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Firearms news of note (Page 3 of 9)
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Link Posted: 10/28/2010 8:13:34 PM EDT

Link Posted: 10/28/2010 10:29:48 PM EDT

Gunmaker's 'Adaptive Combat Rifle' Too Combat-y: Fires Full Auto!

When is a "combat rifle" for the U.S. civilian gun market too combat-y?

When it fires like a full-auto machine gun.

That's the problem Bushmaster now faces with its new Adaptive Combat Rifle (ACR), an AR15-style assault rifle that according to a May 2010 cover story in the National Rifle Association's American Rifleman magazine is a "transformative firearm."

Perhaps a little too transformative.

According to an "Important Bushmaster ACR Product Safety Notice" sent to Bushmaster wholesalers, distributors, and dealers this month:

Bushmaster Firearms International, LLC has become aware of a possible firearms performance issue that may develop with a small number of ACR rifles and we are requesting you discontinue the sale of these firearms that remain in your inventory until appropriate action has been taken....During routine test firing, Bushmaster discovered a design flaw which could result in multiple rounds firing continuously when the trigger is pulled. This unexpected firing of multiple rounds creates a potential dangerous situation.

Link Posted: 10/28/2010 10:40:10 PM EDT

Gun grabber exploits product recall to advance semi-auto ban agenda

A rebuttal to the Huffington Post article

"Gunmaker's 'Adaptive Combat Rifle' Too Combat-y: Fires Full Auto!” The Violence Policy Center’s Josh Sugarmann breathlessly warns Huffington Post readers.

When is a "combat rifle" for the U.S. civilian gun market too combat-y?

When it fires like a full-auto machine gun.

Batty invented terminology aside, he’s referring to a product recall notice issued by Bushmaster on Oct. 15 for its ACR rifle:

Bushmaster Firearms International, LLC has become aware of a possible firearms performance issue that may develop with a small number of ACR rifles and we are requesting you discontinue the sale of these firearms that remain in your inventory until appropriate action has been taken…

...During routine test firing, Bushmaster discovered a design flaw which could result in multiple rounds firing continuously when the trigger is pulled. This unexpected firing of multiple rounds creates a potential dangerous situation.

"In other words,” Sugarmann concludes in a triumphant "Gotcha!” moment, "they’re machine guns.”

He’s right, you know. They are. At least according to the government.

In the case of U.S. v. Olofson, the United States Court of Appeals for the Seventh Circuit upheld a machine gun transfer conviction for a malfunctioning semiautomatic rifle. As I observed in my July 2008 GUNS Magazine"Rights Watch” column:


Link Posted: 10/29/2010 7:38:30 PM EDT

Preliminary test indicates new fish virus in Saguaro Lake Disease poses no risk for people, pets or water supply

PHOENIX –– Arizona may have a new microscopic aquatic invader – largemouth bass virus, which can kill fish but is not harmful to people.

"There has been a preliminary detection of this fish virus at Saguaro Lake,” said Arizona Game and Fish Department Fisheries Chief Kirk Young.

Fish samples from Saguaro recently showed preliminary results for the largemouth bass virus, but due to testing timelines for this disease, Arizona Game and Fish is still awaiting a full report from federal laboratories. The full report is expected in the next three to four weeks. Confirmation of the detection will then be sought with another, independent laboratory.

Young emphasized that even if the virus is present, the disease posses no risk to people and pets and the water is safe for drinking water supply and recreation. "Largemouth bass virus is not known to infect any warm-blooded animals and any fish that are caught by anglers are safe to eat,” said Young. "However, we always recommend that you thoroughly cook any fish you intend to eat and never use found dead or dying fish for food.”


Link Posted: 10/29/2010 7:48:15 PM EDT

John Williams: Fixing problems

In this election cycle, President Barack Obama and the liberals have called me uneducated, misguided, redneck, gun nut, right-wing extremist, racist, bigot and now I am confused and scared.

If you have ever noticed, this is standard operating procedure for the left — as soon as anyone disagrees with them they bring out the name-calling to try and distract from what they are really doing.

You can judge how much trouble they are in by the number and frequency of names used. I will clarify just a couple of points for them.

No.1, the charge of being a racist: I believe this comes from the fact that the president is black and if I disagree with him that makes me a racist.


Link Posted: 10/29/2010 7:55:13 PM EDT

Letter: Vote freedom

I believe there has never been a more important time to vote. This country has never taken such a drastic change as it has in the last two years.

Do you think this hope and change thing is what we expected? Would you like the government to run your life by changing the Constitution to take away your freedoms, or government takeover of banks, mortgage companies, large auto companies, our health care and, soon to come, cap and trade (or cap and tax, as some call it)?

Our Second Amendment (the right to keep and bare arms) is in the hands of nine justices. Five voted for it, and four want to abolish it. That's one vote that might be decided in this election.


Link Posted: 10/29/2010 8:02:20 PM EDT

M1 Rifles: An Update About the Obama Scam

Daniel Gallington, a writer for the Cypress Times, has done some more digging on the issue of why the M1 rifles the United States gave to Korea years ago are still being barred from returning by the Obama administration. As it turns out, according to his research, we still own them.

This was a "grant aid” program, which meant that they were not "sold” to the Koreans, and the ROK did not own them. They were loaned, and remained the property of the US government, specifically the US Army, who was the "logistic implementer” for the MAP program.

