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Link Posted: 1/26/2019 6:44:56 AM EDT
Been here a year now & I love it

I love America but can't bear to watch my country die
Link Posted: 1/26/2019 6:52:32 AM EDT
I bet Adam and Eve thought the world was going to hell the first time the sun went down.  Nothing has changed much since then in that every generation thinks the world is going to hell in a hand basket.
Link Posted: 1/26/2019 6:53:08 AM EDT
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First off, it's not an NEVERTRUMP thread.
....go search to your heart's content.  Try to find a thread or even a post by me that Trump shouldn't have been elected.  I'll hangup and listen.
2nd...Kryptonite?  Dude fucking VOLUNTARILY (and likely illegally) banned a firearm accessory with NO request to do so from the left.  Kryptonite?
Some people are just too dumb to let go of the ship as it's sinking.  I'll take your spot on one of the boats then.

So his accomplishments are he made some black folks realize the Dems don't give a F about them.
Wow.  That's top shelf achievement shit there.
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Nevertrump thread!

You forgot to add that he's kryptonite to leftists. He's made black Americans more aware the left doesn't give a fuck about them vs. illegals.
First off, it's not an NEVERTRUMP thread.
....go search to your heart's content.  Try to find a thread or even a post by me that Trump shouldn't have been elected.  I'll hangup and listen.
2nd...Kryptonite?  Dude fucking VOLUNTARILY (and likely illegally) banned a firearm accessory with NO request to do so from the left.  Kryptonite?
Some people are just too dumb to let go of the ship as it's sinking.  I'll take your spot on one of the boats then.

So his accomplishments are he made some black folks realize the Dems don't give a F about them.
Wow.  That's top shelf achievement shit there.
In all fairness, 50 people were killed and 500 injured (most probably in the stampede to get out) in a shooting where the mass murderer used a stupid number of bump-stocks.  It wasn’t on Trump’s or anyone else’s radar until then.  I bet 95% of the people bitching about it didn’t/don’t even own one.
Link Posted: 1/26/2019 7:10:12 AM EDT
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Pussy's...  You weak crybabies make me sick...  You disgust me...

Yes there is a dangerous opposition but they are not even close to winning.  Trump is President and we gained seats in the Senate.  The courts are turning conservative and it will be years before the new conservative judges retire.  If you give up and surrender we will lose.  The radical progressives are in the minority and if conservatives and moderates stick together like in we did 2016 we will prevail.  Prosperity is contagious and the people will come around if we all stand behind Trump.

Stop moaning but bumpstocks.  They are toys.  Serious marksmen do not use bumpstocks.  If we stick together, and hold the course, down the roads the bumpstock ban will be ruled unconstitutional.  A supreme court ruling is far better than the status quo.  It will strengthen the 2nd amendment.

If you want to lead your lives like pajama boy transgender snowflakes go ahead but I am and will always be a soldier for the constitution of the United States of America.  I will not give up or surrender.
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We’ve got a badass over here.
Link Posted: 1/26/2019 7:37:35 AM EDT
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This is a perfect example of short sightedness.

The make-up of SCOTUS is 1000x more important that bumpstocks. Losing bumpstocks does suck, I won't agree they're purely toys but at the end of the day I care more about how SCOTUS impacts the US than I do about how dirt clod shooters get to burn ammo.

A conservative majority on SCOTUS for the next 20+ years will impact the Nation.
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YOU....disgust me.
This is a perfect example of short sightedness.

The make-up of SCOTUS is 1000x more important that bumpstocks. Losing bumpstocks does suck, I won't agree they're purely toys but at the end of the day I care more about how SCOTUS impacts the US than I do about how dirt clod shooters get to burn ammo.

A conservative majority on SCOTUS for the next 20+ years will impact the Nation.
This. The tides are starting to turn.

Trump was merely the flint used to stoke the fire. The conservative movement is stronger than it's been maybe ever. GenZ is more conservative than their predecessors. Spineless assholes like Lindsay Graham are all of a sudden meat eaters.

America can be saved. Pulled back from the brink.

It's possible.

Million man armed march probably couldn't hurt though.
Link Posted: 1/26/2019 7:49:50 AM EDT
The Conservative movement is falling apart and the Republican Party is dead.  They sold us out!
Link Posted: 1/26/2019 8:00:20 AM EDT
Politician this, capitulating that, none of it matters.

