnam and the post Cold War wars rolled around we started using weapons like Miniguns and Vulcans.  

How many rounds of small arms ammo (say 5.56 and 7.62) can someone estimate were fired in a single hot 5-man LRRP team exfil (considering the rounds fired by the team itself, then adding every 7.62 and .50 cal round fired by Puff, Spooky, and the exfil helos themselves)?

In a modern direct action strike how many 7.62 rounds for prep, suppression, and protection can we say are fired in a 160th infil-overwatch/protect- and exfil cycle?
Link Posted: 2/27/2014 6:49:15 AM EDT
Can we get a chart in here?
Link Posted: 2/27/2014 6:54:35 AM EDT
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The numbers are SWAGs, no one knows for sure how many rounds are fired, lost/stolen or destroyed in wars
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Literally no way to know.

Probably not within an order of magnitude.

Crap gets repeated until it's accepted as fact.
Link Posted: 2/27/2014 7:07:47 AM EDT
One must maneuver on the enemy in order to kill the enemy.

Maneuver requires mass amounts of ammunition to do so safely.
Link Posted: 2/27/2014 7:09:11 AM EDT
Also one must keep in mind that ammo doesn't exactly go bad when stored properly. Thus ammo secured for one conflict may not be used for that conflict. I shot .50 cal API in Afghanistan in 2010 that was made in 1952.

The problem is also civilians tend to think in terms of civilian engagements or TV show stuff where you see the bad guy and shoot and kill them in a few rounds. Fire and maneuver, support by fire, recon by fire etc... don't factor into that mindset simply because they don't know or understand the employment or arms by the military vs a SWAT team style CQB action.
Link Posted: 2/27/2014 7:11:27 AM EDT
I question the methodology used to arrive at these numbers.

In other words: these figures are BS.
Link Posted: 2/27/2014 7:12:27 AM EDT
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Also one must keep in mind that ammo doesn't exactly go bad when stored properly. Thus ammo secured for one conflict may not be used for that conflict. I shot .50 cal API in Afghanistan in 2010 that was made in 1952.

The problem is also civilians tend to think in terms of civilian engagements or TV show stuff where you see the bad guy and shoot and kill them in a few rounds. Fire and maneuver, support by fire, recon by fire etc... don't factor into that mindset simply because they don't know or understand the employment or arms by the military vs a SWAT team style CQB action.
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plus training
given to other countries
Link Posted: 2/27/2014 7:12:42 AM EDT

It's because people are getting bigger, and the 5.56 is a weak round.

You only had to shoot small guys 25,000 times with a Garand in WW2.

Now you have to shoot them 200,000 times with an M16, because they're bigger and the round is weaker.


Link Posted: 2/27/2014 7:13:40 AM EDT

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I question the methodology used to arrive at these numbers.

In other words: these figures are BS.
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They might be low
Link Posted: 2/27/2014 7:14:31 AM EDT
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plus training
given to other countries
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Also one must keep in mind that ammo doesn't exactly go bad when stored properly. Thus ammo secured for one conflict may not be used for that conflict. I shot .50 cal API in Afghanistan in 2010 that was made in 1952.

The problem is also civilians tend to think in terms of civilian engagements or TV show stuff where you see the bad guy and shoot and kill them in a few rounds. Fire and maneuver, support by fire, recon by fire etc... don't factor into that mindset simply because they don't know or understand the employment or arms by the military vs a SWAT team style CQB action.


plus training
given to other countries

Hell, even simple test firing as you step off.
Link Posted: 2/27/2014 7:24:07 AM EDT
Jeez 200k? I wont even be able to to kill one bad guy
Link Posted: 2/27/2014 7:24:42 AM EDT
Does that count include the number of rounds fired by Military Police at dogs?
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