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Link Posted: 4/18/2017 2:50:56 PM EDT
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apparently she is less than 100 pounds.
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I didn't go look at the nudes but she looks like she has a freakishly large head
apparently she is less than 100 pounds.
So am I, usually. I don't think my head is freakishly large. I could be wrong, though.
Link Posted: 4/18/2017 2:51:56 PM EDT
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What is way back when?  Better shut down this obvious Neo nazi terrorist training camp!!!

" target="_blank">
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Nice Nazi death head

Sorry to trigger you Sylvan :( 
That symbol has been used by 15 different mil units I can think of off the top of my head including American ones are they all nazis? 
It's the clearly SS version of the totenkopf.  It is not the 17th/21st Lancer's version.  It's not the Wehrmacht Panzertruppen version.  It's not the pre-unification Husaren-Regiment 5 or the Leib-Husaren Regiments Nr.1 and Nr.2 version or even the Reichswehr Kavalrie Regiment Nr. 5 version.

That some dumbasses in the USMC (scout-snipers) adopted it and the sig runes shows a lack of intelligence on their part, not a rehabilitation of the iconic symbol of the SS (and especially the Totenkopf-Verbande - the concentration camp guards).

Now tell me how a right-facing swastika is innocuous because Hindus and American Indians used it way back when?
What is way back when?  Better shut down this obvious Neo nazi terrorist training camp!!!

" target="_blank">
A left-facing swastika is not a right-facing swastika.  You posted a left-facing swastika.  See the difference?  Are we justifying?  

Link Posted: 4/18/2017 2:54:10 PM EDT
ODA_564 is taking no shit with the totenkopf

ETA: He' the captain of this thread now.
Link Posted: 4/18/2017 2:56:11 PM EDT
The socialists and the anarchist obstructionist's are like pigs.

To beat them hands on, you gotta get down and dirty at pig level. This entails getting filthy , bruised and bloody to overtake the pig.

This is a line that up until now, the patriots have not crossed.

I'm liking the fact that the strategy has changed and that we're taking it to them.

After all, mere lucid conversation is lost on these people, they only understand an overwhelming force.

So how bad do we want to win?

I'm tired of the bullshit, have lived almost 52 years and at this point I feel I will do what I have to do, in assuring our founding fathers wishes are continued.

Your mileage may vary, but I'm not giving anymore, unless it's aggression to put down a ever present and growing insurgency.
Link Posted: 4/18/2017 2:56:35 PM EDT
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She makes porn movies.
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movies? all i saw was some pics.
Link Posted: 4/18/2017 2:58:10 PM EDT

They drove 6 FUCKING HOURS just to get their asses handed to them
Link Posted: 4/18/2017 3:01:27 PM EDT
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Clean up, normalize hair, good makeover....................I'd hit it.
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Link Posted: 4/18/2017 3:02:30 PM EDT
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movies? all i saw was some pics.
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Then your google fu is weak, try searching "venus rosales porn"
Link Posted: 4/18/2017 3:04:45 PM EDT
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Nah, come on, except for the dreads and hairy legs (and the fact she is a commie whore), she is pretty smoking...and really she may have a lot of bush, but its not that big, like it was shaved and is now growing out, or trimmed pretty close, the bush was pretty short. She has great tits...

Since I dig hairy chicks, I like her porn....hate her, but like her porn...
Link Posted: 4/18/2017 3:06:08 PM EDT
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This video shows who supplied them with the bottles.
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Lootie is always an appropriate shop to a gif.
Link Posted: 4/18/2017 3:10:06 PM EDT
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Wait, you mean a lying liberal cuntbag was being a lying liberal cuntbag???

My shocked face....

Again, may the weaponized craziness of 4chan and Reddit destroy her life....I am all for sending her Grandma all her porn, smearing her tits and pussy and asshole with coconut oil and jamming huge dildoes into her hairy holes, see it grandma, see it! Make sure her parents get it, her employers, her school....when are people going to learn, you don't play by the Marquis de Queensbury rules when dealing with these communist fucks. You need to destroy them utterly. Because you see the MSM will lie, and allow them to lie to further their cause, so if you must destroy them by any means, do what you have to do....

You can't be a feckless, wishy washy white knight SJW and decry those who step up to destroy our enemies like several here....

