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Posted: 4/12/2020 2:41:29 PM EDT
Went turkey hunting yesterday morning.  Very cool to call in three jakes within 20 yards and they were not spooked by me basically sitting in the open wearing a multicam jacket, multicam balaclava covering my head, and all terrain tiger pants that matched up to the multicam for colors.

On the way out I decide to hang my jacket and shirt on the bushes and take some pics. Sitka on Left and Multicam on right.

Attachment Attached File

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Attachment Attached File

Looks like the Sitka Open Country does a great job of blending in.

Comments, anyone else have any camo test pics to share?

Link Posted: 4/12/2020 2:42:16 PM EDT
Can’t see the pics.
Link Posted: 4/12/2020 2:42:29 PM EDT
Just what are these "three jakes?"
Link Posted: 4/12/2020 2:43:18 PM EDT
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Can’t see the pics.
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That's why they're called camouflage.  
Link Posted: 4/12/2020 2:43:27 PM EDT
Those pics worked so well I can't even see them. Nicely done!
Link Posted: 4/12/2020 2:43:48 PM EDT
Where are the pics?

I’ve been using O2 Octane instead of Sitka this year. I like it.
Link Posted: 4/12/2020 2:43:53 PM EDT
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Just what are these "three jakes?"
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Link Posted: 4/12/2020 2:44:39 PM EDT
Link Posted: 4/12/2020 2:44:47 PM EDT
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Just what are these "three jakes?"


OK, so Op named the three turkeys, "Jake?" Strange.
Link Posted: 4/12/2020 2:45:01 PM EDT
Link Posted: 4/12/2020 2:45:45 PM EDT
Can't see shit.
Link Posted: 4/12/2020 2:46:08 PM EDT
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Just what are these "three jakes?"
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Really stupid turkeys. (Juvenile males)
Link Posted: 4/12/2020 2:46:32 PM EDT
Appears to work very well. That is, if there are pictures in your post. If there are no pictures in your post, you suck, your thread sucks and you should feel like a covid virus particle.
Link Posted: 4/12/2020 2:47:31 PM EDT
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Can’t see the pics.
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Well that means it's good camo
Link Posted: 4/12/2020 2:51:21 PM EDT
Ok - fixed the post....

All good and happy Easter to GD...

Link Posted: 4/12/2020 2:54:43 PM EDT
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OK, so Op named the three turkeys, "Jake?" Strange.
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Link Posted: 4/12/2020 2:55:02 PM EDT
wasnt it hot today?
Link Posted: 4/12/2020 2:58:04 PM EDT
Saw the pics

I see no difference between the two, spot both of them in your first picture.
Link Posted: 4/12/2020 3:00:39 PM EDT
Hawaiian shirts are the best at breaking up your silhouette.

An Informally Definitive Camouflage Study Part II

Link Posted: 4/12/2020 3:02:59 PM EDT
Sitka Open country is for sale brush flats and the like.

Most sitka camo looks awesome to our eyes but doesn't do a great job breaking up the human form.

Even my favorite chosen camo pattern doesn't do a great job but it seems to work better around here.
Link Posted: 4/12/2020 3:30:30 PM EDT
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OK, so Op named the three turkeys, "Jake?" Strange.
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Just what are these "three jakes?"


OK, so Op named the three turkeys, "Jake?" Strange.
This heres Jake and my other two turkeys, Jake and Jake.
Link Posted: 4/12/2020 4:16:56 PM EDT
Can you post a closer pic of the patterns?