During the late 50’s, 60’s and 70’s we had several MAP recipient countries and Korea was one of the largest. MAP programs were phased down in the 70’s with the passage of the Arms Export Control Act (AECA) in 1978 and the creation of the Foreign Military Sales (FMS) program.


Link Posted: 10/29/2010 8:05:26 PM EDT
Shooter - Ballistics Calculator for Android™

Shooter is a highly accurate ballistics calculator for the Android™ mobile platform (v1.6 and higher) and is currently for sale in the Android Market for $9.99. Shooter's primary goal is to provide accurate shot solutions quickly and easily when in the field. This is done by utilizing a proven-accurate and fast ballistics solver coupled with an advanced, intuitive user interface supporting features like firearm and ammunition profiles (so you never have to enter the same data twice) and options to use your device's hardware (GPS, Accelerometer, Compass) to help you input shot-data both quickly and accurately.


Link Posted: 10/29/2010 8:08:56 PM EDT
We need to repeal the Second Amendment

"Let's just get right to the heart of the issue. ..."

"Until 'we the people' demand an end to the production, distribution, sale and ownership of handguns and assault weapons and the repeal of the Second Amendment, we are going to continue to reap the whirlwind of gun violence." ...


Submitter's Note: David if you really want to see a "whirlwind of gun violence" then go ahead and implement your scheme. Mike Vanderboegh elaborates
hereand here.

Link Posted: 10/29/2010 8:17:00 PM EDT

Valkyrie Armament Introduces Belt-Fed, Semi-Automatic AR-15 Rifle

Valkyrie Armament Belt-Fed AR-15 Rifle is your conduit to politely tell those that ask you why…to go pound sand.

North Ridgeville, OH ––(Ammoland.com)- In a continually shifting world of firearms gadgetry, today’s discriminating second amendment protector is finally offered an AR-15 style rifle that utilizes time proven technology of Colt in a belt-fed configuration.

The Belt-fed, Semi-Automatic rifle (BSR – Mod 1) borrows from the original Stoner/Colt belt-fed design and utilizes modern technology to precisely machine the removable belt box and feed tray mechanism that converts a standard AR-15 style rifle into a belt-fed, semi-automatic support weapons platform.

Coupled with the proven design concepts from the original Colt system , Valkyrie Armament LLC can now provide all riflemen and women with a weapons platform that can utilize a virtually unlimited ammunition supply.


Link Posted: 10/31/2010 1:17:48 PM EDT

THE GUN by C.J. Chivers

History of the Kalashnikov Rifle or AK-47

"…eye-opening…it‘s hard to resist a narrative that ends with a world awash with a weapon that has killed more soldiers and civilians than all the high-tech planes, missiles, bombs, WMDs and America‘s sophisticated rifles combined. An entertaining work that combines technical details, biographies, political maneuvering and insightful military history.” –Kirkus Reviews

The Gun is a model of research, historical writing, military expertise, and a soldier‘s ungrudging respect for a weapon that really works.? –Thomas Powers, author of Intelligence Wars

"This superior history….[is] written incisively and researched exhaustively.”–Booklist

"The Gun does exactly what the best art history or music writing does—it opens our eyes to see anew the familiar. Chivers’ reach and scope is syncretic, omnivorous—he is dazzling in his research and reporting. This is a book about connections between people and culture, people and history, nations with nations. Chivers pulls together vast threads of an expanding portrait and what emerges is startling. The Gun is filled with a sense of discovery in the way that John McPhee‘s work is filled with delight, tribulation, and surprise.” –Doug Stanton, author of Horse Soldiers

"The Gun is for those who wonder how we fight today and why we fight that way. C. J. Chivers has given us a seminal work that will be respected by future generations trying to understand us.” –James Bradley, author of Flags of Our Fathers, Fly Boys, and The Imperial Cruise


Link Posted: 10/31/2010 1:39:51 PM EDT

Originally Posted By aztec223:

Valkyrie Armament Introduces Belt-Fed, Semi-Automatic AR-15 Rifle

Valkyrie Armament Belt-Fed AR-15 Rifle is your conduit to politely tell those that ask you why…to go pound sand.

North Ridgeville, OH ––(Ammoland.com)- In a continually shifting world of firearms gadgetry, today’s discriminating second amendment protector is finally offered an AR-15 style rifle that utilizes time proven technology of Colt in a belt-fed configuration.

The Belt-fed, Semi-Automatic rifle (BSR – Mod 1) borrows from the original Stoner/Colt belt-fed design and utilizes modern technology to precisely machine the removable belt box and feed tray mechanism that converts a standard AR-15 style rifle into a belt-fed, semi-automatic support weapons platform.

Coupled with the proven design concepts from the original Colt system , Valkyrie Armament LLC can now provide all riflemen and women with a weapons platform that can utilize a virtually unlimited ammunition supply.


Looks like this vaporware is finally hardware?

Two weeks!

Link Posted: 10/31/2010 2:08:18 PM EDT

Two weeks!

Delivery time?
Link Posted: 10/31/2010 2:14:16 PM EDT

Originally Posted By aztec223:

Two weeks!

Delivery time?

Long standing joke. These guys were telling customers it would be delivered in two weeks for years.

Made a lot of people very angry.

They are actually getting units out now.