1.  Trump will NOT get a wall...he can't even get a portion of a fucking useless fence.
2.  He's sold us out on 2A rights already.  Fudd or not, bumpstock owner or not...nationwide, we're in for some SERIOUS shit.
3.  Not even remotely addressing our debt.
4. Even with a majority he couldn't do jack shit with ObamaCare, even though EVERYONE knows it's bullshit and just made shit worse.
5.  ACO and the exotic uber-liberals are getting mainstream attention and people are buying into their bullshit.
6.  YOUR government does not give ONE FUCK about you.  NONE.  They only want your vote.

We all talk about it, and maybe even usually in jest, but our way of life is fucked.
Family-based, Christian, principled, honest-living, people are MOCKED and ridiculed for wanting things the 'way they used to be'.
They'll attack the family, kill the child 4 seconds before the light of the delivery room makes it to its first image of life, remove god from our schools and mock those that believe in religion.

All while espousing that everybody is working 100hrs a week and can't afford health care and that the rich need to pay their 'fair share', so that life, is fair.

We all know this to be bullshit, but it's coming, and we cannot stop it.

Now they want your guns.  All of them.  And most won't do shit because muh retirement, or "don't need no AR15 anyway".

Trump was our last hope and watching some of you cling to that hope is sad.  Sad because if you stop and look, there's no way out of this mess except on the other side, and that's likely 100 years away.

Prove me wrong.

From bondage to spiritual faith;
From spiritual faith to great courage;
From courage to liberty;
From liberty to abundance;
From abundance to complacency;
From complacency to apathy;
From apathy to dependence;
From dependence back into bondage.
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Sorry your girl lost ??
Link Posted: 1/26/2019 8:05:02 AM EDT
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I can't come up with an arguement against what you said.

I fear for my grandchildren and the America they will be living in.
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Plan and act accordingly.
Link Posted: 1/26/2019 8:25:26 AM EDT
Politician this, capitulating that, none of it matters.

1.  Trump will NOT get a wall...he can't even get a portion of a fucking useless fence.
2.  He's sold us out on 2A rights already.  Fudd or not, bumpstock owner or not...nationwide, we're in for some SERIOUS shit.
3.  Not even remotely addressing our debt.
4. Even with a majority he couldn't do jack shit with ObamaCare, even though EVERYONE knows it's bullshit and just made shit worse.
5.  ACO and the exotic uber-liberals are getting mainstream attention and people are buying into their bullshit.
6.  YOUR government does not give ONE FUCK about you.  NONE.  They only want your vote.

We all talk about it, and maybe even usually in jest, but our way of life is fucked.
Family-based, Christian, principled, honest-living, people are MOCKED and ridiculed for wanting things the 'way they used to be'.
They'll attack the family, kill the child 4 seconds before the light of the delivery room makes it to its first image of life, remove god from our schools and mock those that believe in religion.

All while espousing that everybody is working 100hrs a week and can't afford health care and that the rich need to pay their 'fair share', so that life, is fair.

We all know this to be bullshit, but it's coming, and we cannot stop it.

Now they want your guns.  All of them.  And most won't do shit because muh retirement, or "don't need no AR15 anyway".

Trump was our last hope and watching some of you cling to that hope is sad.  Sad because if you stop and look, there's no way out of this mess except on the other side, and that's likely 100 years away.

Prove me wrong.

From bondage to spiritual faith;
From spiritual faith to great courage;
From courage to liberty;
From liberty to abundance;
From abundance to complacency;
From complacency to apathy;
From apathy to dependence;
From dependence back into bondage.
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Pretty much agree with all that. Only exception being that Trump was our last hope.anyone who really thought that or still does is a fool. Just the idea that a single man could himself fix this mess is foolish. It was never possible regardless of what he did or does.

It's been game over for a few generations now at least. We've already driven off the cliff. We just haven't hit the bottom and gone splat yet. As we free fall it doesn't feel too bad.  I'm like you though. I see the ground rushing up towards us and it's obvious how this thing ends. No more America as we know it.
Link Posted: 1/26/2019 8:34:21 AM EDT

you want to read some shit, see what one year has done in Oregon and Washington , it is pretty bad!!!..... hell it took Cali a awhile before it was where it is today.... these people are hammer down here..... soon to be nationwide.
Link Posted: 1/26/2019 8:41:01 AM EDT
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I was there at the rally when he said that.
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Trump sold all of us a dream and we bought it.