Like from 3 feet?
Link Posted: 4/12/2020 4:21:20 PM EDT
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OK, so Op named the three turkeys, "Jake?" Strange.
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Obviously you're not a golfer...
Link Posted: 4/12/2020 4:25:28 PM EDT
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OK, so Op named the three turkeys, "Jake?" Strange.
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not sure if serious
Link Posted: 4/12/2020 4:30:25 PM EDT
Dupe below.
Link Posted: 4/12/2020 4:36:08 PM EDT
Using sitka in florida is kinda weird. It looks like sage or alpine.
Link Posted: 4/12/2020 4:39:07 PM EDT
Would dpm have been worse? I guess that would be M81 woodland?
Link Posted: 4/12/2020 4:40:26 PM EDT
if you're still enough, turkeys don't really care what your camo pattern is
Link Posted: 4/12/2020 4:54:22 PM EDT
Your pics are low resolution and not nearly as good as the eyes of a turkey.   Like you said, a couple stupid jakes probably dont care.

At your photos distance AND sitting still, most camo will work unless it blobs out (many do).   Multicam or Sitka Open Country will do fine.   I think old Woodland camo works excellent too.  

All that said, I suck at turkey hunting and am not even going this year ;)
Link Posted: 4/12/2020 4:56:16 PM EDT
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Can’t see the pics.
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He used a multicam’ra
Link Posted: 4/12/2020 9:17:26 PM EDT
Since some of the city folks do not know what a Jake is - here you go....

Info from the "Bone Collector" - a hunting brand

Before we launch into what makes each of them different, let’s lay the turkey hunting foundation. Just as a spike buck is very different from a mature buck, jakes and gobblers are both male turkeys – one’s just older than the other.

tom turkey is a mature male bird. There will be shifts in physical appearance and behavior as they get older, but a gobbler is essentially a gobbler on its 2 year birthday.

Is it wrong or illegal to kill a jake instead of a long beard? Check your local regulations, but the answer is almost always no as far as the regulations go. Many turkey hunting regulations specify you kill a male or “bearded turkey” during the spring hunting season. Sometimes a bearded turkey is a sad-looking long beard, an average jake, or even a hen. So it really comes down to what you are comfortable shooting. Many people take any legal turkey they get the chance to, while some choose to only shoot mature long beards. It goes back to the spike vs. mature buck – there’s nothing necessarily wrong with either approach as long as you are happy with your decision.

Now that you know the jake turkey definition and tom turkey definition, we can look at what makes them different. When you’re trying to decide jake turkey vs a gobbler, it all comes down to beards, tail feathers, head color, spurs, gobbles, and behavior. If you can quickly look and see all of the indicators below, you can be virtually positive it’s a mature tom.

As a general rule, jakes will have short beards (about 2 to 3 inches in length), while the tom turkey beard can be up to 10 inches or more (they don’t call them longbeards for nothing). Sometimes toms even get multiple beards, which can be another good sign of maturity. On the other hand, sometimes toms lose their beards or wear them down over time, or jakes will sport long or double beards. A certain number of hens will also sport a beard at some point, which is why many regulations allow a “bearded turkey” during the turkey hunting season. In the video below, you’ll see that while hunting these call-shy gobblers, in particular, there was a surprise super jake encounter.

Long story short - a Jake is a young male turkey and a Tom is a old male turkey.

It has been said that if a Turkey had a nose like a deer - you would never kill one.


Link Posted: 4/12/2020 9:20:56 PM EDT
I kick ass at getting turkeys up close, but only during deer season.
Link Posted: 4/12/2020 9:34:16 PM EDT
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OK, so Op named the three turkeys, "Jake?" Strange.
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You know how they call adult male turkeys Toms?  Well they call juvenile male turkeys Jakes.

Kind of like how you call an adult male goose a Gander.

OP, I use multicam too for turkey.

I have found, however, unless you're wearing really colors the most important part is remaining still.  I've had hens walk to within 5 feet of me wearing drab clothing.
Link Posted: 4/12/2020 9:38:21 PM EDT
It has been said that if a Turkey had a nose like a deer - you would never kill one.
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We like to say that if turkeys had a sense of smell we'd never even know they existed.

Beards by FredMan, on Flickr

And today I took a jake.