Link Posted: 11/1/2010 7:42:55 PM EDT

Interview with GOA's Larry Pratt

As Election Day 2010 approaches, there is much to be found in the media about the National Rifle Association and its political grades and endorsements. There's another, albeit smaller organization out there working hard to bring us candidate evaluations that gun activists are well aware of, Gun Owners of America, designated "The only no-compromise gun lobby in Washington" by Rep. Ron Paul.

Because GOA takes a somewhat different approach that can yield different performance assessments, tensions sometimes arise between its supporters and NRA's, along with often acrimonious, even bitter debate. And because this election has such potential to impact gun owners, I thought it important to learn not just about GOA and the man who is the driving force behind it, but to seek his assessment of some of the criticism being promoted in some quarters.

As such, you'll find some of the questions come across as adversarial. A friend and advisor even scolded me a bit when I showed them to him, telling me he wouldn't be surprised if my interview request were denied. Having followed GOA Executive Director Larry Pratt's efforts for many years, including corresponding with the man and finally having had the privilege of meeting him in person last April at both the Second Amendment March and the Restore the Constitution rally, I had faith that this is a man of principle and courage who would not retreat from speaking his mind.


Link Posted: 11/1/2010 7:46:46 PM EDT

Get Out and Vote on Tuesday!

–– And don't forget the GOA Voter's Guide

This is it. We're finally down to the last hours before Election Day.

Gun Owners of America urges all supporters of the Second Amendment to cast their votes for the most pro-gun candidate running in your district or state.

If you need to know how the candidates are rated in your district, then please go to the most comprehensive pro-gun Voter's Guide on the web at:


To see the voting record of incumbents on gun issues, you can go here:


The pro-gun candidates in your area need your help on Election Day. You can look them up on our website at http://goapvf.org and contact their headquarters to offer your help.

Pre-election polls show that we are on the cusp of a bloodless revolution. But the polls won't get it done... that's your job.

So please don't forget to vote. And don't forget to get all of your pro-gun family and friends to vote as well.

Link Posted: 11/1/2010 7:54:27 PM EDT

NSSF responds to recent erroneous news reports concerning cartel-related violence in Mexico. Most recently, NBC Nightly News ran a story in which the network stated that the majority of firearms being used by cartels are "assault rifles" and ".50-caliber machine guns." The report went on to say that these firearms are being purchased over the counter in the United States.
Link Posted: 11/1/2010 8:06:23 PM EDT

At the first "Ladies-only AR-15 Day" sponsored by DIVA-Women Outdoors Worldwide in Dallas, 120 women experienced the fun and exictement of shooting AR-15 rifles and also learned that these modern sporting rifles are versatile, low in recoil, fire one round with each pull of the trigger just like other semiautomatic firearms and are definitely not "assualt rifles." Industry sponsors included DPMS Panther Arms, Trijicon, Remington, XS Sight Systems, Altus Brands, Pro Ears, MGM Targets (Mike Gibson Manufacturing), Crimson Trace, Cabela's, Proactive Defense, Lone Star Armory, The Winchester Gallery-Fort Worth and McClelland's Gun Shop-Dallas. "This was an important event in the shooting sports," said DIVA-WOW founder Judy Rhodes.

Link Posted: 11/1/2010 8:09:06 PM EDT

A new "Garb and Gear Section" of women's hunting apparel and related hunting products designed for female hunters' physical needs will be an exhibit floor highlight at the 2011 deer and turkey hunting expos produced by Target Communications in Michigan, Ohio, Illinois and Wisconsin. With women being the fastest-growing segment of the hunting community, manufacturers are paying attention to their needs with new products designed specifically for them.

Link Posted: 11/1/2010 8:14:57 PM EDT

Controversy nominal over proposed constitutional amendments

Topeka — The last time Kansas voters changed the state constitution was in 2005 when they approved an amendment that said marriage shall be between one man and one woman.

Nothing that controversial appears on Tuesday’s ballot.

But there are two proposed amendments before voters.

The first one deals with the rights of gun owners, and the second one removes a provision that would allow the Legislature to deny the right to vote to people with mental illness.

Kansans have been owning guns for generations, but supporters of the proposition say it is necessary to clarify a 1905 Kansas Supreme Court ruling, which they say can be interpreted to mean that the right to keep and bear arms is a collective right for militias. The proposed amendment would establish that Kansans have an individual right to own a gun.


Link Posted: 11/1/2010 8:18:30 PM EDT

Which gun laws to repeal first, Part II

In Part I, I enumerated the first gun laws to be repealed should we elect people who will actually want to reduce government. Gun laws do not belong in a country where the people are the sovereign. All gun laws are a challenge to that sovereignty and herald other challenges to come. [Gee, do ya think so by now . . .?] Simply put, gun control is essential to bigger government and must be the first thing to tackle for any candidates running on a smaller government values system.

Or, promises of reducing government will not be kept.

Why not? Because gun control has to be fairly established before crisis can be claimed, as crises and mandates have grown so. Once crises are claimed, mandates follow. [Gun control creates a void in self-defense in the bigger cities; crime grows; crisis is claimed; mandates are imposed.] For too many in the electorate, this has seemed reasonable as the stealth of it all has not been seen. But if the electorate connects how crime cultivated under gun control relates to all sorts of stupid and costly programs which follow, then you have an awakening.


Link Posted: 11/2/2010 11:15:22 PM EDT

Man killed by police after he approaches officers with rifle

Albuquerque police are investigating their 13th officer-involved shooting this year, nine of which have now been fatal.