"The assault on 2a is over"

I was there at the rally when he said that.
As was I.

All those thinking Trump will declare a national emergency and a walll will be built are delusional...What happened after his ban on possible terrorists slipping into the country ?? That's right, HI judge said can't do it & was game over. If he was gonna do shit he would've fast tracked that shit to SCOTUS for an immediate decision/confirmation of presidential powers and HI judge would have been slapped down so hard you could hear the echo 20 yrs. from now. But he didn't.

So now we come to the wall...He kicked some sand at the dems with the shutdown, then backpedaled on the actual barrier to be constructed for a month, first a wall, then steel wall, then fence/barrier. If he was going to do shit he should have just declared the Nat'nl emergency and started construction. then when the dems bitched told them STFU and had the DOJ fast track any court challenges to SCOTUS. Instead there will be 3 weeks of posturing and NOTHING will be done. No Nat'nl emergency, no wall, not even an orange plastic temp. fence like those put up around construction sites.

But do keep babbling on about all the shit he's gonna do 'cause "muh SCOTUS picks".
Link Posted: 1/26/2019 8:43:56 AM EDT
I can only add the politicians/.gov want the Workers vote AND TAXES, so the money can be “redistributed.”

What sadder is—I know some Brits who moved to the USA because of almost 50% taxes on their income & because they were tired of paying for about 1/3 of adults who get .gov Welfare and so not work.  They thought most Americans are “hard working” and we’re shocked to see what they describe as “the SAME thing:” non-working people voting for Socialists so they all can get more of the working class money.

We’re screwed & becoming “Europeans.”
Link Posted: 1/26/2019 8:52:36 AM EDT
I don't disagree much, but don't blame Trump.  He's only one guy.  We had the House, the Senate and the White House for two years and all they did was play with themselves.  Blame the RINOS and the 'Rats.  Blame the SJWs who are destroying every part of our culture they touch.

I do disagree with the part about big.gov not caring.  If you disagree with the agenda, they care about you A LOT.
Link Posted: 1/26/2019 1:03:07 PM EDT
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No crap, this sorry your girl loss is stupid. If that's all you can add then get lost. Pathetic
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Idiots that make that type of comment need to get their head out of their ass.
Link Posted: 1/26/2019 1:06:55 PM EDT
Politician this, capitulating that, none of it matters.

1.  Trump will NOT get a wall...he can't even get a portion of a fucking useless fence.
2.  He's sold us out on 2A rights already.  Fudd or not, bumpstock owner or not...nationwide, we're in for some SERIOUS shit.
3.  Not even remotely addressing our debt.
4. Even with a majority he couldn't do jack shit with ObamaCare, even though EVERYONE knows it's bullshit and just made shit worse.
5.  ACO and the exotic uber-liberals are getting mainstream attention and people are buying into their bullshit.
6.  YOUR government does not give ONE FUCK about you.  NONE.  They only want your vote.

We all talk about it, and maybe even usually in jest, but our way of life is fucked.
Family-based, Christian, principled, honest-living, people are MOCKED and ridiculed for wanting things the 'way they used to be'.
They'll attack the family, kill the child 4 seconds before the light of the delivery room makes it to its first image of life, remove god from our schools and mock those that believe in religion.

All while espousing that everybody is working 100hrs a week and can't afford health care and that the rich need to pay their 'fair share', so that life, is fair.

We all know this to be bullshit, but it's coming, and we cannot stop it.

Now they want your guns.  All of them.  And most won't do shit because muh retirement, or "don't need no AR15 anyway".

Trump was our last hope and watching some of you cling to that hope is sad.  Sad because if you stop and look, there's no way out of this mess except on the other side, and that's likely 100 years away.

Prove me wrong.

From bondage to spiritual faith;
From spiritual faith to great courage;
From courage to liberty;
From liberty to abundance;
From abundance to complacency;
From complacency to apathy;
From apathy to dependence;
From dependence back into bondage.
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Have you done anything about any of this, have any of us?

The liberals march and get involved every single day to promote their agenda.