Fuck that, raise the black flag, and have at it.
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Link Posted: 4/18/2017 3:13:41 PM EDT
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First, the 20th Infantry Division (both of them) never saw service in WWI - the first one was converted to the 41st Infantry Divison; the second one was in the process of being organized when the Armistice was signed and was deactivated.  So, since WWI divisonal shoulder sleeve insignia were authorized in France by GHQ AEF, that SSI was never worn (officially).

Secondly, that is a 'skull and cross bones' or ' Jolly Rodger' and not the SS totenkopf as used on that 'bumper sticker' (in quotes because that could just be a graphic).

SS totenkopf - notice that the bones are under the skull (which has a complete jaw - unlike the Wehrmacht Panzertruppen version),


Distinctly NAZI symbols are distinctly NAZI symbols.
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Dude, I was pointing out something of historical interest, not claiming that a WWI US infantry division was part of the SS of whatever.

It looks like the SS Totenkopf from the bumper sticker (or whatever that is) was derived from the one that was on the hats of Prussian Hussars.  Here is the Kaiser with that stylish lid:

It is pretty similar, but without the lower jaw.  Prussian Hussars started wearing the Totenkopf of their hats during the reign of Frederick the Great.

Here is another one.  It seems like if you are going to be in a unit called the "Crown Prince's Death Head Hussars" you ought to look a bit more serious when you get your picture taken.
Link Posted: 4/18/2017 3:15:41 PM EDT
Death Head emblem was used by the Germans long before the Nazis and the 20th Century.
Link Posted: 4/18/2017 3:17:11 PM EDT
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I keep getting that sticker every time I order another vortex suppressor mount, I guess they're Nazis too
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So Pirates were NAZIs before the NAZIs?   Mind blown ...

Link Posted: 4/18/2017 3:19:33 PM EDT
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Where is the "no one is defending this" guy? Did he and the "that's not a Nazi symbol" guy break for lunch?
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So Captain Jack Sparrow was a National Socialist?

Link Posted: 4/18/2017 3:20:14 PM EDT
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Daddy issues
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Link Posted: 4/18/2017 3:20:20 PM EDT
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So am I, usually. I don't think my head is freakishly large. I could be wrong, though.
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I didn't go look at the nudes but she looks like she has a freakishly large head
apparently she is less than 100 pounds.
So am I, usually. I don't think my head is freakishly large. I could be wrong, though.
petite women usually have slightly bigger heads in relationship to body size. Their eyes tend to look a bit bigger too.

I think it's cute.
Link Posted: 4/18/2017 3:20:45 PM EDT
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petite women usually have slightly bigger heads in relationship to body size.

I think it's cute.
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Naamah certainly is.
Link Posted: 4/18/2017 3:20:50 PM EDT
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Nah, come on, except for the dreads and hairy legs (and the fact she is a commie whore), she is pretty smoking...and really she may have a lot of bush, but its not that big, like it was shaved and is now growing out, or trimmed pretty close, the bush was pretty short. She has great tits...

Since I dig hairy chicks, I like her porn....hate her, but like her porn...
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Looks like she has hairy pits in some photos, haven't watched any of her vids yet.
Link Posted: 4/18/2017 3:21:49 PM EDT
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Looks like she has hairy pits in some photos, haven't watched any of her vids yet.
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Yeah, I have no problem with hairy pits either...

I know MOST of GD will not approve....
Link Posted: 4/18/2017 3:21:56 PM EDT
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"Love at first blow."
"Love through the blood."
"He hates Jews. She hates washing her body. You'll never guess what happens next!"
"Love blooms on the battlefield."
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"Her safe word was 'harder, faggot!'" ....
Link Posted: 4/18/2017 3:22:59 PM EDT
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Hard to keep up with it all, every hour there seems like a new article about that day. I haven't even finished this one from the local Berkeley paper


Saturday in an invaded Berkeley (First Person)
Steve Martinot
Monday April 17, 2017 - 10:18:00 AM

"Saturday’s gala gladiatorial contest for the strongest vocal chords (on Tax Day 2017) tried not to take up where the March 4 confrontation between out-of-town Trumpists and Berkeleyans left off. But it failed. For most of the day, it looked just like that earlier chant-fest, only smaller.