Officer David Sprauge shot and killed Alexei Valerevitch Sinkevitch, 37, Sunday night near St. Josephs and Ladera Drive in Northwest Albuquerque.

Police Chief Ray Schultz says officers traced a Jeep Cherokee to that location after reports came in that someone driving the vehicle hit four parked cars at a different scene before taking off. Dispatchers made contact with Sinkevitch inside the home, asking him to go outside his house to talk to police. When he did, Shultz says he brought an assault rifle with him.


Link Posted: 11/2/2010 11:23:14 PM EDT

Turncoat Organizations Abandoning the Base

A number of well-established, single-focus national organizations with large constituencies made headlines recently after taking positions that compromised their founding principles. In effect, they abandoned their missions and original bases of support for political and/or financial gains. The resulting censure and shifting of allegiances by disillusioned members birthed new organizations to fill the void, because it's apparent that these otherwise venerable groups now believe that their own self-interest trumps that of their members.

Meanwhile, recent actions by the National Rifle Association fuel accusations that it has become less of an advocate for Second Amendment rights and more like another corrupt Washington establishment lobbying group primarily concerned with political access and clout. In addition to endorsing fourteen of anti-gun Nancy Pelosi's twenty "endangered Democrats," the NRA considered supporting Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid, who received an "F" rating from Gun Owners of America. Pressure from NRA members squelched a Reid endorsement but failed to bring about endorsement of Reid's opposition, 100%-pro-gun-rated Sharron Angle. Although Reid has voted pro-gun on occasion, he poses a serious threat to gun owners with his key role in the confirmation of radical anti-gun justices and political officeholders such as U.S. Attorney General Eric Holder, a gun ban supporter; Legal Advisor of the Department of State Harold Koh, a global gun-control advocate; and Cass Sunstein, the Obama administration's head of the Office of Information and Regulatory Affairs, who has endorsed banning hunting.


Link Posted: 11/2/2010 11:26:47 PM EDT

How to Wear Out a Barrel in One Afternoon

Can sustained rapid-fire shooting with no cool-down period wear out a quality barrel more quickly? The answer is "Yes” according to Forum member LCazador, who recently did an interesting comparison test with two .243 Win barrels. He started off with two, identical, match-grade HV taper stainless barrels. Both were NEW at the start of testing, and LCazador shot the same load through each: 95gr match bullets with 38 grains of Hodgdon Varget. After giving both barrels the same, gentle 20-round break-in, 300 rounds were then fired through each barrel — in very different ways. Barrel condition and wear were monitored with a borescope.


Link Posted: 11/2/2010 11:30:06 PM EDT

American Knife & Tool Institute Announces Improved Knife Site

Improves Online Knife Resources with New AKTI.org

Cody, WY ––(Ammoland.com)- Locate up-to-date information on legal issues that affect knife users, research laws in all 50 states and learn more about the activities of leading knife advocacy organization American Knife and Tool Institute (AKTI) on the redesigned AKTI.org website.

Knife advocates will find extensive legislation updates, educational materials and other current knife information at the new site. While some of the material is available only to members, much of the site caters to all knife users and provides resources for everyone who uses a knife as a tool – whether for work, recreation or as part of their everyday lives.


Link Posted: 11/3/2010 9:55:29 PM EDT

Kansans approve two amendments

Kansas voters approved two amendments to the state constitution.

Voters said yes to an amendment affirming individuals have the right to own firearms and to an amendment removing a never-used constitutional provision allowing the Legislature to block people from voting if they have a mental illness.

The gun question was placed on the ballot by the 2009 Kansas Legislature in response to a U.S. Supreme Court decision that said the U.S. Constitution's Second Amendment grants individuals the right to bear firearms.

Read more: http://www.kansas.com/2010/11/03/1570386/kansans-approve-two-amendments.html#ixzz14H5FLloM
Link Posted: 11/3/2010 9:59:45 PM EDT

2010 Firearms Law & The Second Amendment Symposium

Charlotte, NC ––(Ammoland.com)- The 2010 "Firearms Law & The Second Amendment Symposium” will be held on Saturday, November 13, 2010 at the John Marshall Law School in Chicago, Illinois.

This event will be sponsored by The NRA Foundation and the John Marshall Law School chapter of the Federalist Society.

Focusing on recent developments in our nation’s courts regarding the Second Amendment, speakers will discuss and debate current Second Amendment scholarship and related issues.

The symposium will feature top Second Amendment scholars and attorneys, discussing topics that range from the history of the Second and Fourteenth Amendments, to the recent Supreme Court decision on Chicago’s handgun ban, to critical recent developments in state legislation.


Link Posted: 11/3/2010 10:03:44 PM EDT

Election 2010: Pro-gun rights voters play major roll in statewide contests

The voters have spoken.

While a lot can and will be said about this election, as a non-partisan, one-issue PAC, our post-election analysis will stay focused on observations regarding how the outcome will affect gun rights issues in the months and years to come.