We bitch and whine in GD

Prove me wrong.
Link Posted: 1/26/2019 1:08:56 PM EDT
I came to grips with this concept years ago. Part of how I rationalized not having children.
Link Posted: 1/26/2019 1:09:17 PM EDT
You guys worry too much and are downers, quit worrying about things that are out of your control and go get laid.
Link Posted: 1/26/2019 1:09:48 PM EDT
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Sorry your girl lost
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How original.  Excellent points made as well.
Link Posted: 1/26/2019 1:10:57 PM EDT
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you want to read some shit, see what one year has done in Oregon and Washington , it is pretty bad!!!..... hell it took Cali a awhile before it was where it is today.... these people are hammer down here..... soon to be nationwide.
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Exactly.  They're CONSIDERABLY more aggressive now.
Link Posted: 1/26/2019 1:11:49 PM EDT
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Have you done anything about any of this, have any of us?

The liberals march and get involved every single day to promote their agenda.

We bitch and whine in GD

Prove me wrong.
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I volunteered for a national campaign.  Twice.
What did you do?
Link Posted: 1/26/2019 1:13:38 PM EDT
True, I am now traumatized of how Trump failed at everything and spent Friday with Nancy Pelosi's dick up his ass.
Link Posted: 1/26/2019 1:21:34 PM EDT
Spot on

Politician this, capitulating that, none of it matters.

1.  Trump will NOT get a wall...he can't even get a portion of a fucking useless fence.
2.  He's sold us out on 2A rights already.  Fudd or not, bumpstock owner or not...nationwide, we're in for some SERIOUS shit.
3.  Not even remotely addressing our debt.
4. Even with a majority he couldn't do jack shit with ObamaCare, even though EVERYONE knows it's bullshit and just made shit worse.
5.  ACO and the exotic uber-liberals are getting mainstream attention and people are buying into their bullshit.
6.  YOUR government does not give ONE FUCK about you.  NONE.  They only want your vote.

We all talk about it, and maybe even usually in jest, but our way of life is fucked.
Family-based, Christian, principled, honest-living, people are MOCKED and ridiculed for wanting things the 'way they used to be'.
They'll attack the family, kill the child 4 seconds before the light of the delivery room makes it to its first image of life, remove god from our schools and mock those that believe in religion.

All while espousing that everybody is working 100hrs a week and can't afford health care and that the rich need to pay their 'fair share', so that life, is fair.

We all know this to be bullshit, but it's coming, and we cannot stop it.

Now they want your guns.  All of them.  And most won't do shit because muh retirement, or "don't need no AR15 anyway".

Trump was our last hope and watching some of you cling to that hope is sad.  Sad because if you stop and look, there's no way out of this mess except on the other side, and that's likely 100 years away.

Prove me wrong.

From bondage to spiritual faith;
From spiritual faith to great courage;
From courage to liberty;
From liberty to abundance;
From abundance to complacency;
From complacency to apathy;
From apathy to dependence;
From dependence back into bondage.
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Link Posted: 1/26/2019 1:23:07 PM EDT
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OPNI. We are in for some dark times ahead.
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Link Posted: 1/26/2019 1:23:41 PM EDT
Stop watching the news. Things aren’t that bad. I’ll give you something to do, find Ruth Bader Ginsburg.
Link Posted: 1/26/2019 1:24:59 PM EDT
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How original.  Excellent points made as well.
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Sorry your girl lost
How original.  Excellent points made as well.
Link Posted: 1/26/2019 1:26:45 PM EDT
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Idiots that make that type of comment need to get their head out of their ass.
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No crap, this sorry your girl loss is stupid. If that's all you can add then get lost. Pathetic

Idiots that make that type of comment need to get their head out of their ass.
Link Posted: 1/26/2019 1:27:33 PM EDT
Why 1969!????