When I first got there, at around 10:30, there was this flimsy orange webbing stretched like a fence around the park (aka civil center), with large groups of people inside. I wondered how to get in, thought of simply stepping over it, but resisted the temptation. Down the block on Allston, I saw cops standing at an opening in the webbing, letting people in who didn’t have any weapons. I stood there with my jacket open, and a cop frisked me with his eyes from about 10 feet away, and waved me in. That’s when things got confusing.

I walked in to the first crowd I came to. And quickly realized, from the USian flags that people were wearing, that this was a Trumpist crowd.

Note: "USian" is the English translation of the Spanish word "estadounidense," which means a person from the US. "America," by the way, is two continents full of people with different cultures and traditions. For USians to call themselves “the Americans” is rank hemispheric chauvinism.

There was another crowd of people to the west, standing on the other side of two parallel lines of webbing, running north-south across the park, spaced about 10 feet apart. That west side was populated by people in black with face masks, facing the Trumpists on the east side. I felt right at home. The thought occurred to me that the face masks don’t hide identity; they created it. It was the major mode of distinguishing oneself from the Trumpists. If they took their facemasks off, they would lose their identity, and become simply faces in the crowd, like myself.

First assessment of the situation: The two parallel lines of webbing constituted a form of DMZ. Indeed, that is what everyone was calling it. The Trumpists held the east side of the DMZ, along with the stage where the big round fountain was. I had been to a sort of black-bloc meeting a couple of days before the event where they had decided to get to the park early and take control of that stage and fountain area. Obviously, that plan had failed.

The existence of this DMZ impressed me. I thought, “Ah ha, a veritable strategy on the part of the police.” One could even be proud of the fact that they were thinking. But as I walked back to the south end of the DMZ at Allston, I realized my pride was misplaced. The opening in the perimeter webbing was not aligned with the DMZ, but rather 50 feet east, so that all those who came through it entered the Trumpist zone. Had the webbing opening been aligned with the DMZ, those entering would have been able to turn right to Trumpism or left to their opposition, and the DMZ would have served its purpose. Like the plans of the black-bloc group, the police strategy was a total failure. It had refused to take the simplest geographic factors into account.

When I left, a short while later, to take care of some business, I mentioned to one of the cops at the webbing entry that the police strategy was total failure. He looked at me and said, “We had a strategy?” I laughed and said, “Oh, they didn’t tell you?”

I won’t call those on the left side of the DMZ anti-Trumpists, because they didn’t lend themselves to the kind of tunnel-vision that one finds among those who equate rabid support for government policy with patriotism. On the left, there were those chanting against racism, prejudice, fascism, as well as Trump. Many were simply outraged at the invasion and provocation of this right-wing rabid bunch, who seemed to use patriotism as a prosthetic device.

Essentially, presence was the real substance of what was going on. The chanting by both sides cancelled itself out. Presence was all that was left. However, because those entering the park did so in the Trumpist zone, that is where the center of activity was. Tunnel-vision confronted Berkeley-defenders, nose to nose, shouting and chanting, and every now and then looking like they wanted to throw a punch. That didn’t start to happen in any serious way until later. I left after a while, came back a while later. I was told a few fights had broken out, and that a couple of people had been arrested. But by one o’clock, the webbing fence had been trampled out of existence, and the major part of the crowd had moved on to Milvia, escaping the police interdiction on weapons. There were firecrackers, teargas grenades, and some pepper spray canisters, all deployed by the people in the crowd. The police stepped aside, no longer knowing what to do – except wisely to block off the streets so that traffic wouldn’t add itself to the mix.

I saw a few people helped out of the crowd with blood on them, but nothing serious. I ran into two friends of mine at different times who had bloody faces. In both cases, they had apparently been sucker-punched by some "freespeechie" Trumpists. Neither was the type to start a fight. There was also an impromptu DYI Trumpist first aid effort at the corner of Milvia and Center, for a few of their ranks who had gotten knocked out of the action.

Ultimately, as the afternoon wore on, most of the Trumpists moved up Center St. to Shattuck and beyond, surrounded by Berkeley-defenders. The rest had stayed back in the park on the stage and fountain. By two o’clock, those on Center St. were actually just arguing with each other. At one point, I actually heard the crowd surrounding that group of arguers cheering and applauding, with some laughter spicing it up. From the sounds emitted, which didn’t sound like people taking themselves seriously, I concluded that it was basically Berkeley-defenders doing the cheering and laughing. In effect, the crowd of confrontationalists, as it moved up Center St. to east of Shattuck, sort of ground itself down to a low volume noise level.