U.S. Senate:

In a must win race for gun owners, Rob Portman (R) defeated anti-gun and F-rated Lee Fisher (D) by 18%. Portman will replace a retiring George Voinovich. On a night when many are focusing on seats changing parties, some may overlook that Portman will be a much stronger advocate for sportsmen and gun owners. The next Senate will not only be more Republican, but also more gun-friendly. With Harry Reid winning in Nevada, and John Boehner expected to become the new Speaker of the House, gun owner have a strong firewall against President Obama's anti-gun agenda. (more on the U.S. Congress below)


Link Posted: 11/3/2010 10:08:15 PM EDT

10 Things You Never Thought Through about Conceal Carry.

I’m a big believer in self-defense. I’m not a violent guy. I don’t think I’ve even raised my fists to defend myself since my junior year in High School. (Of course, that might have something to do with the fact that I’m 6’4″ and tip the scales at more than 240 lbs., but I digress.) Still, I think everybody needs as many options at their disposal when it comes to taking care of their family and property, so I naturally gravitated towards the idea of getting my conceal carry permit.

Little did I know at the time, that getting qualified and obtaining my permit would be just the first step on the road to self-defense self-sufficiency. And that by getting a CHL, I’d be opening up a huge can o’ worms I’d not anticipated, regarding the mechanics of carrying. I’ve done a lot of thinking about that lately. And here’s some of my thoughts, in the ever-popular (read: "search-engine friendly”) list format:


Link Posted: 11/3/2010 10:12:56 PM EDT

What next for RTC?

November 1, 2010 by alarmrideratl

So we’ve held armed RTC demos in VA, TX, AL, NM, GA and mini-RTC’s at various other locations to deliver the short and sweet RTC message. We’ve demonstrated the extent of our Second Amendment rights when exercised in conjunction with the First Amendment right to free speech and assembly, showing the naysayers what could, in fact, be done.

While the original RTC concept was "as close to DC as possible” for April 19th 2010, I’d like to propose a new concept and a new goal to shoot for that I think will address the root of the problem, as it extends well beyond DC. The new goal myself and others in my area plan on pursuing will be to hold armed RTC’s and mini RTC’s as close to polling places as possible on election day 2012, two years from now. The primary target audience will be the voters themselves, because, unfortunately, majority opinion has not been too favorable toward the actual text of the Constitution being applied in the real world. Full S.M.E.A.C. below with more on the other side:


Link Posted: 11/3/2010 10:17:00 PM EDT

The Lure of Ground Hog Matches and Varmint Fun Shoots

At clubs across the country, varmint fun shoots (also known as "groundhog matches”) are becoming more popular every year. In these matches, usually shot from the bench, you engage paper targets, clay pigeons, steel "critter” silhouettes, or some combination of paper and reactive targets. Shooters like these matches because you can shoot a wide variety of rifles, you don’t have to spend a fortune to be competitive, and there is fun for the whole family. Rules are inclusive — you won’t be turned away because your rifle is two ounces overweight. A large percentage of the match fees usually go back to shooters in the form of cash prizes. And the level of camaraderie is high.

Inclusive Rules Welcome All Shooters

Forum member Danny Reever recently explained the appeal of groundhog matches: "We don’t have a governing organization, or have to pay $50 a year membership just to compete in matches. Sure the rules vary from club to club, but you adapt. You build your rifle (or even pistol) to fall within the rules of either the clubs you shoot, or to fit all the clubs rules. If not there still is a class for you to compete in. If your factory rifle doesn’t conform to the rules, it can shoot in a custom class. If your custom doesn’t make weight for Light Custom (usually 17 pounds and under), you shoot it in heavy custom class. If you want to try your Tactical rifle or F-Class rig, bring it out there’s a class you can shoot it in. If you don’t like one club’s rules, you just don’t shoot there. It’s no big deal


Link Posted: 11/3/2010 10:19:47 PM EDT
[Last Edit: aztec223] [#32]

Full Color Camo Wrap Any Gun, Bow or Rifle

H2O Printers Announces Aesthetic Firearms Customization.

Houston, TX ––(Ammoland.com)- H2O Printers, the nation’s premier custom hydrographics shop, is pleased to announce its foray into firearms.

For those wanting extra camouflage when hunting but don’t want to buy a new gun, or for those who just want to stand out at the range, H2O Printers now provides custom graphics for your guns.

H2O Printers offers a complex film water transfer process that can be applied to most existing surfaces of a firearm, producing a durable, long-lasting customized pattern. While the Reaper (see attached photo) hydrographics patterns are the most popular, there are several other patterns with custom colors from which to choose, including carbon fiber, brushed aluminum, flames, skulls and much more. Click here to see the multitude of hydrographics projects H2O Printers has already completed: www.H2OPrinters.com.

"Hydrographics design and installation has been an instant success for us,” said Nick Field, Spokesman for H2O Printers. "The possibilities are endless for design customization. We’ve done all sorts of gun customization including rifles, shotguns, hand guns and more. This is definitely the start of something big when it comes to firearms personalization.”


Link Posted: 11/3/2010 10:27:17 PM EDT

Election Wrap-Up: Strong Showing for Pro-Industry, Pro-Gun Candidates

Following an unprecedented and robust midterm NSSF Voter Education campaign, including the establishment of an NSSF Political Action Committee, the 2010 elections proved to be exceptionally strong for pro-industry candidates at both the federal and state levels. In the election, Republicans took back control of the House of Representatives while picking up six seats in the Senate and 10 governorships.

Though the Democrats maintain control of the Senate, pro-industry/gun Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid (D) won re-election –– a move that keeps either anti-gun senators Chuck Schumer (D) or Dick Durbin (D) from assuming the leadership position.