Link Posted: 4/12/2020 9:51:39 PM EDT
Sitka is for soyboys. Got any Kuiu or First Lite you can compare?
Link Posted: 4/13/2020 11:47:50 AM EDT
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Sitka is for soyboys. Got any Kuiu or First Lite you can compare?
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I do have a balaclava in First Lite Fusion - I do like that pattern, just have not bought that much of it.

I plan to take some more camo into the woods.  I like the Sitka BackCountry because it has very little green in it.

Think that your reference to boyboys belong to the city slickers that do not know what a jake is.  They prob do not know how to process a deer or filet out a fish.  The virus might fix that.

Link Posted: 4/13/2020 12:00:09 PM EDT
Neither break up the outlines or blend well enough in the given background. Change your venue or your cammo.

Edit: Flectarn was invented for such a backdrop, and works very well in it.
Link Posted: 4/13/2020 12:07:31 PM EDT
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OK, so Op named the three turkeys, "Jake?" Strange.
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Just what are these "three jakes?"


OK, so Op named the three turkeys, "Jake?" Strange.

Link Posted: 4/13/2020 12:16:56 PM EDT
Background is almost a solid green, so tough for the camo to do its job.
The multicam article is laid out with deep wrinkles creating pronounced shadows. The Sitka is laid out flat. Most of the difference seen is due to the shadows in the wrinkles of the multicam.

Both are good patterns. My 2 favorites actually. Most other camo patterns are too dark. People think camo needs artificial shadows. That’s retarded. Natural shadow is more than enough. Add fake shadow and at distance you look like a dork in a ninja costume.
Link Posted: 4/13/2020 12:21:15 PM EDT
I've really learned to love pop up ground blinds. Not only do they hide you but you can move around in them without being noticed.

The wind/rain break is a plus too.
Link Posted: 4/13/2020 12:37:32 PM EDT
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We like to say that if turkeys had a sense of smell we'd never even know they existed.

https://live.staticflickr.com/4192/34387046021_43a7b4091e_b.jpgBeards by FredMan, on Flickr

And today I took a jake.

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It has been said that if a Turkey had a nose like a deer - you would never kill one.

We like to say that if turkeys had a sense of smell we'd never even know they existed.

https://live.staticflickr.com/4192/34387046021_43a7b4091e_b.jpgBeards by FredMan, on Flickr

And today I took a jake.

You guys must have a lot smarter or warier birds than around my AO.

FFS, I was literally kicking them to get them off the porch all winter long when I lived in town.  They are like rats or seagulls around here.  Last week while driving for work, I had to slowly push through a flock of them, including two toms, on a dirt road just off the highway.  I could have killed them with a hammer.  I don't think turkey hunting would be that much of a challenge around here.  LOL.
Link Posted: 4/13/2020 1:32:47 PM EDT
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OK, so Op named the three turkeys, "Jake?" Strange.
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Are you serious?
Link Posted: 4/13/2020 1:34:10 PM EDT
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Your pics are low resolution and not nearly as good as the eyes of a turkey.   Like you said, a couple stupid jakes probably dont care.

At your photos distance AND sitting still, most camo will work unless it blobs out (many do).   Multicam or Sitka Open Country will do fine.   I think old Woodland camo works excellent too.  

All that said, I suck at turkey hunting and am not even going this year ;)
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Come up to WI, I'll take you turkey hunting, you'll get one...
Link Posted: 4/13/2020 1:45:59 PM EDT
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Come up to WI, I'll take you turkey hunting, you'll get one...
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How long does the season last?  We have two more weeks here.

It is a long long ass road trip, but don't temp me.

Link Posted: 4/13/2020 1:47:24 PM EDT
close enough that the animals are either going to notice or not.
Link Posted: 4/13/2020 1:47:36 PM EDT
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OK, so Op named the three turkeys, "Jake?" Strange.
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Just what are these "three jakes?"


OK, so Op named the three turkeys, "Jake?" Strange.

Tell me how I know you know nothing about turkey hunting...
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