As the event started to peter out, it began to look like a kind of stalemate. I think that was actually the best outcome. Had the Trumpists lost, they would have been, as their patriotism teaches them, sore-losers, and come back for more. Had they won, their silly pride would have egged them on, feeling the desire to shame this nefarious bastion of liberalism a second time. Hopefully, ending in a stalemate, that will be the end of this re-activist-thread. There will no doubt be more of a different kind, as the rot of angst and paranoia that characterizes all white supremacy takes greater hold of the national administrative ideology. But for now, our job should be to pass a single-payer health care plan for this state, as the most effective political deconstruction of the assumptions of that same national ideology.

After March 4, a lot of people were saying that the black-bloc should stay home, because all they did was start violence. But this time, as the Trumpists showed up, they brought with them a background of smoke rising from areas of Syria bombed by Trump, accompanying the tension of gun boats off the coast of North Korea sent by Trump, so nobody can now say that it is anyone but Trump and his accessories who are starting the violence. We who present presence against this are defending more than Berkeley. "
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Total BS. "Based Stickman" Kyle is from Daly City, right across the bay from Berkeley. How many of those anit-fa scumbags are actually local? Kyle is bigger than I thought, 6'2" 215 "probably more like 225-230. His buddies must be giants, some are about a full head taller than Stickman.
Link Posted: 4/18/2017 3:25:14 PM EDT
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"Her safe word was 'harder, faggot!'" ....
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I wonder how you shout out the safe word with a ball gag in your mouth tied around your head.
Link Posted: 4/18/2017 3:26:25 PM EDT
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Naamah certainly is.
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damn straight.
Link Posted: 4/18/2017 3:30:53 PM EDT
I guess this is her first "Fisting" video?
Link Posted: 4/18/2017 3:33:29 PM EDT
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Yeah, skull = nazi.

In death, we all are nazis.

Take it easy on Aimless, guys. Penguins don't know if they are black or white.
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"Ebony - and Ivory -   look the same to Stevie, 'cause he can't see

His piano keyboard, Oh Lord, or AN-Y-THING..."

Link Posted: 4/18/2017 3:34:24 PM EDT
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She was on the CBS morning news this morning fibbing like crazy, she should been slapped in the head again!
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Eh.  You can't believe a word she says.  She's punk-drunk ....
Link Posted: 4/18/2017 3:36:29 PM EDT
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Her and her boyfriend

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Link Posted: 4/18/2017 3:37:55 PM EDT
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You may want to rethink the "I don't know what happened." thing as being 'truthful'.

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Fake News, paper will be along shortly to inform you she was wearing a mask to help her breath through the fascist chemical attack while picking up trash for recycling.
Link Posted: 4/18/2017 3:39:46 PM EDT
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I wonder how you shout out the safe word with a ball gag in your mouth tied around your head.
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Stephen Hawking signature model Speak and Spell with blow straw activator in one nostril ...
Link Posted: 4/18/2017 3:43:17 PM EDT
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Yeah, I stood there like a dummy when she cooly walks right up to me, smiles, winks and walks by as I didn't say shit

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Holy shit! I'll be right back...

ETA: back. I was watching a porn last night that was trending. Chick looked oddly familiar, if you know what I'm saying fellas.

But idgaf
Yeah, I stood there like a dummy when she cooly walks right up to me, smiles, winks and walks by as I didn't say shit

I found pulling one of these to be a great ice breaker...

Sanford And Son: This Is The Big One!
Link Posted: 4/18/2017 3:53:52 PM EDT
She reminds of all the lost, soulless wookies that wanted world peace back in college.  Looks like not much has changed.
Link Posted: 4/18/2017 3:56:30 PM EDT
Link Posted: 4/18/2017 3:57:13 PM EDT
I just found her porn pics.    They reminded me I need to go out and cut the grass.
Link Posted: 4/18/2017 3:58:24 PM EDT
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Does that say Vegan Legion a the top?

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Does that say Vegan Legion a the top?