At the state level, pro-gun/hunting measures fared very well. Three of four states overwhelmingly passed Right to Hunt and Fish measures, including: Arkansas, South Carolina and Tennessee. The state of Kansas passed, with 90 percent approval, the right to keep and bear arms. And in Montana, financing measures for big- game hunting were approved.


Link Posted: 11/3/2010 10:30:28 PM EDT
GOA Racks Up Huge Victories From Coast-to-Coast

Candidates backed by Gun Owners of America scored tremendous wins in Tuesday's elections.

In many cases, GOA was the ONLY national pro-gun organization to actively oppose Nancy Pelosi's "Blue Dog" Democrats. Our aggressive opposition to these Representatives –– who are mistakenly considered to be somewhat conservative –– was well worth the effort as Pelosi has now been reduced to minority status.

You can go to the GOA website –– at http://gunowners.org/goa-victories.htm –– to see the dozens of new GOA-backed Senators and Representatives that will be serving you.

Link Posted: 11/4/2010 1:58:41 PM EDT

ACLU attacks conservatives as 'extremists' in fundraising appeal

"Today," the post-election day American Civil Liberties Union solicitation begins, "extremists all across America are feeling emboldened and are already taking the next steps in their efforts to impose their own narrow view of morality on the rest of us."

I see. Honestly disagree politically with the radical collectivists (but I repeat myself) and you're an "extremist."

A "hatriot."

Where ever have we heard that before?

And when you take a look at Tuesday's results, the ACLU calling the electorate throughout the Republic "extremist" just shows how delusional/deceitful these creatures are. I guess that means they think they're "mainstream"?

Now they've gone and done it. They've got Gun Talk Radio host Tom Gresham mad (which I wasn't sure was possible––I mean, I irritate the hell out of people all the time, mostly intentionally, and the guy's never been anything but nice as pie to me). He shared his response to ACLU Executive Director Anthony Romero with me and is allowing me to share it with you:


Link Posted: 11/4/2010 2:02:12 PM EDT
M1 for Vets Fundraiser, The M1 Garand Floor Lamp

This M1 Garand floor lamp has been created using an original USGI WWII Springfield Armory receiver. The base is Alder wood, and contains the la­ser etched emblems of all five of our armed services as a tribute to current and former members of armed forces. The base has also been autographed by the star of movie and television R. Lee Ermey Gunnery Sgt USMC. The lamp is envisioned to be raffled off to raise needed funds for the M1 for Vets program, and ALL proceeds will be used for this effort. The winner will be drawn at Camp Perry Ohio at the conclusion of the 2011 Civilian Marks­manship Program National Games at Petrarca range. Tickets are $5.00 each. For more information, please visit

Link Posted: 11/4/2010 2:05:53 PM EDT
New Manufacture M1 Gas Trap Kits Now Available

Newly-manufactured, fully-shootable gas trap front end kits for the M1 Ga­rand rifle are now available again after a 71 year of cessation of produc­tion, according to Rat Worx (Research and Testing Worx, Inc.) of Mt. Mor­ris, Illinois. According to their Web site (www.ratworxusa.com), these gas trap parts are manufactured from the original 1937-40 U.S. Government drawings. Each part is fully interchangeable with 1937-40 production com­ponents. The kit contains a gas cylinder, gas plug, front sight, front hand guard lipped ferrule, and new stacking swivel and gas plug screws. The gas cylinder, gas plug and front sights have an "R” stamped on them to discourage dishonest people from passing them off as originals. The bar­rels are marked with the manufacturer’s initials, the drawing number and date of manufacture. Rat Worx is a facility which makes prototypes and manufactures small runs of machined product, for the automotive and fire­arm industry. For more information, log onto their Web site or call them toll-free at (800) 675-6906.

Link Posted: 11/4/2010 7:02:19 PM EDT

One More Thought on the Problems with Concealed Carry.

The best thing about slaving over a hot laptop for TTAG is the instant gratification I get from the TTAGencia, when they respond to my posts. Seriously. In what other media do you get that kind of feedback. Of course, it’s not all roses and champagne – you guys are ready willing and able to take me to task for any points I’ve mangled, overlooked, or just outright gotten wrong. To that end, I read the comments on my 10 Things You Never Thought Through about Concealed Carry with interest. Reading several of the comments, it made me realize that I’d missed a huge point, ironically the very one that got me to thinking about the topic to begin with. (Note to self: Might be a good idea to jot down ideas when they are fresh, rather than relying on memory when you get around to writing a story.) To wit:

11. You Need to Have A Plan to Deal With Places Where You Can’t Carry.

Martin and Patrick pointed out that their employers have rules forbidding guns in their workplaces, even including their parking lots, with the guns secured in their vehicles. [Note: Given that your car is your private property, how is it they have the right to search your vehicle to determine if you're packin'? I'd think that this would be a perfect place for the application of some "Don't ask/Don't Tell" jurisprudence. Just sayin'.] There are plenty of places you may not be able to carry, even if your employer is a wee bit more enlightened.

Link Posted: 11/5/2010 12:00:19 AM EDT

New AR-15 Assembly Guide for Home Builders

The Competitive AR-15 Builders Guide, a new book by Glen Zedicker, is now available. Following Zedicker’s New AR-15 Competitive Rifle (2008), the new Builders Guide provides step-by-step instructions that will help non-professional, "home builders” assemble a competitive match or varmint rifle. This book isn’t for everyone — you need some basic gun assembly experience and an aptitude for tools. But the new Zedicker Builders’ Guide. provides a complete list of the tools you’ll need for the job, and Zedicker outline all the procedures to build a AR15 from start to finish.