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your looking at it wrong. youre assuming this is some sort of wheel. start with bondage, end with bondage.

its not a wheel its a life cycle. everything has a life cycle. its born grows up matures, gets old and dies.

the united states is a sort of empire. empires rise and fall. greeks, romans, brits are the best examples. empires are often overrun by their remote subjects, for the romans it was the barbarians from their outer territories, for the brits its their colonial subjects, for the united states its just everyone from poorer often third world shit holes. with modern transportation, get on a plane, land in the us overstay your visa, take a train from guatemala  to the border, walk the rest of the way, the barbarians/third worlders can get here in huge numbers much faster.

no civilization has lasted forever. certain cultures do sometimes persist for millennia, the best example of this is the chinese. though china has been conquered, risen and fallen for thousands of years, there has always been a 'chinese' sort of culture.

the high water mark for the united states was 1969,
and even then the seeds of our decay had been planted.

you can blame socialism. what you really need to blame is the third world's penchant for tribal/clan based way of life. socialism is just the what you get when you mix 20th/21st century economics with third world 'groupism'. the folks that will dominate and transform this nation in the next 100 years all come from 'villages' and 'it takes a village' is what this nation is becoming..

deal with it. thats how its gonna be.
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Link Posted: 1/26/2019 1:38:47 PM EDT
Pelosi should be tried as an enemy of the state.
Link Posted: 1/26/2019 1:46:51 PM EDT
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You should add an attribution to this.
Link Posted: 1/26/2019 1:53:41 PM EDT
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So when are you going to start shooting OP?

Seems to me based on your post that this is the only thing left.

ETA: If you think that we're going to fix this nation's problems in 1 term, or administration you're retarded.  The left has spent the last 100 years slowly boiling the frog.  If you want to fix the problems addressed in the OP you're going to have to think long term.

Again, unless you're ready to start shooting.
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True that our problems can't be fixed in one term, but the problem is that Trump has been making the problems worse, as the op listed above.
Link Posted: 1/26/2019 3:06:52 PM EDT
Do any of you really believe that any one will give up their power?

Link Posted: 1/26/2019 3:28:57 PM EDT
Link Posted: 1/26/2019 3:54:28 PM EDT
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Live your life and only worry about things you have control over not other people.
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Control what you can control, love your family.
There's still a lot of beauty and wonder in life, don't miss it.
It will all be over soon enough.
Link Posted: 1/26/2019 3:55:27 PM EDT
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Since 11/9/2016 I have proceeded under the assumption that I have 4 years to prepare for the next Obamaesque president.

You have two years left. Use them wisely.
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Be prepared.
Link Posted: 1/26/2019 3:59:24 PM EDT
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Stop this idiocy. Trump is batting 0 lately.
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If only your girl had won ...
Stop this idiocy. Trump is batting 0 lately.
I'm also sorry your hag lost.
It took decades for us to get to where we're at now, it will take decades to fix it.
Link Posted: 1/26/2019 4:23:37 PM EDT
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I'm all about you giving me the solution to the problems.
If I'm wrong (and apparently a shit-ton of other ARFCOMMERS), then tell us how.

Because I see Chuck Schumer, who years ago gave a speech about how illegals shouldn't be let into the country, now fighting tooth and nail for it.

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I agree with you. But short of a capital crime, what can be done?
Vote, be involved in local elections. Go to city council meetings and express your opinions.
I live in a town of about 20,000. I go to city council meetings every month. People voice their concerns, they do listen.
Beyond that, I'm going to enjoy my life to the best of my abilities.
Maybe I'll see you at the range, bar or our kids recital.
Link Posted: 1/26/2019 4:32:31 PM EDT
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GenZ is more conservative than their predecessors.
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I see this all the time on Arfcom.

It makes me wonder how many of the people who say this actually interact with Gen Z.  I hate to break it to you, but it’s a false hope.  Internet anecdotes and YouTube videos are not reality.

You know who is “conservative” amongst Gen Z?  White boys.

Most of the girls and people of color are just as brainwashed as the millennials.

I interact with this age group on a daily basis.  In a rural, conservative area.
Link Posted: 1/26/2019 5:04:11 PM EDT
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The only good thing we can hope for out of Trump is sc justices, I'm afraid we are sure to lose in 2020 with his approval ratings where they are. He would need a very big win to bring them back and I don't have any faith given his track record to date.

If the Dems took anything from the Hillary loss, they will run a candidate that identifies with the younger generation. If that happens, we are hosed.
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You believe the approval ratings? You are the problem.
My neighbors and us get together every week or so. In my local, non-CNN poll, Pres. Trump has about an 80% positive rating. I believe there's millions of us out there who never get never get polled, intentionally. Don't buy into the bullshit.
Link Posted: 1/26/2019 5:24:11 PM EDT
See the thing about this is, it ain’t about trump.