And show's what appears to be a ape skull with meat eater teeth.
Link Posted: 4/18/2017 3:59:08 PM EDT
She's a dumb cunt. Play stupid games and all. I'd still fuck the demo right out of her but what a retard
Link Posted: 4/18/2017 4:00:11 PM EDT
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She said she was going for scalps. Now she says not looking for trouble.
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Your avatar looks strangly similar to her Venus region BTW.
Link Posted: 4/18/2017 4:01:44 PM EDT
Link Posted: 4/18/2017 4:02:14 PM EDT
Link Posted: 4/18/2017 4:03:23 PM EDT
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Yeah jack had an ss skull on his ship

"my SS dindu nuffin"
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how about
a key 
a horse head 
the letter H 
an arrow 
stags head 
viking helmet 
All of those were used and division insignia by the SS. can we just not use any of those anymore? 
Link Posted: 4/18/2017 4:10:28 PM EDT
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He looks like he likes to be on clean up duty...
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"In an open relationship" is liberal speak for "I'm a cuck"
He looks like he likes to be on clean up duty...

Link Posted: 4/18/2017 4:11:16 PM EDT
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And show's what appears to be a ape skull with meat eater teeth.
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Have you ever overcooked tofu?
Link Posted: 4/18/2017 4:12:38 PM EDT
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So am I, usually. I don't think my head is freakishly large. I could be wrong, though.
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I didn't go look at the nudes but she looks like she has a freakishly large head
apparently she is less than 100 pounds.
So am I, usually. I don't think my head is freakishly large. I could be wrong, though.
Mine is
Link Posted: 4/18/2017 4:13:40 PM EDT
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Sure that's an excuse for sending porn to old
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It's her granddaughter and it's open source. I'd personally want to know if my grandkids were fucktards before I wrote my will. Granny has seen a lot of crap and it will not destroy her.
Link Posted: 4/18/2017 4:14:29 PM EDT
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Yeah tormenting some old lady is cool
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/Pol allready sent her "modeling portfolio" to Moldylocks grandmother.
Yeah tormenting some old lady is cool
In this chick's own words when asked about M80's being tossed near a old woman...

"Revolution ain't easy"
Link Posted: 4/18/2017 4:15:53 PM EDT
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It's her granddaughter and it's open source. I'd personally want to know if my grandkids were fucktards before I wrote my will. Granny has seen a lot of crap and it will not destroy her.
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pour le encourage les autres
Link Posted: 4/18/2017 4:20:45 PM EDT
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So it wasn't the fact that the Dim Party wanted to ban guns that made you leave? Nor the fact that the Dim Party wants to tax you at a 90% rate & give it to "the poor" that made you leave? Or that the Dim policies have made wastelands of major cities like Detroit, Chicago, Atlanta, etc. that made you leave?

Did I miss anything, sir?  
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This right here is the stupidity that made me leave the democratic party.
So it wasn't the fact that the Dim Party wanted to ban guns that made you leave? Nor the fact that the Dim Party wants to tax you at a 90% rate & give it to "the poor" that made you leave? Or that the Dim policies have made wastelands of major cities like Detroit, Chicago, Atlanta, etc. that made you leave?

Did I miss anything, sir?  
You missed the part that no gun owner would be a demotard unless they are stupid 
Link Posted: 4/18/2017 4:22:58 PM EDT
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someone somewhere said he was quoted as being "ok with socialism" or some such thing.

apparently the ARFCOM SJWs are deeply, deeply concerned that in a rally of hundreds (if not thousands) there is a "white nationalist" and have done VERY deep research into them.

the venn overlap with the ARFCOM #nevertrumpers is also right at 100% by some weird coincidence.

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I have to agree with you.  We have a long history of leftist fascists using violence and we worry that one guy fighting back might be a racist. For crying out loud--some of the anfi thugs literally wear brown shirts
Link Posted: 4/18/2017 4:23:30 PM EDT
Are the people who confuse a jolly roger skull and crossbones with the very stylized and very specific SS death's head intentionally obtuse or just flat out ignorant?


Here's a clue: Just because you're glad the stupid, vapid little cunt got clocked in the dick sucker doesn't mean the person who threw the punch is worth more than a pile of pigeon shit.  For as long as I've been old enough to pay attention, the fringe retards have tried to glom onto mainstream grassroots movement to give themselves legitimacy.
Link Posted: 4/18/2017 4:23:32 PM EDT
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I think I've only seen them in magazines. Not sure I've seen a real pair.
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I paid $2 for a pair at a yard sale years ago... probably worth 30 in the State pen in NY, but not here in FA
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