Along with assembly methods, this book covers parts selection and preparation, not just hammers and pins. Creedmoor Sports, which sells the book for $31.00, explains: "Knowing how to get what you want, and be happy with the result, is truly the focus of this book. Doing it yourself gives you a huge advantage. The build will honestly have been done right, and you’ll know it! Little problems will have been fixed, function and performance enhancements will have been made, and the result is you’ll have a custom-grade rifle without paying custom-builder prices.”

The Competitive AR-15 Builders Guide is not yet available from Amazon.com or most large book vendors. However, Creedmoor Sports has plenty of copies in stock (item BK Builder, $31.00 on sale). To order, visit www.creedmoorsports.com or call 1-800-CREEDMOOR.


Link Posted: 11/5/2010 10:17:19 AM EDT
[Last Edit: aztec223] [#40]

Should 'insolence' be cause for losing guns?

"Licensed gun-holder loses guns & permits after he and cops lock horns –– twice," Stephanie Farr of the Philadelphia Daily News reports.

What in the world is going on here?

On two afternoons in a row last week, [John] Solomon, 24, was arrested after hanging out at a North Philadelphia bus stop, and each time, the cops confiscated from him a legally owned gun and a separate license to carry a gun, the licensed security guard said yesterday.

Solomon maintains he was waiting for a bus and let some pass him by "because it was about 3 p.m. and he didn't feel like riding a bus full of kids leaving school."

The cops say "Solomon was being insolent and used poor judgment."


Link Posted: 11/5/2010 1:30:52 PM EDT
[Last Edit: aztec223] [#41]

Gun Violence Victims Deserve "Do Something" Congress

by Brady Campaign

An angry electorate… More divided than during the Bush years… Marked by nasty ads and commentary, over-the-top rhetoric, and even violence.

These are just some of the ways that political observers have described American voters and the 2010 mid-term elections.

Without a doubt, many election contests were bitterly fought and divisive. Now comes the hard work of legislating and governing.

It won’t be easy for either side, but if there is one thing the new Congress and President Obama ought to agree on, it’s that gun violence victims deserve their support, their leadership, and their determination. And that should be easy.

America runs away with the disturbing distinction of having the highest rate of gun deaths among high-income countries. We lose more than 30,000 men, women, and children each year because of gun deaths and that’s in addition to the 80,000 or so non-fatal gun injuries inflicted each year.

The majority of American voters (regardless of party) support common sense legislation that saves lives and helps keep us safe.


Link Posted: 11/5/2010 1:37:03 PM EDT

U.S. right to bear arms dear

Mao said, "Political power grows from the barrel of a gun." So any politician who says he does not believe the public has the right to keep and bear arms is a politician who does not believe in sharing political power.

The reason many people immigrated from Europe to the New World was because the old European aristocracy also did not believe in sharing political power in the form of firearms. So if anyone wants to define what a real American is, it is someone who believes in the Second Amendment's protection of the right for the people to keep and bear arms.

The fact is, I doubt any other nation has written in their constitution a right to keep and bear arm or even the freedom of speech. So if anyone wants to live in a nation with strict gun control, they can always go Mexico.


Link Posted: 11/5/2010 7:09:02 PM EDT

Hornady Releases 8th Ed. of Cartridge Reloading Handbook

Big Volume Offers Nearly 1100 Pages of Info

With its massive new 8th Edition, Hornady has compiled its most comprehensive Cartridge Reloading Handbook ever. The 8th Ed. Handbook has data for many new propellants, including Superformance, LEVERevolution, Reloder 17, 4007SSC, 8208XBR, Hybrid 100V and more. The new Handbook also features the latest information for the newest Hornady bullets including: FTX, GMX, DGS, DGX, and favorites like V-MAX, InterBond, SST, InterLock and XTP.

New Cartridges Included in 8th Edition

Hornady’s Reloading Handbook now covers many of the popular new accuracy and hunting cartridges. New cartridge additions include the 6.5 Grendel, 6.5 Creedmoor, 30 TC, 300 RCM, 338 RCM, 308 Marlin Express, 338 Marlin Express, 375 Ruger, 416 Ruger, 450 Nitro Express, 470 Nitro Express, 500 Nitro Express and more.


Link Posted: 11/5/2010 7:16:05 PM EDT
[Last Edit: aztec223] [#44]

GOP Takes House But Second Amendment Battle is Far From Over

Michigan ––(Ammoland.com)- We are happy to see that the Republicans have taken control of the House of Representatives as the Grand Old Party as it is known tends to be friendlier to gun related issues.

The people have spoken and this wasn’t the result of some nefarious plot by the insidious gun lobby – which is how the National Rifle Association and other pro-gun organizations are painted in the mainstream media – to take control of the country.

This was the will of the people, which includes hunters, shooters, gun collectors and just every day citizens that believe in the Second Amendment.

But the writing is on the wall, and we’re not out of the woods yet. Nor is it the time however to let down our guard.