It’s not about one person that isn’t pushing us exactly where we want to go and fixing it all.

Trump exposed the utter tyranny and one party politics. That’s it. He will be gone in a few years but one thing is certain....the swamp rats will remain.

These people give millions to countries that fucking hate us. They don’t care what you think. That’s the issue here. Before it was back room deals. Now it’s right in your face...we want to take your hard earned money and give it to people that hate you. And make you a criminal, and make your neighbors think your a racist And what the fuck are you going to do you slave ass peasant bitch?

That’s what we’re dealing with. Half of you guys got your head so far in the fucking sand it’s insane. Everythings fine!!! Go outside!! Until there’s a thousand threads about how did this happen and how did get here. Enjoy your fucking chains you brain dead fucks.
Link Posted: 1/26/2019 5:31:53 PM EDT
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We're in a war that the left appears to be winning. The future is always uncertain, but it appears that the, "frog in the pot of water on a stove," is how it's going now. By the time there needs to be decisive action taken to change course it might be too late.
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The left appears to be winning because that's what the media jams down our throats. My barometer is the people in my life who matter; family, friends and neighbors. We're winning. I believe that millions of Americans are having the same conversations. But we are the Americans that are never seen on 24hr news channels.
Link Posted: 1/26/2019 5:51:28 PM EDT
Great thread
Link Posted: 1/27/2019 6:06:42 AM EDT
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I see this all the time on Arfcom.

It makes me wonder how many of the people who say this actually interact with Gen Z.  I hate to break it to you, but it’s a false hope.  Internet anecdotes and YouTube videos are not reality.

You know who is “conservative” amongst Gen Z?  White boys.

Most of the girls and people of color are just as brainwashed as the millennials.

I interact with this age group on a daily basis.  In a rural, conservative area.
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I'm 24 years old, in one of the most liberal places in America, and all the GenZ people I know are turbo right wing "spin up the helicopters" right wing. It was starting when I was in college too.

I knew plenty of Commies, sure. But it's getting more and more that the young-uns are all Pepe'd out and shit.

My fiance is technically GenZ (22yrs old, so like the first year of GenZ) and she's pretty right wing now.
Link Posted: 1/27/2019 6:19:41 AM EDT
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I bet Adam and Eve thought the world was going to hell the first time the sun went down.  Nothing has changed much since then in that every generation thinks the world is going to hell in a hand basket.
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And in just about every generation since then, it has gone to hell for some society somewhere. We're not special.
Link Posted: 1/27/2019 6:31:40 AM EDT
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I'm positive FDJT is a leftist plant who fooled the public one too many times.
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HE'S the Fifth Column.
Link Posted: 1/27/2019 6:39:00 AM EDT
The train left the station 50 years ago on 'I think its time to come to grips with reality.. nothing good is coming'

The 60s were the sign of rebellion, disrespect, selfishness, hate & anger.   It will probably take another 100 years but I see human life ending sometime in the next century,, maybe 2105.
Link Posted: 1/27/2019 7:20:51 AM EDT
Link Posted: 1/27/2019 8:00:19 AM EDT
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I came to the realization last night, that the next 1.5 years will be spent prepping for the next 20+.

Unfortunately I'm not in the place to purchase 50 grand worth of guns, reloading components, and mags.
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It will be over a lot more than guns.

I don't know if I really expect full fledged venezuala where there is a shortage on everything except for hunger and violence.

And at the same time, not sure.

Just the statement made about the california power company having to increase rates if they were going to fix the grid themselves shows me that prices on everything will go up, quality down, and more people probably going on food stamps and everything else.
Link Posted: 1/27/2019 8:14:58 AM EDT
Suns rising....
Link Posted: 1/27/2019 8:26:37 AM EDT
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Be prepared.
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Since 11/9/2016 I have proceeded under the assumption that I have 4 years to prepare for the next Obamaesque president.

You have two years left. Use them wisely.

Be prepared.
I totally agree.
Link Posted: 1/27/2019 8:46:50 AM EDT
There is nothing new under the sun.......... I don’t subscribe to defeatism, but I do acknowledge this country has serious problems and we need to get involved instead of griping about it. It will take more than one term to fix the rot. But, don’t ever put your faith in politicians, for they will fail you every time
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