Link Posted: 11/5/2010 7:30:05 PM EDT

Living at Gunpoint

This summer, Robert Freeman was shot dead in his neighborhood on the South Side of Chicago. He was 13 years old and riding his bike at the time. Sources say that after shooting him off of his bicycle, the masked gunman proceeded to stand over his wounded body and fire round after round—22 in total. Tragic stories like Freeman’s are too common these days in my hometown.

Opponents of gun regulation point to the rise of gun-related deaths in Chicago despite the handgun ban as evidence that gun control does not work. I reject this argument because the alternative is to accept that Americans are inherently a crueler and more violent people, many times over, than any other on the planet, the logical conclusion of the glib "guns don’t kill people, people kill people” defense. Britain, Germany, and Spain, all of which have very strict gun-control laws suffered a total of 293 gun murders in 2006. The United States had 9,484.


Link Posted: 11/5/2010 8:04:20 PM EDT

Appellant Kevin Herrington was convicted in 2006 of unlawful possession of ammunition (UA), in violation of D.C. Code § 7–2506.01 (2001) (now § 7–2506.01(a) (Supp. 2010)). His conviction was based solely on evidence that he possessed handgun ammunition in his home....

What is now subsection (a) of D.C. Code § 7–2506.01 provides as follows:

No person shall possess ammunition in the District of Columbia unless: ...

(3) He is the holder of the valid registration certificate for a firearm of the same gauge or caliber as the ammunition he possesses; except, that no such person shall possess restricted pistol bullets; ...

[F]rom the Court’s reasoning [in Heller], it logically follows that the right to keep and bear arms extends to the possession of handgun ammunition in the home; for if such possession could be banned (and not simply regulated), that would make it "impossible for citizens to use [their handguns] for the core lawful purpose of self-defense.” By the same token, given the obvious connection between handgun ammunition and the right protected by the Second Amendment, we are hard-pressed to see how a flat ban on the possession of such ammunition in the home could survive heightened scrutiny of any kind. We therefore conclude that the Second Amendment guarantees a right to possess ammunition in the home that is coextensive with the right to possess a usable handgun there. The government has not taken issue with that conclusion....


Link Posted: 11/6/2010 11:17:21 AM EDT

A Gun Ban We Can ALL Support!

Ban gun ownership by radical Islamic terrorists.

There it is. Simple. Short. Easy to wrap your mind around. When Islamic terrorists can’t buy guns, only ‘good Muslims’ (and the rest of us infidels) will have guns. Now I know that, on the surface, this plan might seem to have some .50 Caliber-sized holes in it, but stay with me, and I think you’ll see the wisdom of this proposal.

First of all, logically, if we ban radical Islamists from owning guns, it will stop them from shooting up military installations, right? Seems like a noble goal to me. But of course, in order to accomplish this, we must find a way to get around the politically-incorrect problem with singling out any kind of Muslim, for the Progressives and far-Left PC police hold that any follower of Islam falls into a protected class.

But I have a way around this. We simply petition the Environmental Protection Agency to put WASPs, Catholics, and Jews into the Endangered Species program.


Link Posted: 11/6/2010 11:23:23 AM EDT

Starbucks redux: Money talks and B.S. walks

Remember six months ago when the anti-gun Brady Campaign to Prevent Gun Violence and Washington CeaseFire were aghast that Seattle coffee giant Starbucks would not become their political surrogate and ban armed customers from their shops?

This column wrote about it here and here. The campaign against Starbucks had kicked off down in California (where else?) and the gun prohibition lobby tried to spread it nationally, but quickly lost traction when Starbucks did the responsible thing and merely announced that it was in compliance with, and would do business under all state and local laws. Almost immediately, the Open Carry crowd declared it would spend more time and money with their local Starbucks franchises like they did in October at a Spanaway coffee shop following a confrontation between a legally-armed citizen and an allegedly over-zealous Pierce County sheriff's deputy. We discussed that case here.


Link Posted: 11/6/2010 11:28:51 AM EDT

Remington Parts Available at Online Store

Need parts for your Remington rifle or shotgun? You can spend hours searching around the web for a few hard-to-find parts… OR you can simply go straight to the source, Remington’s online Parts Store. Remington now operates a modern, searchable online store selling parts for Rem 700 rifles and actions, plus parts for other Remington rifles and shotguns.


Link Posted: 11/6/2010 12:39:49 PM EDT

Originally Posted By aztec223:

A Gun Ban We Can ALL Support!

Ban gun ownership by radical Islamic terrorists.

There it is. Simple. Short. Easy to wrap your mind around. When Islamic terrorists can’t buy guns, only ‘good Muslims’ (and the rest of us infidels) will have guns. Now I know that, on the surface, this plan might seem to have some .50 Caliber-sized holes in it, but stay with me, and I think you’ll see the wisdom of this proposal.

First of all, logically, if we ban radical Islamists from owning guns, it will stop them from shooting up military installations, right? Seems like a noble goal to me. But of course, in order to accomplish this, we must find a way to get around the politically-incorrect problem with singling out any kind of Muslim, for the Progressives and far-Left PC police hold that any follower of Islam falls into a protected class.

But I have a way around this. We simply petition the Environmental Protection Agency to put WASPs, Catholics, and Jews into the Endangered Species program.


Slippery slope and all that, this is not ok.

Next they will say the catholics who believe abortion is wrong are extremists who cant own guns because they may bomb an abortion clinic.

Then the TEA partiers, then ???

Then no one will own a gun since they are extremists.


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